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S05.E22: Reunion Part 3

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And that demon beast had racked up...what, FIVE freaking bites to individuals now?


No fucking way that mutt is at a trainer's.


Kim's hesitation gave it away.


The look on Kyle's face and her redirecting Andy to ask Kim gave it away.


Kim's own Freudian slip about "that dog is [present tense] Monty's best friend" gave it away.


Kim's a fucking liar about that mongrel's whereabouts, and I think every single person on that stage knew it.

You think Kim has the dog?
  • Love 3

Oh, is Kingsley not supposed to be with Kim? I haven't followed the trials and tribulations of Kingsley so I didn't quite get all what was going on with Kim demanding that Andy drop it. I just thought that she didn't want to be told about herself and her poor decisions once again.


As I understand (and fellow PTV'ers please correct me if I'm wrong...Stroke Card and all, you know)...


Because of his bite record and the lawsuit, if Animal Control finds out he's in her house, they can come seize him.


And with his record of attacks, I'm assuming it would be straight to the Rainbow Bridge for Kingsley.

  • Love 15

Okay, I am officially giving LVP a clean slate going forward. She did not start off the season on a good note for me, and I really did not believe that she and Kyle were doing much more than getting along for the show's sake, but I do believe I was wrong. And I genuinely hope it lasts, along with their relationships with LisaR and Eileen. I hope all of next season is as 'boring' as the first half of this season was.

I can't add anything else to what has already been (so hilariously) said by you all about Brandi and Kim. I won't waste my time hoping they won't be back, but hopefully they won't be allowed to hijack next season.

As always, I have sincerely enjoyed all of the posts this season. On to New York for me!

  • Love 16

Kim didn't show AN OUNCE of regret or sympathy towards her niece over the dog bite. Instead, she had the nerve to sit there and cry and say "this has been so hard on my children! On Monty! The dog is his best friend. He's dying!"

The woman is certifiable.

Here's where I disagree with Lisa V., who ended the night by saying that Kim and Kyle need to work things out, even if it's a temporary band-aid. Wrong. For Kyle's sake, this should be it. She should cut Kim out of her life right now. Yes, there's a wedding coming up, but not only is it wedding #2, but the reality is this - there are always going to be family events in their future. That's life, and Kyle needs to make this major change in her life and accept that things will different. Some things might even be hard and sad. But guess what, Kyle? A lot of things are going to get better once you remove this toxicity from your life. I promise.

I get what you are saying, and while I agree, I also get what Lisa was saying. They may end up having regrets. It's just a sad situation all around.

  • Love 6

1. Kim would race to get all of Monty's pills and patches and hide them in with her stash

2. Call in refills on the bottle/boxes of his medications

3. While on the way to the ER with Monty in the back seat, she would stop at the pharmacy and pick up the refills

4. Upon arriving to the ER she would babble something about it all being Kyle's fault

5. Collapse to the ground writhing in pain, clench her abdomen and say that her back, knee, belly and head are in 100% pain.

6. While the ER staff worked on Monty, Kim would say "what about ME and MY god damm pain" and when asked how bad the pain was she would say 100%


I love you.

1. Kim would race to get all of Monty's pills and patches and hide them in with her stash

2. Call in refills on the bottle/boxes of his medications

3. While on the way to the ER with Monty in the back seat, she would stop at the pharmacy and pick up the refills

4. Upon arriving to the ER she would babble something about it all being Kyle's fault

5. Collapse to the ground writhing in pain, clench her abdomen and say that her back, knee, belly and head are in 100% pain.

6. While the ER staff worked on Monty, Kim would say "what about ME and MY god damm pain" and when asked how bad the pain was she would say 100%


I love you.

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 5


She was not partaking on camera because it would possibly affect her children. Same thing, Brandi. THAT is hypocrisy you dumbass.


