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S05.E14: Surprise!

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There was more than one night call Brandi made to Kyle about Kim. In the RHOBH Season 5: Episode 12,  entitled DRAMA QUEENS it is talked about. Kim mentions middle of the night calls to Kyle and Brandi speaking to Kim mentions, "Kyle, where were you all those night calls she (Kim) was having trauma and I called you."


Kyle-Is there something in the night your talking about, I don't know that? You haven't shared that with me.

Kim-It's not just the night, it's the middle of the night.

Back to Couch Scene-Brandi & Kim:

Brandi-Kyle,where were you "all those nights she was having trauma and I called you" and you were like, "I can't help you." That's the Kyle I remember. The Kyle that said, "It's just Kim." You know what I'm like mmmmm.

Talking Head Kim-You need to make time with the people you love and I feel sometime my sister doesn't have enough time for me and it hurts my feelings. Because sometime I really need her.

I don't think that means Brandi called Kyle multiple times or that she called Kyle at all in the middle of the night.  All Brandi said is that she called Kyle, not, I called you all those times or whatever.  That could be just one time for all we know.  It's a matter of interpretation.  And that statement alone doesn't make it fact.  Well, that Brandi said it doesn't make it fact either..because Brandi lies and exaggerates.  Kyle, as far as I know, has acknowledged one call about one situation.


If Kim was in so much distress, why didn't she call Kathy?  Hm.  Brandi doesn't mention Kathy at all. 

  • Love 4

Ok.  Have I missed something?  What does being chubby and wearing braces have to do with a mother screwing up her kids forever?  I had braces and was a bit chubby during my early teens.  No matter how many times my mother would tell me I'm pretty, I 'knew' I was chubby and wearing braces.  And I can still talk about being chubby and wearing braces at that time with some insecurity.  My mother had nothing do with it.

Kim and Kyle's mother was working them both from infancy, though. I don't discount your bad feelings about your childhood looks at all, that's painful to go through even with a supportive parent. But I don't think Kim and Kyle (or Little Kathy) ever had that supportive parent. They had a manager. Looks were money.

  • Love 1

Hopefully, her many doctors are watching this show and will set her straight. The worst thing you can do when battling a disease like Lyme is to be popping vitamins instead of eating the foods you need for those nutrients. But, she's gotta keep that body model slim, right?

At this point, I'm suspecting her doctors are a bunch of quacks. Or she is basically ignoring their advice in favor of her cleanses and 1/2 peanut "nutrition."

  • Love 5


If Kim was in so much distress, why didn't she call Kathy?  Hm.  Brandi doesn't mention Kathy at all. 

That is interesting. I wonder what Kathy makes of all this talk about Brandi being Kim's only lifeline. I don't have a good grasp on how Kathy fits into all of this, but my impression (maybe just from these forums) is that Kim is closer to Kathy than Kyle is. I wonder how Kathy likes Brandi making the world think that Kim has no one else in her life except for someone she has been close to for 6 months to worry over her. More importantly, why is Brandi tweeting pictures of herself with Kim and Kathy, acting like they are all so close, and not throwing a fit about how Kathy is not "there" for Kim? Maybe Kathy could take Yo's place on the reunion stage and set us all straight. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 4

Yep, it basically uses wine as a base.  I make mine (which I am sure is better than Lisa V's, but I want to do some research) with wine, Brandy, Triple Sec, and lots of fruit. I am not sure what she puts in hers, but I will have to add my own fruit to be sure. 

I have never added other alcohols to my mix but your recipe sounds yummy. I got my recipe from my husband who got it while he was working in Spain, that is where he first had it.



Are you sure?

There has been no indication that Lisa R drinks to excess on a regular basis, granted we do not see all about these women but I think we would have seen signs by now. JS



Ok.  Have I missed something?  What does being chubby and wearing braces have to do with a mother screwing up her kids forever?  I had braces and was a bit chubby during my early teens.  No matter how many times my mother would tell me I'm pretty, I 'knew' I was chubby and wearing braces.  And I can still talk about being chubby and wearing braces at that time with some insecurity.  My mother had nothing do with it.

I believe she was referencing the book House of Hilton and how Big Kathy controlled her daughters and still does from the grave, not the chubby/braces comment but the K Jenner tie in. LOL



Perfectly said. I could get behind Brandi being very worried about Kim. I could buy that she doesn't mean to reveal this information about her, but that her lack of impulse control allows her to say things she shouldn't.  The thing that is so jarring is the way she keeps telling Kim that Kyle isn't there for her. That she wants her to fail. In the extended footage on Bravo's site, Brandi talks about how Kyle never protects Kim. Kim actually protests, which is the first time I have seen Kim do this with Brandi. She starts to say "well, that is not true, she has protected me", but Brandi stops her short by saying "see, there you go making excuses for her". I am paraphrasing a bit because I don't remember the exact words, but Kim was for once trying to defend Kyle just a little bit, and Brandi was having none of it. This is what I don't get. Why would you want to make someone who you believe is in pain and doesn't have a support system question the people who she is saying she loves? This is the sinister part. I have yet to hear anyone who is defending Brandi explain the things that Brandi is saying to Kim about Kyle and would love to hear some thoughts about this. 

I just don't see Brandi having little "impulse" control, as she keeps throwing Kim under the bus to deflect others from her own behavior. I see it as a very calculated move by Brandi to get everyone off her ass.

  • Love 3

I agree that Brandi has brought this upon herself and deserves every bit of humiliation. On the other hand, I felt that Lisa lowered herself by proclaiming Brandi to be a 'bitch' in her stand-up speech. Trying to humiliate Brandi by forcing her to sing was pointless because Brandi has no pride whatsoever so all this did was to show that Lisa is nothing more than a spiteful, vengeful woman. Lisa has always tried to portray herself as having class and above all the petty public backstabbing but she showed that she's the same as all the rest, no better. It wasn't so much as enjoying watching Brandi get paid back for her sins as much as it was watching Lisa Vanderpump sinking into the bed of fleas with the other dogs.


I didn't really mind that too much because I don't think Brandi was publicly humiliated at all, and Lisa knew that she wouldn't be.  Brandi loves being the center of attention.  That's what she lives for.  She knew very well that not only were all eyes in the room on her, but that this was pretty much guaranteed screen time, her most favorite thing ever.   It seemed to me that she was loving every minute.


