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S05.E14: Surprise!

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I enjoyed the flowers at Pump and thought it was cute/funny that LisaR and Brandi (I think) tried to make off with a centerpiece or 3.


The yoga instructor was hot.



I myself was thinking that the menopause comment was way out of line and a shitty thing to say. I doubt all or perhaps any of those women are menopausal. Just because they aren't your BFF, Brandi, doesn't mean they are bitchy because of menopause. Maybe it's you.

Oh man, she does do this a lot, doesn't she?  What's funny is that she's no spring chicken herself, so all of that "Oh Em Gee, you're soooo old!" has really lost any impact it might have had, otherwise. 


But when she can't use the "old" trash talk, she just picks on the women's ethnicity or their hygiene, or their husbands and children, which is even less becoming of her.   

Brandi is early 40s right?  Kyle is about 5-7 years older?  Lisa is about 12 years older and everyone else is about 10 years older than Brandi?  It's a familiar trope on these RH shows that an over 30 year old woman calls out others for being 'old' when the others are barely 10 years older.  It's a sign of insecurity.  It's sad if the only thing going for you is youth and you're not young. 


Yes, if Lisa V and the others really want to get to Brandi -- they need to just completely ignore her.  Be cordial, but DO. NOT. ENGAGE.  Which means no snarky jokes at her expense.  Just nothing.  She'd throw a fit.  Let Brandi do all of the work, ladies. 

ITA.  Smile & Nod & walk away.


Yolanda has tweeted photos of all the supplements she takes with her when she travels, I swear, she needs a rather large suitcase to carry all of them. Maybe that is why they tend to fly private more often than not? I can see her trying to get that through security at the airport!

Shannon on RHoOC also has baggies of supplements that she doles out.  She packed a bunch for her teenage daughter before a school trip overseas.

  • Love 5

Lotus Flower:

"Re: your new thread - is it serious (ie. will you submit them?), cuz it might be too late. Or is it just for fun?"


I am a technotard.  I don't know thing one about submitting questions. I couldn't do it. But... if production should happen upon our corner of the internet, Andy might just ask something we've posted and would it really matter if he didn't give the poster credit?


A serious question would show what we feel is important to ask and get a straight, honest answer if possible.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 2

The birthdays of all the wives *that I can remember.


Lisa V:   September 15, 1960

Adrienne:  September 4, 1961

Kyle:  January 11, 1969

Taylor:  June 10, 1971

Kim:  September 19, 1964

Brandi:  November 16, 1972

Yolanda:  January 11, 1964

Camille:  September 2, 1968

Lisa R:  July 11, 1963

Eileen:  June 15, 1959


Here are their (reported) birthdays, I think they are accurate.  Someone else want to do the math for ages?  I was told their would be no math.  ;)  When I checked Eileen's, Vince's popped up.  He's two years younger than her.  A younger husband,  RHBH first?

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

It's pretty obvious that if Lisa R. and Eileen say something to Kim it won't end well, but sometimes you do it in spite of knowing it will end badly because you know that everyone pretending they don't see anything wrong is exactly what enables an addict and I don't blame them for not being comfortable with partaking in that. When Eileen and Lisa R. have talked about it, they've talked about it in terms of confronting Kim on the behavior they themselves have witnessed. While they might want to be supportive and respectful to Kyle, their desire to say something isn't about avenging Kyle or to talking badly about her friendship with Brandi. This is a big step away from someone like Brandi who wants to voice opinions on things that have nothing whatsoever to do with her.


I think it's a bogus argument that they have to show dysfunctional, screechy women in order to retain viewers. I was far more interested at the start of the series when Kim (and by proxy, Brandi) were non-factors. Show me rich women who are living an opulent lifestyle, but who value things like friendship with other women and who struggle with issues that we can all relate to, such as kids going off to college or what it's like to be a stepmother or how to maintain a family while juggling a career. I've stopped watching almost all of the RH franchises because they offer nothing new. 

Edited by The Closer
  • Love 9

The birthdays of all the wives *that I can remember.


Lisa V:   September 15, 1960

Adrienne:  September 4, 1961

Kyle:  January 11, 1969

Taylor:  June 10, 1971

Kim:  September 19, 1964

Brandi:  November 16, 1972

Yolanda:  January 11, 1964

Camille:  September 2, 1968

Lisa R:  July 11, 1963

Eileen:  June 15, 1959


Here are their (reported) birthdays, I think they are accurate.  Someone else want to do the math for ages?  I was told their would be no math.  ;)  When I checked Eileen's, Vince's popped up.  He's two years younger than her.  A younger husband,  RHBH first?

Mauricio is younger than Kyle, Eddie is younger than Brandi, Vince was born in 1957, so he is two years older than Eileen not younger.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 1

See!  I told you I don't like math.


Ha, read that one too fast, the 1957, should have subtracted, not added.


I think it's a bogus argument that they have to show dysfunctional, screechy women in order to retain viewers.


