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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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It took years of viewer nagging for the kids to even get beds to not put sheets on.  Hannie, Jenni, Jordyn and Josie slept in pack-n-plays for years.  Which is basically sleeping in a box on the floor.

This is disturbing. I had a pack-n-play for my Grandsons to nap in when they were visiting but put them in a crib at night. In no way are they suitable for night time use. That is pure laziness on Nutchelle's part because I swear I saw a crib in that mess of a storage area that the J-slaves were cleaning out.

  • Love 1

Um, some perspective here. For most of human history, people have slept on the floor with a blanket. A pack-n-play is perfectly safe and appropriate for nighttime sleeping for a very young child. They will not be at risk for falls, SIDS, having their face caught in a bumper, or any number of other hazards. They may not be as comfortable as a crib, but that might be a matter of preference, not necessity.

For what it's worth, my daughter had a beautiful toddler bed with a Tinkerbell canopy, the most expensive crib mattress you could buy, high quality sheets from places like pottery barn. She loved that bed. And very carefully put every one of her plushes to bed in it every night.

Where did SHE sleep? On the floor. With a blanket. (Sigh)

  • Love 10

Um, some perspective here. For most of human history, people have slept on the floor with a blanket. A pack-n-play is perfectly safe and appropriate for nighttime sleeping for a very young child. They will not be at risk for falls, SIDS, having their face caught in a bumper, or any number of other hazards. They may not be as comfortable as a crib, but that might be a matter of preference, not necessity.

For what it's worth, my daughter had a beautiful toddler bed with a Tinkerbell canopy, the most expensive crib mattress you could buy, high quality sheets from places like pottery barn. She loved that bed. And very carefully put every one of her plushes to bed in it every night.

Where did SHE sleep? On the floor. With a blanket. (Sigh)


THIS!! My 11 year old daughter slept frequently on the floor of our bedroom BY CHOICE even though she had a perfectly comfortable bed.  I never understood it either, but she seemed to love it and it caused her no harm.  And I see no problem with a child sleeping in a pack and play, especially when you're traveling or something.  Not everything these people do is by default evil.

  • Love 4

Can't believe how Michelle continues to make statements that flatters herself for the moment, but fail to remember that they don't tie in to actual facts. During the "re-upholstering of the stools", Michelle stated how her nursing schedule would have precluded her from doing that that type of job with her daughters in the past. When they turned those stools over, she had dated them 10/2003. "Look, that's the last time I re-upholstered them" she said. Wasn't she nursing back then too? Why did she have "time" to do it then? Once again, contradiction.

Liar liar! They lived in the Johnson Rd. house at that time; no room for barstools in that tiny, cramped place. And the "rent house" they lived in when Johnson Rd. got demo'ed was even smaller. I imagine that was the manufacture date of the new stools, which were more than likely bought by TLC when they furnished the Duggar great room (what's a few extra stools to complete the look from the front door?). Still not sure who bought them the new dining room table; it just appeared on that moving-in special, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was also a TLC purchase. 


And I see no problem with a child sleeping in a pack and play, especially when you're traveling or something.


We will have to agree to disagree on this. There is a difference between having a child sleep, occasionally, in a pack and play, and having it serve as her bed for years.


The same goes with kids sleeping on the floor. There is a difference between what a child chooses to do, and what his or her parents provide. What I see is this:


There aren't enough appropriated beds for all of the children.

There are no linens -- not just no clean linens -- but no sheets of any kind

The younger kids are unwashed and their hair is often uncombed

They are dressed haphazardly in layers of mismatched clothing

There is no structure: no bath time, no story time, no bed time, and no wake-up time


Any one or two of these things would fall under "different strokes," but together they show a household in complete disarray. It clearly isn't a case where there is no money, or the parents have substance abuse problems, it's just that the parents have lost all interest in taking care of their kids, and the little ones will just have to make do with whatever the J'Slaves can scrape together for them.