BG is damn dumb. Kyle smoking pot once in a while is hardly the same damn thing as BG drinking until she is falling down every single time she drinks! BG says something about what if Kim ate the space cake ... ummm hey dummy Kim can't eat the space cake because she's an addict! That's not the same thing. Listening to BG shrieking about hypocrisy when she has no idea what it means is beyond annoying. First of all Kyle was joking around when she was acting like she'd get a contact high and so forth - but of course BG has no sense of humor to speak of so she doesn't follow that. Second, not wanting to take drugs on national tv where the kids might see it is not hypocrisy - it's a parenting choice.


I loved the Lisa's, Kyle and Eileen being supportive and displaying friend type vibes. Too bad Eileen had to be on the terrible couch.

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 21

As I understand (and fellow PTV'ers please correct me if I'm wrong...Stroke Card and all, you know)...


Because of his bite record and the lawsuit, if Animal Control finds out he's in her house, they can come seize him.


And with his record of attacks, I'm assuming it would be straight to the Rainbow Bridge for Kingsley.


Oh, OK. Thanks for that explanation. So, Kingsley really is supposed to be at the trainer's or any place not in Kim's house, but it seems that maybe he's actually at Kim's house. 


So, in order to deflect from that Kim sat up there and insinuated that somehow there was some dirt on Alexia regarding Kingsley or how the whole dog bite situation went down? Dammit, Kim is a piece of shit.

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 16

Not a doubt in my mind.


I think that's why Andy brought it up a couple of times and Kim shut it down.


Also when Andy tried asking Kyle if she believed the dog was at a trainer's, Kyle hesitated and bounced him back to Kim for an answer.

Well then, if Kim has the dog, it will be she who goes to prison when (not IF, but when) the dog seriously injures and/or kills somebody. It's just a matter of time before it happens.
  • Love 10

As I understand (and fellow PTV'ers please correct me if I'm wrong...Stroke Card and all, you know)...


Because of his bite record and the lawsuit, if Animal Control finds out he's in her house, they can come seize him.


And with his record of attacks, I'm assuming it would be straight to the Rainbow Bridge for Kingsley.

I hope someone (her landlord, her neighbor or  viewers)  makes the call.  Then Kim will blame Andy Cohen, I'm sure.

  • Love 5

And did you hear the jealousy dripping from her forked-tongue when she was yelling at Kyle about how many people were in Alexia's hospital room to support her.  How sick that she's upset not because her dog bit her niece but because she didn't get as much support and poor poodles as the 18 year old in the hospital with a severe injury to her hand.  


In all fairness, maybe she was jealous of all the great IV pain medication Alexia surely had to be receiving for that painful bone infection.

  • Love 24

Can someone make a gif of Kim's reaction to Andy when he asked her where Kingsley was? I think it was the 2nd time he asked -- she kind of froze, shook slightly, her face retracted into her neck, and her whole body went white as a sheet. If was beautiful.


Yeah that was something, wasn't it?  RumRaisin Richards, guilty and speechless.  

  • Love 10

Kim didn't show AN OUNCE of regret or sympathy towards her niece over the dog bite. Instead, she had the nerve to sit there and cry and say "this has been so hard on my children! On Monty! The dog is his best friend. He's dying!"


That was really "unforgivable" as far as I'm concerned.  Kim did not have one thought to spare to Alexia's pain as though only Kim can feel 100% pain. 


I'm glad Kyle called her out on deflecting to her pain when they were talking about Alexia's hand.

  • Love 20

I get what you are saying, and while I agree, I also get what Lisa was saying. They may end up having regrets. It's just a sad situation all around.

Kim might have regrets down the road, but I don't care about her anymore. I really don't. Kyle, on the other hand, will not have regrets. Sadness? Sure, but no regrets. Seriously, her life is going to be so much better without that nasty piece of toxicity that she'll kick herself for not doing it sooner. She needs to set boundaries, and then stick to 'em. I fear she won't if she has friends like Lisa telling her to "patch things up," or the whole "go along to get along" philosophy, or to keep things cordial for the sake of the kids. I think this is bad advice. She needs a good therapist or support system that is looking out for her best interests, not the family's.

