Hildegard802 April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 "Will not miss Joey at all. I think the lack of emotion in My Funny Valentine (and I do agree it was lacking) can be chalked up to her concentrating on her vocal tics and intentionally awkward phrasing to the exclusion of connecting with the lyrics or the audience. The "I'm so ironic" eyerolls were back in the second song." Could not agree more. She ruins every song with that crap. No human talks that way. Why do people like her think singing that way is appealing? It does nothing but detract from the song and message. Her phrasing was atrocious. I don't know how Duffy pulls it off, but she does, and I like her stuff. I have never heard anyone else do it well. Every single time I hear Nick I hear Rob Thomas, to the point I think he's going for impersonation. Clark and Rayvon are dull as dishwasher. Jax is a karaoke singer, but if they can make her look less than 40 years old, and if stuff like Arianna Grande can sell, I guess someone could make a buck or two off Jax? She likes being on stage, so there's that. I used to like Quentin, but his pitch is awful, and he always looks pissed or otherwise too intense. When Tyanna was performing, I thought, "She's the best singer in this miserable season and wow, give her ten years; she'll be fantastic." Was surprised when Keith basically said the same thing.It's so refreshing to hear someone so young not push their voice constantly trying for power. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042100
Foghorn Leghorn April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Now Clark's the "only musician left??" With Quentin, Joey, and Nick still there?? Wow. And then the camera goes directly to the remaining group and all I saw was Nick's WTF face!! LOL 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042255
Jezebel97 April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Clark and Rayvon are dull as dishwasher. Jax is a karaoke singer, but if they can make her look less than 40 years old, and if stuff like Arianna Grande can sell, I guess someone could make a buck or two off Jax? She likes being on stage, so there's that.. Two Buck Jax Trader Joe shopper here. ;P I agree on Jax & her contrived persona but if manufactured correctly with her talent for pandering she can go further than AI. The only raw talent I see is Tyanna & under the right management & team she can have a nice career even if she doesn't win. Sadly I see another WGWG winning 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042262
cinsays April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Well, this was certainly not a fun show. I agree with others that Ryan pushed Quentin to explain his mood and none of the following would have occurred if he'd just let him be sad and walk away. I also think that Harry has had something against Quentin the whole season, constantly harping on his pitch issues when others have the same problem, and he used this opportunity to goad him into a confrontation. Perhaps Quentin should have realized that all of his friends would have to go, one by one, but this week apparently hit him hard. As for Harry's comment about money being spent on the contestants, it's really small potatoes compared to what they pay JLO to strut around in her too short, too tight little skirts and offer her advice when her vocal talent is pretty limited. I enjoyed Clark and Quentin's performances the most, with Rayvon putting in an excellent save. I almost think Joey purposely did a lousy job on her save song to let Rayvon continue, because it just wasn't good at all. I think she needed to maybe reverse the order of the 2 songs she did to have the voting on a soft heartfelt tune instead of the fun song. I did not enjoy Nick's songs, he's just boring to me and his hair is distractingly awful. Tyanna has a very nice voice but does not emotionally connect to anything, probably due to her age, and she'll get there oneday, I am sure. JAX has a very pleasant voice when she sings soft ballads, but she loses me when she goes into her affected mania. I loved Janis Joplin and JAX just tried to imitate her and failed, same with her Michael Jackson trainwreck. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042266
Foghorn Leghorn April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Clark got trampled by the band in "Superstitious" Man I can't believe no judge commented on that! I struggled to hear Clark again and again. Completely drowned him out! And JLO taking credit for his appearance, geez what else is new.... I am a Harry fan but his child prodigy attitude is showing....he must have seen some of himself in Quentin's attitude to go so overboard on live tv and even clarified "is this live?" WOW. My respect for Harry as a grown up just fell way flat. He is still a child himself with that behavior. I think both could have handled the situation much better but Harry was the one who should have set the the tone and simply said "we understand how you guys bond during the process and it sucks anyone has to go home but that is the way the game is played" END OF. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042280
