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7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion

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7 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Emma showed more emotion about a page torn out of her spiral notebook than the crappy way her family treats Anna.

Why did T+A have  to spend the night in the college town when they moved Anna in? She has her own car to get a dorm fridge.

Nope, Amber was waiting/hoping for Anna to have an emotional break.

Amber expressing her doubt that Anna was emotionally secure enough to stay on campus through the First weekend so she could gloat and say “I told you so”.

  Amber would love to see Anna stumble and fail once again.

Cheese and Crackers...Anna needs to graduate before that sloth, Jonah, get a job and live away Happily from her tormentors.

What none of them realized is that because they've not given her an especially warm and nuturing home environment, she has little to miss or lose by going away, but lots to gain.

  • Love 6

Amber (about Anna), "I mean, let's be real transparent, like there's a little bit of relief going on because times have been very challenging and difficult over the last few years.  I think space apart is necessary to fix some of the relationships in our home."

And at the same time she complains that Anna doesn't plan to come home on weekends...

You can't walk that back when you say it on television.

Unfortunately, I think I am done with the show.  That said, I would watch a spin off of Anna in college.

Edited by PDXlulu
  • Love 7

I want to watch Amber come completely unspooled.....her kids are squirming out from under her thumb......her insecurities will rear their ugly heads.

Trent will renovate something to avoid Amber's wrath.

Jonah finally realizes he can push back on T+A, he can blow off their empty threats and do what he wants. There is some hope for him now that he's come out of her apron.

Liz, ever the goody goody...you know she and Brice are tearing those woods up....wink, wink, nod nod. She's annoying but she achieves her goals.

Emma, they are gonna wish they never awoke her voice..it will be whiny and loud.

Alex will finally mature to his age. His braces will come off and his mush mouth will stop vexing the sound man and sound editor.

He is the sharpest tool in the Johnston shed.

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2 hours ago, ShaNaeNae said:

Every time I read T&A, my mind goes to tits & ass. At least half of it is true...

"T+A time" caused his brothers and sisters to snicker what a younger Alex innocently called date night for his parents...T and A.

A little nugget for long time viewers who remember that from an old episode.

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 1
19 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Why did T+A have  to spend the night in the college town when they moved Anna in? She has her own car to get a dorm fridge.


to be fair on this point - when we moved in offspring to college (4 yr) we spent the night at a hotel that was near campus. the university had "activities" for us parents (ie freshman welcome) and we took a moment to tour the town.

Plus I was tired - lift this barge, move this bale... wanted a good shower, dinner and close to decent night sleep. And we are not night drivers.

Edited by sATL
  • Love 5

Googlemaps has campus 30 minutes from Casa Johnston.
But in the episode Amber said it was a 2 hours drive. 

Thinking It was a 2 day shoot with TLC ponying up for the motel so production would be sure to have enough film in the can to cobble a storyline.
Also notable...Anna’s College shopping was at a Tuesday Morning which are all to be liquidated because of Covid bankruptcy.

14 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Emma, they are gonna wish they never awoke her voice..it will be whiny and loud.

Yes, this was pretty much my first thought watching the show:  I liked her better when she was quiet.  

Jonah, now you no longer have an “excape goat” according to your genius dad.  What does that mean?  He will be held to account when he says he wants the deer to have “a nourished meal” as opposed to “a nourishing meal”?  (I do think it’s really sweet that he cares about animals though.  I just feel bad that they’re going to be stereotyped for the rest of their lives for having poor grammar).  

I was glad Anna said she wasn’t coming home on the weekends.  She should refuse to film the show anymore, and there will be no more “7 Little Johnstons.”  Like someone posted above, I’m thinking about packing it in at the end of this season too.  I don’t really enjoy watching them.  I just get annoyed.  I also think 44 minutes spent on moving one adult into college seems like a waste of time.  They don’t have enough going on.  

So Jonah can’t go away to school, but he wants to?  And Anna has to go and doesn’t want to?  That seems ass backward.  I wonder why they wouldn’t just send Jonah away and keep Anna at home.  Maybe they don’t want to drive her around.  Even if he couldn’t get into any four-year school in the land, he could “go away” to a two year school aka a junior college.  If they don’t provide dorms, there are places students go to live together, or at least that’s what the Netlifx documentary Cheer taught me. 

