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S02.E13: Pittura Infamante

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I wonder if some of NB's muted performance came from the fact that she was essentially demoted to supporting character on her own show while Katrina was basically vaunted to leading lady for this episode. As an actress who has the lead role - that couldn't have been a good feeling. I know we were all panicking and thinking this was a complete change by the show runners to try for a Hart to Hart show starring Ichabod and Katrina and if WE thought that, imagine what NB might have thought. She can't have missed Goffman's interviews where he would pimp Katrina EVEN IF the question was about Abbie.

I really wish I could be a fly on the wall with all of them to see the BTS drama.

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On a shallow note, yeah the man-bun is a really weird choice for the hair department to do. Why would Crane put his hair up like that, for a "business casual". Remember the Purgatory scene last year, with Crane and his father. Why didn't they just do his hair like that? Completely pulled back into a neat ponytail. I mean, I'm sure Abbie has a spare hair elastic she could give Crane. There are tons of guys with long hair today, and they just pull it back in a ponytail. I guess this is another case of Crane doing something goofy in the presence of his wife?? :')

Being with Katrina makes even Tom Mison a dull, dull boy...


Sad isn't it. He's probably bored to bits too and isn't working alongside his favourite acting partner like he used to be. Notice when he's talking with Abbie at the end about Irving and the bullet, he's much more lively and has a real spark with Abbie. Then he goes to talk to Katrina, and the spark is very muted. There was a little, but no where near the spark with Abbie. Not sure if its a subconscious or not.


I did laugh that it seemed like Ichabod is having a flirty conversation with Abbie, then seems to remember his wife exists. It was almost like "I guess I should go talk to her." Also interesting that this is the second time the show has deliberately pointed out that Ichabod never mentions the wife to anyone else. Strange.

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Michelle Tratchenberg has one of those faces that make her look perpetually 15 years old, so I kept seeing Katrina as her babysitter instead of her friend/midwife. 


I think the worst thing about this show is the extra episodes.  Last season had pretty much the same flaws as this one (Katrina/Ichabod are deadly dull together), (Ichabod's backstory is super-convoluted), (Abbie apparently parachuted into Sleeply Hollow from "The Wire."), but it all worked because the pace moved so quickly that the flaws were less noticeable.  With the extra episodes and padding, the flaws that were always there are much more noticeable.

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I wonder if some of NB's muted performance came from the fact that she was essentially demoted to supporting character on her own show while Katrina was basically vaunted to leading lady for this episode. As an actress who has the lead role - that couldn't have been a good feeling. I know we were all panicking and thinking this was a complete change by the show runners to try for a Hart to Hart show starring Ichabod and Katrina and if WE thought that, imagine what NB might have thought. She can't have missed Goffman's interviews where he would pimp Katrina EVEN IF the question was about Abbie.I really wish I could be a fly on the wall with all of them to see the BTS drama.

Was just coming to post--I haven't been able to pay much attention to the episode, but I do know every time I've glanced up at the TV, f'n Struggle Witch has been there all breathy, and it just made me think: Jesus, Nicole Beharie, keep on keeping it classy. And I hope she's got very smart people on her side letting her know that we see her, and we see what's going on, and that it helps her keep it together. It would take the patience of a saint not to be throwing some serious shade right now.

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Why are all the black people segregated into the B plot while all the white people are off slaying this week's demon and gobbling up the airtime? It's almost like separate and unequal came to town.



It's getting ridiculous. Pretty soon they'll have Jenny and Abbie wearing aprons in the street and folding their hands in the presence of Ichabod. 


The painting itself was really quite creepy and I feel bad for the actor playing the painter/murderer, because he really brought it. When he came out of the pool of blood on the floor and growled "too late", I was all damn, if they ever reboot Hellraiser that guy could play Pinhead no problem. He was really horrifying. But terribly served by this story--he barely got to be a damn killer and that was the entire point of the A plot! Oh, wait, the point of the A plot was to show how the Cranes are the best darn detectin' team since Remington Steele and Laura Holt and DAMMIT YOU WILL LOVE THEM.


