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The Returned (US) - General Discussion

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I was struck on this show by how much the 3 did look alike



Yes, the mother and Camille especially.  They're almost jarringly similar.  I'm speaking of the US version. 


In other news, Victor is creeping me right the fuck out.  Silent children are scary children. 

Edited by Duke2801
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At first I thought the casting of the two girls wasn't that bad, but now after the 2nd episode, I'm pretty sure they have different eye colors.  And I've noticed the difference in height more, too.  I think that Camille is a pretty good actress, but the gal who plays Lena isn't as good and it makes it less believable that they're twins.


I'm also having a problem with American Victor.  But then, French Victor was so much more creepy.


Why didn't Simon say anything to Rowan at the library?   

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At first I thought the casting of the two girls wasn't that bad, but now after the 2nd episode, I'm pretty sure they have different eye colors.  And I've noticed the difference in height more, too.  I think that Camille is a pretty good actress, but the gal who plays Lena isn't as good and it makes it less believable that they're twins.

I'm also having a problem with American Victor.  But then, French Victor was so much more creepy.

Why didn't Simon say anything to Rowan at the library?


The French twins are far better cast IMO. Ahh, I hope I don't notice an eye color discrepancy, it will totally yank me out of the story.


French Victor is the creepiest little creepier who ever creeped. I don't know if there's an international Emmy category for that, but there ought to be. If that version was a US production, I would swear they superimposed an unsettling, age-progressed photo of the same kid as old man, and added some corpse-y features.


I have an idea about why Simon didn't say anything, but it's based on info from

a few episodes later. After wondering and wondering about that plot twist, I found that this detail about Simon is considered a mystery that were never explained/solved in the French series (boo!).

Maybe the US version will write it differently?

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At first I thought the casting of the two girls wasn't that bad, but now after the 2nd episode, I'm pretty sure they have different eye colors.  And I've noticed the difference in height more, too.  I think that Camille is a pretty good actress, but the gal who plays Lena isn't as good and it makes it less believable that they're twins.


All that, yes.  And the complete difference in their face and nose shapes is very distracting.  It's highly implausible that a girl would gain so many inches of height between age 15 and 19 . . . but okay, maybe.  However, her face isn't going to reshape so completely.

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I want to know how Simon died (the circumstances).  Did he commit suicide, car accident, etc?  They are leaving a lot of holes in his story at least for now.

If they go with the french storyline he committed suicide.

you can see how crushing that would be in the circumstances.

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I liked this episode.  There are still too many characters and story lines going on to keep up with who's who & what is what but so far so good.  Hopefully I'll become more emotionally invested in these characters and the show will become more interesting.  For now though, enh it's ok.

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One thing that impressed me about the french program was how they found two actors to play the formerly twin sisters who really do look alike, and also found someone to play their mother who could easily be an older triplet of them.

I was too.  Those two girls looked so much alike that I thought that they had cast sisters. I checked and apparently not. They also did a good job with the US casting of Camille and Lena but not as good as the French version.

I enjoyed this as much as "Les revenants" which was a nice surprise. (I was a little leery after being so disappointed with Gracepoint.)  It also helped that since I know the back stories of these characters, I'm not as confused as I was with the first few episodes of the French series. I will definitely stick with this one.

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I might have to let these stack up in my DVR until I have several to watch at one time.  There was so much going on in the first episode and it was all so rich and unexpected, I wanted moremoremore.  This week was slower and more thoughtful--and I want more.


I was hoping one of the "live" characters would be revealed as a returnee.  We only know Dr. Han was stabbed and chomped, not killed, right?


Still enjoying the French influence.  Has there ever been a bathtub filling up on American TV where the water didn't change to blood?



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Jack and Claire want to move in order for Camille to avoid a life of hiding, but in the meantime she pretends to be a cousin to get out of the house. Elsewhere, Lena discovers a mysterious scar on her back; and Victor has a run-in with a nosy neighbor.



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you can see how crushing that would be in the circumstances.


Now that I've been crammed every non-sleeping overnight minute watching Les Revenants,

I totally don't buy that Simon killed himself. There were so many clues to the opposite, like Lucy claiming to "see" his death, but it was the dual suicide at the Helping Hand that she actually saw, plus the Priest(?) who said he believed it to be true  was busy turning Simon over to the police like a criminal. Then there's the problem with creepy Thomas. He went from appearing to want to protect Adele, to wanting to ensure Adele did not see Simon/know he was back, to video stalking the two of them, flipping out, shooting him "dead" in the heart, and then pursuing him again and trying to kill him again and again. If anything, I came away with the impression that Thomas made up the story of Simon committing suicide so as to convince Adele to let go of the memory and commit to him fully. Something ain't clean in that milk.