I agree, that's why I say I think the editors suck, and suck worse for trying to shoehorn in the kind of stuff on the higher rated shows like NJ and ATL.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

When was it, back in S1 or 2 when a statement was made, I guess by Kyle, that her and Mo had taken care of Kim for years. That Mo was like a husband to her. That they handled her finances, her house stuff. Basically Kim was their child. And Kim never disputed that. I have a feeling Kyle has been more than just a shoulder to cry on for her sister for a long time. Good for her if she's finally drawing a line in the sand and making Kim fend for herself a bit. If any of that were true, that's quite an intrusion on the Umansky family as a whole. And to this day Kim shows not one ounce of gratitude.

I think...I barely remember it, was it during the Paris trip?  And Mo bought Kim a expensive designer bag.

Love your Question!


That would truly be honest reality TV  for the housewives.


I started a thread for our questions. No debating or rehashing allowed. That's what these threads are for.




The forum members that have Twitter accounts should tweet that link to Andy Cohen.  

  • Love 4

What were their first hand accounts?

Sorry that I'm late back to the thread to respond, breezy, the demands of life less glamorous than a real housewife's called. I'm referring to things like Kim's talk of supporting her family and missing out on a normal childhood. While she can be a bit ridiculous, like, really, Kim? You were such a star that you never got the chance to learn to put on make-up? I actually don't doubt that issues of money and stardom distorted her childhood experience in bad ways. And then you have things like Kyle telling the story of driving herself to work at the studio at some ridiculous age like 13 or 14 and just noting that she had an "interesting" childhood. I recall Ron Howard in an interview years ago being asked, basically, why he wasn't a mess like other former child stars, and he said that unlike a lot of other kids, he never felt that he was supporting his family. He had a very successful father and, within his family, stayed just a kid. I may roll my eyes at what I think are Kim's exaggerations, but I don't think she was lying about feeling like she supported her family whether that was fully true or not. And I think that while Kim may overstate, that Kyle understates the pressures they were both under.

I have thoughts about a lot of other things the two of them have said, mostly in interviews and such, but I'll just leave it there before I write a new chapter for the Big Book of Internet Diagnoses.

  • Love 5

Can we add the outfit Kyle wore to Lisa's birthday party to the "Big Miss" category? 

OMG....Kyle's outfit was definitely a "Big Miss"!!!  It looked like a kind of "retro" 80's/Flashdance style top with slouchy pants, but, because of her height and stature, it just looked like a sloppy mess of an outfit.  Especially next to all of the other women, who were wearing such lovely dresses.  I mean, one dress was so nice, it had to be worn twice, LOL!!!! 

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 4

Kyle's complaints were about that minute, when they were together and Brandi was telling the world not only has Kyle not been there for the "phone call" but she's never been there for Kim. That she's never cared. And Kim stood there silent. Kyle never disputes not taking "the phone call". Kyle disputes the claims that she's never been there for Kim. Something that Kim confirms AFTER the scene but not during (when it counts IMO).


That whole thing about Kyle being upset about Kim not defending her from Brandi's claims, is very similar to the first season when Kyle was upset that Kim did not defend Kyle from the accusation that Camille hurled at Kyle about the remark she supposedly made. It was mentioned that Kim was there and could verify that Kyle never made such a remark to Camille, but when Kyle needed Kim to back her up, Kim remained silent because of some bullshit about not liking drama. Bitch please!!!

I wish Kyle could understand that it does not fucking matter if Kim does not tell Brandi that Kyle has been there for her because frankly, who gives two shits what Brandi says or thinks? Except, some viewers DO believe Brandi and take her comment at full value. Frankly, I think Kyle has laid out some boundaries and has let Kim deal with her supposed problems.

Good, that is what Kyle should do, and unbeknownst to Kim, that is how Kyle is being a supportive person - by not running to Kim every single time she calls. Kim is an adult, she made choices and should learn to manage them on her own. If Kim is clean and sober as she claims, then she should be able to handle whatever problem she may be dealing with and not calling random people at 2 a.m. Even if Kim has relapsed, people should not have to be bothered in the middle of the night by her damn phone calls. Kim has not been allowed to fall hard on her ass. It seems someone has always run to her with a cushion for her to fall on.

I did not like Kyle asking Ken as to why Brandi was invited to the party. It is not her place to ask. With that said, it was a good thing for Brandi to be there. It must have burned her inside to see everyone having a great time. It must have really bothered her to hear LisaR. sing about blow jobs. I was waiting for Brandi to scream " Hey, that is my song!!!"

YoFo and the vitamins. In the episode when she sat with her son eating that so-called breakfast, YoFo mentioned drinking grapefruit juice with the vitamins. I was once told that one should never drink grapefruit juice when taking meds. I wonder if the same holds for vitamins?

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7

I still maintain Lisa V. and Brandi actually have real friend chemistry. When Lisa made her sing, they were laughing and having fun in a way that feels closer than anything I ever see between Lisa and Kyle. I do get the sense that Lisa still cares about Brandi on some level - and that is perhaps why she is so angry at her - because the affection between them was real.


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I believe Lisa was being cattily cordial to Brandy in hopes she wouldn't trash the party like Brandy has done this entire season. I don't think there was any affection on Lisa's part there at all, just tolerance. Lisa has put her in a nice clear little box where she can keep an eye on her at arms length when she chooses to look in that direction.

