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S04.E15: Enter The Dragon

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In order to infiltrate the Queens of Darkness as a spy for the heroes, Regina must prove she's still willing to get her hands dirty. Meanwhile, Emma, David and Mary Margaret scramble to keep tabs on their undercover operative. Hook requests an unusual favor from Belle as Henry makes progress on his search for the Author. In a Fairy Tale Land flashback, Regina befriends Maleficent and helps her to rekindle her lost spark.

Were we supposed to laugh at the opening scene?  Because it was impossible to find either of them intimidating or take them seriously?  And their villain test was to try and commit suicide by train?  How does that even make sense?  I mean, wouldn’t a villain test be how willing you are to risk other people, not you?


And being a hard drinker is a villain thing?  Huh.  Somebody better warn LeRoy/Grumpy.  Whatever village he visits next might be at risk.


The Regina undercover plot makes little sense, and the Emma’s suddenly crazed and obsessed with Regina’s safety?  Even less sense.  And, seriously, Emma used to do this professionally.  She thinks they’re dumb enough not to notice the yellow car following them?  Huh?  And how, exactly, did Emma get into the workshop without Maleficent seeing her, since she was parked right outside the door?


And, kudos to the people in the spoiler thread that figured out that Hook and Belle in the rain, was actually Rumple-in-disguise and Belle in the rain. I’m still not buying the Will/Belle romance--simply because I have trouble seeing her jump into a relationship that quickly.

Edited by Mari
  • Love 16

My random thoughts on this episode:

Overall another slow, somewhat boring episode with lots of exposition and set up for later episodes but little character development.

I love Maleficent’s retro suit.  Also her Enchanted Forest hair – a shame it gets covered up by the horned hat.

Also loved Regina’s “You need the beauty sleep more than I do” - it made me laugh.

How is crunching a glass supposed to prove Regina is a “bad girl”?

I thought it rather hypocritical of Rumple to accuse Maleficent of being “showy.”

I found the car parked on the train track scene disturbing given the recent train accidents in the news.

Watching Regina meet and work with Emma and the Charmings “covertly” is like watching the Scooby Doo gang.  Without any jokes or other redeeming features.

How nice of Maleficent to make sure Aurora ends up on a comfy bed to sleep.

What a clever way of reclaiming the dagger.  Rumple’s deviousness knows no bounds.

  • Love 5

This episode was quite possibly the most wretchedly boring and stupid I’ve seen in some time.  There was absolutely nothing that I liked about it.


The way Regina is supposed to prove her villainy is by acting like a drunk teenager and destroying property?


WTF was up with those flashbacks?  The acting was atrocious.  Regina was acting like a timid ingénue turned motivational life coach.  We’ve seen her in this time period and I don’t recall her ever behaving this way.  It seems like they have decided to go with ‘what if the most irritating version of Snow White/Mary Margret went bad?’   Can I please have Evil Queen/Mayor Mills and Bandit Snow back?


Rumpel  is making Hook say stupid banal crap that only Belle would think is normal.  'We must touch each other's chest and swear a pirate's oath.'  Its cringe worthy and I do not like it. 

Edited by ParadoxLost

Were we supposed to laugh at the opening scene?  Because it was impossible to find either of them intimidating or take them seriously?  And their villain test was to try and commit suicide by train?  How does that even make sense?  I mean, wouldn’t a villain test be how willing you are to risk other people, not you?


And being a hard drinker is a villain thing?  Huh.  Somebody better warn LeRoy/Grumpy.  Whatever village he visits next might be at risk.


The Regina undercover plot makes little sense, and the Emma’s suddenly crazed and obsessed with Regina’s safety?  Even less sense.  And, seriously, Emma used to do this professionally.  She thinks they’re dumb enough not to notice the yellow car following them?  Huh?  And how, exactly, did Emma get into the workshop without Maleficent seeing her, since she was parked right outside the door?


And, kudos to the people in the spoiler thread that figured out that Hook and Belle in the rain, was actually Rumple-in-disguise and Belle in the rain. I’m still not buying the Will/Belle romance--simply because I have trouble seeing her jump into a relationship that quickly.

