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S05.E15: Try

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As a comic reader, I refrain from posting very often in the spec threads unless it's something I can't guess on, like Daryl or Sasha. I see people post in no spoiler threads and spoilers threads. I couldn't do that! I refrain rather than risk showing my comic hand.

That's the thing; you can look at comics and be able to have no idea what will happen on TV. I don't know all the comic stuff, but I know some like Carol couldn't possibly be doing things more differently (I guess I am grateful for that ).

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Since they are putting up with all this crap from Pete I could burn the whole place down and murder anyone I wanted (with the exception of Pete of course) when they found out I know how to make my own chocolate!


Like most, I've often wondered what skills I would bring to the ZA. Thanks to the Girl Scouts I'm good at building fires and tying knots. I'm also an avid experienced gardener. AND I also know how to make soap. (Not soup, soap. As in something you could wash with.) I think I bring a lot to the post apocalyptic table. That said.....


None of that matters compared to being able to make chocolate. 

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There seems to be a pretty big elephant in the room that no one is discussing. that being how the TV series is a companion piece to written material that has been out there for a while. Many discussions that have been taking place in the episode threads are truly pointless from, the comic book point of view. The comic book thread is not cutting it as an episode discussion point. Is it possible to have a thread for each episode where people in the know can discuss the show and episode in more realistic terms. No need for spoiler tags, just talking about what happen that episode. We can discuss whether the actors pulled it off well compared to the comics or the general structure of the episode.


First of all, the warning that I put in had nothing to do with the comics - it has to do with the repetitive back and forth in-fighting over Jessie (and Rick) in the show only and how she is perceived. The comics are irrelevant to the discussion and should not be referenced here at all, unless briefly and under spoiler tags.


Second of all - I've started a thread for possible suggestions on this. Go here and tell me what you think, want, whatever.

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Wasn't Kevin Costner having some Native American artist come up with gigantic sculptures (or some such) of bison out in one of the Dakotas? The artist got started, then Costner ran out of money (or something).

Oh, well.

That's my sculpture story (and I'm sticking to it).

(Maybe Costner could show up on TWD in a bit part: The Postman!!!!! Hey, we have to get the mail, right?)


I remember reading that Greg Nicotero kept busy making mechanical bison for Kevin Costner during the lean years when zombies were out of style (for dances w/wolves?) good enough link there! :)

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  Hated the Jessie/Pete crap storyline.  Hated Rick basically declaring his intentions to her.  Claimed!  Hated the fight....couldn't help but being horrified that they broke the window,  windows are important in the ZA if for no other reason than there's no glass repair guy to call.   


I didn't understand the fight scene. At the beginning of the episode, we see Jessie sitting on her porch, looking out on the street. Later in the episode, Rick and Pete fight in the house, fall through the window and, unless I had a really long blink, suddenly they're in the road. How did they end up there? Shouldn't they have ended up on the porch? Did they roll around on the porch, down the steps, along the front yard and then stop in the middle of the road?


Why did Deanne take the note but leave the casserole on the porch? 

And why did Carol just leave it on the porch anyway?

Deanne wants a civilized society and that's what people do in a civilized society - take meals to the family in mourning.  


Not gonna lie...if civilization is a TUNA casserole (which I'm sure was on the can Carol used in making it), then civilization can just crawl back into the depths of the ocean from whence it came. Granted, I'd be polite enough to PRETEND to have accepted it (to keep up appearances) but I sure as hell wouldn't eat it. Tuna fucking casserole. *shudder* 


I'm a little bothered by the walker issue. This place is supposedly safe and noise allegedly doesn't travel past the walls, so no walkers get attracted to the seemingly innocuous barrier of a wall. So why is it that all the walkers we see start trying to get into ASZ when they get to the fence? To my recollection, in absence of prey, walkers are pretty docile and whenever they come up against a wall or tree or whatever, they either blindly keep bumping into it or stumble along the obstruction until they're clear of it. Yet, for some reason, these walkers come up against the corrugated metal, they seem to get agitated and work to push through it. Like, WTF? Add to it that if walkers were that attracted to the city and don't just shuffle along, ASZ would be constantly surrounded since they didn't have anyone in the tower to pick them off.