  • Love 8

Keep forgetting to add that the US spent $2B per year at one time (not sure if it's still true) in clearing vitamin capsules from sewage systems -- because they just go through the body and don't even get used. Found this.


Now, when I got vitamin recommendations from someone who knows what she's talking about, she stressed certain companies because their stuff was chelated (prepared to be better absorbed by the body) … given how serious Yo is about her regimen, I suspect she's looked into the brands thoroughly.  It would be such a shame if they're just passing through her system unused.

  • Love 3

I hate that they are now filming reunions before the show has even completely aired.  I don't even think they get to see copies of all the shows before they film it.  It's pretty much bullshit.


What is so difficult.  It can't take THAT long to edit a reunion episode.  If people can produce entire episodes of a comedy or drama in a week, then Bravo certainly could managed to edit a Q & A and add in a few clips.



I'm sure Bravo would have included INTERESTING footage from Eileen and Lipsa that wasn't about Kim and Brandi, IF they had any to show.  Why wouldn't they?  I agree though, that Bravo definitely has an agenda this year, and one, long, boring "story" to tell.

All of the HWs get to view the remaining episodes about 1 - 2 weeks before the reunion is filmed.

Which might explain Brandi's kinder, less aggressive blog this week. LOL


I really do believe that the producers have had it with Kim and her drug abuse/use and that is why they turned the focus on her. Brandi is/was collateral damage because she inserted herself as Kim's savior/protector because she had no one else that wanted to film with her because Yolanda was unable to film much of the time. 

  • Love 2

The birthdays of all the wives *that I can remember.


Lisa V:   September 15, 1960

Adrienne:  September 4, 1961

Kyle:  January 11, 1969

Taylor:  June 10, 1971

Kim:  September 19, 1964

Brandi:  November 16, 1972

Yolanda:  January 11, 1964

Camille:  September 2, 1968

Lisa R:  July 11, 1963

Eileen:  June 15, 1959


Here are their (reported) birthdays, I think they are accurate.  Someone else want to do the math for ages?  I was told their would be no math.  ;)  When I checked Eileen's, Vince's popped up.  He's two years younger than her.  A younger husband,  RHBH first?

Thanks!  Just as I thought - the other HWs aren't much older.


Some other former HWs:


Joyce Giraud was born on April 4, 1975

carlton gebbia - october 17, 1969 (allegedly)

Marisa Zanuck was born March 6, 1974

Dana Wilkey (a/k/a Pam, or 25,000) also 1974


Probably another reason Brandi didn't like Joyce.

  • Love 6

Thanks for posting the birthdays.  So, as we can see, Miss Brandi is not sooo much younger than the other current housewives but, in her mind, she is.  The reality is that she is a middle aged woman who has the mentality of a twenty year old (I'm being generous here).  It's so desperate.


And, yes, I agree, that Joyce's age was a factor in why she didn't like her.  Plus the fact that Joyce who was very pretty has a successful husband who was well mannered and obviously loves her.   It's what Brandi wants but hasn't gotten.

  • Love 9

Thanks for posting the birthdays.  So, as we can see, Miss Brandi is not sooo much younger than the other current housewives but, in her mind, she is.  The reality is that she is a middle aged woman who has the mentality of a twenty year old (I'm being generous here).  It's so desperate.


And, yes, I agree, that Joyce's age was a factor in why she didn't like her.  Plus the fact that Joyce who was very pretty has a successful husband who was well mannered and obviously loves her.   It's what Brandi wants but hasn't gotten.

And the hair.  Even with extensions, Brandi's hair is thin and ratty.

  • Love 7

Sure, they are exactly alike. Except for the fact that Brandi has no discernible talent, has never had a real job, is a childish drunk and is a plastic surgery victim. Also? I can't imagine Eileen falling down drunk and flashing a tampon string, but maybe it's just me. I don't find Eileen boring. I find Brandi threatening to knock peoples teeth out boring.






I agree.  Brandi and Eileen are nothing alike.  I can't think of one trait they have in common other than being female and cast on this show.


I also agree that Brandi is boring and Eileen is not.  I don't think Eileen is the most fascinating person in the world, but after seeing Brandi say and do the same things over & over for several seasons, I'm more than open to anything Eileen has to offer.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 8

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I believe Lisa was being cattily cordial to Brandy in hopes she wouldn't trash the party like Brandy has done this entire season. I don't think there was any affection on Lisa's part there at all, just tolerance. Lisa has put her in a nice clear little box where she can keep an eye on her at arms length when she chooses to look in that direction.


Perfect description!  I think it's exactly that, although you said it so much better than I could have.

  • Love 5

The funny thing is, even though the Brandi/Kyle/Kim drama has taken over for the last 3 episodes, prior that, and even since then, we have seen many times when the ladies are together and they are getting along very well. This year we have had the White Party, Lisar's birthday party, Kyle's barbeque, Yo's party, the spa trip, the script reading, Lisa's charity event, Lisa V's party and the Burbank deal. Heck, even Brandi's party was drama free. Oh sure, on many occasions Brandi said something stupid at one of the events that raised eyebrows, but there weren't any big confrontations until the Poker Game. I cannot remember any of the ho'wives show having so many group events that went off so well. Certainly in S3 and in S4, pretty much every time they got together there was a big confrontation.


