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She's Superman's Cousin!: And Other Supergirl Spoilers

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Lol! I don't even think they have to botch Kara/Mon-El for James to look like a solid alternate choice. I've said before that Kara and James work when they're just the sweet, bubbly, angst-free, mutually supportive, friends-to-lovers low-key couple. If the show stops trying to push Kara/James as this Big Destined True Love Couple and just lets them be FRIENDS for a while, I think they might rediscover the spark.

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6 hours ago, Trini said:

Barry and Iris aren't siblings.

And I don't know much about Mon-El, but we'll have to wait and see how close a "familial" relation they him on the show. Berlanti's always doing his own version of the characters.

Family-wise they aren't even the same species (in the most recent version from the comics, Daxemites were Kryptonian colonists who left Krypton 10,000 years ago and settled the planet Daxem).

Mon-El isn't even his real name. His real name is Lar Gand. Mon-El is just what a ten-year old Clark Kent called him when Lar had amnesia after his crash landing on Earth and thought he was Kryptonian because they had similar powers. Mon-El's name isn't even Kryptonian in origin... Clark picked Mon- literally because he met him on a Monday (and when will Supergirl first meet him? On Monday... which I find wonderful).

There is literally nothing familial about their relationship in the comics (in the comics they don't even meet until Supergirl takes a trip to the 30th Century and meets the version who spent 1000+ years in the Phantom Zone after ten-year old Clark put him there so he wouldn't die until a cure for his fatal lead poisoning was developed). I can't see anyone having any problem with Supergirl and Mon-El/Lar Gand/Valor (his comic code name) having a relationship.

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There are more spoilers in the Kreisberg interview in the Media thread, but I wanted to mention this bit about who may or may not be returning:


Will Lucy Lane (Jenna Dewan Tatum) return?
We hope so. We don’t have any immediate plans, but that’s not because we aren’t in love with Jenna.

Is Laura Benanti coming back at all?
Yes, she is. She’s coming back as the A.I. hologram. But it’s actually a funny scene with the A.I. hologram, which we didn’t get to do last year, so it was very fun to write that scene.

I'm not sure how they can truly do the Mon-El story because wouldn't Kara remember if Mon-El is related to her? LOL. She was 13 when she left Krypton. Surely she would know if she had a cousin (even a more distant one), or especially if Kal has an older brother. It worked in the Superboy comics because Clark truly wouldn't have known if Mon-El was a relative or not. 

So they will have to do something to explain this loophole so the story can work for Supergirl. Maybe they won't do the relative thing at all. Maybe they already know he's from Daxam.

II kinda hope they won't. I didn't mind that The Flash had Iris as Barry's adoptive sister (my issues with that pairing are a bit more complex), but I realize a lot of people are squicked by this sort of thing, so I'd prefer they didn't go into that territory if they wanted to make this new character Kara's LI (and I'm pretty sure that's one of his roles). Hopefully they'll use the "Mon-El" moniker as an Easter Egg of sorts.

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Interview with Kreisberg and Adler about the new season; Excerpts:


TVLINE | Educate us a bit on Mon-El. Who is he in the scheme of things?
KREISBERG | Mon-El is actually from a sister world to Krypton. He’s from Daxam, so his powers aren’t quite at the same level as hers, but he’s long been associated with Superman and with Supergirl in the comics and he’s…

TVLINE | A friend or foe?
KREISBERG | Both — and we’re putting our own spin on the character, which we always try to do, so that we’re not spoon-feeding direct mythology right out of the comic books. We’re trying to make it interesting for everybody, so we’re kind of excited about it.

ADLER | I always wish I could have seen those first few weeks and months of Kara experiencing life on Earth. I miss not knowing her point of view at that time. What’s been exciting with Mon-El is that he lands and has the same questions she might have had. But this time, she’s the teacher guiding this fish out of water through his first days on Earth.

TVLINE | What’s going to thrust us into action this season?
KREISBERG | There’s a chain of events that forces Superman and Supergirl to team up, and them getting to spend some time in each other’s lives, which they haven’t previously gotten to do. That’s sort of the engine that starts the season. And Project Cadmus, this evil organization dedicated to eradicating alien life on Earth, their two biggest targets are Superman and Supergirl.


