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S14.E11: Hollywood Week #3

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Why has Ellen Petersen (bluegrass singer/banjo player) been completely ignored since her audition?  I've wasted my time with the Hollywood rounds, considering that she is my only reason for watching.  She tweeted that she has made it through the group round, but the editing deliberately made it appear otherwise.

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Tonight I liked Savion, Cody and Shannon. That's who stood out to me.

They are definitely going for less drama this season than past seasons. Not drama free, but definitely not to the extent as some other seasons.

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Easily one of the better group nights on this show. I don't really go into group night expecting to be wowed, it's just nice to see who doesn't lose their shit and reaffirms themselves as someone to look out for. Having said that,  Sarina freaking Joi; the judges could've just sent the rest of that group out the door because she blew them completely out of the water as far I'm concerned. Joey Cook's got a great sense of pitch and quirky tone for days (a little Regina Spektor-ish). Katherine Winston is also a major potential dark horse, just pure lovely tone comes out of her. 


The men were... there for the most part. Sorry to lose Garrett.

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Seemed like tonight was the night to cut a lot of the five star human-interest stories (Garrett, Rocky, the single mom, and Amber Walker all come to mind). Ultimately though, I'm not sure we lost a single contender for the top 24 in the entire hour. I guess you could make an argument for Sal, but I was never totally sold on him despite the fact that he kind of had a "lane" all to himself.


Of the people we hadn't seen before, I kind of liked Tanya McKenna's eight seconds of facetime, and Keri Lynn Roche who was unjustly cut during the group round last season. Actually that whole group w/ the beatboxer, and Riley and Emily did one of the best jobs of the whole group round. Also happy to see (not hear) that Gina (aka the one woman band) and Ellen made it through.


Any thoughts on Harry's cryptic comment about "twice being too many" at the outro? My initial reaction was either Joey or Shannon (maybe one of the Dream Team) screws up the lyrics again.....but that's just a speculative guess at this point. Also bizarre....was that Tiffany the cheerleader being a part of a whole group that was cut, or did they flash on her during tomorrow night's preview at the end?


I'd also love to put out an APB on Stephanie, the girl with the crazy high baby voice when she talked at the audition. I thought I caught a glimpse of her in one of the groups that they only showed out in the lobby, but it remains a mystery. Mikey from New Orleans too.


Sarina Joi Crowe is the truth. She would have been fully justified to do a mic drop at the end of her performance...

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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I don't know if it's just in the editing or the decisions about whom to feature on the show, but I'm really not excited about anybody. With a few exceptions, It seems like such an immature group, in attitude and performance background. And one note to the LKYCO group: why don't you guys just work on your singing and STFU about what women do or don't do with their own bodies. It's not up for your approval.

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As sorry as I am that Garrett went home, I'm just as annoyed that the editors couldn't even be bothered to identify his group members.


I thought that Emily Brooke sounded fantastic in her group performance!

Edited by jsm1125
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I was a little sorry to see Sal go but hated the sexist name of the group (Sal's Gals) so...there's that.


Still not sure about the season. I have a feeling there will be three frontrunners pretty much from the beginning and everyone else will be obviously not serious contenders for the win (probably the best outcome for them--not winning--career-wise anyway).

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I was a little sorry to see Sal go but hated the sexist name of the group (Sal's Gals) so...there's that.


There was also Garrett's Girls. I don't take too much stock in the team names (KYCOL?!!!! Ugh, gross, barf.)


Will miss Sal, he seems like a good guy and his voice is like BUTTAH--he probably would've made it farther in the earlier seasons (think John Stevens-era. Yes. John Stevens.)


Sarina Joi was one of the few people I remembered from the auditions and she KILLED it. No one else really stood out. There was also that Erika (?) girl in the same group that was also very good.


Had no idea what was up with that Helenale or whatever her name was, the girl that wanted to quit her group for no reason and then came back. What? What was that all about?

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Had no idea what was up with that Helenale or whatever her name was, the girl that wanted to quit her group for no reason and then came back. What? What was that all about?


Heatherlee, I think.  Yeah, she left, couldn't find a group that would take her, then came back complaining that her group didn't want her.  It was kind of karma that she was the only one from the group who was cut.

