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Small Talk: "I'll Take Non-Show Chat For $400, Alex."

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40 minutes ago, j5cochran said:

Ryan's recipe is a West Virginia classic -- pepperoni rolls! I have threatened promised to bring them to a Final Jeopardy Contest table for however-many!

I thought that was you, but I didn't want to be so bold as to put in writing that I actually remembered something correctly. The recipe sounds like so much work. I'd be inclined to get some Pillsbury crescent rolls, smack the tubes open, roll some pepperoni up in them and bake. Which is why I don't cook for other humans.

They sound delicious though. I could get involved in eating many of them. Heck, I might even try the crescent roll thing ...

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Perhaps my opinion of him is affecting my thoughts, but I find it highly unlikely that Ryan has ever actually made pepperoni rolls.  Eaten them, yes, but made them?  I don't think so.

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2 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Perhaps my opinion of him is affecting my thoughts, but I find it highly unlikely that Ryan has ever actually made pepperoni rolls.  Eaten them, yes, but made them?  I don't think so.

Not many of us West Virginians make our own pepperoni rolls, just as most people don't make their own sandwich bread. You can buy pepperoni rolls in every grocery, convenience store, or gas station in the state. (It looks like Ryan got his recipe from AllRecipes!)

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1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

If I were posting my favorite recipe, it would be for something I actually cook.

One posted what seemed to be a smoothie. I assumed that meant they don't cook but felt obligated to post a recipe? Or maybe they just really think we'd all do better at Jeopardy if we drank that smoothie?

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3 hours ago, Browncoat said:

If I were posting my favorite recipe, it would be for something I actually cook.

Well then if that were the rule, my recipe space would be freaking BLANK. That's the dif between you and me. You maybe actually have a couple recipes that you use to cook/make things that are edible. My most complicated recipe is put some oatmeal in a bowl and add hot water.

But if I were so lucky (and outrageously smart) to make it to not only Jeopardy but Jeopardy's ToC, I'd look up some fab recipe online and post it just like my pal Ryan did. No law against plagiarizing a recipe. That I know of. Then y'all could hate on me for not only looking and acting like a dumbass on national teevee but I never made my recipe IRL either.

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Reading about the host's clothing has reminded me of this story, which has stuck with me since I first read about it in 2014: https://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/tv-and-radio/karl-stefanovics-sexism-experiment-today-presenter-wears-same-suit-for-a-year-20141115-11ncdz.html

Lisa Wilkinson's lecture, mentioned in the article, is here, and I will copy below the part with the email she received (and responded to) from a viewer. I put it under the spoiler feature because it takes up a lot of space, although it is not long (lots of line breaks).




Who the heck is Lisa's stylist?

Whoever it is has Lisa in some shocking clothes.
Today's outfit is particularly jarring and awful.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Get Some Style.

Now, while I know I am far from being above criticism, good sense should tell me to leave that sort of semi-anonymous stuff alone. But some mornings . . .


Dear Angela,

Thanks for all of your "Get Some Style" feedback.

Please feel free to send me a list of all the outfits you don't like out of the 200 or so that I come up with each year, and I'll see what I can do.

Just so I can prepare, are we just talking about the outfits I wear for the Today Show, or the ones I come up with to wear for red carpet and charity events as well?

You'll need to be very specific because that is a lot of outfits to remember.

Please include suggested colours, sleeve lengths, skirt shapes, your preference for prints, fabric weights, jackets vs blouses, etc . . .

Of course Angela, given that I am a journalist - and not a supermodel - it is important that anything I wear allows me to feel comfortable for three and a half hours on set or perhaps outside when we're on location.

Oh, and I'm a married mother of three, so nothing too revealing.

And nothing I wear can ever clash with what Georgie is wearing. And I have a larger bust, so nothing tight, thanks. Oh, and I'm not very tall - did I mention I'm not a model? - so please take that into consideration as well.

And finally, I must never clash with Karl's ties. Or suits. Or the couch.

And I must be seasonally appropriate.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


I think I did her head in because I never heard from Angela again.


Edited by dcalley
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Thank you @dcalley. Excellent link. Everyone in the season thread who is bitching about what Mayim wears needs to read that and respond accordingly. Lisa's response is pure gold. Unfortunately, Angela is now posting in the Jeopardy season thread.

