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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Really, isn't John David way too old to be going to camp?  Even, or especially, a Gothard camp?  His twin still seems to get regularly cycled into the headquarters in Chicago or wherever to work for free, but why he would be willing to abandon whatever work he does as well as his constable duties to drink more cool aide at camp is beyond me.

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Really, isn't John David way too old to be going to camp?  Even, or especially, a Gothard camp?  His twin still seems to get regularly cycled into the headquarters in Chicago or wherever to work for free, but why he would be willing to abandon whatever work he does as well as his constable duties to drink more cool aide at camp is beyond me.


Very true. But then we need to remember - Boob and Mechelle are calling the shots here. Not exactly 'Parents of the Year' despite what their own deluded minds think. Many Duggar kids have been too old to be doing a lot of things they still do. Sharing their bedrooms with toddlers, traveling everywhere together on the stink bus - living at home [!!!]. And likewise, too young to do others. Raising their younger siblings and running their mother's household in its entirety - while she does nothing.

Edited by NausetGirl

I'm sure they have pat excuses planned like that so as to avoid such calls. What shocks me is that she picked up the phone at all. Don't they have call screening? As "celebs," you'd think that would be a must. Even if the call came from Fayetteville (not even their county, but they were also invested in that discrimination bill), you would think she'd recognize the phone number. 


Sorry, JD isn't at ALERT or the boy's Journey to the Heart. Those are gigs for the girls. And Josiah.

I'm sure they have pat excuses planned like that so as to avoid such calls. What shocks me is that she picked up the phone at all. Don't they have call screening? As "celebs," you'd think that would be a must. Even if the call came from Fayetteville (not even their county, but they were also invested in that discrimination bill), you would think she'd recognize the phone number. 


Sorry, JD isn't at ALERT or the boy's Journey to the Heart. Those are gigs for the girls. And Josiah.


Good point. You'd think they would have some "pat" answers for certain calls - and it is surprising that Mechelle answered the phone in the first place. But then she is "The Scheduler." Maybe she's the only one ALLOWED to answer the phone if Boob's not home. Or maybe she's just clueless...

Taking my response about Michelle's disconnection from her kids here.

Anyone who is a real mother could recognize her own child's voice and or cry in a room filled with 100 children. Couldn't believe my eyes when I read that Michelle couldn't understand her own daughter when she needed something and merely directed her to her "sister-buddy". Shame on her for that and for so much else. If a woman doesn't have a heart for children, why oh why would she believe that it is correct for her to continue to have so many more? Just doesn't ad up to me.

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I think both - MEchelle couldn't understand her & Jordyn was interrupting her. I think it ended up being Jordyn was hungry & Jana getting her a piece of cheese. Of course, MEchelle giggled on that sometimes it's hard to make out what the little ones are saying. But like Florida mom stated, it's hard to believe MEchelle couldn't understand her. I'm sure all us moms & dad's agree, the immediate family (mom, dad, sis & bro) are the "interpreters" for our little ones when they are learning to talk. We are the ones who have to explain to outsiders what they are saying. And we know MEchelle is just an outsider in this family.

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It occurred to me that when J'chelle had her breakdown at 5 or 6 kids, she didn't think that God was telling her something. These people believe that God is literally speaking to them ALL THE TIME. They believe that God micromanages every moment of their lives -- why did it never occur to her that God was telling her to stop having kids? 


If God was, in fact, speaking to J'chelle, perhaps he wanted her to "have a heart" for birth control. Perhaps God's mission for J'chelle was that she was supposed to travel the world helping women get access to safe effective birth control.

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I know the Duggars honestly believe that God means for them to have all of these children or Michelle wouldn't have been able to get pregnant all those times. But I simply don't understand that. Anyone who had known a couple dealing with infertility knows that God isn't punishing them. And thousands of people every year have unwanted and even discarded pregnancies. That's not how it's works (and I'm a deeply religious person, so I'm not knocking beliefs, but geez, look around you....)

