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7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion

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Watching old episodes (Too much inside time, my bingeing selections are getting thin) and it is amazing how a light switch was flipped the summer Emma turned 10 years old.

Before then she was a silent, blinking shadow hiding behind a sibling or parent.

Between the swimming lessons, cheer camp and her skate party you see how she became more confident in herself.

Know why I stopped watching the show on its first TV run...Alex's whining is unbearable....the sound editor must have juiced it up a few pitches to be head splitting...oy vey!

Edited by humbleopinion
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On 5/15/2020 at 9:40 PM, readheaded said:

The Johnston kids aren't perfect by any means, but they are pretty good kids finding their way.  

On 5/15/2020 at 9:40 PM, readheaded said:

The Johnston kids aren't perfect by any means, but they are pretty good kids finding their way.  

Jonah definitely needs to get some help with this math, but all isn't lost.  My own son just finished his sophomore year and a subset of his friends had a hard time their freshman year and had to come home to learn how to regulate themselves because they just weren't ready to be on their own at college.  I don't think it's something parents should tolerate, but at the same time, it doesn't have to be the end of the world or the end of college.  But, if Jonah's figured out that college isn't for him, then he needs to come up with another plan for earning a viable living.  Sometimes, kids that age get in over their heads, can't admit it, and then can't find a way to recover.  

Anna might need to go away to college.  We insisted that my oldest son live away because otherwise, he would have stayed in his room for all 4 years.  He was a great student, but definitely needed to practice his social skills. At first, he wasn't happy about it, but once he graduated, he thanked us for pushing him because he was much more confident than when he started college.

Anyway, whatever Trent and Amber's parental failings, I think they love their kids and that their kids will be fine.  We all have our blind spots as parents and as people.


On 5/15/2020 at 9:40 PM, readheaded said:

The Johnston kids aren't perfect by any means, but they are pretty good kids finding their way.  

Jonah definitely needs to get some help with this math, but all isn't lost.  My own son just finished his sophomore year and a subset of his friends had a hard time their freshman year and had to come home to learn how to regulate themselves because they just weren't ready to be on their own at college.  I don't think it's something parents should tolerate, but at the same time, it doesn't have to be the end of the world or the end of college.  But, if Jonah's figured out that college isn't for him, then he needs to come up with another plan for earning a viable living.  Sometimes, kids that age get in over their heads, can't admit it, and then can't find a way to recover.  

Anna might need to go away to college.  We insisted that my oldest son live away because otherwise, he would have stayed in his room for all 4 years.  He was a great student, but definitely needed to practice his social skills. At first, he wasn't happy about it, but once he graduated, he thanked us for pushing him because he was much more confident than when he started college.

Anyway, whatever Trent and Amber's parental failings, I think they love their kids and that their kids will be fine.  We all have our blind spots as parents and as people.

Jonah definitely needs to get some help with this math, but all isn't lost.  My own son just finished his sophomore year and a subset of his friends had a hard time their freshman year and had to come home to learn how to regulate themselves because they just weren't ready to be on their own at college.  I don't think it's something parents should tolerate, but at the same time, it doesn't have to be the end of the world or the end of college.  But, if Jonah's figured out that college isn't for him, then he needs to come up with another plan for earning a viable living.  Sometimes, kids that age get in over their heads, can't admit it, and then can't find a way to recover.  

Anna might need to go away to college.  We insisted that my oldest son live away because otherwise, he would have stayed in his room for all 4 years.  He was a great student, but definitely needed to practice his social skills. At first, he wasn't happy about it, but once he graduated, he thanked us for pushing him because he was much more confident than when he started college.

Anyway, whatever Trent and Amber's parental failings, I think they love their kids and that their kids will be fine.  We all have our blind spots as parents and as people.


  • Love 1

I can’t believe Amber is trying to justify what she’s doing to Anna.  She’s sending her away to get rid of a problem.   It’s so obvious Amber doesn’t like her.  She treats her totally different then any of the other kids, especially the two she had.  Trent and Amber say we only see a little bit of what goes on, and of course that’s true.  But the resentment and dislike she shows towards Anna  is very apparent.  I hope Anna does well in school and finds a ‘family’ there.    One that really  cares about her.   

