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S05.E24: I'm A Good Girl, I Am

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Alison's trial is coming to a close, and the outcome looks even more bleak when the prosecution calls a surprise witness that not only paints Alison in a bad light but also the PLLs and Mike. Desperate to find any evidence or witness to save their friends, Aria, Emily and Spencer race to find someone or something that can prove Ali's innocence and put an end to this nightmare. Meanwhile, Mike becomes a target of "A" when it looks like he might be called to testify, and Ezra and Caleb have differing opinions on what he should do.



Hahaha, that flying arrow made me think that Malcolm Merlyn is after Caleb and Ezra. Take Ezra out, Malcolm!


According to IMDB, Sara Shepard will appear in this episode as a reporter. I can't believe they haven't given her a cameo sooner!


Ezra and Caleb have differing opinions on what he should do.

Caleb is right 99% of the time and Ezra's judgment is never to be trusted so I can tell you who I would listen to if I were Mike.

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I totally feel toby on this one. It must suck to go through all 30 seconds of online police academy training and not be immediately promoted to lead detective on the hottest murder in town. #POORTOBY

To be fair to Toby, he's shown himself to be the best and most ethical cop this show has had. 


That isn't saying much. But he's not taking bribes, he's not a part of a murder case, he's not screwing underage girls, he actually made a correct arrest after a 911 call. How many of the cops in Rosewood could say all that? 

  • Love 2

Haha poor Toby! With all his experience he should be the one everyone gets coffee for!

Seriously though, his girlfriend is a person of interest in a murder case... Or several police cases actually. Where I'm from he wouldn't even be allowed anywhere near the case. But he has access to every file and everything. No one is worried he might tell his girlfriend insider information? I don't think Tanner cares enough to know he and Spencer aren't really in the best place right now...

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So overall a solid episode.  At least by this season's standards.


The opening made me lol, it felt out of place, but it was funny.


Wow Alison got crazy badass out of nowhere this episode.  I mean her burning herself with an iron and smashing Hanna’s hand was another huge personality jump, but I guess two months in prison could do that.  Speaking of which, why can’t Hanna and Alison just talk in prison.  I get that they have work but what about eating meals, time outside, or using the bathroom/showers.  I am pretty sure they have to be allowed to do all that stuff, unless they are in solitary in supermax.  I don’t think a prisoner can be ordered to not speak with another specific prisoner and how could that be enforced? 


Are Aria and Andrew officially a thing?


Shay might overuse her confused faced, but with the plot twists on this show, what more does she really need.  Also I loved her response to finding out about Spencer’s flings.


Ezra and Caleb actually play off each other well and their personalities conflict nicely.


Seriously, the trailer for next episode looks like a combination of Saw and a hallucination.

Edited by superman1204

Hah !!! Perd Hapley from Parks and Recreation is the local news anchor.  Was that really Sara Shepherd or a stunt double for the bit ?


Aria (about Leslie):  "Where has she been all this time ?"

Exactly !!  She showed up for one episode and then disappeared for 3 or 4 episodes -- was Leslie still staying at Mona's house ?  And Leslie does not look happy to be in court.  She must be 'A' !!! </sarcasm>


Why was Andrew at the courthouse comforting Aria ?  Almost like he know some shit was going to go down. And apparently he's a sidler -- get this man a pack of tic-tacs, pronto !  Andrew is cranking up the petty jealousy way too fast over Aria's "friendship" with Ezra.  WTF ?   Are they even really dating ?


Somebody slipped Aria the tongue.  And it wasn't Andrew, but a big cow tongue.  Hah !!


Caleb (to Hanna): "I can't even hold your hand".  No touching, no touching.  I miss Arrested Development.


Hold on a minute -- how long ago was Alison in that park ?  It was Thanksgiving, and that would mean that that article of clothing would have been there all winter and managed to never blow away.  Or did random girl in school just pick it up after Alison left and conveniently keep it in her backpack for 4 or 5 months ?  And was it just me or was Spencer's skirt way too short -- like borderline inappropriate for high school ?


There was way to much mansplaining in that cabin.  Ezra and Caleb dodging arrows was hilarious, as they chase Mike through the woods.  And that surprise macing that Mike took was hilariously bad, right before he gets tagged in the head with a fully inflated dodgeball at the abandoned scout camp.


