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S26.E04: Crazy Stupid Love


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It was good of Jemmye to try to stand up for Jonna.  She's been around long enough to know how those guys are, so it was really nice of her to try to speak up for her.  As much as I do like Jemmye, I was ready for Knight go.  I'm glad they had enough okay footage of them for them to go out on a good note, even if it was just because Jemmye decided to not respond to his comment about being friends.


I almost thought Zach was getting Jay and Jenna ready to be sent into the Dome, because Zach thought she wouldn't try to get him sent in, which is probably accurate.


I wish Nany would just stop liking Johnny.  He's comparatively decent to her, but it is embarrassing.

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Note to Nany . . . you can do SO much better than Johnny. He's never going to grow up, and everybody pales next to himself as far as love interests for hom are concerned.


"Whatever" to Adam & Brittany winning a third Dome. Sarah Greyson is still my gold standard in getting shoved into eliminations and winning. I did find it funny that Zach wouldn't throw his lady love Jenna under the bus because she's a rookie. I feel she can do better than Zach. He is a step up from Jay, at least in terms of looks. Sorry, Jay.


Anybody else not hating Nia? I find it weird.

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I figure Nia must have really toned her behavior down if she's even getting along with Avery.  Nia's probably just smart enough to know she can coast for quite a while being Leroy's partner.  The only reason someone would choose to put him in would be because of her.  If she doesn't start any arguments, she's probably safe from elimination unless they come in last place.  It's one of the only formats that are in her favor, so she might as well stay out of things and make an attempt at seeing a final.  She's guarenteed to be asked back, but she won't have as easy of a time in Battle of the Seasons, Rivals, or any of the more individual compititions.  Nia seems like someone that would have thought things through like that.

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My daughter and I are long time fans and each week we call BS on the Nani/Bananas stuff. We believe they made it up just to have them in this season and since Nani has been with so many of the guys, I guess they thought it would be believable. It's make more sense if she was hung up on the other Johnny that we saw her sleep with last Challenge. 
Next time around, leave out the Non-real world/road rules peeps, please. I don't know nor care who they are and it bothers me that they would take up screen time. With Skeletons giving us bonus people in the Real World season, there ought to be plenty of newbies to add. 

The Nany/Bananas thing does seem fishy, but Nany has been such a hot mess before in dealing with guys that I'm leaving open a small possibility that this is legit.


I understand Johnny being sour at Averey. But why does Zach have so much hatred and contempt for Jonna? I mean, I'm not the biggest Jonna fan, but she's being treated like such garbage...what could she possibly have done? Zach did break the relationship off, but I didn't hear any real reason other than he just couldn't stand her all of a sudden.


I usually love when the underdog wins, but if I'm being honest, you can poke holes in Adam and Brittany's victories. Dustin and Jessica fell in the first Dome. In the second Dome, Simone gave Adam an easy number of brownies to eat, while Jon failed to eat his patacones. And in the latest one, Knight and Jemmye (particularly Jemmye) did so poorly that Adam and Brittany were able to take a rest and still win easily. I don't think the vets are afraid to send them in again.

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Nany is always acting a hot mess over a guy, so I don't have much trouble believing this is for real.

I don't understand the Zach/Jonna thing either. He left her with no warning and no explanation and refused to speak to her until now, I guess? Of course she's upset and hurt by him, but it doesn't seem she actually did anything wrong, so I don't know what his issue is. He's just an asshole IMO. Just because you don't like her romantically anymore doesn't mean you have to treat her like shit.

I'm sad to see Jemmye go, she's one of my favorites. She's funny and doesn't take it all so seriously and personally.

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Zach really did a number on Jonna's self-confidence.  It's hard to watch her talking about how she still cares for him and acting so insecure around him when he's so awful to her.  It's obvious he would never ever ever date her again so I hope that she will get over him.  It's been a couple of years so move on already.  She can do much better.



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I'm glad that Jemmye and Knight are out as I now don't have to wonder how much we'll see of them in future episodes. But Adam and Brittany can go now.


Me too. Totally selfish of me but I kept thinking how painful it was watching them try to scrape together whatever halfway positive footage they had of Knight. Definitely hoping Adam and Brittany will be gone soon.

I wasn't terribly sorry to see Knight and Jemmye (why is this a real name?) go because I thought Knight was a shitty person for not only the way he treated everyone around him, but especially his own partner. I can't abide by all of these cast members acting as though Knight was some saint, or even a nice person, when every ounce of footage we ever saw from the guy illustrated the exact opposite. Of course, it's terrible that he passed away at such an early age, but that's as far as my sympathies go. 