  • Love 8

It's one thing using a Pack &play for a 2 hour nap for a baby, but if I recall, the younger girls were still being squished in them when they were 2-3 yrs old.

Drives me nuts when Michelle said the girls wanted to be together in one big room when they were building the house. I don't think they were given a choice. I don't think they even thought ahead where the next blessing would sleep, hence the Pack & Plays. And after Jackson, there were 3 girls in a row & later Miracle. I wonder what age Jackson was when he moved to the boy's room. Remember the beds have each of the girl's names painted on them? Then they had to double up when the little girls finally got out of the Pack & Plays & I think they added sticky notes with their names on it. I'm sure 2 big rooms were cheaper to build than 6-8 separate rooms.

And my son also went thru a time of sleeping on the floor. Forgot all about it til it was mentioned above.

Edited by Barb23
  • Love 2

One aspect of the Pack n plays is that it might be one of the few things the little girls got to keep that let them be little girls. If any of you grew up in families that had even two children close together or have that pattern of children, you know how difficult it can be to get a young child to give up it's "baby" bed for the next baby. And we know they were quickly kicked out of the crib. it's quite possible that the youngest Duggar children clung to their pack n plays as the one thing they could cling to. Think about it - every one of those three little girls. (Not including Josie) barely got time to be a "lap baby" as they would say in my neck of the woods. They would have been weaned from both breast and bottle as quickly as possible. Likely aggressively potty trained. I've never seen any of them with a security blanket or favorite plush toy to drag around. No pacifiers, etc. We may all be sitting here saying how awful the Pack n plays are, but those might have been the only allowances the little girls had that they really were little baby girls, not a miniature set of the older girls.

Edited by GEML
  • Love 1

The little ones definitely have pacifiers.  I have always thought it odd, though, that the kids appear to have no emotional connection to any toys, except for Jenni and that doll she used to drag around with her (though it could've been different dolls - none of their dolls are clothes and they're all generic baby dolls with Caucasian skin and blue eyes.  They all look basically the same.)  The kids also play extremely roughly - they're constantly throwing things inside and beating up on each other.  Yeah, it's all in fun, but there are so many things they could be doing with that energy that could actually benefit them in life.  But play groups mean socializing outside the family, academic pursuits might bring independent thoughts, sports teams require being on time, dance classes would lead to sin and gymnastics leotards are far too revealing.  So it's riding tricycles inside and hurling dolls at the walls and ceiling. 


Hannie was still in the pack-n-play well past toddlerhood.  If a kid wants to sleep on the floor, sure, let 'em, but not providing a bed for your kid at all is shitty parenting.  They didn't do it for no other reason than they couldn't be fucking bothered.  If they had provided beds and Hannie on down had chosen to sleep in the pack-n-plays anyway, that would be a different matter.  But that's not what happend.  They just, for whatever reason, didn't think it necessary to provide beds for their children.  They had the money, they had the space.  They just didn't do it.  

Edited by WTFFF
  • Love 5

Um, some perspective here. For most of human history, people have slept on the floor with a blanket. A pack-n-play is perfectly safe and appropriate for nighttime sleeping for a very young child. They will not be at risk for falls, SIDS, having their face caught in a bumper, or any number of other hazards. They may not be as comfortable as a crib, but that might be a matter of preference, not necessity.

For what it's worth, my daughter had a beautiful toddler bed with a Tinkerbell canopy, the most expensive crib mattress you could buy, high quality sheets from places like pottery barn. She loved that bed. And very carefully put every one of her plushes to bed in it every night.

Where did SHE sleep? On the floor. With a blanket. (Sigh)

Um some more perspective here~there are definitely beds for these young children to graduate to. It is pure laziness on Jim Boob and Nutchelle's part by not transitioning them.