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On the subject of clothing for women on television, I'm a huge fan of Rachel Maddow. Whether you like her point of view or not, she has simplified the whole notion of female television attire by having a rack of black blazers to choose from each day. By wearing mild variations of the same thing every day, the viewer ignores her clothes and pays attention to her words.

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8 minutes ago, j5cochran said:

By wearing mild variations of the same thing every day, the viewer ignores her clothes and pays attention to her words.

To quote The Bachelor: "I love that." I laugh about blazers since those are standard dress code for showing dogs, which I've done professionally for several decades. We all get excited when someone comes for the weekend with a new suit or different blazer. I remember my friends making fun of me when I got an Afghan client. They all said my tailored tweed suits, perfect for showing terriers, just wouldn't do in the Afghan ring, i needed to get some gold lame slinky clothes and sparkly slip-on shoes so I'd fit in that ring.

While I had a modicum of success with the Afghan, I was WAY more comfortable in my terrier tweed suits ... with blazers!

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Back in 92, I got tickets to see Letterman. One of the bits he did was Charts and Graphs. I was surprised at how bright & lurid the colors of the charts were only to seem innocuous on the television.  I thought of that when I noticed how much I liked Mayim's outfit on Friday...I thought, "Wow! If it's THAT bright on TV, I wonder how bright it is in real life."  I was also amused at those of us who were complaining about her blazers now having to see her in a "feminine" outfit.  I agree with that article about Karl's suit - we (including me) are way too judgmental about what women wear and not nearly as harsh toward the men.  I will try to do better. I DID like that pink outfit, though. Way better than that tan "sweater tied around her waist" from the other day.  That was plain fugly, no matter what sex wore it.

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Oh, PW, you have forgotten the magic of HDTV is here now. Which is why I am fascinated with the eyeliner, eye shadow and false eyelashes (and pointy bullet bras!) worn by the pioneer women crossing the prairie on Wagon Train. Makeup and clothing that was done OTT so it would show up on teevee back in the day is now glaringly obvious in HD.

Tennis preempted Jeopardy here Friday so I didn't see Mayim's pink everyone is talking about. What I find distressing is all the negativity some viewers feel the need to spew via internet anonymity. Maybe I'm sensitive because I am different too from what "they" want. I fancy flannel shirts, Croc shoes, jeans, hair ALWAYS in a ponytail or knot. When I dress up, it's with a blazer, and I've never owned a pair of heels, it's loafers or Mary Janes for me. When I go to town, I put on my fancy camo Crocs.

Clothes have no affect on my brain nor do they reflect what's in my soul. And I hope I will always accept people for who they are, not for who I think they should be, whether on teevee or IRL.

Now, people on reality shows and actors on scripted programs ...  fair game!

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24 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Tennis preempted Jeopardy here Friday so I didn't see Mayim's pink everyone is talking about. What I find distressing is all the negativity some viewers feel the need to spew via internet anonymity. Maybe I'm sensitive because I am different too from what "they" want. I fancy flannel shirts, Croc shoes, jeans, hair ALWAYS in a ponytail or knot. When I dress up, it's with a blazer, and I've never owned a pair of heels, it's loafers or Mary Janes for me. When I go to town, I put on my fancy camo Crocs.

Clothes have no affect on my brain nor do they reflect what's in my soul. And I hope I will always accept people for who they are, not for who I think they should be, whether on teevee or IRL.

Now, people on reality shows and actors on scripted programs ...  fair game!

The pink dress was pretty glaring - but I've seen the same effect on a number of outfits worn on TV by a number of different professional on-camera presenters. The cameras can't handle it (even though they're much better than they used to be) - and it's really the production staff who is to blame, in my opinion.

While most of Mayim's outfits are ones I wouldn't wear, it's not like they were terrible. For the most part I think they looked good on her. I thought Katie Couric's clothes were much worse (imo) and didn't look good on her - which made me sad for her. 

Women have a much more difficult time with wardrobe, as men can wear basic suits and no one comments. But everyone expects much more of a woman - some intersection between professional/stylish and womanly/hotness that's  pretty difficult to achieve .