She only got sulky and snarky when everyone's attention turned elsewhere and the spotlight was no longer on her.  Once they moved on to other things, and she wasn't front & center, it wasn't fun for her anymore.   But when she was singing and when Lisa was singling her out and paying attention to her, she had a huge smile on her face and was having a great time.  Lisa certainly knows Brandi well enough to know that she's not easily humiliated.  I think it was a matter of Brandi being there and Lisa deciding to have some fun with that, nothing more.  She certainly didn't want to ruin the festive spirit of her own birthday party, and she knew that it would provide a bit of entertainment because she knew exactly how Brandi would react.  I'm sure if she was having a similar problem with Kim or Kyle or any of the others, she never would have done that because for them it likely would have been humiliating and not fun for anyone else.


She used Brandi as entertainment for her guests, and Brandi not only didn't mind, but really enjoyed it.  I don't see any harm in that.


eta:  I thought Brandi seemed ecstatic that Lisa was paying any attention to her at all.  She is pathetic.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 7

That is interesting. I wonder what Kathy makes of all this talk about Brandi being Kim's only lifeline. I don't have a good grasp on how Kathy fits into all of this, but my impression (maybe just from these forums) is that Kim is closer to Kathy than Kyle is. I wonder how Kathy likes Brandi making the world think that Kim has no one else in her life except for someone she has been close to for 6 months to worry over her. More importantly, why is Brandi tweeting pictures of herself with Kim and Kathy, acting like they are all so close, and not throwing a fit about how Kathy is not "there" for Kim? Maybe Kathy could take Yo's place on the reunion stage and set us all straight. 

This is the same sister that missed Kimberly's graduation party, even though she promised Kim that not only would the party be at her house, she would help Kim plan and do the work with her. She was in London on a public tour of BH Palace to look at the royal china patterns! LOL China patterns took precedence over her sister and niece and Brandi is well aware that Kathy is rarely around.

  • Love 2

Kim and Kyle's mother was working them both from infancy, though. I don't discount your bad feelings about your childhood looks at all, that's painful to go through even with a supportive parent. But I don't think Kim and Kyle (or Little Kathy) ever had that supportive parent. They had a manager. Looks were money.


Still doesn't mean that Kyle's feelings about being chubby and having braces has anything to do with her mother. 


I don't know what kind of mother big Kathy really was.  Many people are basing their opinions on one book that was one sided tabloid fodder.  With all this, it's interesting that when either Kyle or Kim talk about their mother it is with love and fondness.  I'm not saying that big Kathy didn't have her problems. 


I also don't think that their mother telling Kyle to take care of her sister some evil mother screw you up for life request.  I think it quite common for a parent that is dying to say to the other siblings to take care of the sibling that obviously has serious problems.  Isn't that what parents do?  And I don't think the way Kyle is dealing with Kim that much different from many siblings in this world who are dealing with a sister or brother with addiction and mental problems.  It's emotionally draining.  You want to do the right thing for your sibling but you're not objective plus you have the sibling constantly mentally playing games with you as well.

  • Love 2

Here's in Kim's own words is why she felt she needed someone to turn to in times of trouble besides her sister Kyle: 


Talking Head Kim-I knew Kyle had concerns for me that night (poker night/Eileens) so I went into the bathroom with Kyle and it just had a very familiar feeling to me.

Flashback 3-Years Earlier/Game Night Bathroom

Kim-I've been having very horrible panic attacks.

Kyle-Panic attacks?

Kim-Like my heart is out of my skin. I haven't eaten or slept in seven days.

Kyle pokes her head out of the bathroom to tell the other ladies "We'll just be another minute."

Cast member says, "Don't worry take your time."

Kim-I'm losing my balance, I can't see people---I can't hear. Kim fumbles in her bag looking for something.

Kyle- You look good...let's go. Your taking too long and it looks rude.

Talking Head Kim-Kyle feels there's something wrong, to make more of a spectacle of the situation...especially after three years of sobriety. I'm disappointed.

This is the reason Brandi was trying to keep Kim away from Kyle...worried the issue would escalate.  But it was too late the cameras caught the limo ride with Kim/LisaR and the poker game banter.  Kim acting high as a kite was on record.  There was little Brandi could do to protect her friend.  Brandi only caused more pandemonium since Kyle wanted an explanation of why Kim was upset with her...if only Kyle would have let Brandi & Kim leave things may have been different between the sisters.

Except for Kim followed Kyle into the bathroom, Kim told Kyle she was fine, and Kim volunteered she had taken a pill.  After that they both left the bathroom, so any feeling of Kim thinking it's the same as 3 years before is Kim being the delusional victim she prefers to be.

  • Love 15

This is the same sister that missed Kimberly's graduation party, even though she promised Kim that not only would the party be at her house, she would help Kim plan and do the work with her. She was in London on a public tour of BH Palace to look at the royal china patterns! LOL China patterns took precedence over her sister and niece and Brandi is well aware that Kathy is rarely around.

Well in all fairness Kathy did suffer through the two hour graduation of Kimberly-Farrah's college graduation she and the rest of the clan ditched.  Wasn't Kimberly's graduation the one where Kathy ordered Kim to change her outfit?


I watched the end scene for a second time of Kyle and Eileen.  I for one think it is beyond a bad idea for Lisa and Eileen to approach Kim.  Kyle looks like she would rather have a root canal than even hear the scheme.  In transcript form it reads as if Kyle is clueless regarding her sister having a sponsor etc., I think this is a rhetorical question of Eileen's because Kim had just informed them she didn't want to check in with someone everyday and she had tried meetings.  So now Kyle isn't sure what Kim is doing un this regard. 

  • Love 1

I agree we are all entitled to our own opinions.  I was inspired by the Previously TV  "Everybody Loves (Talking About) Kim...And whether they do or not, everybody should hate Kyle" recap artcle by Alex Zeidel dated February 18, 2015.



This Shit Again, Part 4


At the end of the episode, Eileen sneaks away to touch up her makeup and you'll never believe who she runs into! It's Kyle! What are the chances? Eileen updates Kyle on the word going around about her sister. Since they can't prove that Kim is drinking again, they've decided to now be concerned that Kim might start drinking again. When she asks Kyle whether Kim is attending AA meetings or has a sponsor, Kyle is completely clueless. Huh. That seems like basic information someone who cares about her alcoholic sister should know. Kyle claims that because she has a husband and four kids (two of whom don't live with you anymore, lady) she just doesn't have the time to look after Kim all the time. Wouldn't it be nice if Kim had someone not related to her whom she could call in troubled times?