  • Love 1

So who got Jill's bed? Who will get Jessa's bed? It's an abuse that these adult women have never had their own beds to sleep in and must bunk with their untoilet trained sisters. Disgusting to think about. These parents certainly gave themselves their own bed and bathroom to boot! They live like pigs, IMO, in a large tile floored house, paid for and finished off by TLC. Rely on themselves, do they? Sure they do.

  • Love 2

Except engineering is still about a 70-80% male dominated field, probably more like 95 in Arkansas, and only brazen hussies and/or lesbians would work in that environment.

In their defense, I think they totally grasp the concept of sexual parts for pleasure vs sexual parts in a medical setting.


Any Duggar girls who - by some miracle - became nurses would HAVE to work in obstetrics or gynecology where they would only see females.  Although as I think about it, the basic training for anyone in health care MUST begin with both male and female anatomy.  Which I guess may explain why Jill and Jana have only done the midwife deal.  Any nurses out there who can comment?

Any Duggar girls who - by some miracle - became nurses would HAVE to work in obstetrics or gynecology where they would only see females.  Although as I think about it, the basic training for anyone in health care MUST begin with both male and female anatomy.  Which I guess may explain why Jill and Jana have only done the midwife deal.  Any nurses out there who can comment?

OK here's the deal. To become nurses - let's say Registered Nurses you'd have to be admitted into either an Associate's Degree program (usually 4 semesters) or a Bachelor's degree program (usually 8 semesters). Either is going to require a HS diploma or GED, a certain GPA, most likely a certain ACT/SAT score, and a few units of algebra, english, biology, chemistry, etc. Depending on the school, some let you take those courses while taking nursing courses, some make you get them out of the way before applying. The Duggar kids have none of that, except maybe GEDs. 


Once you're in a program - let's stick with a 2 year/4 semester Associate's degree, you're going to have to take classes and do clinicals in OB GYN, pediatrics, geriatrics, acute care, basic care, emergency care, etc. You can't do hands-on clinicals online, even if you sometimes can do some class work that way. After you do all that and graduate from 2 or 4 year programs, you still have to take your state's RN board exams and pass them. They're hard. Everyone doesn't pass, even with degrees.


After all that, you're a nurse who can work in a hospital, clinic, dr.'s office, etc. If you want to specialize in say, labor and delivery, you'd most likely work as a float or floor nurse for a while (night shifts, floated to different areas to learn different skills), then you'd gain some experience and go into a more specialized department. If you want to be a midwife, or lung specialist, or whatever, most likely you'll have to take graduate courses and earn a master's in those fields.


The girls are smart enough to do this. They are extremely unereducated and would need remedial courses to prepare. I also think their religion/cult teaches them the difference in sex for pleasure within marriage, and plain old genitals that need cleaned in a hospital setting. I think they technically could work in a normal floor or ICU with male patients and not be defrauded or shocked. They diaper and bathe enough siblings, and chart their mother's fertility enough to know men and women don't have the same parts.


Now here's the catch - Gothard specifically states that women should never, ever earn either own income. They should always be dependent on their father or husband financially, spiritually and for everything else. Independence - whether it is thought, money, or anything else - emasculates men and causes strife. It is always the woman's job to prevent or mend strife by submitting to any and everything the husband says, even if he is wrong. She's always caused it in the first place by not meeting all of his needs, even if he's a tyrant or a$$hole. They should not pick up financial responsibility even if husbands or unable to work for legit reasons, or if they're just lazy. You should pray and starve before usurping your husband's headship.


This is the real reason why they'll never become RNs or anything else that would allow them to earn an income and have independence. In this realm, JimBob and Gill Bates are light years ahead of a lot of Gothardites by allowing their girls to go to college, train as midwives, teach piano, be nannies, write books, etc. Even if the girls seem to be giving it all up to be married, they at least were allowed to do SOMETHING of their own before that.

Edited by RazzleberryPie
  • Love 3

To be honest, in the world of "I can't believe people follow X" I think the Bill Gothard's of the world are pretty much over. Let's face it, they're old and their body of work had been scrutinized to the point where there is real criticism not just externally from a bunch of "heretics" but also internally. That's how you know someone is on his way out - when people who have every reason to cover for him quit doing so.