Edited by Clanstarling
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1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

While most of Mayim's outfits are ones I wouldn't wear, it's not like they were terrible. For the most part I think they looked good on her. I thought Katie Couric's clothes were much worse (imo) and didn't look good on her - which made me sad for her. 

Women have a much more difficult time with wardrobe, as men can wear basic suits and no one comments. But everyone expects much more of a woman - some intersection between professional/stylish and womanly/hotness that's  pretty difficult to achieve .

I agree about Katie Couric, I didn't like her wardrobe at all.  Normally I just blame it on me being old and not interested in current "fashion".

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11 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Women have a much more difficult time with wardrobe, as men can wear basic suits and no one comments. But everyone expects much more of a woman - some intersection between professional/stylish and womanly/hotness that's  pretty difficult to achieve .

This is the biggest reason why I am so grateful to work in a place that encourages everyone to wear scrubs! In other areas, finding appropriate clothes for work was always a challenge.

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11 hours ago, secnarf said:

This is the biggest reason why I am so grateful to work in a place that encourages everyone to wear scrubs! In other areas, finding appropriate clothes for work was always a challenge.

Going back to my favorite arena of work, dog shows, that is one place where women have "it" over men. Males judges wear suits or sport coats, with ties, even on the hottest days outside, and male handlers should always wear a suit or sport coat while women can wear sun dresses if they choose. The unwritten rule is, if the judge takes off his jacket, then men exhibitors can too. 

Of course, all of that has nothing whatsoever to do with tv hosting, an arena where I have absolutely no experience.

I do remember when I was a (paid!) extra in a movie, we were asked to not wear certain colors or prints or anything with logos. While that was my first "acting job," I met other extras who traveled around the country doing that as their chosen profession. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about movie making. The "real" actors were generous with their time chatting with us and giving autographs. Another perk of being on the payroll, I got to meet the craft services table!

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5 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Going back to my favorite arena of work, dog shows, that is one place where women have "it" over men. Males judges wear suits or sport coats, with ties, even on the hottest days outside, and male handlers should always wear a suit or sport coat while women can wear sun dresses if they choose. The unwritten rule is, if the judge takes off his jacket, then men exhibitors can too. 

Of course, all of that has nothing whatsoever to do with tv hosting, an arena where I have absolutely no experience.

I do remember when I was a (paid!) extra in a movie, we were asked to not wear certain colors or prints or anything with logos. While that was my first "acting job," I met other extras who traveled around the country doing that as their chosen profession. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about movie making. The "real" actors were generous with their time chatting with us and giving autographs. Another perk of being on the payroll, I got to meet the craft services table!

Which movie? At what point would we see you?

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27 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

Which movie? At what point would we see you?

Sugar. It was written and directed by the people who two years previously had done Half Nelson with Ryan Gosling. Which is a totally EXCELLENT movie, BTW. I "hearted" that movie before the extras call was put out for Sugar. Sugar was purchased by HBO at some film festival, although it did have a (VERY limited/minor) theatrical release and got excellent reviews from every direction. They did an opening-night extravaganza here, red carpet, the whole nine. For some reason I did not attend, which in retrospect was stupid.

I got to meet Michael Gaston and talk to him about being on my favorite show of all time, Prison Break. When I brought that up, he said "Yeah, the last time you saw me, I was down a well." And Richard Bull from Little House on the Prairie. Also starring was McLean Stevenson's sister Ann Whitney. I am sitting directly in front of Richard and Ann in the stadium. I'm the one holding the tub of popcorn we were warned not to eat as it was a few years old and was a prop only. Heh.

Edited by saber5055
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27 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Sugar. It was written and directed by the people who two years previously had done Half Nelson with Ryan Gosling. Which is a totally EXCELLENT movie, BTW. I "hearted" that movie before the extras call was put out for Sugar. Sugar was purchased by HBO at some film festival, although it did have a (VERY limited/minor) theatrical release and got excellent reviews from every direction. They did an opening-night extravaganza here, red carpet, the whole nine. For some reason I did not attend, which in retrospect was stupid.

I got to meet Michael Gaston and talk to him about being on my favorite show of all time, Prison Break. When I brought that up, he said "Yeah, the last time you saw me, I was down a well." And Richard Bull from Little House on the Prairie. Also starring was McLean Stevenson's sister Ann Whitney. I am sitting directly in front of Richard and Ann in the stadium. I'm the one holding the tub of popcorn we were warned not to eat as it was a few years old and was a prop only. Heh.