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Did anyone catch the episode of "Lana" on Intervention last night? Lana was one of a large family where basically older sister & brother took care of younger kids while mom & dad worked full time. The older daughter said most of the kids were ok, but Lana was one who needed extra attention which she could only give so much since she was the sister, not parent. Lana started partying with the wrong group of friends, which led her to drugs & alcohol. At the pre-intervention with the family, Ken the interventionist, let the parents have it. He basically said it was WRONG to have the two older children parent the younger ones, they have parents for that purpose & he really went at them. The mother apologized to the older kids to which the daughter said, it's ok Mom. Ken told her to let her mother apologize, it wasn't alright. The mom said at that point in their lives they were in Survival mode - Ken didn't say it but I'm sure he was thinking then Why did you have so many kids if you couldn't take care of them? They looked like the normal middle class family & I'm sure the older kids parenting was nothing on the scale of the J'slaves. I'm thinking Boob & MEchelle need a parenting intervention with Ken.

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You know with OT God being quite smitey, maybe he was like: Come on, I've given you plenty of signs that you should stop breeding (I made bunnies so I'll always have cute "littles" around). But if you won't listen I'm going to let you have it!

And then they had 19 kids they didn't have the emotional capacity to raise as their (and their childrens) punishment.

If God was, in fact, speaking to J'chelle, perhaps he wanted her to "have a heart" for birth control. Perhaps God' mission for J'chelle was that she was supposed to travel the world helping women get access to safe effective birth control.



It probably was but they chose to ignore it because God's plan didn't line up with what they wanted. Just like with what happened to Josie but again they chose to ignore it because again that didn't go with what they wanted. Its always about what they want.

Edited by andromeda331
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Yup, they'd have to stop parading poor Josie around their anti-abortion rallies as the "Precious Miracle" who is "perfect in every way" if they admitted that Josie really has problems that are NOT isolated incidents (and I bet dollars to donuts that's how they'll play this off on the show). However, Josie has been carried in every family picture I've seen in recent memory; I wonder if these seizures aren't having some sort of tangible effect on her? And how can her idiot parents keep ignoring something as serious as a 15-minute seizure? 

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I cannot even imagine the destruction of her she-she.19 pregnancies and births. I'm sure some of them were sections but still. Her uterus must be screaming to be left alone and as thin as paper. Having worked in a gyne clinic in the past, i have seen the damage too many pregnancies too close together can cause. Honestly there is no way sex with her could be pleasurable at all anymore for him unless he is John Holmes II.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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I was watching an old episode of the television show Emergency. A little girl was brought in after taking a nasty fall while running away from a sick dog who bit her. The parents had just been saved and thought God would heal her instead of the rabies shots. One of the doctors called in the hospital chaplain to talk with the parents. The parents said their faith and God is what the girl needed. The chaplain brought up a scripture about questioning what God wanted. Of course, the parents change their minds about the shots. The mother thought God would be mad about not having faith in God to heal her daughter. The chaplain said God has a purpose and a destiny for their daughter, and he would not be happy about the parents taking a needlessly risk not to save their daughter's life.


Of course, I the thought of JB and Michelle. They seem to be doing this with Josie. I wondered what they would say or do if someone called them out. Too bad I could not send them this scene to them, but they are in so much denial and have been too brainwashed to understand what I would be trying to tell them.

As much as I don't like or want to think about Michelle's cervix, I never heard that she had it sewn shut...why would she have done that? If that woman needs anything, it would be a total abdominal lift, pelvic support surgery and I would bet dollars to doughnuts, a major heavy duty breast reduction and lift.

As much as I don't like or want to think about Michelle's cervix, I never heard that she had it sewn shut...why would she have done that? If that woman needs anything, it would be a total abdominal lift, pelvic support surgery and I would bet dollars to doughnuts, a major heavy duty breast reduction and lift.