  • Love 12

Anna crying and lamenting that clearly they want to get rid of her, broke my heart. Amber seems to have it out for her.  She had no qualms telling the world that she is a liar and not to be trusted.  What kind of parent does that?  In the meantime, Jonah has zero respect for his parents; and yet, they make excuses for him. The physiotherapist was right on point.  They are shipping her away.  They just want to get rid of her.  They know it and Anna knows it.

  • Love 13

That physiotherapist didn’t give her good advice, just platitudes.  She’s being sent away because she misbehaved a year ago and dared to go against Amber.  I don’t think Amber liked her much before that, but for sure didn’t afterwards.   Everyone knows what Ambers doing and why, especially poor Anna.  

  • Love 9

Wow - what to say about Anna...At first I didn't know if the issue was:

                       (1)  going to college   

                        (2) going to that college 

                        (3) both 1 & 2

I noticed her face lit up when she walked into the early classroom set-up to pick her class schedule. She actually smiled. So - she seem happy about going into the program/major.

On the 1st point - well after one graduates 12th grade ... though it may be scary - it is time to make a life move..I wish the HS counselor was involved in tonight's therapist meeting, prior to leaving 12 grade. Teachers-to-be do attend a  college/university.

On the 2nd point - Somewhere along the line - like in 9th or 10th grade, I hope Trent and Amber,calmly explained what they could and could not afford, as far as college. They will have  3 kids in college with 2 more on-deck to go. And growing up and looking around, the kids should know they are not sitting in a pool of wealth. Some parents who work at colleges have the benefit (after many years of employment) of children attending there and/or partnering college, which might explain some things too.

Anna said she wouldn't have picked "this" college - so what I want to know (a) what would she have picked and (b) what did she do in HS to assist in getting finances/academics better prepared for another college. I do wonder did she qualify for the HOPE scholarship - which would have paid for tuition at any GA college, all 4 yrs.

If Anna wanted to go somewhere else - did she say something? Is Trent/Amber ok with her taking loans? While it is admirable to pay 100% of your child's college, if the parent can't (or won't), then they can't.

BTW: distance can't be the issue. Within a 2.5-3 hr drive radius of metro Atlanta, there are a plethora of colleges/universities.

I've seen a few unhappy kid-adults where the parents picked the college (sometimes as early as birth) .  Sometimes it worked out and sometimes, it didn't.  Roll the dice and pick your battles.

Anna's college choices has nothing to do with Jonah. Anna's college choices also shouldn't be a consequence of what she did disobedient wise in HS, unless they effected her transcript, or if now she has a criminal record (don't know if she was charged with the spray paint incident). Yeah - if she was formally expelled or charged as a juvenile, then yes - her college choices will be limited, probably the 1st year.

I hope the remaining 3 go ahead and pick/plot out their "after the 12 grade" future EARLY, to stop the kid snowballing effect that Trent and Amber seem to do. Poor Alex - he will have to shoulder the burden of the 4 ahead of him do, or don't do.

Edited by sATL
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Anna’s candid TH Is as cut and dry as she is....She would not have chosen to go to the college her parents picked for her. Their way or the highway.

She’s a tough cookie and to see her teary and so resigned cracks my cold dark heart.

Unfortunately, every kid’s college dreams are tainted by Trent’s failed college attempt.
Amber went to college but did she finish with a degree?

  • Love 10
On 5/18/2020 at 5:58 PM, humbleopinion said:

The show hinted to the gallbladder as the source of the intermittent but severe episodes of pain.




Do you think he was diagnosed and isn't admitting it?  When my brother had his attack and arrived at ER in early morning hours, they did test, saw issue, diagnosed and recommended removal within 2 hours.  Surgery was scheduled within 2 weeks, it was removed, he's healed and no more pain.  It's sort of a common thing. 