Everything else? Eh. All the men seem to be pricks, and all the women seem to kowtow to whatever their partners want. Case in point: Jonna & Zach. When she was pressed by TJ to explain the reasoning behind voting Brittany & Adam into the Dome, she should have made her dissatisfaction with the decision known then. Instead, she lets herself look foolish by having to have the answer whispered into her ear? I was embarrassed for her. Zach is a douche and she needs to recognize that, and then she needs to stand up for herself. 

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I understand that Jonna loved Zach but he lived with Ashley Feldman for 2 years after his break up with Jonna. Jonna hooked up with Jordan after their break up as well. I get still having feelings for someone but it's been years move on. I know, easier said than done. I just get frustrated with these women crying over guys who don't respect them. That leads us to Nany. She's another one that can't go one challenge without hooking up with a different guy. Last challenge she was in love with Colhutta, now she's acting like Bananas broke her heart when he's been with Hannah for about 2 years now too. Do these women need to have a guy with them to feel secure? 


Very hard to watch Knight & Jemmye. They have a hate for each other but love at the same time. To know he's gone so young is sad. 


I could not stand Brittany & Adam on AYTO & even more so now. She always has this stupid grin all the time & is beyond annoying. He's so full of himself & needs to go against some real competition before I see what he's really made of.


The Challenge itself was pretty easy for the girls, the guys had the hard part of trying to stay on the hanging canvas wet with paint & water while trying to paint in the squares.

I like Adam and Britney. They're doing pretty well, and they are both easy on the eyes, so they can stay.


I felt so sorry for Jonna throughout the entire episode. It's totally obvious that she would get back together with Zach in a heart-beat, but he wants absolutely nothing to do with her. 

They broke up over 3 years ago. He lived with another girl for 2 years. During the last challenge they were on together Jonna hooked up with Jordan. I don't get why now 3 yrs later she's upset. I understand love & carrying feelings but she moved on with other guys. I don't know if it so much she wanted him or she has to have someone on every challenge. He is a douche, no doubt but I don't feel he should be accountable for her feelings 3 yrs later.

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They broke up over 3 years ago. He lived with another girl for 2 years. During the last challenge they were on together Jonna hooked up with Jordan. I don't get why now 3 yrs later she's upset. I understand love & carrying feelings but she moved on with other guys. I don't know if it so much she wanted him or she has to have someone on every challenge. He is a douche, no doubt but I don't feel he should be accountable for her feelings 3 yrs later.

 No, he is certainly not accountable for her feelings, but she's his partner, and he should show her a modicum of respect.  I imagine that having to work so closely with an ex that she never completely got over has to be very difficult, and I feel for her. 

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Good GOD JONNA!!! Stop being so hung up on Zach. Seriously, its pathetic! And the whole swingers/ex swap is so juvenile. The scene at the bar I was like OMG are we in middle school. They make out so Jonna and Jay make out...wtf? She should have said " Zach is fucking Jenna so he doesn't want her in" Seriously.

Jonna just seems broken to me, its sad.


These girls so ridiculous over these guys. Brittany, Jonna, Avery and Ill even throw in Nany (I agree its an act) it is pathetic. Theresa needs to get over herself. Wes isn't that bad! I kind of like him this season. Get some self respect ladies and stop crying over these dbags.


Now she has a nice body but Jenna (and Jonna for that matter) don't really do it for me in the face dept. Like they are cute but I think Nany/ Sarah/ Nia/Avery/Brittany are all better looking. Theresa would be in that category but her ugly personality transcends into her face.



I am really rooting for Sara and Jordan/ Leroy NIa. Obviously they are at an advantage because they seem to all had mild hookups with no baggage but they are competitive and THIS SEASON ( looking at you Nia and Jordan) they have toned down the dbagness. They are also funny and entertaining in their commentary/scense. You go Sarah!

I wasn't surprised that Zach and Jonna won the "painting" challenge. Zach is a behemoth and has a much bigger body than the other contestants. Obviously he has the best chance of filling all the boxes with paint. Kudos to Jonna for being efficient, but, wow, I didn't realize how dumb she is. Zach clearly has a type and it's dumb. First it was Ashley, then it was Jonna, and now it is Jenna. They all have a combined IQ of 3. Jonna not being able to formulate a reason to vote in Adam and Brittany without consulting with Zach first just looked so doormatish. All she had to say was because they were rookies or she let Zach make the decision and that would've been good enough to appease Teej. I mean, why make up a bs reason when everyone knows the reason?