Also, why the hell didn't anybody in that room, from a group of art and history lovers to the police, notice that the painting was changing??? And not just "Huh, I never noticed that bird in the corner of the frame" but "Um, was this always a portrait of a guy killing another guy upside down like just happened twenty minutes ago?" Granted the Duo Crane was blocked in front of the picture a lot of the time but not all of it, and the entire place is supposed to be full of police. That painting was in the same room as the murder scene! No wonder Moloch was so jazzed on Sleepy Hollow for his resurrecting--he could probably walk down Main Street blowing up buildings with his mind and people would be "did you hear something? Oh, well, let's go do whatever we do whenever we aren't supposed to be running around screaming."



Edited by Snookums
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The biggest thing I took away from the episode is that Katia Winters needs some acting classes. She simply cannot emote vocally or facially. Nicole and Lyndie managed to convey a range of expressions in their scenes but all Katia can manage is "eyes widened" and "eyes widened even more". It was a relief whenever Abbie or Jennie appeared because they offered a respite from The Whisper.



When I watch Nichole Barie display such emotion on her face with such quietness and resolve--perfect for the character she's playing--and compare it to Katia doing her "look up hopefully, look down sadly, widen eyes and whisper throatily" repertoire, the shoving of Abbie into the background gets even more enraging.

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It occurs to me that when Ichabod and StruggleWitch went into the painting to save Miller he was already upside down in actual painting.


And what do they do? Walk slow as molasses and look at things on desks and shit in a totally different room.

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I stand by my distaste for the man-bun. Maybe it was the tendrils.

For me they are two separate problems but I think that the tendrils were too much, like a lady on the cover of a bodice ripper.


I nearly fell over laughing when she was like "Crane has a wife? Never heard of you."

Ha, I loved that too! But then I thought in Crane's defense, it's not like he and Reyes hang out and talk about their personal lives. Even if they were casual friends, what did Katrina think that Ichabod would have said about his marital status? "Well, technically I'm married but my wife was in purgatory until very recently. Then she was being held hostage by one of the Four Horsemen who also happens to be her former fiancé so I haven't really seen her very much"?

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The painting itself was really quite creepy and I feel bad for the actor playing the painter/murderer, because he really brought it. When he came out of the pool of blood on the floor and growled "too late", I was all damn, if they ever reboot Hellraiser that guy could play Pinhead no problem. He was really horrifying. But terribly served by this story--he barely got to be a damn killer and that was the entire point of the A plot!

He really did sell it, didn't he?  Most shows Monster/Killer/Baddie of the week are not that compelling.  The only real fail for me here with the Painter was the reveal he was evil because his family wasn't supportive of him in the arts.  The manner in which that was revealed (via, of course, Katrina) and the fact that he was making a living as an artist as opposed to being forced into an apprenceship.  But that is a fail for the story, not the actor.



but all Katia can manage is "eyes widened" and "eyes widened even more".

Not true - at some point this ep I saw her eyes welling up with tears.  Of course, there was not any other give away of, you know, emotion.



As for the necklace, I think early this season it was mentioned that she can't take the necklace off. It's enchanted somehow so the clasp can't be opened or the chain broken. So not her choice.

Ahh, right.  Seems like it should be easier to break the enchantment than neutralize Moloch or neuter Headless.



I guess it's too embarrassing for him to have been saying, "Yeah I have a wife, but she's been shacked up with her ex and our son basically raped her."


Too much?

Just way too brief for Ich's manner of speaking.  He probably has explained it, but people mercifully blacked out before he got passed the first couple of lines.




The bit with the Cranes discovering her writings was unlikely in a way that took me out of the story. There were ways that information could have come to the Cranes possession without the viewers having to make such a huge hand-wave.

Lazy story telling when the clues are revealed through "a feeling" or a vision.