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I just found out about this show and watched both episodes back to back.


I thought at first that "The Returneds" would all be those that died in the bus crash.  I didn't get it till the second episode that they died at different times - but all are returning at the same time right?


Scenery was gorgeous as is the house that Camille's family lives in.


Took me till the second episode to realize that Camile's father was in Lost.

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The casting of a much taller actress for the older twin means that they can't have the time span of the show go very far. Even so, wasn't Camille already 17 when she "died"? Girls rarely grow any taller after that.

Did Simon attack Lucy? I thought so, but now I guess not.

Aaron Douglas seems to know who did attack the women (one of whom we now know is Dr. Han), and looking at the credits on IMDb, I see that AD's character and another share a last name, so I guess it was his brother.

If so, the return of a serial attacker is sure not a miracle.

Maybe Jeremy Sisto's character (the optimistic therapist) should read one of the leaflets being circulated about the returned on The Leftovers, which, by the way, I still would rate more highly than this show.

But the season's still young.

My favorite bit was the smile Victor gave the nosy neighbor that finally made her shut up.

Edited by shapeshifter
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I think Camille was 14 or 15.  I can't figure out how old Lena is supposed to be though.  In the French version Lena was 18 or 19 and that was ok because the legal drinking age is 18 in Europe.  In the American version, are they making her 21 so she can be in the bar legally?  The age difference worked much better in the French version. 

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I think Camille was 14 or 15.  I can't figure out how old Lena is supposed to be though.  In the French version Lena was 18 or 19 and that was ok because the legal drinking age is 18 in Europe.  In the American version, are they making her 21 so she can be in the bar legally?  The age difference worked much better in the French version.

Yes, Camille seems very young, but then Lena is drinking. Where is this supposed to be? Because I found http://drinkingage.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=002591

8. on alcohol-selling premises, with parental approval in 10 states

Examples: restaurant, bar, or a venue where alcohol is sold

Connecticut, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nevada, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin, Wyoming

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Yes, Camille seems very young, but then Lena is drinking. Where is this supposed to be? Because I found http://drinkingage.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=002591

For some reason, I thought the show was set in the Pacific Northwest, but I can't seem to verify that anywhere.  And that could be on the US side (Oregon or Washington) or the Canadian side.  Those US exceptions don't seem to apply to Lena anyway because I think she works in the bar.  Maybe the show is set in British Columbia.  I don't know what the rule is there.  But the age difference between Lena and Camille still doesn't seem right to me.

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For some reason, I thought the show was set in the Pacific Northwest, but I can't seem to verify that anywhere.  And that could be on the US side (Oregon or Washington) or the Canadian side.  Those US exceptions don't seem to apply to Lena anyway because I think she works in the bar.  Maybe the show is set in British Columbia.  I don't know what the rule is there.


It's supposed to be a fictitious town, Caldwell, WA, though it's filmed in Vancouver, as per A&E's info. Pretty much everything you see in TV/movies that is set in WA is filmed in BC, though I've seen bits of footage from the town I live in in The Ring and Enough and shows like The Killing always get a certain amount of shots of Seattle to sprinkle in. I always kind of wonder if the X-Files started that trend, and then the tax breaks followed and the rest is history...


My impression during the first episode was that Lena & Camille's dad owned the bar, and no one questioned the boss' daughter's habits. I'm not clear though, especially after watching the French version, if the dad character is supposed to be the owner at all, or if he was just kind of squatting there with the psychic seductress?


My guess is it's just that the US version is the French series scene-by-scene basically, where Lena was old enough to drink, and they just followed what was already written.

Edited by meisje
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The town itself is actually Squamish, B.C.   I recognized it immediately (I was born in that area).   Beautiful scenery, and lots of movies & tv shows are filmed there.


I thought Alberta and the other parts of BC I'd seen (wherever the railway takes you and Vancouver Island) were some of the most exceptional places I'd seen, but that is beyond description. I guess they group any place that technically surrounds Vancouver as Vancouver, much like they say anything in WA, especially the Olympic Peninsula, is Seattle.


