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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

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15 minutes ago, sagittarius sue said:

Nurie wasn't pregnant until 5 months after her wedding.  i wonder if Kaylee wants to beat her in having a baby sooner.

I hope not.  Let those two work on their house and get to know each other before having the first granddaughter.  

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7 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

I’m surprised Jill didn’t take away the blanket from precious Nessi.

I’m surprised every time Jill posts a picture of 7-year-old Sofia with her thumb in her mouth.

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4 hours ago, Heathen said:

I hope Ofjonathan got a hair brush as a wedding gift. It appears that she does not own one. 

I looked at the first wedding picture (of Kaylee and Jonathan coming out of the church), and I knew immediately that BME styled Kaylee’s hair.  Jill fucks up everything she touches.

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6 hours ago, zoomama said:

in the family picture of jonathons family, no one was really even smiling. i doubt they are very excited about this union. 

Honestly, the Hills could be as nutty as Jill and David for all we know, but they certainly never bothered to train their little army to smile on cue for a camera. 

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Kaylee does look nice, and happy.  Hope she had a good day, as this will be the pinnacle of her life, other than announcing her first pregnancy.  No more high points after this!

Half of the wedding party looks unhappy or distracted.  The Hill family photo is not a good one; most of them look annoyed and miserable.

Interesting to see pre-arranged plates of olives with celery and peanut butter already at the tables.  

Oh, and Jonathan's suit- just terrible.  Ill fitting, as always for fundie males in suits, and the white looks awful on him (IMO).  The baggy pants look clownish.

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4 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

We’ve all wondered where Jonathan works.  He’s an engineer, so now there’s hope that Kaylee won’t have to grift or live in poverty for the rest of her life.

Where does he work?

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4 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

We’ve all wondered where Jonathan works.  He’s an engineer, so now there’s hope that Kaylee won’t have to grift or live in poverty for the rest of her life.

What type of engineer?  Did he go to an actual college to become one?

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22 hours ago, Snow Fairy said:

I acutally like the cake, it looks really nice.

Everything except the front of the dress (as I can currently see) looked better than I thought it would 

I didn’t care for the plate of olives and stuff.  1–it was probably fished out of jars by little Rodlet hands and 2-was it warm/how long was that sitting there? 
The cake was pretty & they did look happy. The first kiss at the altar looked all kinds of awkward but the cake cutting one seemed more natural. 

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17 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

Yes, looks like all three non-Rod wedding party members are Jonathan's brothers. 

Hill family wedding pic:


12 hours ago, zoomama said:

in the family picture of jonathons family, no one was really even smiling. i doubt they are very excited about this union. 

She looks bedraggled here. Her hair is ratty and her headpiece is crooked. 

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9 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

His father was an engineer before he quit to become a pastor. 

Jonathan apparently is a supervisor at an animal feed mill.

that's actually a pretty good job.  he could actually provide for his family, provided Jill doesn't "burden" him with a desire to quit and be part of the "full time ministry."    If he is working a regular job, maybe Kaylee really won't be part of the traveling circus anymore because Jonathan can't be dragged along.  

What's wrong with the lady's hair?   Mine does the same thing.   I have very thick full hair so it bushes out on the sides, no matter the length.

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9 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

Where does he work?

Jill posted pics of Phillip in a hat for Loudonville Farmers Equity.  Farming supplies, grain elevator, etc. Rumor on other sites speculate Samuel has also been working with Jonathan and Phillip. I say good if he is. Sammers will be 18 in a few weeks and surely he has learned enough algebra math and bible memorizing by now. Watch for Phillip's non worldly spring break trip to coincide with best friend Samuel's non worldly senior trip next spring.🙄

No idea if they actually work at the farmers equity, but it seems like the type of place they might choose. A few degrees removed from Jonathan being the farmer Kaylee dreamed of marrying.

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Can someone explain what I'm seeing here? That can't possibly be that woman's hair, right?