TVLINE | What brings Lena Luthor to town? Does she have chip on her shoulder?
KREISBERG | She does have a chip on her shoulder. In our iteration, Superman has finally defeated Lex and sent him to prison, and his company has fallen into ill repute because he’s obviously associated with all of these terrible things that are happening. So Lena is renaming the company from Luther Corp to LCorp. She’s trying to change the face of her company of her family — and how do you do that when every time she walks in a room, it’s like, “Oh, that’s Lena Luthor,” followed by whispers and “Never trust a Luthor.” Part of her journey in these opening episodes is getting Kara and Clark to overcome their own prejudices, so it’s really interesting where she’s coming from. She says to Kara in the opening episode, “Can you imagine, every time you go somewhere, people judging you? Not based on you, but based on the actions of your family,” and Kara, with Superman as her cousin, can actually relate.


TVLINE | Is Maggie Sawyer any kind of threat to us, or purely an ally?
KREISBERG | She’s an ally. She’s part of the Science Police, which is the portion of the police department that deals with anything out of the ordinary. We’ll be bumping into her a lot and questions of jurisdiction versus the DEO will be coming up. Maggie is also strong proponent for alien rights, which is going to be coming up.

TVLINE | Anything you can say about Metallo?
ADLER | Just that it’s really cool what happens with him. He’s incredibly dynamic, and we’re really thrilled.

TVLINE | Why are you bringing on this Miss Martian?
KREISBERG | We wanted to have a great story for J’onn, David Harewood’s character. She and the Martian Manhunter are tied together in the comic books, and we wanted to expand his story and his world. She’ll be coming in in Episode 3 and recurring.

TVLINE | Lastly, is there a Big Bad for Season 2?
KREISBERG | Project Cadmus is going to be the Big Bad for the early part of the season, and then a new Big Bad will emerge that we want to keep on the down low.


And Project Cadmus, this evil organization dedicated to eradicating alien life on Earth, their two biggest targets are Superman and Supergirl.

Ugh, stuff like that really makes me furious we've lost Maxwell Lord. You just know he would have been involved in that. Could have been a great story, considering how established he was in season one.

20 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

That...was not the way to make James a better character/more relevant, show. Not even close.

I know, right. Well, it can't be said the writers aren't trying to find a way to get James to fit in the show instead of just immediately shuffling him off screen. "A" for effort??? (Look, I'm just trying to be positive about this even though this sounds like a terrible idea because, TBH, a guy trying to find his innner vigilante is not why I watch this show. That's what I have Arrow for, writers. ARROW.)

Also, this bit of the article was interesting and I was nodding my head in agreement:



The same can be said for the reasons behind James and Kara’s sudden split during Monday’s premiere episode. “They’re both tremendously talented actors and they’re both lovely people and they both love working with each other,” Kreisberg says. “We felt like we were pursuing that relationship more because we felt like we had to then any of us was really, truly feeling it. It was interesting because we brought in some new writers in the middle of the season to keep some fresh blood and even they were like coming at it fresh and sort of felt like we weren’t quite sure how we were going to make this happen. We realized that the best scenes between them were just the nice, sweet scenes when they were just being friends.”


Most of us have had friendships that have turned into something more and then you realize maybe it wasn’t, so it felt like a very nature, very real story that we could be telling.”


Kreisberg says what I always thought about Kara/James: They just weren't working as a romantic couple. Two very nice people who worked as friends and thought it could be more discovered, nope, we're just good friends. I've actually had that happen in real life, so I'm actually really okay with how it's ended.

Could the writers have handled it better? Yes, but I think it's because they spent so long trying to make it happen no matter what, almost as if they were duty bound to make Kara/James work - they were trying really hard to make 'fetch' happen - that it took new writers and fresh eyes for them to realize, "Guys, this just isn't going to work. They're good friends. That's all. Move. ON." So points to the writers for realizing it, accepting it, and bringing it to an end. 

Edited by regularlyleaded
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Interesting news about James, did not expect that at all, but intriguing

I wonder if he will still be a photographer as well, I hope so.

I hope Kreisberg can sleep well, now that he is free to go with a white ship. Must have been eating him up, that two of his shows had IR main couples. 