But there are always new Bill Gothard's. Right now they don't look that scary. They look confident and strong. They have "the courage of their convictions" and the people around them are happy and productive and sure that they have found something and someone that is making life better not just in eternity, but right here, right now.

  • Love 1

IMO, the really sad part here is if these parents really wanted to make an investment in their children, Jim Bob would pony up some REAL tuition to educate and/or train their kids to actually be able to do something and give them the gift of knowledge. These kids actually are so brainwashed and sheltered that they believe their parents have made an investment in them! How so? None that I can see. The truth here, is that Jim Bob and Michelle have convinced their kids that they need THEM, when in truth it is the parents who actually need their kids on a day to day basis. They would never be able to upkeep their home, surrounding property and take care of the younger kids without the older ones to do all the work, and also Mary Duggar to wash those mountains of dirty clothes daily. Michelle would never have the time to horseback ride, take adults to a child's playground for PB&J platitudes, and fellowship with Jim Bob at his beck and call if she were the real mother in that household. What would these two do if the kids from Josiah on up decided to move out? They would be up the creek "without a paddle". I believe that's why they aren't too anxious for the adult boys and girls to move on into their own lives because underneath it all, they know the truth.

  • Love 3
For most of human history, people have slept on the floor with a blanket.

And it's still common in certain necks of the woods, such as some East Asian cultures. It's why our floors are so clean. ;)


That said, I do think that Michelle and Jim Bob are probably doing it more out of laziness than anything else. 

  • Love 4

I have just about had it with those two attention hogs, Michelle and Jim Bob. I'm tired of them painting themselves as paragons of parental superiority, guidance and advice givers to the "young ones". What are Derick and Ben orphans or something? Just what kind of interaction do these two allow the Seewalds and the Dillard-Byrums? Don't they have any life experience and/or advice to offer those couples respectively? I'm tired of absolutely everything coming from these two juveniles who never grew up.

Also on an earlier episode when Jill was with the wedding planner and she asked them about the size of their guest list, Jill went on the list the groups they would be inviting from. Did any of you notice when Jill said, " Derick's friends from college" how removed and unattached she was to that phrase and part of life? Her voice, and body language changed for a second or two there, like it's a foreign thing to her to which she can't relate to at all, and you know what? That's exactly what it is for her. So sad that it's true.

  • Love 3

So even if say the husband is injured in an accident and completely unable to work to support his very large family, the wife cannot go get a job?   The family becomes homeless and dependent on government hand outs instead.   Isn't that a big no-no in Gothard land too?

Yes, that's exactly what that means. If your hubs can't work - or worse, won't work - the wife cannot usurp his authority and become the breadwinner. This is why so many of these people live in absolute self-inflicted poverty. Is it one of Anna's sisters or another family who had 8 kids living in a pop-up camper on the beach?

And it's still common in certain necks of the woods, such as some East Asian cultures. It's why our floors are so clean. ;)


That said, I do think that Michelle and Jim Bob are probably doing it more out of laziness than anything else. 

Key word there is "CLEAN." We've seen the bottoms of those kids' feet and shoes all over the inside of the house, plus the bathroom Bin cleaned. All filthy.

I want to say - first off - that I hope Anna is not pregnant again. She and Josh seem to be doing well, and it would be a shame to have another baby so soon.


But, just for fun, let's say she did. And let's say that Jana went up to DC to help out.


Then, let's say that Joyanna was staying with Jill and Derick to help with their new baby.


And, just to make it fun, let's say that Jessa got pregnant right away, and Jinger is staying with the new mother to help out for a few months.


That would leave J'chelle with NO older daughters. She might have to purpose to fellowship with her 11 younger blessings. I would so watch that.

  • Love 2

I want to say - first off - that I hope Anna is not pregnant again. She and Josh seem to be doing well, and it would be a shame to have another baby so soon.