I think the wind likely messed it up, I am guessing what I can see from her hair texture, is that she put product in the roots but wanted to keep some of the texture in the length, the wind got to it and it didnt photograph well. OR she pinned it with a hair clip/bobby pin to keep it off her face, and the wind got to what was left down.

Her hair is probably lovely most of the time. Thats the thing with outdoor events, if youre someone that cares about your hair (not everyone does), you have to choose a style and product that is going to work with the season/weather, if you want to guarantee that the style will hold for all the photos. 

I PERSONALLY think half up/half down is HARD to for outdoor events/photographs. A gust of wind and the style can be gone.

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20 hours ago, awaken said:

Oh, and Jonathan's suit- just terrible.  Ill fitting, as always for fundie males in suits, and the white looks awful on him (IMO).  The baggy pants look clownish.

Hey, Al Capone wore that suit and those shoes to his wedding in 1918. Al passed on the pink accents, however. al-capone-s-son-takes-a-bride-mr-and-mrs-albert-francis-capone_u-l-q10wmqt0.jpg.2d3982100a8525214e3a3e0d88beb3a2.jpg

Edited by BradandJanet
My error. This is Al Capone's son's wedding. That would put it in the 1930's, when baggy suits were a thing.
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1 hour ago, crazy8s said:

Jill posted pics of Phillip in a hat for Loudonville Farmers Equity.  Farming supplies, grain elevator, etc. Rumor on other sites speculate Samuel has also been working with Jonathan and Phillip. I say good if he is. Sammers will be 18 in a few weeks and surely he has learned enough algebra math and bible memorizing by now. Watch for Phillip's non worldly spring break trip to coincide with best friend Samuel's non worldly senior trip next spring.🙄

No idea if they actually work at the farmers equity, but it seems like the type of place they might choose. A few degrees removed from Jonathan being the farmer Kaylee dreamed of marrying.

If it is true, I hope bringing the Rods onboard at his job doesn't backfire for Jonathan.  

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13 hours ago, awaken said:

What type of engineer?  Did he go to an actual college to become one?

I don’t know any details, just that he’s an engineer.  I’m praying that it’s true because if so, Kaylee has a chance of having a much better life than what she’s experienced so far.  That is, if her POS mother will leave them alone.

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6 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

I don’t know any details, just that he’s an engineer.  I’m praying that it’s true because if so, Kaylee has a chance of having a much better life than what she’s experienced so far.  That is, if her POS mother will leave them alone.

that is what I would worry about. Jill is going to expect dinners, vacations and gifts.... 

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1 hour ago, farmgal4 said:

I don’t know any details, just that he’s an engineer.  I’m praying that it’s true because if so, Kaylee has a chance of having a much better life than what she’s experienced so far.  That is, if her POS mother will leave them alone.

Jon just turned 22 this past summer.  He's been in Ohio working for around a year or so. Engineering is a 4 year program requiring a bachelor's degree.  I don't know where he went to school, but it would be a pretty big accomplishment if he had gotten his degree before the age of 21.  I doubt he's an actual engineer.

His father was a software engineer before becoming a full time pastor.

Edited by Notabug
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On 9/25/2018 at 11:54 AM, Bryce Lynch said:
On 11/6/2022 at 8:35 AM, farmgal4 said:

I shudder to think that Kaylee may be pregnant right now. 

Well, it does typically take a few days at least for a fertilized ovum to travel into the uterus and implant, but… no doubt some pee sticks have been used and many prayers said for a girl baby to please Mamoh…

On 11/6/2022 at 9:54 AM, dargosmydaddy said:

Picture of the wedding party:


Isn't Jonathan from a similar-sized family? Yet Kaylee gets practically her entire family (minus Gabriel and Janessa, plus Nathan) in the wedding party, while Jonathan gets three people? 

And what happened to Gabriel? I thought at first that the boy with the hand in front of his face was him, but a different photo shows it's not. Like, I'm glad Jonathan got another contribution in the bridal party, but still sucks for Gabriel... Did they have to leave him out so Janessa wouldn't feel bad?

