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S01.E06: A Fling Thing/S01.E07: The Wedding Job

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Episode 6:

Whitney's folks' anniversary will be celebrated with a big party, and she mulls the idea of having a fling with an old friend, a person Buddy isn't so thrilled to see.

Episode 7:

Whitney's hired by a bride to choreograph her destination wedding, but when things go awry she calls on Ashley for help, and the day turns into something completely unexpected.

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This show would be a lot more interesting for me if it were sort of an extended, in depth 'My 600lb Life', where we get to see Whitney's "big fat fabulous life", but also watch her take the bull by the horns and commit to making changes. I'd love to watch her keep a food diary for a month and then go to a nutritionist to assess it honestly. I'd love to see her take cooking lessons and learn how to feed herself with healthy home-cooked meals. I'd love to watch her wake up at 7am every day and go for a power walk, or take an aerobics class. I'd like to see her set goals and work toward them - celebrate her successes, and share her dissapointments. All the while, we'd get to meet the characters in her world, see how her parents deal with her taking over the kitchen, and watch how having a routine and purpose in life changes her. I mean, how much 'self-affirmation for the fat girl' can we watch, knowing that in reality, she's stagnating, and (off camera) eating her way to more obesity and ill health?


Whitney is in a unique position. How many obese people have a TV gig that will pay for things like a nutritionist, a private trainer, a gym membership, cooking lessons, or whatever else she needs to help her out? She's 380lbs! Even if she lost 100lbs in a year, she'd still be very overweight. This show can stretch out for 2 years while she's on the journey -- which is probably the upper limit of how long the show could last with a totally-lost-but-fabulous fat girl, anyway. At least with a serious fitness plan, our main character will be going somewhere and doing something, and we, the viewer, don't have to wonder what the point of this show is.

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This show would be a lot more interesting for me if it were sort of an extended, in depth 'My 600lb Life', where we get to see Whitney's "big fat fabulous life", but also watch her take the bull by the horns and commit to making changes. I'd love to watch her keep a food diary for a month and then go to a nutritionist to assess it honestly. I'd love to see her take cooking lessons and learn how to feed herself with healthy home-cooked meals. I'd love to watch her wake up at 7am every day and go for a power walk, or take an aerobics class. I'd like to see her set goals and work toward them - celebrate her successes, and share her dissapointments. All the while, we'd get to meet the characters in her world, see how her parents deal with her taking over the kitchen, and watch how having a routine and purpose in life changes her. I mean, how much 'self-affirmation for the fat girl' can we watch, knowing that in reality, she's stagnating, and (off camera) eating her way to more obesity and ill health?


Whitney is in a unique position. How many obese people have a TV gig that will pay for things like a nutritionist, a private trainer, a gym membership, cooking lessons, or whatever else she needs to help her out? She's 380lbs! Even if she lost 100lbs in a year, she'd still be very overweight. This show can stretch out for 2 years while she's on the journey -- which is probably the upper limit of how long the show could last with a totally-lost-but-fabulous fat girl, anyway. At least with a serious fitness plan, our main character will be going somewhere and doing something, and we, the viewer, don't have to wonder what the point of this show is.



Kind of like we hoped what "Ruby" was going to do...??     I liked Ruby and hoped that she'd be able to see her process all the way through.


 I'd be interested in what you described above.

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I can't decide if the parents' behavior is just an act for the cameras or if they really do routinely embarrass Whitney the way they did. Yes, Whitney made her own choice to live with her parents again, but that doesn't mean they should be so patronizing. Otherwise they seems loving towards her, but sheesh. I wonder what Whitney's degree is in? I wonder what kind of full-time job she could get with it. It's concerning that Whitey was getting out breath just walking from her car to the clothing store. 

I'm surprised to hear Whitney was always made fun of in high school. Not that people of average weight can't be ridiculed, but she said she was picked on for her WEIGHT back then. Just seems a bit odd. 


Oh, wow, the preview for next week's episode. I wonder if she finds out she is diabetic? And the season finale is coming up already, wow. Is this just a mini-series? 

Edited by purpleflowers
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Next week, Whitney finds out she needs to lose 200lbs asap, and she's looking to move out of the house with Buddy. Maybe this is a setup to get her on a diet and fitness program that we can watch her tackle. That'll be good.


