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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I can see the point made that Jim Bob supports his daughters and they live "free" at home, so he keeps their money or a portion of it. Well, he should NOT, in my opinion. The reason I feel he shouldn't keep the girls' money with his and Michelle's is because he has control over them and they aren't allowed to go out and be trained or educated to support themselves doing anything else but what they are doing, TV, books, appearances, etc. He has given his daughters no choice in having a life of their own. So sad for them.

I also think Jim Bob plays the religion card regarding his daughters or adult sons having their own attorneys. All he has to say is that it is against his religion for his daughters to be advised from someone other than himself and I'm sure the kids all sign wavers of rights to Jim Bob to handle their financial affairs. How awful if this is the case. That's how I think they are paid via the family trust account. Someone really should blow the cover off of this one and do a documentary about how such things are really handled.

Jim Bob, yet again is giving an interview about birth control. I understand he is medically incorrect in what he is stating...also, I believe the story about their early years has changed....they can do that, can't they? He is stating NOW, that Michelle used birth control after they were married, and WHILE STILL ON BC, she conceived Joshy, stopped the pill, went back on when he was born and conceived ol' J'Caleb and miscarried...we know the rest. They went berserk. I heard that she went off of birth control because after 4 years of marriage they were "ready" for a child. So, Duggars, which is it? My opinion is Jim Bob is altering his own account of  history.

I wonder if Michelle will be truly honest with her daughters about the toll of having children has on a woman's body? I can see her hunched over and I can guess. Her bladder must be gone at this point, but how can you encourage your daughters to this to themselves? It can't be easy on Michelle, having gone through all that. It boggles my mind she was still trying. Her doctors had a lot to say I'm sure.(didn't dr Sarna quit?)

To demonstrate the toll having 19 children takes on a body, she would just have to lift her floor length denim skirt and show them that her uterus is dangling between her ankles.


Or she could tell them that every time she sighs, sits, breathes in, breathes out, stands, coughs, sneezes, says the word season, etc. she leaks urine.

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I agree, but *not* putting the money in the family trust would go against JimBob's plan and the kids are all (except for Jill) under his headship. (Maybe the older, single sons aren't under his headship? Not sure. IDK how Gothardism treats older, single men.) The women are thought to be easily tricked by Satan and in need of protection from society, so of course they cannot be trusted to handle their own money. 


Or it could be an issue of JimBoob making the case that they pay for housing and food so he'd deduct that from their money and leave them with nothing - because he is so Godly and loving.

I'm not sure how it works with them either. I know that JD owns a house and it is in his name, not the Duggar Trust. Also, I recall Michelle mentioning something about her and JB planning to have a talk with Jill about her wedding budget, but when they went to her about it, she said something to the effect of that she already had the budget planned out. That made me wonder what exactly Jill meant by that, because it doesn't seem that most daughters would plan out a wedding budget using their parents money unless they had already discussed it with them.  But if that wasn't what Jill meant, does that mean she is paying for her own wedding and has her own bank account? Gave me hope that maybe some of the kids do have some money of their own.  

I wonder if Michelle will be truly honest with her daughters about the toll of having children has on a woman's body? I can see her hunched over and I can guess. Her bladder must be gone at this point, but how can you encourage your daughters to this to themselves? It can't be easy on Michelle, having gone through all that. It boggles my mind she was still trying. Her doctors had a lot to say I'm sure.(didn't dr Sarna quit?)

She's not honest with herself about the toll it has taken on her own body.

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I just want to say that it's hard to say what is a "mainstream Baptist." The American Baptists (the Northern branch which separated from the Southern Baptists over slavery and the Civil War) have been ordaining women since the 1880's. There are also many Baptist congregations within the South that split from the SBC in 1979 that ordain women. Keep in mind that Baptist colleges and seminaries include those such as Wake Forest, Baylor and University of Richmond/Virginia Union. Brown University was originally founded as a Baptist institution. Many of these organizations were in the forefront of women's rights, both in the secular and religious spheres.

