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Small Talk: "I'll Take Non-Show Chat For $400, Alex."


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I read Misty of Chincoteague as a young girl. I dreamed for years of going to Chincoteague for Pony Penning. But as a girl from Kansas, I never really thought I'd get to go.

Then came our move to Virginia twenty one years ago, and all of a sudden, it was possible! Since moving here, we've been to Pony Penning twice! And visited Chincoteague a number of times, most recently last June for my 70th birthday. It's going to be one of the things I miss when we move to Kansas later this year.

I think I always pronounced it as Shin-co-teeg, even before I knew the pronunciation.

Other places on the Eastern Shore perplexed me as to pronunciation.  I told a friend we were taking the ferry to Tangier from Onancock. She corrected my pronunciation, but I don't remember what is correct fo Onancock!

  • Love 7

@zoey1996, that is so awesome.  We moved east from Michigan when I was tiny, and one of the early family trips was to Virginia Beach and environs, including Chincoteague.  A pony took a kick  at me -- just a lazy "buzz off, kid" swing of the back leg --  and it was love at first non-contact!  Totally  my fault, got too close to a grazing mare and (IIRC) foal. My parents tried to quash the horsey love at every turn, so no more family visits to Chincoteague.  I'm so glad you were able to visit multiple times and have the memories to take back with you. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

I read Misty of Chincoteague as a young girl.

I read Misty of Chincoteague as a young girl too, and possibly at least one more in the series.
Possibly a teacher read it to us too? 
Although I finally did have occasion to sit on a horse about 10 years later, riding was never my thing. 
I was one of those girls who loved drawing horses. The lines and curves are so beautiful.
I did a sketch a few years ago for a possible wedding gift, but it didn't become that. 

Anyway, I think I did pronounce the CH in my head almost like Choo Choo train. Whoops? 


  • Love 12

There is progress! Although Zeke likes to take his afternoon naps under the bed, he is seen a lot more. He tolerates head scratches, but even though he lies down and exposes his belly like wants to be scratched there, if you make a move toward him to do that, he moves away. Here is a picture of both of them. Although Zeke looks black, he's the same gray as Zeus. image.png.b590aeea965a2a2237c0de04757e7396.png

  • Love 7
23 hours ago, illdoc said:

even though he lies down and exposes his belly like wants to be scratched there, if you make a move toward him to do that, he moves away.

Just exposing his belly, the most vulnerable position, is a huge sign of trust.  He will likely someday indeed want to be petted there, but even if that never happens, that's a beautiful expression of his comfort.  Add in that, while he still chooses to sleep in his safe spot under the bed, he's venturing out more when he's awake, and he's making tremendous progress.  Kudos to you giving him the space and love to do that.

Six years ago, I adopted a total 'fraidy cat, and had to open the house up one room at a time over the course of months, and it took a full nine months for her to be 100% comfortable in the entire house even if I wasn't here (which meant keeping a litterbox in my office, her safe room, until then; I did the dance of joy when I was able to remove that thing).  From the first night, she'd cuddle with me when I went to bed, but then retreat to her safe space under my office couch to actually sleep.  When she started napping "above ground" it was with one or both eyes open.  It took about a month before she'd truly conk out in the open for any length of time.  But she's long since been queen of this castle.  You and Zeke will get there, too, and it will be SO rewarding when he's just a typical cat and you think back on how it all started.

Edited by Bastet
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Quick Zeke update. Last night (around 8), he's looking out the back window. There is a dog next door. He's looking for a while, then the dog must have done something because Zeke gets out of the window and, as he makes his way toward us, he keeps looking over his shoulder at the window. Eventually, he lies down between the chair (where my mom is) and the couch (where I am) and stays there the rest of the evening, continually staring at that window (like he expects that dog to come). We were able to pet him the entire time! He didn't leave the kitchen this morning after I fed him (usually, since I have to go past him to leave the kitchen, he will leave his food and sit under the table (or even go upstairs) until I get out). No word yet on whether he is still accepting petting.

