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19 minutes ago, shoregirl said:

Zombie/ghost runner whatever you want to call it is here to stay

A pox on all of their houses!  They don’t want to play 18 innings?  Do better in 9.  I will never get over this.

The only, very small, minute really, smidgen of grace I will give them is that it is a regular season rule.

Edited by mojoween
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I applaud the rule myself. They needed to do something to put a ceiling on OT, like other sports have. It's just a basic recognition that it's not fair to ask players to play on and on and on, nor is it a great experience for most fans to have games going too long and late, forcing them to bail on the game. At that point, who is all this for?

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I hate it.  I don't think a game that is even after nine full innings of play should be decided by who gets the first base hit, which is basically what happens when you put a guy in scoring position.

And sure, if a game goes to 13/14/15 innings, some people will have to bail.  But for those who stay... they have a story they'll tell forever.  Nobody is going to recount the magical night they watched nine great innings of a pitcher's duel, only to have someone hit a hard single in the bottom of the tenth to drive in a guy who was only on second because he failed to get safely on base in the bottom of the ninth.

On a related note, it is not a "ghost runner", and I will die on that hill.

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1 hour ago, Black Knight said:

They needed to do something to put a ceiling on OT, like other sports have.

Out of curiosity, because I don't really follow other sports anymore... what is the ceiling on OT in other sports?  For example, in the NBA, don't they just keep going into successive overtimes?

The extra runner feels like if an NBA game was tied at the end, they'd just have the point guards square off in a game of H-O-R-S-E.

Edited by Jane Tuesday
  • LOL 1
59 minutes ago, Jane Tuesday said:

On a related note, it is not a "ghost runner", and I will die on that hill.

I've heard it referred to as the 'Manfred Man' in some places.


54 minutes ago, dewelar said:

I'd rather they just declare a tie after, say, 12 innings. This is just gimmickry for the sake of gimmickry.

There's no tying in baseball! There's no tying in baseball!


35 minutes ago, Jane Tuesday said:

Out of curiosity, because I don't really follow other sports anymore... what is the ceiling on OT in other sports?  For example, in the NBA, don't they just keep going into successive overtimes?

In the NHL, they play a 5-minute overtime period, first to score wins. If no one scores, they go to a shootout to decide the winner. The NFL plays a 10-minute overtime period, where each team (usually) gets at least one possession to try to score. If no one scores, it ends in a tie. The NBA will play successive 5-minute overtime periods until someone wins.

Edited by Moose135
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It's the only rule change I like. I don't really understand the issue. Both teams get an equal opportunity to get runs in.

Ironically it may not be needed much. Changing the shift and bigger bases, limits on pick off attempts- should make it easier to score bunches of runs.

ETA I predict longer games now bc it will be harder to get outs.

Edited by cleo
2 hours ago, cleo said:

It's the only rule change I like. I don't really understand the issue. Both teams get an equal opportunity to get runs in.

Ironically it may not be needed much. Changing the shift and bigger bases, limits on pick off attempts- should make it easier to score bunches of runs.

ETA I predict longer games now bc it will be harder to get outs.

That's true. Both teams have the equal chance to score runs.  

The pitch clock should more than offset the changes that should increase offense. I'm reading that the pitch clock when used in the minors shortened games by an average of 26 minutes. 

Pitchers have a 15 second limit between pitches with the bases empty and 20 seconds with runners. Batters have to be in the box and alert to the pitcher in 8 seconds. There is also 30 seconds between previous batter and the next one.

That stuff really should move things along. I'm interested in seeing how it goes.


3 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

That stuff really should move things along. I'm interested in seeing how it goes.

For baseball's sake it had better.  We can all wax nostalgic about a lazy day at the ballpark or on our couch watching a game, but there's a reason why baseball continues to drop in popularity.  The regular season is always going to feel like a grind for daily (or near daily) sports, and these days there are so many alternatives.  Heck, I guarantee most of the crowd is on their phone for most of the game anyway.

I have been watching baseball since 1976 and I really dislike the way the game has evolved. I can't think of any rule changes that have made the game better.  Ghost runner, pitch clock,  3 batter minimum, banning the shift have ruined the game.  I am sure some people enjoy these rules, but I think the true nature of the game has been lost.

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I don't think any of the changes made the game better, but a couple of them helped speed up the game.  I probably didn't give MLB a standing ovation for the shift ban.  The 3 batter thing I wasn't a fan of, since it was strategic to  have a certain pitcher take out a hot hitter.  Saved a little time, but I doubt a ton of time worth the rule change.  IMO it was meaningful pre NL-DH.

Pitch clock?  Whatever.  Maybe they could've made it cumulative.  The ghost runner I dislike in general but I'm okay with it since the teams have nine innings to win the game.

The DH is probably one thing that I was okay with.  I agree with Mean Machine on that one.  I don't agree with the lowering of the mound, but that's not a big deal either.

The expanded postseason was great.  However, the lack of re-seeding is not good

Ok...my 2 cents:
1) Batters stepping out of the batters box (keeping one foot inside the box)  to adjust their gloves.  And adjust them, and adjust them.  Agh!
2) Batters (especially lefties) demanding to hit into a shifted defense, while ignoring the absence of fielders over half of the field. Agh...a single to right is the same as a single to left.  In fact, since no one is in left, it is probably a double.
3) Late inning tag team relievers.  Even with a requirement to pitch to several batters, we still get the bullpen lining up to come in and relieve.
Geez...when I'm king, all this will change...harrumph! 😬


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On 2/22/2023 at 12:25 PM, cleo said:

Are people really into the WBC? I feel like an old grump bc I kind of wish they would just stay in spring training, finish it out, and start the season like normal.