The train thing didn't make sense because I thought Storybrooke was hidden from the rest of the world.

Edited by kpw801
  • Love 10

Ok, first thoughts. I liked Mal's first fairyback look. She's Patsy Stone at 9am. I didn't hate the Rumple as Hook scene. In fact, when Belle commanded the Dark One to face her, and KillianRump turned his head to her, I actually gasped.


That said, Regina undercover doesn't make any sense. They're going to do this with or without her, so what is the point?


ETA: Rumple's a stalkery dick.

Edited by ABitOFluff
  • Love 5

Well... I'm really no more impressed with this episode than last week's.


* I like the uneasy alliances and who's-on-who's-side business. It's more interesting than the tradition Team Hero vs. Team Villain.

* Mastermind Rumple. Kudos to everyone who speculated he was going to do a Hook shapeshift.

* I cracked up at Goth Maleficent.


* The first half was like watching a completely different show. It was like a team of highschool bad girls living in a small town trying to see if Sandra Dee was truly bad. Super cheesy and dumb.

* Where the heck do trains in Storybrooke even go to?
* Emma being protective of Regina... too overplayed. I could see Emma not trusting Regina's undercover skills, but it was laid on way too heavy.

* I'm already sick of the stupid Rumpbelle angst. It's so contrived and pointless.

* The flashbacks were boring and slow. I was hoping we were getting some of the actual Sleeping Beauty story. Stefan and Aurora were major letdowns.

* The flashbacks were such a repeat of Anna/Charming in White Out. Is Regina going to give Cruella fashion tips? Is she going to show Ursula the proper way to strangle people? 

* They're making Belle look like a complete idiot, being constantly played by Rumple. You can't tell me there was nothing fishy about that scene with false Hook  asking her about Will.

* This episode just felt so overly long with little happening. All the action was saved for the last 5 minutes, just like last week.

* When I saw that rose, even though it might be a different, I just kept yelling "Gaston!!!" in my brain.

* Scarlet Beauty is just so... crafted to manufacture a love triangle. Do not like that trope.

* The dialog was particularly lacking. Not enough funny snark.

* Again the villains are pulling all the strings while the heroes just kind of derp around.

* August is back... yay? I can't wait to watch him be tortured next week...?


This episode was just more setup, it seemed like. The flashbacks didn't really tell us anything we needed to know, except for why Regina chose not to kill Snow White so many freaking times.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 4

I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t handle how overdramatic Emma was being with Regina and the undercover plan. Oh my god she didn’t call and it’s been one hour! Oh no! Drop everything and freak out! She dropped her cell phone! The sky is falling! Jesus Christ, Emma. You and Regina were the ones who willingly allowed those bad guys to come into town. And seriously, you and Regina aren’t that close of friends yet. Have we ever seen Emma freak out that much over her own parents? Or how about the numerous times your boyfriend goes missing on a regular basis and you barely bat a fake eyelash? Get a grip, woman. I could understand Emma freaking out like that over Henry, but not Regina.


I don’t know if that was a directing decision or an acting decision, but it didn’t even make sense with what we were shown in last week’s episode. In Unforgiven, Emma bought that entire speech David gave her about not jumping to the worst conclusion about the new bad guys, and Emma even gave that whole speech to Hook about seeing the best in him despite his bad past. So why would Emma freak out so much over Regina hanging with the Queens of Darkness when she supposedly believed they were searching to turn over a new leaf a couple days ago? Or are they officially on the "Villain List" because Maleficent has been resurrected? I feel like we missed an important “Good Guy Debriefing Meeting” between last week’s episode and this week’s where they officially decided the new ladies are all super duper evil and out for no good.


Also, how in the hell did Maleficent not see Emma go into Gepetto’s shop? God, I hate it when the show makes Emma look stupid.


I wanted to see more Rumple-as-Hook shenanigans. He and Belle were the best part of the slow and rather pointless episode.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 12

Did not get the loyalty tests for Regina. Seemed a little Mean Girls to me. Let's get wasted and destroy property to show how badass we are!

