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S05.E13: Forget


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Carol is officially the boogie man. That kid is gonna be checking under his bed for her every night.


OMG, Daryl/Eric/Aaron gave me all the feels tonight!




Rick going for the 1st basic ass chick he meets?  So disappointing! Her greatest loss in all of this is probably that she left behind her collection of Ugg boots, Hollister gear and Friends DVDs.  


Rick you could've had a QUEEN! 


Rick Grimes was looking all kinds of good at that party with his stubble and crisp clean shirt!


Felt bad for Sasha. Hope she gets to hook up with the cute boy who opened the door for her at the party.


I really wish the show would let Michonne shave those dreads and let Danai wear her natural hair.


Why did I think Deanna's husband the architect was dead?

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 15

Honestly I'm having a hard time as seeing them as real.  Everytime they speak I just want to look around like "Is this for real?"  They have absolutely no clue.  I get that they've been mainly sheltered but has it been so long since the world has gone to hell that they forgot what it was like during the brief period of time they were out there in the chaos?


Heck, have they forgotten what the world was like BEFORE the ZA?

  • Love 4

So, last week Daryl called Carol out on trying to fit into their new, fancy home, and she told him he has to try to keep up appearances. In this episode, we see that even though Daryl hasn't changed much on the outside, he is actually open to joining this new community. We also see that, while Carol might be acting like a soccer mom now, she is just as intense and scary as ever on the inside. Interesting. 

  • Love 13

Jessie is a full grown woman who told Rick that she knows how to take care of herself after he told her in a very serious tone, she did know him. This Rick as a predator thing is $.............................................# So I will just say not all women are Blanche DuBois. I am a die hard Kate hater on NCIS, and a die hard Ziva lover on NCIS. Let women be grown ups. Instead of prescribing permanent victim status to all women. After all this is the ZA, if ever there was a reason to stay in a bad marriage this would be one.

  • Love 8

I don't think Rick has any real interest in Jessie, at least not in a romantic sense — I think getting close to her, and to other people, is just part of his plan. Right now he's playing the game, getting to know the ASZers, sizing them up, seeing if this is going to work out or if they're going to have to take over the town. Jessie obviously has an interest in him, even if it's only a friendly interest, so it makes sense that he'd nurture that as a way to get close to an insider. Giving her a peck on the cheek is no big deal, and it definitely seems to me like something he'd do as a way to encourage an emotional connection in case he needs to use her later, not something he'd do because he has plans to give Carl a new mommy.

  • Love 7

Well, Daryl doesn't have much place to be bothered by distant and weird.  Iol  I don't think he's seemed bothered by Rick's doings at all until he did a sudden 180 over being accepted by some guy he just met.  Rick accepted him and has treated him as his trusted brother for a long, long time, and it's just totally unbelievable to me that he's now going to "follow" Aaron after 24 hours of "bonding," unless there's more to his feelings, and he's now inspired by a Jessie of his own.  They did plenty of hinting that Daryl "could" be gay.  Or not. 


That Rick seems to be gone. I didn't see him, so if Daryl didn't I'm not surprised.


I don't think Daryl is gay (although I have to admit the thought of seasons 1-2 Daryl with Aaron...gets my creative writing thoughts going), I think he just wants acceptance and faith. Aaron and Eric gave him that at a time when he isn't finding it anywhere else. I imagine if Rick comes around again, Rick will move back toward Rick, but for now, unless they're just screwing with Daryl and he catches on, I think he trusts and respects them. 

  • Love 6

I don't understand why Rick would rather the group look insane, rather than have a little sit down with Deanna.  You see it all started with these guys named Dave and Tony.  Then we met this guy calling himself Governor, running a town called Woodbury.  We stumbled upon a sanctuary named Terminus, where the cannibals almost killed us all.  Luckily we escaped, but they managed to eat Bob's leg.  And if that wasn't bad enough, Grady is now run by a rapey group of former cops, who run people over before bringing them in for treatment.  There is no reason that I can fathom that they're keeping these things secret.