Wow, so Liz and Brice can’t cuddle on the couch, because it’s not something “mom and dad would do” (why do they insist on talking about themselves in the third person?), but Amber can say Trent’s penis doesn’t go down as far as the one on the apron????  Ay yi yi, total double standard and inappropriate.  I just wanted to go the rest of my life thinking Trent had no sex organs.  

I was glad Anna wasn’t sentimental about leaving.  I think they wanted emotion out of her, and I’m glad they didn’t get it. 

That dorm room was bullshit.  It looked like a jail.  A sink in the bedroom?  That’s about the most ghetto thing I’ve ever seen.  They did do a good job decorating it to look cute, credit where it’s due.  

Season finale?  Good luck to them.  If it doesn’t get cancelled, next season it should probably be a half hour show to keep the audience from getting bored.  


Edited by LibertarianSlut
  • Love 1

Holy fuck, I'm watching the leave for college now, and it's so apparent that the family hates Anna. Can any of them say anything nice about her at all? So far I've gathered she's lazy, stupid, tacky, has no chance at succeeding, and while they can't wait to get rid of her, how dare she not come home every weekend. And I'm only 10 minutes in. 

  • Love 5

I do think Trent actually loves his daughter, but it was so obvious Amber was disappointed Anna didn't melt down and made it thru the first night. Maybe Amber should have read the dorm dimensions instead of focusing on the rules she seemed sure Anna was going to break. Where exactly did she think all that crap she insisted on Anna needing at the store was going to fit? Sure, she needed 3 giant picture frames, but just ignore the fact she took like 4 shirts. 

I liked Anna had no patience for the questions production was asking her. 

  • Love 9

Anna, keep your delightful feistiness and not become another lapdog of Amber.

Trent does love Anna even though he is hesitant to show it because it peeves Amber.

Amber's smothering, controlling, helicoptering is front and center on camera,  the show's editors are using it a a dramatic story line.

Maybe she will see the destructiveness on the psyches of her kids (Jonah's depression) and land the chopper.



  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

Holy fuck, I'm watching the leave for college now, and it's so apparent that the family hates Anna. Can any of them say anything nice about her at all? So far I've gathered she's lazy, stupid, tacky, has no chance at succeeding, and while they can't wait to get rid of her, how dare she not come home every weekend. And I'm only 10 minutes in. 

I felt so badly for her. Amber gets so giddy when she's bashing Amber Anna. She really dislikes her, we all see it no matter how much she denies it on her Instagram. 

Edited by Hero
Wrote the wrong name down
  • Love 3

These parents are crude, ignorant people. I have always thought so. Could never understand when people here in the past,  said what great parents they are. I just never did see it, and can not understand how they were allowed to adopt those three children in the first place. Their sex talk in front of those kids and on national TV  scares me a bit  too.

  • Love 2

Jonah must be too humble to post his stellar grades from the Fall and Winter semesters and doesn't want to steal Anna's thunder...oh wait..he had no qualms throwing her under the bus on camera.

He is not a manual labor type of guy so even if his grades continue to tank, Amber will throw him a lifeline to a raft of excuses for his poor academic performance.

  • Love 1

Anna did great her first weekend, and from what it looks like, her first year. Good for her!  I don’t know how Amber says the things she does about her in National TV.  No matter what happened behind the scenes, she and Trent adopted her and vowed to raise her. It’s shameful to speak about her the way they  (mostly Amber) do.  I don’t know how Anna can watch episodes like this one and not feel bad about the terrible things her family said about her. 

  • Love 12

How sad that Anna knows her parents just want to be rid of her. Amber should read a book or two on parenting and the effect her words and actions have on Anna as an adopted child. She babies Jonah and Alex and praises smug Liz, the golden child who can do no wrong. Emma will probably be treated as badly as Anna as she gets older, louder and more difficult to handle.  I loathe Amber. 

