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Season 5: Days of Real Housewives Lives - The Season in Review

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I suffered from second hand embarrassment at multiple points during that episode. 


From Brandi's comments to Babyface about the ring, Brandi sitting on David's lap and thinking it's cute, Brandi's lame ass apology to Eileen where she couldn't even make eye contact, giving Eileen the I'm-sawwy necklace without so much as a box/bag or card, not being embarrassed when the other women straight up tell her that they think she's crazy, trying to make it seem like she was watching Eileen on Days in high school when that's simply impossible, not realizing that the finger banging comment was inappropriate even when she hears the comments of other people who clearly aren't amused but also aren't completely trying to kill the moment, etc. 


That episode should be reason enough for why Brandi is not a fit for this franchise. 

Mauricio had the best line of the night when Brandi sat on David's lap.  He said "Yolanda's gonna kick your ass". I loved that. 

  • Love 17

For Kyle..........probably because if it's not about Kyle, why should she be there?

Yes, that's a truism about narcissism. Any discussion or interaction Kyle has with Kim, a "100%" narcissist, will always be about Kim. Where Kyle's feelings ever fit into the picture will never be a factor for Kim, which is why Kyle leaving was a smart move, and one I hope she employs more often.

  • Love 15

The best part of S5 was the dinner blowup in Amsterdam.  That discussion thread was the most fun we've had on the board all season.  


Tonight I was looking through the screencaps and noticed that only Brandi and Yolanda tried to diffuse the situation.




That leaves one housewife.........Kyle.  And what did Kyle do?





  • Love 1

Yes, that's a truism about narcissism. Any discussion or interaction Kyle has with Kim, a "100%" narcissist, will always be about Kim. Where Kyle's feelings ever fit into the picture will never be a factor for Kim, which is why Kyle leaving was a smart move, and one I hope she employs more often.

Yes, that's true about Kim and one way to look at it. It could also be viewed as Kyle exhibiting her chronic famewhore complex either by [a] removing herself from any situation that isn't focused on Kyle or being overly dramatic in an attempt to get the cameras to focus on her.

  • Love 2

The best part of S5 was the dinner blowup in Amsterdam.  That discussion thread was the most fun we've had on the board all season.  


Tonight I was looking through the screencaps and noticed that only Brandi and Yolanda tried to diffuse the situation.




LisaV chimed in by telling Kim that Kyle has defended her before..........1,000 times.


Eileen spoke up but that got heated too.  She's just not as good at bringing the drama as LisaR.


LisaR will no doubt go down in HW's history for her performance.




That leaves one housewife.........Kyle.  And what did Kyle do?




Actually, if you watch that scene, Kyle tried to shut Kim down several times. 

  • Love 19

Yes, that's true about Kim and one way to look at it. It could also be viewed as Kyle exhibiting her chronic famewhore complex either by [a] removing herself from any situation that isn't focused on Kyle or being overly dramatic in an attempt to get the cameras to focus on her.

It's weird to me to think in those terms because in a situation where there's a huge ass argument about Kyle's sister maybe being high, there's really no room for the camera to ignore her. Had she sat there and tried to intervene, had she run away, had she had Kim's back, had she sat there and done absolutely nothing, any and all of those reactions would have been noted and shown to us.


I have to imagine Kyle did the first thing that came to her mind, because anything she did would have been highlighted anyway.  

  • Love 7

Yes, that's true about Kim and one way to look at it. It could also be viewed as Kyle exhibiting her chronic famewhore complex either by [a] removing herself from any situation that isn't focused on Kyle or being overly dramatic in an attempt to get the cameras to focus on her.

I think when you run off set, you're ensuring the camera's focus is off you, not on. And with all that drama going on, with Kim and LisaR's antics rivaling only the great Teresa table flip, it's astounding to me that anyone sees Kyle, of all people, as reaching for a famewhore moment in that scene.

  • Love 18

Gigi and Bella do not compete with an Arabian horse. The horse Yo is riding in the opening credits of RHoBH is an Arabian horse, the horse in the settlement is probably Yolanda's. It has nothing to do with the girls,

The girls compete on a very Elite level with expensive sport horses. Look up Bella Hadid and Lego on You Tube. They rode at a barn called far west farm reportedly and maybe still do not sure but the Arabian would not fit in these competition circles.

