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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Jim Bob has also said crazy things about shingles and Michelle's interpretations of what she was told about Josie are legend.

Yeah, heard that. Also heard Michelle say that human over-population is a myth, because all the people on the planet could stand stand shoulder-to-shoulder and fit in the state of Texas. She'd require a brain transplant in order to understand how wildly stupid this comment is. But honey, she says it like it's a fact as immutable as her own eye color. You can work on ignorance, but you can't get through to the deliberately obtuse.

  • Love 5

Eh, they won't even agree to do that. They fight among each other constantly. A huge proportion stayed home the last few elections because no one was worthy enough for them. Some backed the Constitution Party candidate, who was the father of Vision Forum's Doug Philips. Unless your group was mad at VF folks - then you voted for a libertarian maybe. Or occasionally even the Democrat. (You'd be surprised.). After all - that might bring about the Apocalypse sooner....

  • Love 3

Yes the women can vote. Remember when Josh took a picture of Anna's ballot in the 2012 presidential election? He was literally hovering over her shoulder as if she would divert from the party line. 


Despite all of JB's faults, I imagine he lets his wife vote in peace. Then again, he knows she'll toe the party line. Many churches publish voter pamphlets; I don't think the Church of the Holy Blacked Out Warehouse is any different. 

  • Love 2

In my experience, both from inside and from without, the women are more often more politically driven than their husbands. I will also say that as someone who has done political phone calls, I'd rather speak to a Jim Bob than a Michelle. Jim Bob certainly won't vote for my candidate, but he will be polite about it. Michelle will be vicious and even call names.

  • Love 3

In my experience, both from inside and from without, the women are more often more politically driven than their husbands. I will also say that as someone who has done political phone calls, I'd rather speak to a Jim Bob than a Michelle. Jim Bob certainly won't vote for my candidate, but he will be polite about it. Michelle will be vicious and even call names.


IMO, that's just a female thing. Me-chelle might very well have been vicious and rude to you - wouldn't surprise me at all actually. But I very much doubt she'd given you what-for if you were a man...

  • Love 5

This seems to be corroborated by "Alice", some long-lost internet person who was pretty accurate with the claims she made.  It's also supported by their belief system, where they confess all this stuff to parents and church.  But it's not a sort of church that the average person would understand, even the religious.  Think of this all as being as foreign to us as sharia law would be for most people.   Because that's basically what this lifestyle is.  

Confessing to their parents. That is so invasive, I just can't imagine. Josh running to tell his parents would sound so strange to people learning about this family for the first time. How many teen boys would do that? Jim Chelle are so creepy

  • Love 1

My husband has made calls too. Women are more politically motivated, and, quite honestly, ruder about it. Remember, it was Michelle who made the calls about transgender people being child molesters.

This does NOT mean the husbands vote differently. Men are more likely to run for office. But don't think for a minute that religious women are waiting for their men to tell them how to vote. In my experience, the women are far more informed. They, after all, have the time to volunteer. (As did I - just for the other side!)

  • Love 2

They fight among each other constantly. A huge proportion stayed home the last few elections because no one was worthy enough for them. Some backed the Constitution Party candidate, who was the father of Vision Forum's Doug Philips. Unless your group was mad at VF folks - then you voted for a libertarian maybe. Or occasionally even the Democrat. (You'd be surprised.). After all - that might bring about the Apocalypse sooner....



Which is why the FRC hired Josh to help them tap into that Quiverfill/Gothard demographic.

  • Love 2

Yeah, this brings up all sorts of interesting questions.  I thought they didn't distinguish between early and late pregnancy. Yet one loss is a miscarriage, one is a stillbirth. Hmmm.


They just make this stuff up as they go along.  As I recall, Michelle was 16-17 weeks along with Jubilee.  Stillbirth is a legal definition and generally means the pregnancy was 20 weeks or farther (though I am not sure about Arkansas law).  The correct medical term for Jubilee's circumstance is Intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD).  Descriptive, no?


As far as their anti-oral contraceptive screed, they once again take a kernel of information and turn it into a clusterfu*** of stupid.  We all know the pill prevents ovulation.  Back when it was invented, it was noted that it did several other things that might also prevent pregnancy even if a woman ovulated while taking it.  For example, it makes cervical mucus thicker which might make it harder for sperm to get to the egg (and research has backed this up since then).  The other theory is that the uterine lining becomes very thin in women on the pill (hence, periods are much shorter and lighter since they are due to shedding of that lining).  The thin uterine lining was thought to be inhospitable to a fertilized egg which would then simply be washed out in the menses since it didn't implant in the uterus properly.  There are some who would claim that this was a miscarriage and there were plenty of anti-abortion types who claimed this was actually an abortion and that women who took the pill were causing abortions.  This is undoubtedly where the doctor started when he proclaimed the pill causes miscarriages 28 years or so ago as it was fairly common thinking back then.  However, what JB and Michelle never acknowledge is that a fertilized egg that doesn't implant would be lost when the menses started since it requires implantation for the menses to stop.  In other words, we're talking miscarriage occuring within a couple weeks of fertilization; usually before a woman would even know she was pregnant, let alone have done a test.  The period might be a little heavier than usual, might be a day or two late.  The pill does not, and never has, caused miscarriages to occur in women who are far enough along to have missed their period entirely, let alone far enough along to have a gestational sac in the uterus, since that requires implantation.