Edited by DeLurker
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I liked the episode.  It had a great setting and a spooky story, and this show really needs some one-off episodes to get us invested in the characters again.  Having Crane work together with Katrina with no drama and no Henry or the Apocalypse looming was refreshing and a smart move by the writers.  I don't expect them to pair up in every episode.  The writers need to remember that the Abbie/Ichabod dynamic is the main driving force in this show.  And Katrina is definitely not lead material, she just doesn't have Abbie's personality (or acting ability).  But she's okay in these kinds of episodes.


Oh, and Michelle Trachtenberg, I wonder if she is going to start making regular appearances?  She's not usually one to do small guest spots on tv shows, unless her career has totally tanked.

Edited by Dobian
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I have no idea what I just watched.


Irving's back from the dead though, so there's a plus and Abby's investigating why.


The rest of it? Did the Fox execs who was at the panel watch this episode? I don't see them renewing based on this.

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Whoever the hell stole my beloved Sleepy Hollow, I want it back NOW! That piece of crap episode I saw Monday night was so damn boring I spent the next 55 minutes, after watching the first 5, playing Pearl's Peril and Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. My God, what have you bastards done to my show?

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Was just coming to post--I haven't been able to pay much attention to the episode, but I do know every time I've glanced up at the TV, f'n Struggle Witch has been there all breathy, and it just made me think: Jesus, Nicole Beharie, keep on keeping it classy. And I hope she's got very smart people on her side letting her know that we see her, and we see what's going on, and that it helps her keep it together. It would take the patience of a saint not to be throwing some serious shade right now.


I'm hoping that when SH goes down in flames, which looks pretty inevitable at this point, someone out there has the brains to cast Nichole Beharie and Tom Mison--and, hell, Orlando Jones and Lyndie Greenwood while we're at it--in a brand new show.  I don't care what it's about as long as these people get a do-over and get to act together again without interference.


I was discussing this episode with a coworker who thought it was hilarious that I was so annoyed over everything--especially Katrina.  He has no problem with her.  I was explaining the forums and how the majority of us feel and he looked at me like I was crazy.  He's the one who likes Katrina and I'm crazy.

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I only watched the Frank Irving B plot because that’s really all I care about at this point.  Pairing up the Cranes to solve a mystery while on a date is just something I don’t want to see. This is not why I watch this show.


I thought the Frank parts were well acted (especially OJ) and I liked Abbie’s skepticism about his true nature, since he is supposed to be dead.  I think his wife’s reaction was more of shock than disinterest.  The scene with Jenny and the bullets was awesome b/c it was gross and scary and then funny when she yelled her frustration at Hawley. More of this, less of the Cranes and their date night.  And why was Katrina dressed more or less like a modern woman while Crane is still in period dress? (or maybe this is subtle way of the costume designers showing they are mismatched?)


When I heard Michelle Trachtenberg was going to play Abigail Adams, I was excited to hear this since I’ve watched her on Gossip Girl, Buffy and even as a kid on Pete & Pete.  But it sounds like it was a disappointing role for her.

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I thought the Frank parts were well acted (especially OJ) and I liked Abbie’s skepticism about his true nature, since he is supposed to be dead.  I think his wife’s reaction was more of shock than disinterest.  The scene with Jenny and the bullets was awesome b/c it was gross and scary and then funny when she yelled her frustration at Hawley. More of this, less of the Cranes and their date night.  And why was Katrina dressed more or less like a modern woman while Crane is still in period dress? (or maybe this is subtle way of the costume designers showing they are mismatched?)


As much as I'd like to believe they gave it that much thought I think it's more likely they just wanted to show off more skin.  That's another thing that bothered me.  Seeing Crane dressed up and talking about date night at a historical event--I thought that finally Katrina would be in an old fashion dress that she belongs in instead of that stupid corset.  And when she appeared in the slip-dress...that's when I started fast-forwarding.

Edited by cassandle
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This is the third ep in a row I've decided not to watch.  If you had told me that I'd be blowing off this show like this a year ago I would said you're crazy. 