  • Love 7

Everyone has already said this, but I thought I would chime in because I just can’t stand it anymore.  Man, does Anna’s entire family treat her like shit.  And so openly, too!  Amber flat-out said that they aren’t sending the other kids away, but they are sending Anna away and it will be a nice change of pace for everyone.  This tone clearly isn’t just for the show; all of the kids chime in with their parents as well.  I would have been devastated if my family had felt this way about me.  And she’s adopted on top of everything else.  I think she’s handled things about as well as can be expected, considering the fact that her entire life and teenage struggles have been presented as fodder for public opinion and entertainment.  She handled the goodbye well, too.  I would have been like “deuces.” ✌️

I hope Anna builds herself a fun, fulfilling young adult life far away from her toxic mother and clueless father.  These people are just not nice.  Poor kid.

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
  • Love 17
3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I don’t follow them on social media, but is Amber aware of the criticism about her obvious bias against Anna on the show?  I would think it would be a huge issue in the family and that all their friends and family would be concerned and asking them about it.   

I follow them on Instagram and they have a few comments about how Amber is terrible to Anna. Amber replies that the viewers only see an edited version of their lives. But, Amber has said many times that what we see is their real life. So, she can't use that bullshit editing excuse. 

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8 hours ago, Hero said:

I follow them on Instagram and they have a few comments about how Amber is terrible to Anna. Amber replies that the viewers only see an edited version of their lives. But, Amber has said many times that what we see is their real life. So, she can't use that bullshit editing excuse. 

Adam Busby plays the "our family's interactions are edited" card, too. My question is how many times would it take for your family's interactions, your poor parenting moments (we all have them), and children's misbehavior to be shown to the world via editing before you pulled the plug? How much money makes it worth showing your kids' worst moments or your family seeming to favor 1 child over the others to the world in perpetuity?  

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On 5/28/2020 at 6:43 PM, humbleopinion said:

Also notable...Anna’s College shopping was at a Tuesday Morning which are all to be liquidated because of Covid bankruptcy.

This news just got my morning off to a shitty start, I love Tuesday Morning....

I personally think Trent favors Anna and you can see the jealousy in Amber. I think when Trent was younger he probably got into trouble like her. From their cryptic messages, what exactly did Anna do other than graffiti a wall, which of course is wrong but they act like she robbed a Chick-Fil-A at gunpoint and stole moms minivan.

Edited by Mahamid Frauded Me
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I did watch the episode from last night and was very troubled by it.  It seems the parents think it's their job to constantly remind Anna and everyone else of her past issues and mistakes.  If Anna has preferences, just accept them.  Why does it have to be a character flaw to not like certain things the way you do?  She's so grim with anything about Anna.  But, the most disturbing thing was how she teared up and acted all emotional because WHAT IF ANNA DOESN'T MAKE IT? Yeah, mother, that's a great way to instill confidence in your college freshman daughter.   She was so touched by her OWN hard work in getting Anna to where she is!  Take all the credit lady.  You look like a heartless POS.  She needs to have her head examined, because, I don't think she has a heart. To publicly divulge your child's condition when she came to America and then BRAG on your own work in how you got her this far!  Disgusting behavior, imo.   I'm pretty sure that I have never been this demonstrative about any reality cast member that I have ever posted about here. But, I had to voice my concern and horror of this woman and dad is not much better to condone it.   At this point, I'm not sure that counseling could help Amber.  There is obviously something systemic with her.  (I'm saying this, acknowledging that some parents do experience extreme stress in parenting children who may have issues with bonding, self control, discipline, etc., but, with this family.......I NOW wonder if Amber was the root problem.) 

Many prayers for Anna and I hope she is able to make it in life.  I'm amazed she's doing so well.  

  • Useful 1
  • Love 15

 My opinion...my humble opinion...

Watched the Dr. Galen episode where Amber flat out blames Anna for causing their marital problems.

Amber can't ever walk that ugliness back.

Yes, Anna did vandalism and she lied about breaking a rule at convention.

Anna accepted the punishment, changed schools and a 6 month ban from driving herself to and from school alone... these infractions are thrown in her face by Amber and on camera every chance possible.

Anna holds her emotions in which infuriates and angers Amber.

Good on Anna for not pandering and sucking up to Amber because she will never ever be in Amber's good graces.