Loved the Hook-is-Rumple twist, but feel awful Belle got used by her loving husband again. Now WHERE is Hook? Does that mean he is necessarily in danger....does Rumple have him again?

Emma didn't seem like Emma. I thought Hook or David might have said something when she volunteered to get involved with Regina's undercover operation.

  • Love 3

I was super bored with this one. I started looking at the little details in scenes just to make myself pay attention.


Snow's winning ribbons for horse riding were way too modern looking.


The game of chicken made no sense. They should have put a puppy in front of the train or something and watched Regina's reaction (not that I would necessarily want to see that), but why would Regina want to commit suicide?


Emma is pissing me off with her superpower talk and her ott concern for Regina. I wish someone had taken over her body. That would at least make some sense.


The Maleficent flashbacks did nothing for me. So nice to see Sebastian Roche and Aurora for ten seconds.


I liked the scenes with Belle and Hook. If I hadn't read spoilers, I would have thought Colin was phoning in his performance with EDR. His line readings were definitely not conveying the normal Hook charm. Two thumbs up for a wet Colin standing in the rain.


The pirate oath made me cringe and laugh. The chest groping was a bit much.


I am happy to see grown up August.


I know I won't be watching this ep ever again. Maybe the worst of season four so far.

  • Love 7

Its unforgivable to let it go so far as to let Pinocchio be kidnapped because they believe Regina will be able to save him if something goes wrong.  Obviously not.


I doubt the same decision would have been made if it were Henry or Snowflake.


How long before Rumpel kidnaps Hook, breaks up him and Emma, and embarks on a new romance with Belle using Hook's guise?

Edited by ParadoxLost

It wasn't a bad episode, but it felt more like more of Regina's backstory than Maleficent's.

Well, it kind of was.


Because it's all about Regina.  It's like she's that bass, or something.  (Insert cymbal crash to signify particularly cheesy joke.)


ETA: Rumple's a stalkery dick.

Yeah.  I was willing to give him one wistful look last episode without thinking he was being particularly creepy.  But, he's starting to tread into yucksome stalker territory.  He does it again next week, and I'll be yelling "Stalker!  Stalker!  Stalker!" with the group.

Edited by Mari

Colin fucking O'Donoghue. I knew Rumple was shape shifting when he showed up in the diner, but the way Colin turned his head when Belle commanded Rumple to look at her gave me chills. I seriously would've been bored with this episode if it weren't for his awesome acting.

That being said, Belle, seriously, pirate oaths involve your friend's boyfriend grabbing your boob? That didn't seem weird to you? Really?

And August is back! I give this episode props for the eye candy -- August's return and "Hook" in the rain -- but there's not that much more to get excited about.

Edited by sharky
  • Love 17

Are we supposed to believe that Emma was actually a crappy bounty hunter? Because the show sure seemed to want us to think that. What with the same "slyness" as David had shadowing Cruella and Ursula last episode, only at night.


These are grown-ass women with so much flipping magic at their disposal that they waste time tearing up Granny's, torching a police car, chicken on a train crossing and getting drunk? "Bad girls" is about right-- if they were teens!  Why couldn't Regina poof the empty bottles somewhere? Why couldn't they just transport Pinocchio to Rumple's cabin?  ( For that matter, why didn't Emma think to stay around until Marco woke up so he won't freak over Regina taking Pinocchio? Tell him the outline of what's going down? Sorry; that'd be like focusing on a core character. Wait...)


The Rumple-as-Hook was good and I wasn't really expecting it. More like hoping the story wouldn't go there, but it's Rumple and he has zero effs to give, so sure. Rumple still has no idea of how to smoothly act like Killian, so that'll eventually trip him up.  Like next to last ep of the half season or, possibly, never. *sigh*


I loved how Mal's hair was in the fairyback. I was disappointed that she's got to wear the stoopid horns.

I love how Ursula is so over everything and seems bored beyond the telling.

Did Mal plunder Zelena's wardrobe to find that hat? It looked good on KBvS.

I think I can't hate Cruella or VS on this show. I probably will end up disliking Cruella, but, aside from the fingerless gloves from tonight, she's smashing!


