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Like Sand Through an Hourglass: Behind the Scenes of DOOL

Message added by Door County Cherry

The Behind The Scenes thread is not a spoiler thread.  So spoilers, including casting information, do not belong in here.  The "behind the scenes" information specifically related to casting should go in either the spoiler thread or the Salem International thread which discusses. departures and arrivals thread. 

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Thanks for posting. That interview is quite hilarious. Especially...

Mary Beth: We had that one scene a long time ago, and I wrestled and tackled Steve to the ground.

Stephen: Oh, yeah. I said I had to leave you because I was going to hurt you. I was trying to pack my bags, and you tackled me to the floor. She hurt me.

Mary Beth: He's very delicate.

Stephen: She always says, "You're the woman, and I'm the man."


Great interview with Allison Sweeney...she clearly couldn't help but bring up how upset she was about Will's death. Good for her.


Gotta love these big shockers too:



Wish we could be seeing some explosions and fireworks for the 50th. Oh well.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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The big 50th party is tonight. DAYS and Yahoo tv is posting pics from the red carpet, I see Chandler Massey!
Chandler Massey - who is now at UCLA - said he was shocked and sad to see his iconic character Will killed. #Days50

Stephen & Mary Beth
Eillen is there too.


Casey & Eric singing on stage






Cast singing






Hourglass Cake.


Edited by Artsda
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When AfterBuzz interviewed Chandler Massey a few weeks back, they talked about how Chandler had given away one of his Emmys.  He told them that if he ever got it back, he would give it to them.  So they were at the 50th Anniversary show last night, and he came up to them and handed them the Emmy.

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Great interview with Allison Sweeney...she clearly couldn't help but bring up how upset she was about Will's death. Good for her.

She has right to her opinion. Yet the facts are the ratings are going up. I truly believe that maybe if it were Chandler being killed off in the role it would had more effect at least on me. This move couldn't be any more worse than killing off Maureen Bauer on Guiding Light or Frankie getting ax on Another World which were a partial reason for those show's demise among other things. With our luck if Days survives another 5 seasons Chandler could come back as a new character like Mariah on Y&R or classic soap fashion bring him back as an angel like do for John and Isabella pops up. It's a soap. Stranger things have happened. Edited by BlackMamba

I still think it was a big mistake not to have part of the anniversary be about Stefano's last and final exit. 


Allison's interview made me misty.  Interesting she argued with Ken about Kill Will.   I can't see her ever being disrespectful but it's nice to see her being able to be a bit more open about her feelings.  She shouts at the screen too, Ha!


I watched Missy's interview too.  She acknowledged Matt.  I think he was a big reason why she was so good back then.  30 years with the show is impressive.


What a wonderful picture of Chandler and Freddy.  Chandler's storyline was one of the great highlights of Days through the years and I'm glad he participated but boy did that picture make me sad. 

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When AfterBuzz interviewed Chandler Massey a few weeks back, they talked about how Chandler had given away one of his Emmys.  He told them that if he ever got it back, he would give it to them.  So they were at the 50th Anniversary show last night, and he came up to them and handed them the Emmy.

They had it on the Dishin Days show. It's awesome that he kept his promise to them. 


Yet the facts are the ratings are going up

Sort of...but it's not permanent. People are tuning in to watch the 50th. It's not "real." They won't keep up like that.

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Did Serena or Australian guy whose name I've already forgotten who was super beefy get invited to the party as well? Did Paige? Did Guy Wilson?

I want the sacrificial lambs to get a piece of cake too!

Kristin! Just reach over with both hands, grip tightly and twist!

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Did Serena or Australian guy whose name I've already forgotten who was super beefy get invited to the party as well? Did Paige? Did Guy Wilson?


Guy was in Greece, participating in a marathon run.  I don't know if he was invited or not, though.  Considering the bad blood with Chandler, he was there, so I can't imagine Guy would not be invited.

  • Love 1

Sort of...but it's not permanent. People are tuning in to watch the 50th. It's not "real." They won't keep up like that.