BogoGog24 April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I distinctly remember Quentin saying "This sucks, this is wack BUT I'LL SHUT UP NOW." He definitely knew if he said more that what ended up happening would happen. It is completely Ryan and Harry's fault for goading him so much to go deeper into what was bothering him. They wanted a reaction from him and unfortunately he gave it to them. Even if his comments got misconstrued and Harry somehow thought Quentin was disrespecting the show, he should have offered an apology for misunderstanding. Quentin explained himself very calmly, apologized, and said he did not mean any disrespect. Did we hear any apology from Harry? None that I can remember. I just cannot see how Harry could be in the right here. Had Q actually been disrespecting the show, maybe, but he wasn't. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042306
Silverwolf April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Uhm, show... Frank Sinatra did NOT compose Moon River -- that was Mancini and Mercer. As a MUSIC show, how about getting things like that right? (It is totally inconsistent now -- sometimes correct, sometimes the most famous cover singer is named). If you can't find a handful of great singers ACROSS AMERICA, can you at least get that right? 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042309
Ohwell April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 At the end of the day if Quentin wants to win they all have to go. That is supposedly what he signed up for. Harry is (IMO, rightfully) ticked that Quentin has been given this amazing opportunity and then biting the hand that feeds him. He is not talented enough to act this way. Better Harry say this now then he get out in the real music world with this attitude. No one will work with him. Agreed. I don't even like Harry most of the time but he was absolutely right to smack down Quentin and his precious ass. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042327
Foghorn Leghorn April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I guess I'm the only one who saw the show differently tonight. I saw Quentin come on, sing his Lenny Kravitz as edgy as he could, then walk over to get judged. He had the sullen face he uses a lot, but then he broke out in a smile and J.Lo quickly commented how great his face looked smiling, where he kept smiling big and nodded. (no mention of his friends who had to leave yet, or no sad looks toward them) THEN the judges all gave him not the greatest critiques of his performance and his stone face comes back. After the judging he looked hacked off and Ryan asked him what was wrong and he made a disgusted face and stated,'' This is wack". (my words may not be the same but the meaning is) Ryan pressed him on what was wack and Q looked at the judges and hesitiated, making another comment like he was actually directing it at the judges comments ON HIS PERFORMANCE. But then he quickly gave his tale about it's wack his friend will be going home, while still shooting daggers at the judges. Ryan finally let him leave the stage and that's when Harry spoke up about how Q knew it was a competition and he should be happy to be apart of it. I think Harry saw that Quentin was upset at the critique more than his friends leaving and used that cover story to give an excuse for his actions. That's how I saw it anyway. I know they all get close on the show,but in this case it looked like Quentin was smiling just after his performance, then sullen after the judges critiques, too immature to not smart back at them, then covered it up by blaming his remarks on losing a friend. Is it just me who saw it this way?! I seem to be in the very minority after reading the messages posted :( I did notice Quentin's face go into sulk mode after Harry's criticisms and I think he expected rave reviews for stepping it up with a performance he felt he rocked. So when Ryan pushed him to say what was on his mind I thought he was going to disagree with the judges comments but I guess he thought better of it and instead found another reason. So I do agree my first instinct was that but when it went on and on I thought well I must have it wrong. Maybe not! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042361
Cherrio April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Personally, I think Harry Connick, Jr. has always been self-important and annoying on this show with his gotcha comments, nitpicking, and pretentious explanations of basic terms. I actually thought he would be a good judge back when he argued with Randy Jackson during the Mariah-Nicki year, but he's worse, if possible. I thought it was rude of HCJ to do that, period, but especially knowing how much the judges' comments manipulate the outcome. He cut any chance Quentin might've had in this competition. It was up there with Jennifer Lopez's worst moments on this show, if not beyond. Incidentally, the Randy v. Harry moment happened when Amber Holcomb had given a superb version of "My Funny Valentine," imo, which Joey completely flubbed. I watched last night because there seemed to be nothing else on. I am only commenting because I still listen to Amber Holcomb singing "My Funny Valentine". Beautiful song by Amber who has an amazing and versatile voice. First I put Joey on mute, then I left the room until it was over. I don't keep up with this forum so forgive me if I say things that have been covered. First her voice isn't much of a voice. I don't get that accent thing, its stupid. As is her silly attire and I am out there vibe. Her teeth really need a cleaning. Just yuck. Clark can sing and I do think he is a talented piano player. But, last night I finally realized why he bugs me. He looks like a Duggar ! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042442
Qoass April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 The sad thing is that by being so upset about his best friend Joey's exit, Quentin inadvertently deprived her of a graceful departure. I don't care one way or the other about the Twitter save but I do miss giving the person who is leaving a montage and/or a sing-out. This season, they just cut to the credits with nary a wave. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042473