I don't know if I believe Jessie's going to die.  I think her hubby is conveniently going to be an alcoholic wife beater.  Rick's going to righteously kill him, then they'll comfort each other.  Her husband has to die - he's a doctor.  Also, Rick is the aggressor.  She may be overly friendly, but she's clearly mentioning her husband.  She seemed surprised and a little uncomfortable about the kiss.  I'm not ready to hate her yet.   I think Rick surprised himself by kissing her, but he certainly didn't look embarrassed or apologetic after the fact.  At this point, I could see Rick's obvious interest being the cause of Jessie's abuse.



This is all I kept saying! WHY haven't they told Deanna about everything they've seen?! The only conclusion I can come up with is that they haven't told her because if hearing about Rape Hospital, Terminus, and the Gov (and what happened at the prison, what happened to Hershel, etc) didn't cause immediate creation of a rotating schedule for the look-out thing, then they are damn stupid. 

For the life of me, I do not know why they haven't said, "we met people who were EATING OTHER PEOPLE!" anytime Deanna says anything argumentative when Rick talks about making the place safer. Seriously. I want this place to be a good place but right now they come off as idiots. 


I was totally with Sasha and cannot believe the rest of the group doesn't feel the same way. I'd have a migraine by the end of the night from rolling my eyes so hard. 

  • Love 12

Rick going for the 1st basic ass chick he meets? So disappointing! Her greatest loss in all of this is probably that she left behind her collection of Ugg boots, Hollister gear and Friends DVDs.

Oh my gosh, this times 1000000. I'm pretty much convinced that Basic is going the way of all the other blonde girls before her.

The shit is going to hit the fan around there really soon, and while I think people like Deanna could probably hack it out in zombieland, I think Jessie would be walker chow in minutes. I think Rick definitely sees her as a damsel in distress (in regards to her marriage, not the fabulous utopia she lives in where she can make shitty owl sculptures out of garbage) and he wants to "save" her.

  • Love 4

I think not confessing all they've gone through goes back to what Carl said before Terminus and what Glenn said before Alexandria, basically "will they think we're bad people?".   First, every one of those situations ended with "and we killed them all", second, they seem to worry that all of it has tainted them somehow, everything they've done. (We know they had to do it all, but it weighs on many of them, in different ways).

Edited by BrokenRemote
  • Love 11

I'm so conflicted about Aaron.  I like the character and enjoy his interactions with the characters.  Yet, I don't trust him.   His work as a recruiter means he's basically an experienced spy.   I want him to be one of the good guys, but I just can't make up my mind about him.  


ITA.  It's a red flag with people Up To No Good, con artists, predators, etc. when they give you too much information.  He just talks and talks and gives so much backstory, and detail, and tells people what they are feeling.  It feels so manipulative to me. But then I think the writers are the ones maybe trying too hard with the character, and he's really supposed to be this incredibly understanding guru of everyone's feelings.  But my gut reaction would be to waterboard him with applesauce until he told me the truth about Alexandria.  There is no way he wasn't following Daryl in the woods, or watching for him from his porch. 

  • Love 18


This is all I kept saying! WHY haven't they told Deanna about everything they've seen?! The only conclusion I can come up with is that they haven't told her because if hearing about Rape Hospital, Terminus, and the Gov (and what happened at the prison, what happened to Hershel, etc) didn't cause immediate creation of a rotating schedule for the look-out thing, then they are damn stupid. 

For the life of me, I do not know why they haven't said, "we met people who were EATING OTHER PEOPLE!" anytime Deanna says anything argumentative when Rick talks about making the place safer. Seriously. I want this place to be a good place but right now they come off as idiots. 




I wonder if they didn't get into specifics because they didn't want to have to describe what they did to get out of those situations.  I can't figure out if  Deanna and the others are truly this complacent and naive or if they've just spent the last 2 years or whatever trying to convince themselves that life can kind of sort of be the way it was pre-ZA and kind of sort of mostly succeeding at kidding themselves.  They're not completely clueless, they do have weapons, they take weapons with them when they go outside the walls.  It's interesting though, I don't think we've seen an ASZer kill anyone except with a rifle or gun.  Which means their walker experiences have been fairly well controlled, enough warning, enough time to get the head shot and that they aren't worried about running out of ammunition.  

  • Love 2

That Rick seems to be gone. I didn't see him, so if Daryl didn't I'm not surprised.