I love that the AYTO kids keep getting thrown in. Now I need them to lose. Adam has proven to be a tough competitor, but I hope he and Brittany go next week so that we can get back to Real World kids/Challenge vets like it should be. I wasn't surprised or sad to see Knight or Jemmye go. I thought there would be a montage for Knight, but he really didn't have enough good moments on the show to put one together. Yeah, it's sad what happened to him and I hope he rests in peace, but reports said he died happy and it doesn't feel as tragic as the loss of Diem. I didn't welt up for Knight like I did for her.


I love Nany, but she sure is a messy one. Why must she have a love interest every season and give her heart to gross men like Bananas and Adam Royer? Cohutta was a decent choice, but I'm sure she couldn't accept being treated well for a change. She's the type who will sabotage a good thing and go after a bad thing. Bananas is unavailable and Nany needs to learn to compartmentalize her feelings. Some things just don't need to be revealed. Nany is still beautiful. She's not as stunning as she was because years of hard partying have taken its toll. But she's hot enough that she could definitely settle down with a decent guy and have a good life. I just don't think she's capable of choosing that for herself. She seems to be more attracted to drama.


I love how production puts out a Totino's with a shitload of wine for the power couple dinner every week. Well done, MTV!


I hope the AYTO kids go next week followed by Jay and Jenna. It needs to get down to Real World kids/Challenge vets ASAP. And I don't really consider Ex-plosion as a Real World season since it's a completely different show now that they've introduced gimmicks.

Edited by jmonkey

Hated that Nany pretended (hope she was faking it) to be so hung up on Johnny.  I was not surprised either that Jonna and Zach won that challenge.  But I agree Jonna does not have much going on upstairs. wow.  I'm confused though- a few people here said Zach dated Jonna then lived with Ashley? Wasn't Ashley the girl he met on his season of TRW? They started dating in the house and then moved in together afterward so wouldn't Zach and Jonna have dated after he lived with Ashley or am I thinking of someone else??  Jenna and Jay annoy me. Jenna while sweet (I liked her on TRW) just seems clueless. And in what universe is she a model? She does not have an attractive face, I mean yes she's cute and has a nice body but her face isn't model material at all. I'm tired of Adam and Brittany and I didn't even watch whatever show they were on originally. I'm surprised Wes and Teresa are still there. I guess because for the most part Wes has kept his mouth shut.

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Hated that Nany pretended (hope she was faking it) to be so hung up on Johnny.  I was not surprised either that Jonna and Zach won that challenge.  But I agree Jonna does not have much going on upstairs. wow.  I'm confused though- a few people here said Zach dated Jonna then lived with Ashley? Wasn't Ashley the girl he met on his season of TRW? They started dating in the house and then moved in together afterward so wouldn't Zach and Jonna have dated after he lived with Ashley or am I thinking of someone else??

He dated Ashlee Feldman from RW NO 2.0 she was on the same season as Jemmye, Knight and Preston. The only thing I remember about her was that her Percocets were stolen and Ryan blamed Knight.

And in what universe is she a model? She does not have an attractive face, I mean yes she's cute and has a nice body but her face isn't model material at all. I'm tired of Adam and Brittany and I didn't even watch whatever show they were on originally. I'm surprised Wes and Teresa are still there. I guess because for the most part Wes has kept his mouth shut.


I think Jenna might be a model of some sort.  My half-sister is into modeling and while I think she's very pretty (obviously I'm biased, but she does get booked for gigs regularly), she doesn't look all glam and model-like day to day. You wouldn't know she was into modeling at all, until you see her pictures or see her on a runway. There have been times I didn't even recognize her. I think Jenna might be the same way. Plus of course there are all different kinds of modeling - maybe Jenna's a hand model or something. I hope the model thing works out for her because I don't think she'll go too far on brainpower. She does seem sweet though.


Wes has been surprisingly subdued this season, but I keep wondering why. Maybe he thinks it's a good strategy. I guess with him I just assume he has something up his sleeve.

I think it was smart for Zach to throw in Brittany/Adam instead of Jenna/Jay. Why make an enemy out of a team who clearly won't send you in? Plus Jenna/Jay have been performing better than Brittany/Adam in the missions or at least it seems that way. I believe Nany has feeling for Bananas she seems to have feelings for whoever is paying her the most attention. I can see  Bananas paying attention to her because she is her partner. Plus she seems like a hopeless romantic. This is a girl who broke up with her boyfriend for 6 years for Adam Royer!