I felt badly for Colin and Emilie and Robert having to film not only on such a dark night, but also in the rain! Kudos to those keeping them warm between takes!


It was an unusual hour: It felt so draggy, yet I only looked at the clock once and it was at the 40 minute mark.


Oh, if Regina was truly sorry about the car, why couldn't she poof it to the sheriff's station and repaired? Or the sheriff's impound lot? or to a car repair shop ( where Hansel and Gretel's dad works)?


At least they got Sarah Bolger in for a quick afternoon's work!


Glad we're exploring the core characters in new and unexpected ways this half.

  • Love 1

Legit question: Are we supposed to be happy Mal got her evil back on, and put Aurora under the sleeping spell? I really cant tell what this show is trying to tell us with this episode. 


I'm right there with you.  I don't really know.  It feels like the whole tone of the flashback is off.  It felt like Regina's point of view and I don't think I've ever had that feeling that the POV of the flashbacks was tied to the characters being focused on before.


I was going to disagree on the Hook masquerading as Rumpel acting being good; but then I realized how annoyed I am at the confidence he had that Belle was that gullible.  Then I realized that its the foundation of Rumbelle and it really came across in the portrayal. So kudos on the acting I guess.  But I would rather Belle be allowed to be a stronger character.

Edited by ParadoxLost

Colin fucking O'Donoghue. I knew Rumple was shape shifting when he showed up in the diner, but the way Colin turned his head when Belle commanded Rumple to look at her gave me chills. I seriously would've been bored with this episode if it weren't for his awesome acting.

I'm right there with you. Loved the way Colin said, "So...is it serious ?" Rumple came through in that line for me. Excellent.

  • Love 7

The only good thing about having creepy August back would be him admitting what he did to teenage Emma and maybe even apologizing.  Hope that it's a short stay.

Figured out Hook was really Rumple as soon as he and Belle were alone but how did he know about Hook and Will's backstory?

Totally agree with others that Emma was too freaked out about undercover Regina.  Again, she has become just a plot point in Regina's story - sigh.

  • Love 5

It wouldn't surprise me if they started copying Mal`s back story from the live action Disney movie. Focusing all the attention on the poor, sad, victimized female villain, who was betrayed by those mean, awful heroes, and eventually finds her goodness again through the child of said mean good guy? The writers must have LOVED that movie to bits. 

  • Love 4

The "loyalty tests" at the beginning were just ridiculous.  Doing shots?  Playing chicken with a train?  Torching a police car?  Was Regina joining the Queens of Darkness, or was this just an initiation to the local fraternity?  Only thing missing was cow tipping and streaking through the main street of Storybrooke (OK, the last part would have been kind of funny.)


Hate to say it but, Dear David and Snow, please shut it.  Do you really think that undercover work is that easy?  That Regina just needed to spend on night with them acting a fool, and they would spill everything?  Even if this plan was actually brilliant, undercover work can sometimes take days.  So, drop the whole "That's all you found?!" act now.  Quit making me take Regina's side, Charmings.


Figured out that it was Rumple pretending to be Hook near the end, but that was a decent little twist.  Colin did a good job at being believable enough that I could buy Belle falling for it, but noticeable enough that I suspected something was off.  So, now Rumple's got back his dagger and his plan is bringing August back to find the The Author.  That can be good.


The flashbacks were kind of a waste, despite Kristen Bauer being fun as Stoned Maleficent.  Just used as another step for Regina's path of EVIL!  And Sebastian Roche was wasted as Stefan.  At least Aurora made a cameo.


I continue to really hate how much they are wasting Will.  There really was no point to bringing him here.  I wished Will just got his happy ending in Wonderland, and Michael Socha found a show that would use him (see: Sophie Lowe/Alice on that new Returned show.)


I really hope they go somewhere with this half of the season.  Right now, I'm really missing the Frozen crew.

  • Love 3

If Regina were really smart she would have poofed herself out of the car and left the other 3 to fend for themselves.

That's what I was thinking because it would be her looking out for herself. She'd screw the others and still keep the bad guy thing. She's not exactly the smartest person, so of course she didn't think of it.