"Baptists" get a bad rap.

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Watching a rerun the other day when the Howlers and Lost Girls and Boob pitched a tent in the yard and slept. Some of the Howlers came inside to sleep because that one tent with about 10 people in it was too hot. Switch to the scene when MEChelle comes out in the morning with coffee, and there is Boob with two fans blowing on him, but none toward the kids. Ass.

I saw that hot summer episode too. Why would anyone play camp out Boy Scouts when it's 98deg at night in Arkansas? I noticed the two fans on daddy, too, not the kids. But what I really noticed is how those poor kids were dressed! They were inside the house with long pants on and those stupid girls still had 2 shirts on and grandma had an "overblouse" which =s two shirts for her, too..Michelle actually put that mop of hair up off her neck...these people border on abuse. Those kids needed to wear some shorts and light weight clothing, not two layers of clothing when it was 102deg outside in the daytime. The little girls had to have those silly leggings underneath their dresses...very hot and uncomfortable to wear in the summer.

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I just want to say that it's hard to say what is a "mainstream Baptist." The American Baptists (the Northern branch which separated from the Southern Baptists over slavery and the Civil War) have been ordaining women since the 1880's. There are also many Baptist congregations within the South that split from the SBC in 1979 that ordain women. Keep in mind that Baptist colleges and seminaries include those such as Wake Forest, Baylor and University of Richmond/Virginia Union. Brown University was originally founded as a Baptist institution. Many of these organizations were in the forefront of women's rights, both in the secular and religious spheres.

"Baptists" get a bad rap.

This is true = 'Baptist' paints a broad  brush stroke, and 75% aren't anywhere as fundie as the Duggars, and 98% probably aren't Gothardy. I did not know American Baptists ordained women, so thanks for the clarification. Are those women allowed to minister to everyone (men/women) or just women and children?

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Yes, everyone. They are especially visible in New England. But I'm friends with several ordained Baptist ministers serving in the South.

And they will be the first to say they have their work cut out for them. Say that you're Baptist and people THINK the Duggars, not Wake Forest!

Edited by GEML
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This is true = 'Baptist' paints a broad brush stroke, and 75% aren't anywhere as fundie as the Duggars, and 98% probably aren't Gothardy. I did not know American Baptists ordained women, so thanks for the clarification. Are those women allowed to minister to everyone (men/women) or just women and children?

I'm Baptist, Southern Baptist actually, and I will agree that the denomination is not near as Fundie as the Duggars. In fact, I don't know of anyone who has considered themselves a fundamentalist within the denomination, or a follower of Gothard. Most people probably wouldn't even know who Gothard was. I've heard people in my church say that the Duggars are strange and a bit crazy-although they do have well-behaved children! (eyeroll)

Edited by heckyeahheartland
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Yes, everyone. They are especially visible in New England. But I'm friends with several ordained Baptist ministers serving in the South.

And they will be the first to say they have their work cut out for them. Say that you're Baptist and people THINK the Duggars, not Wake Forest!

But then there is also IFB. Independent Fundamental Baptist, which I used to be, but we strongly felt we weren't really Baptist because they were too liberal.

I wonder if MEchelle just really enjoys blanket training. Once the kid has had its spirit beaten out of it, she hands it off to a JSlaves with no guilt. Perhaps she feels like she has done all the work and the JSlaves have an easy job of raising the already blanket trained kid. I could totaly see MEchelle as a sadist.

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Is it just me? Just exactly why are MeChelle's eyes always darting to the side during her THs?  It may be completely innocent, but it makes her look like she's either looking for approval - or looking for cues. No one else does it that I've ever noticed. Not even the littlest kids, whom you could expect to see doing that. One more very odd thing about MeChelle, I guess... 