The thing is, when I look back on this, the thing that all of these events and their drama had in common was Brandi. In S3 all the arguments pretty much had to do with Brandi and the big reveal/fake lawsuit. Last year most of the drama would involve Brandi and her hatefest towards Joyce (although we also had some drama between Kyle and Carlton). In S3, Kyle once said to Lisa that it seemed like the common thread in all of trouble between the ladies was Brandi. I remember that Lisa didn't like that at the time and told Kyle so. The other day someone posted a link to some statements that Lisa gave in an interview to Perez Hilton. She said that Brandi was the common denominator in all of the drama. Sounds like in retrospect, she has realized that Kyle was speaking the truth. 

  • Love 13

Interesting that we still don't know what Brandi's provocative "more than you even know" means when referring to Kim's sobriety?  Did she drop this line on LisaR  to rope her into taking action to try and "save" Kim?  Knowing full well that her whole lunch conversation with LisaR was a lot of crap. And very aware that the wrath of Kim will be unleashed against LisaR if she follows that line of questioning.


How much of Brandi's 6-month friendship with Kim has been manufactured for a Bravo paycheck?


Brandi likes embellishing the truth to inflame her fellow cast members against each other while she sits back and enjoys the aftermath...so Machiavellian of her. Like telling Kyle that LisaV told her to stick tabloids about Mauricio cheating in her suitcase on the way to Puerto Rico.  Or chiding Kyle about not being there for her sister or dropping a line to her like, "your husband doesn't even like you."  How about to Yolanda that people are saying her 17-year old daughter Bella, is an alcoholic!  How about telling Kim she's been there for her more than Kyle a zillion times?


The Bravo Production staff and Andy Cohen know they can count on Brandi to create angst among her cast members.  A whisper to her here and there by the production crew and she'll slip into her grade school ass-hat act. While believing it makes her endearing and entertaining to the audience!!! 


The viewers have her number, maybe it's about time her cast members get with the program and do as LisaV does...detach themselves from any outlandish thing she says.  Instead of getting angry...just simply laugh at her.



Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 4
Of course there can be excuse after excuse made but I'm going by vibe. And what is possible considering how I've seen Kyle behave and also I do have a high standard when it comes to these things. It may not seem fair and it may seem like a real crazy idea but sometimes when your sister calls you and says Emergency come here now then, in my book you end that conference call meeting that your having in your car and drive your sick, runny nosed self over. My point is that Me, Myself and I can easily believe that more often than not Kim has had relevant instances that was in desperate need of Kyle which Kyle picked and chose what she thought was and wasn't relevant enough to act on. Now the reality is Kim is an addict. Kim needs support. That's not Kim being selfish that's just the reality of Kim's situation as an addict. You either choose to be there completely or you make it clear that you cannot always drop everything because it's just not possible but you don't ride the fence. Kim deserves better than that? Why? Because she's an addict and if there is true concern of creating the support she needs to battle her addiction then those that feel Kim should throw Kyle a freaking parade need to reevalute what really goes into recovery and what the expectations are for those that continue to be a part or claim to be a part of that recovery.


Here's the vibe that I pick up on:  I think Kim is a soul-sucking person who would like someone to be at her beck and call 24/7 every day except for the times when she doesn't want you involved/checking on her.  It's a tightrope that Kim wants you to walk.  The vibe I get on the 2 am call:  if it was about a child and it's an emergency, Kim needs to be on the phone with the child's father not Brandi and not Kyle.  If Kim just needed to blow off steam/have someone listen to her concerns then Brandi is as good as any at 2 am (she's probably up since according to Adrienne she sleeps in some/most days til 3 in the afternoon). 


My vibe on Kyle's involvement in general is that Kyle has been there 100% for Kim's children.  I look at the way they act around her and ask her opinion on things going on in their lives.  To me, this is more important than anything Kyle does/does not do for Kim.  The children are the victims and Kim is the perp.  The important thing is the kids and I think Kyle comes through there.

  • Love 23

Thanks for posting the birthdays.  So, as we can see, Miss Brandi is not sooo much younger than the other current housewives but, in her mind, she is.  The reality is that she is a middle aged woman who has the mentality of a twenty year old (I'm being generous here).  It's so desperate.


And, yes, I agree, that Joyce's age was a factor in why she didn't like her.  Plus the fact that Joyce who was very pretty has a successful husband who was well mannered and obviously loves her.   It's what Brandi wants but hasn't gotten.

HaHaHa Joyce also had thick flowing hair!  That must have burned Brandi up. Her hair looks horrible this year and to think she has a hair stylist cohabitating with her?  Sorry I hadn't noticed till now that Joyce's hair was previously commented on. :)






Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 4

In talking about how others should just mind their own business, I wonder if Kim reflects on the fact that she was more than willing to make a plan to "intervene" into Taylor's potential alcohol dependency on camera? Wasn't she the one who suggested to Kyle that they do this? Wasn't she the one doing most of the talking, using her own experiences as a method to explain her concern? 