Tom and Nicole deserve so much better than this shitfest.  This show is circling the bowl and needs one flush


It's funny that this show is sidelining it's POC actors when ABC is going the other direction and showcasing fantastic actresses like Viola Davis and Kerry Washington.  It's so maddening to see Nicole be marginalized so badly.  Sorry, rant over.

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And when she appeared in the slip-dress...that's when I started fast-forwarding.

I thought I read a post upstream that said there was a scene, thankfully edited out, where Abbie had taken her shopping.  If that's true, I want to know what kind of sound proof / sense proof construction they have for the Writer's Room because they are tone deaf and lack the good sense the Lord gave them.  Plus, they are a couple decades behind social norms.


I have no stomach to go back and time how many minutes of this ep were devoted to Katrina/The Cranes, but it felt like 2/3s+ was the Cranes reboot of Hart to Hart.  But if the shopping scene existed, I'd imagine it had KW trying on numerous outfits while all mankind (gay men and straight women included) fawned over her spectacularness.

Edited by DeLurker
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I loved the man-bun. And the tendrils. Oh well.

I was wondering though, why they let Ichabod and Katrina keep wandering around what is a crime scene, and no cops or evidence processing people in sight.

I don't dislike Katrina, but the heart of the show is Ich and Abbie working together (not romantically) and I do miss that.

Both Michelle T and the actor who played Frank's wife felt off to me.

Liked Jenny's yuck scene with the corpse.

Not bad but not great.

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I have no stomach to go back and time how many minutes of this ep were devoted to Katrina/The Cranes, but it felt like 2/3s+ was the Cranes reboot of Hart to Hart.  But if the shopping scene existed, I'd imagine it had KW trying on numerous outfits while all mankind (gay men and straight women included) fawned over her spectacularness.


On another site--I can't remember which--I saw a comment of how great the Hart to Hart-ness of it was.  That completely baffled me.  I'd swear other people are watching a different show than the rest of us.


I was wondering though, why they let Ichabod and Katrina keep wandering around what is a crime scene, and no cops or evidence processing people in sight.


Like when his costume-maker-friend (I don't have the energy to look up her name) was killed on the beach and Crane was wandering around picking up evidence.  Do the writers think we've never seen a cop show before and won't notice?

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I'd swear other people are watching a different show than the rest of us.


More like they are seeing what the show has morphed into and are satisfied to watch that while ignoring how much better it was. It's not like the dumbing down has broadened the audience, It's just made for lazy writing that is rather dull and diminished the existing audience.  If the wigstand wasn't such a waste of space as a character and the writing was a bit tighter, I'd have enjoyed the episode despite the diminished Abbie presence and minimal Ichabbie scenes. I would not however watch a program like that on a regular basis if it was something new and it pains me that this is what last years highly entertaining show turned into.

Edited by yuggapukka
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This show set the bar so low I was excited when I saw Katrina wearing a different outfit, I was like 'YAY she's finally ditched her corset fetish wear and is wearing something semi normal'. Unfortunately with Crane's weird hair styling choice and his outfit the mood didn't last long. 


Unfortunately after the first five minutes pacing became an issue for the entire A plot I kept wondering why after coming to the conclusion that the painter in the painting was evil and killing people that they just didn't throw it in a fire and be done with it.


While I appreciated Jenny and Abby having some sisterly interactions Jenny's characterisation was completely off. Jenny spent time prepping for the apocalypse, hunting down supernatural artifacts throughout the world and generally being a badass. Having her seemingly dependent on Hawley's arcane knowledge came across as a retcon of her entire character. The digging up a corpse without gloves I could appreciate but not putting on gloves before riffling through it's pockets or insides is just bizarre. I'd still be grossed out while wearing gloves reaching inside a squishy corpse and I'm a guy who spent a year manhandling pig carcasses for a living. Wearing gloves is a must for hygiene reasons even though they do little to reduce the level of squickiness of the unpleasant task of ransacking a corpse.  They could still have their gross out moment without completely compromising the intelligence of one of their secondary characters. BAD SHOW.