  • Love 1

No matter what Amber and Trent think their intentions are, the fact that Anna feels she is being sent away to school because her parents want to get rid of her is what really matters.  They say they want her to go away so she'll need to live in the adult world and make good decisions.  However, they treated her like a kindergartner by not giving her ANY choice in the college she attended.  Surely there were other options.  Let her tour them, talk about them, and make a decision.  

I actually agree with Trent and Amber about Elizabeth's PDA with her boyfriend, but I think it would have made more sense for Amber to talk to her about it instead of Trent.  Brice seems like a nice guy.

Aren't these teenagers a little old for all the bathroom talk?

Edited by camom
  • Love 8
58 minutes ago, camom said:

 not giving her ANY choice in the college she attended.  Surely there were other options.  Let her tour them, talk about them, and make a decision.  

  Brice seems like a nice guy.

Aren't these teenagers a little old for all the bathroom talk?

Grasping at straws, maybe there is a family agreement that the kids attend 2 years at a local community college getting the prerequisites for their intended major, applying and attending the last 2 years of school at a 4 year degree university, graduating with a BA or BS degree from that institute of higher learning.

That is a common budget friendly option for families with multiple children attending college.

Anna's fears were real and she needed to go back to Dr. Gallen without her parents talking for her and the cameras in her face.

Brice is a respectful man...  he's a walking no drama zone.

The Johnstons use potty talk as a tried and true topic to fall back on for a cheap laugh and to cut the tension.

The new episode is up if your cable provider or satellite allows access.

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FYI - The GA Hope Scholarship pays at a 2yr and/or 4yr school. It is funded via lottery. 


One does fill out the federal aid forms, but the award amount is NOT based on income. It based upon which GA school the student is attending & credit hours ( link ).

Yes, renewable and yes-there are conditions, post HS.


Edited by sATL
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3 hours ago, camom said:

No matter what Amber and Trent think their intentions are, the fact that Anna feels she is being sent away to school because her parents want to get rid of her is what really matters.  They say they want her to go away so she'll need to live in the adult world and make good decisions.  However, they treated her like a kindergartner by not giving her ANY choice in the college she attended.  Surely there were other options.  Let her tour them, talk about them, and make a decision.  

That is true - making the choice for Anna is not treating her like an adult, as it affects her adult future. It just creates more tension and resentment. 

  • Love 5

In the next episode, Amber and Trent have a talk with Jonah about his grades and what he plans to do if he fails out of school. Jonah says that he's not going to fail. The next day Trent and Amber feel bad. Trent takes Jonah for a walk to assure him that he believes in him. I was wondering why Amber or Trent didn't take Anna for a walk when she wasn't looking forward to college. I think I got my answer. During the walk Trent told Jonah he believes in him because he has his blood.

I know it's just an expression but maybe that's what they believe. 

Edited by druzy
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I weep for the English language when people say “ex-cape,” as in “ex-cape room.”  The only offenders I caught were Amber and Anna, but that’s still 2/7.  How does anyone get out of the second or third grade without knowing how to pronounce “escape”?  It seems like parents who are going to preach about everything should have a working knowledge of the English language.

These parents are such killjoys.  I used to hate going back to school.  I’d get the worst feeling in my stomach.  The worst thing the parents can do is take them out to dinner only to scold them about how much harder life is going to get, how much worse things are going to be.  The kids already know, trust and believe!

Everything is a lecture with these parents.  Emma has a really healthy relationship with Lucca, so what does it matter if she FaceTimes with him?  Just let the kid breathe, make sure she’s getting her schoolwork done, and leave her alone.  There’s not that much homework in eighth grade.  I kind of think homework is bullshit anyway.  Six hours a day of school is more than enough for middle schoolers.  

Is there a reason Anna had to go away to school but Jonah didn’t?  Because I do think kids are different, even if they’re from the same family, so one might need to go away and one might be allowed to stay home, but...Jonah can drive and Anna can’t, right?  And Anna has gotten into some trouble.  So, wouldn’t it make sense for them to send Jonah away and keep Anna close to home?  