BTW, with the advent of more and more sensitive pregnancy tests, as well as the widespread availability of testing, we now know that a significant number of fertilized eggs never implant ( I think its somewhere around 2/3).  And, this has nothing whatsoever to do with the pill, this is a universal phenomenon.  Just last week, I saw two women who had positive home tests and then proceeded to have a period.  Both had borderline positive blood tests followed a couple days later by a negative test.  Neither one was on the pill.  We used to never know about these early losses, but it turns out they are not related to the pill, they just happen.  And the rate of failed implantation is the same for women who conceive when taking the pill as for women not on anything at all.  In other words. the pill had nothing to do with it.  Same argument with the IUD, BTW, which THEORETICALLY prevents a fertilized egg from implanting but, in ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, does not.

Edited by doodlebug
  • Love 20

They just make this stuff up as they go along... in ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, does not.

Oh, well if you're going to bring ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (as opposed to just making shit up) into the conversation, then we might as well talk about evidence-based practices (as opposed to ideologically-driven and completely useless practices). AND THEN WHERE WOULD WE BE? Oh right, we might have a functional society. And obviously, nobody wants that!

/heavy-handed irony

Edited by JenCarroll
  • Love 19

I think Jimbob is bad with money. Their bank account probably doesn't have much in it. He grew up poor and never had these things like he has now. That's why so many lotto winners go broke in a few years. If JB can spend 250k on a failed campaign while his family of 16 is living in a small ass house then I doubt he would have any common sense about money now

JimBob didn't grow up poor. His father operated a 3rd generation business and his mother worked. She even owned or at least managed the yogurt shop where Michelle worked, when she first met JimBob. They're not country club high society old money wealthy, nor are they crazy ballin' tacky new money, but income wise, they were headed toward upper middle class minus any post secondary education. 

  • Love 4

JimBob didn't grow up poor. His father operated a 3rd generation business and his mother worked. She even owned or at least managed the yogurt shop where Michelle worked, when she first met JimBob. They're not country club high society old money wealthy, nor are they crazy ballin' tacky new money, but income wise, they were headed toward upper middle class minus any post secondary education. 

 I didn't know that. I was also under the assumption that JB's family wasn't in great financial shape. In the first book they wrote he told a story  when he was young,that his mother had nothing to make for food and was reduced to using a decorative jar of rice to feed him with.  At any rate, he certainly isn't poor now.


 I didn't know that. I was also under the assumption that JB's family wasn't in great financial shape. In the first book they wrote he told a story  when he was young,that his mother had nothing to make for food and was reduced to using a decorative jar of rice to feed him with.  At any rate, he certainly isn't poor now.

I agree with the poster who said they probably didn't always make the best financial decisions, and they could've had some hard times here and there, if they're 'sink or swim' financially. They had to have some money coming in from somewhere when JimBob and Michelle married, or there's no way two teenagers who barely had high school educations could develop business for themselves. They also came up with some hefty campaign funds while they were all stuffed in that little pre-TLC house. 


I always got the impression that JimBob's parents had a tumultuous marriage, and may have been pillars of the Baptist community more for family tradition and business connections, while dad may have had an occasional binge and a wandering eye, and mom (Mary) was more subtle but pulling strings behind the scenes. 


Either way, they tend to grasp onto some heartwrenching snipet and dramatize it into The Most Epic Lifechanging Event Ever, as long as it keeps a paying audience passing the offering plate. Examples: Michelle's defrauding bikini lawnmowing incident, Jana's jewelry box sacrifice, the birth control pill abortion tale, Michelle's laundry room breakdown, every second of Josie's life. 

Edited by RazzleberryPie
  • Love 9

I wonder if Michelle realises she could be a millionare beyond her wildest dreams?If SHE ever left Jimbob or the family people would pay through the roof to hear all the grisly details.


As much as she resembles a long term kidnap victim who has grown to love the abductor,she must allow her mind to drift off sometimes....The "what Michelle did next"

show would be tlcs most watched show in history...

  • Love 3

Again, I don't think so. We are talking about a handful of shows at most - even at 50K a show (which would be top dollar) that's 20 full length shows to make one million and then she has so pay for taxes, which splits it nearly in half again. A book won't bring in more than $100K, if that.

I think she could pretty easily raise a half million, but then everything she's given her life to is gone, and she has, at 50, a reasonable retirement fund and a half dozen children left to raise, some of whom may have long term issues.