I'm not sure I'll watch this show much longer, it's getting to that point where it's not even fun to bitch about, it's just dull. There's no major antagonist, Team Witness has split up so they can focus on a boring witch who seldom does magic and when she does it's either too slow or relatively useless and everyone's IQ's have dropped 50 points (except Abby).  "Henry may be dead" That doesn't even make any sense and is based on nothing and is infuriating. They should be hunting down Henry and making sure he pays for his crimes or finding a way to contain him.

Edited by wayne67
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I think this is because Ichabod really works best when he can bounce off of Abbie. It's their interaction that sells Ichabod. Without Abbie, he just seems stiff, weird and cranky. With her, he softens... and there is always a bit of humor with him underneath the surface.

And Katrina seems to have no humor in her at all - which may be part of the problem. Even in the most dire situations, the other characters can manage a quip or two. I think another part of the problem is the direction. Just because the dialogue for Ichabod and Katrina is written in a stiff, formal fashion, doesn't mean they should be physically stiff and formal. People in the 1700's had passion, humor and every other normal human emotion/feeling.


When Katrina and Ichabod were reunited after so long (longer in her perception of time), they didn't do much more than hug - there was no sense that they wanted to do what any loving married couple would want after such a long separation. To quote Ichabod, they'd want to "get a room!"


What Abigail Adams had to do with Sleepy Hollow is a mystery. SH is 200 miles away from Braintree MA (the Adams home, 13 or so miles from Boston). Anything as historically significant as her desk would be in an Adams collection in MA, or DC. Even 13 miles was quite a distance in the pre-automotive day.


Abigail was also played stiffly. If I recall, she never even stood up. What was up with that? The flashbacks were dull, and while one or two dropped a hint about the painter, there was no urgency in them.


I think I read the paper through most of the scenes with the Cranes. Even though the story of the painting could have been interesting, it wasn't well crafted. The best part of it was Abby shooting the picture dead.


I loved Jenny with the corpse though. And Frank's return. Every other regular character in the show just nails it each time. That keeps me coming back.

Edited by clanstarling
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And Katrina seems to have no humor in her at all - which may be part of the problem. Even in the most dire situations, the other characters can manage a quip or two. I think another part of the problem is the direction. Just because the dialogue for Ichabod and Katrina is written in a stiff, formal fashion, doesn't mean they should be physically stiff and formal. People in the 1700's had passion, humor and every other normal human emotion/feeling.



THIS THIS THIS. Katrina has no humor, so that means she's got no humanity to fall back on as a character. She's all pronouncements and omens and proclamations and WOE AND DOOM; where is the spirited Quaker woman who joined secret dancing societies and defied social expectations in an era where that was social suicide, witch or no, to marry the man she loved? 


Formal language and manners do not mean "dead behind the eyes." People in Colonial/Revolutionary era America boned, wept, farted, had their periods, told dirty jokes, ate too much, got drunk and lusted after each other, just like now. Katrina being everything and Ichabod knowing every person, plus both of them being everywhere of importance in their time, might have some hand-wave plausibility if the show would acknowledge how implausible it is through some jokes. As it is, the whole "ignore the elephant in the room and lace your corset tighter" approach is just adding ridiculousness without any humor to leaven the lump.

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If they were supposed to be wearing "business casual," shouldn't Katrina have been in something like slacks (or skirt) and a cardigan? That was cocktail party attire. And is Abbie supporting both the Cranes now? Did she have to buy Katrina that dress, those heels and the veritable pounds of makeup she was wearing?

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It is not politically correct to say but, is it possible that we are getting so much Katrina because, without her, we have three black main characters and one white main character?  Maybe the powers that be think that the show is becoming a black show and that the audience would be broader with more Katrina. I never even thought much about it until someone mentioned the black characters being part of the B story. I just don’t see any other reason why she is being pushed into the forefront and Abbie has become such a afterthought.