ETA I believe Bananas and Nany hooked up because if they didn't Bananas girlfriend would have nothing to worry about. I thought it was interesting they have made it out for her to be the jealous type on this episode and on the preview special.

Edited by choclatechip45
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He dated Ashlee Feldman from RW NO 2.0 she was on the same season as Jemmye, Knight and Preston. The only thing I remember about her was that her Percocets were stolen and Ryan blamed Knight.

Thanks for the info I had to google her. ( and I watched that season! lol) Are they still together?

I miss Preston


Edit:: Leroy is apologizing on twitter for the van incident with jemmy!!! 



Guess it was more than a nap!

Edited by yogi2014L

Leroy also retweeted Nia saying "They didn't show when Wes jumped off the bag and missed the whole pool and landed on his spine. Shit looked so horrible, funny but horrible."

Someone is going to get seriously injured on one of these challenges one day, I just know it.  That's my biggest issue with them (followed by hating when the participants trash the houses they are put up in, but they've shown less of that in recent seasons, whether it happens or not).

I absolutely believe some kind of fling happened between Bananas and Nany. I don't know either of them personally, and have no more insight to either of them than anyone else who watches the show, but they seem like exactly each other's type. Bananas seems to make a habit (particularly off camera) of going after pretty but extremely insecure and/or emotionally unstable girls, like Kelly Anne or Camila. And Nany is just the kind of girl who goes after meatheads like Bananas because she gets a self esteem boost from attention from emotionally unavailable men (like, Cohutta was just not enough of a challenge for her, any guy too into her she considers not good enough, kind of a twist on, I wouldn't be in any club that would have me for a member).


I'm also starting to side eye Jenna's modeling career. I get it, there's all types of different models and some aren't that conventionally attractive, but the fact that Jenna finds a gratuitous way to mention it every episode (I'm good at balancing because I'm a model...I can't mess up the face because I'm a model and it's my moneymaker, etc) makes me think she's exaggerating. Reminds me of a girl from True Life who was in her 20s dating some dinosaur and every other word out of her mouth was, I'm a model, or, I model. Come to find out, she'd booked a couple calendars and had her picture featured in Hometown Hotties of Maxim one year, and that was the extent of her career. The rest of her "modeling" pics were from a photo session for her portfolio which she likely arranged and paid for herself.

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Yeah, I'm in the something happened/Nany still had feelings camp too, because if someone were  merely playing stuff up for airtime, she would not spend half her visible time on an episode curled in her bunk with her back to the camera muttering things indistinctly.  She'd want to be caught with tears trickling poignantly out of her beautiful brown eyes.

I'm glad most of people here have the same question like me, What is going on with this girls? are they mental? seriously aside of sarah the bunch left are so insecure and are an emotional mess. This girls need to learn how to control their situations, I don't understand why they let guys run this things and play with them like they were toys. Nany and bananas did hook up, bananas is trying so hard on cover the hook up and making it seem that it was all nany, an instead on nany being smart and say we did hook up but it was a long time ago, and its all gone, what does she do? she goes and claims that she still loves him, of course she is going to look like the clingy girl. Btw did anyone see the tweet bananas gf wrote to nany? it was basically "you are whore and u should be working as one".


Zach is so shallow and someone that goes only for the girl looks, I hope jonna wakes up and realizes he is not worth it, When zach was dating jonna , he started flirting with ashlee from NOLA at the same time, I believe that as soon as he dumped jonna he jump with ashlee and moved to boston, that alone says a lot on what kind of person he is. And before going on this challenge last year he broke up with ashlee and surprise he hook up with jenna. I remember listening to ashlee station and she was crying because things didnt work out, but she was willing to give things a second chance, but zach didn't care.

If he didn't have his looks girls wouldn't be hooking up with him, bc I doubt u can have a real conversation with him more than 5 minutes. 


Adam and brittany, can't stand adam he thinks he is the greatest thing on earth, and treating britney like crap when its clear he keeps chasing her, brittany is annoying. Both are playing this thing to get a call for the next challenges, Im sure on that.

Edited by fredj
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Zach is a serious asshole but thank you MTV for the shot of him in the wet trunks. Hello! But seriously, I don't get his issue with Jonna and I don't understand why he's being so mean to her. Maybe if he wasn't hooking up with Jenna he would treat her like a person? He was the one who dumped her so I don't know why he's so scorned.


Nany is a mess. Crying over Johnny Bananas. Gross.