But, just for fun, let's say she did. And let's say that Jana went up to DC to help out.


Then, let's say that Joyanna was staying with Jill and Derick to help with their new baby.


And, just to make it fun, let's say that Jessa got pregnant right away, and Jinger is staying with the new mother to help out for a few months.


That would leave J'chelle with NO older daughters. She might have to purpose to fellowship with her 11 younger blessings. I would so watch that.


You make a very good point!  I'd watch that too.

kalamac: My very point made earlier on another site. YES, exactly.. How do other families like them manage when all boys are up front?

Rhondinella: What are "memes"? Thanks!

If a parent needs to have in home help shipped in and provided by your sisters in law, you have too many kids. A child is entitled to their parents' attention, love and care.

Re: college education of Bates and Duggar kids: The few Bates kids who attended college,, attended non accredited schools and their diploma isn't worth anything in the real workforce, so I understand. The Duggar kids: none of them have completed any higher education. Being in their 20s some of the girls are still dabbling in computer courses here and there...business as usual at Casa Duggar...Jurisdictions and family needs, speaking engagements are FIRST!

  • Love 3

Rhondinella: What are "memes"? Thanks!



I'm not Rhondinella, but a quick answer is memes are those pictures with silly comments on them. I didn't see the one posted here and don't know who posted it, so no offense, but I'm just not a fan of them 99% of the time.


Anyway, on topic is why does JB always close one eye when biting into something? Look, we've seen him eat A LOT on this show. The man loves his food. But he did it again this past week after the derby BBQ. Whole face scrunches up, inserts in mouth and closes the eye. 

I know we've discussed this before but it just AMAZES me that people in this day & age follow Gothard and his beliefs. (my new tablet's spell check just corrected Gothard to "Got hard" . lol)

Believe me I'm shocked too especially since I live about 20 minutes from Gothard Headquarters in Oakbrook, IL. Oakbrook is filled with educated progressive MODERN people. I can't fathom how the hell he survives there?????? I guess he buses them in because many of the Oakbrook folks are *gasp* well educated high earning executives, doctors, lawyers, etc.



Edited by Fuzzysox

Well, I think if it hadn't been the miscarriage it would have been something else. I think that JB wanted to define himself as radically different from his father in some religious way, and was on the lookout for ways to do that. While he's a savvy man in a business way, I don't think he thinks he's minister material (and I believe Michelle had said many times how much he squirms about speaking in public) and I think it's still likely something would have found them. Michelle, I think, was looking for something big enough to show her family that breaking off her family at such a young age was worth it. So maybe it wouldn't have been Gothard, but they fit the Gothard mold/profile better than they do,say, a communal/intentional living criteria. But it was clear from the beginning they were ambitious to themselves.


I agree - I think that JB has father issues too. I get the feeling Jr and Sr had a fairly rocky relationship, and that by choosing this extreme "lifestyle" Jr is trying to prove himself to his dad. Maybe he's even trying to show up his father. I know it's common for Southerners to marry young, but Jim Bob was just days past his 18th birthday. He sure wanted to get away from home in a hurry. Why the rush? Other than hormones, of course. No, I think it's pretty safe to say if it hadn't been Gothard, JB and M would have signed on with some other whackjob group.

Edited by NausetGirl
  • Love 1

I remember watching a video on youtube where JB said his father abuse him because he did not believe in God or was not religious enough or some other bs crap he was rambling on about. His dad, I guess, did not want to go to church, read the bible, or pray. While I am typing this, a child will be beaten, sexually assaulted, neglected or killed by a family member, friend, or even a stranger. I wanted to slap the crap out of JB saying he was abused because his father was not Godly enough for him. What an idiot. I was abused myself growing up, and I was diagnosed with PTSD. I still have nightmares and trouble sleeping at night because something or someone might trigger the memories of abuse.