I'm just really confused as to why no one seems to have noticed that walkers suddenly are very populous and agitated in their area. Certainly would make me wonder whether there was some activity in the area riling the walkers up or, God forbid, shepherding them in the direction of ASZ.


I would like to know at whose grave Deanna was standing. Sure wasn't her son since there was no body to bury...


Rick was right to point out that the ASZhats are sitting ducks but between the fistfight with the doctor and his crazy yelling, I think his point got lost in translation.


It was sweet to see Carol shielding Sam from the fight, but I'm surprised she didn't remove him from the scene altogether.


Nothing about Nicholas' story adds up; he was an idiot to even try and lie. Maybe, just maybe, he could have persuaded Glenn to omit from his report the part about how he'd left Aidan to die, had he simply done a mea culpa and admitted to cowardice borne of fear/terror. But instead, he had to try and make himself as the hero and Glenn the villain. He and FPP would get along swimmingly. 


Jessie's "story" bothers me because we've already seen this - and handled about a million times better, IMO - with Carol. I am both impressed and appalled that this show has made me utterly NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK about a domestic abuse victim.


I found it very interesting that Carol said that if the walkers hadn't killed Ed, she'd be dead. When Rick denied that, I couldn't decide whether he meant that he'd have intervened before it got that far or that Carol was stronger than she credited herself with and would have prevailed. So when he later tells Jessie that he wouldn't intervene for any other woman, I.had to conclude that it had been a compliment to Carol. Gotta say, as fucked up as these two are, I do like their friendship.


I'm a little surprised that Daryl and Eric are actually trying to track the "Free Limbs Now!" murderers in their midst. Maybe they might wanna head back to ASZ to ring an alarm bell? What the fuck do they plan on doing if/when they catch up to them?


And Sasha? Honey, I get that you're fucked up but wasting bullets? Not a good idea. Be smarted about killing the walkers. You will likely find it more rewarding too, rather than simply picking them off from a distance. Loved the trio of ladies taking walkers out though. :)

Edited by NoWillToResist
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I'm a little surprised that Daryl and Eric are actually trying to track the "Free Limbs Now!" murderers in their midst. Maybe they might wanna head back to ASZ to ring an alarm bell? What the fuck do they plan on doing if/when they catch up to them?


And Sasha? Honey, I get that you're fucked up but wasting bullets? Not a good idea. Be smarted about killing the walkers. You will likely find it more rewarding too, rather than simply picking them off from a distance. Loved the trio of ladies taking walkers out though. :)


Aaron. I thought they were going to go back, but I may not have been paying attention.


I get the wasting ammo thing, but no one else even seemed to care about all the walkers piling up around Alexandria. She distracts herself by killing them, and she hones her shooting abilities in the process. 


To me wasting ammo was hot-but-assholish-and-now-dead Aiden shooting the same walker over and over for kicks.

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Jessie had no back up.  For all she knew they'd force her back with him since they didn't mind him beating her to begin with.



I don't necessarily believe that "they don't mind." Just because Deanna knows something is/was happening, doesn't mean the whole town got the memo. Plus, Jessie probably made the same denials and excuses about it that she initially made to Rick.

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I know!  When people started suggesting a couple weeks ago that Pete was abusing her I wondered what they all were seeing that I wasn't.  In addition Ron doesn't act like there is anything wrong either.  Would a teenager want his friends hanging around the house where his mom is getting beat up?  That's what makes this storyline so out of left field.  There was no build up of suspicion, just Carol's gut feeling.  

Wasn't he the one in an earlier episode who said he had a pool table at his house, and that his dad was really strict about using it, but he wasn't at home right now so they could play on it? At the time I thought, What a dick, they're probably dying for entertainment and his dad is being all anal about the one pool table. That could have been a hint about something being not quite right there.

Hey, so what does everyone think of this Jessie character? LOL, just kidding.

Edited by TexasChic
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99 dreams I have had

And every one a red balloon

It's all over and I'm standin' pretty

In the dust that was a city

If I could find a souvenir

Just to prove the world was here...