Ah shucks, it's on STARZ, to which I don't subscribe. ☹️ Maybe I'll do a free trial sometime. Looks like a film the mister would like.

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On 6/12/2021 at 12:30 PM, Clanstarling said:

Women have a much more difficult time with wardrobe, as men can wear basic suits and no one comments

To correct this egregious fact, let me say that Aaron Rodgers' suits were all awesome and he looked incredible in all of them.

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@Clanstarling, did you get to watch the coverage of the Westminster Kennel Club Masters Agility on Fox yesterday? I am not an agility person but I have to say it was well done and the editing and hosts and discussions were top notch. I could see it appealing to non-dog people, and companion-dog people to show what their own rude, misbehaving and horrible-mannered pet dog could be if they put some effort into training. (Insert laughter here.) The emphasis was on breeds not typically excelling in that sport so it was doubly fun to watch.

Coverage of the conformation groups and best in show is tonight starting at 6 p.m. central. I was wondering how WKC would handle this show being outside but the gigantic tent they set up passes perfectly for the inside of Madison Square Garden. If one didn't know it was a tent, one wouldn't know! I'm happy network tv is now considering dog shows to be of interest to the gen pop.

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I'm a little mad that I missed the agility!  I didn't know about it ahead of time.  But I do plan on watching the conformation tonight.  

Well, so much for that.  A severe thunderstorm* has occluded my satellite reception, right in the middle of the Group I most wanted to see -- the Working Group.  I got as far as the Doberman before the signal got blocked.  <sigh>  Guess I'll go read a book instead.

*Lots of rain and wind, but so far, only distant thunder.  No hail yet, either.

Edited by Browncoat
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5 hours ago, saber5055 said:

@Clanstarling, did you get to watch the coverage of the Westminster Kennel Club Masters Agility on Fox yesterday? I am not an agility person but I have to say it was well done and the editing and hosts and discussions were top notch. I could see it appealing to non-dog people, and companion-dog people to show what their own rude, misbehaving and horrible-mannered pet dog could be if they put some effort into training. (Insert laughter here.) The emphasis was on breeds not typically excelling in that sport so it was doubly fun to watch.

Coverage of the conformation groups and best in show is tonight starting at 6 p.m. central. I was wondering how WKC would handle this show being outside but the gigantic tent they set up passes perfectly for the inside of Madison Square Garden. If one didn't know it was a tent, one wouldn't know! I'm happy network tv is now considering dog shows to be of interest to the gen pop.

Rats. I did not manage. We were caught up in  fiddler on the roof.

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2 hours ago, Bliss said:


LOL! In December, a friend was showing at Royal Canin AKC National shows in Orlando. She emailed all upset that a Pekingese was winning best in show every day there. So I watched one of the shows online and fell in love with the Peke, he is a fabulous dog, great body, super showman and he can move like a dream. So last night on Westminster, he actually was my favorite in that lineup. I love the Samy and he is shown by a good friend of mine so I would have been thrilled for her, but he let down in best and did not show as well as he did when he won the group. I've seen the Whippet many times and while she has a beautiful face, she does nothing for me otherwise. The Frenchie is a good solid dog, and I was surprised to see he is bred and owned by another friend of mine. Surprise! But IMO there wasn't much to distinguish him from any other Frenchie. I liked the Westie standing, but it had a dip behind its shoulders when it moved that I could not get past. The Old English ... not in my wheelhouse. The Shorthair I liked a lot (although I liked the German Wirehair Pointer better in that group) and it would have been my reserve BIS.

Long story long, I also went with Wasabi the Peke for BIS. He is nothing short of fabulous. He is a stunning dog.

@Browncoat, the Doberman you got to see is a wonderful dog, daughter of a Dobe named Veni Vidi Vici (knowing what that means helped me answer a Jeopardy FJ while back). "Sparkle" started her show career here before being sent to Andy Linton in California, a handler who specializes in Dobermans. Sparkle was awarded second place in that nice working group.