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Heatherlee, I think.  Yeah, she left, couldn't find a group that would take her, then came back complaining that her group didn't want her.  It was kind of karma that she was the only one from the group who was cut.


I didn't think she was that bad voicewise so I was kind of surprised she was cut.  They kept others (from other groups) who I thought were awful over her. That said, she struck me as one of those kids who was told way too much that she was a special snowflake. A sensitive special snowflake.  She tries to ditch the group and when confronted, she immediately runs to the producers or whoever it was with a big sob story of "They're mad at me and i don't know WHYYYYYY!"  It was as if she expected them to march over to the group and tell them to be nice to her or something. I just didn't get that whole thing. 


I didn't think the girl in Sal's group they focused on who had the panic attacks - Ashley maybe? -  was all that good. Yet she was one of 2 in the group that made it through.  I thought for sure Idol was on the Sal train so surprised to see him go for that reason only.  Again, some random guy says he'd give his spot up to one of the others in his group that didn't make it. SUUUUUURE you would.  Seriously.  Why can't they call one of these kids bluff?  I'd laugh if they did that.


I'm over that Hollywood guy.  Flirted instead of practiced then slept when the group needed him later.


Oh and young Daniel makes it through again.  I really want this kid to get cut before Top 24. Again, he has talent but it's a bit too raw. Let him finish puberty first.

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Heatherlee, I think.  Yeah, she left, couldn't find a group that would take her, then came back complaining that her group didn't want her.  It was kind of karma that she was the only one from the group who was cut.

Not sure if it was on this show or on SYTYCD, but at one point contestants were warned that the judges review some of the behind the scenes stuff that contestants are up to.  Maybe her behaviour was noted and not appreciated.  It sounded as if someone hurt her feelings - well, from my understanding of things, show business is a rough business and you need to have thick skin.  If you're offended or hurt, you're not going to last too long.

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I didn't think she was that bad voicewise so I was kind of surprised she was cut.(Heatherlee)


She sounded good, the tall woman with purple lipstick in her group was AWFUL and she was kept.  Heatherlee was dropped as a Diva warning--as in "don't make waves, there are a million voices out there and we don't need to be giving anyone special attention."


That goofy looking platinum blonde who is always barefoot--no one has mentioned she is Courtney Love II??

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She sounded good, the tall woman with purple lipstick in her group was AWFUL and she was kept.  Heatherlee was dropped as a Diva warning--as in "don't make waves, there are a million voices out there and we don't need to be giving anyone special attention."

Keeping with that idea, I was really hoping the tall blonde that kept insisting she was only concerned with herself and not how the others in her group were singing and who alienated/talked down to her group would get cut. I didn't even think she sounded that great when they sang.  I can't remember her name but she annoyed me.  Plus the guy that got cut who says, "I'm really a solo artist so I'm upset I got cut in a group...blahblahblah."  Do they not watch the show?   If you make it past group round and onto tv, you have to do the craptastic group sings.  Everyone should know that by now

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I too was wondering why Heatherlee was cut - maybe it was the backstage drama.  Purple lipstick girl from her group definitely should have gone rather than her.  The cuts seem so random this year.


I was sorry to see Sal go.  As someone mentioned upthread, his style may have gotten him through during the John Stevens era - not so much anymore I guess.


I have done a complete turnaround on Joey Cook.  Without that ridiculous hat and those stupid instruments, she looked downright cute last night, and because I was not distracted by her get-up I was able to focus on her singing, which I actually enjoyed!  Her group did a good job on a difficult song.  I thought Naomi, the tall woman with the short purplish hair, was fantastic.

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I was irritated that the one who had the panic attack wasn't sent home.  How is she going to handle the rigors and rejections of show business if she starts wobbling the minute she gets nervous?  I didn't even think she was that good.  She nearly torpedoed her group with her drama but still got through when the others didn't.


That kid, Danny--how is he sticking around?  He's only fifteen, he looks twelve, and his voice isn't ready.  But they keep putting him through.


I couldn't stop thinking that Garrett was Kris Allen with sunglasses on. 