Since I've found out I'm pregnant, I've been reading all the things that can go wrong. Some people naturally have a weak cervix, and it can't plug properly for babies. I'm guessing during one of Michelle's last pregnancies, she developed a weak cervix, and it needed to be reinforced? I very much doubt it's completely sewn shut because she had to have given birth. Though, it might be something that's partially always there and reinforced/relaxed depending on the situation. ? That's my guess.

Of course, I the thought of JB and Michelle. They seem to be doing this with Josie. I wondered what they would say or do if someone called them out. Too bad I could not send them this scene to them, but they are in so much denial and have been too brainwashed to understand what I would be trying to tell them.

I would like to think that as nutty as they are, if Josie got bitten by a rabid animal, they would get the shots. I don't remember seeing any evidence of their denying medical care when their physical health has depended on it. If they subscribed to this line of thinking, they wouldn't have bothered with the RSV shots for Josie because God would protect her from contracting the viruses.

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Yes, and the Duggars do call 911 when Josie has medical emergencies.

I think, and maybe I'm wrong, but that the Duggars are ok with medical intervention when it can help save a life but never when it could prevent or stop or end a life. To me, that reasoning goes along with why they aren't ok with birth control but they are okay with fertility specialists. Now, I'm not trying to start a debate about BC and abortion and when a life starts, etc. I'm just throwing out a theory about their way of thinking. If I've worded this wrong, please kindly let me know. I hate even bringing it up because I'm not arguing or anything or trying to hurt someone's feeling, etc.

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Michelle and Jim Bob "dance around" their vocabulary by using the term "personal conviction against" when stating what their beliefs are so they don't lose viewers by insulting them and insinuating that they are sinful...but that IS JUST WHAT THEY MEAN.


Exactly! You can certainly tell Boob was in politics. He speaks the very convoluted language of that particular species very, very well.

Mechelle Duggar had better get some psychological help before she snaps completely. The way she speaks with her eye bulging out of her head, in this high-pitched tone as if she was speaking to an infant is simply not normal. The woman is literally incapable of having a conversation in which she sounds like a normal, functioning 40-something year-old woman. She definitely was not like this in the first special. The difference between her and Guinn was stark, and the look Guinn gave her as she prattled on about "grandbabies" was classic.


And that's not even getting into her inability to show appropriate emotion. She stands there grinning like a damned fool while being informed that her future in-law might not make her daughter's wedding because she has cancer. Laughing like a jackal as her baby's head is caught in a banister. Video-taping her son as he bleeds from his broken jaw. She sits like a rock at the dress shopping and then has nothing to say about it, while Guinn is there showing real emotion and speaking like a human-being.


I think it is glaringly obvious that Mechelle Duggar is NOT OK and needs some serious help.

  • Love 17

So now, we have to endure another episode upcoming about Meeeechelle...she couldn't stand some of the focus being on her courting/marrying daughters, could she? She has to have the focus on her.. after all, it is SHE who is introducing this TV show being about HER and HER family? She narrates the intro as being all about her...from the start. I really don't want to hear about "just how bad she was" before Jim Bob came a prayin' along and brought good and godliness to her...yeah, I'm sure she was a real tramp and sinner...NOT.She had a real, normal and HAPPY high school experience from what I can tell...what high school girl wouldn't have wanted to be pretty, popular, a cheerleader no less, dates, a nice part time job for extra money and friends...? How could JB have told her that was sinful and how could have she believed him? Where were her parents?? I still am waiting for her to share with us what advice her own mother gave her, pre-wedding? She remains silent on that one...I'm sure her parents loved her and cared for her very much...but she gives them absolutely NO mention...I would also like to see her visit HER OWN family and I'd love to hear what they have to say about these 30 years? A small comment from one of her sisters earlier, indicated to me that she was a spoiled girl who protested more when her parents denied HER anything....so interesting.