Anna is a tough cookie unlike the rest of the kids because she accepts that her mother openly dislikes her, while her siblings go along with Amber, who welds the financial and emotional power in the family.

Amber's pettiness and jealousy of Trent's parental protectiveness of Anna is the root of Amber's dislike of Anna.

My theory:

Amber's biological father's rejection of Amber fuels her rejection of Anna.

Amber wants to hurt Anna like her bio father's indifference hurts her.

It doesn't help that Anna is young, personable, fit, and doesn't give 2 sh*ts....

That said...Anna, Emma, Brice, Lucca and even Alex(when he is not whining)...all non blood Johnstons are fun to watch.


  • Love 8
51 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

 My opinion...my humble opinion...

Watched the Dr. Galen episode where Amber flat out blames Anna for causing their marital problems.

Amber can't ever walk that ugliness back.

Yes, Anna did vandalism and she lied about breaking a rule at convention.

Anna accepted the punishment, changed schools and a 6 month ban from driving herself to and from school alone... these infractions are thrown in her face by Amber and on camera every chance possible.

Anna holds her emotions in which infuriates and angers Amber.

Good on Anna for not pandering and sucking up to Amber because she will never ever be in Amber's good graces.

Anna is a tough cookie unlike the rest of the kids because she accepts that her mother openly dislikes her, while her siblings go along with Amber, who welds the financial and emotional power in the family.

Amber's pettiness and jealousy of Trent's parental protectiveness of Anna is the root of Amber's dislike of Anna.

My theory:

Amber's biological father's rejection of Amber fuels her rejection of Anna.

Amber wants to hurt Anna like her bio father's indifference hurts her.

It doesn't help that Anna is young, personable, fit, and doesn't give 2 sh*ts....

That said...Anna, Emma, Brice, Lucca and even Alex(when he is not whining)...all non blood Johnstons are fun to watch.


I've said many times the rejection she experienced has been a big issue with the way she treats the "adopted" kids. She should have never been let to adopt kids, & to think they have had speaking engagements on adoption. 

  • Love 1

Why do all the other women in the family have to turn their noses up at what Anna chooses to decorate HER dorm room?  If it turns out to be a mistake, then she is the only one who has to live with it.  That's how people learn.

I hope that when Anna gets married some day, she elopes.  If not, there is no way Amber will let her have the wedding she wants, and there are bound to be lots of toasts bringing up every single mistake she ever made.  

  • Love 11
27 minutes ago, camom said:

Why do all the other women in the family have to turn their noses up at what Anna chooses to decorate HER dorm room?  If it turns out to be a mistake, then she is the only one who has to live with it.  That's how people learn.

I hope that when Anna gets married some day, she elopes.  If not, there is no way Amber will let her have the wedding she wants, and there are bound to be lots of toasts bringing up every single mistake she ever made.  

It's really obvious what a control freak Amber is.  And, it's scary the way she seems to delight that a child might suffer due to making the wrong choice.  You know the saying You made your bed, now lie in it....it seems she wants to make it a bed of nails or something.  I'm not sure where this cruelty comes from.  She seems to seethe with vindictiveness.  It hurts my heart to see it. 

  • Love 10

At the end of the episode while facetiming with Anna, Amber asked her what she did the night before. Anna said she was bored and went to sleep. I hope Anna really went to a party and had the time of her life.


16 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Can't believe it took me this long to notice that Emma is a little snot.  

She sure is!


Edited by druzy
  • Love 5
15 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Everyone has already said this, but I thought I would chime in because I just can’t stand it anymore.  Man, does Anna’s entire family treat her like shit.  And so openly, too!  Amber flat-out said that they aren’t sending the other kids away, but they are sending Anna away and it will be a nice change of pace for everyone.  This tone clearly isn’t just for the show; all of the kids chime in with their parents as well.  I would have been devastated if my family had felt this way about me.  And she’s adopted on top of everything else.  I think she’s handled things about as well as can be expected, considering the fact that her entire life and teenage struggles have been presented as fodder for public opinion and entertainment.  She handled the goodbye well, too.  I would have been like “deuces.” ✌️

I hope Anna builds herself a fun, fulfilling young adult life far away from her toxic mother and clueless father.  These people are just not nice.  Poor kid.