Renee looks miserable.

Lot of misery in that photo.

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2 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Actually, I misspoke. He's a Manager, not a supervisor. So he's further down the chain. 

At least he has a dependable job.  That’s more than his dead-beat FIL can say.

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5 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I'd guess he's making ~$20/hr.

If he’s working for an established company, he’s probably getting benefits too (health benefits, sick days, vacation days, etc.).  I wasn’t too impressed with Jonathan, but he’s looking better to me now.  I hope Renee can meet a fine, upstanding guy soon.  Her life has to be miserable without Kaylee there.

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Just now, farmgal4 said:

If he’s working for an established company, he’s probably getting benefits too (health benefits, sick days, vacation days, etc.).  I wasn’t too impressed with Jonathan, but he’s looking better to me now.  I hope Renee can meet a fine, upstanding guy soon.  Her life has to be miserable without Kaylee there.

There's a Cargill feed company in Wooster. That is likely where he's working. With benefits! Yay!

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He makes enough to put a down payment/get a mortgage. 

He better get used to most of his $ going to Javid and feeding the whole Rod family frequently. Wouldn’t surprise me if the Rod family drops by daily for free meals or babysitting.

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30 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

He makes enough to put a down payment/get a mortgage. 

He better get used to most of his $ going to Javid and feeding the whole Rod family frequently. Wouldn’t surprise me if the Rod family drops by daily for free meals or babysitting.

He already bought that house for cheap. The estimated mortgage was something like $450.

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If he is making around $20/hr, that is close to 40K a year.   Which for a young couple starting out in rural Ohio is probably decent enough.   I don't know how expensive the area they are is, but it doesn't sound like they will be hurting if they budget properly.   Of course, Kaylee has no clue how to do that.    They also have to set FIRM boundaries with BME and DBD so they can actually save and provide for their own kids.

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I'd be interested to see whether Kaylee can budget. On one hand, most of the fundie newlyweds are surprisingly awful at managing a household (I mean, it's a steep learning curve for lots of young people, but given the way the parents brag, it's pretty funny). On the other, budgeting the grift funds to cover gas, Daddy's dip ups, the make mahmo happy fund and still make sure the kids are only kind of starving would take some budgeting skills. On the plus for Kaylee side, it looks like Nurie might possibly have some budgeting skills if Nurthan can keep funding the Jill Grift on a likely modest salary. 

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3 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

There's a Cargill feed company in Wooster. That is likely where he's working. With benefits! Yay!

we have no idea where Jonathan is actually working or in what capacity. Jill has mentioned Jonathan is Phillip's boss. I speculated the possibility of the Farmers Equity since Jill posted pics of Phillip in a hat with that name. Jonathan could be working at the local Wendy's and be Phillip's boss for all we know.

He also possibly worked several years and saved some money in Mississippi in preparation for taking on the "burden of a wife" since he did not have to travel with a family grifting tour much of the year.

Edited by crazy8s
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8 hours ago, crazy8s said:

Jill posted pics of Phillip in a hat for Loudonville Farmers Equity.  Farming supplies, grain elevator, etc. Rumor on other sites speculate Samuel has also been working with Jonathan and Phillip. I say good if he is. Sammers will be 18 in a few weeks and surely he has learned enough algebra math and bible memorizing by now. Watch for Phillip's non worldly spring break trip to coincide with best friend Samuel's non worldly senior trip next spring.🙄

No idea if they actually work at the farmers equity, but it seems like the type of place they might choose. A few degrees removed from Jonathan being the farmer Kaylee dreamed of marrying.

So they all work in the same plane. How is Jonathan’s Philip’s “boss?” He surely doesn’t own the place. 

5 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

I don’t know any details, just that he’s an engineer.  I’m praying that it’s true because if so, Kaylee has a chance of having a much better life than what she’s experienced so far.  That is, if her POS mother will leave them alone.

This kid doesn’t have a college education. How can he be an engineer?

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