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More dog show musings.. Anyone think that the Westie's name "Boy" probably isn't that odd in Thailand (where he's from)? Whereas here, it's only one step above calling him "Dog". Then again, there was a dog called "I" in a different group.

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3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

LOL! In December, a friend was showing at Royal Canin AKC National shows in Orlando. She emailed all upset that a Pekingese was winning best in show every day there. So I watched one of the shows online and fell in love with the Peke, he is a fabulous dog, great body, super showman and he can move like a dream. So last night on Westminster, he actually was my favorite in that lineup. I love the Samy and he is shown by a good friend of mine so I would have been thrilled for her, but he let down in best and did not show as well as he did when he won the group. I've seen the Whippet many times and while she has a beautiful face, she does nothing for me otherwise. The Frenchie is a good solid dog, and I was surprised to see he is bred and owned by another friend of mine. Surprise! But IMO there wasn't much to distinguish him from any other Frenchie. I liked the Westie standing, but it had a dip behind its shoulders when it moved that I could not get past. The Old English ... not in my wheelhouse. The Shorthair I liked a lot (although I liked the German Wirehair Pointer better in that group) and it would have been my reserve BIS.

Long story long, I also went with Wasabi the Peke for BIS. He is nothing short of fabulous. He is a stunning dog.

@Browncoat, the Doberman you got to see is a wonderful dog, daughter of a Dobe named Veni Vidi Vici (knowing what that means helped me answer a Jeopardy FJ while back). "Sparkle" started her show career here before being sent to Andy Linton in California, a handler who specializes in Dobermans. Sparkle was awarded second place in that nice working group.

I thought the Samoyed was Beautiful!  I dont know anything about dogs(I'm a Cat person, dont hold it against me :) The Peke looked like a toy, but he did like to strut :)

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3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

the Peke, he is a fabulous dog, great body

Body?  He looked to be 70% fur by volume.  No wonder the judge needed to feel him all over and pick him up. :-)

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3 hours ago, saber5055 said:


@Browncoat, the Doberman you got to see is a wonderful dog, daughter of a Dobe named Veni Vidi Vici (knowing what that means helped me answer a Jeopardy FJ while back). "Sparkle" started her show career here before being sent to Andy Linton in California, a handler who specializes in Dobermans. Sparkle was awarded second place in that nice working group.

I was impressed with the Doberman!  She was gorgeous.  I'll have to check the Westminster page and see if there's video of the rest.

I am disappointed (as always) that a little yappy snack, lap shark dog won BIS. 

Edited by Browncoat
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On 6/13/2021 at 12:33 PM, saber5055 said:

Sugar. It was written and directed by the people who two years previously had done Half Nelson with Ryan Gosling. Which is a totally EXCELLENT movie, BTW. I "hearted" that movie before the extras call was put out for Sugar. Sugar was purchased by HBO at some film festival, although it did have a (VERY limited/minor) theatrical release and got excellent reviews from every direction. They did an opening-night extravaganza here, red carpet, the whole nine. For some reason I did not attend, which in retrospect was stupid.

I’ve watched that movie, on TV a few years ago, and thought it was pretty good. If I get a chance, I’ll watch and look for you!

When The New World had its premier in Williamsburg, the VP for our division was invited and attended. Several from our group gathered across from the theater to watch the stars arrive. Fun times.

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4 hours ago, Driad said:

Body?  He looked to be 70% fur by volume.  No wonder the judge needed to feel him all over and pick him up. :-)

Just fyi, judges feel every dog all over whether that dog is coated or not. Skillful grooming can hide a dippy topline, straight shoulders, poor neck placement, shallow ribs ... the list goes on. Judges also put their hands on short-coated dogs. It's surprising how much conditioning and muscle tone can be felt with one touch. I've known judges to close their eyes sometimes when going over a dog, they then get a true mental image of that animal undisturbed by any visual.

Certain breeds, it's required they be lifted to feel the weight as some breeds have a weight requirement or DQ. Some breeds, the judge will lift the front end a couple inches and let it drop, to see where the front feet go, if the dog puts them correctly or if the handler moves them correctly. This is common in terriers.

Pekingese are shockingly solid dogs, there is a ton of body under the coat, and they are very wide in front, tapering to a more narrow hindquarters. As for being "yappy," I've never heard a Peke make a noise, and I've helped show several. I don't even know what their voices sound like. I can't imagine a Peke even THINKING about snapping or biting anyone.