ETA I did like Jemmye sticking up for Jonna, who was just so beaten down. It was nice to see because most of the time people on the challenge wouldn't even bother. I wish Jonna has flipped the script and said Jenna. The only thing protecting that team is Zach hooking up her. I hope someone throws them in soon.


Also, Wes getting Adam to strip for all the girls? I don't think Adam needed that much encouragement.

Edited by TiffanyNichelle
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I'm starting to like Bananas against my better judgement. He really has become much more bearable now that he isn't around the likes of Kenny. So glad that piece of shit is off the Challenge for good.

Apparently Sarah and Jordan wins. Leroy and Nia comes in second and Jay and Jenna in third. It's rumored that Nia leaves/gets kicked off the and Leroy finishes with Teresa. I'm happy that Sarah finally gets a win. Surprised that Jenna and Jay comes in third, I bet they don't even step in the Dome. This has got to be the first time in years that Bananas isn't in the final.



I wish Jonna has flipped the script and said Jenna. The only thing protecting that team is Zach hooking up her.


What happens if the power couple don't agree on who to send in? I remember one of the previous challenges Nany and Bananas couldn't come to an agreement over who to put in, and Lavin said that if they couldn't agree, then it was Nany and Bananas going in instead. Nany immediately backed down. If it's the same this time, it would be interesting to see who would back down first.  But it's pretty clear that Jonna is never going to display any kind of backbone.



I'm starting to like Bananas against my better judgement.


May God strike me dead, I do too. I have despised him since the Island (despite really liking him on his season and on Inferno 3), but these last two times he's been only mildly offensive to not offensive at all. I loved it when he told Nany she should be grateful he's so supportive, unlike Jonna, who has an emotionally abusive partner. I am glad to see the other castmates have noticed Zach's horrible treatment of Jonna and find it as distasteful as the viewers do.


The only possible explanation I can think of (besides Zach is a sociopath who likes to make Jonna cry) for his treatment of her is that he fears that showing the slightest bit of kindness or support to her will be encouragement to her that he wants to reconcile. If Jonna had a hard time letting go of the relationship, that would maybe make sense, but Zach's behavior has still been nothing short of cruel.


He dated Ashlee Feldman from RW NO 2.0 she was on the same season as Jemmye, Knight and Preston. The only thing I remember about her was that her Percocets were stolen and Ryan blamed Knight.

Thank you for the info. I had to google her because I did not remember anyone named Ashley on NO 2.0.  I was thinking of Ashley Kelsey who was on Zac's Season of TRW. I guess they broke up shortly after they left the house. ( had to google that too)  Nany needs to get a grip. I don't believe her crocodile tears. She was all mopey over Cohutta on the reunion, she hooked up with Johnny ( Avery's ex) and several others and on the last challenge when she was hanging all over Cohutta and banging the other Johnny she could have cared  less about Johnny Bananas. I think she's just needy.

No, he is certainly not accountable for her feelings, but she's his partner, and he should show her a modicum of respect.  I imagine that having to work so closely with an ex that she never completely got over has to be very difficult, and I feel for her.

But she doesn't HAVE to! And that's what makes me lose sympathy. I can understand that Jonna still has unresolved feelings all these years later because of the abrupt way it ended. But then why go on the show? If you're going to be tortured at the very sight of Zach, why put yourself in the situation?

One note: I feel this way for any of the exes, but in the case of this particular ex, hey, I'm watching these shows a long, long time. I remember Jonna breaking up with at least two different guys over the phone, and in the case of the first one (on her RW season) he was crying and miserable and she was just like "see ya, I just wanna have fun". So shut it, Jonna

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I'm starting to like Bananas against my better judgement. He really has become much more bearable now that he isn't around the likes of Kenny. So glad that piece of shit is off the Challenge for good


Yeah, that's a huge factor (lack of Kenny), but I think a large percentage of my Bananas dislike has been his treatment of Cara Maria, who's a favorite of mine, and since she's not here there isn't that issue in the way either.  Though I still remember it, so I don't totally like him.

I've never minded the boastfulness etc. because I figure that's producer-driven if not even producer-demanded.  I mean, I'm sure it's part of his personality too, but they make him play it up in talking heads, etc.

I didn't see how they could possibly judge the "fill in the squares" challenge, since wouldn't some of them get filled in by the guy slithering down over them?  Maybe they were watching for the actual action of them intentionally putting their palms on the squares.  