Just for fun, I went to read Kim's blog from that episode.  This is what she had to say about why she decided to confront Taylor:


"I was surprised by the sound of her voice on the phone, and that she was with a man we really didn't know! When she didn't know Kennedy's whereabouts, we all were very concerned. It wasn't that we were concerned about Kennedy's safety, Kennedy was here with us. I was more concerned with Taylor's state of mind.


Believe me, I know I am no Dr. Drew. Many would say it's the pot calling the kettle black, and I totally understand that. My intent was not to be judgmental or hypocritical, but to reach out as a friend, as others have done for me in the past. Taylor and I have discussed this before. I felt scared, as I don't want her to end up where I did! I've been really, really scared for Taylor. And we've discussed that between Taylor and I. Being an alcoholic in recovery I recognize some of Taylor's behavior as a red flag! As a friend I would like to help! We called Taylor and headed over to see her. I was so nervous and I told my sister on the way there that I didn't know exactly what to say, but I know I have to say something! When I sat down with Taylor, I wanted to cry because my heart went out to her. I understand where she's at and what she's going through. I opened up and told her how it affected me and my children and family. I was so relieved when she reacted the way she did and she was responsive! I was very glad we did it and I was just so relieved! You walk out the door to today I took the biggest sighhhh! I said to my sister on the way home, "Did I do that the right way???" I hope Taylor's OK with me because I care for her and Kennedy so much!"


Funny, because she felt like she had the right to be concerned for Taylor (a person she didn't like), but she doesn't want anyone else to reach out to her in the same manner. Same old Kim. 

But didn't they know each other for longer than a hot minute when this happened and hadn't there been more than 2 situations that Kim witnessed of Taylors behavior?

  • Love 1

When was it, back in S1 or 2 when a statement was made, I guess by Kyle, that her and Mo had taken care of Kim for years. That Mo was like a husband to her. That they handled her finances, her house stuff. Basically Kim was their child. And Kim never disputed that. I have a feeling Kyle has been more than just a shoulder to cry on for her sister for a long time. Good for her if she's finally drawing a line in the sand and making Kim fend for herself a bit. If any of that were true, that's quite an intrusion on the Umansky family as a whole. And to this day Kim shows not one ounce of gratitude.

yeah, I don't know. Good deeds over the years doesn't mean that Kyle wasn't a nightmare either. I get the feeling like all that Kim contributed as a good sister and mom gets pushed to the wayside just because of her addiction. There's no reason to believe that Kim NEVER came through for them in one way or another as well, but because Kim is an alcoholic that's all anyone wants to wrap their head around like there is no possible way Kim could have ever been a good sister, good friend, good mom, good citizen because all these years she must have spent every day of every month of every year stumbling about her life, incapable of anything while neglecting her kids, trying to hide it all and putting Kyle through hell.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 3

I like Vincent Van Patten and his devil-may-care attitude. I like his poker games and script reads. I like that he still plays a wicked game of tennis. He seems like he's game for just about anything and I like him on the show very very much. He and his family have a lot of history in Hollywood and I feel so familiar with him and his brothers and his dad. He seems like he's enjoying being on TV again and showcasing his life with Eileen through this strange lens of reality TV. I haven't liked a husband this much since Mr. Joyce & Paul! I think he'd have got along with both husbands really well! And I agree with whoever said that VVP likes his food -- he really went after it in the date night scene with Eileen!!

  • Love 12


That whole thing about Kyle being upset about Kim not defending her from Brandi's claims, is very similar to the first season when Kyle was upset that Kim did not defend Kyle from the accusation that Camille hurled at Kyle about the remark she supposedly made. It was mentioned that Kim was there and could verify that Kyle never made such a remark to Camille, but when Kyle needed Kim to back her up, Kim remained silent because of some bullshit about not liking drama. Bitch please!!!

I wish Kyle could understand that it does not fucking matter if Kim does not tell Brandi that Kyle has been there for her because frankly, who gives two shits what Brandi says or thinks? Except, some viewers DO believe Brandi and take her comment at full value. Frankly, I think Kyle has laid out some boundaries and has let Kim deal with her supposed problems.

Good, that is what Kyle should do, and unbeknownst to Kim, that is how Kyle is being a supportive person - by not running to Kim every single time she calls. Kim is an adult, she made choices and should learn to manage them on her own. If Kim is clean and sober as she claims, then she should be able to handle whatever problem she may be dealing with and not calling random people at 2 a.m. Even if Kim has relapsed, people should not have to be bothered in the middle of the night by her damn phone calls. Kim has not been allowed to fall hard on her ass. It seems someone has always run to her with a cushion for her to fall on.

I did not like Kyle asking Ken as to why Brandi was invited to the party. It is not her place to ask. With that said, it was a good thing for Brandi to be there. It must have burned her inside to see everyone having a great time. It must have really bothered her to hear LisaR. sing about blow jobs. I was waiting for Brandi to scream " Hey, that is my song!!!"