ITA...with your statement: "That's the beauty of these shows and Bravo knows that...To create controversy and conversation and debate amongst viewers.  I really wish Bravo/Andy would release "extended additional footage" DVD's of these franchises so maybe some of these incidents would be a little easier explained."


I made a few transcripts from the last two episodes which changed my mind about a few things. 

As to Alex's comment that Kyle has four children and two of them don't live there anymore-Dear Alex-taking care of two children is still a pretty big job.


Kim had just told the ladies at Eileen's she had abandoned her daily check in and meetings all of this may have been news to Kyle.  A sister and obviously a new friend like Brandi aren't necessarily the best people for someone in recovery they need someone who has experience.  Kyle looks like the last thing she wants to even hear about is this filling a moral obligation of Lisar's.

  • Love 2

Well in all fairness Kathy did suffer through the two hour graduation of Kimberly-Farrah's college graduation she and the rest of the clan ditched.  Wasn't Kimberly's graduation the one where Kathy ordered Kim to change her outfit?


I watched the end scene for a second time of Kyle and Eileen.  I for one think it is beyond a bad idea for Lisa and Eileen to approach Kim.  Kyle looks like she would rather have a root canal than even hear the scheme.  In transcript form it reads as if Kyle is clueless regarding her sister having a sponsor etc., I think this is a rhetorical question of Eileen's because Kim had just informed them she didn't want to check in with someone everyday and she had tried meetings.  So now Kyle isn't sure what Kim is doing un this regard. 

Yes, she did not approve of what Kim was wearing even though she was wearing a loose leopard print boxy top that aged her by 10 years IMO. Hmmmm, I wonder what china pattern she was checking out when Farrah graduated or was this close to when Mauricio opened his own agency?


I think if Kyle knew she would still look/respond the same way to any questions about Kim's sponsor, meetings, counseling..... No matter what she says or doesn't say, she is going to be help accountable and pay a price IMO, and this is coming from someone that does not care for Kyle. I also do not think Kim shares any of this type of information with anyone, sisters, friends, ex husbands, ex boyfriends.....anyone. God forbid, someone she tells should try to contact her "sponsor" if they feel she is in crisis because she no longer sees/has one IMO. Her house of lies would come crashing down big time and she will do anything and everything to avoid that so, she tells no one, including her kids....again, IMO.

  • Love 5

Are you sure?

We can't be sure about anyone even people like Kim who claim to not drink at all. 


That being said, I haven't seen one thing to indicate that LisaR has a problem with alcohol. (Or drugs for that matter.) Kim on the other hand...


I find it interesting that there is even speculation that LisaR has some sort of drinking problem when she isn't the one exhibiting addict like behavior.

  • Love 7

Well, if everyone has to share their deep dark secrets, let's get this party started.  I am bored and annoyed they want to dissect Kim, but everyone else apparently is just living a wonderful happy life and hasn't got a problem in the world...except Kim.  Oh and Brandi.  The only damn thing they talk about!


Since every most private moment is out there on the table for coworkers, let's hear from the rest of you!


Lisa, does it shake your self confidence that Ken probably needs Viagra to get it up now?  Or does he just not bother anymore?  Do you even care, or has your sexual desire disappeared?  Tell us more about the bitter fight you had with Ken's son's wife (for year and years!)  How did your parents take you marrying an older party animal?  Were you rejected as an adoption couple at first, WHY? 


Eileen, lets here the juicy details about you and the husband that doesn't seem all that interested in you anymore broke up two marriages after cheating on your spouses?  You did mention that the kids took a while to warm up to their stepmother (I can believe that!)  What were your worst fights with the boys?  Do you believe the saying, "Once a cheater, always a cheater?"  Any worries about that, since you are gone working so much?  Oh and hubby sure seemed to be pushing for you to take this job!  You already have TWO, is he working you to death?  I guess his isn't paying much? 


Kyle, let's really talk about the many rumors of Maury's cheating!  The transvestite was the juiciest, so let's start there!  Oh, and that thing Lisa V said about you being sweet when there is a home for sale, and then becoming (basically) a bitch after the sales?  How often does that happen?  Oh, and what was the dildo joke, come on babe, get REAL for us.  Oh, and that first rich husband, were you pushed into that?  Do you think Maury might have dumped you if you weren't pregnant?  Did you trap him, the way your mom did most of her husbands? 




As long as Kim is supposed to lay her life and problems bare, lets share the love.  Because I'm bored as fuck listening to you women (the HWs) talk about nothing but Kim and Brandi's problems.

At least you're an equal opportunity spoiler. ;)

...But you left out Lisa R and Yolanda. :(

  • Love 1

Still doesn't mean that Kyle's feelings about being chubby and having braces has anything to do with her mother. 


I don't know what kind of mother big Kathy really was.  Many people are basing their opinions on one book that was one sided tabloid fodder.  With all this, it's interesting that when either Kyle or Kim talk about their mother it is with love and fondness.  I'm not saying that big Kathy didn't have her problems. 


I also don't think that their mother telling Kyle to take care of her sister some evil mother screw you up for life request.  I think it quite common for a parent that is dying to say to the other siblings to take care of the sibling that obviously has serious problems.  Isn't that what parents do?  And I don't think the way Kyle is dealing with Kim that much different from many siblings in this world who are dealing with a sister or brother with addiction and mental problems.  It's emotionally draining.  You want to do the right thing for your sibling but you're not objective plus you have the sibling constantly mentally playing games with you as well.

I don't at all take Kim and Kyle speaking of their mom lovingly as evidence that she was in any sense a good mother. It seems perverse, probably, not to take their first hand accounts as truth, but they've told too many stories themselves that suggest otherwise however they might feel about it emotionally. I've seen up close in real life how the most neglectful parents can end up with the most devoted kids, always working to earn that validation from the people who should have loved them unconditionally from the start. It's my personal opinion that Big Kathy was a narcissist, and the price of admission to a relationship with a narcissist is pretty much that you agree with them that they are the awesomest. Children are nothing but home grown, narcissistic supply for the narcissist parent.

All of this is speculation, of course, and I didn't know Big Kathy any more than you. Possibly, I'm a very harsh judge. Probably. What Kim and Kyle have said about their mother, though, however they soft pedal it does not at all paint a pretty picture to me.

  • Love 3

Lipsa is pretty slurry in that extra video up on Bravo, but Brandi was even more trashed.  It was funny seeing Lipsa stumble over her lips to talk.  We've seen Kyle pretty tipsy as well (White Party, a few times.) 


