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S30: Rodney Lavoie, Jr.

Donny Ketchum
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I hate Rodney, and don't give a crap about his mom's honor. You want your mom to look good on TV? Then quit using her dead daughter to manipulate women.

Want to eat before moving firewood? Fine. State that's your plan, and then finish eating. Don't keep arguing it over and over again just to hear yourself speak. When he finally did start carrying it, I immediately guessed he was going to throw it down like an angry little kid. Wish I'd been wrong, but I've known too many people just like him.

And next week he's going to start critiquing people's tats? Really?

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I am just going to quote myself from the Episode thread, because I want to say it again:


4. Rodney (4) There were times I just wanted to reach through my television and slap the snot out this human turd.  He manages to hit every negative “Masshole” stereotype possible.  Especially the, “can dish it out, but can’t take it,” one.  (Also known as the terror of the pack who will piss himself if caught alone.)


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I'm going to follow Wes's lead and quote myself to show how much I agree with him.

I feel like Rodney would have the same (over)reaction if instead of "haha, well you're mother's a whore", Dan had said "haha, well Tom Brady's a pussy". Dude just totally ignored the tone and was so ready to be offended.

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I guess I just don't see why Vince was setting off so many people's Danger Alerts but apparently not Rodney, who seems like the type to fly off the handle and beat up the girlfriend he won over by exploiting his family tragedy via tattoo??  I've still got a chip on my shoulder about this I guess, because in the Vince thread there's some suggestion that people (like me) who don't find Vince threatening are willfully enabling abusers, or something.

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I guess I just don't see why Vince was setting off so many people's Danger Alerts but apparently not Rodney, who seems like the type to fly off the handle and beat up the girlfriend he won over by exploiting his family tragedy via tattoo??  I've still got a chip on my shoulder about this I guess, because in the Vince thread there's some suggestion that people (like me) who don't find Vince threatening are willfully enabling abusers, or something.


I'm with you.  Vince is definitely weird, but he doesn't scare me while Rodney gives me Brandon Hantz vibes.  I've just been too busy to post much!

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I guess I just don't see why Vince was setting off so many people's Danger Alerts but apparently not Rodney, who seems like the type to fly off the handle and beat up the girlfriend he won over by exploiting his family tragedy via tattoo??  I've still got a chip on my shoulder about this I guess, because in the Vince thread there's some suggestion that people (like me) who don't find Vince threatening are willfully enabling abusers, or something.


One difference is that until this week we didn't see as much of Rodney while Vince was a central character the first two episodes.  When we got footage of Blue collar it was mostly to see the guy running around with his shirt fashioned into a skirt.

I find his behavior wrt to his tattoo for his dead sister (and the way he tells the story, giving the impression she was killed rather than OD'd) to be highly disturbing.  Using the death of your sister to pick up women is well beyond creepy.

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I guess I just don't see why Vince was setting off so many people's Danger Alerts but apparently not Rodney, 


I agree with you. Guys like Rodney, with rage issues, are the first kind of guy I avoid.

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So, what yooz be sayin'... da womens, dey gots to step up and holds demselves tooz a higha standud. Cuz if a man break ups wid a womens, he's a playa, but if a woman break ups wid a mans, she's gots men lined up arounds da block, so she's got to look out fo huhself by hasing standuds... eben ats da museums.

Can somebody please explain to me what the hell this moron is babbling about? Sometimes he seems to be bitching about exes who cheated on him, sometimes he seems to be on the verge of giving a "be careful and don't trust men" speech, and throughout it all he is completely baffled by how to string subjects and verbs into coherent sentences. Much less how to create two sentences in a row that don't meander. Constantly repeating a conclusion doesn't work so well if the way you're supporting that conclusion is by rambling about whatever pops into your little pea head.

Dan and Mike both did some generalizing about women, sure, but at least they could explain what the hell their opinion was. 

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I guess I just don't see why Vince was setting off so many people's Danger Alerts but apparently not Rodney, who seems like the type to fly off the handle and beat up the girlfriend he won over by exploiting his family tragedy via tattoo?? I've still got a chip on my shoulder about this I guess, because in the Vince thread there's some suggestion that people (like me) who don't find Vince threatening are willfully enabling abusers, or something.

Rodney is way worse than Vince IMO,so you are not alone.

Vince was creepy in a comical way. He had um... a healthy self image. Whether it was warranted or not is debatable.

Rodney is one of those Jersey meat-heads I finds repulsive. Looks like him and the other meat-head hit it off next week. Shocking!!