Gotta say, I don't usually find Whitney funny -- her humour is generally a bit 1-800-TOO-MUCH for my taste, but she got me laughing out loud with the zebra print dress comments. "Doesn't this make me look like I should be galloping across the Serengeti", and "I'm going to put on my zebra-print dress and we're going to stampede all over this town" were genuinely hilarious :-D

Edited by deedee2
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I can no longer discuss this show in paragraph form because there's not enough substance, so I'll address it in bullet points:


* I am genuinely angered when I hear people telling Whitney that she's got to "get out" of her parents' house for her own good.  She is there as a result of her parents' kindness and perhaps misguided desire to help her.  She's their guest and a source of annoyance for them, not the other way around.  Whitney's sense of entitlement is like another person in the room with her.


* The whole thing with Sean, her old college friend.  Talk about a contrived storyline.  I don't care that her dad asked him how much he made as a dog-sitter because I know he was asked to do it for the cameras.  The minor hissyfit in the dining room with her brother also came across as very scripted.


* I love that Whitney claimed to have made the decision to cut things off with Sean because he lives across the country.  Sure, that's the reason.


* Why did Whitney's . . . um . . . client cut the "dance routine" out of the wedding?  Are we to assume the obvious/worst (her friend realized that Zumba-ing down the aisle is really effing dumb)?


* She made her friend travel five-plus hours to massage her while she laid on the bed, nude under a hotel comforter.  I have no more words for that.


* The bar scene with the two men was so incredibly scripted.  I wouldn't be surprised if the producers didn't ask Gramps to suggest something weird.  (By the way, TLC, thanks for making my dumb ass Google "squashing."  Dear God, friends, don't click on images.)


The last episode is next week.  I honestly can't see how they can carry this show forward into another season without committing to a real storyline with some momentum.  If I'm going to watch this, I'm going to need to see some effort and changes, not just Whitney's screeching and braying about her "sordid" past with her schmucky friend and what a drag it is to live at home for free in your 30's without having a real, grown-up job.

Edited by SuzyLee
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The bar scene with the two men was so incredibly scripted.


My thought exactly! We're not supposed to realize that there's a camera crew following her, or that the guys who start up a conversation with Whitney and Ashley can see the camera.


I wish she stop referring to her "dancing career." It's not going to happen. The bride basically fired her from a job she wasn't paid for. That's not a career.



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* The bar scene with the two men was so incredibly scripted.  I wouldn't be surprised if the producers didn't ask Gramps to suggest something weird.  (By the way, TLC, thanks for making my dumb ass Google "squashing."  Dear God, friends, don't click on images.)



Yes and Thank you!  


I laughed at the first half, it was cute.  The second half was so ridiculous/boring and I couldn't watch the end.  The younger guy probably auditioned for that scene.


Kind of sad it's over next week.

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I think it was cancelled because the bride realized that if you are going to do something like that at your wedding, it might be a good idea to practice it sometime before the day before the wedding!!!!


Also, good lord - if her feet are that messed up after one afternoon of light dance instruction, Whitney is in no shape to be teaching her "Big Girls' Dance Class" or whatever else she is doing dance-wise. She needs to fix her health a bit and work up to things slowly or she will really hurt herself. 

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So far, I think one of the main points of the show is just to get us to laugh. Which I do at least a few times each episode.

Judging by the previews, I think that Whitney gets a health wake-up call and then decides to probably officially go on some type of diet/exercise program. If she gets a season 2, I have a feeling that they will be focusing more on that aspect than strictly her dancing.

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Her PCOS is world's biggest sham. I am Whitney's age, diagnosed with the double whammy of Endometriosis and PCOS approximately a decade ago. Guess what? I weigh 120lbs. Is it a difficult-to-maintain 120lbs? Hell freaking yes! But I cook all my own food, don't eat after 6pm, and can count the number of days I've missed at the gym in the past 17 years on my hands and feet! All of this, in addition to working a full-time job and raising a child.

Does my hair & skin suck? Yeah. Do I pine for pizza? You bet your sweet ass.

Whitney's story is not empowering. It is utter bogosity and a slap in the face for those of us who manage to be productive members of society.