Which Rick?  The Rick that wanted to sneak into Grady Hospital and kill whomever they ran into to rescue Beth?  Who also ran down that "cop" with a car and shot him in the head.  Daryl was 100% down with that Rick, but Tyrese talked them all out of it.  He was unquestioningly with Rick until he ate dinner at Aaron's.  He did have something to say about Rick dressing up like the sheriff again, like he was reverting back to pre-ZA times, but Rick said he was just going along with it for now, which satisfied Daryl.  Daryl's only negative reactions have been to Rick or Carol or anyone actually fitting in at Alexandria, not the other way around.  

  • Love 7

I wonder if they didn't get into specifics because they didn't want to have to describe what they did to get out of those situations.  I can't figure out if  Deanna and the others are truly this complacent and naive or if they've just spent the last 2 years or whatever trying to convince themselves that life can kind of sort of be the way it was pre-ZA and kind of sort of mostly succeeding at kidding themselves.  They're not completely clueless, they do have weapons, they take weapons with them when they go outside the walls.  It's interesting though, I don't think we've seen an ASZer kill anyone except with a rifle or gun.  Which means their walker experiences have been fairly well controlled, enough warning, enough time to get the head shot and that they aren't worried about running out of ammunition.  


Also, I'm sure just for logistics sake, they don't need to recap 5 seasons - LOL. I just need ONE outraged, "THEY WERE EATING PEOPLE!" when Deanna's argumentative. 


I don't say a lot on here but I read the forums religiously (after I watch ANYTHING... seriously) and I remember someone mentioning that they thought their cluelessness might be ruse. I kept waiting for something on the show to hint at that because the ASZers HAVE been incredibly lucky if they haven't experienced anything. Like, crazy lucky because while CDB were safe at the prison for, what? a year? How long were they at the prison? And these people have been in that housing area for the whole time? I don't think they're useless but they do seem too comfortable. Poor Sasha. I was completely on her level. 


It is interesting because I do think the only ones who go out fairly regularly are Aaron and Eric. Those other two guys who went out with Glen and the group last week must have seen some kind of action - walker-wise, at the very very least. I just hate that Deanna doesn't seem to take Rick's advice seriously. He's acting urgent (like he should be) and she's just pooh-pooh'ing him. 

  • Love 2

That Rick seems to be gone. I didn't see him, so if Daryl didn't I'm not surprised.

I don't think Daryl is gay (although I have to admit the thought of seasons 1-2 Daryl with Aaron...gets my creative writing thoughts going), I think he just wants acceptance and faith. Aaron and Eric gave him that at a time when he isn't finding it anywhere else. I imagine if Rick comes around again, Rick will move back toward Rick, but for now, unless they're just screwing with Daryl and he catches on, I think he trusts and respects them.

I agree, I definitely don't think Daryl is gay (I'm kind of an anti-shipper altogether, because I think the writers ruin the integrity of the characters when they put them into relationships) so I don't think it's a romantic attraction to Aaron and/or Eric. It just seems like the antithesis of Daryl's character to trust people so quickly. I would have counted on Daryl as being the very last hold out, refusing to trust these people fully. But I think he is following Rick's lead to trust the ASZhats, and if anything, he took it a step further by refusing the gun.

  • Love 1

If, after 5 minutes, Talking Dead can go on about the amazing connection between Rick and Jessie, then I have to go with my own gut about this wonderful love story - and to me it is a man who acts like a predator, has no boundaries, and is putting his family in danger because of a woman whose sole character traits are that she has blonde hair and Rick really, really likes her.

I'm going to agree with a lot of what Pete Martell has already said: Rick's face after he kissed Jesse made me imagine he was yelling "claimed" a la Joe's gang. I saw it as an "I'm willing to take whatever I want, damn the consequences" move there.

And Carol? I'm afraid that what she has done is going to come around and bite her in the end (maybe she will be exiled?).

Daryl....didon't you learn anything from Herschel's Spaghetti Tuesdays?

RIP, Buttons. I was all "not another horse!"

And I haven't seen this mentioned, but when Carol was getting the chocolate out of the freezer, did anyone think

that the package to the left of it looked like a human head? My boyfriend and I thought so, but it seems like - if that was what they were going for - Carol would have seen it. Maybe it was just a joke with the FX people?