Spencer: "Stop looking at me like I'm the town pump".  Wow, did Spencer pick that phrase up in jolly Old England ?


So who shot the arrow at the car ?  How did they know Mike was driving the car -- on that specific road -- at that time ?


Alison can't hurt anyone due to an old elbow injury -- did anyone think maybe she's ambidextrous to compensate for that lifelong injury ?  But she's brought down by the old "Award for excellence in archery at summer camp when I was 11" defense.


If Alison is currently in custody, she would not be out and about sitting by herself in the halls of the courthouse.  It doesn't work that way -- she would have been escorted back to a local cell within the courthouse. Because Alison is not out on bail.


Once again, why is Andrew at the courthouse ?  Shouldn't he be in school with the rest of the students ?  Unless everyone at school gets the day off because of the trial.  Of course Andrew was a pathfinder scout.  Dun, dun, dun, dun.  He's not 'A' though, he's just a jealous boyfriend -- psych !!


Why are those creepy twins always in the courtroom galley ?  They were Alison's minions at the Xmas gala, but they haven't been friends with Alison for all those years before she was "killed".  And they never say anything.


As soon as the jury foreperson read the guilty verdict, I wanted the doors to bust open and Mona to struggle her way in and yell "I'm alive !!!".


But instead, we get the rest of the PLLs headed to jail.  They could basically end the entire series right now, because I really don't care who 'A' is anymore, whoever it is will turn out to be just plain disappointing (unless it's aliens or it turns out Rosewood is some sort of 'Cabin in the Woods' scenario and there is an entire gov't team operating as 'A').

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 4

Ella! Where has she been all this time?


So who shot the arrow at the car ?  How did they know Mike was driving the car -- on that specific road -- at that time ?



A probably stuck a Lojack up Mike's ass while he was asleep, so they always know where he is.


I'm sure that next week's A reveal is going to be just as lame as all the others.

  • Love 2

This episode could have easily been a season finale.  I'm glad that instead of ending it here we get one more episode that - even if it massively fails with the A reveal (either failure in a satisfying person or failing to actual be a reveal), should be a total creepfest.


When Ella interrupted Mike/Aria and their present, i couldn't help but think of Muppet Babies:  "Is everything all right in here?"  "Yes, Nanny!"


But ultimately the best moment of tonight's show actually goes to the Arby's commercial for The Rachel.  We already know that the phrases of mystery could be anagrams for either Charles DiLaurentis or Rachel S. DiLaurentis.  And here was an ad boldly heralding The Rachel!  So the "S" must stand for "Sandwich"!  Which makes Arby's the Big A!

  • Love 2

Man, I can't handle it when more than one person per episode acts super sketchy. It's not following the PLL formula to have more than one red herring per episode!


Also, seriously, Allison's lawyer? Shittiest lawyer EVAR. Did she even attempt to do any pretrial discovery at all? Or did the defense threaten to tack on an additional charge of conspiracy to obtain a shovel, and she just folded on the spot?

  • Love 3

Hold on a minute -- how long ago was Alison in that park ?  It was Thanksgiving, and that would mean that that article of clothing would have been there all winter and managed to never blow away.  Or did random girl in school just pick it up after Alison left and conveniently keep it in her backpack for 4 or 5 months ?  And was it just me or was Spencer's skirt way too short -- like borderline inappropriate for high school ?


That hideous black and rose-printed scarf? I assumed the girl already owned it and it just got caught on the bush while she was sleeping off her mystery high in that pipe. She made a noise, Ali got spooked and left and when the girl left later, she took her scarf with her. It wasn't in the pipe when Spencer and Emily went to look but I think we're supposed to assume that Ali described it during the phone conversation because they recognized it when they saw it hanging out of the girl's bag,


I caught a weird little geographical flub when Caleb and Ezra were telling Det.Tanner about the attack on Mike. She asked if they reported it to the Allegheny County sheriff but Allegheny County is southwestern PA and Ezra's cabin in the Poconos would be in northeastern PA. I'm surprised because they've managed to get so many other things rights with their locale (mentioning Bucks County Community College, Ali and Hanna being in jail in Chester County, etc.)


Can we just talk about Ella telling Aria, "You'd be surprised what students confide to their favorite teachers...or maybe you wouldn't"? Ice cold, haha.