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We both thought the two girls who got thru in Sal's group were the worst and we were stunned when they went thru and the rest of the group was cut. I have a degree in Vocal Performance and some of the "artists" who got thru set my teeth on edge. I tend to not look at the performances so I can focus on the voices, and more than one made me cring and say "No..just NO"

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I only began watching last week, having intentionally skipped the cattle call episodes, as I've done now for several years. Thus, I am seeing these contestants for the first time and don't know any names, so apologies in advance.


I was actually glad to see that the 15 or 16 year old girl with purple highlights, who told the camera last week that her entire family was depending on her to win AI in order to lift them out of their current situation and subsequently needed medical attention, went home last night. 


Additionally, the contestant who mentioned he's homeless - he mentioned before his group went on stage that when he found out he was going to Hollywood, he called his mother and told her their lives were about to change. Really? How? Did he mistakenly think he'd be paid a salary of some nature for making it to Hollywood? And let's say he advanced - would a paycheck be forthcoming? What do these contestants truly think regarding the money involved? Do they think that upon winning, they are bestowed with a mult-million dollar check the following morning? Why and how do they think that winning the competition guarantees immediate financial salvation? I get so very angry when I hear and see contestants say, "I'm here [to audition/compete] because my family is flat broke." Not that I don't have HUGE sympathy and empathy for those in dire financial situations - been there, done that - but where is this perception of instant monetary gain coming from? And enough to "save" various family members? I would be interested in an actual financial break down of what each winner receives and when. Lump sum? Payments made over time? A percentage of profits? What? I understand that those who go on the tour earn a salary - I would HOPE - but is that enough to house, clothe, and feed several people in perpetuity? It's almost delusional.


Anyway, that said, only a small handful of voices jumped out at me last night. Still way too early to get any sort of sense of who these people are and what they might be capable of. 

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I would be interested in an actual financial break down of what each winner receives and when. Lump sum? Payments made over time? A percentage of profits?

Me too.  I heard on the radio that Phil Philips is now suing to get out of his contract and that this case may change how the contracts for the winners of these shows are done in the future.  I imagine what they're giving them now is peanuts.


Back to Hollywood week, I am glad the little guy Daniel Seavey made it through.  His audition wasn't so great, but I loved him in the group performance.  It's a long shot, but I'm pulling for him.  Ya know, so he can have early success, let it get to his head and become a raging a-hole like the Biebs.  It's the American dream, after all.

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Maddie is the one I mentioned in an earlier thread who looks 20 years older than her 16 years because of all the makeup, platinum hair (with magenta ends) and too much tan(ner). I paid more attention last night to the names. Somehow she got through again, but she's entirely unremarkable.

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Additionally, the contestant who mentioned he's homeless - he mentioned before his group went on stage that when he found out he was going to Hollywood, he called his mother and told her their lives were about to change. Really? How? Did he mistakenly think he'd be paid a salary of some nature for making it to Hollywood? And let's say he advanced - would a paycheck be forthcoming? What do these contestants truly think regarding the money involved? Do they think that upon winning, they are bestowed with a mult-million dollar check the following morning? Why and how do they think that winning the competition guarantees immediate financial salvation? I get so very angry when I hear and see contestants say, "I'm here [to audition/compete] because my family is flat broke." Not that I don't have HUGE sympathy and empathy for those in dire financial situations - been there, done that - but where is this perception of instant monetary gain coming from? And enough to "save" various family members? I would be interested in an actual financial break down of what each winner receives and when. Lump sum? Payments made over time? A percentage of profits? What? I understand that those who go on the tour earn a salary - I would HOPE - but is that enough to house, clothe, and feed several people in perpetuity? It's almost delusional

No one gets rich, but the ones that make the live shows are required to join the performers union and they receive the minimum per diem for each episode they appear in. IIRC, it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 1K for an hour show.

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Additionally, the contestant who mentioned he's homeless - he mentioned before his group went on stage that when he found out he was going to Hollywood, he called his mother and told her their lives were about to change. Really? How? Did he mistakenly think he'd be paid a salary of some nature for making it to Hollywood?


I don't think he was looking for instant financial gain... but, the bigger picture. If he had made through to the Top 20 and maybe even Top 10 with a chance to go on the tour... there would be a steady paycheck for his financially strapped family. He and his family are hanging on a thread. AI was a lofty dream to lift them out of poverty, like winning the lottery.