The first season was so awesome. I could not wait until the next episode. I would turn off the lights, no computer, no book, just focus on the show. It was my new X-Files. Now, I multitask while watching. The magic has been lost and I will join the chorus and blame Katrina. She has become the center of every episode, yet I am not sure that there is anyone asking for more Katrina. She is almost as bland as Kristen Stewart in Twilight. I would not mind her so much if she had a sense of humor, chemistry with anyone, or just a sense of purpose. Ichabod is so free, charming and just delighted by life when he is with anyone other than Katrina. I feel as though he is always on guard with Katrina. Ichabod has chemistry with everyone, even Hawley (I want a bromance there), yet it's like he and Katrina just met in line at the DMV.


I am not worried about Irving. I never thought he was dead and am sure he is part of some bigger storyline. I have a feeling that he is somehow the key to everything. I miss Hawley. I needed a little comic relief. I did like the painting storyline, I just wish it was better executed. I felt like the ending was rushed but I love the badass Abbie coming in to save the day.

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It is not politically correct to say but, is it possible that we are getting so much Katrina because, without her, we have three black main characters and one white main character?  Maybe the powers that be think that the show is becoming a black show and that the audience would be broader with more Katrina. I never even thought much about it until someone mentioned the black characters being part of the B story. I just don’t see any other reason why she is being pushed into the forefront and Abbie has become such a afterthought.


After taking a look at the Empire ratings, becoming a black show would have been the best thing to ever happen to Sleepy Hollow.

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Maybe the powers that be think that the show is becoming a black show and that the audience would be broader with more Katrina. I never even thought much about it until someone mentioned the black characters being part of the B story.

But since the core four were established in S1 and it was a huge hit the concerns about it "becoming" a black show should not have been given a lot of consideration.


I do think there was an expectation that making it about Ichtrina would broaden the audience - there were some pockets of Katrina fans out there who were very vocal about her appeal.  I think that reverberated TPTB's own take on things so they forged ahead.  Sadly, they bulldozed right over what many of us found to be special about the show - interesting characters, crazy but good storylines, some genuine scares and some unexpected humor.  Even shortfalls in S1 were easily forgiven, because they were part of something bigger that was fun and good.  The cast diversity was an added bonus but it was good casting first and foremost.

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This review tickled me:

So, Ichabod does what Ichabod do, and decides to enter the world of the painting. Katrina, eager to remain key to the plot, grabs Ichabod’s arm and forces her way into his storyline and inside of the world of the painting. She says some kind of witchy chant that includes the penetrate-y word penetraray or something, so you know it’s real. They enter the world of the painting, and it doesn’t look all cool and painterly or anything but just has a squawking bird running into a door. Scary, spooky! It’s the mind of James Colby.

Full review at http://flavorwire.com/499932/sleepy-hollow-season-2-episode-13-recap-pittura-infamente

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Katrina fulfilled one of my greatest fantasies this episode which is to find an antique desk, search for hidden compartments and find letters or other valuables hidden. Of course that's never happened to me because the places I know that sell antiques have sellers who are smart enough to check their wares for compartments and valuables. A secret compartment would actually be  a selling point for the item

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It is hard to add to what everyone else has said, but overall I just couldn't get that invested into this episode. Outside of Ichatrina stuff being boring, the opening scene in the cabin was a terrible starting point.


Abbie preparing Crane for a date with Katrina and giving him marriage advice for the hundredth time felt insulting to me as a viewer. I don't know why TPTB think viewers want to see Ichabbie interact only as a way to set up Katrina as a main part of the story. Anytime Katrina, Abbie, and Ichabod are in a scene together it feels awkward and forced and beneath Abbie as a character and Nicole as an actress.


I am guessing this episode was filmed before the fan backlash started after Deliverance, but it still amazing how Goffman really thought this would be a good idea for an episode. Outside of being upset with the direction, the Ichatrina moments made for just boring tv. The brief scene at the end with Icahbod and Abbie had more energy than anything else in the episode.  It is a shame that so much was filmed before it seemed like Fox realized that changes were needed because so much has already been invested in the character of Katrina and I am sure she will still play a important role in the last 5 episodes.  The series low 1.3 rating was well deserved and I think it will get worse before there is even a chance for things to improve.

