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S05.E03: JoJo with a Bow Bow


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Wow, Jojo's mom is really a whole other level of obnoxious.  Bragging about Jojo's score being higher then Sarah's -- when Jojo is older and couldn't do the solo in the first place?  Making fun of Sarah's mom because of the way she looks - when she basically looks exactly the same except with bleached hair? So delusional.  I can't actually tell what Jojo is like but hopefully she doesn't take after her mother.


I find Kalani being on this team so weird.  She is such a better dancer then anything she does on here. With the other girls, at least I feel like they are having to work hard from a dancing point of view.  With Kalani I just feel like she must be falling behind her peers at her real studio due to not being there and continuing her training.  Hopefully thats not true.  

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Just got done watching and finally - what Abby has said for years - wasn't the truth - she came out and admitted to Maddie being her favorite - like the rest of us didn't know. I could not stand Jo-Jo on AUDC and she hasn't changed. She's a very expressive dancer and fun to watch - but the kid is so weird and arrogant - this will not be fun to watch and may push even more viewers away.


I didn't understand why Melissa didn't go to LA with Maddie and instead her sister accompanied her. I also thought Jo-Jo did a better job than Mackenzie - while Mackenzie was dancing all I could see was her shaking her bootie in that Bumble Bee costume - she's proven she can do a more mature piece or let her tap like she wants.

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I miss having Chloe on the show, and now that the entire show is Maddie, Maddie, Maddie, they need to cancel. Maybe give Maddie her own show if TPTB are convinced a whole show should be about how wonderful she is. And she is a nice girl and good dancer, but I'm sick of her and sick of Abby and her obsession. Any sane mother would be concerned about a dance teacher being completely obsessed with her student. 


l can't stand Jo Jo and her sassy act. This act (and bow) are going to get old soon and she is going to end up a teenager still trying to act cute and sassy. I still like watching the other girls, but just tired of the whole Abby/Maddie story.

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Only watched 20 minutes before I couldn't take it anymore.  New Mom and her kid are more annoying than any other "guest" Abby has dragged in.

When I look at JoJo all I can picture is "Baby Jane".  She'll be wearing those dumb bows in her over bleached hair until she's 70 if her over bearing mother has anything to do with her "career". She'll end up like Donna Douglas dressing in her "Ellie Mae Clampett" get up for 50 years.


I feel bad for most of the kids trapped in Abby's studio (thanks to their fame whore mothers locking them in & tossing the key).  I really feel sick to my stomach when I see that poor little Sarah.  She so tiny and scared and unhealthy looking.  So pale and frail! And she's gotta go home with her cuckoo for cocoa puffs mom every night. 


I hope this is the last season for this show.  The girls deserve better.  Better training, better parents, better childhoods.

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I stopped watching this train wreck, but I can't imagine that Abby hasn't pitched a Maddie centered show to Lifetime by now.  I know the Asia show went belly up quickly, but you think Abby of all people would be capitalizing off all of this Sia nonsense.  You know Melissa would be all for it.  Not that I want it for Maddie's sake (or poor Mack's), but at least Abby could end the whole Dance Moms charade and just put 100% of her focus onto her "star".

  • Love 4

I got a big laugh out of Holly proclaiming "I grew up in the Bronx, NY so I'm good". Really Dr. Holly?  I grew up in Brooklyn, NY and I learned very early not to take crap from anyone something that folks from the Bronx learn as well.  Maybe you missed class the day that was taught.  How could Holly sit there when Abby Lardass told Nia that if the group didn't win it would be her fault?  At that point she have told Abby "F you and the horse you rode in on", grabbed Nia and said AMF.  Of course this is fantasy since the contract would never allow this unless it was part of the script but really Holly, how much money have you sold your soul and your child's well being for?  Is it truly worth it?   Melissa should have gone to LA with Maddie and let her sister take care of Mckenzie.  For God's sake woman, Maddie is twelve years old. It's just more proof that Melissa is an unfit parent and that her ex-hubby should make a legal move on her.  JoJo's mother is ghastly looking and her daughter looks like she wants to play the lead in a juvenile version of "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane". The kid is really an obnoxious twit as well.  What's the old line from Top Gun; "Your ego is writing checks that your body can't cash"?  Seems to describe JoJo perfectly.