proserpina65 April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Okay, well that elimination sucked. Joey was one of the few performers who I looked forward to seeing what they'd do. Rayvon is the vocal equivalent of Sominex. Ugh. In no particular order: Clark - first song was terrific, second song was boring, but I never heard a version of Moon River that wasn't boring, crappy choice (no matter who actually chose it) Nick - finally back to what made me think he was the next WGWG winner, American Girl was a perfect choice and he nailed it, Only the Good Die Young was almost as good, there was energy there that hadn't been in the last few weeks Tyanna - good energy again finally and her second song was back in form for her, she won't win the whole but she should survive another week Jax - this is what I imagine "trying to hard" would look like in the dictionary, maybe if she'd stick to one style of affected singing, it wouldn't feel that way but all I see is poseur Quentin - neither he nor Harry came out of that exchange looking good, I know he can't help his emotions but he needs to learn to control them if he wants to work in the music business - liked his energy in the first performance and was surprised that I liked what he did with the second song (one I always thought should never be messed with) but pitch issues all over the place Joey - her first performance wasn't good: there were pitch issues and the tempo was strange, but I'll confess to never having liked that song to begin with, her second performance was great, loved the bluegrass kind of vibe (Joey, THAT'S why grampa thinks you sing country music), that should've saved her Rayvon - he has a nice voice but he is dull as dirt 99% of the time, the end of his second song was pretty good but otherwise he's snoresville for me; he should've been gone this week This week is why using the save on Qaasim was a crock of shit. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042600
Trooper York April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 As a singer Quentin has some great costumes. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042638
charlieboo April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I took Quentin as saying it sucked that one of his 2 best friends was definitely going home, and not as an attack on AI. But I was laughing at what sort of breakdown he'd have if it had been him against Joey for the sing-off. He also reminded me of the famous story, "The Lottery", where everyone loves a good stoning until it's your own family, and then it's not fair. I look forward to Quentin each week just for his outfits and hair, but I still continue to be baffled at how singers can be critiqued as being great if they could only learn to sing in pitch. WTF? Isn't that sort of the basic expectation of being a singer -that you sing in pitch? I loved Joey and don't really care about anyone now, except maybe Tyanna. I am in the minority, but I can't stand Clark. He's extremely boring and I find him creepy looking, like a Stepford Singer. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042780
MarkHB April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 We voted for what songs they would be singing? When did we do that, and how, and where was it advertised? Boo, Jax. Why was she waving a flag in the air? So she describes her music as nothing in particular? Her singing Janis was blasphemous. Did that commercial after less than half an hour say "The polls are open"? Really? Before the end of the show? I hate the Twitter save, since we on the West Coast are discriminated against. The "voting" for songs was done via Twitter over the past few weeks; Ryan mentioned it during the shows. I never actually looked up how to do it, however. I'm pretty sure the flag-waving, the vintage Ford Mustangs, etc. were all the show's doing, part of the "American Classics" theme. Polls open at the start of the show now, DWTS-style. I was watching way behind on my DVR, and just watched for the show Twitter account to announce the voting was open (but I knew who I was going to vote for regardless of the particular performance). Shows are throwing everything they can against the wall to try to drive live viewing. Uhm, show... Frank Sinatra did NOT compose Moon River -- that was Mancini and Mercer. As a MUSIC show, how about getting things like that right? (It is totally inconsistent now -- sometimes correct, sometimes the most famous cover singer is named). If you can't find a handful of great singers ACROSS AMERICA, can you at least get that right? I thought those notes were the artist (frequently best-known covers, as you said), not the songwriter. They said Willie Nelson for "Always on my Mind," even though he wasn't the first to record the song and didn't write it. (That goes to show how great a record Willie's version is, because not many people can make you forget Elvis.) I'm going to get tickets, but I am really wondering how great a show they can put on with 5 people. I would've liked to see Joey, though. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042812
