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Because Bobby still had two people in the game, there was no one he was playing for to bring back.


but he could have cooked and brought back a member for his team; he said that he felt he didn't need another member that his team was strong enough.


Wished Bill would have made it back.  As much as I'm not an Alex fan; she must be an awesome cook; I would have loved to have tasted her food along with Joseph's.

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but he could have cooked and brought back a member for his team; he said that he felt he didn't need another member that his team was strong enough.

True, but I saw that as a technicality or a "I have to say this" type of thing because there was no way he was going to have three team members and overwhelm the others. And, as I predicted, he lost one in the end. I knew August would be back, Alex felt bad about her advice to him costing him the last time.

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So far I am enjoying this show quite a bit, mainly because it is about cooking and the atmosphere is of professionalism.  Everybody acts like grownups. Even if some of the contestants may be from central casting (and I don't know that any are), they have enough expertise to compete on the show and be serious competitors. Also the mentors aren't into gratuitous insults and temper tantrums.  I just enjoy watching them come up with ideas, then executing them.  So far I'm cheering for Sharon on Curtis's team - she's my favorite contestant - and Vanessa on Michael's team because he's my favorite mentor.  I do like Curtis's and Sharon's relationship and also how he takes her seriously as a cook. That egg dish - wow! what a risk, but good for Sharon in executing it and Curtis in believing in her enough to challenge her!


I wasn't thrilled to see August back but, oh well.

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So far I am enjoying this show quite a bit, mainly because it is about cooking and the atmosphere is of professionalism.  Everybody acts like grownups. Even if some of the contestants may be from central casting (and I don't know that any are), they have enough expertise to compete on the show and be serious competitors. Also the mentors aren't into gratuitous insults and temper tantrums.  I just enjoy watching them come up with ideas, then executing them.  So far I'm cheering for Sharon on Curtis's team - she's my favorite contestant - and Vanessa on Michael's team because he's my favorite mentor.  I do like Curtis's and Sharon's relationship and also how he takes her seriously as a cook. That egg dish - wow! what a risk, but good for Sharon in executing it and Curtis in believing in her enough to challenge her!


I wasn't thrilled to see August back but, oh well.


Long-time lurker but signed up to say this-- I knew August (he goes by "Auggie") as an acquaintance for a short time a few years back. At the time he was going to Tisch (for acting, film, etc), so I assume the little caption under his name should say "Actor" or the like, but that TPTB of course want to hide the fact they're casting performers for their so-called reality competitions. 


For the record, I remember Auggie being a really kind, congenial, and hospitable person, but I too am finding it hard to like him when watching this show lol. I sensed Auggie would be returning because he's good TV, but based on the critiques where Donatella said Curtis's dish was "near perfect," I thought we might get surprised with the return of Mimi. 

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Thanks cooksdelightNikSac, I have no idea why my DVR didn't record the beginning.


Long-time lurker but signed up to say this-- I knew August (he goes by "Auggie") as an acquaintance for a short time a few years back. At the time he was going to Tisch (for acting, film, etc), so I assume the little caption under his name should say "Actor" or the like, but that TPTB of course want to hide the fact they're casting performers for their so-called reality competitions. 


That really sucks, his whole schtick has been "have to pay off my student loans" which may be true, but it's kind of disingenuous for no one to mention what he's been studying. I looked up his web site & it says this:


From a family of actors and other entertainment professionals, I approach all projects with a unique understanding of performance. Using my performing experience, both live and on-film, I develop, produce, assist and enrich material closely and intimately with fellow artists. My military experience hones these sensibilities, articulating my ability to solve problems both creatively and practically.

So this is just an acting gig to him.


I wish they hadn't had to tell Donnatella anything specific about the cook they wanted to bring back.  Smelled too much like Chopped sob stories.

I didn't understand why it wasn't a blind judging, she shouldn't have known whose dish was whose, even though she probably could have made a good guess.

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I actually thought they were setting up for the fireman to come back - it seemed like such a good story line since Michael told him to add more cinnamon.  They kept showing clips, and so I was convinced that's where the story was headed.  I'm a little surprised August came back, honestly.

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Ugh August!!  I wanted the fireman to come back too, especially since it was Michael Symon's fault that he got eliminated.  This show seems to be more about Alex than anyone else.