I really think people overestimate how much people could make for a tell all. The first time she did ANYTHING koolaid like, people would say she was just faking, or she was just trying to save the show, etc.

  • Love 3

I wonder if Michelle realises she could be a millionare beyond her wildest dreams?If SHE ever left Jimbob or the family people would pay through the roof to hear all the grisly details.


As much as she resembles a long term kidnap victim who has grown to love the abductor,she must allow her mind to drift off sometimes....The "what Michelle did next"

show would be tlcs most watched show in history...

I think the world JimBob has created meets Michelle's needs almost to perfection. There is this little bump in the road, but she believes JimBob will fix it. 

  • Love 3

The only time I ever saw the weirdness in their relationship and felt "wow, how hard must it be for Michelle?" was the episode when they took the two daughters and future SILs on a "date" that included handcuffs. (Just typing that sentence sends out red flags...)

Anyway, JB is driving and is clearly unsure where he is. Not lost, but doesn't know. And Michelle VERY GENTLY points him in the right direction and it's all he can do not to snap at her. She even does it in that, "I'm not sure, but maybe..." Honestly, she couldn't have been more gentle. And he still couldn't take it.

There must be a million type moments in their marriage like that. And I imagine a lot of their early marriage might have been really unpleasant for both of them.

  • Love 11

Private school isn't cheap. And I'm assuming Deanna went to public school because she wasn't "the right sort of influence" not because they couldn't afford it.

Yeah. Try boarding school. I was just thinking about this -- it occurred to me that boarding school might be the best thing that could happen to the younger Duggars. Or really, any school would be a big improvement. I understand Gothard, as well as is possible for someone like me, but I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around this family, two parents who want their kids to have less education than they do. It's very disturbing.

  • Love 5

 I didn't know that. I was also under the assumption that JB's family wasn't in great financial shape. In the first book they wrote he told a story  when he was young,that his mother had nothing to make for food and was reduced to using a decorative jar of rice to feed him with.  At any rate, he certainly isn't poor now.

At speaking engagements Jim Bob also tells a story about how their home was foreclosed on, and how he was disappointed in his father. You can have a foreclosure and still be well off, though. I still don't think Grandpa was that bad a guy. Jim Bob hates him, so he must've been an ok guy.



Anyway, JB is driving and is clearly unsure where he is. Not lost, but doesn't know. And Michelle VERY GENTLY points him in the right direction and it's all he can do not to snap at her. She even does it in that, "I'm not sure, but maybe..." Honestly, she couldn't have been more gentle. And he still couldn't take it.

That's very, very sad. And that's Just Michelle. Imagine being one of the kids.

Remember how Jim Bob has an anger problem, and how Michelle is/was a yeller.?I'm sure the marriage isn't as calm and quit as we were led to believe.

  • Love 10

I've heard lots of secondhand accounts about how screamy Michelle actually is. It was around the time the "sin in the camp" stuff was active on the TWOP forums. I remember, I believe it was the very first special, one of the littlest ones (one of the howlers...James maybe?) was having a typical toddler moment because he wasn't allowed to go with his mom and sisters wherever they were going. There's brief footage of Michelle bent down whispering something to him and, light a like switch, the tantrum is over. And, for all of his hur-dur-I'm-just-a-loveable-doof schtick, Jim Bob does not become the lord and master of 20 human beings who would not ever dare question him by being calm and reasonable and loving and compassionate all the time.

  • Love 13
Firsthand accounts too. She says she adopted the baby voice in an effort to stop yelling at the kids.


Oh, I didn't know that! Well, I suppose "I started talking like a three year-old on helium to avoid yelling at my kids" sounds better than "I started talking like a three year-old on helium because it's what my husband and Bill Gothard think broads are supposed to sound like."

  • Love 8

Oh, I didn't know that! Well, I suppose "I started talking like a three year-old on helium to avoid yelling at my kids" sounds better than "I started talking like a three year-old on helium because it's what my husband and Bill Gothard think broads are supposed to sound like."

She's said it many times, in many stilted ways. Here's just one:




Michelle follows Proverbs 15:1 “A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

She says when she feels angry, she lowers her voice rather than raises it and will sometimes take it to almost a whisper! Now that’s self-control at it’s best!

A whisper can be just as terrifying as a shout, to a child.



Tip number 5 also says “praise them 10 times more than you correct them.”

"Especially if they're a molester!" Michelle whispered.

  • Love 20
I know one Democrat for whom this claim has been claimed as an absolute fact. (sorry to go O/T) but the Devil made me do it.



Really? LOL


I always imagine her as full-out Faye-Dunaway-as-Joan-Crawford-Mommy-Dearest when the cameras aren't around.


I finally got around to seeing that movie six months ago and she reminded me of Michelle Duggar. 

  • Love 1
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