Edited by Stuffy
  • Love 2

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this episode was kind of slow. I thought we were building toward the big finish, then looked at the clock and realized it was only half over. I was blaming the wine (I got the clever idea to drink before the episode so it would have kicked in before it started, but then it just made me sleepy).


And their villain test was to try and commit suicide by train?  How does that even make sense?  I mean, wouldn’t a villain test be how willing you are to risk other people, not you?

I think I'm going to have to create a keyboard shortcut macro for "makes no sense" just for discussing this show. I think the idea was that they were going to prove they weren't heroes by seeing who'd be the first to rescue the others, but then doesn't that imply that they're trusting each other to rescue them? Someone eventually would have to poof them away or they all die. Really, wouldn't villains just each poof themselves away and not care about the others? This is bored country kid stuff (and the son of one of my high school teachers was killed doing this kind of stupid thing).


Where the heck do trains in Storybrooke even go to?

Maybe they just go through Storybrooke without knowing they're going through anything, like the way the road seems to go through town, but the town is invisible. Come to think of it, have we ever seen what happens when an outsider drives down that road, other than maybe in the episode with child Owen?


Speaking of cars, they always show cars parked up and down the street, but we never see traffic unless Emma, David, Regina, Gold or now Cruella is driving. That made Emma's following Cruella rather silly when they're the only cars on the street.


I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t handle how overdramatic Emma was being with Regina and the undercover plan.

That was just plain silly. She was far more concerned about a powerful sorceress being late for a check-in than she was when her boyfriend had his heart ripped out of his chest. The pandering, it burns.


Legit question: Are we supposed to be happy Mal got her evil back on, and put Aurora under the sleeping spell? I really cant tell what this show is trying to tell us with this episode.

Yeah, it's like we were supposed to cheer the friendship girl power thing, but I was only cheering when boozy Mal told Regina to get a new hobby. Because Regina needs to hear that more often about every little thing she gets obsessed with. It's just insane that a grown woman allows her happiness to depend on what's happening with a child who spilled a secret -- a secret Regina only declared to be a secret because that child caught her cheating on her dad when Regina was engaged to him. They always seem to forget that part. And now she's cursed a horse. Seriously. She cursed the horse. Because she's petty that way. Someone call PETA.


Oh Belle, you beautiful idiot. Rumple did play her masterfully, but these people know there are people who can glamour themselves into other guises. They need passwords. I think I'd also have made a daily ritual of picking up the dagger and ordering Rumple out of town, just in case. But how did Rumple know Hook and Belle had become so close? Team Library hasn't really been in action since Rumple got back in town. We never saw Rumple noticing Hook and Belle working together. I guess we're just supposed to assume Rumple's stalking was very thorough and Hook's spent all his time when he wasn't with Emma in the library with Belle, but it would have been nice to see Rumple seeing that because it's a huge leap to think that they'd developed the kind of trust where she'd give Hook the dagger. Even up to the point when Rumple was banished from town that would have been unlikely.


I wonder where the real Hook was during all this.

  • Love 5

Overall, this episode was boring. It only got real exciting when Hook turned out to be Rumple.


For a second, I actually thought Rumple was going to stab Pinocchio with his dagger, like kill the boy to resurrect the man. I'm glad they didn't.


There has to be an extended version for that train scene because it was stupid. If they showed the train was fake, and that they were in no real danger it would prove Regina has that "Hero Complex." (Besides, I don't think Cruella is the type of person who would be ok with her car being destroyed by a train.)


That or the correct way was to save yourself and prove you're selfish; which is a villain trait.

If Regina were really smart she would have poofed herself out of the car and left the other 3 to fend for themselves.



Honestly, I thought that's what she was supposed to do. A truly evil queen isn't going to risk herself for others, even potential allies. She was supposed to poof out of the car and let the others figure out a way out. And if they didn't, oh well.


Of course, that would make more sense if the car had been disabled in some way. Otherwise, they could just, ya know, drive forward.


That whole scene didn't really make sense.


But how did Rumple know Hook and Belle had become so close? Team Library hasn't really been in action since Rumple got back in town.