And here it is, a red balloon

I think of you and let it go.

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For those who haven't read the comic, I would definitely recommend checking it out. If only just to see how different some of it all is. You may not like the differences, but its still interesting to see.


As for the red balloon...who knew anvils could float and fly?

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Thanks to the Girl Scouts I'm good at building fires and tying knots.... 


I was disappointed to learn that Girl Scouts did not bake the cookies that they sold door to door....


I would like to know at whose grave Deanna was standing. Sure wasn't her son since there was no body to bury...

It was a marker for Aiden - They buried his CD collection instead.

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Wasn't Kevin Costner having some Native American artist come up with gigantic sculptures (or some such) of bison out in one of the Dakotas? The artist got started, then Costner ran out of money (or something).


Oh, well.


That's my sculpture story (and I'm sticking to it).


(Maybe Costner could show up on TWD in a bit part: The Postman!!!!!  Hey, we have to get the mail, right?)


I think this is the sculpture you're talking about - but as far as I know, Costner doesn't have anything to do with it.

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Well, if Pete has left Jessie unconscious, what's to stop him from killing her one of these days?  And then she would turn.  Maybe that's part of the reason she put a bolt inside her son's closet door.  Has Deanna, the genius at reading people thought of that?

Edited by BetyBee
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I feel like the writers have missed opportunities because they are so focused on having Rick be the only CDB  member that Jesse interacts with.   I feel like that scene when she was talking about Pete getting better in the past and maybe will again would have been better if it had been with her talking to Carol.  How interesting would it have been to watch Carol try and figure out how frank she can be?   Carol trying to figure out how to save Jesse while trying to maintain her "Aww shucks" persona is something I would have enjoyed watching.   Would Carol's belief that Pete must be stopped make her risk herself by being brutally honest with Jesse?  I really think the story would have been served better if Jesse and Carol had had some interaction in the last few episodes.  It seems ridiculous that they've gotten Carol involved with Jesse's story without ever having Carol and Jesse ever have a scene together.  They really need to stop having Jesse only be viewed through the Rick filter.   I get that they want the audience to know he's attracted to her, but they don't have to convey that in a way that restricts who Jesse gets to interact with. 


Has anyone else been reminded of that episode of Family Guy where the apocalypse happens because of y2k and humanity has to start over at an abandoned Twinkie factory?  Peter and the family end up getting exiled because Peter keeps pushing the idea they might need guns while the settlers don't see the need.   Anyway, right after Peter and the family are kicked out Stewie's mutant babies end up killing everyone because they can't defend themselves since they burned all the guns instead of saving them like Peter had insisted.   In the end, getting exiled ended up being a blessing for Peter's family.  Is that what will happen with ASZ?   Will getting exiled end up being a blessing because the Unfair Wolves will show up and destroy the totally unprepared Alexandrians?

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I feel like the writers have missed opportunities because they are so focused on having Rick be the only CDB  member that Jesse interacts with.   I feel like that scene when she was talking about Pete getting better in the past and maybe will again would have been better if it had been with her talking to Carol.  How interesting would it have been to watch Carol try and figure out how frank she can be?   Carol trying to figure out how to save Jesse while trying to maintain her "Aww shucks" persona is something I would have enjoyed watching.   Would Carol's belief that Pete must be stopped make her risk herself by being brutally honest with Jesse?  I really think the story would have been served better if Jesse and Carol had had some interaction in the last few episodes.  It seems ridiculous that they've gotten Carol involved with Jesse's story without ever having Carol and Jesse ever have a scene together.  They really need to stop having Jesse only be viewed through the Rick filter.   I get that they want the audience to know he's attracted to her, but they don't have to convey that in a way that restricts who Jesse gets to interact with. 


Has anyone else been reminded of that episode of Family Guy where the apocalypse happens because of y2k and humanity has to start over at an abandoned Twinkie factory?  Peter and the family end up getting exiled because Peter keeps pushing the idea they might need guns while the settlers don't see the need.   Anyway, right after Peter and the family are kicked out Stewie's mutant babies end up killing everyone because they can't defend themselves since they burned all the guns instead of saving them like Peter had insisted.   In the end, getting exiled ended up being a blessing for Peter's family.  Is that what will happen with ASZ?   Will getting exiled end up being a blessing because the Unfair Wolves will show up and destroy the totally unprepared Alexandrians?