Edited by Disraeli Ears
  • Love 4

Oh, and the hand stamp?  My mind immediately went to Pretty Little Liars. A survived the zombie plauge! Of course!


Don`t judge me! 


A is everywhere. There was one show (NOT PPL) where someone had sent a creepy message to someone else on a computer and I was like, "Ohh, it's A..." 

So. That's probably what it means. 


(Seriously though, when that kid pulled out the stamp, I thought it was going to be a W for the W on the walkers heads. It was over my head that it was a 'scarlet' A)

  • Love 5

I don't dislike Rick, or Jessie.  What I dislike with this, well, this - is just how 'soap operatic' it makes TWD.  And TWD is about as far from 'soap opera' as you can possibly get.


If they had of not had a hubby present, I won't lie, I'd have been ok with them hooking up.  (so long as it stayed mostly in the background and didn't dominate the overall story).  But now that its 1000% sure she's married and he's there;  please just don't, Show.  At least not until Pete's out of the picture..... and its not Rick killing him just to take his woman.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 3

Which Rick?  The Rick that wanted to sneak into Grady Hospital and kill whomever they ran into to rescue Beth?  Who also ran down that "cop" with a car and shot him in the head.  Daryl was 100% down with that Rick, but Tyrese talked them all out of it.  He was unquestioningly with Rick until he ate dinner at Aaron's.  He did have something to say about Rick dressing up like the sheriff again, like he was reverting back to pre-ZA times, but Rick said he was just going along with it for now, which satisfied Daryl.  Daryl's only negative reactions have been to Rick or Carol or anyone actually fitting in at Alexandria, not the other way around.  


I thought Daryl spoke up saying something supportive of Tyrese's plan when they were in the parking garage?  Maybe it was someone else but I thought he did.   


I don't see Daryl doing anything disloyal to Rick, there's no way that's going to happen, it would be completely unbelievable but I do think the writers had to do something with Daryl besides having him wander around aimlessly and frightening the kids.  Funny, that, Rick mentioned something about how Daryl couldn't go get the guns because he's being watched like a hawk by the ASZers, presumably because he doesn't fit in and looks like a scary dude where in reality it's sweet little doll face Carol with her simpering giggle who's the truly scary one the kids should watch out for.

  • Love 5

I kind of felt like Aaron was "grooming" Daryl.  I'm not saying for nefarious reason because I can't get a read on the guy.  Hell, maybe pre-ZA he was some sort of counselor/therapist.  But it all just felt off.  I'm not down with trusting the guy just yet.  Or anyone of the ASZers for that matter.



Also, I'm sure just for logistics sake, they don't need to recap 5 seasons - LOL. I just need ONE outraged, "THEY WERE EATING PEOPLE!" when Deanna's argumentative.


I just feel like the way that they've been portrayed that they would just be like "BUT WE HAVE WALLS!!!"  That's what so frustrating to me with these people.  My distrust of them right now isn't really that they're going to go all Governor/Cannibal on them (although I won't discount some of them) it's that they are all children in the world of ZA.

Edited by Dusty
  • Love 7

Which Rick?  The Rick that wanted to sneak into Grady Hospital and kill whomever they ran into to rescue Beth?  Who also ran down that "cop" with a car and shot him in the head.  Daryl was 100% down with that Rick, but Tyrese talked them all out of it.  He was unquestioningly with Rick until he ate dinner at Aaron's.  He did have something to say about Rick dressing up like the sheriff again, like he was reverting back to pre-ZA times, but Rick said he was just going along with it for now, which satisfied Daryl.  Daryl's only negative reactions have been to Rick or Carol or anyone actually fitting in at Alexandria, not the other way around.  


The Bad Bob knocked Sasha out and was going back to warn Dawn, which could have killed both Carol and Beth. Daryl knew Rick had to end Bob.


Daryl wanted to go with Tyreese's plan (and it didn't take much convincing), and if Rick hadn't, then I think there would have been something of the split that we're seeing a little of now. If Daryl thinks he's losing Rick, then he's going to need support elsewhere. Daryl's spent most of his life following one person or another. When he can't have someone to follow, he falls apart. And with Carol and Rick both losing themselves in the midst of whatever identities or personalities they're playing into, that leaves someone like Aaron, who knows what to say and has seemed like a straightforward guy. He even has the supportive family life that Daryl never had as a child.