Edited by Jobiska

I wish they would just stop with these ridiculous challenges and just stick to like Olympic events and complicated math instead of puzzles. Or maybe keep the puzzles, IDK. I like the ones they would do when you had to remember something while physically exerting yourself ( running puzzle pieces back and forth ect) Licking PB off a giant square..no thanks, gross and boring


Like you have to run a 5k and whoever wins, wins. That would be interesting. lol. Or run a half marathn and have to do calculus at the end. That I would like to see!

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. I guess they broke up shortly after they left the house. ( had to google that too)

Apparently, Ashley broke up with Zach. The timeline for Zach's hookups/relationships Ashley dumps Zach, Zach hooks  up with Trishelle on BOTS2 (never shown on TV), Zach starts a relationship with Jonna dumps her, starts dating Ashlee they break up, and than hooks up with Jenna. Zach sure likes his Real World girls.


It's hard for me to feel bad for Jonna  because she dumped two guys on national tv, but I do remember she seemed really hurt by Zach on BOTS2 reunion show.  I do miss the silly missions they use to have like breaking stuff with guitars or riding a scooter across a small plank.

Jonna is a strange one. I don't think she even knows who she is. I do think she can be sweet and genuine, but she's quick to turn when she has a guy by her side who can give her a sense of power and importance. She's done it to many girlfriends.


She also has a penchant for going after guys who already are interested in someone else. I've seen her do it on a couple of different reality shows. There's something in her that needs to gain validation by proving she can take what belongs to someone else. I've never liked her, even though on the surface she's a nice person. She's not a bitch, but she isn't trustworthy either. Why did she and Zach break up? Any clue, other than he just woke up and didn't want to be with her anymore?

I'm also starting to side eye Jenna's modeling career. I get it, there's all types of different models and some aren't that conventionally attractive, but the fact that Jenna finds a gratuitous way to mention it every episode (I'm good at balancing because I'm a model...I can't mess up the face because I'm a model and it's my moneymaker, etc) makes me think she's exaggerating. Reminds me of a girl from True Life who was in her 20s dating some dinosaur and every other word out of her mouth was, I'm a model, or, I model. Come to find out, she'd booked a couple calendars and had her picture featured in Hometown Hotties of Maxim one year, and that was the extent of her career. The rest of her "modeling" pics were from a photo session for her portfolio which she likely arranged and paid for herself.


She has a "public figure" fb with some of her work on it, looks like basic catalog work.  There are a few nicer looking pics in black and white, to be diplomatic, she should do more black and white.

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Poor Knight, this elimination was tailor made to NOT suit him. He's had shoulder problems since before his RW NOLA2 season. I've always liked him, he could be a douche, but an hilarious one and one that everyone always seemed to like. A terrible athlete, though. I loved when someone asked him as he was preparing for the elimination, 'Are you gonna try?' Ha. I'd hate to think that any injury he could have sustained to his shoulders lifting that block contributed to him abusing pills and ultimately dying. Pure conjecture but it's the first thing I thought. RIP Knight, your presence will be missed. Seeing Jemmye and Preston tear up on the after show was almost too much.


I don't understand why everyone thinks Jenna is so hot. I mean, her body is nice, but her face is at best bland and inoffensive and at worst looks exactly like either sniffing shit or is a turtle trying to retract its head into its shell. Plus she's almost breathtakingly dumb. I felt bad for her on her Real World season but after a while it became apparent it was her fault for staying with Jay and putting up his shit. My thoughts on Jay are mixed, he's pretty boring but so obviously thirsty and butthurt about Jenna and Zach. Plus his giddy little grins when Jonna kisses him are hilarious, like he's a middleschooler seeing his first boob. 


Zach's a dick, all his talking heads where he tries to pull of a zinger just sound so rehearsed. He'll eff Jenna over just like all his other conquests, exhibit A, Jonna. I don't understand his hate for her, especially considering he broke up with her. Seems just like his MO. I feel for her, she seems so obviously vulnerable and hurt by what he did, but hey. Don't date jerks. I just want her and Nany to stop looking to men for validation. It's especially bad with Nany, you've been on countless challenges with Johnny B. and NOW she's recatching all her feels? She has a ton of problems and I think the fact that all the girls seem to be ganging up on her this season is taking its toll, so she resorts to this crying over Bananas nonsense. I don't know.