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If anyone has a chance (or the stomach for it) go back to the episode of "duggars in cuffs" and watch Michelle try and tell Jim Bob that he's made a wrong turn and needs to correct it.  Watch how nervous she is about doing this, and how much she giggles and flirts and turns her eyes and heads in a shot that isn't more than 45 seconds long.

In the clips, Michelle is flirting with the camera.  She's trying to correct us, but saying that she's "safe."  I think she genuinely believes that 1) she has no self control and this means 2) that no one else has self control (she can only see people through her own lens) and 3) if people would just listen to her their lives would improve and 4) and I realize what I say is harsh, but look at me!  I'm cute!  I'm sweet!  It's safe and ok, really.

  • Love 3

Is it just me? Just exactly why are MeChelle's eyes always darting to the side during her THs?  It may be completely innocent, but it makes her look like she's either looking for approval - or looking for cues. No one else does it that I've ever noticed. Not even the littlest kids, whom you could expect to see doing that. One more very odd thing about MeChelle, I guess... 

Which side to the dart to? They say if you look to the right, you're recalling facts, but looking to the left, making things up.

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If she were looking to the left, I'd agree with this. But it's more a back and forth, and she also raises and losers her eyebrows, tips her head, rocks back and forth and smiles the whole time she talks. She's had media training. That's something nearly every female politician learns to do to appear sincere and affirming. She doesn't do it WELL - her motions are too fast, and she also speaks too fast - but someone had obviously tried to teach her the basics.

That's Jim Bob merely softpeddaling his wife's laziness about who does the cooking around there. He should have just come right out and stated the truth: Well, it's mainly Jana and Jill who do all of the cooking around here.. MIchelle hasn't introduced herself to the pots and pans in the kitchen for years now. She has totally transferred the whole kitchen responsibility to those two girls from when they were 12. That would have been the Christian truth.

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If anyone has a chance (or the stomach for it) go back to the episode of "duggars in cuffs" and watch Michelle try and tell Jim Bob that he's made a wrong turn and needs to correct it.  Watch how nervous she is about doing this, and how much she giggles and flirts and turns her eyes and heads in a shot that isn't more than 45 seconds long.

In the clips, Michelle is flirting with the camera.  She's trying to correct us, but saying that she's "safe."  I think she genuinely believes that 1) she has no self control and this means 2) that no one else has self control (she can only see people through her own lens) and 3) if people would just listen to her their lives would improve and 4) and I realize what I say is harsh, but look at me!  I'm cute!  I'm sweet!  It's safe and ok, really.


Wow - spot on observation.  This makes a lot of sense and again, follows the behavior characteristics of a last-born child.  Last-borns are often treated as cute, cuddly little creatures by parents and siblings alike.  Things that older children get corrected for doing is deemed unutterably adorable when a last-born does them. They grow up thinking they can handle every situation, solve every problem with nothing but a smile and their own overpowering charm.  Last-borns are also notoriously bad at being corrected or receiving constructive criticism.  Criticism of any kind really.

Edited by NausetGirl
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It will never happen unless a tell-all book someday emerges, but I'd love to know why the Duggar kids have no contact with - never even mention - their relatives on MeChelle's side.  I think the grandparents are dead but what about everyone else?  Another way the Duggars and Gosselins resemble each other.  And while that one brother of Kate's was seen occasionally, there seems to be no sign of any of MeChelle's family.  Unless I've missed something.

Yes, Jim Bob is indeed pimping his kids out for anything and everything he can for ratings, whether it's a courtship, wedding, wisdom teeth removal, fun day trip, birthday, all expenses paid vacations around the world, even falling off the stage and sustaining serious injury (Jason). A real classy guy, that Jim Bob.

Although maybe in regards to the courtship/weddings, he has agreed to split the payment for those 50/50 with the lucky couple. 

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Did we see any photos of the family with Michelle on this supposed visit to her family? No. We saw Ben and Jessa, somewhere. I think that post was in response to many questions about her relationship with HER Ruark family going unaddressed for years...I wonder if they really went or if they spent any real amount of time with them and just stopped by for 5 minutes on their to or from somewhere else more important.