I think they should both go away.  And I think if Jonah fails out again, he should be on his own.  But I don’t really understand why Jonah stays and Anna goes.  Even if the prevailing theory is that the parents favor Jonah, certainly they can’t say that out loud?  So, did Trent and Amber ever state a reason, or is it just left up to the viewers’’ imaginations?  I would think they would come up with some CYA reason.  

Trent struggled in high school?  Well, I’ll be damned!  I wouldn’t have guessed, given his superior command of the English language.  Guy’s got marbles in his mouth.  

I hate the fact that ‘history’ is called ‘social studies’ now.  Just a pet peeve of mine.

Alex did an “outstanding” job as FDR??  He didn’t even know the guy was in a wheelchair.  I think Alex and Emma would have done a good job if they would have been able to articulate anything without reading the note cards verbatim.  

I’m not sure what was good or outstanding about either of their performances.  And I am not saying that as a 30-something year old with a degree.  I’m saying it as a former seventh grader whose entire class (all the kids, not just “gifted”) had a similar project.  We each had to pick an animal, research it, create visual aids, and speak to the class at length about how the animal related to the US government.  And we were allowed to have notes, but not to read off of them verbatim.  It took a lot of work.  I chose a person and I had to find metaphors for the digestive system and everything.  I worked really hard.  I got a really good grade, because I demonstrated knowledge and understanding.

I don’t think either of the kids understood very much about either of their subjects.  I mean, if you said “court packing” to Alex, would he have any idea what it meant as it related to FDR?  I highly doubt it.  I feel like education has been watered down to the point of fraudulence.  

I know this was the Very Special Education episode, but it had the opposite effect for me.  I am really unconvinced anyone in that family is getting a good education.  Jonah is taking 18 and a half credits?  Isn’t that a little ambitious for someone who was “dismissed” from his last school?

Annnnnddd Amber ends the episode by saying “extablished.”  Stick a fork in me, I’m done. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Trent works for a local community college and the kids get free tuition.

But will pay out of pocket for Anna’s room and board.

Jonah didn’t get to choose his college either.

Trent works for a four year school - Clayton State. Central Georgia Tech is a two year school. 

EXcape room, EXspecially...*face palm*

"Emma read off of note cards, but, she did well with her speech."

Um, so did Alex.

It sounded like Alex kept saying Delanore, and not Delano, for FDR. lol Like he was thinking of Theodore R, or FDR's wife, Eleanor. 

I would be so annoyed if I had to read a speech over and over. 

On 5/20/2020 at 7:23 PM, PradaKitty said:

I too wondered why Trent and Amber get to pick which college their kids attend. I picked which school I wanted to go to and then discussed it with my parents covering the pros and cons.  So did most of my friends. 

I've seen it both ways actually. Parents been have been picking the school for the last 12 years, so some kiddos are just fine with them picking the next 2-4. One less thing. Depending upon the major/career plan in some cases, at the end of the day, it might not matter where kiddo attends.

I know 2 families/parents who mapped out grad (medical & law) schools.

Not every family is in a position to apply all over the place, not to mention incur app fees, visits, or even juggle admission offers.

Legacy in Education: Location, Location, Location- Granddad went to UGA, Dad (and some of his siblings) went to UGA, met Mom at UGA, so guess where baby is going? Insert UGA for any school, esp the larger 4 yrs and HBCUs. There are tailgates that start at dawn and 75,000+ in the stands on a given fall Saturday for a reason.

Legacy in Profession - Yes, there are some schools and trade schools, that get circled around in the family, due to the professional choices. Dad went to one of the automotive trade schools, so offspring wants to go, to hopefully one day take over the family business. Mom is an engineer who graduated from a top school, so offspring goes to GA Tech. Uncle was a football {insert any sport} star at LSU {insert any sports heavy school}, so nephew goes to LSU.

Finances - Some parents, and I suspect Trent/Amber are in this category, know that cost of attendance is the main driver in college choice, more than the offspring personal preference. So on the side, behind closed doors probably w/o seeking advice on how to consider options, they have narrowed the choices. They don't want to hear about any other school, that didn't make the cut out of their private discussions.  Even though GA tuition is taken are of, the fees, room and board, and transport to/from do vary. No need to apply to school, that they cannot fathom paying for. 