YoFo and the vitamins. In the episode when she sat with her son eating that so-called breakfast, YoFo mentioned drinking grapefruit juice with the vitamins. I was once told that one should never drink grapefruit juice when taking meds. I wonder if the same holds for vitamins?

I took Kim's hesitation to respond was because there was some truth to what Camille was accusing Kyle of. Kyle back peddles and during that dinner fight she put Kim on the spot which come on how old are we 12? I haven't dragged another person into a disagreement of mine to confirm a point since I was in elementary school.

  • Love 1

But didn't they know each other for longer than a hot minute when this happened and hadn't there been more than 2 situations that Kim witnessed of Taylors behavior?

Accordingto Kim at the end of season 1 she and Taylor were not close and did not consider each other to be friends. By season 2 they've made it up so by the time season 3 rolls around and we're at Kim's intervention for Taylor they've been friendly for about a year. LisaR and Kim were not strangers prior to LisaR joining the show so this isn't a case of a newbie judging Kim hard and fast after a hot minute.

As far as whether or not LisaR saw Kim high more than once I most certainly think she did. Even if we are only basing it on the car ride and behavior at Eileen's that stuff was a lot more alarming than Taylor's drunken antics in Colorado.

Kim isbeing a hypocrite about LisaR and Eileen weighing in. And even though LisaR has been more blunt in her assessment of Kim's problems I think it's interesting that Eileen is the one who Kim is calling inappropriate and it's Eileen who she doesn't have the warm and fuzzies for even though Eileen has been more gentle and understanding with Kim.

It continues to blow my mind how thoughtless and rude Kim is andsshe continues to get away with it because there's always somebody around who feels sorry for her ass.

Oh and as far ast he repeated claim that she's sober by her own definition--we can see from the youtube airport clip that she admits to drinking so the claim that she's only talking about alcohol when she's referencing her three years of sobriety is total nonsense. This woman has not been sober for three years on any level.

  • Love 9

Life is tough for everyone, even the privileged.  What bothers me is these people have resources that many of us don't have.  Caregiving is always hard, some people do it and keep down a job and may have other obligations.


I am more and more disgusted by this show and all of the conspicuous consumption. Lets all whine because we have to take a limo to Malibu, it's sooo far away.  I think their priorities are all screwed up.  


It used to be fun and light or so I told myself.  I think I would watch this train wreck and feel a little better because even rich people are not always happy.  In a way,I felt a little superior to them because I am not so shallow.


I am a little embarrassed to say that because it is no different from watching Hoarders( who I think have mental issues).  I think reality TV has made us a little less compassionate and a little meaner.  How many people watched Honey Boo Boo to see people who were on the margins of society - fat and stupid.


I would like to say I won't watch any more, but I can't be certain I will.  I just think it is not the best thing for me.  I am becoming a little less compassionate and a little more jaded.


RHoBH is not the only reason though.  I think I need a little soul searching.

  • Love 9

Accordingto Kim at the end of season 1 she and Taylor were not close and did not consider each other to be friends. By season 2 they've made it up so by the time season 3 rolls around and we're at Kim's intervention for Taylor they've been friendly for about a year. LisaR and Kim were not strangers prior to LisaR joining the show so this isn't a case of a newbie judging Kim hard and fast after a hot minute.

As far as whether or not LisaR saw Kim high more than once I most certainly think she did. Even if we are only basing it on the car ride and behavior at Eileen's that stuff was a lot more alarming than Taylor's drunken antics in Colorado.

Kim isbeing a hypocrite about LisaR and Eileen weighing in. And even though LisaR has been more blunt in her assessment of Kim's problems I think it's interesting that Eileen is the one who Kim is calling inappropriate and it's Eileen who she doesn't have the warm and fuzzies for even though Eileen has been more gentle and understanding with Kim.

It continues to blow my mind how thoughtless and rude Kim is andsshe continues to get away with it because there's always somebody around who feels sorry for her ass.

Oh and as far ast he repeated claim that she's sober by her own definition--we can see from the youtube airport clip that she admits to drinking so the claim that she's only talking about alcohol when she's referencing her three years of sobriety is total nonsense. This woman has not been sober for three years on any level.

I think 3 seasons and off season time is different but it's Kim were are talking about so I guess there's that.

Many people have posted that Hoarders gets them motivated to clean. These shows are instructive on how not to behave. Anyone or anything put under a microscope will show flaws.

As a viewer and commenter, I am complicit with "Bravo" and "production" and "Andy," so I can't take a high ground on anything that appears.

Human behavior is varied and interesting to me. People don't change, revert to old patterns and dwell on old grievances. Right. In fiction, miraculous cures take place. Not so much otherwise.

  • Love 5

Oh, I forgot.  One of the best comments of the episode was Yolanda admitting she was an asshole last season for the 'Dream Team' and the hearts she placed on the place cards for her dinner.  Yes, Yolanda, you were.

Aside from idolizing her daughters and her King, Yolanda is looking very good this season.  Maybe the producers/Bravo are giving her a "kind" edit because of her health issues?  Either way, I still love her house, and like when she tries to reason with Brandi in a rational way, and I REALLY, REALLY hope that she will be well soon. 