Meanwhile Bobby keeps rolling along and winning.  I was surprised Angela got the boot but they couldn't get rid of Vanessa because that would eliminate Michael too.


I liked Sharon (grandma) up until I learned she had a restaurant for a year and a half.  That doesn't make her a home cook anymore.

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Oh well, here I was enjoying the seeming "fact" that these just might be "real" people and not actors, but the fact that they could almost fool me is to their credit and it looks to me like this crop of cooks really can cook, including August, so it doesn't bother me.  If FN could duplicate this formula in future seasons I'd be very happy as it is not only very entertaining but it's mostly about the food, and very interesting food, too.  I think they search for people who are great cooks but who can handle themselves on TV, which is fair enough as long as they have a strong talent for cooking, which I don't think they're fooling us about.


I don't even remember blonde Texan "Steak Girl"'s name but I thought she should have gone home weeks ago as she was a one note wonder with steak, steak, steak.  I kept hearing Fabio from "Top Chef" saying, "This is not top scallop......er STEAK"!



NYGirl, on 30 Mar 2015 - 9:13 PM, said:

    This show seems to be more about Alex than anyone else.



That pretty much sums up any Food Network show Alex is on.


Yeah it does....I actually came to hate Alex on "Next Iron Chef" because at the time it looked to me like she could do no wrong and seemed to skate by even when she should have been sent home.  And ever since then it's just been more of the same.  I have since softened to her somewhat but it does still irk me that everything she's on seems to feature her above everyone.  Is she really that much of a better chef than anyone else?  I would have expected Bobby Flay to be in that role over her, to be honest.  Bobby is being a downright gentleman in this, almost as if he was told to defer to Alex.  I would have thought he'd want to bring someone back instead of shooting himself in the foot by not competing.  It's like he was taking a lesser role so she can be the star.  Perhaps that was a bit of producer "engineering" to make sure August came back?

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I was laughing at all that opening rigamarole.  It's a good thing those judges are such talented chefs because they aren't going to be winning any academy awards with the scripted stuff.

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Something I loved in this past episode? Ted watching the four professional chefs (Bobby, Michael, Alex and Curtis) cooking away, and declaring, "I love watching them cook!" He just seemed like he was genuinely having fun watching them be creative with food, and I liked his enthusiasm and joy.

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I figured Blondie was out as soon as she said she was salting up her meat because "the judges like that".  If she were on "Chopped" she'd be right, but she had to choose Donnatella (little-known fact, her last name is Italian for "moron"), who seems to have the most delicatest palate this side of Chris Kimball.  I know she judges on ICA but since I don't watch that one my only exposure to her was on some other failed FN competition show, where people had to gently remind her not to eat clamshells and such placed on the plate as decoration.  I was left thinking she'd eat my car's muffler if you put it on a plate in front of her, then complain about the smoky taste. At this point I'm betting Symon vs Stone for the final with Auggie in third place if it plays out as a triple, like last year.  Alex's other cook and Flay's both seem like cannon fodder to me,

Edited by Totale
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I've never watched Donatella on any shows (that I remember) but I have tried a couple of her recipes and they were delicious. That's about all I know about her. Interesting story about the clamshells....and yes, your muffler would probably taste smoky. :)

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Donatella actually seemed more reasonable to me in this episode compared to other shows I've seen her judge.  I always thought of her as going out of her way to be a really picky bitch but I thought she was downright kind this time.

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I'm very interested to see how Robert Irvine works out as a "mentor" on this show when (if the tabloids are right anyway) he's not a chef himself. That should be fun.

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I'm very interested to see how Robert Irvine works out as a "mentor" on this show when (if the tabloids are right anyway) he's not a chef himself. That should be fun.


I've never been able to watch any show Irvine's on because something about him unsettles me. Rumor, aside.

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I was really enjoying this show until I saw that they've included Robert Irvine whom I detest.  He has zero credibility as a "great chef" and bringing him in on some kind of equal footing to four chefs who have serious credentials is a joke.  Back in the Dinner Impossible days when Robert was still somewhat tolerable, I used to wonder why David and George, two legitimate chefs with credentials and serious resumés, put up with his staged bluster.  I guess acting as his sous chefs must have paid well. 