Edited by vanarnd1
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I also loved Jenny's frustrated yell: "Thanks for telling me to leave one bullet IN, Hawley!!" Heeeee.


Only decdent part of that scene. I wouldn't have minded her being taken aback, or super grossed out. But Season1 Jenny would never have cried over it. Bullshit. 


Abbie/Frank vs Katrina/Henry: Abbie loves Frank more than Katrina could possibly love Henry, but if needed,  she will put him down without a second's hesitation. And Jenny is on board, albeit reluctantly. No "he can be redeemed!"


I love Abbie - reading her mother's journal, talking to Frank, rescuing the Cranes.  Plus she looked gorgeous tonight.


Abbie in her work shirt is hotter that Katrina in her LookAtMyBoobies dress.


It occurs to me that when Ichabod and StruggleWitch went into the painting to save Miller he was already upside down in actual painting.

And what do they do? Walk slow as molasses and look at things on desks and shit in a totally different room.

Don't forget the rocking horse. The "mind" of every serial killer has one!

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I didn't even realize this was going to be a new episode, so when my bedroom Tivo was switching to it, I actually stayed on Lifetime and watched the crappy Saint Bobby loves Whitney movie. My living room DVR did record this episode, but thanks to the reviews I have read on this and another forum, I  will delete Pittura Inframante unwatched.


I hope the rewrites and reshot footage I am hearing about redirects the show, and goes back to the show with which we all fell in love.  

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On the plus side, it was genuinely freaky when the painting showed the artist's face watching Crane and Katrina.


That was creepy. I will not be buying art for my home! 


Also, as someone who has worked for a historical society, I was having a hard time suspending disbelief that the furniture would be out for just anyone to touch. Usually it's behind ropes or something.




Or using their crystal and china.


I know! What historical society would let people be that handsy???? My mom won't let me touch my own baby shoes..... 

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Caught up on the episode this weekend. Once I realized that Ichabod and Katrina would be solving the painting case I lost interest.


I agree with whomever said, the few minutes that Ichabod and Abbie spoke at the end of the episode briefly brought back the spark. I liked all the parts with Irving, small as they were. When Irving shed a tear I felt for him. I get where Abbie is coming from but still..poor Irving he must be so lost. I am also sure that Henry had something to do with his sudden pardon. Loved all the Jenny scene and her scene with Irving, "friend" indeed.


Ichabod and Katrina *yawn*....Pretty much agree with most here. They need to fix it and fast, my interest is waning.

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I did a re-watch trying to make sure to watch objectively.  On first watch I was so pre-disposed to dislike the Katrina/Ichabod crime-solving partnership that I wondered if I was just allowing myself to be too negative.


While I still think the special effects are the thing that really saved the A-plot,  I as able to make some deeper observations about the episode. 


- The one scene where Katrina and Ichabod are looking at the other couple as they grab ass.  The facial expressions on Ichabod's face vs. Katrina's face is very telling.  He looks superior and a little cheeky.  He's telling her something.  Giving her some intel about this new time.  Mison is selling it as usual.  Winter, otoh, doesn't change expression.  She should looked a little shocked, maybe.  Metaphorically clutching her pearls?  Nope.  She looks like she is waiting for her line.


- Did 18th century women wear 3 inch heels?  Cuz girlfriend was wearing those pumps like a pro. 


- Abbie's marksmanship.  I didn't notice it in first watch. but she put her bullets in the hanging man in the painting in a perfect cross: head, heart, groin, left arm, right arm.  Such precision.


- I will admit that the last conversation between Ichabod and Katrina where she says she misses her friend Abigail and then Ichabod gives the speech about them trying to make their way ..or whatever... I thought that was the realest the two seemed together since their argument on the Weeping Lady episode and the best acting Winter has done since that episode as well.  It was a good scene.  It felt authentic.    Too bad it came so late.