  • Love 20

Oh, OK. Thanks for that explanation. So, Kingsley really is supposed to be at the trainer's or any place not in Kim's house, but it seems that maybe he's actually at Kim's house. 


So, in order to deflect from that Kim sat up there and insinuated that somehow there was some dirt on Alexia regarding Kingsley or how the whole dog bite situation went down? Dammit, Kim is a piece of shit.

According to this article, Kingsley came back home in March, a couple of weeks after the reunion was filmed.


  • Love 3

Mauricio, this post is for you (I hope he reads these forums ☺️)

Do not, and I mean do not allow under any circumstances any of your children nowhere close to Kim. Use your authority as a father and forbid them for ever visiting their crazy aunt. Everybody would understand why.

I don't care if kyle makes up with her, if she makes a truce for the show sake, a truce for the wedding, a funeral, whatever the circumstance it is, Kim is the most vile person I have ever seen and your children do not need to be around her.

It would be great if Kyle could do the same and just love her sister from a distance but unfortunately she is used to the ups and downs and as soon as Monty passes away, Kyle will cave in and will be there for her sister and they will be back on the wheel again. She will be guilted into it by Kim, Kathy and her love for her nieces and nephew. Kyle will cave in and that is her choice.

Do not allow any of your children to become part of this vicious circle, they deserve better and you as the man of the house need to put your foot down and do what is best for them. A woman who cares more about a dog (who is vicious and has bitten more than once) than the welfare of her own niece doesn't deserve the love, respect, and consideration of your children, they need to let her be, pray for her and that is it. No more visit to crazy aunt Kim from any of your girls.

  • Love 15

1. Kim would race to get all of Monty's pills and patches and hide them in with her stash

2. Call in refills on the bottle/boxes of his medications

3. While on the way to the ER with Monty in the back seat, she would stop at the pharmacy and pick up the refills

4. Upon arriving to the ER she would babble something about it all being Kyle's fault

5. Collapse to the ground writhing in pain, clench her abdomen and say that her back, knee, belly and head are in 100% pain.

6. While the ER staff worked on Monty, Kim would say "what about ME and MY god damm pain" and when asked how bad the pain was she would say 100%

Quite honestly. I don't think this is very far off from what Kim would really do all joking aside. I know that sounds awful but hey?

  • Love 8

Here's where I disagree with Lisa V., who ended the night by saying that Kim and Kyle need to work things out, even if it's a temporary band-aid. Wrong. For Kyle's sake, this should be it.

I agree.  Kim should feel very lucky to have a sister who has been in CYA mode for her all of these years, and doesn't blab said drama when Kim is being a total ass to her.   There's no telling how many times Kyle has had to help her out over the years.  Kyle shows a lot of restraint by remaining mum on many of the issues.


Kim laughed at Lisa Rinna for crying when confronted about the nasty text she sent her, but yet she resorts to crying every time she gets called out.  It's just a damn mess.  Run Kyle.  Run while you can.

  • Love 18

And on a quick superficial note, I must say whoever is doing Kim's make up really really needs to 86 that goddamned Dairy Queen frosted pink shit they keep using on her.


It makes her look all the much more weather-beaten.  That color is made for a much younger set.


Anyone remember jerkey stick Laura from Downsized with her weathered, dried out skin and frosted pink lipgloss she always wore?


I think Kim must have raided Laura's makeup bag.


And I say this as someone whose sister has insisted on sticking to this grotesquely inappropriate shade for at least a decade.



I think Kim's make-up lady Secretly Hates her and that's why she does it :)
  • Love 9

Well then, if Kim has the dog, it will be she who goes to prison when (not IF, but when) the dog seriously injures and/or kills somebody. It's just a matter of time before it happens.

Kim has no concept of consequences. And I bet her lawyer is being very very careful to document the risks and consequences she's been advised of as well.