I doubt it. I think if the unfair wolves show up CDB is going to be in the thick of it and Captain Crazy Pants Rick will be front and center.


At least based on past experience. I mean FPP is a whack-a-do and coward and a despicable human being, but there is something to the theory that where CDB goes, trouble follows. That said I hope FPP gets eaten. 

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That said I hope FPP gets eaten. 

When FPP turns, it could trigger a CDB civil war - fighting each other for the right to take him out. Or they could compromise and do it Julius Caesar style...

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So what's the deal with Enid and Carl hiding in the tree trunk from a herd of walkers? One entrance. One EXIT. Carl has to know better. Nothing like acting like an idiot over a female

Just like dear old dad.

This scene bothered me, too--and not only because I find teen romance story lines boring. I guess I had the idea that walkers found people more by smell than sight. This is why covering yourself in dead guts makes you 'invisible' to walkers. How would just hiding in a tree keep you safe, especially with those teenage hormones emanating? Or did I get this whole thing wrong?

And is it coincidence that Enid spelled backwards is dine?

Edited by MargotWendice
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It was mentioned posts and posts ago that the CGI folks missed putting in a section of wall when Sasha is shown shooting the walkers during Rick's/Pete's fight. I just rewatched and the wall is there; it just curves at that point.


Also, there is an actual wall at the film site. :)


I do wonder if that corner/curve might be a weak spot though.

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Novel thought here:

What - if anything - could FPP do to redeem himself at this point?

Open the front doors to let in people who need help, then going outside to barricade them, getting eaten in the process thereby closing the circle?


Like Carol, he's playing a looong con?


Sacrifice himself to save Judith?


Nope, none of those are enough.

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For those patiently awaiting the Reddit caps, if you took French in high school (or are a speaker), you may enjoy these recaps I stumbled upon. With my limited high school French I can generally understand them and find them tres amusing but you can use google translate and the points will come across. She is fairly spot on and uses good screen caps/gifs. Also, the show's heavy anvilism is clearly a global concern. 



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Here are the Nielsen ratings for Season 5, to date:


10-12-14 “No Sanctuary” 17.3 million
10-19-14 “Strangers” 15.143 million
10-26-14 “Four Walls and a Roof” 13.801 million
11-02-14 “Slabtown” 14.518 million
11-09-14 “Self Help” 13.534 million
11-16-14 “Consumed” 14.068 million
11-23-14 “Crossed” 13.329 million
11-30-14 “Coda” 14.807 million
02-08-15 “What Happened and What’s Going On” 15.643 million
02-15-15 “Them” 12.267 million
02-22-15 “The Distance” 13.438 million
03-01-15 “Remember” 14.430 million
03-08-15 “Forget” 14.534 million
03-15-15 “Spend” 13.781 million
03-22-15 “Try” 13.757 million

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Novel thought here:

What - if anything - could FPP do to redeem himself at this point?

I would like to see some sort of circular, elevated track surrounding ASZ. Father PP would be suspended from a wheel going round and round the perimeter. You can do this without power; There is something called a variable resistance cam that was used in olden day rollercoasters. Momentum keeps the car or wheel going around the track using choice spacing of dips and inclines and variable resistance to keep it from slowing and stopping. I am sure Eugene could design it. Abraham could build it.

  • This way...you could safely time going in and out of the gates as the walkers would be chasing Father PP just a fingertip away from their reach.
  • Sasha could cull entire herds when they all gather closely; she could even lead ahead of the flock--like upland bird hunting.
  • Possible to route the track to keep the construction crew unbothered while they work.
  • Kids love it!
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Novel thought here:

What - if anything - could FPP do to redeem himself at this point?

Develop the ability to kill all walkers within a 50-mile radius with his whimpering or agitated ramblings?


Otherwise, I got bupkis.