Edited by luvly
  • Love 4

Andrew was definitely the archery master shooting arrows at Caleb and Ezra. Maybe he was also the bunk mate that let Ali win the archery award? I know they probably don't let coed sleeping happen at camp but Rosewood...

I was dying when Ali slammed Hanna's hand in the dryer. So dumb but so comical.

Tanner is clearly A's mom or something. Only logical explanation for her disregarding a child beaten up the way Mike was.

  • Love 1

Between Perd Hapley and Diana Ross, I was like WHAT IS HAPPENING?! I felt like I was suddenly inside Stefon's hottest night clubs with arrows flying and DJ Baby Bok Choy with his ravioli hands.



And was it just me or was Spencer's skirt way too short -- like borderline inappropriate for high school ?

Uh, no, it wasn't just you. In the first scene she was wearing it, I was like whoa, that is a lot shorter (especially considering her knee length schoolgirl skirt last week). Somehow it looked like she was showing more leg than Emily was in the shorts. I was afraid that I might see some of Spencer's ass cheek if she turned around.


Ha, LOVED Ella's pointed remark about students confiding in their favorite teachers. And of course, Aria just breezed right past it.


While I understand Aria wanting Mike to stay safe, why does she get to decide if he testifies/tellst he truth? I mean, yes, what he says affects the rest of them, but at the same time why should he have to lie just because Aria says so? Aria and the liars may think that keeping the truth a secret is keeping them safe but is constantly being threatened and in peril really truly being safe? I really wonder what would happen if all four of them told their families they HAD to leave Rosewood and got their families to move to completely farflung corners of the earth. I know A is omnipotent but she would have a lot harder time torturing them if she had a 12 hour plane ride every time she wanted to screw with them. Anyway, my point is that if Mike wants to tell the truth, he should be able to just like Aria has been allowed to make her own decisions (however stupid many of her decisions have been).


Andrew is definitely looking suspicious now but I can't decide if he is a total red herring or if the show is making it super obvious that he is the bad guy. You never know with Marlene and company anymore since they've been known to do both.


When Ali told her lawyer (I still can't get over the fact that Julie from Friends is her lawyer!) that she rigged the archery contest, I was sure she was going to reveal that she had a twin.


Oh, Toby, I still don't give a crap what you're doing.




Ezra and Caleb have differing opinions on what he should do.
Caleb is right 99% of the time and Ezra's judgment is never to be trusted so I can tell you who I would listen to if I were Mike.

Ha, good to know that my assumption based on the episode description was correct. Always choose Caleb over Ezra!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Andrew annoys me so much! He's a creepy stalker and way too full of himself. It was annoying enough when Wren started going after Hanna, why does Andrew now have to go for Aria. Is it like some sort of prize to be with one of Ali's friends in Rosewood or something? Wether Andrew is going to be next weeks big reveal or not, I really don't care enough about him to have him play a big role on the show. I definitely don't want him as Arias new boyfriend. I'd like Aria to be single for a while (like she said she wanted to be like 5 minutes ago...), she's so much more interesting alone. Besides, I'm not gonna kid myself, Ezra and Aria will most likely get back together anyway...

I also got pretty fed up with everyone calling Mike a kid. He's 16, he's broken into houses, he's stolen stuff, he was in a relationship with an ex mental patient. He's really not that young. I get that Aria wants so save him from everyone and everything, but is having her friends go to prison so much better than having Mike tell the truth and deal with the consequences? Isn't that also something you're supposed to teach 'kids'?

it seems like pretty much everyone in the show now has some idea about A or someone targeting the girls, but no one has enough sense to put the pieces together, tell the police or something? Not even Ashley Marin, who would do pretty much anything to save Hanna?

Loved Caleb going up against Ezra! It was about time someone didn't think he knows the answer about everything. Caleb and Hanna were sweet as usual.

The verdict was great, my favorite part of the episode.

That girl from the playground was useless. If she didn't even see Ali what's the point of having her. She heard a voice... Great. Leslie seems to have an agenda of her own. I could have done without her. Actually I had already pretty much forgotten about her...

So Toby finally went to talk to Spencer... Did he realise his job wasn't worth losing her? Poor Toby, he probably thought he would be running the Investigation by now. Tanners reaction to what happened to Mike was so weird. She doesn't want anything to spoil the case she built against the girls, I get that. But every normal police officer should have reacted differently. It was almost like she was too happy it wasn't her responsability since it didn't happen in Rosewood.