It's not real? Anniversary or not Numbers are numbers and Sony/NBC/Corday arent complaining or in a panic to change things. Sure there is always dip after any anniversary every show has a dip. Yet I give loyal Days fans credit, it might not be the best Days we're use to watching, but they are watching.

I'm lost in the pronouns...what?

Chandler Massey was on the online show "Dishin With Days" a few months ago.  He was talking about how he "gave" away his emmy as a prize for a Halloween costume party he threw at his home.  Anyway, he told the hosts that the next time he saw them he would "give" them one of his Emmys.  He saw the host at the Days 50 event and kept his promise.


Here is where you can watch their episodes.  Really fun recap show.  The new one should be up shortly.



It's not real? Anniversary or not Numbers are numbers and Sony/NBC/Corday arent complaining or in a panic to change things. Sure there is always dip after any anniversary every show has a dip. Yet I give loyal Days fans credit, it might not be the best Days we're use to watching, but they are watching.

"real" may not be the correct word. I think they're falsely up b/c of the special event hype (returns and 50th). I think they'll go back down once this dies down (no pun intended). 

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Brandon Breemer is back as Shawn Douglas


Many suspected that he'd be back once it was announced Jason Cook wasn't staying. I sadly prefer Cook and never warmed to Breemer, who I always found to be the lesser actor. I mean his face never emoted anything except his need to eat a burger. But I guess with MM back as Belle, this was inevitable.

Edited by Happytobehere
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Some interesting and not so interesting interviews from Day of Days.

Drake - http://daytimeroyaltyonline.com/topic/9261602/

I dont even too much care for the John Black character but Drake ripped TomSell a new one for not caring enough being a collaborative effort. Ouch. Serious burn.

I think Kristian in the Variety interview last week said they weren't on many sets during TomSell's reign.

I knew TomSell burnt out towards the end of their stay on Days bit had no idea they didn't connect with the vets.

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I dont even too much care for the John Black character but Drake ripped TomSell a new one for not caring enough being a collaborative effort. Ouch. Serious burn.

I think Kristian in the Variety interview last week said they weren't on many sets during TomSell's reign.

I knew TomSell burnt out towards the end of their stay on Days bit had no idea they didn't connect with the vets.

I don't think that they burned out. I think they were just horrible..They ruined so many characters during their reign of terror.....

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It's always interesting when an actor (or writer) sees things in such an outlandish way. Consistently. There hasn't been one interview (of dozens!) where KM hasn't interpreted or opined in a manner that was twisted at worst and daft in the 'finer' moments.

Reminds me of Ed Wood or a less talented version of Vincent Gallo.

Edited by Petunia13
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I don't think that they burned out. I think they were just horrible..They ruined so many characters during their reign of terror.....

I personally enjoyed them when it came Kristen and Brady. And Im sorry Tomsell brought that show two outstanding emmys for best show two of three years and brought Days out of their Emmy drought. So I wont poop poop too hard on them.

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Consistently. There hasn't been one interview (of dozens!) where KM hasn't interpreted or opined in a manner that was twisted at worst and daft in the 'finer' moments.

She seems so polarizing, that people who dislike her/and or Abby go straight for her interviews to twist and comment on. 


Thaao calls AS a diva and talks about his hands traveling to her personal parts in a scene and that's not twisted or mentions, but anything and all things Kate Mansi is grabbed instantly. It's interesting.

There's some good Days pics lately in SOD. This weeks has some fun ones from their Anniversary party.

Christie Clark looks hot! Lol.

Chandler Massey happy and got an old school Bieber-ish cut. Freddie Smiths GF/fiancé or whatever wore her lingerie. AZ had weird hair like really long roots and her hair is a pompadour.

Edited by Petunia13
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There's some good Days pics lately in SOD. This weeks has some fun ones from their Anniversary party.

Christie Clark looks hot! Lol.