  • Love 9
51 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I assume it's good? The Online Slang Dictionary defines "fire" as:

But I guess it could also be a dumpster fire...

Regarding the new reaction options... since there aren't any "negative" options (thumbs down, frowny face, etc.), I'm assuming it's intended to be positive.  We'll see...

  • Mind Blown 1
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  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Regarding the new reaction options... since there aren't any "negative" options (thumbs down, frowny face, etc.), I'm assuming it's intended to be positive.  We'll see...

Good point, and I'm glad there are no negative options. It gets dicey on the forums enough as it is (not so much here on these forums).

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Bastet said:

Thanks for the fire explanation, because I couldn't figure out why they'd included a negative reaction after staying away from that all these years -- to me, fire brings to mind "flames on the side of my face" level of hate, not "that's so cool".

It's one of those slangy things I've heard but would never actually say...

  • Applause 2
  • Love 1
44 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I'm sure I will continue to primarily use the heart because it's the default and only takes one click.

10 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Ha - same.  I am lazy.

Recently I had to attach a mouse to my laptop because of a flareup of an old shoulder issue, so I will be using the more neutral (to my way of thinking) thumbs up ptthumbsup.png icon as my default, but I will also enjoy receiving all the pt-redheart.png love emojis. 😊
They might help my shoulder pain!

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  • Love 8
29 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

During a commercial break on tonight's show, my station aired a Liberty Mutual commercial with 2 guys knitting. One guy tells the other guy that the shoes he knitted were "fire". 😁😉

Lol, I was about to post about that! One of the few LiMu ads I like (only because of the dog).

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I can’t even imagine using the Fire 🔥 response on these boards, but I guess when I see it, there will be at least a little bit of an Ah-ha! moment. 🤷‍♀️

My current plan is, whenever I see a post remotely related to fire, I’m going to respond with the fire emoji.  That includes any reference to “the heat of a thousand nuns”. 

I acknowledge that this could get old fast. 

  • Fire 11
6 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I can’t even imagine using the Fire 🔥 response on these boards, but I guess when I see it, there will be at least a little bit of an Ah-ha! moment. 🤷‍♀️

My reaction when I see it will be, "What does that mean again?"

5 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I noticed that; maybe the "hugs" teddy bear is meant to replace it?

Not really sure why "thanks" is a rainbow...

I though it was in recognition of Gay Pride Month.

1 hour ago, SoMuchTV said:

My current plan is, whenever I see a post remotely related to fire, I’m going to respond with the fire emoji.  That includes any reference to “the heat of a thousand nuns”. 

I acknowledge that this could get old fast. 

Unfortunately there are too few references to the nuns recently, so I think I'm going to copy your plan.

  • Fire 2
  • LOL 1
  • Love 1
37 minutes ago, Leeds said:
5 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I noticed that; maybe the "hugs" teddy bear is meant to replace it?

Not really sure why "thanks" is a rainbow...

I though it was in recognition of Gay Pride Month.

I deleted my response because ams1001 already answered it before I did.

Edited by dbklmt
Edited to add additional thoughts
  • Like 1
28 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

Grey does seem an appropriate color for sad (though of course, blue = the blues).

27 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I was thinking that, too. But then blue is my favorite color so "sad" is not my first association with it.

Edit: and now it seems too be blue again...

When Sad first came back as gray, I felt like it wasn't "my" Sad emoji, (LOL) but then thought, yeah, gray is how I probably look and sound when I'm sad.
But the gray sad emoji had a thinner line too, and I wasn't sure about that.
So I was kind of happy that it went back to blue, even though blue is my favorite color too. 

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4 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

When Sad first came back as gray, I felt like it wasn't "my" Sad emoji, (LOL) but then thought, yeah, gray is how I probably look and sound when I'm sad.
But the gray sad emoji had a thinner line too, and I wasn't sure about that.
So I was kind of happy that it went back to blue, even though blue is my favorite color too. 

Boy these emojis are changing rapidly. Sad was grey a half hour ago when I posted!