That poor animal must be going stir crazy if Kim is really hiding him out at home. A dog that size needs room to run, fresh air, lots and lots of exercise. If Kingsley doesn't end up in some kind of pit bull sanctuary, he'll be spending a lot of what time he has left penned up. It's awful. And, yeah, I wouldn't bet on a lot of time left before chompageddon happens.

  • Love 12

Kim is an evil bitch who mos def has that dog.  She also lies about everything on the planet--what was the dog story the way you were going to tell it, Kim?  You fucking garbage lady.  Gross.  Nasty narcissist addict bitch, walk away Kyle, for your own sanity.


Andy softballed this entire reunion and I hope social media is blowing up about this right now.  What a waste.


I will be amazed if Eileen returns.  

  • Love 15

One the most hilarious things from this episode was Kim saying her dog was off limits. You always here them say "my kids, husband, family, etc are off limits" but I've never heard anyone say their pet was off limits. As someone who also treats their dog as their child, I would never think to tell someone that my dog is a conversation that is off limits.

I understood that differently.  My guess was that Kim's lawyer told her the dog was off-limits, and she probably felt pressured to keep repeating it during that segment.  And with rumors about her son going around, she probably made "no kids, no dog" her mantra when dealing with Bravo.


"My dog is my son! I know he bit your daughter and her hand almost had to be amputated, but posting hospital photos is so mean! You're a terrible sister!"

I kinda gave Kyle the side-eye for the photos.  It seemed like using her daughter's hospital stay for self-promotion.  YMMV.  Also, if Kim was in danger of a lawsuit, publicizing Alexia's bite would have caused even more legal problems for Kim & Kingsley.


Can someone make a gif of Kim's reaction to Andy when he asked her where Kingsley was? I think it was the 2nd time he asked -- she kind of froze, shook slightly, her face retracted into her neck, and her whole body went white as a sheet. If was beautiful.

*Insert obligatory turtle reference*

Edited by erikdepressant
  • Love 4


I think I'm in the minority, but this has been my favorite reunion in quite a while.  I'm sad tonight is the last episode.


This is my first reunion show ever! I used to watch the Housewives of New York but never watched the reunions. I have to say overall not impressed with the reunion. Andy is a terrible moderator and those so-called viewer questions were pure made up nonsense.


I would be more sad about the last episode if BG and Kim weren't on this show because I find the other women interesting. I'll be happy to step away from the toxic twins for a while.



Also, if Kim was in danger of a lawsuit, publicizing Alexia's bite would have caused even more legal problems for Kim & Kingsley.


So what? She deserves legal problems ... Alexia had an infection from that dog and had to have at least a couple of operations. Boo fucking hoo to Kim's legal problems.

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 24

Kingsley ate it but according to Kim it was the gun's fault.

Bosawks, baby, you are on fire tonight with the comments. Love it.

Going by the replies so far I think I'm going to enjoy reading this thread more than I'll enjoy the episode proper.

I'm watching the reunions while I'm in the salon getting my weave hair done and I too am finding it tough to listen to these women bitch at each other without also having a glass of wine or better yet a cocktail. Too bad I have to be in early tomorrow.

I'm glad to read at least that even Andy seems like he's over Kim.

  • Love 4

In all fairness, maybe she was jealous of all the great IV pain medication Alexia surely had to be receiving for that painful bone infection.


You need to mind your own business, Persnickety.  Kim is 0% goddamn sober!  She just took a pain pill.  She just took someone else's pain patch but that's all.  She just took someone else's pain and turned it into "MY PAIN".  But Kyle took her Goddamn House!  And she has more Instagram followers!  Lisa R threatened her!  With fake tears!  Eileen, just like the pain pill that didn't make her relapse, disagreed with her!  She did apologize!  I think you're forgetting that it's not her fault.  She has to take care of Monty.  And what about Monty's BFF?!  It's the worst thing that's ever happened to her!  SHE DOESN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT, OKAY?!