Edited by DCLeague

I don't even know what to say about that news about James. Yeah, they need to give him something to do, but... crimefighting vigilante? Way to stay in your comfort zone, Kreisberg. On the other hand, we hardly saw James doing his actual job last season, so.... But couldn't they find a role for him at CatCo? Especially now that Cat is only recurring?

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If they wanted to introduce a new hero they should have used Steel (either John Henry or Natasha) and tweaked the origin as needed.  Given how they twisted Ray Palmer into a poor man's Iron Man they could easily work it out, especially with LuthorCorp around to be a source for the tech.  Unless James has years of combat training he's never mentioned he should end up in the hospital or morgue on his first night out.  In the comics Guardian is usually linked to Cadmus so maybe they'll give him something.

I don't know what to say about it either. On one hand, it will give him an interesting story. I wanted that. But on the other, I can't believe they making Jimmy Olsen the guardian? What?!!! 

They have just changed the character so much that I don't even understand the choice to use the character in the first place. 

The guardian has a special shield that he uses as a weapon, correct? Is Cadmus who creates it? 

Edited by Kendra
2 hours ago, Trini said:

I don't even know what to say about that news about James. Yeah, they need to give him something to do, but... crimefighting vigilante? Way to stay in your comfort zone, Kreisberg. On the other hand, we hardly saw James doing his actual job last season, so.... But couldn't they find a role for him at CatCo? Especially now that Cat is only recurring?

It's clear that the Berlanti shows have no clue what to do with love interests, and the default has become "make them their own superhero!" Because THAT will fix the problem of terrible writing for the romance to begin with. Hard side-eye, here. Hard.

It seems to me that they are phasing CatCo in general out. Being a reporter means Kara'll be out on the street chasing stories a lot more, and at the physical CatCo location a lot less anyway. Since CF is basically going away and the new boss character is only recurring, I predict a lot less CatCo scenes in general. Think about it--they've moved Winn to the DEO, now James is the final puzzle. Getting him away from CatCo means they can essentially stop doing stuff at CatCo in general. Have Kara drop in for a token 5 minutes every episode and then she's out on the streets.

Though I do hope Kara and James team up as reporter/photographer. That just seems so natural and obvious a way to keep him involved and them friends?

ETA: Though I will say teaming James and Winn up is actually a good move. Oddly, they really work as bros/an odd couple. Last season I felt they worked best when they were around each other. BUT I call complete bullshit that the DEO wouldn't take one look at Winn and figure the whole thing out. I'm back to thinking that both Winn AND James are dead weight here.


They have just changed the character so much that I don't even understand the choice to use the character in the first place. 

Just like Laurel on Arrow. When will these writers learn?

Edited by stealinghome
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I just am not interested in Arrow 2.0. I really wanted something different for this show, especially when we already have Supergirl kicking ass. We don't need James out there getting himself hurt every other episode and having Supergirl come save him, which I predict will happen. I like seeing the females and Martian Manhunter kicking ass on the field and the boys staying behind doing their own thing behind the scenes. I know they lost their way with James, which was a major complaint, but the answer is not always to throw in a vigilante storyline because yay for action. 

And with James/Winn going out on the field secretly together and Winn having to hide this from the DEO? That undermines the intelligence of all the characters. It's going to dumb down the main DEO characters if they don't figure it out within an episode, it'll dumb down Kara (I know she doesn't have telepathy but I'm pretty sure one encounter with James should have her using her new reporter skills to figure it out), and it's just pointless in general. 

It does sound from that article that James is not going to be a photographer much and it'll be slowly phased out:


 “These next few episodes are going to make him realize that being a photographer… is not enough for him, so he’s going to go on a pretty exciting career trajectory that we’re really pumped by.

Although I could be wrong. It does sound like there'll be a lot of night time shoots with James/Winn because of it. Also, Winn is out in the field? Really? 

Also, James thinks there's something wrong with being a sidekick so vigilante is the next best thing? Have we ever seen him fight or do anything physical like that? I genuinely can't remember. It does sound like a Laurel 2.0 scenario, except James' comic alter isn't a vigilante (to my recollection?). It's not going to make me like James any more. I'd rather that they actually tried to give James a more active role while still being unique in some way. I already have my vigilantism through Oliver. I don't need to see James' story of him getting hurt over and over and having Kara be pissed at him when she finds out, and I definitely don't want a team up of Supergirl and Guardian. 