Thanks!  Just as I thought - the other HWs aren't much older.


Some other former HWs:


Joyce Giraud was born on April 4, 1975

carlton gebbia - october 17, 1969 (allegedly)

Marisa Zanuck was born March 6, 1974

Dana Wilkey (a/k/a Pam, or 25,000) also 1974


Probably another reason Brandi didn't like Joyce.

I think Carlton shaved about 10 years off that date....

  • Love 4

Accordingto Kim at the end of season 1 she and Taylor were not close and did not consider each other to be friends. By season 2 they've made it up so by the time season 3 rolls around and we're at Kim's intervention for Taylor they've been friendly for about a year. LisaR and Kim were not strangers prior to LisaR joining the show so this isn't a case of a newbie judging Kim hard and fast after a hot minute.

As far as whether or not LisaR saw Kim high more than once I most certainly think she did. Even if we are only basing it on the car ride and behavior at Eileen's that stuff was a lot more alarming than Taylor's drunken antics in Colorado.

Kim isbeing a hypocrite about LisaR and Eileen weighing in. And even though LisaR has been more blunt in her assessment of Kim's problems I think it's interesting that Eileen is the one who Kim is calling inappropriate and it's Eileen who she doesn't have the warm and fuzzies for even though Eileen has been more gentle and understanding with Kim.

It continues to blow my mind how thoughtless and rude Kim is andsshe continues to get away with it because there's always somebody around who feels sorry for her ass.

Oh and as far ast he repeated claim that she's sober by her own definition--we can see from the youtube airport clip that she admits to drinking so the claim that she's only talking about alcohol when she's referencing her three years of sobriety is total nonsense. This woman has not been sober for three years on any level.

Perhaps Bravo was being kind and spared us talk between the others Season 1 & 2 about Kim.  Paul started some conversation but Adrienne quickly shut him down lest he be painted with the brush of outing Kim's addictions.  I am certain that every line producer got an earful when they had to deal with no-show or out of it Kim.  Kim always forgets it is not about the level of friendship it is about these women being co-workers.


Did anyone notice Kathy Hilton and Vince at the party?  After Kim proclaimed the time spent at the VanPatten's (I call bullshit) you would think Kathy and Vince would be featured reacquainting.  Since we are doing the age thing-Vince is the youngest of the three brothers at 58, Kathy is 56, Kim 51, Kyle 46--does anyone really think say 10 year old Kim was hanging with the Van Patten boys who were 17, 18 and 19 at the time?  I just don't.  I think Kim makes stuff up and that is why you don't see Kyle jumping into the conversation.

  • Love 3

yeah, I don't know. Good deeds over the years doesn't mean that Kyle wasn't a nightmare either. I get the feeling like all that Kim contributed as a good sister and mom gets pushed to the wayside just because of her addiction. There's no reason to believe that Kim NEVER came through for them in one way or another as well, but because Kim is an alcoholic that's all anyone wants to wrap their head around like there is no possible way Kim could have ever been a good sister, good friend, good mom, good citizen because all these years she must have spent every day of every month of every year stumbling about her life, incapable of anything while neglecting her kids, trying to hide it all and putting Kyle through hell.

That's what I have a problem with. The she must be all bad because she has mental health issues. She more likely had periods of normalcy mixed in with more involved episodes of substance use. That is a more common pattern especially in adulthood.


Many people have posted that Hoarders gets them motivated to clean. These shows are instructive on how not to behave. Anyone or anything put under a microscope will show flaws.

As a viewer and commenter, I am complicit with "Bravo" and "production" and "Andy," so I can't take a high ground on anything that appears.

Human behavior is varied and interesting to me. People don't change, revert to old patterns and dwell on old grievances. Right. In fiction, miraculous cures take place. Not so much otherwise.

True hoarders are not going to be motivated by that TV show. It is not a lack of motivation like you might seen in a healthy mind. It is OCD, or chronic clinical depression. I don't have a problem with these type shows or shows like intervention except that they are extreme examples. Most people suffer on a smaller scale with more functionality. I just want people to think about the attitudes they bring to the understanding of mental illness. I see people say things like, why don't they just start throwing things away or just stop taking that pill or drink and they use their frame of mind as reference. These people don't have those resources. Their brain is not healthy. Their neurotransmitters and receptors are damaged and malfunctioning. At the point in time they are in, they can't reason properly and they are feeling shame and despair and can't summon the strength to see their way out. Some people never will completely, others may cycle through behaviors of illness and functionality for life. Some will find lasting recovery.


It's like a naturally thin person who uses insulin properly looking at an obese woman with type II diabetes and PCOS and saying, why doesn't the latter just eat less and exercise more? They don't understand that the old thinking calories in calories out is woefully inadequate to really explain the chemical process of fat storage.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 5

Perhaps Bravo was being kind and spared us talk between the others Season 1 & 2 about Kim.  Paul started some conversation but Adrienne quickly shut him down lest he be painted with the brush of outing Kim's addictions.  I am certain that every line producer got an earful when they had to deal with no-show or out of it Kim.  Kim always forgets it is not about the level of friendship it is about these women being co-workers.