  • Love 24

It's too bad Kyle feels guilty about not being a good sister, yet Kim never does...it's such a classic abuse situation. Kyle is on the neverevnding hamster wheel of seeking approval from Kim, but it never happens. There may be a temporary truce, but she lets Kim hold all the power when it comes to defining their relationship. I'd love it if after this reunion, Kyle finally realizes that Kim needs to own her shit, and it has nothing to do with her. Does having Kim in her life really make things better?

  • Love 14

I kinda gave Kyle the side-eye for the photos. It seemed like using her daughter's hospital stay for self-promotion. YMMV. Also, if Kim was in danger of a lawsuit, publicizing Alexia's bite would have caused even more legal problems for Kim & Kingsley.

Ummm. Kyle did nothing wrong. She can post all the pictures she wants. If Kim has more legal problems it's her own fault. Kingsley could have killed someone and the way he acts is Kim's fault because she should have never gotten a big dog she can not train nor control. All the blame falls solely on Kim!

  • Love 24

You know, I love animals and know it's probably too late, but I do hope Kingsley ends up in a sanctuary ( Are there such things?). It's not his fault he ended up with that loon.

There are pit rescues and sanctuaries. A lot of Michael Vick's fighting dogs were rehabilitated, I think, maybe by a sanctuary in Louisiana? But a dog like Kingsley that has a taste for long pig, I don't know. I don't know if a sanctuary would take him on. I'm so sad for him, none of this situation is Kingsley's fault, it's 100% Kim.

  • Love 13

For the right person/family, a pit bull can be a wonderful dog.  One of their best characteristics is their deep desire to please their person. 


This is exactly what I think Kingsley was doing for Kim and she loved it.  She wants to be "protected" and loved at all times, to have someone or something there for her, at all times.  She loved that he was so fiercely protective of her.  He's just another supply to her.  She feeds off of his loyalty towards her and she doesn't give a flying fuck about that dog, or anyone, other than what they can do for her.  

  • Love 18

Where do I begin...

Lisa R

Yes girl Im giving you a pass on these texts. Besides the first text that had me LOL'in "Be very careful or Im going to fuck you up" you wasn't lying that Kim treats Kyle any kind of way and is abusive. I get also why you sent the texts because of Harry. Defend your man, honey. Kim had no business trying to allude to him possibly doing something behind your back when she doesnt know your husband. Youve been calling Kim and Brandi out for the trash they are most of the season and you own your behavior. And with that I applaud your efforts for trying with Kim. But now leave it be. Kim can only want to help Kim. And even though that seems impossible, youve done your best and the best is all you can do sometimes. Please comeback for S6. Ive really grown to like you especially you being our newly crowned truth cannon!


Oh lord do we have to... You still a lie and snake. I find it interesting you telling LisaR that her actions with the texts were "dangerous" when you have been dangerous half the season. Threatening, Grabbing, shoving, throwing wine and slapping. You sound like big ass hypocrite. As for you and this weedgate how you are coming for Kyle, It's yet another attempt to try and hurt a person's parenting because you could not afford to have yours under negative criticism since it seems like Eddie might be ready to seek full custody over you twos kids. Oh then you dropped that little nugget in there that you think Kyle has a drug problem since she wont admit to smoking chiefa. Lisa V caught it too because she said "What?" Then you still tried lying about your conversations with BFF Jennifer not only at your house but also on the beach on Kim's addiction. It's on tape Brandi. We've also read the transcripts. Youre caught youre lying! And where was your vindication? Did I miss something??

Eileen & Lisa V

Thanks for trying to be the peacemakers this season. I know it was tough being around strong personalities other then yourselves but you guys were awesome. Please comeback next season.