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Some interesting tidbit/speculation about Mon-El and the crossover episodes (EW article):


[...] the Dominators are the crossover’s villains. In the comics, specifically in Invasion!, the Dominators are a technologically advanced alien race who form a coalition with various other races to invade Earth, all in the name of eliminating the threat posed by unpredictable metahumans. The Daxamites were part of the coalition, and the newly arrived Mon-El (Chris Wood) on Supergirl hails from Daxam. Coincidence?

I don't know. I was thinking more of the scene where he says something along the lines of "my telepathy doesn't work on Kryptonians. Superman thinks it's hilarious" which implies he has tried it with no serious worries of anything going wrong. If he thought something would go wrong, he likely wouldn't have risked it. He also didn't correct Alex's assumption that he had read her mind.

I thought he messed up the guy's brain when he was trying to modify his memory? Or maybe I am mis-remembering; it was a while ago. But I got the feeling that that wasn't the norm. He had to have figured out he could use telepathy against humans at some point - presumably that happened without permanent brain damage.


I thought he messed up the guy's brain when he was trying to modify his memory? Or maybe I am mis-remembering; it was a while ago. But I got the feeling that that wasn't the norm. He had to have figured out he could use telepathy against humans at some point - presumably that happened without permanent brain damage.

Yeah, iirc he was trying to erase the Lord Tech guard's memories of J'onn's break-in, but ended up erasing too much (read: most everything). But he also managed to erase the jackass Colonel's short-term memories when Lucy and Kara saved him from Cadmus (right before he and Alex went on the run) without hurting the guy's long-term memory, so I think J'onn's refined his technique.

But also, I agree that he can use telepathy without damage to the person being read--he read Jeremiah's mind in the flashback, for example. It seems to be harmful only if he tries to actively mess with memories.

Edited by stealinghome

Also, James thinks there's something wrong with being a sidekick so vigilante is the next best thing? Have we ever seen him fight or do anything physical like that? I genuinely can't remember. It does sound like a Laurel 2.0 scenario, except James' comic alter isn't a vigilante (to my recollection?). It's not going to make me like James any more. I'd rather that they actually tried to give James a more active role while still being unique in some way. I already have my vigilantism through Oliver.

Arrow is Arrow, Supergirl can do its own vigilantism storyline. Legends of Tomorrow having time travel does not stop The Flash from having time travel too, in their own way. James doesnt think there is anything wrong with being a sidekick, likely he is just looking for the next step in his hero career. Supergirl cant be everywhere and save everyone, I think that will be his thought process.  Isn't this an active role, what  other active role do you suggest, they should have gone with?

James will not be an alien hero, I think that will make him unique enough in Supergirl World.  James will be the first person with a mask in the show!


They have just changed the character so much that I don't even understand the choice to use the character in the first place. 

I think  thats why they had him go by James, in a way he is a show original character.  Comics Jimmy Olsen is stunted in Superman comics, change is not always bad. 

Edited by DCLeague

Unless James is going to get superpowers to go along with his costume, his time as a vigilante will end as soon as he comes across one of the Fort Roz escapees or some other alien/powered threat. Even Oliver had to get help from Ray and his suit, or made a point of calling Barry, when he encountered an actual meta.

Edited by KirkB
  • Love 1
16 hours ago, regularlyleaded said:

Some interesting tidbit/speculation about Mon-El and the crossover episodes (EW article):

Well, if they can write James to be the Guardian, then they can easily write Mon-El into a villain. Chris Wood does play a pretty good bad guy. EPs said this would be their own version of the character. 

I'm very eager to find out more about Miss Martian and what she is going to bring to the show. I hope we hear something or get an episode still for her. Do we know when her first appearance will be? 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Kendra said:

Well, if they can write James to be the Guardian, then they can easily write Mon-El into a villain.

Oh, absolutely. I don’t have a problem with them making Mon-El a villain. But what made that tidbit interesting to me was that in previous interviews that I’ve read, the show producers mentioned that Mon-El was going to be somebody that Kara would “mentor” and help introduce Earth to him. So my perception based on that info was that Mon-El would be more “friend” than “foe”. But putting together both pieces of info (Kara would mentor him + Mon-El may be part of an extra-terrestrial coalition to end metahumans on Earth), you could speculate that Mon-El might be more of a grey-ish version of Astra. That is to say, maybe Mon-El started off as part of the Dominators coalition but changed sides because the coalitions plans were too extreme for him?