I do find it odd that neither Jonah or Anna, got parked, w/o discussion at Clayton State, where Trent works. Clayton does have dorms and they do have students that commute. Why let all of those years working there earning the benefit, go to waste? And yes, I do know a family-friend whose kids when to where there parents worked - no other schools were considered.  Much honor/respect to the adult supporting staff who cleans dorms, works in the dining hall, building svcs, university svcs, etc - one never knows their full story or family life-financial-college plan.

Anybody catch were Brice is going to college  ?


Edited by sATL
On 5/14/2020 at 9:02 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

 I don’t know what it has to do with being in front of the “little kids” (13 and 14 is not “little kids,” it’s “big kids” and I think it’s bad for them to refer to refer to them as “little kids,”

I grew up in a family of four girls next door to a family of four girls. My sisters and I were 4 years apart, they neighbors were 5 years apart. Until this very day (we are 50 and still BFFs) we still refer to the younger siblings as the little kids. It stuck.


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On 5/19/2020 at 9:28 PM, GladysCravits said:

I can’t believe Amber is trying to justify what she’s doing to Anna.  She’s sending her away to get rid of a problem.   It’s so obvious Amber doesn’t like her.  She treats her totally different then any of the other kids, especially the two she had.  Trent and Amber say we only see a little bit of what goes on, and of course that’s true.  But the resentment and dislike she shows towards Anna  is very apparent.  I hope Anna does well in school and finds a ‘family’ there.    One that really  cares about her.   

Amen!  Amber has this sour look on her face when she is with Anna.  It was particularly evident in that scene where they are walking into the school building, Amber is in front of Anna, she walks through the door first, doesn’t even look behind and barely holds the door open for Anna.  Amber’s face reflects PURE DISTASTE.

Anna had assessed the situation perfectly.  

  • Love 6

I am so happy for Anna. I hope she found a network of people at school who will life her up instead of the negativity she seems to get from her parents. She did so well her first year of college, and Jonah flunked out, but I am sure Trent and Amber will find a way to find fault with Anna. I want to know if Jonah went back to school and if he is now a perfect student since Anna is no longer there to take the blame for his problems. 

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, spacefly said:

'Looks like Anna did well her first year. It's also pretty tough to get good grades at any school if you hate it so she must have found her place.

I don’t know why they used white-out on the name of the college when they clearly showed it when they went for orientation. 🤷‍♀️

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I'm in the UK and I think we're a few days behind you. So I watched TV while having my dinner last night and I caught the RV episode. Their stupid and childish toilet talk quite put me off my food!. Even when they were with the elephant seals, they managed to get "diarrhoea", "poop" and "farting" into the conversation. I've never actually known as family who spend so much of their time discussing, and commenting on, each other's bowel movements. Perhaps they don't have the imagination or intelligence to think of anything else to talk about. It just seems very weird that it takes up so much of their time.

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On 5/18/2020 at 3:58 PM, humbleopinion said:

The show hinted to the gallbladder as the source of the intermittent but severe episodes of pain.




If it was his gall bladder, why wouldn’t they just remove it? 

I can’t help but like Alex. I think he drove me nuts in the earlier seasons, but I think he has a funny sense of humor, and I do think he’s maturing, just slower than the others.

Love his interest in robots/robotics. Is that a form of coding?  Hope that’s something he sticks with. He told us he was very ‘tech-savvy.’ Funny thing for a young kid to say. 

The gall bladder stores bile which helps in digesting fatty foods and by what we see Amber cooking that is the bulk of their diet.

He may have gall stones in the gall bag or bile ducts that can be pulverized without surgery but the chunks have to pass ...think the boulder in the opening of the first Indiana Jones....