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I'm sure his name helped. But I think it is pretty clear JB wasn't in support of Josh going. Not only in the advice given, but also the passive aggressive "moving" episode where the Duggars leave Josh and Anna high and dry for a day.

I do think that Jim Bob doesn't like being shown up by his own children. And one area of life where he has outright failed has been politics and any type of career in DC. He's simply too much of a clown to be taken seriously in DC circles. It must have stung to see his son actually land a real position there. And he might have landed that with as much pull from people like the Keller/Wallers as from his father.

I shudder to think how much the Keller/Duggar/Wallers influence was at hand in Josh's ability to get the job in DC -- anyway, moving right along...

I believe you are right on target throughout the rest of your post. JB does seem that he doesn't want his kids to do better than himself, which is sad and screwed up. He has a huge ego and doesn't want his sons or son-in-laws to surpass him.

I thought that trip to DC to help move Josh and Anna was telling as well.

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you know I think I've seen dads act strange when their sons are grown.  They seem to go through a time where they are uncomfortable with the son being maybe bigger and stronger and having more manly vitality.  I think it is a painful shock that the dad is getting older.  Then I've seen sons do much better than the dad financially and it makes them uncomfortable.  Of course if the son is a jerk the dad is ashamed and doesn't talk about him.  After a while it seems to work out but I think it's an adjustment.  

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So now, we have to endure another episode upcoming about Meeeechelle...she couldn't stand some of the focus being on her courting/marrying daughters, could she? She has to have the focus on her.. after all, it is SHE who is introducing this TV show being about HER and HER family? She narrates the intro as being all about her...from the start. I really don't want to hear about "just how bad she was" before Jim Bob came a prayin' along and brought good and godliness to her...yeah, I'm sure she was a real tramp and sinner...NOT.She had a real, normal and HAPPY high school experience from what I can tell...what high school girl wouldn't have wanted to be pretty, popular, a cheerleader no less, dates, a nice part time job for extra money and friends...? How could JB have told her that was sinful and how could have she believed him? Where were her parents?? I still am waiting for her to share with us what advice her own mother gave her, pre-wedding? She remains silent on that one...I'm sure her parents loved her and cared for her very much...but she gives them absolutely NO mention...I would also like to see her visit HER OWN family and I'd love to hear what they have to say about these 30 years? A small comment from one of her sisters earlier, indicated to me that she was a spoiled girl who protested more when her parents denied HER anything....so interesting.

Not only that, but what a slap in the face to her kids. "Here I get to laugh & mingle & reminisce about high school, an experience I will never let you be a part of & that you will never understand".

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What I would like to know is if Michelle attended ANY of the previous reunions, if there were any held? I bet NOT...I think this is just for the show's sake. I can't imagine Michelle caring one bit about any of them except her one friend, Cindy, that she is allowed to keep in touch with...another fake, set up situation...

Regarding the accountability in public: none of the girls are allowed to go anywhere off the property by themselves...technically Jinger should have had one of her siblings go to the jewelry store with her..we didn't see anyone FILMED there with her...doesn't mean she went by herself.

Re: Jessa and Ben before marriage on the porch swing out on his parents' porch: Jessa said to Mr. Jim that he could be her chaperone: Mr. Jim responded that that wasn't a role he would fulfill...Jessa shrugged her shoulder as it to say "screw that, then" and stayed with Ben outside anyway...pretty telling to me, so how is it now, that she is all "hellfire and brimstone"?

I think Jim Bob, as a father, wants to tell his sons what to do professionally, and allows them a margin of success; not to outdo him; but does not want to see them struggle...a double edged sword there...any good parent WANTS to see their children succeed, yes, even more than they themselves did..Can't imagine anything else..don't understand why he has such a need to rule and reign over his own family...I'd like to know where this really came from...anyone who went to school with JB or knew him in his early days, should let us know that truth about that..at least we would have the real story...but that's just my opinion folks.

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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