Chandler Massey happy and got an old school Bieber-ish cut. Freddie Smiths GF/fiancé or whatever wore her lingerie. AZ had weird hair like really long roots and her hair is a pompadour.

Are they online? Can you link or scan, etc...?

I'm not in any way contributing to anything that will make NBC, Days, Corday, Higley or the other writer I always forget to tag think that I support their Death Celebrations.


But thanks for the info! :-)

I  understand your outrage about Will Horton. I frequent a Wilson board and this is what a fan wrote in defense of Will Horton and Wilson.Enjoy!


I *wish* I could celebrate the Days 50th anniversary!!! To think that just a few weeks ago I was *really* looking forward to it. Alas, as far as I am concerned, Days didn't reach its 50th anniversary at all, rather Days of Our Lives died at 49 years and 11 months, when, all of a sudden, it cast universal human solidarity aside, and became a blatantly gay-hating show.


It would have been bad enough if they had just murdered Will (a much-beloved character and firstborn son of Sami who had grown up on the show over almost 20 years) and then asked us the fans to celebrate their 50th anniversary with them. That is what Days *did* - a bit like the Muppets having their 50th anniversary and four weeks before it killing Kermit by having him vivisected live on air, and then burning his puppet in a brazier with other Muppets gathered round and chuckling, and announcing that this character is OVER : P-E-R-M-A-N-E-N-T-L-Y ! It would be bad enough if they had just done that! But no, Days did way more than that ...


Days started treating gay people as pathetic, weak, bad and less deserving of love than other people - indeed, to be deserving of contempt.

Will's character has long been established as having a fighting and resilient spirit - and he was a fit and muscular gym-going young man, who, back in the days when Days was proud, valiantly fought off a gun-wielding attacker, and indeed, has even been shown practicing punching at the Days gym. But Days has now chosen gay-contempt and gaynocide, and had gay Will suddenly became a weakling who is totally unable to fight back against an UN-armed assailant, and have Ben able to toss Will across the room like he's a leaf, where Will practically bangs his own head against the fridge so he can be conveniently murdered like a limp lettuce. Weakling gay trope - check! Bad-end trope for gays- check!

Will is then treated with further contempt by the writers, by allowing Ben to stuff his body into a bag and take it across town and through two apartment buildings without being noticed by anybody! When straight Chad finds out Will has been murdered, he gets practically a whole episode to fight a very bloody duel with Ben. Chad can fight for a whole episode, because he's straight and virile and manly, right, but not Will because he is a weak and pathetic gay who gets exterminated straight away (never mind that he's played by muscular Guy Wilson who runs marathons for charity in his spare time, and previously by Chandler Massey, famous for his pecs, and who was known for doing one-armed press ups in-between takes on his tennis movie!).


Sixty year old Bo, who has been imprisoned and tortured for years, and is starved and sick and dying with a brain tumour, is allowed to fight back heroically and knock people out, and escape, because he is a real man, a straight man, and is therefore virile and strong and heroically capable, even if he is about to keel over and die (!) - whereas Will the GAY is shown by Days as a weakling that can be exterminated like a limp flower.


That the plot was forced around the killing of Will is evident in how broken and plot-holed and illogical and stupid it was. Eventually, at the end of that episode, Chad did win the fight with Ben after a huge and bloody struggle, and Ben nearly kills the weakened Chad by smashing his skull against the bed-frame - and then Abigail walks in! So - suddenly we have two facts - Will was last seen alive in Ben's apartment by Abigail. And then Abigail sees Ben has just almost killed Chad in same apartment - and she's not allowed to make the blatantly obvious connection! Nor is the Salem police - who have even established that Will's body was moved, and that he didn't die in his own home! And the whole of Salem is suddenly made idiots by the writers and not allowed to see the connection between Abigail being the last person to have seen Will alive (in Ben's apartment!) and Ben nearly killing Chad (in Ben's apartment!), and they even allow the very highly-suspect Ben to come to Will's funeral! It's an insult to all the viewers, and especially to those of us who loved Will! Everything that follows in unreal and stupid as a result of this unbelievable plot-hole. It seems that the whole illogical and stupid plot was bent and broken around one thing that was of primary importance to the writers - they wanted to kill Will!