Anyhow, I'll watch the episode because I'm already invested in the show but I'll have to restrain myself from hitting Mute which is what I usually do the second I hear his voice.  Gah!

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Since at least three of the mentors have been judged by Donatella in the past, I am not sure about Curtis, they should know about her intolerance for heat in her food and told their chefs to use less hot stuff.

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Poor Sherry. I knew they were going to sacrifice her so that the "star" August could stay.  After all there was no doubt Alex was going to lose someone tonight.


Go Joseph!

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I thought it was pretty impressive how well the chefs seemed to know their students. They almost figured out who cooked each dish, with pretty close accuracy. I thought it was funny that Michael thought it was Vanessa's dish because it seemed scattered like she is (and he was right), and almost all of them jumped on August's dish as being his.

Go, Sharon and Joseph!


I'm sorry to see Sherri go, and I feel like Vanessa is putting way too much pressure on herself that this competition is going to save her family. If she loses, she'll be devastated, and that's way too much to put on oneself. I hope no matter what happens, her family finds their way out of financial debt and struggle.

Edited by sinkwriter
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I don't care for Vanessa and I liked Sherri so I was sorry to see her leave.  I was astonished when Alex told her to leave the beans raw.  She'd never let someone get away with that on Chopped.  Now she's given both people on her team bad advice. 


Robert Irvine was a bit more tolerable than usual.  Maybe they told him to dial it down. 


I'm still rooting for Joseph but I won't be unhappy if Sharon wins. 

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It drives me crazy when cooking competition contestants keep referring to their food as "beautiful". I call it Carnie Wilson syndrome. "I've made a beaaautiful piece of fish", "I've topped my asparagus with a beaaautiful hollandaise", "I'm going to make a beaaautiful compote to go on top" Annoys the hell out of me. 

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Maybe my view is jaded because I liked Sherri and find August inherently unlikable, but I have to call BS on that elimination. The point of the challenge was to tackle a protein which had tripped up the mentor in the past. And as far as I recall, Irvine found Sherri's hen cooked well, while August's was unevenly cooked. So Sherri gets sent home for raw green beans (which is a WTF decision... blanching them would have taken all of 1 minute) but August stays after failing the point of the entire challenge.


I don't know why I still expect there to be consistency and fairness in any Food Network show.

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I was sorry to see Sherri go, especially over bad advice from her mentor. I even like raw green beans, but I wouldn't expect to see them on a cooking show. I think of it more as a quick snack to grab when I don't have the time or inclination to cook, and want something healthy - along the lines of carrot or celery sticks. It wouldn't have taken that much effort to at least lightly cook them and they would've been better received. Like you hkit I agree it was still a BS elimination though.

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I call BS on the elimination also. One of Alex's team members had to go, and even I thought it was August based on the comments about his food.

If Alex and August don't win this, will she pitch a hissy fit? Behind the scenes, I mean. Because she'll never do that on camera, but it seems like she wins in the most unlikely of scenarios during the various FN competitions she's been a part of.

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she had to choose Donnatella (little-known fact, her last name is Italian for "moron"), who seems to have the most delicatest palate this side of Chris Kimball.


LMAO. Thank you! I have to admit, though, that Donnatella was much more palatable in this ep. than I've ever seen her, but I still groan whenever she appears on my teevee because of what a princess she was on Next Iron Chef. My goodness! Who left the wedge of lemon on the plate? Our little princess nibbled on it and blew out her delicate little palate. Puh-leeeeze.


Um, Alex? You totally freakin' suck at mentoring, as not just one, but TWO contestants have been eliminated because you gave bad advice. Leave the green beans raw? Don't even mix them in a salad or even blanche them? Are you trying to be the Nigella of this show? Cos, you don't win that way...you do know that?



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They've lost me.  I thought it sounded pretty good and liked the first couple of eps, but then they just started to get too scripted drama.  Too bad too, cause there are a couple of the contestants I like.

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I can't remember which guy said it--August or Joseph--but 1 of 'em claimed Robert was, basically, on his case (not the words used, but the same idea) for something he did/didn't do in the kitchen. I didn't think that at all.

