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S05.E15: Welcome To Amsterdam?

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Reality shows love to highlight some poor soul's dysfunctions and sins, pretend they are doing a good turn by highlighting the issue, asking other participants on the show to comment on camera, and THEN in the final stages of securing the viewers inabilty to ever let go, ever, applying one housewife ideal measure of behavior to the rest.  So that if Kim abuses fill in the blank, Lisa and Harry who've come to their own decisions on the matter are being less than responsible.  If we had a gambling addict in the mix, Vince would be held responsible.  Or Vince and Eileen.  They just love to mess with the audience like this. 


Kim being an addict in what anyone being charitable would term a most unusual form of recovery doesn't mean that Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin have to be put on the spot for how they conduct their family life. 


The ladies with healthy eating habits on these shows aren't responsible for conforming to standards not of their making because of  whatever eating disorders may be going on in other houses. And so it goes. 

  • Love 3

Can you believe that chocolate milkshake thing? Yo is a nut! 


I hate chocolate! But damn, all she had to say was "If you guys order chocolate you two are going to be drinking all of it. I can do vanilla or whatever." and then drop it.


I guessed it was her one chance in this lifetime to have a single guilty sip of a shake and be able to say she took one for the team.

  • Love 9

Your right in Kyle's case that just would not happen and obviously LisaR couldn't wait for a private moment to talk to Kim either...lol. It was a real horror for everyone including the audience.

Lisa R  "I'll Do Anything For a Paycheck" isn't going to do something in a private moment.  She's going to give the producers a moment on camera.  That's what she's being paid for.  They are all talking about Kim - Eileen, Lisa R, Kyle, Brandi, Lisa V.  Thank god for Kim's relapse and Brandi's one wine glass throw or these women would have had nothing to talk about thus far this season.  Yo really came through at the end with the Gala - kicks Kyle's fashion show and any other charity event these HWs have had right out of the water!  And the trip to Amsterdam is going to be entertaining thanks to Kim it looks like.  WTH Kyle with the running away from the table like the hounds of hell are after you?  Lol.  


It has been discussed on this forum on several occasions.  The theory being that Lisar and Kyle have been friends for years, and thus none of Kim's behavior is actually news to Lisar.   The debate follows is that as Kyle's close friend, Lisar is saying the things that Kyle wants her to say but cannot for fear of backlash from fans, Kim, or her family. Since the days of Faye, some have always believed that Kyle gets others to do her dirty work. I agree with you that this doesn't sound plausible. 

I can see Kyle doing this - she doesn't like getting her own hands dirty.  She will never out Kim herself.  Even if Kim is visibly off the wagon, Kyle isn't going to talk, but I can see her saying to Lisa R, "Say what you want."  But really I see this more as Lisa R's chance at having a storyline.


Horrid Lisa R daughter dissing Target, and then Lisa R feeling peer pressure not to wear the raincoat!

How about how inept the women were in trying to open the locks.  Dopes.  Only Eileen seemed capable.  


Lol at Kim being able to figure out it was Villa Blanca with the fish clue.  "Fish?  We could go to Villa Blanca, but that would be gross!"

  • Love 4

For a second I was kind of impressed that Brandi squeezed past the escalator pile up because I thought "oh good idea, get past and move Kim's stuff from the front". But, nope. She just stormed off. Useless.


According to Kyle's blog, Brandi hurt her leg.


The topper was when we all crashed on the escalator and Brandi actually hurt her leg. It didn't look like that big of a deal on camera, but it was actually scary. It was a full escalator, and we were all starting to pile on top of each other. Luckily someone hit the stop button.



  • Love 4

I would rather be called on my behavior for what it is than people discuss it in length behind my back and then assigning it to something that offends me more than just telling me they think I'm an asshole. 


I agreed with everything you said in that post, this, right here?  This is me, exactly.  I'm an upfront, blunt, tell it to my face so we can talk about it and move on, kind of girl.  I think that this is what irritates me so much about most, if not all, of the HWs.  There's a real lack of honesty and integrity among them and within their friendships.  Which only causes them to bottle things up and then explode later on, wash, rinse, repeat. 


Also, they are so weird about apologies.  It's like a sport with these women.  The Apology Olympics.  Who apologies to whom first.  Who doesn't "move on".  How many apologies they are owed.  It's exhausting, man. 

  • Love 9

WTH Kyle with the running away from the table like the hounds of hell are after you?  Lol.  


I had to rewind that several times because, WTH. LOL. This is one reason I don't want Kyle to ever cut her hair.  Because whether she's fleeing from the hounds of hell, being pushed down some steps, flouncing up the walkway after evicting Taylor from the White Party or merely twirling it on the dance floor, that hair is so dramatic



Yeah, last night  I totally understood why Brandi jumped out of the way and MF'd.  I think it was total reflex.  Either get out of the way or be mangled by Kim in front and the wheels on the luggage card from behind - all while the escalator kept moving.  No thanks.  She did the right thing.