UsernameFatigue April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 (edited) I guess I'm the only one who saw the show differently tonight. I saw Quentin come on, sing his Lenny Kravitz as edgy as he could, then walk over to get judged. He had the sullen face he uses a lot, but then he broke out in a smile and J.Lo quickly commented how great his face looked smiling, where he kept smiling big and nodded. (no mention of his friends who had to leave yet, or no sad looks toward them) THEN the judges all gave him not the greatest critiques of his performance and his stone face comes back. Actually Harry was the only judge who gave him a bad critique (big surprise there). Jennifer loved the song choice, the look, and how he attacked the song. The only negative she mentioned was pitch, but said overall it worked for her (and said it a couple of times). Keith actually disagreed with Harry. Personally I have no idea what Harry was talking about - I thought Quentin was awesome, and that it was the best performance of the night. That said, it could have been Harry's critique that annoyed him (it certianly did me, as he always calls Quentin out on something, while giving a continuous tongue bath to his pets like Jax - who did the same thing he said Q did). But we don't know that - we only know that Ryan pushed Quentin when he said he was fine, and then he said he was sad for his friends who are two of the best vocalists there. But again, if Ryan had not pushed Quentin and left it when Q said he was fine, none of this would have happened. I wish Quentin had pointed out to HCJ that he is being paid a shitload of money to judge, and that he should never say (ad nauseum) to contestants along the way who are cut by the judges that this is so hard for them. If it is so hard for him as a judge then he should not be there as it is part of judging on a show where only one person will win and others get eliminated every week. And the majority are cut by the judges. Pot. Kettle. Black. I have read several sites with comments on this, and the overwhelming majority are on Quentin's side. Many said they threw all of their votes to Q as they were so ticked off at Harry, at Ryan for pushing him and and JLo for bringing it up again. I hope Quentin gets saved because of this. Harry also needs to apologize (on air) for telling Nick, Jax and Joey that they are not musicians. I can't remember off hand if T or Rayvon play instruments? And the first three certainly fool around with arrangements. The only person I know for sure who is not a musician (by Harry's standards) is the judge to his right. Edited April 17, 2015 by UsernameFatigue 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042847
backformore April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 (edited) Am I the only one who wonders if this whole thing was set up to boost ratings and make AI relevant again? Edited April 16, 2015 by backformore 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042907
Qoass April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 It's also a shame that the Harry/Quentin show makes us forget that Keith compared Clark to an epidural. Because, numb below the waist, uh, yeah... 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042910
Sparkling Beth April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 (edited) I agree. If Q had just prefaced his comments with "I'm happy to be moving on, BUT .... I'm sad at the prospect of one of my friends leaving the show," He would have been fine - talking about the process, and how hard it is to see good singers, and good friends, get eliminated. Starting with "this sucks" and "this whole thing is wack" was just not the right way to express it. Saying it sucks that people go home, no matter what Q says, IS disrespecting the competition. The premise is that you want to WIN, and WINNING means everyone else, one by one, going home. If that is wack, then you're on the wrong show. Perfectly stated. Everyone understands being sad for a friend. But Quentin acted angry, not sad, and pretty much indicated that the show was deliberately targeting his friend who he apparently believed had more right to be there than the other contestants. Had he never seen the show before? Talented people are voted off all the time. Ask Jennifer Hudson. Ask Chris Daughtry. IT'S A COMPETITION. If you can't handle it, even if speaking for a friend, don't sign up for it. Edited April 18, 2015 by Sparkling Beth 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042912
OakGoblinFly April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I thought it was crystal clear that Quentin was hurting for his friends and not being dismissive of the process itself, or of the opportunities it's given all of them. I'm rarely in the "Harry is an ass" camp as I usually think his critiques are pretty darn on point, but this missed by a mile It wasn't to me, especially when he finished singing and stood there waiting for his critique. Everything seemed fine until he got less than glowing reviews and his scowly face appeared. Ryan asked him what was going on and he continued to glower for a few seconds before declaring "This is wack, everything is wack." At first I thought Quentin was talking about the critiques. It wasn't until further prodding by Ryan and additional questions questions by Harry that I understood that Quentin was trying (very poorly) to say that he felt bad for the two contestants in the bottom. To me, it seems that his initial outburst was directed at the judges and he backpedaled and only said his reaction was because Joey was in the bottom two once Ryan and Harry pressed him on the issue. I thought his walking over to Harry was wildly inappropriate and I feel that he only "clarified" and "apologized" because the director told him to do so. Scott, please try to be a wee bit more subtle in your instance on shoving jax and all her pretentiousness down our throats. Intimating during Jax's faux heart-to-heart