The Exiles are so lame and uninspired. Plus that AYTO JJ guy supremely irritates me. He seems to be acting so apathetic like he's too cool to care. Well, you tool, you came on the show. Plus he's so ugly. Simone also does nothing for me. These AYTO people are a bust, but at least Adam is a good competitor. I laaaaaughed when he took a break from hauling the brick to rest. He knew Knight would never catch up and didn't want to overexert himself. I also loled at Johnny Reilly and Jordan's outrage. "DO SOMETHING!" Haha. Actually, come to think of it, I love when the peanut gallery heckles the competitors. When JJ and Simone were sitting there gingerly sipping milk and eating whatever and they were like, 'uhh...this is a competition, you idiots.' Useless.


Loving Sarah this season, she just seems to get hotter every time I see her. I'll miss Jemmye's commentary but Sarah's no slouch in that department either. Wes is always great, filing the women in and out of the room so they could see Adam strip. "Now go do it to Jonna." Like, why? Haha. 

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But she doesn't HAVE to! And that's what makes me lose sympathy. I can understand that Jonna still has unresolved feelings all these years later because of the abrupt way it ended. But then why go on the show? If you're going to be tortured at the very sight of Zach, why put yourself in the situation?


To be fair, I don't think they fully know, when agreeing to the show, what the theme is or who they'll be paired up with.  Some of them obviously talk to each other before hand, so they have some idea of who else will be on the season (like CT saying he came because he knew Diem would be there), but the show doesn't necessarily disclose to them who will be there or what the format will be.  Even if she knew, through the grapevine, that Zach would be there, she wouldn't have known they'd be forced to interact on this level. 


  I do miss the silly missions they use to have like breaking stuff with guitars or riding a scooter across a small plank.


That riding on the plank mission remains one of my favorites.  I can't remember who it was, I want to say Brad, that got on that thing and just ran it directly off the plank, no fighting it, just right off.  I still laugh thinking about that. 

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Most of the girls that go to the challenges are a mess, I realized that the ones who are mature enough and want real career goals either don't comeback or never do this things back to back, I remember kenny saying how most of the girls go to the challenges so desperate looking for a boyfriend an a relationship.... boy he was right. 

Even on some of the interviews that the girls are doing for this challenge they say how its a shame that most of the guys were on a relationship with other people.

Aww I felt bad for Jonna. I've always had a soft spot for Jonna since her season of RW. Back then I thought she was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen. She's also looking pretty good this season! I didn't take Jonna's comments as stupidity (though I don't think she's a genius or anything), I thought she just got frustrated and upset. She seemed emotional and unable to formulate a response in the moment. I thought TJ was kind of a jerk to her. It was clearly Zach's decision, so let Zach defend his own decision. The way TJ snapped at her, "I asked you Jonna" set my teeth on edge. Would TJ have said that to Zach if the situation were reversed? Doubtful. The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. I just don't like it when people try to make others look stupid in public or put other people down for no good reason.  Even if Jonna was being stupid, I don't think it's Zach's place or TJ's place to point that out publicly. (And lets get real- TJ and Zach are not any smarter than Jonna- they just have more confidence.) And then Zach (who is dumber than Jonna will ever be) has the audacity to talk shit to the other teams about Jonna. FU Zach. Props for the way Jonna handled the situation. "I heard everything you guys said." Also props to Jemmye(?) for not taking the bait to bash another woman and being diplomatic.It's nice to see a woman stand up for another woman on this show.


ETA: Zach's decision made the most sense to me. Brittany and Adam had already been sent to the dome several other times. There's a chance that if Adam and Brittany won the dome and were power couple next time that they would go after one of the other teams that put them into the dome first. If Jonna and Zach sent Jay and Jenna in, they would have been the only couple so far to have done so. It also makes no sense to make an enemy out of one of the teams that should be easiest to align with. Jenna isn't going to want to send Zach in, and Jay is unlikely to want to send Jonna in if she keeps kissing him. Which reminds me, wasn't there a joke during the first episode about how Jay only hooks up with girls that have "J" names? Total forecast to him kissing Jonna now?


My thoughts on team disagreements: It would be awesome to see one of the women stick to their guns. That being said, if the alternative is that the disagreeing team has to go into the dome, the women are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Several of these guys are immature and care more about their ego than winning the money. Many of these guys wouldn't budge and would rather be sent into the dome themselves than to give in to their partner and appear "weak". I imagine many of the women know this and are looking at the bigger picture. Give in to my partner here vs. being sent into the dome and sent home. It's just another aspect of the game. Much like Sarah had her TH about adapting to Jordan's pride. It would be great to see the women buck social trend and see a reversal of this. However this is just unlikely given the types of women and men that are cast on these shows.