  • Love 6

EXACTLY! Kim isn't a saint. What I saw on that trip is that Kim is acting standoffish because she's surrounded by people who want to either confront her about something, ask her about something, question her about something, imply something or straight out claim something about her, talk amongst themselves about her etc. etc.. I get it she's an addict but where does that mean that everyone can go on and on and on and on about it? ONE, night turned into other awkward and disturbing moments because it was this ongoing topic that the women wouldn't let go off. It's funny how people lose their senses when they join the reality show cast of the RH. It's been mentioned before if an addict isn't ready to claim xyz then that's that. These women are taking it a to very inappropriate level and they can miss me with any justifications like well I have to be around her here and there, once in awhile, while the cameras are on for a few months out of the year so I have every right to be so blatant and involved and opinionated about Kim's lack of sobriety. Oh and I knew someone who died of it so I am definitely an authority on the matter and Kim Richards falls into my jurisdiction.


Lisa R's blog is up and it bothers me when they use what they've seen and the impression of the public to write their blogs instead of what was actually happening.  During Lisa R's conversation with Brandi, Lisa was talking to Brandi about her behavior yes but then this is what happened. Lisa R comments that she's noticed that Brandi's involvement has caused a negative aftermath with the Richards sisters. This leads Brandi to discuss and validate her friendship with Kim in order to defend why she's even involved. She doesn't bring Kim up to talk about her problems she brings Kim up because Lisa R is implying that Brandi's causing problems or has caused problems between the sisters and this is why the conversation veers into talking about Kim. How Brandi has been there for Kim and that Brandi isn't just inserting herself just for shits and giggles. First of all I think Lisa R knew what she was doing. If she wanted to stick with the subject of "why Brandi behaves that way" then first she really didn't have to even bring up the Richards or more accurately "the aftermath" she could have just stuck with the behavior she was questioning and Brandi's reactions to everything. Brandi's talking about it because these women eventually want to roll around to the subject of Kim and its no secret.


Lisa R also gets very semantic about Kim saying she did talk to her face when she did. Ummmm, yeah, AFTER you've been talking about her with any and everybody. She voiced her opinions to Kyle, to Lisa, to Eileen all before actually talking to Kim. If you're that interested then where's the private visit to her home or phone call or if it has to be on camera then lunch? One on One. Each time Lisa R wants to talk to Kim about it it's in public around the other women. I mean really? EVERYONE knows that Kim isn't the most upfront about her battle and honestly assholedness aside I don't understand what's so wrong about keeping that part of her life close to her chest. I don't find it odd. I get that she's made a public display of it but I still don't understand the logic surrounding the idea that because Kim has displayed some questionable behavior publicly that is has to be pounced on over and over again by people who aren't really invested in her genuinely. Having good intentions or moral obligation still doesn't negate the inappropriateness of the level of insertion. Having to share air with her on occasion isn't justification either but IF one still feels the need wouldn't a one on one attempt be the best way to show genuine concern and express a heartfelt need to reach out?


I mean an addict with a lifelong battle like Kim's isn't going to do cartwheels about coworkers or associates jumping right into her nightmare with directions on how to slay demons all from the sidelines and only when the cameras are rolling. Kim has the right to be unhappy with the approach. It's been pretty messy and hasn't helped anything and to be honest there is more to Kim's battle than what the other women have witnessed so I think it is a huge overstepping. It has been mentioned a lot before but the way Yolanda offered her support to Kim is what I felt to be the most heartfelt and non intrusive way to handle something as serious as another persons addiction when you are not an intricate part of that persons life. Yo's way gives an opening, not laced with pressure or judgment and simply isn't heavy handed.  I think Kim's reaction and standoff attitude towards Lisa is because she doesn't appreciate the way Lisa R has gone about it. Yes, it is a sensitive subject in general and as "difficult" as people want to make Kim's behavior if nothing else the SUBJECT should be treated with more respect regardless if it's Kim or some other addict. The approach really annoys the shit out of me and considering all this shit is about Kim I'm not surprised she's not too happy with Lisa either.


Oh and Kyle, really? She never misses an opportunity to play up a situation and her "anxiety". That whole baby girl, curled up in her chair practically using her pillow (or blanket?) as a shield making sure she managed to be in a conversation in which she did not speak one word. Kim calling Kyle out didn't surprise me at all because Kyle was sitting there with wide eyes and body language that screamed "mommy, I'm scared" oh so traumatized. That didn't escape me either but of course there's big bad Kim again confirming just how hard Kyle's had it. Blah! And yes I totally saw where Kim was coming from because every time it had been Kim that caused delays Kyle was always quick to do that whole "I've been here before", "Sometime's Kim....", dance and really highlight the situation.