The new writers back-burned Will and Paul as soon as they arrived. Will had no story before him being murdered - it is clear that Days did not want gay people on screen any more! The only episodes that Will got in the week he was murdered was the scene that set the murder up by having Ben find Will in the apartment holding the neck tie, and the scene of the murder itself, and in the weeks before that he was absent or given as little time on screen as possible. Guy, by the way, did a fantastic job in all these scenes, and it was absolutely lovely to see his character being adjusted back to being Good Old Will, after the previous writers had written Will so out of character (another big fail by Days, by the way!). Days has put out the propaganda that Will had to die because he had been "written into a corner", and the fans would not forgive him. This is nonsense, and the fact that they were actually re-adjusting Will back to his good old self in the tiny snippets of screen time that they gave him- shows up the lie of Days misinformation propaganda that they have put out - no, it is clear that they were really out to exterminate the gay from their show, and this propaganda that Days have put out is a fig-leaf to attempt to cover up what they really did - a gaynocide to appease and attract back that part of the audience who hates seeing "gay stuff" on their screens (and who have been very vocal about their hate of seeing gays on Days, as Michael Fairman noted when he was on your show recently).


In the weeks around the murder of Will, Days twitter account, and its executive producer Greg Meng, were pumping out lots of happy happy tweets trying to rally people to celebrate the 50th with them, and celebrating the "wonderful" drama, and posting pictures of their straight characters, and showing promos with the straight characters, whilst Will, and his death were all but *completely* ignored. Greg Meng even tweeted on the murder day itself a celebratory tweet with a picture of reveling cast members (who play straight characters) and a banner saying "Happy 12,000th Episode!". The wonderful character of Will (you know the one that got them five Emmy nominations, three Emmy wins, and got the show a number of GLAAD awards), was treated by the show as the elephant-in-the-room, the unmentionable, the cast-out, the unspeakable GAY!!


And on screen, PSYCHIC GRANDMA (who couldn't see her GAY great grandson Will either - she can only see straight descendants who were in trouble in her silly visions!) was treated as a greater priority for the viewers to see!

The contempt of gay people continued on screen with Will's HUSBAND not allowed to sit in the front row at Will's funeral! (And the picture of Will at the funeral also showed only Will and his daughter, not the love of his life, because no way did Days want to show Will with his gay husband!). And none of Will's husband's relatives come to the funeral either, because, you know, gay marriage is not real marriage, is it? The turn that this show has taken is vomit-inducing!


[it should be remembered that Will and Sonny were both aiming to get back together when Will was murdered, so their love was ON AGAIN! Sami would have told Sonny of Will's intention to go out to Paris to re-kindle things with Sonny, and Sonny would have told Sami that he himself was on his way back to Salem to re-unite with Will. So their temporary separation CANNOT be held as an excuse for this - they were set to get back together and it was the murder that stopped it! No the real reason is that gay-love has been demoted on this show as being not-proper love at all, and gay people are now sub-human on Days]


Unlike his parents, Sonny doesn't go to see Will in the morgue, because Days didn't want to show a loving and moving scene between two gay men. And Will's mother's grieving for Will is insultingly short : she is more interested in her husband who died a year ago and than her just-deceased GAY firstborn son. Her twin brother even has to persuade her to stay for the funeral!

Sonny the gay has his character trashed by the writers as well. Sonny, that character who was originally wonderful and incredibly loyal, and delivered Will's daughter Arianna into the world, and saved her life, by getting her her first breath, and who loved that girl to bits and would do anything for her and was for all intents and purposes an actual dad to her - he is shown abandoning her, after her biological father is brutally murdered!!! Abandoning!! Now the *real* Sonny would never do that! As Douglas Marland, king of the soap writers said : 'Don't change a core character ... when the audience says "He would never do that", then you have failed'. Days failed BIG TIME with Sonny Kiriakis and Will Horton. BIG TIME! And Sonny, does it matter that he is shown to be a deadbeat dad who abandoned his child at her most needy and vulnerable - not for the Days writers, no, because Sonny is GAY, and therefore for them it is A-Okay to show him as weak and selfish and his love not being real. The message of the show now is "Gays don't matter" and "Gays love is not real love" and "you the viewer can treat gay people with contempt just like we do!".