Ali's lawyer really isn't that good. Who hired her? If she is someone Mrs Hastings thinks is one of the best, I seriously doubt her judgement. She never wanted Ali to take the stand, but she gets her up there to talk about an old wound? Without even considering Ali has been fine with it for like 15 years... She didn't seem to be putting any effort into her defence. Andy why exactly did Aria, Spencer and Emily get arrested? New evidence? Why weren't they arrested when Hanna was? Did we ever find out how the prosecution knew the Kidnapping was fake? And who helped them find all that evidence, who told them about Alis archery award? So many questions...

I would have expected more people at the trial, at least all the parents, but as usual apparently they can't be bothered to make an appearance and support their kids... Great way to save money on actors though.

It was a really good episode altogether! But I don't know... At this point there are so many characters that just annoy the crap out of me. Most of them probably completely useless for the big story... I'm glad we still have one more episode, even if that might be a dissapointment. Things are finally picking up.

Oh and I'm really happy we're apparently just going to completely erase Talia from the picture. I hope she doesn't do a Leslie and shows up in a couple of episodes. I'm just going to go with she got a hotel room out of town, got back together with her husband and never comes back to Rosewood.

  • Love 2

I would have been ok with Sara Shepard's cameo in any role... but then there was that "Sara, you have been with this one since the beginning." Dear Writers, just no! Also meta in all the wrong ways, Emily wondering where Leslie had been - in-show it makes sense that Leslie went back instead of staying in Rosewood for months, it's just that it happened off-screen.


Since we know the prosecution had just one hour to refute Ali's defense, I see 2 options: Ali's lawyer is working for/blackmailed by A so the whole tango was pre-established (possible, but boring because it leads nowhere), or this is a hint that A is someone who simply remembered the award because s/he knew Ali had it. That would work well with A being connected and envious/resentful of Ali, possibly even enjoying the "karma is a bitch" aspect of bringing Ali down due to her previous cheating and manipulation. It doesn't have to mean that A was with Ali at the camp; s/he could know about the award from Ali bragging or from seeing it in her house.


The whole trial was ridiculous, ofc, but what pissed me off was that we didn't see Ali testify on the stand. Btw, if Ali had this very particular injury, how was it not determined at the autopsy that it was not her body? I hope this will be a plot point, not an oversight... Also, it's not just that we don't know how the prosecution knew Ali's kidnapping was fake, we never saw them prove it and prove that Mona could expose this, which is really at the core of Ali's trial.


Wow, setting up Andrew as sketchy is every bit as unsubtle as every other reveal. I think he was the one that attacked Mike (as indicated by him not picking up his phone), is an A minion. Whoever attacked Mike just wanted to scare him, not hurt him (hence the mace, unless the attacker wasn't confident s/he could take Mike in a fight, even by surprise) and none of the arrows hit anyone.

It could be Mona, alive, but only faking her kidnapping - the way the scene was filmed, the attacker seemed significantly shorter than Mike

since it is now pretty much guaranteed that the reddit spoilers are true.

Edited by Crim
I also got pretty fed up with everyone calling Mike a kid. He's 16, he's broken into houses, he's stolen stuff, he was in a relationship with an ex mental patient. He's really not that young.

ITA - he's 16, which is old enough to get married (with parental consent, but still). It's not like he's an innocent six year old who witnessed a terrible crime and would be traumatized by testifying. His girlfriend was (maybe) murdered so if he has information he wants to share about what happened, then he should.


I get that Aria wants so save him from everyone and everything, but is having her friends go to prison so much better than having Mike tell the truth and deal with the consequences? Isn't that also something you're supposed to teach 'kids'?

Even if you take out the part about her friends going to prison, it should be a GOOD thing that Mike wants to tell the truth. Besides, if Ezra or Ella told Aria to do something because they thought it would keep her safe, she would just do what she wants to do anyway so it's hypocritical for her to expect Mike to obey her. She's acting like he told her he is going to rob a bank or something.


Andrew annoys me so much! He's a creepy stalker and way too full of himself.