Look, Kyle makes it a point to convey what she wants to convey about how Kim's addiction has affected her. I get it.  Let's be honest Kyle's hasn't actually kept the secret she just never spoke on the subject, avoided speaking on it with actual words or officially confirms things to people but you look back and can see all the body language, TH's, comments, facial expressions. What kills me is how quick she is to go into that whole guarded, but not guarded place where you know what she's "trying to say" without actually saying or confirming anything and the message always has something to do with being confused about, or doubting or questioning Kim's sobriety.  Kyle can take the audience there with one well place comment, facial expression, or by getting into a fetal position on a plane. 

Very well said.


Also, I wonder if Kim and Harry were at Betty Ford, or in an AA-type group together?  I wonder if those are the secrets Kim is talking about?  If so, not nice Kim.


I'm really so very tired of the Richard sisters.  I guess it's fascinating, in a way, to see what Big Kathy really wrought, but it's sad.  I really don't like either woman at all.  I feel a teeny bit more for Kim, because addiction IS an illness, and I do think she's stumbling her way out of it.  Kyle though?  She's the meanest, most manipulative bitch on the show, and watching her continuing efforts at sainthood because her sister is sick, and her (since the show began) efforts to take Lisa down are just so obvious to me.  She succeeded last year, by turning the idiot Brandi against Lisa.


The jealousy just streams off Kyle in waves, and if you really LOOK at her manipulations, they are clumsy and obvious. 


Just because Kim is a hot mess with anger issues and addiction issues, doesn't mean Kyle isn't just as messed up, and they are BOTH mean girls through and through.


I firmly believe Kyle is using Lipsa as her mouthpiece, what I don't know is whether or not Lipsa knows that.  My guess is?  No.

  • Love 6

I had to rewind that several times because, WTH. LOL. This is one reason I don't want Kyle to ever cut her hair.  Because whether she's fleeing from the hounds of hell, being pushed down some steps, flouncing up the walkway after evicting Taylor from the White Party or merely twirling it on the dance floor, that hair is so dramatic


You know, it's totally unfair that Yo's fridge gets its own Twitter account, but Kyle's hair doesn't. 


It should be Kyle's hair, Kim's bowtie blouse (from those THs), Lisa V's um, pink cat, Lisa R's lips, and Brandi's...tampon?  What would it be for Eileen? 


They all need their own Twitter accounts.  And a PR rep. 

  • Love 12

I am pretty sure the Fosters own that jet and it will go anywhere. They took it overseas last year for another one of David's charity functions. If they had flown commercial to Amsterdam I think they'd show the airline, or the plane, as a free plug for them. We'll know soon enough when they all run like hell to get on a jet and get home.

  • Love 4

I give up!  Since when did this become the Kim Richards show with everyone else in a supporting role relating to her "problems."


I'm out for the rest of the season.  Tired of the focus on Richards while Lisa Rinna, Eileen Davidson, Lisa Vanderpump and even Yolanda, who all have interesting lives, wither on the vine.


Well, we did get to see the David Foster benefit last night.  I guess Bravo forgot to cut it or they ran out of Kim segments.


I'll check in from time to time to see if the focus changes. 

  • Love 7

You know, it's totally unfair that Yo's fridge gets its own Twitter account, but Kyle's hair doesn't. 


It should be Kyle's hair, Kim's bowtie blouse (from those THs), Lisa V's um, pink cat, Lisa R's lips, and Brandi's...tampon?  What would it be for Eileen? 


They all need their own Twitter accounts.  And a PR rep. 

The first thing that came to mind, was Eileen's  stinging wine soaked eye. lol.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 7

I would rather be called on my behavior for what it is than people discuss it in length behind my back and then assigning it to something that offends me more than just telling me they think I'm an asshole.  It's like they've discussed it, come to a conclusion, have the script in their minds complete with how they feel Kim should respond, and all without just talking to Kim. I personally don't think any of these women should be having any conversation with Kim that go beyond acknowledging their discomfort with her behavior.  It's not calling out, it's addressing it for their own sakes which is fine but if it really is supposed to be about Kim's sake then I think they've gone about it terribly.




It's been done. Remember Hawaii? No one was talking about Kim and any addictions (they were all thinking it). Instead the fact that she caused nonstop drama by her rude behavior was what Kyle talked to her about.  She refused to engage in this discussion or take any ownership of her behavior. Lisa's original conversation in Paris about Kim started out being more about the way she was acting. Kim didn't appreciate being told she was behaving oddly. Lisa asked her is she had taken a sleeping pill as perhaps a reason why Kim was acting so strangely.  Kim lost her mind. Kim also lost her mind when Kyle told her she was out of line to tell Adrienne and Paul about the surrogacy comments Brandi had made at Mauricio's big Open House. Kim didn't like the fact that Kyle told her she had acted like an asshole. And the most glaring example in my mind is when Ken reminded Kim that she had been a big fat no-show at Pandora's wedding, never bothering to let anyone know her seat would sit vacant.  What did Kim do when faced with evidence of her assholeness? She blamed it on the fact that she was a drunk back then and couldn't possibly be held responsible for anything she might have done during that time. She is the one who tends to blame her bad acts on her addiction, so isn't it just easier at this point if folks start there in the first place?  