  • Applause 1
  • LOL 2
1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

Boy these emojis are changing rapidly. Sad was grey a half hour ago when I posted!

From the Season 38 thread:

16 hours ago, Leeds said:

I think they need to add a "shrug/I don't know" response.

3 hours ago, bad things are bad said:

And a 💯

12 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

And an eyeroll, for every time Mayim gets quoted saying something annoying.

From the New Emojis! thread:

18 hours ago, SilverStormm said:

We won't be adding any other new reactions at this time but will keep it in mind for the future, thanks.

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3 hours ago, zoey1996 said:
  1. I sometimes wish we could interject emojis. I won't like a whole post, but will like a paragraph or two. I usually put a  image.png.96b27ed2a4aeed4b980f4dab886257b8.pngon it anyway. Sorry I couldn't make the image smaller!

2 Things, with the first one in this post:
To make images smaller (and, sorry in advance that I am not going to explain this as well as @saber5055 did for me):

  1. Double click on the image
  2. If necessary, check the box for "Keep original aspect ratio"
  3. Under Size, in the first box, change the number to a smaller number, often about 2/3 of the original number, but, in this case, I did it 1/10, which was 30.
  4. Then click in the second box so it will automatically reduce that number.
  5. Click Update.


Edited by shapeshifter
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3 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

I sometimes wish we could interject emojis. I won't like a whole post, but will like a paragraph or two. I usually put a  image.png.96b27ed2a4aeed4b980f4dab886257b8.pngon it anyway. Sorry I couldn't make the image smaller!

Second, and more helpful thing:

At the top of your posting area, there is an emoji option:


Depending upon your device, browser, whathaveyou, it might be at the bottom of your posting area. You can use it to select and insert lots of emojis:❤️😮🤷‍♀️

  • Useful 1
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

I sometimes wish we could interject emojis. I won't like a whole post, but will like a paragraph or two. I usually put a  image.png.96b27ed2a4aeed4b980f4dab886257b8.pngon it anyway. Sorry I couldn't make the image smaller!

You can always quote just the part(s) you like and respond with ♥️ (or whatever you prefer) like so:

On 6/2/2022 at 9:38 PM, ams1001 said:

Not really sure why "thanks" is a rainbow...



It's the Primetimer colour logo

  • Fire 1
  • Thanks 2
  • Love 1
7 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I still don’t get why that symbol would mean “thanks”, though. Shouldn’t it mean “it’s primetime!”?


<insert shrug emoji here>

Hah. Yeah.
So I did a little Google image searching and realize there is no universally useful "Thank You" emoji.
There are the hands that look like they're praying image.thumb.png.4d146abe5da2a6ffcac30d2c3fcf525a.png, which always seemed odd to me, as it might be offensive to some.
There are Thank You emojis that just look like hearts or hugs or thumbs up.
The ASL gesture looks a lot like a kiss.
So the PrimeTimer emoji is as good as any of them, albeit as bad at conveying the meaning as any of them too.
There's the Gift emoji:

--which would probably be equally confusing, and definitely not any more universally understood as signifying "thank you" than any of the others, especially for those who hate surprise packages.

Maybe this would be better, even if it would also probably require mousing over the emoji to see what it signifies:


Edited by shapeshifter
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I'd suggest moving the "like" emoji (thumbs up) into the first position. Since the heart (love) is still in the same position (I think it meant like before), and it's the easiest to use (by habit and position), we're sorting way more positive than before.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. 😊

  • Like 1
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  • Fire 4
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  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I'd suggest moving the "like" emoji (thumbs up) into the first position. Since the heart (love) is still in the same position (I think it meant like before), and it's the easiest to use (by habit and position), we're sorting way more positive than before.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. 😊

I’m still not sure about when to correctly use “Fire” since I no longer work with young adults, but, in this case, I was trying to indicate that I had been thinking the exact same as your post.  
🔥 😆 🙃 

Yes: The Thumbs Up should now be the default rather than the Love.

And wow. On my phone, it’s a bit of a scroll to the Useful. 

  • Like 2
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