Many girls who compete at their level in equitation have up to three horses, expenses a year not including the purchase or lease price of said horse run 100-300k annually. Board, vet, show fees, coaching fees, trainer, equipment, blacksmith, shipping, custom boots riding apparel etc etc

Hmmm, makes me wonder if Mohamed owned the horses Bella used in competition!

  • Love 2

When I saw that scene for the very first time, I thought that Kyke should have stood up and shouted "enough" a la Taylor Armstrong. This was an intense situation between her sister and her friend. Burying her face in her hands (exhibiting her poor me complex) wasn't helpful.

Running off set didn't take the camera off her. Those pesky cameramen followed her hair tossing retreat and she received so much flak about it that she copied my silly "Run Kyle Run" cartoon onto her Facebook page. I have to give her credit for doing that and making fun of herself.

  • Love 5

Ther s a lot of the one horse Lego on Instagram (Bella's). Sometimes the horses are leased especially if they are mega expensive. I once knew a family that paid $500k for the top Eq horse of the year FOUR years before their daughter was in a division where she could ride it. They leased it out u til the daughters age was right for the equitation division. But paid the half mil so they could guarantee they'd get a chance at that horse for their daughter even tho th daughter wasn't even old enough for the horse yet! The daughter won everything with her eventually.

Interesting! Maybe they did lease the horse she used, it would be interesting to find out but I doubt we will ever know. I grew up friends (family friends) of a top Dresden rider, they owned all of their horses but I do not know if they rented/leased any of them out. I loved to hang out in the barn and help care for the horses and rode their pleasure quarter horses with the daughters, their mom competed, our moms were friends. LOL

  • Love 2

Ther s a lot of the one horse Lego on Instagram (Bella's). Sometimes the horses are leased especially if they are mega expensive. I once knew a family that paid $500k for the top Eq horse of the year FOUR years before their daughter was in a division where she could ride it. They leased it out u til the daughters age was right for the equitation division. But paid the half mil so they could guarantee they'd get a chance at that horse for their daughter even tho th daughter wasn't even old enough for the horse yet! The daughter won everything with her eventually.

One time my grandpa bought me a knockoff My Little Pony from the dollar store so I can totally relate.

  • Love 24

Yes, that's true about Kim and one way to look at it. It could also be viewed as Kyle exhibiting her chronic famewhore complex either by [a] removing herself from any situation that isn't focused on Kyle or being overly dramatic in an attempt to get the cameras to focus on her.

After the glass was thrown they should have all split-Kim wanted to go back in for more.

  • Love 5

IMO LisaR did not want to be in the middle of the Kim & Kyle...at the time of filming.  She couldn't be sure which way the wind would blow once the season aired.


I don't think she trusted Kim or Kyle, even though she's friendly with Kyle.  When Kyle, LisaR, and Yolanda rode together in the limo and Lisa kept going on about Kim, Kyle's face showed many emotions including anger.  LisaR brought up that Harry stopped drinking the day he buried his second brother (who died from drinking), she did not say that Harry is also an alcoholic.  Finally, Kyle asked how long Harry has been sober (to me and to LisaR - imo - implying that Harry is an alcoholic), LisaR paused and answered about three years.  I think that's when LisaR realized how stealth Kyle can be.

  • Love 8

This season was exhausting.  I really enjoyed the additions of Eileen and Lisar.  Eileen ended up being almost a nonfactor though.  I think many were expecting for her to be just as crazy as the characters she plays on soaps (Brandi, I'm lookin at you and your wine glass) but the reality is, she's pretty level headed and lives in a "normal" for a tv actor house.  She seems to have a fairly normal family life too.  Bless Vince and Eileen for trying to find a way to connect with these crazy women.


Lisa V was also kind of a non factor.  I felt like any of her scenes could've taken place on her other show.  It's great to see the house and all but I never got the impression that she's actually real friends with any of the other ladies.


Yolanda and her life are pretty to look at but she really doesn't see the whole picture.  She thought she could fix Brandi with cleanses, yoga and beauty treatments and that's not how real problems are fixed.  I thought her vitamin iv at the spa was bizarre.  I am glad they went to Amsterdam for the trip and got to meet her family.