This, from the woman who spent a whole season claiming that Adrienne was 'suing' her. 


Sorry Brandi, the game you play doesn't work anymore.

I know it is old news, but I really wish that someone would call her on this at the reunion, since not a single person ever has. Just remind her as she gets all butt hurt about how Lisar is supposedly trying to ruin Kim's life, that not so long ago she literally took a lie and sold it to us as the truth for an entire season. 

  • Love 23

Lisa V has some bod! Yikes. Short legs, knock knees, big ass she is human after all. I can see why she strategically wears her dresses shoes and accessories to get the eye away from her figure below the waist. It was very awkward. Now I just need a maid and a fortune so I can wear a costume that flatters my blob shape!

Hehehe...love your description.  It's true though those scenes during the scavenger hunt were not flattering. When walking across the street I notice her large booty and walking down the street her legs really looked knock kneed...most likely hereditary.  The blouses she has made for her are exquisite and she has a great fashion flair...helps her fit in with the younger ladies. As a business woman running around in those high heels, though fashionable must be a bitch to wear.

  • Love 1

It should be Kyle's hair, Kim's bowtie blouse (from those THs), Lisa V's um, pink cat, Lisa R's lips, and Brandi's...tampon?  What would it be for Eileen? 


Eileen's Spooky Mansion?


I give up!  Since when did this become the Kim Richards show with everyone else in a supporting role relating to her "problems."


I'm out for the rest of the season. 


That's how I felt, too, a few weeks ago.  So I took some time off from watching and commenting and came back with a better sense of humor about the whole thing. Decided none of these women were worth my elevated blood pressure. LOL I haven't been excited about a BH episode in a long time but I'm looking forward to Lisa Rinna losing her mind next week.

  • Love 6

Brandi is so delusional in her blogs.  Talk about  having a revisionist view of history.  And doesn't Kim WATCH the damn show she's on?  If her brain's capacity for short term memories is shot, all hte more reason she should force herself to watch the episodes to get another POV of what the hell happened. BFF Brandi is the one who tossed her under the bus during convo w/ LisaR as we have all seen.  How does revisionist Kim justify her perception of reality with what has been shown to millions of people? I really hope the Brandi & Kim show is cancelled if there is another season of RHOB. 


Yolanda's constant bloviating about "My King/My Love" is nauseating.  We get it.  YOU love and worship him for the genius he tells you he is. I hope he reciprocates those same feelings. The rest of us? We. Don't. Care.  Shut up.

Kim said after rehab that she never watches the show, by her own actions, I believe her. She could care less about what she says/does because in what little is left of her mind/brain she is justified in everything she has ever done. She need to go!


I just remembered Babyface was on the plane while Kim was going off on LisaR. I would have thought Yo would have stopped that right away.

I know Yo is sick. And that is why she is not writing a blog. However, part of me wonders if part of it is she really doesn't want to talk about Brandi and Kim's behavior.

Brandi has been telling Yolanda that Lisa R is going from HW to HW talking about Kim for no reason. So IMO, she thought Kim was within her rights but had she known the truth, she would have shut Kim down. It is astounding that Yolanda believes that Brandi would never lie to her.

  • Love 4

Bravo has been as usual completely negligent and irresponsible in highlighting the matters of alcoholism and drug addiction.  And the stupid women who've allowed themselves to be used and abused in this storyline are just that -- stupid.  Every chapter now revolves around this topic with Kim, the Queen of Dumb, either being gabbed about because she's high as a kite or not high enough to be polite.  


What this last chapter shows us is that she's a real bitch and needs to be off the show.  Sober, not sober, whatever.  What she doesn't need is to be standing in for anyone else's stories.  She's completely irresponsible in cranking out her own TV tale and a genuine drag.


I honestly thought the show totally jumped the shark last  night with the scavenger hunt and all involved need to get down on their knees and thank Yolanda for the charity event and for Amsterdam.  Show is done. 

  • Love 1
A quote from Brandi's blog:

Some people say, “Planes and yachts are not important,” but they don’t own planes or yachts, so we kinda know, to them, they are very important.

Could someone explain what the heck is she talking about?  So, is it about Kyle's tagline?  That actually isn't Kyle's tagline.  Kyle says planes and yachts are nice but (and I think this is the rest) my happiness begins at home.  A whole different meaning.  So is this just another example of Brandi twisting the truth?


Her logic makes zero sense. It sounds like she's saying that if one DOESN'T own something, that must mean they really want it. Huh????

  • Love 10

I remember that, as well, but I believe that the reason that was explained is that Kim went home alone was because the house she was living in at the time was in the opposite direction from where the other ladies were living.