This show eats up and spits out everyone eventually.  If Lipsa and Eileen stay long enough, it will happen to them too.

  • Love 2

Lipsa is pretty slurry in that extra video up on Bravo, but Brandi was even more trashed.  It was funny seeing Lipsa stumble over her lips to talk.  We've seen Kyle pretty tipsy as well (White Party, a few times.) 


This show eats up and spits out everyone eventually.  If Lipsa and Eileen stay long enough, it will happen to them too.

It does happen too all of them at some point or another if they last long enough.

  • Love 1

It does happen too all of them at some point or another if they last long enough.


I always thought Bravo outed Taylor's lie about Adrienne being that kid's godmother was because Taylor had pissed production off in some way.


If the tides turn, Bravo can definitely destroy whatever they chose to build, that's for sure.


Even Vicki, the "OG of the OC", was set up with the season of Laurie's return.


Bravo has no loyalty, except to ratings.  

  • Love 2

I don't want to be a hater, what with being a fat chick myself, but I honestly saw Little Kathy and thought, "When did she turn into a late stage Zsa Zsa Gabor?"

Zomg, ****DEAD****!


And.....the irony is Zsa Zsa's daughter is related to the Hilton fam bam - via Zsa Zsa and Conrad as parents. Do not ask me how I know this.

Edited by grittypearl
  • Love 5

Yes, she did not approve of what Kim was wearing even though she was wearing a loose leopard print boxy top that aged her by 10 years IMO. Hmmmm, I wonder what china pattern she was checking out when Farrah graduated or was this close to when Mauricio opened his own agency?


I think if Kyle knew she would still look/respond the same way to any questions about Kim's sponsor, meetings, counseling..... No matter what she says or doesn't say, she is going to be help accountable and pay a price IMO, and this is coming from someone that does not care for Kyle. I also do not think Kim shares any of this type of information with anyone, sisters, friends, ex husbands, ex boyfriends.....anyone. God forbid, someone she tells should try to contact her "sponsor" if they feel she is in crisis because she no longer sees/has one IMO. Her house of lies would come crashing down big time and she will do anything and everything to avoid that so, she tells no one, including her kids....again, IMO.

I think Kathy et al were in Europe filming their short lived reality show.   


Yep, Kim pretty much confirmed your statement-she keeps her sobriety tools under wraps.


I will say the best part of the episode was watching Ken's face when the Lisas were singing.  He was having a good time.  Even the sneaking off with the centerpieces was just silly enough to be entertaining.

  • Love 3

I don't at all take Kim and Kyle speaking of their mom lovingly as evidence that she was in any sense a good mother. It seems perverse, probably, not to take their first hand accounts as truth, but they've told too many stories themselves that suggest otherwise however they might feel about it emotionally. I've seen up close in real life how the most neglectful parents can end up with the most devoted kids, always working to earn that validation from the people who should have loved them unconditionally from the start. It's my personal opinion that Big Kathy was a narcissist, and the price of admission to a relationship with a narcissist is pretty much that you agree with them that they are the awesomest. Children are nothing but home grown, narcissistic supply for the narcissist parent.

All of this is speculation, of course, and I didn't know Big Kathy any more than you. Possibly, I'm a very harsh judge. Probably. What Kim and Kyle have said about their mother, though, however they soft pedal it does not at all paint a pretty picture to me.

What were their first hand accounts? 

Her comments are especially ridiculous since all those menopause mamas are living much better lives, and have been for decades, than she has (except Kim).  And they have more people in their lives who care about them, deeply.   No matter what happens on the show, LisaLisa, Kyle, Eileen and Yo all go home to the lives they created and enjoy, and to the husbands and families who love them, not to mention their other endeavors like the restaurant Brandi was sitting in.  What does Brandi go home to?


Brandi, your envy is showing!  And I don't feel a bit sorry for you.


Yes!   And she loves to say that the other ladies always talk about her because she's so interesting and their lives are so dull that they have nothing else to occupy their minds or their time when it is soooo obvious that she is jealous of every single one of them.


If she would get out of her own way, pay attention to what's wrong in her life, and make some effort in a positive direction, she could have a good life too.  But that's never going to happen because she's too stubborn, too immature, and too focused on feeling sorry for herself.   She has no idea how transparent she is.

  • Love 5

I was wondering the same thing....we haven't seen Mauricio in a loong time!! 


I think we've actually seen Mauricio a lot pretty recently.  And I saw some photos of Lisa's birthday party last night - I can't remember where - and he was there.  I didn't see any of the other husbands, which of course doesn't mean they did not attend.

I did think it was odd that none of the husbands were clearly shown, nor were they mentioned.   David doesn't go anywhere unless it serves a specific purpose for him, but what about Harry and Vince?  Were their names mentioned and I missed it?  Or maybe - like Mauricio - they were there too but not featured on-camera.

  • Love 1

I'm not sure I understand why LisaR should abstain from alcohol.  She is not an alcoholic; Harry's brothers were.  I think teaching how to drink responsibly is a good idea, but I don't see why she has to abstain.  I don't think we've ever seen her even close to drunk on the show.


I agree.  We've never seen her act inappropriately or overly-influenced by alcohol.  Her message isn't "Don't drink at all", but rather "Drink responsibly".  I think that's realistic and makes more sense.


And for all we know, she may not drink when her daughters are present.   


Either way, I don't see why she can't drink socially in moderation.  IMO there's nothing wrong with that.

  • Love 7

SWORDQUEEN, ON 18 FEB 2015 - 07:45 AM, SAID:

All I am really looking for with Kim (AND Brandi) is a little bit of

"My behavior [time period/place] was inappropriate [additional adjectives], I am sorry. I am dealing with personal issues and instead of handling it in healthy, productive manner, I took it out on you/others. I also apologize if I ruined anyone else's day/evening or insulted anyone, because that was not my intention. Thank you for understanding, it's appreciated."

It would be nice if many people, not just the cast, knew how to apologize like this. People throw in the " but" and ruin a damn good apology. I love telling people, everything they said right before the "but", means nothing.

It was nice to see Jennifer dish out some sound advice and info to Brandi. She did not seem that way on Sober House and Celebrity Rehab.

  • Love 5

There is a huge divide between allowing your ex spouse to reside with you while he is receiving cancer treatment and being his care giver. I'm not saying it isn't emotionally hard on Kim , I'm sure it is. But she isn't his caregiver at this point.


Exactly.  And both Kim and Brandi have said that she is.  She's clearly not, so they're both - surprise! - lying to get sympathy.