Hell, yes!  I love it.  Your post really highlights how spoiled, entitled, and lazy Whitney is.  If this show doesn't start to focus on her health and efforts to lose weight instead of her dubious "dance career" and boring love life, it will not last long.

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I'm not buying that the bride was concerned about learning a dance rountin the day before the actual wedding.


Whitney drives 5 hrs to teach that chick a dance and not charge her, then she calls her friend to ask her if she'll drive the 5 hrs to go to the wedding with her. Did Whitney know that she could invite a guest ?  All of a sudden the bride calls off the dance, so now Whitney is no longer invited ?


So, now the new storyline is them having a girls day.

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Was she actually invited to the wedding? I mean, since she wasn't paid the least they could do was offer her a slice of cake. The wording of the text, according to Whitney, was "can you just leave?" - that's not something you would say to someone who was an invited guest at your wedding

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I'm not buying that the bride was concerned about learning a dance rountin the day before the actual wedding.


Whitney drives 5 hrs to teach that chick a dance and not charge her, then she calls her friend to ask her if she'll drive the 5 hrs to go to the wedding with her. Did Whitney know that she could invite a guest ?  All of a sudden the bride calls off the dance, so now Whitney is no longer invited ?


So, now the new storyline is them having a girls day.

All the scenarios are scripted. Heck, she apparently left her job at the radio station to do this show, which means her moving back in with her parents is also scripted. The "Big Girls" dance class was no doubt organized by the show, as was this wedding choreography nonsense. Now Whitney is looking for a house with Buddy? That, too, must have  been a boardroom decision by the producers. Every single thing feels contrived. I mean, isn't that the case with all these "let's peek into you life" programs? The only one that can't be fully scripted is "My 600lb Life".

Edited by deedee2
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While I recognize the whole bar scene was scripted, I loved that when a pervy old guy brought up sex talk that made Whitney uncomfortable, she walked out of the bar — and left Ashley behind to fend off the creeper alone. What better way to treat a friend who has obviously been there for her through thick and, uh, thicker?

Edited by fuzzed
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Anybody here in HR or temp hiring? Is Whitney so big that she couldn't be placed in an office? I know there are anti-discrimination laws, but reality is reality (try being over 50 and looking for a job...).  She seems to get around wherever she wants to go; I don't see why she can't go find a job, even if it is only part time. If she were hustling to get to work each day and limited in the eating she could do at her desk, she might lose some (some) weight relatively easily.  She is attractive and kinda bubbly - I wouldn't mind having her at the front, but maybe others would.

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The courts and the EEOC disagree on whether obesity (in and of itself) is a disability under the ADA, so an employer would be best to avoid the issue. But as you said, reality is reality and if they have multiple decent candidates to choose from it would be hard to prove the decision was just based on weight. For a desk based job I don't think her weight would prohibit her from doing the job, though she might require a larger chair.

You would, however, be free to discriminate against her for that braying laugh, awful personality, and general unwillingness to act like an adult. But by voluntarily removing herself from the job force to mooch at home, she's resolved the issue.

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But don't forget that SHE HAD A JOB ALREADY! She quit her job as a radio show producer to do the TLC show. She is capable of getting a job. 

Why the hell can't TLC allow any of their reality show characters to have an actual job? Instead of a staged "career" like; so-called dancing, joolry, cutting one disco or rap record, ect...?

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Yuuuuuck! Whitney, get OUT of that nasty motel room comforter! GET OUUUUUUT!


She was made fun of in high school for her weight? Wait, didn't she say she was 114 in high school, or am I not getting the story straight? Her weight stories are all over the place.

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Yuuuuuck! Whitney, get OUT of that nasty motel room comforter! GET OUUUUUUT!


She was made fun of in high school for her weight? Wait, didn't she say she was 114 in high school, or am I not getting the story straight? Her weight stories are all over the place.

She waited all day for her friend to come and massage her feet? You know what I do when my back or legs or something hurts? I get up and MOVE! As much as possible till the kink is worked out.

The show should be called My Big Fat Lazy-Ass Life.

G-dmn lazy btch.

Didn't she say she gained weight in College? This is why I can't stand this show, the stories and messages are all over the map. Fk this chit.