Kyle is Kyle.  I've never seen anyone cry more.  She truly is the baby of her sisters.


Brandi is a train wreck.  She has no self awareness.  She doesn't understand why people take what she does the wrong way?  It's because she's going about it the wrong way!  If everyone thinks you're doing something wrong or inappropriate, it's because you are!  Please don't invite her back for another season.


I think from the get go it was decided that Kim's sobriety would be the theme of the season.  I think it was really the only way for Kim to be on the show.  She was a nonentity in the last season and I think she needs the paycheck so she agreed to revisit her sobriety.  Lisar was the driving force on this theme but she's also the one who had to sit through that crazy car ride.


I wonder why Lisar ended up so afraid of Kim.  Is there really something that she would happen to know about Harry?  It's just so strange.

  • Love 1

It really was a boring season.  I wish we could have seen more of Yolanda's amazing yacht trip with David.  Now THAT was a yacht, and the destinations seemed so amazing and off the beaten path. 


I'd love to see just one season without Kyle Richards though.  It's always the same old crap when she's around.  Been there, done that.  Endlessly.  Enough already.


Lisa got her revenge on a few of them, the only one left is Kyle.  I think she saved the most difficult bitch for last, but in no way do I believe that Lisa is over what Kyle did to her last year.  Lisa is stealth, she WILL get even, and the best revenge is served cold. 

Edited by Umbelina

Running off set didn't take the camera off her. Those pesky cameramen followed her hair tossing retreat and she received so much flak about it that she copied my silly "Run Kyle Run" cartoon.

But the cameras can't film someone who's not there. Yes, she got up and left. And the scene continued without her. To me, that's pulling a season 2 Camille: Conflict? I'm outta here.

  • Love 4

Which IMHO is why she came back so quickly.

I suspect that she was prompted to go back. I don't know why, but something about that seemed like she would have been glad to keep on running, because she stopped so abruptly. And, she didn't immediately turn and go back in. I think someone in the crew prompted her to go back in and not leave without the other women. 

  • Love 3

I suspect that she was prompted to go back. I don't know why, but something about that seemed like she would have been glad to keep on running, because she stopped so abruptly. And, she didn't immediately turn and go back in. I think someone in the crew prompted her to go back in and not leave without the other women. 

She didn't have her purse but she did take the time to take her mic pack off so I don't think it was for more camera time.  All Kim did was verbally assault her.  I saw something on Monty's Instagram that was frightening- https://instagram.com/p/zUZShFwfAA/?taken-by=montybrinson  this was the day of the Reunion filming.  So I think Kim has had the mindset of an 18 year old little street thugette.  Kim wanted to keep going-she did not care about Yolanda or anyone else.


I mean Kim was going to start telling truths.  It would be like Lisar saying, "shall we talk about all your pregnancies Kim?"  These are the missed opportunities of those who don't fight as dirty as Kim or Brandi.

  • Love 3

Yes, that's a truism about narcissism. Any discussion or interaction Kyle has with Kim, a "100%" narcissist, will always be about Kim. Where Kyle's feelings ever fit into the picture will never be a factor for Kim, which is why Kyle leaving was a smart move, and one I hope she employs more often.


The author of "The Object Of My Affection Is In My Reflection" - a book on how to cope with Narcissists - should include Kim in the next edition, with her "What about MY pain?", "What about MY nights?" when being asked about someone else's pain and someone else's nights. 



I have to give Kyle props for being able to laugh at herself when it comes to her "flight" reaction to drama.  There are times, now, when she definitely "fights", but her tendency to (literally) run away from conflict seems to really irritate some people and I think she has taken it in stride.  Self-deprecating humor goes a long way with me, personally, and I appreciate it when someone is able to step back and go "Wow, that thing I do really is kind of funny/weird/silly/irritating/ridiculous/etc.".  It definitely shows some kind of awareness, and also, shows an acceptance for oneself as well. 