Kim & Kyle

Oh Kim. Im done with you. Completely. You was real fresh with Andy who called you out for strugging with your sobriety. You still saying,"Lets get this straight, Im not struggling with my sobriety. Nor have I struggled with my sobriety. (Camera cuts to Kyle. Her face says it all. But carry on Kimmie.) I took a pill with a chronic pain I was having. Did I take someone's else pill, yes. Was it right, no. But I am not struggling nor have I struggled with my sobriety. Ive been sober for three years. If any of this was any concern, I thank you. I dont believe that. I am sober. I dont appreciate all the conservations and rumors behind my back nor will I defend myself any longer." Headdesk! I think Kim, other than being a pathological liar and manipulator, she might be dealing with a bad case of WET BRAIN! Yet Kim gives the ultimate slap on the wrist to Brandi for speaking about her "sobriety" on camera to her real BFF Jennifer. I cant. The hell. Im done. I see still you want to out talk people on your sobriety especially with Lisa R because you knows she was going to tell the truth on you. Andy even looked at you like you were a cuckoo bird. Kyle says Kim's personality has changed for the worst since shes been around Brandi. Brandi claims the sisters have always had problems. This is true but Brandi has enjoyed being the bug in Kim's ear all season towards Kyle to get her to do some of her own dirty work.

Lets get to Cujo...

How the hell can Kim make a big stink over Kyle/Alexia posting IG pics when not too long before the dog biting she was laying in the hospital herself and took an IG of her with flowers (the pic that seems to be when she was in the hospital for detoxing)! Not to mention, Kyle didnt need to post any pics to get IG followers. She already has 800K it wasnt like she was desperate, Kim. Plus Kim was the one who went to the press first and told them Kingsley bit Alexia. Now all of sudden, shes trying to spin it around on Kyle that Kyle tried to ruin her image. Get real Kim you are a hot ass mess! Im glad Lisa R pointed out the scary voice like I said a few days ago it was Betty Davis-like no doubt. And finally Kyle says Im sick of being abused by Kim. And Kim says Kyle didnt give Alexia her antibiotics so thats why she ended up on a drip! Man, Kim is a piece of work. Then Kim wants to shut down the discussion because her ass is grass at this point. She sounds like a damn idiot siding with a dog over her niece. And lets bring on the tears! "Monty loves Kingsley. I treat Kingsley like my son. My dog is off limits like my children." Omg... is this real life Im watching. Did she bring up Whitney about the pics?? LisaR (being the truth cannon once more) "So why do reality show?" BOOM! Yeah Kim why do a reality show if your not going to face the music even your BFF Brandi laughed because, this was the exact same question she asked Taylor many moods again when she was a rookie in her first reunion. Then Kim brings St. Kathy into the mix. "I talk to Kathy 3-4 times a day. And we do things together. Me and Kyle dont because shes busy." No Kim look how youre acting and how abusive you are towards her. If you were my sister Id keep my distance too, just saying. Now Kyle you say you had no idea you threw Kim the double bird. Haha. Nice try. But yes Kim was off and didnt defend your husband so you were fed up for good reason. Another thing Kim wont discuss is the house allegation in Palm Springs. Yeah someone must be scared Kyle will pull out those checks to vindicate herself and her character. Lisa V being the true moral compass tells both sisters there are life and death matters (Monty illness/Brooke's wedding) going on and they need to work out their problems without the group being involved. Amen sister. Then Brandi, all sudden cosigns with Lisa V about staying out of it. Oh now it's too hot Brandi or is it youre trying to save your image since you knew coming between sisters was not a great move for you. Dumbass shut up. You not slick. Fix your own shit with your own sister and stop ruining families.


Kim and Brandi please leave this show, you guys are exhausting. The Lisas/Kyle/Eileen are queens. Yolanda get well soon and lots of lemons. And just say no to drugs if you can help it.


  • Love 5

This is exactly what I think Kingsley was doing for Kim and she loved it.  She wants to be "protected" and loved at all times, to have someone or something there for her, at all times.  She loved that he was so fiercely protective of her.  He's just another supply to her.  She feeds off of his loyalty towards her and she doesn't give a flying fuck about that dog, or anyone, other than what they can do for her.  


swordqueen, agreed.  The dog is another source of narcissistic supply for Kim and her bottomless black hole of need.  

  • Love 17

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