Even Emma, who is supposedly close to Anna, is a little asshole. She sucks up to the golden girl. 

4 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

This news just got my morning off to a shitty start, I love Tuesday Morning....

I personally think Trent favors Anna and you can see the jealousy in Amber. I think when Trent was younger he probably got into trouble like her. From their cryptic messages, what exactly did Anna do other than graffiti a wall, which of course is wrong but they act like she robbed a Chic-Fil-A at gunpoint and stole moms minivan.

Don’t forget the unforgivable crime of entering a fellow little person’s hotel room at the age of 17/18. Meanwhile, one year later, all the kids are given free rein. Fourteen year old Emma is allowed to run wild with a horny little teenager who can’t keep his hands off of her, and proclaims his love frequently. 

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, camom said:

Why do all the other women in the family have to turn their noses up at what Anna chooses to decorate HER dorm room?  If it turns out to be a mistake, then she is the only one who has to live with it.  That's how people learn.

Not only that, it looked great! I liked her blue color scheme. I thought it was pretty sophisticated and nicely done for dorm decor (that isn't all Instagram overdone with white string lights, excessive word art, throw pillows and succulents 🙂 ).  

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I did watch the episode from last night and was very troubled by it.  It seems the parents think it's their job to constantly remind Anna and everyone else of her past issues and mistakes.  If Anna has preferences, just accept them.  Why does it have to be a character flaw to not like certain things the way you do?  She's so grim with anything about Anna.  But, the most disturbing thing was how she teared up and acted all emotional because WHAT IF ANNA DOESN'T MAKE IT? Yeah, mother, that's a great way to instill confidence in your college freshman daughter.   She was so touched by her OWN hard work in getting Anna to where she is!  Take all the credit lady.  You look like a heartless POS.  She needs to have her head examined, because, I don't think she has a heart. To publicly divulge your child's condition when she came to America and then BRAG on your own work in how you got her this far!  Disgusting behavior, imo.   I'm pretty sure that I have never been this demonstrative about any reality cast member that I have ever posted about here. But, I had to voice my concern and horror of this woman and dad is not much better to condone it.   At this point, I'm not sure that counseling could help Amber.  There is obviously something systemic with her.  (I'm saying this, acknowledging that some parents do experience extreme stress in parenting children who may have issues with bonding, self control, discipline, etc., but, with this family.......I NOW wonder if Amber was the root problem.) 

Many prayers for Anna and I hope she is able to make it in life.  I'm amazed she's doing so well.  

Very well said.

  • Love 1

I liked the decor that Anna picked too. Very nice indeed. I thought the dorm room was too small. Shame on the school for that. I’ve seen my share of dorm rooms, though I lived in one for only a year. I don’t recall any that small for two people. It was quite an ordeal for me and my room was considerably larger than Anna’s. It was a valuable experience, though, as it taught me much about people, life and compromise.  I’ve always said that everyone needs to live in a dorm for at least one year, but, not if their room is that small. Lol 

  • Love 2
On 5/28/2020 at 12:37 AM, humbleopinion said:

Emma showed more emotion about a page torn out of her spiral notebook than the crappy way her family treats Anna.

Imagine if Anna did that? I can't because she isn't a spoiled brat like Emma. Trent seemed kind of scared of Emma's reaction. They need to stop that behavior now or they will regret the monster she turns into. Also, her reaction to Anna when they picked her and Alex up from school (last episode?) was disgusting. 

  • Love 4

I didn’t get why Emma got so upset about the page out of her pad, but, some children are sensitive like that. I might explore what’s going on. Is she on the spectrum? Sometimes, when that’s the case, there is a very strong reaction to minor upsets, someone touching their belongings, etc.  The disrespectful insults need to stop though. Too much of that from her. When parents aren’t fair and impartial, it’s just not right. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 3

Tallying poop visits and claiming ownership to farts, the Johnston announce both to get sure fire chuckles from the group...unfortunately, insulting Anna is also a guaranteed laugh at her expense and a bullying tactic used by her parents and siblings to amuse the group.