Edited by xls
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HawkHD writes,

I am Whitney's age, diagnosed with the double whammy of Endometriosis and PCOS approximately a decade ago. Guess what? I weigh 120lbs. Is it a difficult-to-maintain 120lbs? Hell freaking yes! But I cook all my own food, don't eat after 6pm, and can count the number of days I've missed at the gym in the past 17 years on my hands and feet! All of this, in addition to working a full-time job and raising a child.


Your discipline, drive, and success are phenomenal! This TLC series depicts an early stage in Whitney's efforts to recover from depression, PCOS, obesity, and other conditions; but I hope Whitney will eventually achieve something like  your impressive results.

deedee2 writes,

Every single thing feels contrived. I mean, isn't that the case with all these "let's peek into you life" programs?


I agree that many of the scenarios seem to be scripted; at the same time, Whitney is providing honest insight into the challenges (buying clothing, wearing a seatbelt, finding an adequate chair in a public place) of the morbidly obese.  She also is a reminder that resolving an overweight condition is very complex--it would be very helpful if we could simply apply the formula that promises expenditure of 3,500 calories guarantees a loss of one pound. Unfortunately, medical conditions (PCOS, hypothyroid, and many others) plus  psychological issues (depression, family dynamics, etc.) greatly complicate the process of weight loss.

I hope that some of the activities and behaviors (saying "Yes" to opportunities, declaring herself to be "fabulous", returning to dancing) that we see in the series are early steps in her journey to wellness. Some of her efforts to overcome fat-shaming are awkward to observe, but many aspects of her personality and her relationship with her obviously loving family are endearing.

Edited by grayson
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After the "squashing" comment I didn't think it was wise for a) Whitney to leave her friend with the guy on the bar or to b) leave the bar with his equally creepy young friend. (But, I guess when you have a camera crew with you, you don't have to worry as much about personal safety.)

Edited by PityFree
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She is definitely immature.  Thirty is too old to be substituting real words with a "funny" (stupid) word.  I don't want to hear about her and Buddy crossing the "fleshold" again...it wasn't funny the first time, lets stop saying it.  And the use of the word "jelly" instead of "jealous"...just seems very middle school to me.

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I agree that many of the scenarios seem to be scripted; at the same time, Whitney is providing honest insight into the challenges (buying clothing, wearing a seatbelt, finding an adequate chair in a public place) of the morbidly obese.

IMO, she's providing scripted insight. It's like someone is checking obese people issues off of a list somewhere. YMMV

I thought she quit the radio show to do the No Body Shame website. Does her No Body Shame campaign consist of anything more than a Facebook page, the website, and some interviews and TV appearances ? There's a blog on the website with no entries since April of last year. What came first ? The Fat Girl Dancing video or the website ? I wonder what she is doing with the No Body Shame campaign at this point ?

Someone way, way upthread mentioned all of the straight men around Whitney. It's really neither here nor there, but my gaydar went off for her dance partner and her male friend whose name I can't recall (not Buddy).I thought her hairdresser was transgender. My point is that Whitney may be surrounded by men, but there's a reason that they aren't interested in her.

I don't know what percentage of her weight issues are symptoms of PCOS (Is it conceivable that PCOS can cause person to gain 100 lb. in a year as Whitney did ?), but one thing is for sure: Despite her acceptance of herself at any weight, she is super-morbidly obese and needs to lose weight. After the preview for next week, it looks like she may already have health issues. IIRC, she mentions that she needs to lose 200 pounds. I'd be stunned if she is able to lose that much on her own. I hope that she can lose weight without bariatric surgery but if not, there's always Dr. Garth Davis in Houston.

Edited by OnceSane
changed "transgendered" to the proper term "transgender"
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The PCOS diagnosis is perplexing.  I have one friend who is 5'5" and maybe 110 pounds.  She had trouble conceiving (though ultimately did so with the help of in vitro).  Then, there's another acquaintance who's 5' and 300+ pounds.  She too had trouble getting pregnant but also had IVF resulting in triplets.  So, I am again mystified by the range of people there are with the same diagnosis.  