Wasabi also has a stunningly gorgeous head and face, exactly what the breed standard calls for.

Anyone who thinks toy dogs are yappy lap sharks are only familiar with dogs owned by people who shouldn't own a dog. All of the toy dogs I've handled and lived with have been fantastic companions, well behaved, polite, and a ton load of fun to have around. But all were raised and owned by dog people who know how to teach a dog to have manners. Most people who own dogs ... let's just say, they shouldn't. I see them every visit to my vet, which is why I could never work there, so many stupid people coming in with their horrible pets.

Let me also say I am not a Peke fan, it's not a breed for me. But I can recognize an outstanding dog when I see one, and Wasabi is just that. Best in my lineup last night. Too bad the Sammy was fractionally off or he would have given the Peke a challenge.

@Browncoat, if you go to www.westminsterkennelclub.org and click on breed results or group results or other items in the menu, you can watch the judging videos online. The Doberman is a fantastic dog. That is a breed I like a lot, I have many Doberman friends and love the breed so always gravitate to them in the working group. I didn't mention that Sparkle's name, daughter of Veni Vidi Vici, is "I Came I Saw I Sparkled."

A young girl I know won Best Junior handler, so exciting, she will pocket $10,000 toward her college fund. A young man who has helped me show my dogs was second. I had fun watching so many people I know and haven't seen for more than a year because covid.

5 hours ago, illdoc said:

Anyone think that the Westie's name "Boy" probably isn't that odd in Thailand (where he's from)? Whereas here, it's only one step above calling him "Dog".

I thought if Boy were from here, it would be spelled "Boi." Interesting side note about Thailand ... I sold a dog there some years ago. When she passed away of old age, they held a funeral for her and asked me for photos of the dog's parents so they could be displayed at the memorial service. Very touching.

As for that other name, a good friend of mine had a dog she named Dee Oh Gee. Very clever I thought.

Edited by saber5055
thought ends in t
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3 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

I’ve watched that movie, on TV a few years ago, and thought it was pretty good. If I get a chance, I’ll watch and look for you!

I'm the one holding a big tub of popcorn and not eating any of it!

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24 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Anyone who thinks toy dogs are yappy lap sharks are only familiar with dogs owned by people who shouldn't own a dog.

Since I formerly owned Pyrenees, perhaps I should have referred to toy dogs as hors d'oeuvres.  LOL.  My Pyr's poops were larger than some of those dogs!

I was pleased to see that the Pyrenees at least made the cut in Group!  It seems rare that that happens -- I don't think I've ever seen one win group.  Not that I've seen a ton of dog shows, mind you, but it seems like the smaller dogs are usually favored.  I was ecstatic the year the Newfie won.

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57 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Since I formerly owned Pyrenees, perhaps I should have referred to toy dogs as hors d'oeuvres.

LOL! I will give you the hors d'oeuvres comment. Although Pyrs are so sweet, no way would they partake of that snack. Friends have been long-time Pyr breeders and have several best in show dogs. It was common to see them win the working group around here, but then you are talking to someone who attended more than 100 shows a year. Pyrs are classy, self-contained, float when they move, and seldom show any emotion so it's not easy to make one stand out in a ring full of "look-at-me" dogs. Getting a group ribbon at Westminster is indeed a gigantic feather in that Pyr's cap (if he were wearing one). You need to check out the Pyr breed judging at the WKC website.

ETA: I actually don't remember who got 3 and 4 in that group. Let's just say the Pyr got one!

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2 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

ETA: I actually don't remember who got 3 and 4 in that group. Let's just say the Pyr got one!

I don't remember who was 3, but the Pyrenees was 4 -- a Rivergroves dog, of course.  Rivergroves has some gorgeous dogs.  Oh, wait, 3 might have been a boxer?  I'd have to check.  

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8 hours ago, Driad said:

My preference is for dogs that look like dogs, not tribbles.

Hah! My daughter and her husband just got a puppy that I referred to as a tribble, but it is as cute as any puppy, and her husband adores both the puppy and is a Star Trek fan.   
But, yes, @Driad, I doubt their dog will grow out of its Tribble phase.