  • Love 1

This long weekend I have been watching a marathon of 7 Little Johnstons.  Watching it as a marathon confirms a few things:

1) Every member of the family, except Emma, treats Anna poorly.  And it has become worse over time.  Amber, Jonah and Alex are the worst.  It is no wonder that the poor girl thinks she was sent away for behavior.  Kind of breaks the heart.  There were a few digs in the second and third seasons and by the time you get to the 5th season, she is treated like cousin Oliver--tolerated, just.  They tease her on intelligence, maturity and the fact that she isn't an emotional train wreck like everyone else.  Yes, she wasn't the perfect kid, but I have yet to meet the perfect child.  She does fine.

2) King Alex is a spoiled, lazy baby who will be likely spend his adult life living with his parents.  All that kid does is eat, cry and complain.  If it was just a tween phase, I'd think he would grow out of it, but it has been going on for 7 seasons.

3) Amber is not someone I would want as a friend.

Rant done.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, PDXlulu said:

This long weekend I have been watching a marathon of 7 Little Johnstons.  Watching it as a marathon confirms a few things:

1) Every member of the family, except Emma, treats Anna poorly.  And it has become worse over time.  Amber, Jonah and Alex are the worst.  It is no wonder that the poor girl thinks she was sent away for behavior.  Kind of breaks the heart.  There were a few digs in the second and third seasons and by the time you get to the 5th season, she is treated like cousin Oliver--tolerated, just.  They tease her on intelligence, maturity and the fact that she isn't an emotional train wreck like everyone else.  Yes, she wasn't the perfect kid, but I have yet to meet the perfect child.  She does fine.

2) King Alex is a spoiled, lazy baby who will be likely spend his adult life living with his parents.  All that kid does is eat, cry and complain.  If it was just a tween phase, I'd think he would grow out of it, but it has been going on for 7 seasons.

3) Amber is not someone I would want as a friend.

Rant done.

me either!!!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, PDXlulu said:

1) Every member of the family, except Emma, treats Anna poorly.  And it has become worse over time.  Amber, Jonah and Alex are the worst.

Liz can't be bothered to give 2 f*cks about Anna. Trent does what Amber tells him.

Emma will become the family's target of contempt when Anna is away at school....

  • LOL 1
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On 5/2/2020 at 6:35 AM, TwirlyGirly said:

Clearly I have way too much free time (😉), because look what I found:

"Scapegoat has a fascinating history. Today the word is used to refer to one who is wrongly blamed for something, but it originated with an actual goat.

In the Jewish and Christian Scriptures, God ordained a particular day during which the entire nation of Israel would set aside work, and during which the priests would atone for the sin of the whole nation. Among the rituals prescribed was the scapegoat:

And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for the Lord, and the other lot for the scapegoat. And Aaron shall bring the goat upon which the Lord’s lot fell, and offer him for a sin offering. But the goat, on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat, shall be presented alive before the Lord, to make an atonement with him, and to let him go for a scapegoat into the wilderness. —Leviticus 16:8-10, KJV

The scapegoat carried the sin of the people away with it, thereby cleansing Israel for another year.

The English scapegoat is a compound of the archaic verb scape, which means 'escape,' and goat, and is modeled on a misreading of the Hebrew ʽazāzēl (which is probably the name of a demon) as ʽēz 'ōzēl , 'the goat that departs.' More modern translations render scapegoat in this text as Azazel, but the misreading endured and has entered the lexicon."

History of scapegoat

Now, how many of you knew the Mayflower Compact is the name of the ship Christopher Columbus sailed on his expedition when he "discovered America"?


I learn so much from Trent and Amber!

Thank you for your research!

I don't understand why the producers didn't correct Trent about the Mayflower.

Last, about Alex.  He is constantly trying to get out of doing things (he's scared, he doesn't want to, he's hungry).  Amber always makes excuses for him (if he doesn't play, the teams are even), so I was glad that Trent tried to make him get up and play the game.  Alex is a whiny, crybaby.

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On 5/21/2020 at 5:12 PM, Kid said:

Amen!  Amber has this sour look on her face when she is with Anna.  It was particularly evident in that scene where they are walking into the school building, Amber is in front of Anna, she walks through the door first, doesn’t even look behind and barely holds the door open for Anna.  Amber’s face reflects PURE DISTASTE.