Yes, the audience see snippets and edited slices of life that the Johnstons get well paid for to entertain but to spotlight how they gang up on Anna is depressing.

The hurt look that washes over Anna's face and the glee on Amber's when she gets to trot out Anna's past sins and poor judgement...once again for the camera

We see you Amber...and hiding behind her...Trent.





  • Love 11

I recorded the last two episodes of the season, and just finished watching episode 9.

The way Amber ignores and invalidates her children's feelings is going to backfire eventually. It makes me incredibly angry. She's training them to substitute her feelings for their own, leaving them vulnerable to being manipulated and controlled by others as adults.

Specifically, when Amber is speaking to one of her children (or speaking to someone else about one of her children) and uses the pronoun "we" when it's obvious the "we" isn't her and Trent, but her and the child she's talking to or about.

For example, in episode 9, when Amber is talking to Emma:

Emma: So Lucca was wondering when we're going to see each other.

Amber: I think we're okay probably waiting until next summer to see him.

You need to spend more time studying, working harder. That means we're going to have less time to do what?

Emma: FaceTiming?

Amber: But it's not just FaceTiming. That phone does a whole lot. And it's a whole lot of distraction, right?

So whether it's FaceTiming Lucca or your other friends, or whether it's texting or watching videos, whatever it is we're gonna have to spend less time doing it because we really got to put the pedal to the metal.

And really, we just saw Lucca for like a whole week. And, you know, we're not dating or anything; we're just friends.

So if, IF you guys were to start dating when you're 16, then it may be more - it may be justifiable - to see him.

Amber TH: Emma and Lucca are friends, and that's kinda what I reminded her. Is like you're friends, we just spent a whole week with him. It's not necessary, to be honest. It really isn't. And we have so much going on that, yeah we can wait til next year.


Emma was 14 at the time this conversation took place (she'll turn 15 this July). A 14 year old should be well on their way to being able to prioritize their school, home, and social responsibilities - and budget their time to get everything done. But that doesn't happen with parents who've always micromanaged their children and told them when to do things.

Amber should have suggested Emma make a schedule of both her school and home responsibilities, with a realistic estimate of time needed to satisfactorily complete each activity/responsibility. In that schedule, she should included time for fun stuff; FaceTiming with Lucca and other friends, other social media/online activities, doing things with her friends in person, etc..

Instead of immediately putting the kibosh on getting together with Lucca, why didn't Amber ask Emma what Lucca had in mind? Perhaps Lucca's parents offered to buy a ticket for Lucca to fly out to see Emma for a few days between Christmas and New Year's, or over Winter or Spring break. 

Why wouldn't that be okay? If they're "just friends" as Amber insists they are, then if Emma had befriended another girl at the conference, would Amber have said no to a visit with her, too? 

I doubt it.

Can't have it both ways, Amber. 

Amber could tie a visit with Lucca to Emma maintaining a certain (reasonable!) G.P.A. during the fall semester, or something else that would demonstrate maturity, such as completing all her assigned chores/homework, without needing to be reminded, for the next three months.

But no. 

Amber and Trent can't loosen the reins at all and insist on continuing to micromanage every aspect of their kid's lives; telling them what to do, when and how to do it, what to think, and how they feel. 

ETA: I recalled, after I posted this, school break schedules (K-12) are different, depending upon the area of the country in which one lives.

In New England, students have a week off the third week of February (Winter break) and a week off the third week of April (Spring break). 

I lived in North Texas for 20 years, and IIRC, students there had one week long break during the Spring semester; the second (or maybe third?) week of March. That was Spring break.

I don't have any idea what the school break schedule is in Georgia (Emma) or California (Lucca) or whether those break schedules would coincide.

Edited by TwirlyGirly
Clarified comments about school breaks
  • Love 9

Amber is one sour controlling individual. 

Someone asked Amber why are the comments on Anna's picture turned off and she said "she may get sick and tired of viewers bashing her family"

Anna does have her own Instagram but the person was talking about the picture Amber posted of Anna on her (Amber's) page.


Edited by druzy
  • Love 1
On 6/9/2020 at 11:01 AM, TwirlyGirly said:

I recorded the last two episodes of the season, and just finished watching episode 9.