  • Love 5

I'm reminded of THE PRINCE OF TIDES.  Nick Nolte was the brother who managed to appear normal, even while hiding a deep, dark, horrifying secret that was torturing him and torturing his sister, who tried to commit suicide a few times.  IIRC, the other brother had died and the mother wasn't talking, but they'd been through a horrible event many years before and because no one would say it out loud, it continued to fuck with them.  


I think we're on a ride with Kyle and Kim and Kathy and the other women get pulled into the Triple-K vortex and spun out again, damaged or slightly mauled; either smarter for it or thinking they somehow didn't do it right and ready to fall in again.  We've heard from many sources and history with other Hollywood kids, that Kim was the breadwinner for her sometimes single mother of three.  She supported her family and I don't care how together a kid is, they're still a kid and that has long-lasting repercussions.  So many of them don't survive at all.  That Kim has an addiction problem? Part and parcel of Hollywood's legacy for child stars.  But Kyle is also in that realm, though not as focused on.  She lived a tangential life, with Kim the star, Kim the focus, Kim the "wanted" one.  She talks up her own career, which doesn't have support if you look at her imdb listing, but over all of that, IMO she is just as fucked up as Kim.  She's not some savior on the outside, she's another victim.  Where I have a problem with her is when she puts on the behavior of Big Kathy and uses Kim.  And she does USE Kim.  The first overt example of this, that shocked a lot of us, I think, was in the back of the limo end of S1.  Saying Kyle is only there for Kim when they're shooting the show is just more of the same BK manner.  Kyle is probably getting whiplash going back and forth between "mothering" Kim and being her sister … imagine Faye Dunaway in CHINATOWN … "My daughter … my sister … my daughter."  Kyle is in need of therapy; don't know if she's gotten any, just as much as Kim.  Kathy did what she could and escaped as soon as she was able.  But she's part of it.  She's the one who knows the truth but "proves" it doesn't need to affect them, because damn! look at her life! Look at her success!  Kyle probably feels she's not part of the damage because she has those times with her family and Mauricio.  Until one or all of them are willing to own up to Big Kathy's affect for what it really was and get therapy, they will never recover in a meaningful way.  Right now I don't even see evidence that they want to recover.  Kyle clings to the idea that she's normal and nursing an addict sister as some sort of weight around her neck, instead of seeing that they are all mutually fucked up and perpetuating the cycle.  Kim might be closest to saying it out loud to a therapist, because she's the one who earned all that money that was used and stolen from her just as her childhood was.


I don't blame Brandi for being pulled into the Richard Sisters Twisted Hell.  Brandi comes from a different fucked up reality:  a scorned wife.  For all that the other women constantly use her name as an adjective, she is the only single woman besides Kim -- and Kim never could have been successfully married because her SO was always her mother -- and so Brandi has a different reality.  Every other woman can come home to someone who 100% supports them and loves them regardless, who will stick when the show is over.  Brandi did something really brave when she recognized that she was Lisa's pawn and called it quits.  But she got fucked over because this is not real life, after all, it's a TV show.  All Lisa had to do is what someone up thread said, continue to say the sky was purple until the other women caved and joined in "the sky is purple" and tagged on "and Brandi was the bitch who tried to destroy you" … it's not true.  But Lisa knows sticking to the narrative will gain her a "win" …  She's wrong, though, I think, because I see the backlash against her growing.


I think Bravo paid PUMP money to use the restaurant for Lisa's shoot, at least some costs, and Ken is a business man before almost all else.  So they added in "if we're gonna pay for all this, you have to include Brandi."   I do think she had reason to be insulted because his delivery was bald.  If I wanted to tell someone to behave, I wouldn't put it so plainly.  I'd say "please try to not let anyone make you upset.  I want the focus to be Lisa.  I know that there's history between all of you and issues at the moment, but if we could set those aside just for the party, I'd appreciate it" … there.  Grace.  No insult.  But he wasn't in the mood, IMO because Bravo forced his hand.


And given that Ken invited her, I thought it was crass 100% for Kyle or even Lisa to say out loud "why is Brandi here?" and for Kyle to compound it by saying it in a TH interview.  But no one in this group is classy.  If Lisa doesn't say it to their face, she says it OFTEN and clearly in her TH interviews.   Yolanda is the classiest, but even she can err in her interviews.


Lisa Lips Rinna is probably the one of the two new girls who will continue on, because she is so entertaining.  Eileen is a boring version of Brandi.  Thinking she has something useful to offer to FIX problems, willing to speak up when all that will get her is TH backlash, and sometimes just south of the borderline towards revealing too much.  If she was a drinker, she could be Brandi.  But Eileen has wealth, a job she can count on (or two or three), an Emmy, and most importantly: a husband who has name recognition, too.

Edited by Blister
  • Love 6


Her comments are especially ridiculous since all those menopause mamas are living much better lives, and have been for decades, than she has (except Kim).  And they have more people in their lives who care about them, deeply.   No matter what happens on the show, LisaLisa, Kyle, Eileen and Yo all go home to the lives they created and enjoy, and to the husbands and families who love them, not to mention their other endeavors like the restaurant Brandi was sitting in.  What does Brandi go home to?


    Brandi, your envy is showing!  And I don't feel a bit sorry for you.

Yes!   And she loves to say that the other ladies always talk about her because she's so interesting and their lives are so dull that they have nothing else to occupy their minds or their time when it is soooo obvious that she is jealous of every single one of them.


If she would get out of her own way, pay attention to what's wrong in her life, and make some effort in a positive direction, she could have a good life too.  But that's never going to happen because she's too stubborn, too immature, and too focused on feeling sorry for herself.   She has no idea how transparent she is.


This is what I'm saying! Brandi suffers from a crippling case of ennui. She's a part time mom with no platform. Give her a charity or a few shifts at Sur. Being a self-proclaimed truth cannon doesn't qualify as a full time job. I think the same could be said about Kim and her 'sobriety.' Neither of them belong on this show anymore, much less at the crux of every episode.

Edited by rho
  • Love 6



For those speculating, Kim has shared what her support system consists of in her blog for this episode. 


Kim: I Shouldn't Have to Defend My Actions
by Kim Richards February 17, 2015 • 9:50 PM ET


Kim explains why the other ladies don't know the details of her sobriety.