IIRC... Harry (or was it Keith) never thought he was cut out for the competition, even though he has a beautiful voice. It was one of those things where one judge was for... one was against... and the third judge took a chance and sent him to Hollywood.


I think he's the singer whose father took his family from American back to Africa and then heartlessly abandoned them there. They barely survived, living on scraps and garbage. They somehow made it back to America... but, they're station in life only slightly improved. Sad! He wanted it so bad. But, like the dissenting judge predicted during the auditions, he's not cut out for this kind of competition. 

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In my admittedly less-than-attentive viewing, I came up with two thoughts that I can't shake: 1. That first group that sang "With a Little Help From My Friends" sounded like a sackful of cats, and I for the life of me can't figure out how they all went through. 2. If a singer is either gonna freak the freak out with anxiety or forget the words, doesn't that mean they're really not cut out for performance, much less one in a cutthroat competition? Simon would have called BS on the lyrics thing with Lavender Girl, and the one that was fainting should have been sat down for good.

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It was beyond obvious that many decisions were made before note one was sung.  Sal and Garrett were done.  Neither did anything horrid.  I am pretty certain TPTB did not want to have to deal with a juggernaut of Ameriker's votes for the blind country singer.  Imagine the fury as TPTB forced him to sing some style which was completely out of his wheelhouse.  Hey, it's Whitney Houston night, y'all!  He would have made the tour for dang certain.


I can't remember his name, but the guy who bitterly explained how he got killed because of the others in his group was absolutely right.  He would never, ever, ever have been grromed for duets, or group songs - with the exception of the tour, and who cares about that?!   He was plenty good enough to go forward.  I'd love to know why TPTB killed him.  My guess is that he knew who he was and would have been a royal pain to manage/cram through the 19E machine.   


There were several screechers who were passed right through, as well.  Bring on the Autotune! 


This season is shaping up as among the shallowest talent pools evah.  It may be the ultimate WGWG shlock evah.

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I wanted there to have been a one-time limit on the use of each song. I was ready to throw a grenade through my TV after hearing that Bruno Mars song more than once, and several other maudlin songs that we heard more than once worked my nerves. I actually felt sorry for the judges having to hear the same stuff over and over again. There are enough familiar songs to not have to repeat them. Give them "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". Something.

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I wanted there to have been a one-time limit on the use of each song. I was ready to throw a grenade through my TV after hearing that Bruno Mars song more than once, and several other maudlin songs that we heard more than once worked my nerves. I actually felt sorry for the judges having to hear the same stuff over and over again. There are enough familiar songs to not have to repeat them. Give them "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". Something.


The producers give them a limited number of songs to choose from, for rights reasons.

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Oh and young Daniel makes it through again.  I really want this kid to get cut before Top 24. Again, he has talent but it's a bit too raw. Let him finish puberty first.

This. The amount of time that they focus on him makes me think he is going to be in the Top 24 and I am dreading it. If he came back in a couple of years I think he would be way better. Then again, I usually do not root for the younger contestants.


Small voice....I am not a fan of belters and glory noters, but I do like some guys with guitars. 

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I wanted there to have been a one-time limit on the use of each song. I was ready to throw a grenade through my TV after hearing that Bruno Mars song more than once, and several other maudlin songs that we heard more than once worked my nerves. I actually felt sorry for the judges having to hear the same stuff over and over again. There are enough familiar songs to not have to repeat them. Give them "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". Something.


Hee. ^^ THIS!


"I'd KITE-ch a grah-NAHD fuh YAH-oh"

Oh, Dear God; make it stop.


And I can hear Row Your Boat now, replete with multi melisma and screeching all around the note but not coming close to the actual note. "....gently down the stre-eh-eh-EH-EH eh-eh-eh EEEEEM"

Check, please.


And I thought panic attack in her mid30s sounded bad.

Edited by ari333
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The producers give them a limited number of songs to choose from, for rights reasons.