Her WWHL interview the other night highlighted that she's still very much driven to sustain that family loyalty to Kim, but since Kim doesn't want resolution, Kyle is going to have to work on grieving for that loss and moving on from her family of origin drama, but I think she's already light years ahead of Kim with regards to being self-aware and willing to put in the effort to become a better version of herself.   

  • Love 14

She didn't have her purse but she did take the time to take her mic pack off so I don't think it was for more camera time.  


I didn't notice that she took her mic pack off but that wasn't the camera time I was referring to in my original post.  It was the images of her never ending "pain and suffering" while on camera that are getting tiresome.



  • Love 4

She didn't have her purse but she did take the time to take her mic pack off so I don't think it was for more camera time.  All Kim did was verbally assault her.  I saw something on Monty's Instagram that was frightening- https://instagram.com/p/zUZShFwfAA/?taken-by=montybrinson  this was the day of the Reunion filming.  So I think Kim has had the mindset of an 18 year old little street thugette.  Kim wanted to keep going-she did not care about Yolanda or anyone else.


I mean Kim was going to start telling truths.  It would be like Lisar saying, "shall we talk about all your pregnancies Kim?"  These are the missed opportunities of those who don't fight as dirty as Kim or Brandi.

What does then pregnancy thing mean? Did I miss something?

What does then pregnancy thing mean? Did I miss something?

It is just a way to fight dirty.  See how well it works.  It is the Kim Richards school of dirty fighting. Let's talk about your husband.  It implies something is Harry did something wrong.  To say let's talk about all your pregnancies implies that there may be some Kim doesn't want to talk about.  I have officially sunken to Tuff Turf level.

  • Love 17

Or she was calling Monte to find out where he put his good drugs so she could make sure they were "safe."


I mean you wouldn't want Kingsley to get into the downers or he wouldn't be able to chew the hands off of the relatives who still  speak to her.

Edited by Trooper York
  • Love 8

It is just a way to fight dirty. See how well it works. It is the Kim Richards school of dirty fighting. Let's talk about your husband. It implies something is Harry did something wrong. To say let's talk about all your pregnancies implies that there may be some Kim doesn't want to talk about. I have officially sunken to Tuff Turf level.

Oh, zoeysmom you dirty little fighter lol.

It does work. I was like oooh!

I myself have never been good at below the belt fighting. I'm not that quick, (I can hardly remember to edit my posts, I mess too many up lol)

Although I do admire those who use their power for good not evil. So hats off to you ZM lol.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 6

It is just a way to fight dirty.  See how well it works.  It is the Kim Richards school of dirty fighting. Let's talk about your husband.  It implies something is Harry did something wrong.  To say let's talk about all your pregnancies implies that there may be some Kim doesn't want to talk about.  I have officially sunken to Tuff Turf level.


Fucking brilliant.  LOL  


I was sitting there, right next to nc socialworker, wondering what happened with all of Kim's pregnancies. 


I can have a wicked temper but I've never been manipulative like that.  That takes talent, right there.  I said this in, well, one of these threads recently (I can't keep track of what I said, where), that to me, Kim does not seem as vulnerable and fragile as some make her out to be.  She's sick all right, but also calculating and vicious.  Not some poor wilting flower.  This manipulation tactic is another example of that. 


I think Lisa R did tell the women something or some things about herself and her family life, but nothing "scandalous".  We women tend to talk about the intimate details of our lives with our girlfriends.  It could be that our sex lives with our partners is in a lull, maybe because of stress, or medication lowering the libido or whatever.  It could be that it's hard for us to eat or keep on weight when we're stressed.  Or we turn to food.  Or we spent too much time working out, etc.  It could be that we're not really happy about this or that with our appearances.   


Now take any of those things and you can certainly make vague inferences about someone for veiled accusations and threads to them.  Lisa's feelings about her appearance or maybe that it's a struggle for her when she's busy or stressed, to make sure she gets enough to eat, can be used against her with "Go eat some bread and you'll calm down" or whatever it was.  Lisa's love life with HH could be used against her, if say, one or both or them is not feeling very sexual at the moment or there may be some medical issues that have gotten in the way, by saying something like "Lisa hasn't seen one of those (penis) in a while." or "Let's talk about the husband.". 


Very easy to take pretty normal and mundane things and turn them into some kind of scandalous secret that can be used to threaten and humiliate someone.