To rub in Sonny's out-of-character abandonment of Arianna, Days had Sonny put a photo of the family of himself, Will, and Ari atop Will's gravestone, just so immediately it can be blown away in the wind. Clearly this is Days signalling to the viewers that a family with gay dads is now OVER - P-E-R-M-A-N-E-N-T-L-Y - for their show, and that a gay dad is a deadbeat dad who will let his attachment to his family and daughter blow away like paper trash in the wind.

And Days shows Gay Paul as pursuing Sonny at the grave of Sonny's husband, because love don't matter to gays themselves either, they just want their next f***. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! Days has treated gay people with utter contempt, and has abandoned the principle of universal human solidarity - and why, why have they done this? Yes, they are obviously courting the anti-gay viewers, but why this sudden and awful change of direction?

So AFTERBUZZ TV, back to you ...

AFTERBUZZ - this - this gaynocide - this action of Days in broadcasting television that applauds the treatment of gays with contempt - THIS, THIS, THIS - this is the REAL AFTERBUZZ!! This is where the real BUZZ is at!!! This is what is happening out there in the viewership and the internet. This appalled shock at what Days has just done and is doing!!!

Now I know you have made some attempt to address it - and I THANK and applaud you for that - but how's about really getting your teeth into it and asking the tough questions of the network, the distributor, Corday productions, and the production team and cast and crew, and find out how this happened, and try holding them to account on behalf of the people who *care* about human solidarity, and all the fans who have been deeply hurt and betrayed and are appalled by it all?

Please don't be a party to this elephant-in-the-room syndrome that is happening!


Thank you for your time!

Edited by Apprentice79
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I want to marry that poster...and you for posting it. What board is that? Will it just piss me off more? LOL

I liked James' and Marc's (Afterbuzz DIshin' Days referenced above) initial reaction to killing Will...but after that they've been towing the party line b/c they want access as journalists. It sucks b/c you know they have opinions, too. 


I'm not just upset with Days for Will/Sonny/Paul/Derek. I am upset because they have taken a "celebration" of 50 years and made it into death and destruction. Where is the celebration/happy in that? 

Edited by swtrgrl
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Well, I love the post about Will's treatment, and I am not gay. I too wonder if the showrunners caved to bigots while ignoring viewers like me. To me, Will was a character I knew from before birth. I watched him grow up and loved him for years. I loved little Will, I loved Mophead Will, I loved CM's Will and I didn't care that he was gay. To me, his story was never a gay story, it was as are all the stories about the teen set, a story about a young man navigating his way into adulthood and his place in the world. It just so happened that Will's journey included a discovery about his sexual orientation. I loved seeing Marlena's unwavering support, Lucas's hesitation to support but ultimately realizing that Willwas the same son he had always loved so wholeheartedly. Will and Sonny coming together was not a gay love story, it was a story about two people who loved each other. These people just happened to both be male. I am disgusted that Will was killed and his relationship and family with Sonny have been discarded. I liked Sonny as a stand alone character and a coupled character.

Now I have zero interest in Paul. However, my disinterest in no more gay oriented than my interest in Will and Sonny. I just don't care for the character and his retconned existence. I didn't like him from the moment I returned, saw a blandly boring guy, and found out who he was. I found out he was gay later and found this to be irrelevant.

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Message added by Door County Cherry

The Behind The Scenes thread is not a spoiler thread.  So spoilers, including casting information, do not belong in here.  The "behind the scenes" information specifically related to casting should go in either the spoiler thread or the Salem International thread which discusses. departures and arrivals thread. 

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