I've seen Robert when he was "on someone's case" about preparation, or whatever, in a kitchen (in other shows Robert's done); in no way was he on the guy involved about whatever it was.

They wanted us to think that, but he was actually not yelling & very restrained compared to other ways he's been in the kitchen (if Irvine's pissed about something in the kitchen, he's like Chef Gordon Ramsay... You know he's pissed off & there's no mistaking it).

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I can't remember which guy said it--August or Joseph--but 1 of 'em claimed Robert was, basically, on his case (not the words used, but the same idea) for something he did/didn't do in the kitchen. I didn't think that at all.


Robert was on August's case about the fritter and on insisted that Joseph redo the meatballs so he didn't ruin the whole plate with bitterness.  He was right in both cases, and Joseph won thanks to his meatball redo, but August in particular sucks at taking advice from professionals.  He also claimed Alex was "on his case" the day she made him redo the chocolate ganache. 


Khaleesi (age 8) believes that Alex has a big crush on August, and he knows it but doesn't feel the same. 

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Gave this show three episode chance, and while entertaining at times, it's way to scripted. For the episode when they brought August back, okay, what Alex made was exactly what I would want to eat.


But Flay losing the Texas blonde woman (forget the name). I called it the moment the challenge started. Specifically someone from Flay's team was next to be eliminated. Alex, Michael and Curtis all lost someone, now it was Flay's turn to even it out, it was just a matter of which one.


I really thought church guy would go, based on his past stuff. But come on. Steak with amazing sauces doesn't do well? The runny egg yolk over a steak was a problem, when it's one classic item to add to a steak. No way. I don't believe it for a second. It's all scripted, so that none of the four chef mentors will look bad against the other ones. It all has to be balanced equally, until the final eliminations and I am sure they drew straws to figure out the final order of eliminations.


I do find some of Flay's comments hilarious though. He seems to have the "whatever" attitude and just cracks snark, which makes me laugh. Then he hides in the background during judging and just pulls these "I'm not here for this" faces. Actually, all of them are amusing, though Alex yelling at August is grating. I would get annoyed at that.


I'm rooting for Vanessa to win. I like her, love her retro 50s look and think that she and Symon have a great rapport and seem to like each other, get along. Thought Italian grandma is ballsy.


I don't know - with these Food Network contests, I love watching the cooking but the judging I have no use for. Because half the time, the judging is BS, the comment are idiotic and in this case, is obviously fixed (IMO).

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Don't mind Flay at all. Apparently he can be a smug jerk in the past, but possibly has mellowed over time. I just get a kick out of his sarcastic snarky comments and the faces he pulls. For the episode with the immersion circulator, he cracked a joke something like that he doesn't use fancy cooking tools because he can actually cook. Thought it was funny. He's my favourite of the bunch, for sheer entertainment snark and deadpan looks.


Michael Symon I like also. He seems decent and a good mentor. Same with Curtis Stone, thought Stone seems a bit too anal and controlling. But he's really hot and has the Aussie accent, so he gets somewhat of a pass in that I just want to look at him and swoon.


Alex I don't mind, except her yelling at August all of the time. She seems like Curtis - anal and controlling - and it doesn't seem to work with August who wants to do his own thing. And she chooses to make more classic foods that I would love to eat, as opposed to Curtis with these weird amuse bouche' with smoke and immersion circulators and I forget what else he did.


Gotta say though - all four chefs seem like good actors because they sure as hell can pretend they care and are sincere. Maybe they are, but still.

I bought one of Bobby's cookbooks, all grilling recipes. I've tried three and wasn't very happy with them. I love to grill and I had to put my own touches on his recipes to make them taste good (to me).


I have one of his books - Bobby Flay Cooks American - and everything of his I've tried has been amazing. It's my type of food though - the steaks, mexican, and sauces. Lots of Sauces. I love sauces to death, and he is the King at them.


One recipe of his I've made - downloaded from FN - is Grilled Salmon or Trout with a Ginger, Honey, Mustard Sauce. Oh. My. God. It is absolutely amazing. I HATE ginger, but this recipe I love it. Served with a side of rappini - it's heaven!

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Okay, I take it back. I'm soooo behind. Like three episodes, only have this week's to watch.


That said, Flay was actually funny and charming. I think the more I see him talk and mentor, the more I like him, and well, I was wrong okay? Let's just leave it at that!