Eh, I remeber that being a yes and no. As in yes that was the reason given and Kim did live in the other direction, but Kim wasn't happy about it and nobody but Kim actually went home (they all went out together) and It felt like Kyle put Kim in the other limo because Kim was fighting with Kyle's bestie Taylor. *shug* I think the Richard's sisters have a long history of tension and passive aggressive snipping. AND I DONT CARE! I am so sick of that family.

Loved the scavenger hunt. It looked so fun. I would love to organize a charity one. Still laughing at what a big deal it was for these ladies to finish a milkshake. Don't they know it brings all the boys to the yard?

  • Love 9

It's been done. Remember Hawaii? No one was talking about Kim and any addictions (they were all thinking it). Instead the fact that she caused nonstop drama by her rude behavior was what Kyle talked to her about.  She refused to engage in this discussion or take any ownership of her behavior. Lisa's original conversation in Paris about Kim started out being more about the way she was acting. Kim didn't appreciate being told she was behaving oddly. Lisa asked her is she had taken a sleeping pill as perhaps a reason why Kim was acting so strangely.  Kim lost her mind. Kim also lost her mind when Kyle told her she was out of line to tell Adrienne and Paul about the surrogacy comments Brandi had made at Mauricio's big Open House. Kim didn't like the fact that Kyle told her she had acted like an asshole. And the most glaring example in my mind is when Ken reminded Kim that she had been a big fat no-show at Pandora's wedding, never bothering to let anyone know her seat would sit vacant.  What did Kim do when faced with evidence of her assholeness? She blamed it on the fact that she was a drunk back then and couldn't possibly be held responsible for anything she might have done during that time. She is the one who tends to blame her bad acts on her addiction, so isn't it just easier at this point if folks start there in the first place?  

I know it is old news, but I really wish that someone would call her on this at the reunion, since not a single person ever has. Just remind her as she gets all butt hurt about how Lisar is supposedly trying to ruin Kim's life, that not so long ago she literally took a lie and sold it to us as the truth for an entire season. 

How often did those conversations happened in a group setting or one on one setting? Also there's the initial conversation that should be had with anyone who hasn't experienced it before and wants to make mention of it. Lisa V did bring it up to Kim AND THEN made a decision not to dive into those waters again based on her first hand experience of Kim's reactions and responses to her.  For all this discussion and harping to be happening BEFORE anyone tries to have a direct conversation with Kim is ridiculous.  


Also, back then it really was cuckoo bird for coacoa puffs on a regular unfiltered basis. Here you have all this chatter over one confirmed inebriated episode and then aftershocks from that event that has everyone trying to piece shit together. It's just overkill beyond belief. I mean not for nothing but whether I loved or loathed Kim Richards I really couldn't begin to have that much time to spend being concerned by her behavior and taking so long to map out a way to address it.  


No one said they have to like Kim's responses but if you're going to be running around the Kim's addiction storyline with strong opinions and such convictions, ummmm maybe have a one on one conversation with the chick first? At this point if she does try it's too late because Kim know that she was talking about her before coming to her.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 3

Kim is just a vile and mean person. Horrible. I mean she has to be bad to make me feel bad for Kyle, who I don't even like. Yes, Kim, Kyle misplacing her bag is the same as you showing up to Hawaii a week late because you were too busy getting high with your creepy boyfriend. Uh huh. She is just a hateful person. Love how she blames Kyle for shit that her BFF Brandi is actually spearheading. Yuck. Get Kim off the show.

  • Love 13


Last night on Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills we dismantled the rambles of Kim Richards, warbled together with the whir of the YoDa Private Aeronautic Experience (MyLoveAir) as Kimterrorization continued. Kim really needs to come with instructions if she’s going to act like Kingsley all the time! You know what they say: like mother, like Pit Bull! I hope Lisa Rinna brought her Louis Vuitton bodybag with her on this trip, because the way things are going – someone is gonna need it! Especially since the Fosters definitely roll gangsta in the trip department – shi, shi, shi!


MyLoveAir! And Kim needing to come with instructions! lol. This paragraph sums it up nicely! From Reality Tea

  • Love 9

Kim's watching the show now, because she's commenting on specific scenes of the episodes.

Kim "wrote" blogs during the time she says she did not watch the show so I put no stock in her "writing" a blog this season. I really doubt that Kim is watching and IMO, someone else is writing the blog for her, they do not sound anything like the Kim we see and hear talk on the show.

  • Love 6

I think the only thing Yo believes about Brandi is that Brandi is capable of running Yo's family thru the mudslinging Brandi is known for. She is keeping Brandi on her good side. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

This. For some reason this absolutely came together fo rme last night. Maybe because she allowed the Skank on the plane with Babyface and his wife after that horrid dinner party experience. Whatever it was I am now 100% convinced that Brandi knows something Yo does not want out and Yo is smart enough not to poke the sleeping slut........er I mean bear.   