I agree that getting the rights to songs can be an issue but surely they have the rights to more than 50 songs?   My math may be off on this, but at the most they have 150 contestants that form into groups.  That gives them approximately 40 (rounded up) groups that sing.  They must have at least that number in song rights.   They need to have more variety for the group numbers.  I personally think it has more to do with the band having to accompany all these contestants and how some of the groups interpret the songs.  If they are going to change up a song, then it would be easier on the band to adapt to a few songs vs 40-50 songs.

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I've always wanted them to call the contestants up in the middle of the night and scream, "Sing Silent Night!!!" just to see if they still did runs and glottal fry and Adele-style vowels when suddenly awakened from a deep sleep.


I'm mean that way.

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Man, my ears were bleeding after that show. So much screeching and turning one syllable words into three syllables for no reason. Plus all the facial contortions to show what an enormous effort they were making. Like they were lifting truck tires instead of singing. The girls were the worst. Somebody should lock them in a room and make them listen to Ella Fitzgerald for about 30 hours straight.


The worst offender was Jax, the girl with the cross on her face. Her singing was just as contrived as her nickname. But I fear that she is in for the long haul, because for some reason TPTB think she's a fun personality. I so don't get it.


As someone posted earlier, it certainly felt like knew who was going through and who was going home before the night even started. Most of the decisions as to who they picked to advance out of the groups seemed completely arbitrary. In a few cases I thought they picked the weakest singers to go through. So it was clearly either about their previous performances, or who they want to keep for "personality" or drama. Kind of makes the whole group sing a farce.


And if I never hear "Grenade" again it will be too soon. None of the groups that sang it came within a mile of the group Pia Toscano was in a few years ago. I remember that as being one of the best group performances ever. They came across as smart, tough, sexy ladies. The ones this year sounded like little girls playing grown-up.


But then I think that's part of the whole strategy of  making the show about teens or 20ish singers who are trying to "find themselves" and "grow as artists." Translation. It doesn't matter how bad someone is, because we can always say that we are choosing the contestants who have the most room to grow. (ie Goodbye Sal. Even if you sang like the second coming of Tony Bennett, you're not what TPTB are looking for.)

Edited by bluepiano
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They don't, and so some singers only have a few seconds of their auditions shown. I recall that Jason Castro (season 7) sang "Crazy" at his audition, which AI could not get permissions for, so we saw almost nothing of him singing before...I think it was the Top 24 that year.

Edited by rereader2
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While watching some of the groups, was it my imagination or did some of the contestants not get "solos"?  If you have a group number and are trying to stand out wouldn't it be prudent to be front and center at some point?  Maybe some of these were edited out?  I didn't notice it with all the groups, but it did seem to stand out in some of them when I rewatched and was looking for certain names.  It seemed you only got your name put on screen if you sang by yourself in the group numbers.


There were scenes with some of the contestants sitting down and talking one to one with the judges.  When and where did that happen?

I wonder if that has any bearing on some of the decisions that were made?  I have no idea if everyone got to sit down with them or just a select few (maybe top 40 or so?).  If the top ones got a chance to do this, then the judges/producers would get a better idea of personalities/stressors/back stories etc and what might play best with the audience when the finalists are announced.

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If it was a rights issue, how do they get away with each auditioner singing whatever song they sing? The show can't possibly get clearance on each random song sung.

They don't need the rights to every song performed, only to the ones they put on TV.

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I've always wanted them to call the contestants up in the middle of the night and scream, "Sing Silent Night!!!" just to see if they still did runs and glottal fry and Adele-style vowels when suddenly awakened from a deep sleep.


I'm mean that way.

I went to a fairly hoity toity graduate school with lots of European students.  My favorite professor once looked at one of the British students in class and said "you do know that all of us Americans secretly believe that if we shook you awake in the middle of the night, you'd sound just like us."  We were graded on a curve and there were always rumors that students with British accents were consistently ranked higher than everyone else because they *sounded* so much smarter.


But on topic - I also hate the Grenade song and think it sends the most awful message.  My skin crawls whenever I hear "yuh" instead of "you".

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Yes, I seem to have this recollection that for a long time Kelly Clarkson's first audition wasn't shown - she sang "Express Yourself", which Madonna wouldn't clear.

This may or may not be true. But the main reason they didn't show it is because TPTB didn't think much of Kelly. They assumed the race was between Tamyra and Justin.

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