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I can't actually tell what Jojo is like but hopefully she doesn't take after her mother.


I find Kalani being on this team so weird.  She is such a better dancer then anything she does on here. 

I think Jojo looks exactly like her mom. Actually, I think all of the dancer on the Dance Challenge show were good, but they specifically chose kids who look like their moms, so you'd know who goes with whom. Kalani - I didn't like her on AUDC, bc Abby favored her so much over better dancers, but I like her on DM. She's grown up so much over the past year, she looks like a teen and not a child, plus she's a better dancer than DM girls, so she just doesn't fit in. I'm suprised Abby hasn't turned on her like she did on Brooke, as if they can control growing up.


Arrrgh! Stop trying to make Mackenzie happen! She's a cute kid but she isn't that talented.  Let the kid have a normal non-famewhore life. 

I don't think she can sing, but she can dance and is a talented performer. Her facial expressions are getting much better and far more expressive than Maddie. However, Mackenzie just doesn't obsessively livebreatheat dance like Maddie, so Abby calls her a slacker. I hate those babiefied Acro routines with the pouty kicks, pigtails and cartwheels in a circle that she does EVERY SINGLE ROUTINE. They're boring to watch on someone older than 5.


Just got done watching and finally - what Abby has said for years - wasn't the truth - she came out and admitted to Maddie being her favorite - like the rest of us didn't know. I could not stand Jo-Jo on AUDC and she hasn't changed. She's a very expressive dancer and fun to watch - but the kid is so weird and arrogant - this will not be fun to watch and may push even more viewers away.


I didn't understand why Melissa didn't go to LA with Maddie and instead her sister accompanied her. I also thought Jo-Jo did a better job than Mackenzie - while Mackenzie was dancing all I could see was her shaking her bootie in that Bumble Bee costume - she's proven she can do a more mature piece or let her tap like she wants.

I just can't root for Maddie, because she's good and consistent, but not nearly as good as Abby makes her out to be, plus she's also give the same old routine and never placed against anyone difficult (ok ONE time with Kalani doing a low-point worthy acro dance). Give her real competition and wipe that smug smirk of her huge teeth, and maybe I'll be interested again.


I miss having Chloe on the show, and now that the entire show is Maddie, Maddie, Maddie, they need to cancel. Maybe give Maddie her own show if TPTB are convinced a whole show should be about how wonderful she is. And she is a nice girl and good dancer, but I'm sick of her and sick of Abby and her obsession. Any sane mother would be concerned about a dance teacher being completely obsessed with her student. 


l can't stand Jo Jo and her sassy act. This act (and bow) are going to get old soon and she is going to end up a teenager still trying to act cute and sassy. I still like watching the other girls, but just tired of the whole Abby/Maddie story.

I agree - spin Maddie off if she's so great and stop torturing other kids. Abby is one of those people who needs a villain, but why she chooses one on her own team is beyond me. BTW where's Cathy? As for Abby's obsession - Melissa LOVES it. Melissa would literally pimp out her kid old school Hollywood style if given the chance. Like the real Mama June, Natalie Wood's mom, Big Kathy Hilton, Kris Jenner, etc., I think Melissa would do anything to advance Maddie. She makes me shudder. 


I suspect she didn't stay in Pittsburgh for Mak's sake, but to keep an eye on her husband. I'm sure she loves Makenzie, but Maddie is her cash cow.


Only watched 20 minutes before I couldn't take it anymore.  New Mom and her kid are more annoying than any other "guest" Abby has dragged in.

When I look at JoJo all I can picture is "Baby Jane".  She'll be wearing those dumb bows in her over bleached hair until she's 70 if her over bearing mother has anything to do with her "career". She'll end up like Donna Douglas dressing in her "Ellie Mae Clampett" get up for 50 years


I like Jojo. She's way over the top and clearly gets on the other girls' nerves, but she's good, and she's outspoken. That kid has confidence oozing out of her, and actually speaks her mind. I like her, but think she's almost as bad as Asia in doing way too much stripper drag queen choreography. I guess if this dance thing doesn't work out for her, she'll earn an excellent living working a pole. All those glittery bows will come in handy when she's dancing to Katy Perry songs.