Imo, JB and Michelle abuse their own children by not let them have a chance at a normal, healthy childhood. Their claim to fame came from parading their nineteen children around. Hypocrites.

I agree - I think that JB has father issues too. I get the feeling Jr and Sr had a fairly rocky relationship, and that by choosing this extreme "lifestyle" Jr is trying to prove himself to his dad. Maybe he's even trying to show up his father. I know it's common for Southerners to marry young, but Jim Bob was just days past his 18th birthday. He sure wanted to get away from home in a hurry. Why the rush? Other than hormones, of course. No, I think it's pretty safe to say if it hadn't been Gothard, JB and M would have signed on with some other whackjob group.

Didn't Bob talk crap about his father when he died

None. Sorry. Some of the Bates girls attended, and Erin Bates graduated.

It's fundie school. But at least it's something for the Bates girls unlike the duggars

Yes, that's exactly what that means. If your hubs can't work - or worse, won't work - the wife cannot usurp his authority and become the breadwinner. This is why so many of these people live in absolute self-inflicted poverty. Is it one of Anna's sisters or another family who had 8 kids living in a pop-up camper on the beach?

Key word there is "CLEAN." We've seen the bottoms of those kids' feet and shoes all over the inside of the house, plus the bathroom Bin cleaned. All filthy.

I forgot which one. Maybe the son. And I don't know why it's sinful for a woman to work

  • Love 1

I forgot which one. Maybe the son. And I don't know why it's sinful for a woman to work

It is sinful to them, because the headship goes like this: God --> Jesus-->Husband-->Wife--->children. If a woman is working, she is disrupting the God-ordained (according to them) order of command. She's being rebellious and disobedient by showing that she isn't 100% dependent on her husband. Occasionally, he's being disobedient by not providing for his family, but that's usually her fault, for not meeting all of his other needs so he can be Mr. Cleaver and so damn skippy happy that everything turns out perfect. Besides, who has time to work if you're nursing, homeschooling, sewing prairie dresses, and all that other taking care of the home stuff.


I guess they just skip the parts in the Bible about the Proverbs 31 women who earn income, make their husbands proud and are respected by the community, or about the NT merchants who were female.

  • Love 2

On a recent rerun, one of the little girls was making yet another banner and the camera guy purposely caught a close up of her filthy, dirty feet. I can't imagine those hooves on the dining room table and he kitchen counters, let alone all over the upholstered furniture. I'm sure that place smells badly too with all of those sweaty kids running around all the time and "you know, blowout accidents" from Josie.

I also would like for someone to question them on the bible and working women. Good sites from the Good Book were made right here.

  • Love 1

I wonder what Boob & Mullet think of female ministers/clergy. I guess not much since they don't go to an outside church anymore (unless you need it for a wedding or funeral). I am Methodist & we had a great female minister who wore pants & at one time our district superintendent was a lady.

On another note, I think this theory was said before about why they got married young & in a hurry. Maybe Mullet was pregnant, they got married quickly & she miscarried this baby. This would be the "baggage". Mullet has said she didn't go wedding dress shopping. It just seems funny she wore Boob's mother's gown & not one of her older sisters gowns. Maybe Mary's gown was the only one that would hide a baby bump. I know they said it was rushed because Mullet's family was moving. Maybe by getting on the Gothard train later on in their marriage, they thought they would be forgiven & could start a new way of life. I don't want to get in trouble by starting a rumor, just thought I would throw this out for thought. (Show me the way to the prayer closet)

  • Love 2

JB made the news:




We have, of course, heard this bs from the Duggar's before, but they seem to be becoming more and more open about their beliefs.


It occurred to me that we might be wrong about the Michael Seewald / JB Duggar dynamic. Since the Benessa courtship began, there have been more and more overt statements. There was some sort of ridiculousness last month where they went and preached on the sidewalk in front of the White House saying something like they "weren't afraid" to speak out about their faith.