On another website commenting on this family, someone who knows about Michelle years ago and her family stuff, posted quite a rant about how Michelle was the one to dump her family once she met Jim Bob and never looked back..it was telling..and sounded so like Queen Michelle who had found her King.

Did we see any photos of the family with Michelle on this supposed visit to her family? No. We saw Ben and Jessa, somewhere. I think that post was in response to many questions about her relationship with HER Ruark family going unaddressed for years...I wonder if they really went or if they spent any real amount of time with them and just stopped by for 5 minutes on their to or from somewhere else more important.

On another website commenting on this family, someone who knows about Michelle years ago and her family stuff, posted quite a rant about how Michelle was the one to dump her family once she met Jim Bob and never looked back..it was telling..and sounded so like Queen Michelle who had found her King.


Well, I can honestly say that never before in world history were two individuals so clearly meant for each other!

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Jessa will get married in two weeks. Since courtships seem to be the Duggar's new hook, Jim Bob will probably want to get another kid in a courtship fairly quickly. There are already rumors about John-David courting. Maybe they are just keeping it secret until after Jessa's wedding to drag out the publicity. I hope JB gets someone for Jana soon. I want to see her get away from her parents. I think with all the talk about Jana lately, JB will start feeling pressured to get her in a courtship.

I strongly suspect John David & Jana are having potential spouses vetted right now. The Duggars are not going to reveal anything until they can milk every minute out of the Jill wedding & baby, & Jessa's engagement & wedding.

It's just a hunch on my part.

  • Love 4

I strongly suspect John David & Jana are having potential spouses vetted right now. The Duggars are not going to reveal anything until they can milk every minute out of the Jill wedding & baby, & Jessa's engagement & wedding.

It's just a hunch on my part.

But then it gets boring. Maybe Janarella might be rating worthy since she's a slave

I actually laughed out loud when Michelle said that she was all about "bling, sparkle and FASHION"? Since when? Yeah, her style sure has reflected that for the past 30 years! She has to be, IMO, the worst dressed woman on television. Also, when they entered that nail lady's house, you could see the back of her hair quite well and it is in TERRIBLE condition. She really needs about 8 inches lopped off and deep condition treatment. Nix the crunchy curl 'do and go much softer. Hilarious about what she believes about herself...

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I actually laughed out loud when Michelle said that she was all about "bling, sparkle and FASHION"? Since when? Yeah, her style sure has reflected that for the past 30 years! She has to be, IMO, the worst dressed woman on television. Also, when they entered that nail lady's house, you could see the back of her hair quite well and it is in TERRIBLE condition. She really needs about 8 inches lopped off and deep condition treatment. Nix the crunchy curl 'do and go much softer. Hilarious about what she believes about herself...

Michelle looks like Old Mother Hubbard with a bad mullet. Just goes to show how delusional and narcissistic she is.She's a stunning,stylish fashionista in her own mind.

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
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That's Jim Bob merely softpeddaling his wife's laziness about who does the cooking around there. He should have just come right out and stated the truth: Well, it's mainly Jana and Jill who do all of the cooking around here.. MIchelle hasn't introduced herself to the pots and pans in the kitchen for years now. She has totally transferred the whole kitchen responsibility to those two girls from when they were 12. That would have been the Christian truth.


This brings up a very interesting question for me. I'm wondering what everyone thinks will happen with Boob and MeChelle once all the kids marry and move out.  That is, assuming that will happen. Which I think is a BIG assumption. Will Boob lose his "Daddy" authority? Do people see them moving in with one of the kids? Taking off for a retirement community in AZ or FL?  Hiring household help? Personally I cannot imagine lazy [and disabled, dontcha know] MeChelle taking on cooking and cleaning chores ever again. Would the kids, assuming most remain in the area, be charged with taking turns looking after them?  And if so, would they actually agree to it? Or would they use the opportunity to assert themselves as they've never been able to before - to pop Momma and Daddy off to the nearest - and cheapest - nursing home or assisted-living facility in northwest Arkansas? Just wondering...