  • Love 12

Fucking brilliant.  LOL  


I was sitting there, right next to nc socialworker, wondering what happened with all of Kim's pregnancies. 


I can have a wicked temper but I've never been manipulative like that.  That takes talent, right there.  I said this in, well, one of these threads recently (I can't keep track of what I said, where), that to me, Kim does not seem as vulnerable and fragile as some make her out to be.  She's sick all right, but also calculating and vicious.  Not some poor wilting flower.  This manipulation tactic is another example of that. 


I think Lisa R did tell the women something or some things about herself and her family life, but nothing "scandalous".  We women tend to talk about the intimate details of our lives with our girlfriends.  It could be that our sex lives with our partners is in a lull, maybe because of stress, or medication lowering the libido or whatever.  It could be that it's hard for us to eat or keep on weight when we're stressed.  Or we turn to food.  Or we spent too much time working out, etc.  It could be that we're not really happy about this or that with our appearances.   


Now take any of those things and you can certainly make vague inferences about someone for veiled accusations and threads to them.  Lisa's feelings about her appearance or maybe that it's a struggle for her when she's busy or stressed, to make sure she gets enough to eat, can be used against her with "Go eat some bread and you'll calm down" or whatever it was.  Lisa's love life with HH could be used against her, if say, one or both or them is not feeling very sexual at the moment or there may be some medical issues that have gotten in the way, by saying something like "Lisa hasn't seen one of those (penis) in a while." or "Let's talk about the husband.". 


Very easy to take pretty normal and mundane things and turn them into some kind of scandalous secret that can be used to threaten and humiliate someone.

One of the things that tends to irritate me about Lisar is she tends to be gabby.  So I can see where she might say-no carbs for me right now, I have heard her say, "I am a dirty vegan."   I think she just throws people pleasers out there and a lot of "me toos".  Much like Joyce last year when she wanted to be relatable and Brandi crucified her.  Brandi apparently is the only who can have a fear of heights in the group, lose a dog, have a break in (although Brandi's was bogus) or have a hurtful divorce. 




Kim's a junkie. If you have ever been around a junkie you have seen this show before. I just want to watch the "Real Housewives" not the junkie and the sloppy whore show. Let Kim and Brandi get a spin-off.

What is odd is that they feel like their only redemption is to make the other women look bad.  I am thinking that would be about a two episode spin-off then they would just end up eating each others' young.

  • Love 6

One of the things that tends to irritate me about Lisar is she tends to be gabby.  So I can see where she might say-no carbs for me right now, I have heard her say, "I am a dirty vegan."   I think she just throws people pleasers out there and a lot of "me toos".  Much like Joyce last year when she wanted to be relatable and Brandi crucified her.  Brandi apparently is the only who can have a fear of heights in the group, lose a dog, have a break in (although Brandi's was bogus) or have a hurtful divorce. 



I agree with all of your points about Lisa.  I think she has a fairly open personality, where she'll talk about anything , anytime, anywhere, with anyone.  I can be like that, myself, sometimes, and some people find it very disarming and refreshing, where they then feel free to reciprocate and talk about themselves in an open way and it's quite cathartic and enjoyable.  But if you don't learn how to read people and maintain some self-awareness, being open to the wrong person will have you regretting it soon after, like a bad hangover or waking up in the bed of someone you want nothing to do with.  lol 


I also see her as a huge people pleaser who likes to be liked and dislikes general unpleasantness.  I almost think that's why she's so direct at times and glosses over things, other times -- she doesn't want there to be uncomfortableness or conflict.  And we've seen her "Me too." some of the other HW and yeah it can come across as very superficial and fake, because it is. lol   But I think that her reasons for doing it are more about insecurity than malice, like she's not trying to manipulate the other HW, just get along with them and be liked.  She reminds me of Rose on The Golden Girls when Rose was upset when she found out one of her co-workers didn't like her -- she couldn't handle not being liked or likeable because that was that basis of her identity. "Everyone loves me."  "I'm a good person". 


Ugh, Brandi.  lol 

  • Love 6

I didn't notice that she took her mic pack off but that wasn't the camera time I was referring to in my original post.  It was the images of her never ending "pain and suffering" while on camera that are getting tiresome.