Throughout my sobriety, I have shared much of my journey with you all. As part of my recovery program, I work with a great life coach, Gary, who is accessible to me 24/7 as well as a close-knit group of sober friends and family I speak to everyday. My support system isn’t just Brandi and Kyle. I don’t need Kyle to be there for me every single moment of every single day. The reason why these ladies don’t know everything about this integral part of my life is because I don’t shout it out on the rooftops, and I choose to be private about some things (because this is what works for me). Growing up as a child actress and being part of a “reality” show, I understand privacy is not easily defined and exposure comes with the job, but certain parts of my recovery journey is for me only—my health, my mind, and my soul. And I shouldn’t have to justify my actions and decisions to anyone else.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 2

This is what I'm saying! Brandi suffers from a crippling case of ennui. She's a part time mom with no platform. Give her a charity or a few shifts at Sur. Being a self-proclaimed truth cannon doesn't qualify as a full time job. I think the same could be said about Kim and her 'sobriety.' Neither of them belong on this show anymore, much less at the crux of every episode.

Brandi would get fired her first day at SUR or any other restaurant/bar! She would drink the paying costumers drinks, then sit on every mans lap while calling their GF names or asking if they want a 3some, with her ending up throwing food and or drink on a customers face! LOL 

  • Love 7

As to Alex's comment that Kyle has four children and two of them don't live there anymore-Dear Alex-taking care of two children is still a pretty big job.



Yes, and the others are still her children, so even though they're not in her house and she's not feeding them on a daily basis, she's still a parental figure in their lives.  In some ways, it's harder and more challenging when they're still young and don't live with you anymore.


And kids away at college generally come home for weekends, holidays, summers.  It's not as though they're gone forever, and a mother doesn't have to ever think/worry/be there for them.  It's pretty obvious she has good relationships with all of her daughters, so no doubt they're in close touch.


And yes, the two who are still at home are both of ages that require a significant amount of  time and attention.


IMO, she could have just one child (or no children at all), and I still would think that she's entitled to have her own life.

  • Love 9



For those speculating, Kim has shared what her support system consists of in her blog for this episode:


Kim: I Shouldn't Have to Defend My Actions

by Kim Richards February 17, 2015 • 9:50 PM ET


Kim explains why the other ladies don't know the details of her sobriety.


Throughout my sobriety, I have shared much of my journey with you all. As part of my recovery program, I work with a great life coach, Gary, who is accessible to me 24/7 as well as a close-knit group of sober friends and family I speak to everyday. My support system isn’t just Brandi and Kyle. I don’t need Kyle to be there for me every single moment of every single day. The reason why these ladies don’t know everything about this integral part of my life is because I don’t shout it out on the rooftops, and I choose to be private about some things (because this is what works for me). Growing up as a child actress and being part of a “reality” show, I understand privacy is not easily defined and exposure comes with the job, but certain parts of my recovery journey is for me only—my health, my mind, and my soul. And I shouldn’t have to justify my actions and decisions to anyone else.

Well then, there you have it, Kim has chosen not to share anything with Kyle even though she says Kyle is part of her support system, her choice or do you think Kyle should force the information from Kim? I also note that she does not mention meetings or a support group but I think she already told Eileen that she does not like those. As for her "life coach" Gary, I doubt that she calls him when she is in crisis because the last time we saw him she mentioned he has been her life coach for years and that was right after she got out of rehab. She doesn't have to justify anything, she just needs to stop lying.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 9

I think we're on a ride with Kyle and Kim and Kathy and the other women get pulled into the Triple-K vortex and spun out again, damaged or slightly mauled; either smarter for it or thinking they somehow didn't do it right and ready to fall in again.  

Lol, now I'm imagining this Richards sister cartoon fight cloud that people inadvertently end up getting sucked into just by being in close proximity.

  • Love 2

Brandi would get fired her first day at SUR or any other restaurant/bar! She would drink the paying costumers drinks, then sit on every mans lap while calling their GF names or asking if they want a 3some, with her ending up throwing food and or drink on a customers face! LOL 


Sounds like she'll fit right in. Maybe she can finally get one over on Scheanna and make employee of the month. The point is, she needs a job that can be exploited on camera. I think selling tupperware or Avon might do the trick. Otherwise, what's she doing on the show? She doesn't even live in BH.

  • Love 5

Well then, there you have it, Kim has chosen not to share anything with Kyle even though she says Kyle is part of her support system, her choice or do you think Kyle should force the information from Kim? I also note that she does not mention meetings or a support group but I think she already told Eileen that she does not like those. As for her "life coach" Gary, I doubt that she calls him when she is in crisis because the last time we saw him she mentioned he has been her life coach for years and that was right after she got out of rehab. She doesn't have to justify anything, she just needs to stop lying.


As Kim says, "...I understand privacy is not easily defined and exposure comes with the job, but certain parts of my recovery journey is for me only—my health, my mind, and my soul. And I shouldn't have to justify my actions and decisions to anyone else."


If Kim needs to lie to keep certain health information private then so be it.  IMO, I doubt anyone will ever know what she was hospitalized for after poker night....and it's none of their beeswax! :D :D  



Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 2

She is defensive and I'm pretty sure there is great anxiety when confronted with her failures. She has a lot of problems and I think that that kind of confrontation of admitting her odd behavior is the right thing to do, it might be too much for her to handle. It is very difficult and probably shameful so she isn't equipped emotionally to deal with it. She is broken, it happens. I'm surprised at the lack of compassion for the mentally unstable and the stigma and lack of understanding from the general public about mental health issues. They are devastating to those who suffer from them. Relationships are so complicated and the avoidance of the shame they feel is a natural reaction. I am a mental health professional and all I can say is, you can't expect the kind of behavior that healthy person might show.


I really think Lisa V has been the voice of reason so far until that shameful toast. How rude was that?


For me the galling thing about Kim is her attitude and certainly not the fact that she has "slipped" once or twice (or over and over).  Her constant proclamations of "THREE YEARS SOBER!!!!" is just ridiculous because we have seen her impaired (Paris, Puerto Rico, limo, etc....) and we know it isn't true.  She treats us as if we are really stupid and that we'll never figure out that she's gotten one over on us.  The lack of compassion is for a liar not a addict.  How different it would be if she would just answer everyone with "I've had my ups and downs over the last three years and every day I am trying to do the right thing."  That shuts everything down.  And an apology to Eileen, Vince and LisaR would be nice.  So different from proclamations of "THREE YEARS SOBER!!!" and nothing else.


I agree that Lisa's toast was rude.  Her "joke" fell flat but I do like that she was letting Brandi know that even though Ken/Bravo invited her the party, nothing between them has changed.  That bridge has been burned.