Even if he isn't A, he got way too jealous/possessive of Aria after they kissed like once. Calm down there, dude. You don't own her. If she wants to ask Ezra to take Mike up to his cabin, why is that any of your concern?

  • Love 1

Even if you take out the part about her friends going to prison, it should be a GOOD thing that Mike wants to tell the truth. Besides, if Ezra or Ella told Aria to do something because they thought it would keep her safe, she would just do what she wants to do anyway so it's hypocritical for her to expect Mike to obey her. She's acting like he told her he is going to rob a bank or something.

Even if he isn't A, he got way too jealous/possessive of Aria after they kissed like once. Calm down there, dude. You don't own her. If she wants to ask Ezra to take Mike up to his cabin, why is that any of your concern?

Right, and its not like A isn't targeting Mike anyway, so he doesn't really have much to lose. 'Fixing' has always been Arias thing, but she keeps acting like she is the only one who knows how things work. Let Mike make his own decisions.

If he is A it would make sense for him to get as close as possible to her now, so they'd be even more shocked when he is revealed. But still, why wait until now. If he is just a creepy highschooler with a crush, get over it. No one likes the clingy guy. Just because he and Aria kissed she's not supposed to have any more contact with Ezra? Even a blind guy would see that Arias life is a mess. And he waits like 2 seconds before he wants to be completely involved in it and be the only source of comfort to her. What's up with that. He's acting like they've been together for years.

  • Love 1

Even if he isn't A, he got way too jealous/possessive of Aria after they kissed like once. Calm down there, dude. You don't own her. If she wants to ask Ezra to take Mike up to his cabin, why is that any of your concern?


I still don't get how Andrew can be connected to A without Mona. His sketchiness came full circle this week, but I'm just not convinced. Unless he has been obsessed with Spencer and the girls for a long time and never showed it. Then again, why start showing it now? I'm calling a red herring.

  • Love 1

If he is A it would make sense for him to get as close as possible to her now, so they'd be even more shocked when he is revealed. But still, why wait until now. If he is just a creepy highschooler with a crush, get over it. No one likes the clingy guy. Just because he and Aria kissed she's not supposed to have any more contact with Ezra? Even a blind guy would see that Arias life is a mess. And he waits like 2 seconds before he wants to be completely involved in it and be the only source of comfort to her. What's up with that. He's acting like they've been together for years.


Exactly! But his connection to A seems so far fetched that I HOPE they don't go there. Like if he's A what's his motive really? And how plausible would that be because he is a high school senior. If he's A's minion. Also, what are his motives? Being obsessed with Aria seems lame (and really old. and really really bad for her character. I can turn the other cheek on Ezra. But twice in a row? They better address that she has an issue at this point.

^ Don't forget the close-up photos of Aria as yet another storyline about being obsessed with her - that also went nowhere.


We know Andrew didn't like Mona stealing the spotlight so much. He is competitive and pretty good academically (we saw this when he first appeared on the show), so this isn't a stretch. A could have manipulated that to get him to do something, and then blackmail him. Pretty much a variation of Lucas. Anyway, no matter what his deal is, I hope he isn't a complete red herring because these episodes were crowded enough without that added element.


'Fixing' has always been Arias thing, but she keeps acting like she is the only one who knows how things work.

I thought Aria was off this episode. Part of it was the obnoxious lines, but part of it Lucy Hale's acting, which I found too mannered, kinda perfunctory; she just went for the most obvious, most blunt, most cliched. Ezra was worse though, in that cabin scene, cringe-worthy delivery.

Edited by Crim
  • Love 2

^ Don't forget the close-up photos of Aria as yet another storyline about being obsessed with her - that also went nowhere.


We know Andrew didn't like Mona stealing the spotlight so much. He is competitive and pretty good academically (we saw this when he first appeared on the show), so this isn't a stretch. A could have manipulated that to get him to do something, and then blackmail him. Pretty much a variation of Lucas. Anyway, no matter what his deal is, I hope he isn't a complete red herring because these episodes were crowded enough without that added element.




I thought Aria was off this episode. Part of it was the obnoxious lines, but part of it Lucy Hale's acting, which I found too mannered, kinda perfunctory; she just went for the most obvious, most blunt, most cliched. Ezra was worse though, in that cabin scene, cringe-worthy delivery.

True. I completely forgot about Jason. Did we ever figure out where he went last season when he was supposedly in rehab?