- Putting  aside the chemistry problems between Katrina & Ichabod, I think this episode tried to do something they should have done much earlier in S2.  It attempted to look at Katrina's own problems with adjusting to this time & some of her loneliness.  I actually found myself feeling a little sympathy.  It felt like Katrina wants to go back to the 1700s while Ichabod wants to stay here.  For a moment there she felt a bit human and not just a walking trope. 


- From the time Irving appeared, Abbie went 100% guarded.  The whole time Nicole's Beharie's body language, facial expression, speech patterns  all felt 'closed.'  It is like Abbie put herself & her emotions on lockdown, like she couldn't trust herself to even try to relax & believe Frank.  The only time she seem at all relaxed was when she was talking to Crane on the phone.  On first watch it felt like Abbie just felt off and I chalked it up to the oddness of the Ichabod & Abbie separation, but on second watch it felt more like a deliberate acting choice.


If there hadn't already been so many MOTW episodes this season and and if I wasn't already completely over  how much focus we've already had on Katrina, I might have like this more than I did.  That said, I did like it a tick more on re-watch.

Edited by DearEvette
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<heavy, sad sigh>


I finally caught up on my dvr watching. I'm glad I have been keeping an eye on the discussions here. I know that I have missed absolutely nothing with my liberal use of the fast forward button.


I'm looking forward to the last 2 episodes of S2. I will watch these live in a display of token support for the alleged course correction (I don't have a Neilson box, so my support will only serve to make me feel better!). Call me naive, but I still have a tiny amount of hope for a return to the glory days of S1!----Honestly, we can't be the only ones who see the huge difference between the quality of scenes with Abbie/Crane and Fail!Witch/Crane can we?


The mind boggles at how quickly something so incredibly good became so bad so fast! (...there's a song lyric along those lines somewhere isn't there?...)

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It felt like Katrina wants to go back to the 1700s while Ichabod wants to stay here.  For a moment there she felt a bit human and not just a walking trope.

By all means - let's send her back never to return again - alone.


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Given Macie is wheelchair bound and a preteen at best, I doubt that anyone would believe she could inflict that kind of physical harm on full grown adult males.  The forensics explaining the assaults would not match up with Macie's physical abilities, size, etc...no DA would go forward on the basis that a wheelchair bound 13(?) year old girl took out a couple of full grown male detectives without using a gun or other weapon.

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Given Macie is wheelchair bound and a preteen at best, I doubt that anyone would believe she could inflict that kind of physical harm on full grown adult males.  The forensics explaining the assaults would not match up with Macie's physical abilities, size, etc...no DA would go forward on the basis that a wheelchair bound 13(?) year old girl took out a couple of full grown male detectives without using a gun or other weapon.

But this was true all along - that's why Frank being locked up never made any sense.

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I thought he said he did it to protect Macie?  Which still makes no sense because he should have known she really wasn't a good candidate for prosecution, but I'll give him a pass for not thinking clearly - he'd been dealing with a hellalot o' crazy!

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It makes no sense to prosecute Macie, given there's no way she could physically do what she'd be charged with. However, I do wonder if Irving was trying to protect everyone, because if Macie didn't do it, the spotlight gets shown elsewhere and how on earth would he be able to explain what happened? He couldn't say it was something supernatural. He needed to give them something or that spotlight might go where the team didn't need it to be at a time when they needed to be focusing on stopping the evil stuff, not getting sucked into a massive investigation.

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It makes no sense to prosecute Macie, given there's no way she could physically do what she'd be charged with. However, I do wonder if Irving was trying to protect everyone, because if Macie didn't do it, the spotlight gets shown elsewhere and how on earth would he be able to explain what happened? He couldn't say it was something supernatural. He needed to give them something or that spotlight might go where the team didn't need it to be at a time when they needed to be focusing on stopping the evil stuff, not getting sucked into a massive investigation.

Aargh - that makes how he was sidelined and shoved aside even worse... smh.

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