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Open the front doors to let in people who need help, then going outside to barricade them, getting eaten in the process thereby closing the circle?

Like Carol, he's playing a looong con?

Sacrifice himself to save Judith?

Nope, none of those are enough.

He'd have to die. Awesomely. I mean, he would have to go out in an even better scene than Merle did.

I would like to see some sort of circular, elevated track surrounding ASZ. Father PP would be suspended from a wheel going round and round the perimeter. You can do this without power; There is something called a variable resistance cam that was used in olden day rollercoasters. Momentum keeps the car or wheel going around the track using choice spacing of dips and inclines and variable resistance to keep it from slowing and stopping. I am sure Eugene could design it. Abraham could build it.

  • This way...you could safely time going in and out of the gates as the walkers would be chasing Father PP just a fingertip away from their reach.
  • Sasha could cull entire herds when they all gather closely; she could even lead ahead of the flock--like upland bird hunting.
  • Possible to route the track to keep the construction crew unbothered while they work.
  • Kids love it!

First off - kikismom - like, dayumn. ;)

Secondly - this is kinda what I was getting at with the question. We know Kirkland, for some strange, unfathomable reason, loves Gabriel's ass - but to the rank-and-file viewership, even though FPP has never physically assaulted ANYBODY, he is second only to the Termites - probably - in terms of being most hated by viewers. Realistically, how could this character find redemption? Eugene's redemption was damn difficult, but they managed to pull it off. FPP's redemption is going to be pretty frikkin' near impossible.

Might be best to shuttle this over to FPP's thread.

Edited by Nashville
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he is second only to the Termites - probably - in terms of being most hated by viewers. Realistically, how could this character find redemption?


I think I may hate him more than I did the Termites. He's a weaselly, selfish, underhanded, chickenshit who stabs CDB in the back after he gratefully ate the dogs they killed and accepted them rescuing him.


I would like to see some sort of circular, elevated track surrounding ASZ. Father PP would be suspended from a wheel going round and round the perimeter.


Yes! This is the only way he could be redeemed in my eyes, by actually being useful for once.



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I didn't take the Michonne scenes as just showing her being a badass. I think Michonne has a lot going on in her head and the actress playing her does a phenomenal job communicating that, like the scene in the bedroom with the laundry basket and her staring at it and then going over a pulling her clothes for the day out and tossing them on the bed. And I found it interesting that Rosita came to her about Sasha. I don't think the group sees her as the resident badass, I think they see her as the capable one, the one who keeps her cool, who can be counted on. She'd be the one I'd go to as well.

I guess I didn't explain it well. I wasn't referring to "scenes", just the knock on the head to Rick. And I wasn't referring to how the other characters see Michonne. I was referring to how the writers use her in such instances as the knock on the head as an instant shorthand to the audience of how cool and badass she is and in turn how awesome and badass the show is without having to do any work writing anything.

And it works.

I knew I'd come here and find 100 comments basically saying "I loved Michonne knocking Rick out. So cool! So badass!" And I did. With very few comments as to her motivation, except for the shippers. Because why doesn't matter. It looked cool.

To me it's basically the writers knowing they can use Michonne as a symbol to instantly ramp up the audience. "So cool! That 5-second shot of a shadowed hooded figure with walkers on chains! So badass, Michonne posing with her katana!" They can get the audience excited without having to put any thought or drama into a scene. Just bring out the "Michonne Action Figure Single -Shot Rubber Stamp" and the audience will go wild.

If they go on to explain Michonne's motivation in hitting Rick I'll be very surprised. It took a couple years to explain the walkers on chains. Showing it was enough to instantly get the audience revved up.

And to be clear I love the character and think the actress does an awesome job when she's given something to work with. And even when she's just given "Michonne enters stage left, does something badass. And scene."

Edited by BrokenRemote
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I guess I didn't explain it well. I wasn't referring to "scenes", just the knock on the head to Rick. And I wasn't referring to how the other characters see Michonne. I was referring to how the writers use her in such instances as the knock on the head as an instant shorthand to the audience of how cool and badass she is and in turn how awesome and badass the show is without having to do any work writing anything.