Edited by shapeshifter
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3 hours ago, dbklmt said:

Ditto from me and I also voted for it. 😁 

I did also!

Regarding bolo ties, Mr. Zoey wears them and has a big collection. When he wears one, I always hope folks don’t think I dressed him! He’s a little quirky. He grew up in Kansas (as did I), started wearing cowboy boots as a young child. Never wears western style shirts or blue jeans, though.

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5 minutes ago, zoey1996 said:

Regarding bolo ties, Mr. Zoey wears them and has a big collection. When he wears one, I always hope folks don’t think I dressed him! He’s a little quirky. He grew up in Kansas (as did I), started wearing cowboy boots as a young child. Never wears western style shirts or blue jeans, though.

A little bling is not bad. 😉

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I don't see any problem with bolo ties. I do see a problem with people who think they are a problem. Mind your own business or get ready for people to criticize what YOU wear. @zoey1996, you tell Mr. Zoey that Saber thinks he looks fine.

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16 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I don't see any problem with bolo ties. I do see a problem with people who think they are a problem. Mind your own business or get ready for people to criticize what YOU wear. @zoey1996, you tell Mr. Zoey that Saber thinks he looks fine.

And, it seems having a guy who regularly wears bolo ties would make gift shopping for him fun instead of a chore.
But that's me.
I love to shop for eyeglass frames, but when my daughter finally got new ones after 10+ years of fugly, she burst into tears at the optician's, and her hubby had to talk her down. 

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4 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I love to shop for eyeglass frames, but when my daughter finally got new ones after 10+ years of fugly, she burst into tears at the optician's, and her hubby had to talk her down. 

Warby Parker!

5 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

And, it seems having a guy who regularly wears bolo ties would make gift shopping for him fun instead of a chore.

And the coolness is, one can get matching belt buckles too. For double the fun.

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3 hours ago, saber5055 said:
3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I love to shop for eyeglass frames, but when my daughter finally got new ones after 10+ years of fugly, she burst into tears at the optician's, and her hubby had to talk her down. 

Warby Parker!

Alas, Warby Parker made her cry at home [mom not quite laughing?].

In the end she got cute ones with the fake-rimless bottom with the string that can break --which it did-- but getting it fixed didn't bother her. I tried to convince her to go shopping with me for a spare pair for  the next time it breaks, but, no. How did I manage to not impart to my child that picking out eyeglass frames is fun? Chalk it up to another parent failure moment, but, hey, she makes almost twice as much money as I ever did.

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10 hours ago, dcalley said:

Thank you to the person who nominated Dr. Oz hosting Jeopardy for Least Favorite TV Moment of the Year in the Primetimer awards!


9 hours ago, dbklmt said:

Ditto from me and I also voted for it. 😁 


5 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

I did also!

I'm the one who made that nomination. You're all welcome. I HAD to do it. While Jeopardy! doesn't usually fit into a lot of the Primetimer Awards' categories, that one jumped out at me. First round voting ends on Friday, so for anyone who hasn't yet voted, please follow the link @dcalley posted (quoted above) and vote!

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16 hours ago, dbklmt said:

Ditto from me and I also voted for it. 😁 

Me too. Of course I was limited to things I have actually seen, which isn't all that many this year. I watched less tv last year - going against the tide, as ever.

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6 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Of course I was limited to things I have actually seen, which isn't all that many this year.

That's me every year - by the final round of voting, I have maybe one or two categories to vote in.  I don't watch all that much to begin with, and hardly anything I do watch makes it past the first round of voting.  Often the shows with the most nominations are things I couldn't even tell you the basic plot of.  That's why I'm glad one can make a thread for any series, not just current hit shows, here.

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

That's me every year - by the final round of voting, I have maybe one or two categories to vote in.  I don't watch all that much to begin with, and hardly anything I do watch makes it past the first round of voting.  Often the shows with the most nominations are things I couldn't even tell you the basic plot of.  That's why I'm glad one can make a thread for any series, not just current hit shows, here.

At least this year there’s no more GoT, right?

 I always feel a little twinge of something like guilt when I vote for only the shows I know when some of the other shows have had a lot of positive reviews. Like this year, I didn’t watch WandaVision. 

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