I know the Asia show went belly up quickly, 

I think this is more because her crazy mom had the sense to shut down the cameras when Asia needed discipline or they were having other family issues.


I got a big laugh out of Holly proclaiming "I grew up in the Bronx, NY so I'm good". Really Dr. Holly? 

So suddenly now Dr. Holly PearlClutcher is Holly FromThaBlock? I've said from early on that Holly is just as much of a famewhore as the rest of the moms, she's just more articulate and well-mannered. Honestly, I don't think Abby likes Nia now, because 1) she needs someone to bully, and she's choosing Nia now, 2) she knows Nia is probably the most well-rounded of the bunch and has other interests besides dance and 3) Nia is also maturing and not looking like a pre-pubescent child, and Abby turns on all of the girls when they start maturing. BTW- I think this is why she no longer likes Ava - she's super tall now and doesn't look like a mini elite. Same goes for Paige and Chloe (plus she hates their mothers).

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So suddenly now Dr. Holly PearlClutcher is Holly FromThaBlock? I've said from early on that Holly is just as much of a famewhore as the rest of the moms, she's just more articulate and well-mannered. Honestly, I don't think Abby likes Nia now, because 1) she needs someone to bully, and she's choosing Nia now, 2) she knows Nia is probably the most well-rounded of the bunch and has other interests besides dance and 3) Nia is also maturing and not looking like a pre-pubescent child, and Abby turns on all of the girls when they start maturing.

Agreed.  Nia is not a great dancer but she is a good performer.  It's too bad that they don't show more of the family home lives of the kids.  I suspect that Nia is very well rounded and grounded.  Hopefully, once this nonsense with DM ends, Nia will move on to her own life.  I'm willing to bet that she is an excellent student who will eventually get into a top flight university and go on to to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher or whatever she chooses to be. Nia will end up doing something far more signifant than being just another burned out child dancer.  I really hope that Holly is doing the show solely to make enough money to pay for Nia's education.

Edited by cali1981
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Only watched 20 minutes before I couldn't take it anymore.  New Mom and her kid are more annoying than any other "guest" Abby has dragged in.

When I look at JoJo all I can picture is "Baby Jane".  She'll be wearing those dumb bows in her over bleached hair until she's 70 if her over bearing mother has anything to do with her "career". She'll end up like Donna Douglas dressing in her "Ellie Mae Clampett" get up for 50 years.


LOL.  Abby can choreograph a "Writing a Letter to Daddy" routine for her with lots of floor work and side aeriels!  Actually JoJo doesn't bother me too much-- I like her spunk. 

Edited by Gianthambeast
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I kind of like JoJo too. I can see her being over the top in person, but I guess I am (or was) giving her a bit of a pass based on her age and her obnoxious mom. But then I saw the more recent posts - she's ELEVEN??? I thought she was 7 or 8.  Wow.


I hope they put MackZ or whatever her stage name was back in school and leave her off of TV. I think she's adorable, but she's not the next breakout star and it seems like she'd be happier in normal school with normal kids. At this point I don't even think Abby would allow her to succeed if she was going to somehow appear to be 'better' than Maddie.

  • Love 2

I got a big laugh out of Holly proclaiming "I grew up in the Bronx, NY so I'm good". Really Dr. Holly?  I grew up in Brooklyn, NY and I learned very early not to take crap from anyone something that folks from the Bronx learn as well.  Maybe you missed class the day that was taught.  How could Holly sit there when Abby Lardass told Nia that if the group didn't win it would be her fault?  At that point she have told Abby "F you and the horse you rode in on", grabbed Nia and said AMF.  Of course this is fantasy since the contract would never allow this unless it was part of the script but really Holly, how much money have you sold your soul and your child's well being for?  Is it truly worth it?   Melissa should have gone to LA with Maddie and let her sister take care of Mckenzie.  For God's sake woman, Maddie is twelve years old. It's just more proof that Melissa is an unfit parent and that her ex-hubby should make a legal move on her.  JoJo's mother is ghastly looking and her daughter looks like she wants to play the lead in a juvenile version of "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane". The kid is really an obnoxious twit as well.  What's the old line from Top Gun; "Your ego is writing checks that your body can't cash"?  Seems to describe JoJo perfectly.