  • Love 10

For me the galling thing about Kim is her attitude and certainly not the fact that she has "slipped" once or twice (or over and over).  Her constant proclamations of "THREE YEARS SOBER!!!!" is just ridiculous because we have seen her impaired (Paris, Puerto Rico, limo, etc....) and we know it isn't true.  She treats us as if we are really stupid and that we'll never figure out that she's gotten one over on us.  The lack of compassion is for a liar not a addict.  How different it would be if she would just answer everyone with "I've had my ups and downs over the last three years and every day I am trying to do the right thing."  That shuts everything down.  And an apology to Eileen, Vince and LisaR would be nice.  So different from proclamations of "THREE YEARS SOBER!!!" and nothing else.


I agree that Lisa's toast was rude.  Her "joke" fell flat but I do like that she was letting Brandi know that even though Ken/Bravo invited her the party, nothing between them has changed.  That bridge has been burned.

That is my point exactly, she doesn't have to make us privy to any aspect of her recovery. But don't lie to us. That make work with her family but that isn't going to fly with the posters here. I'm not angry that she had a slip. Slips are part of the recovery process and valuable learning tool. I'm mad that she lied to us and expects us to take her word over our own eyes.

  • Love 7

Well, as some of the ladies say "there's no shame in my game" when it comes to delving into the Kim mess.  It's the story line they've chosen to spotlight and try to make compelling so I'm going with that.  The rest of the season, with the possible exception of the Yo and her daughters sub-plot, has been entertaining enough bordering on dull.  If the main course is what it is, I'm definitely going to have the prime event on my plate.  Folks looking old and chubby, wearing the same dresses, and attending the Burbank International Film Festival don't do it for me.  Bravo knows full well that women of all ages and every stripe and class suffer from mental illnesses and addictions and that the Kim saga is like catnip.  The side dish of how the other ladies deal with it, and why, is also right there to be partaken of.  For me, there's no point in pretending that I'm more interested in Ken possibly taking Viagra or what led Kyle and Mo down the aisle.  (I'm also not interested in Brandi at all or what she's up to except as a catalyst in the larger drama).


It can take awhile too to sort some of this stuff out.  One thing I've noticed with Kim when she's wasted and at an event is that she can get really, really aggressive and provocative, taunting and insulting, pushing her sister's buttons for sure, and then once the inevitable conflagration occurs, with folks inevitably fighting over her and because of her, she calms down and the tears begin.  It's like the arc of a climax for her -- She can't settle down until all those stages have been achieved--and the fact that others end up totally upset doesn't seem to matter once the dust settles.  Kim got off and that's what counts!


I don't know if she just never watches the video of these scenes and so isn't aware of the pattern or doesn't care of doesn't want to go there afterwards or what.  My estranged sibling was a master of this sort of behavior at events and I was often his main target -- hence the estrangement.  


For me, it's beyond the fact that Kim wants to protect her privacy, her sobriety, and blah blah blah as she herself would say.  It goes to the total disconnect between her dry I love life and turtles and ALL my friends SO much patter and the angry, bitter, taunting person we see when she's got her substances on.  I think this is what Lisa Rinna is trying to get at.  I hope Kim's trying to get at it too, somewhere, anywhere, in private with folks who know what they're doing. 


I suspect that Mauricio has strongly urged Kyle to keep her mouth shut about Kim and her issues in the best interests of their family and I don't blame him at all.  I think he's probably done and is supporting Kyle in getting to that point herself.  They have zero to gain by exposing Kim any further and don't really seem able to help any further.  


Bichon -- Loved the "Prince of Tides" analogy and in full agreement about Ken and Lisa's behavior around the birthday party.  Every once in awhile it's refreshing to see just how trashy they can really be.  


Re Yolanda being oh so great with Kim.  Definitely, that's the way to do it.  Also helps that Yolanda is so far removed from most of this that she knows Kim won't be calling.   No sweat for her to act magnanimous.  

  • Love 7

A friend of mine has been in the program for 30+ years.  I lived with him for nine years.  I don't know who is sponsor is, only that he has one.  I went to open meetings with him.  I asked permission to have a glass of wine in front of him and kept none in the house.  It even got to the point that, at a company Christmas function, I warned him away from the penne that was served as an inter-course, because it was loaded with vodka.


Here's the thing:  unless one admit there's a problem, the problem cannot be solved.  There is no 'support' system that will help with that.  Kim clearly believes she is fine, so then she is.  Until she admits that she's not, she is fine and is managing.  If she chooses to hang out with certain people because they validate her 'fine' condition, then that's what it is.  It doesn't matter how toxic that 'support' system might be, it's what gets her through.  It is admirable that the ladies want to 'intervene', but there's an old joke out there that goes like this:


How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?  The answer is two, but only if the lightbulb wants to change.


That's the key.  Kim doesn't WANT to change.  This is her story line; this is what gives her life relevance both on and off the show.  Kyle has long since accepted this.  Until Kim hits bottom, Kim will not change.  Will. Not.  Bottom for many is not pretty.  My friend went on a bender 30+ years ago and it was his brother who asked him the question, 'have you had enough?'  He went to a meeting with his brother that afternoon and has been sober since.  It will take that kind of epiphany for Kim and nothing less.  Until she acknowledges the problem and wants to change it, nothing and I mean NOTHING, will improve her situation.

Bravo would do her a lot of good by simply dismissing her from the show, but there's ratings here and it's just too good to pass up, so they are as much an enabler as Brandi is.

  • Love 16

Watching Yo taking all those vitamins made me want to gag. Don't get me wrong I take a vitamin and drink a cup of hot water and lemon every morning, it makes me feel great.

However, Yo needs to reconsider what she is doing. All the vitamins, lemon cleanse and traveling all over the world for treatments is not helping her.

I feel bad that she is doing so bad right now. It seems that she has downturns after filming, she hopefully leaves the show for her own health.

Brandi does realize she isn't her twenties right?

She is an idiot. She is only a few years younger then the other women.

And BTW, Yo wore the dress better. Both Brandi and Yo had a similar dress and Yo looked 10× better.

I loved the script reading. Yes it was silly and cheesy but good fun seemed to be had by all.

Lisa's face seemed genuinely surprised at the party. I loved it.

The women laughing and singing was great, cut to miserable not so spring chicken Brandi, made it even more fun.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 10

Watching Yo taking all those vitamins made me want to gag. Don't get me wrong I take a vitamin and drink a cup of hot water and lemon every morning, it makes me feel great.