Anna had assessed the situation perfectly.  

Amber almost always has that look on her face.  She looks like she is smelling something nasty.

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Liz wants to be a nurse?? She seemed to loved her art. No mention of which school she will be attending from what I can tell...

let see if she too does the community college route. I went to a university where nursing was a 4 yr pgm (and a quite large one), but seems like now a-days the trend is for people go to a  2yr school.


Edited by sATL
4 hours ago, sATL said:

I went to a university where nursing was a 4 yr pgm (and a quite large one), but seems like now a-days the trend is for people go to a  2yr school.

It's not such a bad idea to do an RN at a 2 year program and then get a job to help pay for the 4 yr BSN. Hospitals can pay a 2 year a bit less so easier to get a job and it's a pretty well paying job for a 2 year degree. Many years ago when my mom went to nursing school it was a 3 year program where you lived at the hospital and had no real breaks, she didn't even get a degree. Her RN designation was like the 2 year programs are today to advance she needed to get her BSN. I hope Liz does well in whichever choice she makes.


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Not sure if its nerves, but Alex could use some speech help. I am glad Anna excelled at her 1st year and seems to really enjoy it, get her away from the negative of Jonah and Amber. Is Trent even working at the college anymore ? Or did their TLC fame and money allow him to quit ? What about Amber's real estate ? I do have to say, that I love their house

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Trent happily carries Amber's purse that has his balls tucked in a coin purse.

Jonah hasn't handed his balls over to mommy yet but if he can't get get his academics back on track then Amber will buy another coin purse for his dignity...

I do appreciate that Trent keeps his regular job because the teevee gig could disappear at anytime.

The medical  insurance coverage for the whole family that his job provides is incentive enough since they like Dr. Fletcher who takes care of their LP surgeries in Atlanta.



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2 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Is Trent even working at the college anymore ? Or did their TLC fame and money allow him to quit ? What about Amber's real estate ? I do have to say, that I love their house

Trent is still present on Clayton State's website.

It doesn't seem like Amber is working.

I love their house, too. 

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The season finale is available to watch.

Does anyone in this family have anything nice to say about Anna?? "She has no taste, we're relieved she's leaving because it could help mend relationships in the house, a few months ago she was crying about college," etc.

Jonah and Anna are close? Since when? I don't think Elizabeth likes her at all. She's so smug. 

You can tell by those goodbye hugs that Anna is not close with her mom. Sad. It's all about how it's been challenging and hard to parent her. She gets no credit for anything. 

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Amber must have been holding a gun off camera aimed at Jonah and Anna during their awkward “cleaning the slate” talk so they repeat what she told them to say for the camera.

Amber, so eager to get rid of Anna, is taken aback when Anna says she’s not coming home on weekends.

Anna says To Amber.. isn’t the point of me living at school is to be rid of me?
Her answer...Crickets......

And then to mock Anna with Liz and Emma...beyond the pale...so heartless.

WTF, Amber....it is an open secret you want Anna out of your house...so let her stay at school.
Trent dries out pork chops for the Don’t let the Screen Door Hit You in the Ass On Your Way Out, Anna Dinner. 

Amber’s contempt for Anna is thinly veiled so Liz, Jonah follow her lead.

Trent and Emma should be ashamed of their lack of emotional support for Anna, especially Emma who she feels closest.
Anna is a survivor. Hopes she finds her way..


Edited by humbleopinion
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Emma showed more emotion about a page torn out of her spiral notebook than the crappy way her family treats Anna.

Why did T+A have  to spend the night in the college town when they moved Anna in? She has her own car to get a dorm fridge.

Nope, Amber was waiting/hoping for Anna to have an emotional break.

Amber expressing her doubt that Anna was emotionally secure enough to stay on campus through the First weekend so she could gloat and say “I told you so”.

  Amber would love to see Anna stumble and fail once again.

Cheese and Crackers...Anna needs to graduate before that sloth, Jonah, get a job and live away Happily from her tormentors.

Edited by humbleopinion
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