  • Love 5

How often did those conversations happened in a group setting or one on one setting? Also there's the initial conversation that should be had with anyone who hasn't experienced it before and wants to make mention of it. Lisa V did bring it up to Kim AND THEN made a decision not to dive into those waters again based on her first hand experience of Kim's reactions and responses to her.  For all this discussion and harping to be happening BEFORE anyone tries to have a direct conversation with Kim is ridiculous.  


Also, back then it really was cuckoo bird for coacoa puffs on a regular unfiltered basis. Here you have all this chatter over one confirmed inebriated episode and then aftershocks from that event that has everyone trying to piece shit together. It's just overkill beyond belief. I mean not for nothing but whether I loved or loathed Kim Richards I really couldn't begin to have that much time to spend being concerned by her behavior and taking so long to map out a way to address it.  


No one said they have to like Kim's responses but if you're going to be running around the Kim's addiction storyline with strong opinions and such convictions, ummmm maybe have a one on one conversation with the chick first? At this point if she does try it's too late because Kim know that she was talking about her before coming to her.

Aside from the fact that Lisa R witnessed Kim, high as a kite in the limo, during the poker game/lesson and then in the driveway she has also had Brandi spill Kim's secrets to her causing her alarm to go off even louder. IMO, what Brandi told her during that lunch pushed Lisa R to do something more so than Kim's actual behavior the night of the poker party. Brandi told her "things are far worse than anyone knows", that Kim was suicidal at times, that she was using a "patch" for her hernia pain, that Kim was overloaded and in real distress and it was Brandi that mentioned an intervention, not Lisa. In fact, Lisa said no at first and then Brandi asked Lisa to speak to Kyle about what she told her and that maybe Lisa could set up an intervention for "all" of the women so that Kim did not feel singled out. Then she, Brandi, told Kim and Yolanda this was all from Lisa R and nothing was from her.


I have to ask why Brandi felt the need to setup Lisa R in this way, did she do this to anger/hurt Kyle because she and Lisa are real friends outside the show? To destroy any credibility Lisa would have on the show and too the other women?

  • Love 6

I think it is great that Lisa R shows her daughters how to drink responsibly. Growing up, my parents would drink socially on the weekends sometimes and would sometimes have wine with dinner. They still do. Me? I just don't like it much. Never drink it with dinner and sometimes drink it socially, but I just think it tastes gross. I never thought alcohol was something taboo though or something to be scared of.

One of my good friends growing up had a different experience. Her parents didn't drink and were extremely strict. The second my friend moved out, she began drinking regularly. She usually gets drunk several times a week.

It is different for everyone of course, but I don't think there is anything wrong with parents drinking responsibly.

Edited by Brooke0707
  • Love 6

I am pretty sure the Fosters own that jet and it will go anywhere. They took it overseas last year for another one of David's charity functions. If they had flown commercial to Amsterdam I think they'd show the airline, or the plane, as a free plug for them. We'll know soon enough when they all run like hell to get on a jet and get home.

They flew commercial to Amsterdam-if you fly private you don' deal with a luggage carousel, the flight crew unloads and escorts your baggage to customs or if it is domestic to your awaiting limo.  Foster don't own or lease a plane they use a fractional ownership service like NetJet or one of David's many friends sends their private jet.  I only know this because Yolanda's dream is to buy David his own Gulfstream.  Here is a sample of some previously owned G550s http://www.gulfstream.com/preowned .  For the most part I think Yolanda and David take commercial flights internationally unless someone else is picking up the tab.  Just for an example at $10,000.00 an hour a flight from Calgary to Amsterdam would be about  $100,000.00.  Yeah they are rich but not $200,000.00 rich.

  • Love 7

Yes, it was definitely commercial to Amsterdam.  Among other things -- it's pretty damn expensive, especially from the west coast.  Probably faster to go first class commercial, and if you can score the seats that drop into beds, there are beds for everybody as well.


Saying someone hasn't had a drink or has been sober for three years isn't necessarily an admission or an assertion that the person is an alcoholic.  Many people stop drinking for a variety of reasons pregnancy, drug interactions, weight concerns or religious reasons.



I think the key words were that when he stopped drinking "everything changed."   I haven't had a drink in years and I can assure you absolutely nothing changed in my life because of it.  To me that statement indicates that there was an issue.  Maybe he wasn't a daily drinker or in need of rehab/AA, but when he drank he behaved in ways he wouldn't sober.  All sorts of possibilities.  But I think there was definitely an issue, or else she wouldn't have made that statement.


As awful as Brandi is being in playing Kim against Kyle, she was perfectly candid in the replayed scene where she said "does ANYBODY?" in response to being asked if she thought Kim was sober.  So I can't accuse her of covering up the fact that Kim's off the wagon -- she has stated it in front of the cameras.  Not sure what game she's playing since Kim was bound to see that eventually, but maybe she Scarlett O'Hara'd the logic of it and figured she'd deal with it later.