  • Love 4

Jessie as a character doesn't bother me.  I don't like or dislike her.   It's that she's has a husband while the show is positioning her as a love interest that's bugging me.  If she were single, I'd be more open minded.  This particular triangle is something I dread.  Also, I think the writers are rushing things.  It's too soon for Rick to be that intense about a stranger. 

  • Love 9

I thought Daryl spoke up saying something supportive of Tyrese's plan when they were in the parking garage?  Maybe it was someone else but I thought he did.   


I don't see Daryl doing anything disloyal to Rick, there's no way that's going to happen, it would be completely unbelievable but I do think the writers had to do something with Daryl besides having him wander around aimlessly and frightening the kids.  Funny, that, Rick mentioned something about how Daryl couldn't go get the guns because he's being watched like a hawk by the ASZers, presumably because he doesn't fit in and looks like a scary dude where in reality it's sweet little doll face Carol with her simpering giggle who's the truly scary one the kids should watch out for.

You may be right about that, now that you mention it.  I can't quite remember either.  The first half of this season was so annoying I didn't pay that close of attention (except for the premiere).  But I still don't think Rick's done anything to particularly alienate his brother-in-arms since they got there, or that Daryl would suddenly trust people about whom they know so little, because, hey, outsiders, bro.  "He really gets me."    If the audience isn't sure if we should trust Aaron, it seems even less likely that Daryl would.


So agree with you about truly scary Carol that people should be afraid of!  lol


I don't dislike Rick, or Jessie. What I dislike with this, well, this - is just how 'soap operatic' it makes TWD. And TWD is about as far from 'soap opera' as you can possibly get.

If they had of not had a hubby present, I won't lie, I'd have been ok with them hooking up. (so long as it stayed mostly in the background and didn't dominate the overall story). But now that its 1000% sure she's married and he's there; please just don't, Show. At least not until Pete's out of the picture..... and its not Rick killing him just to take his woman.

I completely agree, and that's why I'm really against any romantic pairings on TWD. We have Glenn and Maggie, both of whom have gotten better since their single minded obsession with being together/finding each other has been satisfied. (I would like to see more Maggie doing her own thing, though.) When Deanna said how extraordinary it was that a group of people that size with so little in common could come together to create a real family, I wholeheartedly agreed. That's what made this show special. It showed extraordinary bonds between people. Coupling them up too much cheapens it in my opinion.

  • Love 10

Jessie as a character doesn't bother me.  I don't like or dislike her.   It's that she's has a husband while the show is positioning her as a love interest that's bugging me.  If she were single, I'd be more open minded.  This particular triangle is something I dread.  Also, I think the writers are rushing things.  It's too soon for Rick to be that intense about a stranger. 


Yeah, but we know they're going to be a triangle as much as we know they're going to be...anything.  Unless you're talking spoilers, all we've seen so far is that there's some kind of attraction there.  Nothing's to say it's ever acted on one way or another.  That's why I don't get all the hand-wringing at this stage.  For all we know, they're setting it up for her husband to be jealous that Rick kissed her on the cheek and the two men get into a fist fight.  To assume that they're going anywhere specific, let alone a triangle, is kinda premature.

  • Love 5

Jessie as a character doesn't bother me.  I don't like or dislike her.   It's that she's has a husband while the show is positioning her as a love interest that's bugging me.  If she were single, I'd be more open minded.  This particular triangle is something I dread.  Also, I think the writers are rushing things.  It's too soon for Rick to be that intense about a stranger. 


Its so hard to get a read on him, or make a guess on the whole thing.


Is it a way to show just how crazy he's getting (again).  Falling fast (like instantly) and hard for a married woman and even thinking about killing the hubby just to have her?


Or, just thought about it..... is he trying to do something that will bring even more attention to himself, or just elsewhere in general - even of the bad/negative kind - to draw even more off of  Miss Invisible, aka Carol?  That and the not-clandestine meetings between the R/C/D trio??

  • Love 2

Aaron is an intriguing character.  I love that he understood how to reach Darryl.  That's a friendship  I could really enjoy.   If Aaron weren't taken, I'd be shipping those two so easy.