There is utterly no excuse for Holly - it was clear that not a single one of these families needed the cash from this show from the get-go - it's all about the famewhoring.


Melissa had to stay back at the ranch to keep the piggy-bank Greg happy, clear and simple.

I agree with so many of the posts here for this disgusting episode!!


A few things though.. at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxW7CvAsNLA you can view, if you so desire, most of Maddie's 4 dances.. I found them, well, at the very least...STRANGE..and, well, dancing is not really happening in some of them, rather flailing arms, legs and running around! This Sia/Maddie pairing is getting very old and I am surprised that Sia is still asking Maddie to dance onstage with her! (Sort of, a been there, done that thing..)


Holly, her attitude, personality, has changed at least 3 times just this season! First she was 'I can't believe that Abby shoved Christi/chloe  out now too' Then, just one episode later, when not Chloe, but Paige's name was on a Lawsuit, she did a 180 and was 'Christi, Chloe, Kelly, Paige, Brooke' are all out to destroy : Abby, the ALDC, US, OUR KIDS and we cannot let this happen!! (Let's get the pitchforks, torches, and attack them!). Then, the next 2, 3 episodes, she notices that Abby is back to picking on one student and since Brooke, Paige, Chloe are all gone, Nia is the SCAPEGOAT that is left..Nia is not getting the solos, Nia is not getting this, that, etc. etc.. and HOLLY is getting angry! She now does a 180 and.. blames ABBY!!  Holly is no longer the voice of reason, but is screaming at Abby! Holly is either the victim of bored/lousy WRITERS OR she has been infected just like Dr. Banner was, and has become the incredible Hulk'' One day, she will show up, and she will get so angry at ABBY that she will go under a complete change! Her eyes will turn RED! Her $3k Chanel Suit will shed off, Her $1,5 Christian Loubouten Shoes, will be kicked off, one pump ending up in the forehead of Melissa, the other? Abby! Her $2k weaves, she will just YANK out! The changes go on and on, and then, in the end.. she will no longer be 'Dr. Holly Hatcher Fraizer-voice of reason, but F$#@# Ho Lee, from THE BRONX! and not even Abby's death stare can not her down!. right! The writers for D.M.s are ridiculous. and I know Holly isn't stupid (the other mothers. well, that is questionable..)..I guess she, they, cannot refuse, ask for script edits? I myself, though, would just outright refuse to say some of the stuff that they do. But, then again, I would NEVER do a show like D.M.


WHICH.. again, comes back to Holly.. She had a very good job.. after all, she was extremely educated. (got her doctorate the 2nd(?) season). But, after Abby kept picking on Nia because her 'Mother did not CARE about her, as evidenced by Holly not attending every Practice, competition' Holly took a Sabbatical .. from her job as Principal, vice Principal? (forgot which one, but the school says Director).. of a very prestigious, elite private middle school. I do not know if she has a union there.. because, with all the actions and crap she says.. One would wonder if they would WANT her back when the show is over?? Considering some of her outbursts, I would not want her back! (I was extremely surprised that the school would let her take this 2nd job to begin with..)


Has anyone heard anything on this? i.e. did she lose this position? Again, I am surprised, though I know a lot of people get those 'Hollywood Stars' that she would do something like this after spending so much time in college! I will not buy 'This is for my kids' as Melissa most likely repeats over and over again.

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The style of dance in the Sia video isn't normally my cup of tea, but I liked it because it showed that Maddi is more than capable of doing choreography that isn't that sappy lyrical bullcrap that Abby is always giving her.  She showed a really impressive range of movement and expression. Abby just has her doing the same repetoire of monkey tricks geared toward fake competitions. 

Edited by Gianthambeast

I don't think this show is cheap to produce because the cast is so big now and I'm sure that with each contract they've asked for more.