I know but Lucas never seemed so sketchy about it. He just seemed nervous when he put Hanna on that boat. Andrew went from a random dude who played strip poker with Spencer to someone who could slit your throat without blinking. He's acting as sketchy as Ezra in last season (I miss sketchy Ezra and his cans of chickpeas).

  • Love 3

I thought Aria was off this episode. Part of it was the obnoxious lines, but part of it Lucy Hale's acting, which I found too mannered, kinda perfunctory; she just went for the most obvious, most blunt, most cliched. Ezra was worse though, in that cabin scene, cringe-worthy delivery.

Ezra pretty much always makes me cringe. I can never figure out if I'm annoyed with the character Aria or Lucys acting...

Andrew doesn't seem to be blackmailed. If he is, he is really good at hiding it. I wouldn't put it past him to have been working for Mona. I think he likes smart girls and Mona was super smart. A rival in academic things, but a challenge in others.

  • Love 1

Ezra thinks 16-year olds are children who can't be expected to make rational decisions. 16 yo children he's stalking and sleeping with are excepted, naturally. I'm way outside the target demographic for this show, so I think I read too much into the scenes, but Ezra still reads menacing to me. I can't help thinking he's supposed to be suspicious...or the actor just makes some odd choices. And were the rest of the girls really booked, or was that some weird fantasy sequence? Again, reading too much into the scenes, but that's not how prosecutions work. Ali is guilty, round up the others.

  • Love 9

Andrew doesn't seem to be blackmailed. If he is, he is really good at hiding it. I wouldn't put it past him to have been working for Mona. I think he likes smart girls and Mona was super smart. A rival in academic things, but a challenge in others.


But Aria is so stupid! 

How can she be his rival in anything? aside repurposing feathers

I was really hoping more would come of that but it just turned into a sketchier excuse for going Out of Town.


Yeah too bad. I find Jason to be quite intriguing.

Edited by raytch
  • Love 1

Ezra thinks 16-year olds are children who can't be expected to make rational decisions. 16 yo children he's stalking and sleeping with are excepted, naturally. I'm way outside the target demographic for this show, so I think I read too much into the scenes, but Ezra still reads menacing to me. I can't help thinking he's supposed to be suspicious...or the actor just makes some odd choices. And were the rest of the girls really booked, or was that some weird fantasy sequence? Again, reading too much into the scenes, but that's not how prosecutions work. Ali is guilty, round up the others.

Good point... Aria was 16 when he started seeing her and that was fine... Aria had to cope with a lot when she was Mikes age, but the idea that he could cope with this situation is totally out of the question for everyone. If I was in Hanna's place I don't think I could have let Mike keep the truth. What 18 year old would rather go to prison for a long time without a fight if there was at least a small chance of proving her innocence...

The whole trial was weird and unrealistic, so I didn't read to much into the ending, it was real though. I think Tanner found new evidence to charge them or something. She told Toby it was too late to save any of them and the police seemed to be working on the evidence.. To me that suggests that they were building a case against all of them.

  • Love 1

I think Tanner found new evidence to charge them or something. She told Toby it was too late to save any of them and the police seemed to be working on the evidence.. To me that suggests that they were building a case against all of them.

We know the police found the ice pick with their fingerprints on it (and we saw the ice pick at the police station again this week) so at the very least they have that evidence.

  • Love 1

Perd! Hapley! Hee! That was my fave scene. Please tell me that Joan Calamezzo will breeze by Rosewood at some point too. ;-)


My second favorite scene, well it's a tie: Caleb and Hanna's at the prison and Caleb standing up to Ezra at the cabin. You GO, baby, you fight for your girl.


And I must say, when Caleb and Ezra were dodging arrows I immediately thought "what the hell is Oliver Queen doing in Rosewood?!"


That trial was ridiculous. I don't understand so much of what is happening, when something happens I usually go "huh...ok" and look as confused as Emily.  I'm actually glad Toby and Spencer actually spoke last night, that's something. I used to love Tanner but she seems so off to me somehow. Ella's little dig at Aria re: students confide in teachers made me smirk. Andrew is so a red herring, I just can't.


And third favorite scene: DIANA F'ING ROSS playing at the end as A plays with her/his Liar dolls. I gasped like Rupaul and then immediately joined in.

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