Edited by NausetGirl
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This brings up a very interesting question for me. I'm wondering what everyone thinks will happen with Boob and MeChelle once all the kids marry and move out. That is, assuming that will happen. Which I think is a BIG assumption. Will Boob lose his "Daddy" authority? Do people see them moving in with one of the kids? Taking off for a retirement community in AZ or FL? Hiring household help? Personally I cannot imagine lazy [and disabled, dontcha know] MeChelle taking on cooking and cleaning chores ever again. Would the kids, assuming most remain in the area, be charged with taking turns looking after them? And if so, would they actually agree to it? Or would they use the opportunity to assert themselves as they've never been able to before - to pop Momma and Daddy off to the nearest - and cheapest - nursing home or assisted-living facility in northwest Arkansas? Just wondering...

The kids probably wouldn't help their parents if the marry off and start their own lives. And I wouldn't blame them if they don't

Let's not forget that JB and Michelle were fairly well off before the TV show and have likely socked plenty away for the rest of their lives. Likely two of their children will marry and live forever in that house - one in each dormitory, with their own families. Not every child wants to leave home, and not every child can - especially given the upbringing some of these children have had. And the money will be an added incentive.

Let's not forget that JB and Michelle were fairly well off before the TV show and have likely socked plenty away for the rest of their lives. Likely two of their children will marry and live forever in that house - one in each dormitory, with their own families. Not every child wants to leave home, and not every child can - especially given the upbringing some of these children have had. And the money will be an added incentive.


Oh, I'm not worrying about them having enough $$. I wouldn't be surprised if Boob has a nice private account somewhere when he regularly makes deposits for their retirement. But I really wonder about whether or not the kids they have so splendidly-parented, the kids that others praise them so highly for, the kids that they think will supply them with literally 100s of grandchildren will, after years go by, take care of them as they are probably expecting them to.  My own theory is that JB & MeChelle might be in for a very rude awakening in 20-30 years.

Edited by NausetGirl

In the next few years, I think the show will devolve from its current format to 1-2 specials per year "Catching up the the Duggars!" or "Christmas in Tontitown!" so that we can gape at the huge extended family gathered for the occassion.


By then, I think Jana and Jinger will be married and there will be 6 teenage boys at home (plus any of the older boys that haven't found wives). JB has no great love for teenage boys, and he and Michelle will be traveling the country giving speeches on parenting, so all of those teenagers will be living semi-permanently at Alert camp. The youngest girls will drift back and forth between Grandma and the homes of their older married siblings.


People on this board joke about JB and J'chelle being forced to parent their kids once the older girls are married, but I don't think that's going to happen. I think those little ones will be on their own.

  • Love 4

However, it's often (but not always) kids who haven't been raised in a healthy home who can't leave. The idea that all of these kids will be able to form healthy attachments and independent lives away from their parents is slim to none. And I'm not even talking about a child like Josie, who may have real and genuine issues. I'm talking about a few children who appear perfectly capable, but simply don't have the emotional capacity to handle it.

Between that and JB's money, he and Michelle will never be alone.

  • Love 3

Let's not forget that JB and Michelle were fairly well off before the TV show and have likely socked plenty away for the rest of their lives. Likely two of their children will marry and live forever in that house - one in each dormitory, with their own families. Not every child wants to leave home, and not every child can - especially given the upbringing some of these children have had. And the money will be an added incentive.

So what's the point of getting married if you're not going to leave home? Or being a grown adult and still living at home doing nothing. I'm not bashing adult children who live at home but adult children in the real world typically have a reason to stay at home. My friends brother lives at home because he lost his job and is now trying to find work JB might not be able to support all his kids and their families in the future

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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