As Tina Fey would say, "I want to go to there." It actually makes the French landscape look a bit dowdy, which I thought was impossible :) 

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meisje - I am, of course, totally biased, but I think B.C. it is the most beautiful place I've ever seen (although New Zealand scenery comes close).  :-)   If you can't go there, you can armchair travel here:




Sorry for going off topic, but I could wax poetic about the Pacific Northwest forevah!


I didn't quite understand why Simon didn't talk to Rowan in the library, other than he's supposed to be a mysterious figure like Victor.

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I also thought Camille was supposed to be 14, not because of her appearance but I thought I actually remembered someone saying she was? My mind might have invented that. But when they showed the sister in the bar, I immediately wondered the gap since the accident and remember doing the math in my head when at some point I think they did say outloud four years, so I took it as intentional that we were seeing Lena with a habit of underage drinking and were meant to draw personality conclusions from that. Not that you need to be a dark and broody bad girl over your twin's death to drink illegally underage or find a bar that's willing to serve you anyway...but her demeanor and omnipresence in the bar seemed to me like that's basically the conclusion they hoped we'd draw.

Edited by theatremouse
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I think it's just going to have to be one of those things where you just have to shrug and figure that they just kinda "wink" and ignore Lena. Hunter seemed to suggest that they weren't all that much of stickler about underage drinkers if he was going to be able to smuggle in Camille, who looks VERY 15 (even though the actress is 19), and Lena doesn't looks like a teenager so they probably just go with it. Some places are pretty lax about it.


I just wish they had changed it to 5 years- Camille dying at 16 and Lena being 21. Camille does not seem like a 17-year old, at all. 16 tops.

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I really did find it hilarious seeing Rowan thinking she's talking to a ghost. LOL.


I knew they wouldn't leave Camille as being 15 in order to allow her to be able to flirt with Ben, but now we've got confirmation that Lena is 20. And hanging out in bars. Which makes her bit about kicking Camille because she's 16 just dumb.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Dear A&E, I appreciate you making a remake of a French series I liked but let me tell you one thing this remake doesn't need: Guyliner.  I'm also curious, I thought it was product placement at first, but they didn't show the label.  How many people take out ketchup when making quesadillas?

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Dear A&E, I appreciate you making a remake of a French series I liked but let me tell you one thing this remake doesn't need: Guyliner.  I'm also curious, I thought it was product placement at first, but they didn't show the label.  How many people take out ketchup when making quesadillas?


Or what was the point of Serge killing the wolf at Tony's house if they weren't going

to show it coming back to life.  Because that's kind of a major indicator that it's not just humans returning from the dead. The even stupider thing is why would Tony dig a hole to bury the dead wolf that close to his house



I knew they wouldn't leave Camille as being 15 in order to allow her to be able to flirt with Ben, but now we've got confirmation that Lena is 20. And hanging out in bars.


The actress playing Camille still looks WAY too young even to be playing 16.  And she's just not that good of an actress.


Some of the other changes they have made in the story for the US edition are just odd choices

-- animals not coming back from the dead, no mention of the water levels falling at the dam, no plumbing issues in the bar that are likely related to the dam problems or town-wide electric issues.  Or the fact that they moved the wound on Lena's back. The biggest change I noticed was when Peter was driving Simon to the community center and he mentions that he met someone like Simon that had come back, but a long time ago.  Huh ? That takes away a lot from his reaction to finding out Camille was back.


US Victor still doesn't hold a candle to French Victor for creepiness.  This US version just seems watered down for US audiences and loses some of the horror aspect.  Still don't like the score -- way too many strings.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I was actually bored with this episode.  It's like it's still all setup.  I'm ready for it to move forward.  I've never seen the French version so it's not like I'm filling in blanks or expecting certain things but I don't need to see things like reactions to seeing dead loved ones walking up to them.  I know they'll be freaked out, they can cut that scene and move on to the next.  Ugh.  


Despite that, it does seem like more than a few interesting things or things of note did happen in the episode so the issue must be in the execution.  1) Police boyfriend is a creep for spying on Rowan.  2) Lena's mysteriously appearing and worsening back wound.  3) Victor looking like he's going to kill the neighbor.  4) Rowan learns that Simon is not a ghost.   5) The woman with Victor  (do we have a name for her?) used to date the female cop (another name I can't remember).  5) Peter knows of someone else that returned a long time ago.  Was it himself or someone else?


For some reason I keep thinking the stabbing and biting murderer is Simon.  I have absolutely to rationale for that and it's probably wrong but that's what I keep thinking.  Again, I have not seen the French version so it's not a spoiler or even real speculation, just a random thought.