that she's a "great" artist because "all great artist have one thing in common - they're highly divisive (or something to that effect)." You forgot one thing there Scotty boy, they're also talented. While some of them aren't necessarily my cuppa - I can admit that they are talented. Jax, sir, is not. I haven't heard anything that is genuinely Jax, everything has been a pale imitation of someone else. I am so very disappointed that no one, not even Harry, called Jax out on the bum notes littered throughout her performance. Tyanna, so very talented and so very raw. I thought she sounded lovely on her first song - I am not wild about Proud Mary but thought she handled it well. I really like Clark (so over Superstition though) and thought he had a good night, That was the best I've seen from Nick since - well, ever. You could really hear the wonderful tone to his voice and I finally got what the judges saw. Not sure where he fits in today's radio market - maybe the same place you'd find Rob Thomas and The Goo Goo Dolls? Wasn't a fan of either of Quentin's songs or performances - he hits more bum notes than good. Performance value and "artistry" (can we please put a moratorium on that word?) on get you so far ... at some point you have to SOUND good. Rayvon really is Teflon isn't he? Joey, you will be missed (by me at least) - I enjoyed your warm, sunny, positive attitude and the fact that you embraced the process. Hell certainly must have frozen over because I am so missing Simon Cowell on the judging panel. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042920
Guest April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 It's also a shame that the Harry/Quentin show makes us forget that Keith compared Clark to an epidural. Because, numb below the waist, uh, yeah... Ha, yeah, that epidural comment was terrific. And then Ryan decides to remark on Jen's stupid comment about 'creamy' instead! Um, EPIDURAL! I predict Quentin will be gone next. Death stare dude now sourly adds, "This is all wack." Yeah, while you wear the most expensive clothes you ever will, backed by the best band you'll ever sing with, in front of the largest audience you'll ever have... definitely start complaining about how bad things are. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042948
Trooper York April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Attitude got Quentin this far and attitude will get him bounced. It sure isn't his singing voice. Has he ever sung in tune for an entire song? 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042949
radiochik April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I have read several sites with comments on this, and the overwhelming majority are on Quentin's side. Many said they threw all of their votes to Q as they were so ticked off at Harry, at Ryan for pushing him and and JLo for bringing it up again. I hope Quentin gets saved because of this. I know I threw all my votes to him after that exchange. We can say he's 21 and should know better all we want but I know I wasn't that mature at 21. Add to that the stupid lighted Chairs of Doom they added this season and I don't blame the kid for having a genuine emotional reaction. Harry looked like an ass for reprimanding him. Yes, the show is a competition but they become close. He was raw and Ryan and Harry exacerbated the situation. Sadly, I think that whole thing will send him home. Which brings to me next point: I realized while watching last night that i just don't care anymore about this season. After getting rid of the ones I thought had no business being there (Daniel and Qassim), I looked at the remaining contestants and I just don't care who stays or goes. So I'm done. There's just nothing compelling me to watch anymore this season. I'll keep checking in here to see if I missed anything good though. I still can't believe Rayvon got saved. Not because he was bad last night because he wasn't. I just don't like how he's been bottom 2 three weeks in a row and he's still in the competition. Something about him isn't resonating with the audience. I guess the audience as a whole likes Rayvon better than Joey (or everyone but the west coast since they don't get to vote?) I dunno. I just miss the bottom 3 with the lowest vote getter going home. Top 5 going to tour, fan saves, Chairs of Doom. This show is a shell of what it once was. *sigh* 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042954
OakGoblinFly April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Wow - I thought Quentin's "Sounds of Silence" was pretty bad. and the judges walked on eggshells to not tell him so Can you blame them? Look at the blow-up because the judges dared give less than glowing reviews of his first performance. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042974
Richard April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 *Conspiracy theory alert* I don't watch AI regularly but I did tune in because it was all over the Web about the Quentin moment. My question is: are the contestants usually miked as they make their way offstage? It seemed odd to me that Quentin was fully miked as he made his way to confront Harry. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042977
Trooper York April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 (edited) I wonder is the recapper afraid to write about this episode because she thinks that Quentin will show up next to her desk and give her the death stare? Edited April 16, 2015 by Trooper York 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1042980