And it works.

I knew I'd come here and find 100 comments basically saying "I loved Michonne knocking Rick out. So cool! So badass!" And I did. With very few comments as to her motivation, except for the shippers. Because why doesn't matter. It looked cool.

To me it's basically the writers knowing they can use Michonne as a symbol to instantly ramp up the audience. "So cool! That 5-second shot of a shadowed hooded figure with walkers on chains! So badass, Michonne posing with her katana!" They can get the audience excited without having to put any thought or drama into a scene. Just bring out the "Michonne Action Figure Single -Shot Rubber Stamp" and the audience will go wild.

If they go on to explain Michonne's motivation in hitting Rick I'll be very surprised. It took a couple years to explain the walkers on chains. Showing it was enough to instantly get the audience revved up.

And to be clear I love the character and think the actress does an awesome job when she's given something to work with. And even when she's just given "Michonne enters stage left, does something badass. And scene."


I don't think they'd have to explain it. Rick was behaving like a lunatic. He was waving a gun in the direction of various people, including complete innocents. There was no reasoning with him.


I don't think the scene was intended to be, "What a badass." I think the scene was supposed to be her trying to maintain order and save Rick from himself. 


If some have said, "What a badass!" I think it's more because of how repulsed some fans have been by Rick's behavior lately, not so much because the scene was designed for a BAMF moment. If anything I think this episode explicitly said, with the flashbacks, Michonne is trying to not just be the BAMF warrior with the sword and the cool kills. She's doing what she feels she has to do.


If they just wanted a badass moment, they could have come up with many other ways (the scenes in the woods, for one), because this one has done little but generate a lot of fan backlash against her and talk of how she does not "know her place." 

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Not gonna lie...if civilization is a TUNA casserole (which I'm sure was on the can Carol used in making it), then civilization can just crawl back into the depths of the ocean from whence it came. Granted, I'd be polite enough to PRETEND to have accepted it (to keep up appearances) but I sure as hell wouldn't eat it. Tuna fucking casserole. *shudder*

:)  I think your reaction is precisely why Carol chose tuna casserole. It fits perfectly with her adopted persona! She remains as bland and unremarkable as she can, all mom pants and flowered sweaters and tuna casseroles sent to the bereaved. Before Carol makes any move in public, she asks herself "What would Mrs. Milquetoast do?" (WWMMD© 2015, Carol Peletier). She didn't give shit one whether Deanna was comforted by the casserole, or even if Deanna got to it before the racoons...as long as it furthers her masquerade in ASZ.

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I also never saw Michone knocking Rick out as being a "badass" moment. It was just her being more rational about things, and cooler heads prevailing. She saw the potential for the situation to escalate, with a horrible ending, and saw the easiest way to end things was to simply knock out Rick.

Edited by AndySmith
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I agree that probably the only negotiating tool that would work on him was a gun butt to the dome.


Rick: Not in a reasoning state of mind:



Hah! Shades of Taxi Driver. You talking to me?!?

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I'm a little bothered by the walker issue. This place is supposedly safe and noise allegedly doesn't travel past the walls, so no walkers get attracted to the seemingly innocuous barrier of a wall. So why is it that all the walkers we see start trying to get into ASZ when they get to the fence? To my recollection, in absence of prey, walkers are pretty docile and whenever they come up against a wall or tree or whatever, they either blindly keep bumping into it or stumble along the obstruction until they're clear of it. Yet, for some reason, these walkers come up against the corrugated metal,


I've seen other people say that the wall keeps the town's noise quieted.  I'm not doubting it may have been said, but I don't remember hearing it. Then again, too many Grand Funk Railroad concerts have pretty much killed my hearing. (What'd you say, you young whipper-snapper?!?)


But even if it was said, who'd believe it?  I've looked at those walls. I see no sound dampening qualities. Sure, it would quiet the sound a little, but not totally. And a gunshot would go right over the walls, as would, I think, loud voices of say, two idiots in a fist-fight in the middle of the street after breaking a glass window.  Not real stealthy.


Anyone want to tell me where I err?