Edited by kassa
  • Love 4

Here's what I don't like about Lisar.  She characterized Kim as out of control and whack a doodle in the limo but imo she encouraged Kim by asking her to do an acting scene about how she felt and otherwise baiting her.  And thta was after she asked Kim if she had been drinking.  I think Lisar is a judgmental person who gets on her high horse around Kim using Harry's family problems as an excuse.  She really has no right to butt in to Kim's business.  It's not like as Brandi stated in her lunch with Lisar that everybody doesn't already know. what Kim's problems are.  Confronting Kim on camera is just a cheap stunt to make Lisar look like a good person while getting herself story and airtime.  IMO Kim was completely within her rights to tell Lisar to fuck off.  Lisar's blog is more of the same Kim bashing.  Fuck off Lisa!

Kyle's looking fantastic this season, really all the women are.  And that is why they need ten suitcases.  It's not easy being fabulous.

The Foster's raising 8.2 million for patients undergoing organ transplants and their  families is just all kinds of awesome.  I wonder how David came to support this particular charity, it's not one that gets a lot of press normally.  At any rate, good on him and Yolanda for working so hard for this cause.  I'm really impressed expecially since Yolanda doesn't feel well.

  • Love 6

And speaking of Kim's druggie boyfriend, wasn't he with her just 2 years ago?  Didn't she actually move in with him even though her daughters were not happy about it?  Yet this year, she tells us Monty has been staying with her for the past 3 years.  Which is it?  Can't have it both ways.  And if her doctor is aware of her addiction problems, couldn't he be held responsible if she overdoses on pain meds/patch he prescribed? 
She and her Brandi are both liars.  Their account of past/current events just don't match up with reality.

  • Love 11

MyLoveAir! And Kim needing to come with instructions! lol. This paragraph sums it up nicely! From Reality Tea

Thanks for the link.  Loved this quote:


On the bus to the hotel, an upset Kyle hides behind massive sunglasses, while Kim whines to Yolanda about how Kyle never supports her.


I wish someone would have brought their nanny with them, because Kim needs full-time childcare for her tantrums and demands. She also needs a timeout – in another country. Maybe Antarctica is accepting Beverly Hills refugees from the permanently immature, self-absorbed, unable to take responsibility for anything, whiny bitch society?

  • Love 5

I'm the lone dissenter in my Steven Tyler love, it seems. lol Sure, yeah, so he's a walking VD, like most of the rockers of his era. But I love the man and I'd be happy to get a kiss from him any day.

I love him too! I'm actually really surprised by the lack of love here. He's been sober for years. His kids truly GUSH about him. I've heard he's very sweet and genuinely kind. He was even a great judge on AI. Just lovely. I'd cut off my arm to dance on stage with him like Kyle did. And, I'd kiss him no problem! I thought Kyle was really funny and genuine in that situation. Especially about being stalker-ish and Mauricio being mad. Lol

  • Love 13

You know, it's totally unfair that Yo's fridge gets its own Twitter account, but Kyle's hair doesn't. 


It should be Kyle's hair, Kim's bowtie blouse (from those THs), Lisa V's um, pink cat, Lisa R's lips, and Brandi's...tampon?  What would it be for Eileen? 


They all need their own Twitter accounts.  And a PR rep.



The first thing that came to mind, was Eileen's  stinging wine soaked eye. lol.

How about Elieen's Fabulous Green Lace Blouse she wears in her TH?
  • Love 5

A quote from Brandi's blog:


Some people say, “Planes and yachts are not important,” but they don’t own planes or yachts, so we kinda know, to them, they are very important.


Could someone explain what the heck is she talking about?  So, is it about Kyle's tagline?  That actually isn't Kyle's tagline.  Kyle says planes and yachts are nice but (and I think this is the rest) my happiness begins at home.  A whole different meaning.  So is this just another example of Brandi twisting the truth?


Another quote:


Yep, one new member of our little group is hell-bent on intruding, casting strong labels, making insanely irresponsible assumptions and stating them as facts, all over the place: on RHOBH, the Internet, to the media, and on Bravo’s WWHL.


This, from the woman who spent a whole season claiming that Adrienne was 'suing' her. 


Sorry Brandi, the game you play doesn't work anymore.

For some reason Brandi is so focused on Kyle's tag line.  Brandi has made such a big deal over the number of vacations she and Mo are taking.  I have a theory that Brandi is mad because JR goes on The Agency sponsored trips and doesn't invite Brandi, and/or Brandi thinks Bravo should be featuring she and Kim or she and Yolanda in exotic locales.  I just don't think Kyle's tag line is all that original or offensive.  It is a year that shows she and Mauricio have moved up from commercial domestic travel to private jets (chartered) and enjoyed a vacation on a yacht. It is Brandi that has made the storyline that Kyle cares more about yachts and jets than her family.