However, Yo needs to reconsider what she is doing. All the vitamins, lemon cleanse and traveling all over the world for treatments is not helping her.

I feel bad that she is doing so bad right now. It seems that she has downturns after filming, she hopefully leaves the show for her own health.

Brandi does realize she isn't her twenties right?

She is an idiot. She is only a few years younger then the other women.

And BTW, Yo wore the dress better. Both Brandi and Yo had a similar dress and Yo looked 10× better.

I loved the script reading. Yes it was silly and cheesy but good fun seemed to had by all.

Lisa's face seemed genuinely surprised at the party. I loved it.

The women laughing and singing was great, cut to miserable not so spring chicken Brandi, made it even more fun.

That array of vitamins and herbs Yolanda takes is astounding and not in a good way.  I just wonder what a run of the mill western medicine doctor thinks of that assortment -she must take half a pound of herbs and vitamins a day-what we saw only got her through lunch.  


This repeat of dresses is starting to become amusing Vicki from the OC had the same dress at the Reunion that Brandi and Kenya have worn on camera-the coral number with the nude mesh insert running down the center, Brandi dress at the Gay Mixer is the same dress Claudia wore to the opening of bar in Charleston, now they are just wearing the same dress in different colors to the same party.  Also Lisa taking on the zipper backed dresses of Yolanda's last season.  It is funny because both Yolanda and Claudia looked better than Brandi-a big ouch for a former model.


Someday they need to another script reading and insert some of their own previous dialogue.  I have enjoyed Eileen involving her husband this season-got off to a rocky start with them doing the Bickersons but I think they are a great addition.


Unfortunately, this year the producers let Brandi and Kim hijack the show.  I think Brandi has finally proven she is not all that interesting and the show can go on without her drunken tactics and use of the resident addict to make her more relevant and likable.  I think it was an epic fail because Kim is not sympathetic. 

  • Love 5

Yolanda needs to go out to lunch with ... Vince!  It was so refreshing to see that man go at this food with such enjoyment.  It's all too rare to see anyone on these shows actually enjoying the vast array of terrific food put in front of them.  Go, food!  And, for reasons I keep trying to figure out, California salads are so much better than what we get on the East Coast.  The best salad I ever had in my old, plumpy life of wearing clothes that everyone else wears was in a nice, clean diner-family restaurant in Oakland.  It was so fantastic -- so fresh and gorgeous, so well put together in all the elements and the salad dressing -- that I think of it as one of the best moments of my life.  My son was with me and I made him take a photo -- crazy pants. 


The thing about taking all these supplements, etc, too -- like that awful Shanon chick from RHOC who pushes this stuff on her children -- is that you can't know what the interactions are.  And I seriously doubt that Yo is taking all this stuff under a doctor's supervision.  I still think she's eating well off camera because her body looks amazing -- not too thin.  


Her Yoga instructor was great.  

  • Love 3

Well then, there you have it, Kim has chosen not to share anything with Kyle even though she says Kyle is part of her support system, her choice or do you think Kyle should force the information from Kim? I also note that she does not mention meetings or a support group but I think she already told Eileen that she does not like those. As for her "life coach" Gary, I doubt that she calls him when she is in crisis because the last time we saw him she mentioned he has been her life coach for years and that was right after she got out of rehab. She doesn't have to justify anything, she just needs to stop lying.

I think her point about Kyle was that she's doesn't look to Kyle every part of every day so Kyle should be able to make time for her when she does need her because you know that's what sisters are for.. No? I mean Kyle is the one that wants to wear the cloak of honor and yet we hear that she's not necessarily available to Kim which of course do you Kyle I don't really give a fuck but being that a lot of the bullshit revolves around Kyle being pissed that she's being painted as a bad sister who isn't there for Kim then I do think it's relevant that Kyle is too busy for Kim. Kyle can't have her cake and eat it to. She is either unavailable which is acceptable or she's a present sister for when Kim needs support. Kyle can't use her past years of rollercoasters when speaking of supporting Kim in real time. Iknow that seems unfair to her but in all honesty Kyle needs to just let go of it. No one can take away the years they've stuck it out which is what Kim was trying to confirm to Kyle. It's petty and immature. What matters is the current state of your family and children and routing and Kim's continuing to focus on staying sober amongst other things going on in her life. The whole who is taking points away from who in the decades old drama of "who's been there for Kim" is pretty ridiculous.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 3

If what we've seen is most of Kim's journey to sobriety, no wonder she's still fucked up. She hasn't done a damn thing or accepted responsibility for anything. Loser.

So let's ignore Kim's obvious ongoing addiction. What's her story? We can't see her with her killer dog anymore, her kids escaped errr I mean moved away, she doesn't work because she's always fucked up, so her story is....nothing. Get her off the show. And since she's gone that leaves Brandi with no one to film with, and she again has no life or story so....adios.

Seems pretty simple to me. I'd easily watch an hour of the rest of the rich bitches interactions with their family, their housekeeping staff, going to rich folk lunches and events. You know, all those places Brandi and Kim never get invited to.

  • Love 10



For those speculating, Kim has shared what her support system consists of in her blog for this episode. 


Kim: I Shouldn't Have to Defend My Actions

by Kim Richards February 17, 2015 • 9:50 PM ET


Kim explains why the other ladies don't know the details of her sobriety.


Throughout my sobriety, I have shared much of my journey with you all. As part of my recovery program, I work with a great life coach, Gary, who is accessible to me 24/7 as well as a close-knit group of sober friends and family I speak to everyday. My support system isn’t just Brandi and Kyle. I don’t need Kyle to be there for me every single moment of every single day. The reason why these ladies don’t know everything about this integral part of my life is because I don’t shout it out on the rooftops, and I choose to be private about some things (because this is what works for me). Growing up as a child actress and being part of a “reality” show, I understand privacy is not easily defined and exposure comes with the job, but certain parts of my recovery journey is for me only—my health, my mind, and my soul. And I shouldn’t have to justify my actions and decisions to anyone else.


Maybe Gary needs to be who she calls instead of Brandi.


I don't believe half of Kim's blog (and that's being generous).


All of this support, but she chooses to call Brandi instead of a (presumably) professional life coach when there's a crisis, such as the infamous 2 am phone call in which she was in "harm's way"? (her words, not mine)


And life coach Gary wouldn't have told her taking "a" pain pill that was not prescribed for her wasn't a good idea?  


Bitch is off her nut.  She can lose me with this shit.  

  • Love 15

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