OakGoblinFly April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 . Jax is a karaoke singer, but if they can make her look less than 40 years old, and if stuff like Arianna Grande can sell, I guess someone could make a buck or two off Jax? She likes being on stage, so there's that. I used to like Quentin, but his pitch is awful, and he always looks pissed or otherwise too intense. I'm not a fan of Arianna Grande (some of those songs are just awful) there's no denying that she can flat out sing - girl's got some major pipes on her. Jax? Not so much. Man I can't believe no judge commented on that! I struggled to hear Clark again and again. Completely drowned him out! And JLO taking credit for his appearance, geez what else is new.... I noticed that there were sound issues most of the night - the contestants' voices would go in and out --- I think someone was asleep at the sound board. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043003
Guest April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 *Conspiracy theory alert* I don't watch AI regularly but I did tune in because it was all over the Web about the Quentin moment. My question is: are the contestants usually miked as they make their way offstage? It seemed odd to me that Quentin was fully miked as he made his way to confront Harry. I don't think they remove their mic equipment on the way off the stage, just turn it off. So when Quentin went back to talk more to Harry, it would be a simple switch to turn his mic back on, right? I don't think the sound guy would make the call to just leave his off and viewers would have to watch him speak but not hear him. I don't think any of that was staged. It was awkward and reflected poorly on both the show and the contestant, if you ask me. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043015
OakGoblinFly April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I don't think they remove their mic equipment on the way off the stage, just turn it off. So when Quentin went back to talk more to Harry, it would be a simple switch to turn his mic back on, right? I don't think the sound guy would make the call to just leave his off and viewers would have to watch him speak but not hear him. I don't think any of that was staged. It was awkward and reflected poorly on both the show and the contestant, if you ask me. Don't they have two mics? The performance mic which they hand off once they leave the stage and the smaller one they wear all the time? I know that sometimes you can hear the contestants when they are sitting in the waiting area. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043055
ari333 April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Quentin just ousted himself from the top 5 tour since he'll be leaving next week, I'm guessing.. I totally agreed with Harry; and as said above, I'm sick of the posturing. If you're that upset that so-and-so is leaving, then give them your spot, Quentin, OK? Yeah. Didnt' think so. Sorry to see Joey go since Rayvon, falsetto and whatever bores me to death. Jax. I hated her butchering Beat It and the Janis song. Those were just plain horrible imo. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043108
Foghorn Leghorn April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Keith always wants their guitars lower on their bodies aka his style but Ricky Minor didn't get the memo, his is in the same spot as Clarks! LOL 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043114
pythia April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 "Harry was the one who should have set the the tone and simply said "we understand how you guys bond during the process and it sucks anyone has to go home but that is the way the game is played"" But that is so coddling isn't it? Harry's not his parent, he's paid to provide constructive criticism. Not pat him on the back for behaving like a child now that someone he likes is going home. If Q were to behave like that in a meeting with a record producer he would be done. His label isn't gonna say - oh he's only 21, its ok, he's actually a pretty mature 21. They are gonna say shut up and do what you are told or you are dropped. He's an adult trying to make it in an adult profession and thinking that he's entitled to being treated with kid gloves is ultimately not going to help him in that career. The Ariana Grande's and others of the world who do succeed do so because they are able to check their attitude and be a professional. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043133
Guest April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I see Keith's point about the really high guitar position looks a little geeky, like it's a ukelele or something. But also sometimes Keith's is so low it seems like it's almost a masturbation pantomime thing. I thought the engagement announcement and the "Quentin's going to marry us" thing both felt like desperate ploys for votes. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043148
Trooper York April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 The really great thing about last night is that Quentin made Harry feel like Taylor Swift. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043176
Guest April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Quentin did remind me a little bit of Kanye. Speaking out his ass, totally inappropriate and disrespectful, get off the stage and back to your seat like you're supposed to... Kanye even backpedaled! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043200
autumnh April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I have watched AI since the first season. This season is just the worst. It isn't even watchable for me anymore. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043201