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I've seen other people say that the wall keeps the town's noise quieted.  I'm not doubting it may have been said, but I don't remember hearing it. Then again, too many Grand Funk Railroad concerts have pretty much killed my hearing. (What'd you say, you young whipper-snapper?!?)


But even if it was said, who'd believe it?  I've looked at those walls. I see no sound dampening qualities. Sure, it would quiet the sound a little, but not totally. And a gunshot would go right over the walls, as would, I think, loud voices of say, two idiots in a fist-fight in the middle of the street after breaking a glass window.  Not real stealthy.


Anyone want to tell me where I err?

Aaron made that claim to Rick before they got to Alexandria, concerning Judith being able to play safely. I don't remember his exact wording, but that was the message he was conveying.

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Aaron made that claim to Rick before they got to Alexandria, concerning Judith being able to play safely. I don't remember his exact wording, but that was the message he was conveying.

He said they could "put her" somewhere where no one would hear her cries.  I'm assuming if she was crying in one of those big old houses the walkers from the outside wouldn't be able to hear.

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Aaron made that claim to Rick before they got to Alexandria, concerning Judith being able to play safely. I don't remember his exact wording, but that was the message he was conveying.

I am starting to remember that. (It takes awhile for my brain to wake up.) Still does anyone believe it? Hell, rolling that gate back and forth has to make some noise. Then you have cars coming and going. Daryl's chopper. And Rick and Pete acting like 3rd graders.  Lots of noise.  That wall can't be keeping it in.

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He said they could "put her" somewhere where no one would hear her cries.  I'm assuming if she was crying in one of those big old houses the walkers from the outside wouldn't be able to hear.

Ah, that's better.  See what good hearing brings you?  (Eh?  What?)

Plus that annoying screech when blowing-up balloons from a helium tank.

And the irritating sound that people make after sucking down some helium (and you know they do).

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But even if it was said, who'd believe it?  I've looked at those walls. I see no sound dampening qualities. Sure, it would quiet the sound a little, but not totally. 


Not to mention that Rick and Michonne could hear children laughing inside the community when they stopped the car near the gate. 

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For those who haven't read the comic, I would definitely recommend checking it out. If only just to see how different some of it all is. You may not like the differences, but its still interesting to see.

I've never read the comics and don't intend to.  I'm confused about some things on this show as it is, without further confusing myself by reading the comics and pouring over the differences.  It's just a show, and I just want to keep it that way. :)

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I don't think they'd have to explain it. Rick was behaving like a lunatic. He was waving a gun in the direction of various people, including complete innocents. There was no reasoning with him.

I don't think the scene was intended to be, "What a badass." I think the scene was supposed to be her trying to maintain order and save Rick from himself.

If some have said, "What a badass!" I think it's more because of how repulsed some fans have been by Rick's behavior lately, not so much because the scene was designed for a BAMF moment. If anything I think this episode explicitly said, with the flashbacks, Michonne is trying to not just be the BAMF warrior with the sword and the cool kills. She's doing what she feels she has to do.

If they just wanted a badass moment, they could have come up with many other ways (the scenes in the woods, for one), because this one has done little but generate a lot of fan backlash against her and talk of how she does not "know her place."

If they hadn't been trying to say " what a badass" then someone else could have done it, and that's my point about motivation: why was Michonne moved to do it over anyone else? We will probably never be told or shown. Of course, Carl and Jessie tried, but having one of them succeed in breaking up the fight would not have resulted in the iconic "wow, cool" snapshot they go for with Michonne all the time.

I haven't come across any backlash, although I don't doubt it. I've seen hundreds of tweets saying she did it "because #Richonne", and "because she was taking care of her man". I think any Michonne backlash for "not knowing her place" would come from hardcore racists who are gonna have awful knee-jerk responses to everything she does. The media and social media response to Michonne from day one has been positive. I just want to see her portrayed with more dimensions instead of always seeing "Go, Michonne, you're the one that takes care of business! What a badass!" And I think we get glimpses of that, but I get frustrated when Michonne is used as a one-dimensional device by the writers rather than a fully-realized character.

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