I don't think it is either, with the venues and other expenses for the fake competitions, travel expenses to move these kids everywhere... They don't have enough competitors at the fake invitationals to cover the costs like real competitions would, even though they charge admission to "viewers".  These are mostly high schools they are performing at and there just aren't that many seats and you can tell they are teeny tiny by the small amount of kids sitting on the stage for awards.


Which brings up another fascination I have with this show, what foolish studios bother to pay to be part of this shenanigans?  I get it maybe a few years ago when there were those In10sity ones that weren't clearly fake yet - but now?  When the pretense is gone?  I remember when my lass was still competing one of the classy competitions openly poked fun at DM and told the audience that they would never stoop to allowing that kind of nonsense at their competition, no matter the compensation.

Edited by NextIteration
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The style of dance in the Sia video isn't normally my cup of tea, but I liked it because it showed that Maddi is more than capable of doing choreography that isn't that sappy lyrical bullcrap that Abby is always giving her.


It also shows she can be more expressive with her face than just showing a huge smile all the time.


Is there a reason Sia sings with her back to the audience? Is that just how she does this song, or does she always do that? It's really distracting.

I don't think this show is cheap to produce because the cast is so big now and I'm sure that with each contract they've asked for more.

I'm sure the contracts are still tiny compared to real actors, but they could add up. Look what happened on Mythbusters, the producers dropped Kari, Grant, and Tory rather than pay what they were asking for another season. It would be interesting to know what the cast on DM were getting.

It also shows she can be more expressive with her face than just showing a huge smile all the time.


Is there a reason Sia sings with her back to the audience? Is that just how she does this song, or does she always do that? It's really distracting.

Sia says she doesn't want to be a celebrity, doesn't want to have her face widely known, and doesn't like people making fun of her looks. Which doesn't make a lot of sense, because her face is easily available, she did numerous concerts and appearances before she came up with this "hide the face" thing.

Could someone do the math on what percentage of Abby's dances begin and/or end on the floor?  I'm too busy.


Seriously.  Do. Something. Different.

To be fair, the majority of dance competition routines have them rolling on the floor.  That and multiple turns.  I always wonder if those are mandatory, kind of like gymnastics where they are required to do certain moves. 


What bothers me more are the "cheer" moves.  Things like scorpions or holding a leg in the air.  There is no great transition into these moves.  They are awkward and do nothing for a dancer's musicality.

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Abby is either a completely delusional hypocrite or puts on an act for the show. I don't know which is worse. I can't say enough terrible things about what a terrible person Abby is. The parents are shit for keeping their kids around as long as they have, but I'm sure there's a lot of complicated emotions that keep them there (plus the existence of a contract. The kids may still like it in the end? May like being on camera? Maybe the off-camera aspects of being at ALDC are enjoyable enough to put up with the show?). None of us are the moms or girls so we can't say for sure what they're going through, but I just can't imagine watching the playback of your life (no matter how real it is) and thinking, yes, this is something I want my kids to be a part of.


But good for Maddie getting this little bit of fame because it's going to fade. Maybe one of them could get some role on a Nick/Disney type show, but they'd have to be able to act and most likely sing, which they don't seem to be able to do. 

What bothers me more are the "cheer" moves.  Things like scorpions or holding a leg in the air.  There is no great transition into these moves.  They are awkward and do nothing for a dancer's musicality.


There is nothing worse than those stupid heel stretches and tilts especially if a crotch is to the audience.  If you want to display flexibility and control, do a slow développé or penchée or a lovely grand battement.


So, I watched this week's AfterBuzz... (only out of pure curiosity - hangs head in shame) Abby, Kalani, Nia, Kendall, Maddie, Mackenzie and JoJo all guested the whole thing - and wow, what a different impression one gets seeing them together in a candid fashion.  It was happy happy happy, everyone smiling and joking and sincerely seeming to have a wonderful time.  It seems that there will be an AUDC Australian edition taped this spring, I guess when the taping for this show goes on hiatus?  Also, in this AfterBuzz Abby says some things that actually lead me to believe that a lot of the "ethnic" choices foisted on Nia may have been production monkey shenanigans.  I of course do not want to believe any of this, lol, but there you have it!

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