With that being said, several of the girls are acting very clingy this season. However I have a bigger problem with the guys as a whole.The way Zach talks about and to Jonna makes me sick. He has a great body, but that's all he has. He isn't smart, funny, or good looking (facially).  I don't know what he does for a living, but I have a feeling that he isn't setting any field on fire and makes most of his money by going on TV and partying. tThe way he speaks about Jonna would be a HUGE red flag to me. I have to wonder why any woman would choose to date him after hearing how he speaks to his ex's. Don't they realize that one day that's how he'll speak to them? Just wondering, what is the deal with him an Knight? I didn't picture them being friends at all but I keep hearing about how close they were. Another guy on my shit list is Adam (?). The way he treats Brittany is stupid and transparent. I also don't like Brittany for giving in to his behavior, so this is probably the team I like the least. But seriously, has anyone else noticed how immature the guys seem this season?


Nanny and Bananas- I don't know what that was about. I don't put too much stock into it. Perhaps something else was going on that made her super emotional. Right now I'm writing off her behavior as a one-off. If she continues to act this way I may have to reevaluate how I feel about her. I thought that Bananas handled the situation extremely well. When Bananas is more mature than the other guys- that really says something. Also, sad to hear that Banana's girlfriend tweeted Nany that disgusting text. Nany didn't have sex with Banana this episode so sit down and chill. I can only hope that this is an act the three of them are putting on.


Other random thoughts: Disappointed to see Leroy's tweet. Leroy was one of my favorites. Sorry but he shouldn't have tweeted anything. Just let everybody assume what they want. Tell your girlfriend in private but don't splash it all over twitter. Maybe I'm naive, but I wasn't completely convinced that Jemmeye gave LeRoy a BJ in the van. Well now its obvious to everyone. I'm sure GF is happy that that info has been given more publicity!


Count me in as one who doesn't see the beauty of Jenna. There are several girls on this season that I think are much prettier, but since beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that... Speaking of Jenna, her ex Jay is not attractive at all! The whole ex swap was ridiculous. Zach and Jenna are clearly over Jay and Jonna. Jonna has the most disgusted look on her face anytime she kisses Jay. And stupid Jay is lapping it up. "Oh our ex's are kissing why don't we?" He is probably thrilled. Disgusting human being.

Edited by Granimal
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Just wondering, what is the deal with him an Knight? I didn't picture them being friends at all but I keep hearing about how close they were.

I think their teams were in the same alliance on BOTS2 which was  Knight & Zach's first Challenge. I remember on Rivals 2, Zach  wore Knight's jersey when Knight & Preston went in the jungle. I know Zach dated Knight's cast mate Ashlee who was close enough with Knight that she attended his funeral so maybe that's how they became close?

Edited by choclatechip45
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 No, he is certainly not accountable for her feelings, but she's his partner, and he should show her a modicum of respect.  I imagine that having to work so closely with an ex that she never completely got over has to be very difficult, and I feel for her. 

They are all working with an ex. Avery & Johnny R lived together as well. Jonna & Zach's relationship was very brief. I'm not saying it's easy but maybe if she didn't act like she was staring at him all the time & trying to get with Jay to even the score, I might feel more for her. She has a different guy each challenge. It comes off more like she needs someone to hook up with & no one other than Jay is interested. 

Other random thoughts: Disappointed to see Leroy's tweet. Leroy was one of my favorites. Sorry but he shouldn't have tweeted anything. Just let everybody assume what they want. Tell your girlfriend in private but don't splash it all over twitter. Maybe I'm naive, but I wasn't completely convinced that Jemmeye gave LeRoy a BJ in the van. Well now its obvious to everyone. I'm sure GF is happy that that info has been given more publicity!

I have a feeling GF was the one who made him tweet it!!! I immediately thought "whipped"

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I think their teams were in the same alliance on BOTS2 which was  Knight & Zach's first Challenge. I remember on Rivals 2, Zach  wore Knight's jersey when Knight & Preston went in the jungle. I know Zach dated Knight's cast mate Ashlee who was close enough with Knight that she attended his funeral so maybe that's how they became close?

Thanks! I just didn't picture them being friends because I see Zach as more of the athletic job type and Knight being into hardcore partying. So am I correct in assuming that Zach dated two different Real World girls before he ever appeared on the Real World? That's...odd.


Thanks! I just didn't picture them being friends because I see Zach as more of the athletic job type and Knight being into hardcore partying. So am I correct in assuming that Zach dated two different Real World girls before he ever appeared on the Real World? That's...odd.

Zach has dated all of the Real World girls after appearing on the show.

Edited by choclatechip45

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