Maybe Belle mentioned it in her email to the Oxford professor.

Edited by venturestar
  • Love 1

The train scene just made me think that they laid out the whole half season after watching Final Destination.



Honestly, I thought that's what she was supposed to do. A truly evil queen isn't going to risk herself for others, even potential allies. She was supposed to poof out of the car and let the others figure out a way out. And if they didn't, oh well.


Maybe we are just confused about the magic and we are supposed to know that Cruella's car is spelled and invulnerable and Regina saved the train passengers and not them because they were never in danger.  If that's the case, then major fail on the storytelling.


It will be interesting to see if they are forced to explain that scene in interviews/twitter.

Edited by ParadoxLost

That whole scene didn't really make sense.



Maybe Belle mentioned it in her email to the Oxford professor.

Dear totallyanoxfordprofessorruneexpert@email.com,


I have this mysterious spell I want you to decipher.  Also, I've become friends with a pirate.  Just thought you should know.  If you run into my ex, a power crazed sorcerer with dark tendencies, please don't let it slip, okay?



Librarian from town not on the map.




Compared to the Snow Queen plot, this Queens of Darkness crap is boring as hell.


At least the actress managed to make Ingrid seem crazy and dangerous.  So far, the "villains" all seem to be ridiculous, and some of the scenes are so badly acted or overacted and written that it's like watching a bad high school drama club perform the play someone in the junior class wrote.



They don't even think about these things, do they? 

  • Love 11

1) I am loving Maleficent's 40s Noir Outfit


2) I am frustrated that the Sleeping Beauty plot and characters are simply handwaved away.  Maleficent was Sleeping Beauty's Big Bad and, thus, reason should dictate that the Sleeping Beauty characters would have a bigger part.  Is it scheduling?  Was Sarah Bolger only available for that one brief scene?  And what happened to Philip?  And Mulan?  Mulan was awesome.


3) Belle + Will Scarlet = Don't care.

  • Love 9
Maybe Belle mentioned it in her email to the Oxford professor.

That would be an awfully chatty e-mail to a stranger. :-)


Really, what "Hook" asked of her was pretty huge. I suppose Rumple was assuming that they both knew they'd be at risk if Rumple got the dagger back, but it's still a big assumption, considering that Belle and Hook wouldn't even have been considered friends the last time Rumple saw them. Belle had only just started tolerating Hook's presence.


I would say that Rumple's behavior here with Belle makes it even more of a "HELL NO" for them to ever get back together, but on this show, the odds are slim that she'll ever find out what he did, and even so, one big good gesture and all will be okay.


I somehow doubt they meant it this way, but all of flashback Regina's whining about her happy ending made her current quest look even sillier, since she just keeps changing her definition of happy ending. She'll get Robin back and then want something else, and end up neglecting him and driving him away while she focuses on getting that one other thing she now wants to complete her happy ending.

  • Love 1

Like many of you, I also thought this episode was very boring, except for the Rumple!Hook scenes. And Colin looked amazing in the dagger scene when he was all wet and his eyes looked super blue. My favorite part was when Belle summoned Rumple and Rumple!Hook creepily turned his head to her. I had to LOL at the pirate's oath, and actually squirmed in my seat when he put his hand on her, and for a second I thought they actually might kiss. Whew, nightmares adverted.

Emma being so concerned about Regina was just ridiculous, and I hope Regina isn't undercover for too long so Emma can stop with being Regina's protector.

  • Love 4

Dear totallyanoxfordprofessorruneexpert@email.com,

I have this mysterious spell I want you to decipher.  Also, I've become friends with a pirate.  Just thought you should know.  If you run into my ex, a power crazed sorcerer with dark tendencies, please don't let it slip, okay?


Librarian from town not on the map



Ha! I was actually just thinking Belle may have mentioned she was working with a "colleague" with enough context for Rumple to figure it out. The emails probably went back and forth a little and if Rumple was looking for information, he may have pushed for more detail hoping she would reveal stuff. Even if she just said she was working with a "he" that gives a good guess. Charming's not really the researcher type.

  • Love 2

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