I like Whitney (despite her immaturity and self-centeredness).  Beneath the bravado, she seems to be a wounded soul and genuinely good person.  But, she keeps laying her weight gain and inability to lose on PCOS.  I am having a hard time with that one.  Every time she's shown eating on the show, it's not a healthy choice that she's making.  She's clearly eating way more than she should be in order to even maintain her current weight.  It's sad, because she's a vibrant personality who needs to stop making excuses and start taking real steps to getting healthy.  

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She is definitely immature.  Thirty is too old to be substituting real words with a "funny" (stupid) word.  I don't want to hear about her and Buddy crossing the "fleshold" again...it wasn't funny the first time, lets stop saying it.  And the use of the word "jelly" instead of "jealous"...just seems very middle school to me.


Yeah. It's one thing to use those words in conversation with friends who "get it", but another to say things like "I don't know if he's JELLY" in a talking heads segment. I agree - it's just ... so junior high.

Edited by deedee2
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While I agree her stories are all over the place, like PityFree said--kids can be assholes, and beauty standards are ridiculous. Sadly, I have no trouble believing a young woman of a normal weight could be teased for being fat in high school. 


ETA that leaving her friend in the bar with the pervy guy was a total dick move. Whitney makes it hard to like her.

Edited by bref
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HawkHD writes,

Your discipline, drive, and success are phenomenal! This TLC series depicts an early stage in Whitney's efforts to recover from depression, PCOS, obesity, and other conditions; but I hope Whitney will eventually achieve something like  your impressive results.

deedee2 writes,


I agree that many of the scenarios seem to be scripted; at the same time, Whitney is providing honest insight into the challenges (buying clothing, wearing a seatbelt, finding an adequate chair in a public place) of the morbidly obese.  She also is a reminder that resolving an overweight condition is very complex--it would be very helpful if we could simply apply the formula that promises expenditure of 3,500 calories guarantees a loss of one pound. Unfortunately, medical conditions (PCOS, hypothyroid, and many others) plus  psychological issues (depression, family dynamics, etc.) greatly complicate the process of weight loss.


I agree.  From what I have read about PCOS, it can make gaining weight a lot easier, and losing it lot more difficult to accomplish than for a person without any condition.  So for Whitney it would not just be a matter of lowering calories and increasing exercise to make the pounds fall off.  It may take double or even triple the effort for her to lose one pound than for most people.  I envy Whitney because at least she KNOWS why this is happening to her.  She has a label, a disease, a condition to point to.  I don't have any of that because so far no one has been able to diagnose why since menopause I have gained weight and can't lose it for love or money.  I've gone on doctor supervised diets and GAINED weight (no lie). 


I imagine that Whitney has been on diets before but none of them have worked, or they have worked for a few pounds and then stopped working.  Unfortunately most people don't have the money to afford doctors and trainers who are skilled enough to combat the uphill battle she faces.  I'm hoping that perhaps her TLC money will make that happen for her - Provided there's a second season, of course.  It certainly looks like they're setting the stage for that to happen.  I think they're dragging this out to have enough material for a series or else they'd have covered that in the 1st season.  I'm not sure that was a good idea - People want to see her move in the direction of getting help for herself, not seeing her act like a juvenile with her parents for an entire season.  Ugh.  They may have just shot this series in the foot with that strategy.


Regarding the short season, I've been seeing this with some TLC shows lately, but it doesn't mean they won't come back.  I think TLC is perhaps investing less in a first run show it's unsure about to see how it does first before committing to a second season.  I would love to know how ratings were for this season.

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I just found this interesting article on PCOS and Whitney - It says that the cause of the weight gain with PCOS is insulin resistance, which is something I believe I have since menopause, especially since I saw my sugar go up to near yellow zone numbers:




At any rate, I sympathize with her about this.  As to her annoying personality, it's like chalk on a blackboard to me.  But I do care about what happens to her, which is probably the only reason I'm still watching this show.  TV By the numbers said the ratings were .5 for this week.  I don't know how bad that is.  It started out with a 1.3 in its first week or something close to that, but lost a whole point over the season.

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I'm still waiting for the "fabulous" part.  I don't think that it means what she thinks it means.  What fabulous things happened this week? 