I think Kim has her panties in a bunch and she and Brandi decided to full on go after Kyle because early in the season Kyle and Yolanda hooked up in Spain.  Much like Kyle renewing her friendship with Lisav, Brandi could not stand it and decided the best weapon to use against Kyle was her own sister.  Now they are vacationing together and stupid Kim thinks the best thing to do is to keep the battle going.  Kim saying Kyle wasn't always supportive -is she referring to Kyle not jumping into the fray on the jet?  because all I can say is if she is maybe Kim might want to remember the support she gave Kyle when Brandi went after Kyle.


This past episode was just another continuance in the storyline that makes no sense brought to us courtesy of Brandi.  brandi feelings about Kyle and Kim's relationship should have never been her storyline.

  • Love 8

As awful as Brandi is being in playing Kim against Kyle, she was perfectly candid in the replayed scene where she said "does ANYBODY?" in response to being asked if she thought Kim was sober.  


Kim does, for one.  Which is what I find so fake about Brandi’s “concern”.  It switches sides, like a person faking an injury forgets which leg is supposed to be the one supported, so one day they’ll limp on the left leg, and the next, it’s their right. 


According to Brandi:

Kim is strong.

Kim is too fragile.

Kim is perfect.

Kim is not sober.

Kim doesn’t have Kyle’s support.

Kim doesn't need Kyle's support.

Kyle needs to leave Kim alone.

Kyle should have been there at 2am.

She can drink around Kim.

She can’t/shouldn’t drink around Kim.

Kim will kill herself if anyone mentions her addictions.

Kim is using highly medicated pain patches.

No one should be discussing Kim behind Kim’s back.

She discusses Kim to Jennifer, Yo, Eileen, Lisa R and Kyle, behind Kim’s back.

She wants someone to intervene on Kim’s behalf because she’s worried.

Other people want to intervene on Kim’s behalf because they are mean.

and on and on...

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 24

Plus they've probably got maids and nannies on rotation. I don't get the need for a list. But then again, Lisa had a list of every item she needed to pack, down to the color and designer.

Except Eileen does not have a nanny. This was clarified in a scene after poker night. Eileen also mentioned having a housekeeper once a week.

I have never left a note or list with my spouse, but I have called home on a daily basis to make sure this and that was done, and that our child took his medication, the dog received his medication, etc. I do it because I know my spouse has his work and his hands full as it is and it puts me at ease.

I do not know if Eileen was just being overly concerned and worried, as a lot of parents do when leaving minor children behind. It might be she knows her child won't follow through with doing things that he should, as some kids do. It is her child. She would after all, know him better than we do. She has probably left out of town before and realized things didn't go as planned at home so, she now has to leave behind instructions. Whatever the case may be, I don't see what is wrong with Eileen leaving a list.

As for Lisa, I make a list every single time I go on vacation. Every time. I have to make sure I packed the cameras and chargers, different shoes for excursions we will be taking, swim goggles, etc. I even jot down some of the clothes I need to make sure to take. I do not list every clothing item like Lisa, of course. If I do not have my list, I will forget to pack items or clothing that will be needed. I do this for for each of us in my family. My youngest once forgot to pack swim shorts. I had to buy a pair at our vacation resort which ended up costing a pretty penny.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3

Kim does, for one.  Which is what I find so fake about Brandi’s “concern”.  It switches sides, like a person faking an injury forgets which leg is supposed to be the one supported, so one day they’ll limp on the left leg, and the next, it’s their right. 


According to Brandi:

Kim is strong.

Kim is too fragile.

Kim is perfect.

Kim is not sober.

Kim doesn’t have Kyle’s support.

Kim doesn't need Kyle's support.

Kyle needs to leave Kim alone.

Kyle should have been there at 2am.

She can drink around Kim.

She can’t/shouldn’t drink around Kim.

Kim will kill herself if anyone mentions her addictions.

Kim is using highly medicated pain patches.

No one should be discussing Kim behind Kim’s back.

She discusses Kim to Jennifer, Yo, Eileen, Lisa R and Kyle, behind Kim’s back.

She wants someone to intervene on Kim’s behalf because she’s worried.

Other people want to intervene on Kim’s behalf because they are mean.

and on and on...

STANDING OVATION! Brandi in her nutshell of lies and double speak!

  • Love 10

I have to ask why Brandi felt the need to setup Lisa R in this way, did she do this to anger/hurt Kyle because she and Lisa are real friends outside the show? To destroy any credibility Lisa would have on the show and too the other women?

I don't think she set up Rinna specifically.  I think Rinna just gave her an opportunity to cast herself as Caring BFF in the story that would inevitably be built around the massive blowout at Eileen's poker party.  Brandi's redemption arc was short-lived, killed by tossing wine at Eileen.  This was a good way to try and avoid being the villain.

  • Love 1

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