Edited by ihartcoffee
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Has a Norman Bates thing going on with his mom.  Not surprised he doesn't have a girlfriend.  Didn't think I'd find a guy that looks more in love with himself than Joaquin.  His ouster is going to be classic (I refuse to believe any other outcome than him getting blindsided).  I hope we get a Max style blindside with him.  I really hope that Joaquin/Joe/Tyler don't end up siding with this trio of meatheads over at BC come merge time.  I like Joe, and Tyler's okay.  But I couldn't stomach a full season of Rodney.


In Boston Rob's first season, he made a similar remark about being in charge and everyone doing what he wanted.  Hopefully Rodney enjoys the same fate.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Now I'm starting to wonder if Dan did it on purpose. A lot of people speculated last week that maybe Mike had been preaching his religious views at Lindsey off-camera. well, I'm not convinced of that, but we do know that Boston Roid likes to yammer at people about his mother. I can easily see where someone like Dan, or me, who has been listening to Roid screaming "thoughts" at him all day long might finally snap, just enough to put aside smart gameplay for a second and say something that will make Roid pace up and down the beach all night yelling at the cameras about it. Sometimes you've got to take peace and quiet however you can get it.

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I'm not worried about the woman of  higher standards who Rodney marries, because I have a sure feeling that his better half is going to be someone exactly like the vulgar, racist, prone to using words incorrectly,  Joisey girl -- Gina Marie of Big Brother 15.

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Rodney is one of those Jersey meat-heads I finds repulsive. Looks like him and the other meat-head hit it off next week. Shocking!!


Rodney is a Boston meat-head, not a Jersey meat-head.


Apparently "blue collar" means "guys who are sexist jackasses" because that's what Survivor cast.

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I'm not worried about the woman of  higher standards who Rodney marries, because I have a sure feeling that his better half is going to be someone exactly like the vulgar, racist, prone to using words incorrectly,  Joisey girl -- Gina Marie of Big Brother 15.


Welcome to the finest in apocalyptic speculation: If They Bred!

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There have been a lot of amusing looks over blindsides at TC before.  But I think Rodney's has to be the all time best.  Seeing that smirk go from a side to side 'huh?'  Never throw a challenge, bro.  Listen to Mike, who apparently took Survivor 101.  Glad that backfired, and if Rodney helps lead the demise of his former tribe, I'll give him half a brownie point for it.  

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There have been a lot of amusing looks over blindsides at TC before.  But I think Rodney's has to be the all time best.  Seeing that smirk go from a side to side 'huh?'  Never throw a challenge, bro.  Listen to Mike, who apparently took Survivor 101.  Glad that backfired, and if Rodney helps lead the demise of his former tribe, I'll give him half a brownie point for it.  

Hell, his look was well-deserved after his disgusting, punch-worthy grin when Lindsey was blindsided last week.


Hope many, many more bad surprises are on this douchebag's way.

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Hell, his look was well-deserved after his disgusting, punch-worthy grin when Lindsey was blindsided last week.


Hope many, many more bad surprises are on this douchebag's way.


I can't believe there aren't.  With the edit he's getting, there's got to be an epic blindside headed his way.  I knew there had to be a blindside tonight with either Joaquin or Rodney, even though I was somewhat nervous.  They really are setting Rodney up to look like King Tool-from his mimicking strings and saying Joaquin's his yo-yo that does everything he tells him to, to his half assed apology to Sierra, to arrogantly bragging about numbers and running the game, to saying everyone was onboard with the Joe blindside and Joe had no idea it was coming.  The icing on the cake was the wink he exchanged with Mike at TC.  Rodney will no doubt turn on them, and I'm hoping Sierra does too. I really want to see them all taken out, and it'd be great to see them all self destruct on each other.  And Kelly's useless.  Hopefully Sierra sees that she's low man on the totem pole with them.  She's got promise.  Hopefully Joe can persuade her to join the former NC tribe, though something tells me Joe might feel loyalty to Mike.


At the very least, Rodney provided a very amusing episode.  For however long he's around (which hopefully isn't long), I'm hoping it can be as fun to watch him as it was tonight.

Edited by LadyChatts
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This was the most interesting episode of the season so far, and with the merge coming next week it will be interesting to see if Rodney can squeeze into an alliance.

Someone earlier called Rodney the perfect goat, but I don't think so. He is a goat with baggage and not a docile one either. If you try protecting Rodney as your goat, you run the risk of tainting yourself with his toxic behavior.