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I thought that they conveniently established Camille as being 16 so they could make Lena 21.  But they still look nothing alike.  I think the sister casting is the worst thing about this remake.  It's actually so distracting for me that I just have to imagine them as ordinary sisters, like Camille was 15 and Lena was 16 when Camille died.


Sorry, just have to say it one more time.  French Victor was so much more creepy.

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Have we established that they are actually supposed to have been twins

in this version, or is it possible that they are a few years apart? I really don't understand the age thing and how they, like in the French version, are focusing on a bar as the main hangout spot for teens/young adults.  It made a lot more sense in France.


I also was confused when Peter told Simon that he had met someone like him before.  

I had thought in the French one that he was referring to Jesus resurrecting because he was part of a religious charity and spoke about religion quite a bit.  Maybe not though - subtitles can be misleading!

 That's an interesting idea, and I will wait and see what they do with it.  


I am enjoying the Simon and Rowan scenes, they look cute together.

But, I kind of miss the strangeness of the 10 year difference between them. French Simon looked so young and I was creeped out by that, but now I think it was effective to have them look like they are in different stages of life.  That being said, the two US actors are adorable together and I'm rooting for them.  Did anyone who has seen the French one notice that the actor playing Tommy is also doing the open mouth breathing thing?  


I'm happy to see Carl Lumbly from Alias again. If they could only bring in SpyDaddy, I'd be thrilled!  

Overall, this is an interesting show and while I knew that I was going to prefer the other and kind of want to pick apart this version, I think they have created something with promise.  Guess I need to keep telling myself that and enjoy while I patiently (?) wait on Season 2 of Les Revenants. 

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I believe Netflix is still showing Les Revenants and possibly Amazon Prime.  The series aired in the US on Sundance Channel, but I haven't seen plans to rerun it yet.  Maybe closer to when Season 2 is released.  

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Have we established that they are actually supposed to have been twins

in this version, or is it possible that they are a few years apart? I really don't understand the age thing and how they, like in the French version, are focusing on a bar as the main hangout spot for teens/young adults.  It made a lot more sense in France.


No, they're still supposed to be twins. The actress playing Camille also played Lena in the flashback to when Camille died four years ago.


I don't get why they couldn't have just made Camille's death five or six years ago, because right now Lena's age is adding up to 20 which means she should still be partying at keggars instead of at bars.

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I'm mad the animals aren't coming back--that would be thrilling!!!


I didn't know Dr. Han was "Julie," either.  Does having her name on the episode imply that she was killed in her attack and not just wounded?  I don't think she'd have those scars if she were a returnee, would she?  Camille and Simon don't look banged up.


I agree with aquarian1 that there wasn't enough fresh reveal in this episode.  I was much too distracted by the fourteen inch chain on Dr. Han's door.  When the officer stepped forward, I thought she might just slip on through the opening.


I haven't seen the French version.  Did the twins look more alike?   jk

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I don't have a problem with the twin being 20 and at a bar. College students often get in while underage with fake IDs. What I have a problem with is her living at home still. Is she going to community college? She seems so anti- her parents that it would be more likely she'd go somewhere far away for college. But, I know, they need her to be part of the story so I just have to accept that.


What I can't accept is that Camille's family isn't asking tons of questions. I realize she wouldn't have answers for them as her memory of how she came back is gone. But in real life, the family would be peppering her with "what do you remember?" "what did you feel before you found yourself walking up that road?" All sorts of questions to try to figure out how the hell this happened, rather than just almost calmly accepting it. Plus, WHY must these things always be kept a secret on shows like this? Why can't they tell everyone what's happened and see if somebody out there has some clue as to why, or whether more resurrected people are out there? Secrecy is always so annoying to me and so many plots in shows depend on people not sharing crucial information. I know, I know, plots would collapse if the characters were as transparent as they should be.


I don't know about French Victor, but I think this boy is plenty creepy with that little smile of his. I really can't figure out what part he plays in all this, so good job on that mystery.

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I didn't know Dr. Han was "Julie," either.  Does having her name on the episode imply that she was killed in her attack and not just wounded?  I don't think she'd have those scars if she were a returnee, would she?  Camille and Simon don't look banged up.


Good point about the scars.  But also I'm thinking Julie is not a returnee, based on the fact that the police officer knew her back then.  When she showed up at Julie's door, Jule said something like "You haven't been to see me in seven years."  The officer said something like "You asked me not to."  I hope that would have been a different conversation if Julie had died and come back.

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