Did anyone notice Kathy Hilton and Vince at the party?  After Kim proclaimed the time spent at the VanPatten's (I call bullshit) you would think Kathy and Vince would be featured reacquainting.  Since we are doing the age thing-Vince is the youngest of the three brothers at 58, Kathy is 56, Kim 51, Kyle 46--does anyone really think say 10 year old Kim was hanging with the Van Patten boys who were 17, 18 and 19 at the time?  I just don't.  I think Kim makes stuff up and that is why you don't see Kyle jumping into the conversation.

No, but 17 year old Kim might have hung out with the boys when they were in their 20's.

  • Love 1

Could the disparity in wealth also be bugging Kim about sister Kyle...jealousy anyone? I was a little surprised at the differences in wealth between siblings.


If Kim tries to compare her finances to sister Kyle she's going to comes up short.  Mauricio real estate business makes profits in the millions and they have a second home worth millions and an exclusive life style.  Kim has not so much and law suits from a killer dog. I'm sure Kim regrets not having much, if any of the money she earned as a child actress.  I wonder if the drastic difference in income serves to keeps the sisters further apart.


Kyle and Mauricio have a net worth of $ 30,000,000.  Mauricio is a very successful real estate mogul. Kyle earns a salary of $250,000 for her appearance on RHOBH. Their new getaway home in La Quinta cost about $2.35 million.  It is gorgeous...I'm drooling all over my laptop, lol. Among rooms in the 5,843 square feet of living space are a den/office, a gym, living and family rooms, six bedrooms and seven bathrooms.




Kim Richards is a former child actress and television personality who has a net worth of $1 million. Kim Richards' RHOBH salary is $100,000 per season.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 3

No, but 17 year old Kim might have hung out with the boys when they were in their 20's.

I think it was kind of a dead give away when Kim told the story of meeting Nils when she was 18 on the set of Magnum PI, there was no prior growing up relationship and hanging out and not remembering VInce.  She did however, during that conversation get to drop Tom Selleck, Lance Kerwin and Charleston Heston's names.

  • Love 3

Someone on another thread said that Kim told Brandy she was using patches. I wonder if they are fentanyl - transdermal, Duragesic patches. They are highly addictive.


They are narcotic, opiate patches used to treat severe ongoing pain such as cancer. My dad's boss who was dying and died of cancer used these.


IMO the bitch is stealing a dying man's meds.

  • Love 1

Someone on another thread said that Kim told Brandy she was using patches. I wonder if they are fentanyl - transdermal, Duragesic patches. They are highly addictive.


They are narcotic, opiate patches used to treat severe ongoing pain such as cancer. My dad's boss who was dying and died of cancer used these.


IMO the bitch is stealing a dying man's meds.

I find it very unlikely that Kim would confide in Brandi that she is using Monty's fentanyl patches. That doesn't make sense IMO. 

  • Love 2

I find it very unlikely that Kim would confide in Brandi that she is using Monty's fentanyl patches. That doesn't make sense IMO. 


We don't know what Kim has confided to Brandy. We don't know what Brandy has been able to prise out of Kim especially when she was under the influence and can't remember facts or conversations. We don't know if Brandy saw the patch, asked about it, and was told a convenient story.


I find it very possible.

  • Love 5

I took Kim's hesitation to respond was because there was some truth to what Camille was accusing Kyle of. Kyle back peddles and during that dinner fight she put Kim on the spot which come on how old are we 12? I haven't dragged another person into a disagreement of mine to confirm a point since I was in elementary school.

That was my take. Kim was doing the whole "I'm Switzerland" thing because Camille wasn't lying. To be fair, both Kim and Kyle have this tendency to turn on each other when these petty little girl dramas start in. Kyle always took Taylor's side in her fight with Kim and Kim backed away from getting between Kyle and Camille.

  • Love 2

We don't know what Kim has confided to Brandy. We don't know what Brandy has been able to prise out of Kim especially when she was under the influence and can't remember facts or conversations. We don't know if Brandy saw the patch, asked about it, and was told a convenient story.


I find it very possible.


The problem as I see it is that at this point and due to all her contradictions Kim is totally in the hands of Brandi.


Brandi can make up anything , Brandi can say that Kim say A,B, .... Z and Kim would say "that is not truth" and Brandi only has to say , Kim, "you told me that, now you don't remember" and it would be set in stone. Brandi is a liar who lies and embellishes anything beyond recognition.


We have seen Brandi tried to blame Kyle last season reunion for the bankrupcy statement, Kyle was quick to clarify that she never talked about the bankrupcy but about ken saying that they used to live in the valley, yet that didn't stopped Brandi. Kyle again clarified in her blog but only a small percentage of viewers read their blogs anyway so for most viewers it came out there that Kyle told Brandi about the bankrupcy and probably stay like a fact.


When Kyle mentioned that "Kim would regret confiding in Brandi" I guess she was thinking not only about the things that Kim has said but also the ones that Brandi will make up. 


Brandi can say anything pretty much at this point, who is going to believe Kim Richards about anything?

All Brandi has to do it put the seeds and then sit back.

  • Love 6

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