Foghorn Leghorn April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Last night's show was terrible, this is my last year watching and this season will end sooner for me if it is not Clark/Tyanna in the final two. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043214
Sparkling Beth April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I see Keith's point about the really high guitar position looks a little geeky, like it's a ukelele or something. But also sometimes Keith's is so low it seems like it's almost a masturbation pantomime thing.I think in the world of popular music, that's pretty much the goal! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043322
BogoGog24 April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I really doubt that moment was scripted. Last week's Katy Perry moment with getting Harry to sing maybe could have been. But not something like this. There was no way Quentin would have known ahead of time that Joey would be in the bottom 2. The whole thing seemed like genuine reactions to me. Harry even thought they had cut to commercial at that point, so the exchange would have gone down regardless. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043424
designing1 April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Based on the camera angle (w-a-a-y at the back of the theater) it certainly looked like they were ready to cut to commercial. I can just imagine the director and assistant directors all furiously going "Don't cut! Don't cut! Send Quentin back out there! We finally got a watercooler moment from this dull crew!" 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043439
mojoween April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 When Quentin walked over to the judges table I 100% for sure thought he was going to say, "ok then, I'm out" and just keep on walking. I love Quentin, regardless, but that would have been just fabulous. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043456
TVFan17 April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 (edited) I'm sure that much of what Harry said to Quentin should have been said off the air (and I believe that he thought they were in a break at one point), but as far as Harry being on the show and being an asset to the show -- I am Team HCJ all the way. I think that some of the singers are lacking, but I love what Harry has brought to the show in terms of judging. He has actually toned down some of his 'technical speak' since last season, and I really wish he could just say what he truly thinks because he has some very interesting, specific comments that I feel are needed on this show. But, someone must have gotten to him and told him that America doesn't like it when he shows his musical knowledge, and now he is often too nice and more complimentary than I feel he wants to be. In fact, sometimes I think that Harry will get exhausted with having to edit some of his critiques to be too flattering and nice, and will end up leaving the show because he can't truly say what he wants to say. In any case, I have never, ever owned a HCJ album or CD, and I have only seen a few of his movies. But I am a fan of HCJ as a judge. He has also caused Keith and Jennifer to up their judging games too, and they are both better than they were prior to 2014. I actually like and am comfortable with this whole panel, although I have a feeling J. Lo will not stick around too much longer. I still miss the spot-on commentary of Simon Cowell (and Jimmy Iovine too!) from back in the day, but they will probably never get another Simon, nor will they convince Jimmy to return as a mentor. So this show really needs someone like HCJ -- the problem is that the contestants either have chips on their shoulders or don't respect what HCJ has to offer (he's from a different generation; different musical genre; not really 'current'), and so they don't take his comments to heart. A really serious musician and singer would pay attention. As for the contestants: I loved Jax in the very beginning. Now... not so much. She is not improving or even staying consistent, and is beginning to bother me. She has a lot of potential, but she has gone awry. I think Nick is ready for radio, as Jennifer said, but there is something missing. I can't put my finger on it. Something falls a little flat for me with Nick, and with all of the others too. They may give a performance that is 90% great, but there is that 10% that is lacking somewhere. There is not one of them that I think is 100% solid. Edited April 16, 2015 by Sherry67 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043471
Foghorn Leghorn April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 The more I think about how it played out the more I think it had nothing to do with who was in the bottom 2. When Quentin's chair turned green he knew then who was left and Joey gave him a big hug having made it and he ran to take his place. He wasn't showing any sadness then so he performs like crazy, ends with a big smile only to have Harry ruin it for him with his criticism. Quentin's face visibly changed to anger. That is why he had a bone to pick, nothing to do with the process of elimination. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043503