Like I probably won't watch it. 

I'm into it.  With the Cards sending so many players, I have a natural cheering interest on almost every contending team.  And I'm ready for competitive baseball.  I've had enough of watching BP clips and reading about prospects.

The only injury concern I have is with Wainwright.  But it's a dream of his, and guys get hurt in spring training and grapefruit games, so...

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It bothers me that they're making these guys play with the new rules for a couple weeks in spring training, then back to the old rules for WBC, then back to the new rules.

I would rather they just take the spring training to adapt to the new rules.

I can't get into the competition aspect, the games are meaningless to me and how many of the teams are actually competitive? 

I also don't like the Olympics lol. See above re being an old grump heh.


Edited by cleo
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Well now...these look like good changes.
Pitch clock...yes!  This eliminates long pauses, rosin bag juggling, etc between pitches😁
Batter has to  be ready to hit with 8 seconds to go on the clock...yes!  No more incessant fiddling with the batting glove.🤪
No more defensive shifts with everybody playing right field...yes! Finally, the batter has a chance to get a hit .... this should really help lefties. 🙃

Now all we need is for the TV to show the pitch clock.

8 hours ago, grommit2 said:

Well now...these look like good changes.
Pitch clock...yes!  This eliminates long pauses, rosin bag juggling, etc between pitches😁
Batter has to  be ready to hit with 8 seconds to go on the clock...yes!  No more incessant fiddling with the batting glove.🤪
No more defensive shifts with everybody playing right field...yes! Finally, the batter has a chance to get a hit .... this should really help lefties. 🙃

Now all we need is for the TV to show the pitch clock.

I'm sort of watching a replay of Texas/Cincy, and they're showing the clock. 

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If it leads to a well-paced game, great, but I DO NOT want to see it. It's the same way a well-edited portrait should make you think, "wow, they look great," not, "great job with the photoshop". In my mind, ideally it is never applied during a game, so it would be completely anticlimactic - and distracting - to show it on every pitch. 

A few changes I will make when I'm Queen of Baseball: 

  • Five more seconds in each pitch. It shouldn't feel like a race. 
  • More time between balls in play / new batters. Give people (including fans) a chance to reset.
  • Turn it off in the ninth (and beyond). Nobody wants a pitch clock violation to be the last play of the game.
Edited by Jane Tuesday
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Scoring across the league seems a lot higher. I feel like they've gone from one extreme to the other- low scoring games with little action to these double digit scoring games when players are just racing around the bases like jackrabbits.

I could live with the clock if they maybe added 5 seconds. I keep thinking about those moments when every pitch really matters- playoffs, or bases loaded in the ninth. I'll miss that tension and the face off of the batter and pitcher.

On the broadcast here they have continued to have a red timer counting down on the tv- separate from the scorebug. I've had to find something to block it bc I find it really distracting.



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Out-of-market Yankees' fan here. I'm currently watching my first Spring Training game this season; Pirates @ Yankees on the YES Network. I had some issues with my devices and MLB.tv, that thankfully are now rectified. A couple of observations:

The Positive: I've seen a number of comments in this thread about the positioning of the pitch clock on the screen being a distraction for some. I'm happy to say that I had difficulty even finding the pitch clock at first! It's been seamlessly incorporated into the scoring info widget, and unobtrusively replaces the pitch count next to the pitcher's name, as the pitcher gets set. Kudos to the YES Network for handling this well. 👏

The Negative: Domingo German is tonight's starter. I immediately noticed that he's wearing #0 on his jersey and it's bothering me. His former number, #55, is being worn by Carlos Rodón, which is fine by me. I know that #0 is not a traditional number, but it is a single digit and that means something in Yankees' lore as all other single digits are retired. I really don't like seeing this domestic abuser being in any way rewarded with a single digit number. Give him seventy-something or eighty-something. He should be happy he's still wearing pinstripes.  I just root for the laundry when he's pitching. 😠 I am glad we're down at least one domestic abuser, with Chapman gone. I realize this is just my thing, but it really bugs me.

Anyway, I'm glad to have baseball back on my screen.  🙂

2 hours ago, mojoween said:

One of my problems with the 0 is that it looked like a fake number.  I know that sounds weird but it was off-putting.

I do think that Adam Ottavino wore 0 when he was here.  Maybe it looked weird because Domingo is much smaller than Adam.

Ottavino did wear 0, and while I did a lot of screaming at my screen almost every time he pitched 😄, the single digit number on his back didn't bother me because I didn't think he was a detestable human being. Again, just my feeling. 

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This is why banning the shift or trying to is stupid imo. A team's job is partly to try to prevent the other team from scoring. They will keep doing whatever works to do that within the bounds of the rules. They're being penalized for doing it too well.

I feel like Manfred is just a few years away from having the defenders face the other direction bc hey it will lead to more action! More athleticism! 

ETA I'm not sure that defensive alignment will work very well, but over time I bet they will figure something else out sooner or later. I would bet there are teams of analytics people working on it.

Edited by cleo
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