*shrug* I don’t know. This is merely idle speculation on my part based on the little they've said about the character. I don’t really have a preference as to Mon-El’s allegiances as long as he doesn’t bore me to tears. 

On 10/11/2016 at 3:57 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Well, I guess this is how James is going to become relevant this season.

Because, of course this is what they come up with. 

Sigh. Well at least The Guardian's actual first name has always been James. But James Harper, not James Olsen. 

That said, there's a legit actual link to Jimmy Olsen, because a lot of the character's appearances were in the "Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen" comic.  It's also interesting to note that The Guardian was linked to Cadmus in those stories. But Cadmus were good guys in it, and The Guardian was their head of security. 

THEN in more recent comics, The Guardian was linked to another group we know we're going to hear from soon--The Science Police (albeit the Metropolis version, not National City). 

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Unless James is going to get superpowers to go along with his costume, his time as a vigilante will end as soon as he comes across one of the Fort Roz escapees or some other alien/powered threat.

Maybe he will focus on human street level crime, and let Supergirl and DEO deal with alien villains and other world saving missions.


Well, if they can write James to be the Guardian, then they can easily write Mon-El into a villain.

Well the show doesnt need two caped super beings saving the day, the above would definitely make sense or a grey character. Either way the show doesnt need Superman or this Mon El as anything more than recurring guests.


James Olsen to Become DC Comics' Guardian + First Look Photo tumblr_inline_oeykpzLy2X1txi91z_540.jpg


Edited by DCLeague

His helmet will be a lot like Diggle's on Arrow, Spiderman's mask, and the cowl's on the various speedsters - when it really counts it will be off.  You can't get away with hiding 95% of your actor's face for all of the drama scenes.

As for street level crime, there's never been any indication of National City being like Gotham.  Will a seedy underbelly suddenly pop up?

  • Love 1

From EW's Spoiler Room:


Kara’s working relationship with her new boss, Snapper Carr, is very different from the one she had with Cat Grant. “Cat — both with Kara and I think with others — is actually devoted to mentoring people,” EP Andrew Kreisberg says. “She challenges them hard, but she does that with the idea that she’s forging them and they’re going to come out the other side as stronger, better people. Snapper Carr doesn’t give a crap. He believes in the written word, in facts and ‘Are you good at your job or are you not? If you’re not good at your job, I don’t have time for you.’”  

On 10/12/2016 at 9:44 PM, Trini said:

It may just be this photo, but I don't like the helmet. Get Cisco on that; STAT.


11 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

His helmet will be a lot like Diggle's on Arrow, Spiderman's mask, and the cowl's on the various speedsters - when it really counts it will be off.  You can't get away with hiding 95% of your actor's face for all of the drama scenes.

As for street level crime, there's never been any indication of National City being like Gotham.  Will a seedy underbelly suddenly pop up?

They clearly want his face hidden. I think they're going to go with the angle that his identity is secret (not sure he could hide it from Kara though, unless the tech has tech to help mask X-Ray vision, Superhearing, etc.)

3 hours ago, Kromm said:


They clearly want his face hidden. I think they're going to go with the angle that his identity is secret (not sure he could hide it from Kara though, unless the tech has tech to help mask X-Ray vision, Superhearing, etc.)

Simply lining it with lead would do that.  Lead is the one substance that Kryptonians can't see through or hear through.  They can't melt it with their heat vision, either.

9 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

Simply lining it with lead would do that.  Lead is the one substance that Kryptonians can't see through or hear through.  They can't melt it with their heat vision, either.

Sure they can, Kara did it in episode three when she melted down the lead statue and covered her hand in it to grab Reactron's reactor.

There was one story back in the 40's when there was no heat vision yet where Superman couldn't focus his x-ray vision to melt something lead (though impermeability would actually make it absorb more energy and melt faster... but hey, comics from the 40's what are you going to do?) but nothing in the last 60 years has had any Kryptonian have any difficulty melting down lead.

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