Kyle has mentioned that her mother always said that the family's dirty laundry shouldn't be aired in public. To me she seems to get overwhelmed and embarrassed by scenes like this.
  • Love 7

Kyle has mentioned that her mother always said that the family's dirty laundry shouldn't be aired in public. To me she seems to get overwhelmed and embarrassed by scenes like this.


I've heard that about her mother.  


Kyle's obviously not too embarrassed to be in these scenes on the RHOBH and cashing Bravo's paychecks for five seasons.

  • Love 5

Kyle seems horrified when Kim starts acting out. It would be fascinating and educational to watch the three sisters in therapy with someone who has a lot of experience with narcissistic mothers. Seems their mother was a nightmare.




Kyle needs to get this and realize she can't heal her primal wound with her mother by putting up with her sister. I seriously am shocked that Kyle seems to have found a good guy, the have a relatively normal life with seemingly well adjusted kids. Most people with narcissistic mothers end up marrying controling asshole men. Kyle isn't my favorite and has many stupid petty flaws but she has been strong enough to want better relationships for herself and her children. That is, seriously, impressive. Big Kathy was an evil bitch to pawn Kim off on her on her death bed. Pure evil.

  • Love 9



Kyle needs to get this and realize she can't heal her primal wound with her mother by putting up with her sister. I seriously am shocked that Kyle seems to have found a good guy, the have a relatively normal life with seemingly well adjusted kids. Most people with narcissistic mothers end up marrying controling asshole men. Kyle isn't my favorite and has many stupid petty flaws but she has been strong enough to want better relationships for herself and her children. That is, seriously, impressive. Big Kathy was an evil bitch to pawn Kim off on her on her death bed. Pure evil.


How many mothers have said to their children who has serious problems, "Take care of your sister (or brother)."  More than you think.  I don't think it evil.  I think it's being a mom.  And I would say the same to my children.  I guess I'm evil.  Or, I'm just a mom.

  • Love 3

How many mothers have said to their children who has serious problems, "Take care of your sister (or brother)."  More than you think.  I don't think it evil.  I think it's being a mom.  And I would say the same to my children.  I guess I'm evil.  Or, I'm just a mom.

I think maybe Kyle took it a little too literally.I admire Kyle for attempting to honor her mother's wishes but I think she also needs to learn when to let go.  For example the house in the desert neither Kim nor Kathy had trouble cashing out and moving on.  I wonder if Mauricio ever complained about the $40,000.00 or so they had to pay a year to maintain it?  As far as taking care of Kim I do think Kyle and Mauricio were there for her when she needed them.  I think the show created the competitive environment. 

  • Love 2

How many mothers have said to their children who has serious problems, "Take care of your sister (or brother)."  More than you think.  I don't think it evil.  I think it's being a mom.  And I would say the same to my children.  I guess I'm evil.  Or, I'm just a mom.

I think most moms tell their kids to look out for each other whether or not any of them are ill but making them promise to "take care" of an addict is a whole other request entirely, especially if said addict never gets clean. What Kyle needed to realize is that cleaning up after Kim, covering up her addictions and keeping her from hitting rock bottom was/is not "taking care" of her. I also think she, Big Kathy, made the same request to Kathy but the day to day grunt work fell to Kyle. JMO

  • Love 10

I think maybe Kyle took it a little too literally.I admire Kyle for attempting to honor her mother's wishes but I think she also needs to learn when to let go.  For example the house in the desert neither Kim nor Kathy had trouble cashing out and moving on.  I wonder if Mauricio ever complained about the $40,000.00 or so they had to pay a year to maintain it?  As far as taking care of Kim I do think Kyle and Mauricio were there for her when she needed them.  I think the show created the competitive environment. 


Exactly.  I don't think that Kyle and Kim's mom envisioned what has happened now when she told her other daughters to take care of Kim.  


I don't know if Mauricio has ever complained about the house in the desert either.  And I don't know what the amount was in the trust fund to take care of that house.


The bottom line for me is that, love her or hate her, I don't see anything in what their mother wanted as being anything else as being a 'mom' at the time.

  • Love 4

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