The way Amber ignores and invalidates her children's feelings is going to backfire eventually. It makes me incredibly angry. She's training them to substitute her feelings for their own, leaving them vulnerable to being manipulated and controlled by others as adults.

Specifically, when Amber is speaking to one of her children (or speaking to someone else about one of her children) and uses the pronoun "we" when it's obvious the "we" isn't her and Trent, but her and the child she's talking to or about.

For example, in episode 9, when Amber is talking to Emma:

Emma: So Lucca was wondering when we're going to see each other.

Amber: I think we're okay probably waiting until next summer to see him.

You need to spend more time studying, working harder. That means we're going to have less time to do what?

Emma: FaceTiming?

Amber: But it's not just FaceTiming. That phone does a whole lot. And it's a whole lot of distraction, right?

So whether it's FaceTiming Lucca or your other friends, or whether it's texting or watching videos, whatever it is we're gonna have to spend less time doing it because we really got to put the pedal to the metal.

And really, we just saw Lucca for like a whole week. And, you know, we're not dating or anything; we're just friends.

So if, IF you guys were to start dating when you're 16, then it may be more - it may be justifiable - to see him.

Amber TH: Emma and Lucca are friends, and that's kinda what I reminded her. Is like you're friends, we just spent a whole week with him. It's not necessary, to be honest. It really isn't. And we have so much going on that, yeah we can wait til next year.


Emma was 14 at the time this conversation took place (she'll turn 15 this July). A 14 year old should be well on their way to being able to prioritize their school, home, and social responsibilities - and budget their time to get everything done. But that doesn't happen with parents who've always micromanaged their children and told them when to do things.

Amber should have suggested Emma make a schedule of both her school and home responsibilities, with a realistic estimate of time needed to satisfactorily complete each activity/responsibility. In that schedule, she should included time for fun stuff; FaceTiming with Lucca and other friends, other social media/online activities, doing things with her friends in person, etc..

Instead of immediately putting the kibosh on getting together with Lucca, why didn't Amber ask Emma what Lucca had in mind? Perhaps Lucca's parents offered to buy a ticket for Lucca to fly out to see Emma for a few days between Christmas and New Year's, or over Winter or Spring break. 

Why wouldn't that be okay? If they're "just friends" as Amber insists they are, then if Emma had befriended another girl at the conference, would Amber have said no to a visit with her, too? 

I doubt it.

Can't have it both ways, Amber. 

Amber could tie a visit with Lucca to Emma maintaining a certain (reasonable!) G.P.A. during the fall semester, or something else that would demonstrate maturity, such as completing all her assigned chores/homework, without needing to be reminded, for the next three months.

But no. 

Amber and Trent can't loosen the reins at all and insist on continuing to micromanage every aspect of their kid's lives; telling them what to do, when and how to do it, what to think, and how they feel. 

ETA: I recalled, after I posted this, school break schedules (K-12) are different, depending upon the area of the country in which one lives.

In New England, students have a week off the third week of February (Winter break) and a week off the third week of April (Spring break). 

I lived in North Texas for 20 years, and IIRC, students there had one week long break during the Spring semester; the second (or maybe third?) week of March. That was Spring break.

I don't have any idea what the school break schedule is in Georgia (Emma) or California (Lucca) or whether those break schedules would coincide.

I 1000% agree with all of this, but since I'm literally right now going thru the family Insta, apparently "we" decided to fly Lucca out to Georgia in January. It looks like Amber went and picked him up from the airport and then went and picked up Emma and the youngest brother early from school, Lucca was hiding in the back seat. She hash tagged it #happybirthdaylucca. 

When  watched the conversation play out, all I could think was she needed to loosen the reigns or Emma was going to rebel and find all sorts of trouble to get into. She's a very cute girl, a cheerleader, doesn't seem like a total dork. She's also got a very controlling mother, so she's pretty much the poster child for learning how to sneak around at the first chance. All it will take is getting to high school and making a savvy friend or two. She could make Amber weep in a hot second and she's got the attitude that tells me she won't really care mom's pissed. And if Amber thought Anna was so difficult and so much trouble, she won't know what hits her if Emma really wants to go rogue. 

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