I loved it, too.  And look how far Daryl has continued to evolve.  I can't see season one Daryl socializing with a gay couple.  I really think Aaron is a kindred spirit of sorts, since he's struggled with acceptance himself.  And it didn't take long at all for Daryl to get chatty with him.  The very fact that he let Aaron tag along was telling. 


I'm absolutely fascinated that everyone but Sasha and Carol have let their guard down.  I didn't expect it from Rick, Carl, or Daryl.  I understand why.  Daryl is actually feeling out of sorts with his group, is struggling, and those usually closest to him are focused elsewhere.  These are the first friends for Carl in a long time.  And Rick looking over and seeing Carl acting like a normal kid must have really gotten to him, along with being attracted to a woman for the first time since Lori.  I'm freaking out a little with the path Rick seems to be on.  He's my favorite and they better not fuck with him too much.


Seems a bit premature, given that there hasn't been a hint of a person saying they'd quit over the horse.  


Me either.  But I do feel the need to say this:  Fuck you show!  Why do you hate animals so much?  Not cool.

  • Love 3

It's funny, because Carol threatened brutal murder on a child and likely traumatized him for life, and yet I was so angry about everything with To Catch A Ricktator that I barely even noticed. I'm not sure what it says about me that I could pretty much just accept the Carol scenes as no biggie. At least they made sense for the character...

  • Love 3

Jessie just came across as surprised by the kiss to me (and not unpleasantly surprised), not creeped out in the slightest. 

Jesse has now mentioned two times the lack of babies in Alexandria. Odd since its been two years and the town seems to have couples that should have had babies by now. Speculation:

Maybe the town folk have fertility issues and she wants something from Rick and her husband the Dr. is in on it.

  • Love 5

(Seriously though, when that kid pulled out the stamp, I thought it was going to be a W for the W on the walkers heads. It was over my head that it was a 'scarlet' A)

I was kind of wondering about that, and I apologize if it has already been discussed in another episode thread.


Deanna said they've exiled people.  I wonder if getting exiled involves getting a letter carved into your forehead so you don't ever get back in (upthread, BrokenRemote mentioned getting back into a party with a stamped hand; this would be the opposite).  A worse stigma than the scarlet letter.


Also, the unfair wolves... The Alexandrians are total sheep, and I think Deanna sees herself as a shepherd.  They're looking to invite wolves into the fold.  Maybe the people with the W's were the "unfair" wolves.

Edited by erikdepressant
  • Love 2

They're all got major PTSD going on.


Rick's lost his mind. He's very Shane like, all the staring at Jessie, the kiss, putting his hand on his gun when seeing them walk off at the end. He's unglued. 


Darryl turned pretty quick.


Sasha can't handle this new world.


Wow Carol. I wasn't expecting that from her, I was thinking "why not just tell him she was stealing chocolate to make more cookies". Instead she went stone cold threatening instead. 

  • Love 1

Jesse has now mentioned two times the lack of babies in Alexandria. Odd since its been two years and the town seems to have couples that should have had babies by now. Speculation:

Maybe the town folk have fertility issues and she wants something from Rick and her husband the Dr. is in on it.


Not calling that spec wrong or anything... but if true, Pete is one seriously creepy dude if he is on board with trying to get Rick in on whatever it is with Jessie, which I assume you mean the kind of stuff that makes babies.

And Andrew Lincoln looked really short this episode.


He kind of is.  He and Norman claim to be five ten.   As a nurse who's asked hundreds of men how tall they are, and towering over them (at 5'9") as they claim to be six feet, I've learned that men often fudge about their height.  Lauren Cohan is 5'7", and I don't think she's much shorter than AL.


Why do y'all think, and do you think it was the right decision, for Michonne to be left out of the Rick/Carol/Daryl triumvirate of decision-makers? I feel like she's earned the right to be included.


Like others, I don't feel it's a trust issue.  I think Rick trusts Glenn/Maggie/Michonne implicitly.  But he's not looking to plan with and confide in people with rose colored glasses, who want this too bad and may attempt to talk him out of it.  At this point, Carol and Daryl are on his wavelength.

  • Love 8

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