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I must say I was really disappointed that Rodney didn't go off on his former tribe for blindsiding him-and he was still staying loyal!  Or at least he claimed he wanted to stick with his blues.  I can't stand Rodney, but I was hoping for some fireworks.  He really does not get this game at all.  I don't know who the bigger idiot is out there: Rodney or the very people who decide to align with him.  Mike's apparently better at doing so-called damage control than I would expect, though I noticed tonight when he was talking to Kelly about all of the blues still being tight, Rodney's name wasn't brought up (that I heard).  So does Mike think it will just be a cake walk to the end, or is Rodney the bigger fool?  Two weeks in a row, his plan has failed.  He may have unintentionally succeeded in outing Will as being an untrustworthy snake to his former tribe, but that likely won't help his game at all.  Considering Mike is his target next week, I think we all know that Mike will unfortunately be spared.  If it's Rodney's plan, the opposite will happen.  And Rodney will no doubt look dumbfounded at tribal again.  I really can't wait for his ouster to come.  Since I expect it to be a blindside, I really can't wait for the look on his face with that one.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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If he get's brought to the end as a goat, I hope every episode focuses upon his master plan being foiled.  That'd be the only way I could tolerate his continued presence.

Geez.  If you glued arms and legs onto a piece of shit, you'd basically have Rodney.  Even as a goat and a constantly mocked fool by the editors, he's so hard to take.


Not that Captain 'Merica is much easier to take.

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Given that both Joaquin and Hali said in post boot interviews that Rodney was playing a character out there with a bunch of outlandish stories, he might be able to get away with the bad edit card.  I wouldn't buy it, but he might have something there.  I have to admit, his impersonations were freaking hilarious and spot on.  It was one of two highlights in an otherwise depressing episode (the second being Joe's fake idol ploy).  I don't know if Rodney is actually becoming more endearing, or the cast is really that bad that I find myself rooting for him to make the final 3 (and win, depending who is there with).  I would root for him over Carolyn or Sierra, the two invisibles, at this point.  

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Given that both Joaquin and Hali said in post boot interviews that Rodney was playing a character out there with a bunch of outlandish stories, he might be able to get away with the bad edit card.  I wouldn't buy it, but he might have something there.  I have to admit, his impersonations were freaking hilarious and spot on.  It was one of two highlights in an otherwise depressing episode (the second being Joe's fake idol ploy).  I don't know if Rodney is actually becoming more endearing, or the cast is really that bad that I find myself rooting for him to make the final 3 (and win, depending who is there with).  I would root for him over Carolyn or Sierra, the two invisibles, at this point.  

Can you believe it?  It's amazing that anyone could come along and make Rodney seem tolerable but Dan has successfully done just that. I fully expect to see Rahdney invited back, unless his behavior reaches epic Dan proportions.

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At this point I feel pretty sure the F3 will be Rodney/Dan/Mike and in that case I am rooting for Rodney to win. Actually, Rodney is probably my 4th choice for winner! All that really says though is that everyone sucks this season.


But Rodney was funny as hell in this ep and he honestly has some good game instincts. And at least he's actively trying to take out Mike and has been for quite some time.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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In a Rodney/Dan/Mike final three (heaven forbid), I would root for Rodney.  At least he has a sense of humor, which cannot be said of Mike.  I will allow my myriad posts about Dan to speak for themselves. 

But it would be even better if Rodney continues to bide his time and then takes out Mike and Dan when the time is right -- for lying to him and screwing with him so many times, all the while assuming he's still in their pocket.


Best of all is if these three yahoos self-combust and/or cannibalize each other, and open the door wide for a Shirin, Jenn, or Sierra win. 

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His funny impressions make me wonder if his whole obnoxious persona is a complete front. Whoever suggested that he could suddenly start quoting Nietzsche and Shakespeare might not be too far off.

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At this point I feel pretty sure the F3 will be Rodney/Dan/Mike and in that case I am rooting for Rodney to win. Actually, Rodney is probably my 4th choice for winner! All that really says though is that everyone sucks this season.


I realized last night that Rodney is my choice to win over everyone except Shirin and Jenn, and if Jenn doesn't buck up soon, then he moves into second place. Do better, casting people!

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I have to admit, his impersonations were freaking hilarious and spot on.  It was one of two highlights in an otherwise depressing episode (the second being Joe's fake idol ploy).  I don't know if Rodney is actually becoming more endearing, or the cast is really that bad that I find myself rooting for him to make the final 3 (and win, depending who is there with).  I would root for him over Carolyn or Sierra, the two invisibles, at this point.



My thoughts exactly. I was dying at his spot-on Mike impersonation and actually wanting to see him get more airtime, but I had the same question: is he improving or do I just hate/am bored to death by the others.


At this point, I would actually root for his [probably-doomed-to-failure-since-it's-Rodney] final 4 plan to work out. 

Edited by ljenkins782
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