I wonder if the Seewalds -- and perhaps others -- have been mocking them for the tolerant tone they take on the show (This is what we do, but we respect the rights of others . . .  type bs). Perhaps JB has no intention of putting a muzzle on Mike Seewald, maybe he is actually trying to be more like him.

It is sinful to them, because the headship goes like this: God --> Jesus-->Husband-->Wife--->children. If a woman is working, she is disrupting the God-ordained (according to them) order of command. She's being rebellious and disobedient by showing that she isn't 100% dependent on her husband. Occasionally, he's being disobedient by not providing for his family, but that's usually her fault, for not meeting all of his other needs so he can be Mr. Cleaver and so damn skippy happy that everything turns out perfect. Besides, who has time to work if you're nursing, homeschooling, sewing prairie dresses, and all that other taking care of the home stuff.

I guess they just skip the parts in the Bible about the Proverbs 31 women who earn income, make their husbands proud and are respected by the community, or about the NT merchants who were female.

These people just make up their own rules. God forbid the husband dies or gets injured. Leaving a wife with 10kids

I wonder what Boob & Mullet think of female ministers/clergy. I guess not much since they don't go to an outside church anymore (unless you need it for a wedding or funeral). I am Methodist & we had a great female minister who wore pants & at one time our district superintendent was a lady.

On another note, I think this theory was said before about why they got married young & in a hurry. Maybe Mullet was pregnant, they got married quickly & she miscarried this baby. This would be the "baggage". Mullet has said she didn't go wedding dress shopping. It just seems funny she wore Boob's mother's gown & not one of her older sisters gowns. Maybe Mary's gown was the only one that would hide a baby bump. I know they said it was rushed because Mullet's family was moving. Maybe by getting on the Gothard train later on in their marriage, they thought they would be forgiven & could start a new way of life. I don't want to get in trouble by starting a rumor, just thought I would throw this out for thought. (Show me the way to the prayer closet)

They didn't turn gothard until after Josh was born. Michelle worked and used birth control, then after she miscarried they all turned crazy

  • Love 2

The only reason and the ONLY reason it's "ok" for Jim Bob's daughters to bring in income the way they do it, books, TV appearances, etc., is because their boss is still daddy. They work for the family firm, like the royal family of England do...these adult kids must be paid as per the law, and they are paid into the Duggar Family Trust, which is JIM BOB and MICHELLE..his pockets still get lined and I bet dollars to doughnuts, the only to people of that trust who have control over those funds and Mama and Daddy Duggar....so, in essence, their labor goes right back into the family fund.....greed, greed, plain and simple...

OH, and I'm fairly certain they are against female clergy...for the same reasons they think women shouldn't work either...they might take authority over men!

  • Love 2

I agree, but *not* putting the money in the family trust would go against JimBob's plan and the kids are all (except for Jill) under his headship. (Maybe the older, single sons aren't under his headship? Not sure. IDK how Gothardism treats older, single men.) The women are thought to be easily tricked by Satan and in need of protection from society, so of course they cannot be trusted to handle their own money. 


Or it could be an issue of JimBoob making the case that they pay for housing and food so he'd deduct that from their money and leave them with nothing - because he is so Godly and loving.

Edited by PityFree
  • Love 1

Yeah, I'm sure that greed is part of it.  But what the Duggar girls have done is perfectly keeping within even strict biblical guidelines -- they are young women advising other young women.  Not even Paul himself had a problem with that, and believe me, that man had a problem with a LOT of women!  ;)

Strict Biblical guidelines as interpreted by Gothard and/or fundamental Baptists. Not sure if Paul wrote Galatians (in Christ, we're neither male not female, jew nor greek, etc., but all equal) or 1 Timothy (women be silent and never have authority over a man, because God made Adam first), so a person can use/abuse the Bible either way to interpret strict guidelines.


Which, to answer the poster above in regards to women as Clergy = even mainstream Baptists do not ordain women. Women may be 'ministers' to other women or children, but never men, and they are lay positions because they can't be ordained.

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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