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Sooo behind.


Let me just say watching them cook steak for Amanda had me salivating. Especially Angela's steak.


One thing that confused me...when Joseph accidentally dumped Sherry's/Sherri's (sp??? which is the correct spelling? I can't remember!) brussel sprouts in the trash, and they quickly cooked up some more, why didn't it go on her salad? Or was she cooking it originally for Angela?


So if I can find the right pan, I think I'll try searing a steak, or something...


And I really wanted Ted to be brought back.

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Bobby and Stephanie's divorce saddens me. She was so cute when he had her on some of his shows, even including her Mom and sister on one. On "Brunch with Bobby" he often talked about how she liked him to make something or another for her. I remember once when he was on "The Chew" he and Michael Symon (their families vacationed together in Europe (Spain, Italy?) and they both joked that they had married "up". I also noted on his shows he always was wearing his wedding ring.


Stuff happens, people grow apart. I was hoping 3 was the charm for him.

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Bobby and Stephanie's divorce saddens me. She was so cute when he had her on some of his shows, even including her Mom and sister on one. On "Brunch with Bobby" he often talked about how she liked him to make something or another for her. I remember once when he was on "The Chew" he and Michael Symon (their families vacationed together in Europe (Spain, Italy?) and they both joked that they had married "up". I also noted on his shows he always was wearing his wedding ring.

Stuff happens, people grow apart. I was hoping 3 was the charm for him.

It saddens me, too. I was also thinking about the effect on the couples' relationship. I know Michael and Liz were pretty tight with Bobby and Stephanie and vacationed together often. I know from experience that it is jarring when couple friends get divorced. I wish them all well.

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Vanessa better get eliminated quickly, because I can't stand her already.

I was thinking the same thing.  Maybe it's her silly attitude, could be that she seems needy, could be that annoying face mole... not sure, but she and Michael both are making me smh... (Michael has a sweet personality but that chick's way too over the top...)

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It drives me crazy when cooking competition contestants keep referring to their food as "beautiful". I call it Carnie Wilson syndrome. "I've made a beaaautiful piece of fish", "I've topped my asparagus with a beaaautiful hollandaise", "I'm going to make a beaaautiful compote to go on top" Annoys the hell out of me. 

GaT it's funny because I am thinking a lot like you today... Carnie Wilson; geez, is it me or is she the most falsely emotional, over acting, "I really want you to love my food; snniiff, "they love my food; I'm so happy...." . SHUT UP!! lol  I am being mean... I just had to say that about Carnie cause I was really glad when she didn't win on Chopped.  Loved her group though... lol ("My dad Loovves my cooking, and he looves when I bake for him" whatever!!) (still being mean...)

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Well... I'm bummed. I was rooting for Sharon. Actually I was rooting for everyone except August, so it was a little annoying to me that he was the first one into the finals. Personally, I think the 50 grand means more to the other three. August just seems to be in it for bragging rights or something. The others have stronger personal reasons for needing the money, and I think they care more about cooking than August does. So it will be annoying to me if he wins.


I feel really bad for Sharon because it seemed like she had that second round tied up, given how many spoonfuls of that cassoulet he gobbled down. 


Out of all of them, I liked the chef-cook relationship between Curtis and Sharon, and Michael and Vanessa best. I like that they seemed to work well with their "student" and knew what it took to help them. I especially liked how Michael said he recognized that being a "yelling chef" wouldn't be the way to get through to Vanessa, so he knew how to help her was to be positive and energetic. I liked that he "got" that about her, and I feel like Curtis connected well with Sharon too.


I root for Joseph as well, but I feel like he seems pretty self-sufficient. He and Bobby were a good team, but Bobby didn't seem to need to instruct him very much.


As for August, well... I really don't like his relationship with Alex. I feel like her yelling at him and reminding him every few minutes to "hurry up" just adds extra pressure. It sure wouldn't have helped me. I probably would have either yelled back at Alex to stop pushing me, or I would have started getting frustrated and probably cried. LOL.

My favorite moment in tonight's episode? When Michael asked who Vanessa was talking to, and she said, "The people of the world!" And then Bobby threw his arms out and chimed in, "THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!" Heeee.

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