  1. She drove 5 hours one way to "choreograph" a wedding for free and was told to go home before the event.  
  2. She stayed in one of the nastier looking hotel rooms I've ever seen and wrapped her naked self in one of those-you-know-they-never-wash-them comforters.
  3. A session of teaching said "choreography", that requires very little movement, causes her feet to swell so badly she can't walk.
  4. Her personal traveling massage therapist is just a "friend" with no training who she apparently pays to rub her feet.
  5. She got hit on by some creepers at a bar in the middle of the day who wanted some fetish action.
  6. Her parents were all up in her 30 year old business, causing her to whine incessantly, even though she voluntarily quit her job and moved back home.
  7. She can't even shop in the big girl chain stores (Lane Bryant and the like) because she's even past those sizes.


I'm overwhelmed by the fabulosity of it all.  Maybe I'm just "jelly".  But in all serious, she seems like a deeply unhappy person who takes no personal responsibility not just for her weight, but for her entire life.


The only good thing I can hope comes from this show is that Buddy will watch this and realize he's totally getting friend zoned and she's stringing him along just to keep him around and doing things for her.

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And the use of the word "jelly" instead of "jealous"...just seems very middle school to me.



That one drives me the most insane.  It's just so immature.


And I agree with others, leaving her friend with the fetish guy was not cool at all.

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It's not an issue of danger to me. It's an issue of leaving a friend with someone who has shown themselves unable to make appropriate conversation with strangers. If I wanted to get away from that situation, I would grab my friend and get her away too!

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  1. She drove 5 hours one way to "choreograph" a wedding for free and was told to go home before the event.  
  2. She stayed in one of the nastier looking hotel rooms I've ever seen and wrapped her naked self in one of those-you-know-they-never-wash-them comforters.


This.  I'm totally confused by this show.  It must be so manufactured that they can't even keep the story lines from looking ridiculous.  The bride that cancelled on Whitney probably wasn't getting the moves fast enough but who knows why it was left to the last minute?  I'll just bet it wasn't her idea to do that, but Whitney wasn't going to go all that distance for more than one day and the bride probably didn't want to travel to Whitney.  There's probably a lot more to that story than we've been told.  Like maybe it was Whitney who cancelled on HER because she didn't want the girl to make her look like a bad teacher on TV and potentially embarrass herself in the process.


That hotel room was beyond nasty.  It looked circa 1974.  TLC couldn't spring for something better than that?  And Whitney is such a pig, hasn't she read about those bedspreads?  Ugh.


I don't buy anything about the "party" at her parents' house.  Everything in that scene was a total set up including not telling Buddy about the guy and Whitney's father asking him whether he could support 2 people on his income.  The guy was there for his 15 minutes on national TV so he was in on the ruse, I'm sure.


Whitney's relationship with Buddy is symbiotic.  She is using him as a boyfriend substitute.  I think in this case it's not Buddy who's been relegated to the dreaded "friend zone" status, it's Whitney who has been relegated there by Buddy.  Every time she mentions the Buddy situation it sounds to me like she tried to get him to find her attractive but it didn't work out.   Buddy is hanging around with Whitney for equally symbiotic reasons - She is a girlfriend substitute but probably because he has some sort of baggage that's preventing him from finding a romantic relationship.  Whitney is "safe".  She satisfies just enough of his emotional needs without him having to commit to her in the romantic sense.


That scene with the "smashing" pervert and his so-called "friend" was a total set up.  I think in the real world leaving her friend alone with that guy would be uncool, but this is not the real world.  This is what you get when you cross a wacky woman with the strange producer driven scripting of TLC.

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The bride that cancelled on Whitney probably wasn't getting the moves fast enough but who knows why it was left to the last minute? I'll just bet it wasn't her idea to do that, but Whitney wasn't going to go all that distance for more than one day and the bride probably didn't want to travel to Whitney.

I found myself wondering why Whitney didn't send the bride a video of her performing the dance, then breaking it down slowly so the bride could learn it and practice. The last-minute visit would have been much more productive if they were just fine-tuning and polishing the routine, not STARTING FROM SCRATCH. THE NIGHT BEFORE. Sorry for the yelling, it just doesn't make any damn sense. What bride (especially one--LBR here--who's a little rhythm-challenged) would want the stress of learning a choreographed dance the night before her wedding?

Edited by Lovecat
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