designing1 April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 the problem is that the contestants either have chips on their shoulders or don't respect what HCJ has to offer (he's from a different generation; different musical genre; not really 'current'), and so they don't take his comments to heart. Here's where perception becomes reality. Harry and Keith are both 47, JLo is 45. Harry's perceived as older because of his music and no-nonsense, no tongue-bath critiques. He wasn't showing any sadness then so he performs like crazy, ends with a big smile only to have Harry ruin it for him with his criticism. Quentin's face visibly changed to anger. That is why he had a bone to pick, nothing to do with the process of elimination. Per the interview the other contestants (Nick in particular) gave to Billboard, it's a bit of each. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043525
LotusFlower April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Quentin is still going tonight. He told People magazine that he knows he can leave anytime, and Harry Connick Jr. can leave too if he doesn't like it. I repeat: WOW! I just read the excerpt from People that you mentioned, and you're right - wow! He double-downed on his comments, and made it worse by equating his role on the show with Harry's. Newsflash Quentin - you're a contestant, and Harry is a judge. You can quit if you want, but Harry can't, because he's a professional who signed a contract and is getting paid a lot of money to stay and do his job. Bye Quentin! I'll miss your weirdness and your look, but not your singing. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043534
shanti April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I just read the excerpt from People that you mentioned, and you're right - wow! He double-downed on his comments, and made it worse by equating his role on the show with Harry's. Newsflash Quentin - you're a contestant, and Harry is a judge. You can quit if you want, but Harry can't, because he's a professional who signed a contract and is getting paid a lot of money to stay and do his job. Bye Quentin! I'll miss your weirdness and your look, but not your singing. Seriously, right! As if Quentin is keeping the whole AI universe going with his crazy scowls... no wonder I never could really feel him. Tyanna all the way for me :) Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043579
CorgiNarnia April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I distinctly remember Quentin saying "This sucks, this is wack BUT I'LL SHUT UP NOW." He definitely knew if he said more that what ended up happening would happen. It is completely Ryan and Harry's fault for goading him so much to go deeper into what was bothering him. They wanted a reaction from him and unfortunately he gave it to them. Even if his comments got misconstrued and Harry somehow thought Quentin was disrespecting the show, he should have offered an apology for misunderstanding. Quentin explained himself very calmly, apologized, and said he did not mean any disrespect. Did we hear any apology from Harry? None that I can remember. I just cannot see how Harry could be in the right here. Had Q actually been disrespecting the show, maybe, but he wasn't. When Quentin started saying, "this is wack..." I was like, oh no, he's going offscript, get the popcorn! It got a little too tense for me. I agree with your assessment here. Let the guy have emotions! Why was it necessary for Harry to check him? Did this have anything to do with performance, which is what the judges are there for? Quentin's attitude can be judged by the voters. I felt for Jennifer, she was clearly trying to smooth it over for Quentin but the damage was done. Ryan and Harry's further comments escalated it and made Quentin look more like the angry black man, when I think a lot of the audience could see that his initial comments came from frustration. Now, when Quentin goes home next week, the contestants have been scared shitless and won't say ANYTHING spontaneous. I want to hear genuine comments and reactions from the contestants. Thanks, Ryan and Harry! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043618
Sparkling Beth April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 If only Quentin had seemed sad instead of mad, he could have convinced me that he felt bad for his friend. Instead, it was just what Harry said--he was complaining about the whole premise of the show for which he willingly signed on. It's odd to me that the same people who are saying Harry dissed the other contestants by saying Clark was the only real musician (and yes, I disagree with Harry on that) are apparently okay with Quentin implying that the wrong contestants were in the bottom two. Isn't that a diss of his fellow contestants who were not in the bottom two? If Joey and Rayvon shouldn't have been in the bottom two, who does he think should have been? Name names, Quentin, if you feel the audience vote was so "wack." I dare you. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043726
Ketzel April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I look forward to Quentin each week just for his outfits and hair, but I still continue to be baffled at how singers can be critiqued as being great if they could only learn to sing in pitch. WTF? Isn't that sort of the basic expectation of being a singer -that you sing in pitch?It used to be in the olden days. Then came that invention of the devil, autotune, and singing on pitch is now convenient, but not essential. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043731
Guest April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I don't like his excuse in the People article, "I was just being honest." As if having no filter is a virtue. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25109-s14e25-top-six-perform/page/2/#findComment-1043770
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