blackwing January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 I liked these episodes. Surprised to see Sophie McShera, I had no idea she was going to be in this. Her character seems fairly similar to the one she plays on Downton Abbey... mousy and timid and insignificant. But at least here she got to sing. What didn't work for me at all was Madalena's "It's Only You" song, or whatever it was called. I know it was supposed to be all cute that it's about her realising that she can depend on no one but herself, but it just didn't work for me. I don't think she's a good singer, and the song was not entertaining at all. When there are the 10 reflections of her in the other mirrors all singing at once in harmony.... could costuming not have been bothered to make 10 dresses? She only had 5 dresses and there were two of each dress. A demanding and materialistic queen like her wouldn't be seen in the same dress twice. Link to comment
EricJ January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 I hope ABC takes the right lesson from this show (if it's successful enough to bring back) and puts the creators back together and has them do a new story for another 8 episodes, rather than trying to extend the stories of the current characters - I don't think they could sustain another 8. If they want to keep some of the cast, perhaps they could do it like Blackadder, and chronicle the adventures of Galavant's descendent in some other time period. 5 Link to comment
SmithW6079 January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 Quote Anyone else notice Madelena's wardrobe has gotten more classic evil queen tonight?Not only her wardrobe, but Madelena's face is different -- the more power hungry she gets, the harder her face is. She is no longer Gslavant's fair lady love. Quote Yeah, but those are the fun parts and the perks, he probably didn't want the work part.I don't want to be that guy, expecting historical accuracy in a silly farce, but King Richard the Lionheart was king of England, yet spent most of his reign out of the country, treating it more as a revenue source to finance his armies.Also liked Sid's idea of the zipper and everyone's pooh-poohing it. And later Gareth's idea of standardized time (to which King Richard answers, "You sound like a witch"). 4 Link to comment
Mabinogia January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 Quote If they want to keep some of the cast, perhaps they could do it like Blackadder, and chronicle the adventures of Galavant's descendent in some other time period. That would be perfect. This show does have a touch of Blackadder like insanity to it. And the historical angle. I could totally get into this actually. 2 Link to comment
Bruinsfan January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 On 1/19/2015 at 2:37 AM, SmithW6079 said: I thought these episodes were hilarious (even Ricky Gervais couldn't ruin them), but with some heartfelt moments. Yes! I'm not the only person outside of Hollywood who dislikes Gervais! I have to admit, he wasn't entirely insufferable in this role once he got his trademark digressions and asides over with and started the King's flashback trip. I fully expect Madalena to be wearing all-black gowns with bat wings or horns on her headwear in the final episodes. 3 Link to comment
Trini January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 On 1/19/2015 at 8:21 AM, The Cake is a Pie said: What a waste of Weird Al. I could have done with more monk jazz hands and less Ricky Gervais. Yeah, I was waiting for another number from The Monks, but it never came. :( Ugh, Gervais. The whole thing could have been funnier with someone else. On 1/19/2015 at 4:38 PM, betsyboo said: They really nailed the casting of young Gareth, did they not? Spectacular. Small thing, I know, but I thought it was hilarious he's been wearing the same clothes for 30 years! 3 Link to comment
Bubbacat January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 My favorite thing about the Monks (and there were soooo many things to love about the Monks)? The throwback to the Monkees. "Hey, hey, we're the Monks." "I'm the cute one." "I'm the smart one." "I'm the shy one." "I'm the bad one . . . but not really." LOL! Okay, have I totally dated myself now? 13 Link to comment
HyacinthBucket January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 I enjoyed both episodes, but my husband and I laughed the hardest at Sid wearing the monk's clothing, and finding out that he was the only one who wasn't wearing his regular clothes underneath. I'll have to watch the episode again to catch his comment, but it was something about his "junk," and it cracked us up! The Chef is my MVP. I absolutely adore him. I love the suggestion posted earlier about bringing this cast back in a Blackadder type of format. Link to comment
blackwing January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 (edited) Hopefully the show gets a second season. I don't see why it wouldn't work with the same cast. I assume Galavant and Isabella end up together. Galavant marries Isabella and becomes a Prince of Valencia, Isabella's parents are restored to the throne, and Richard and Madalena are off plotting revenge. Although I wouldn't mind if they replaced Madalena, she is the weak link in this cast. Edited January 19, 2015 by blackwing Link to comment
Camera One January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 (edited) Hopefully, they will go the Fairy Tale route and have her fall off a cliff in the finale. They could bring in another "big bad" in Season 2. There might still be some character development to do, though three seasons might be cutting it. I didn't think the second episode did that great a job at dealing with Galavant realizing that Madalena didn't love her, or signaling Galavant and Isabella falling for each other, or even Richard realizing he didn't want to be evil. All three of those turning points happened in a single half hour. I also didn't understand why Gareth turned on Richard. Though I generally tune in for the songs and for the "fun", but they still need to have some character motivations/journeys for the second season, if only to give the songs some coherence. Edited January 19, 2015 by Camera One Link to comment
Morrigan2575 January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 I like the Blackadder theory tjat could be really fun. Plus it's easier because each season is a self contained story and doesn't require as much effort in trying to tell a single, interesting and new narrative while keeping to established characters/stories. Link to comment
HouseofBeck January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 Oh, I enjoyed these eps! I fall more enamored with King Richard each time. I have to remember he's not a nice man, but it's getting harder. I would love to see another 8 eps when this ends, and I hadn't thought I'd want that, when this started. I am mainly here for residual squee over Rutger Hauer. The moment they showed the glove and sword going in the scabbard, I knew it was him, because "Ladyhawke" was an integral part of my childhood, ohhhhh yes indeedy. But I still thought he wouldn't show up until next week because we'd already had Gervais... ...and then there was the hand and sword again, and I started squealing, and only stopped through sheer force of will because I wanted to hear him talk and bask in his presence. Swoon! I also need to verify this, but I think he is one of the actors who disdains cosmetic surgery, believing it's *gasp* okay to age and show it. Loving the chef. So much. 2 Link to comment
allonsyalice January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 On 1/19/2015 at 6:50 PM, Trini said: Yeah, I was waiting for another number from The Monks, but it never came. :( Ugh, Gervais. The whole thing could have been funnier with someone else. I definitely thought that the role would have been perfect for Russell Brand. 4 Link to comment
Jodithgrace January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 Maybe I'm the only one old enough here to have caught the Monks' big joke, the "Hey, hey, we're the Monks!" refrain, which was a takeoff of the Monkees' theme song, "Hey, hey, we're the Monkees!" Very funny episodes. Sorry that next week will be the last one, but on the other hand, I think it's ending at the perfect time. It was just long enough. Link to comment
Mabinogia January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 Quote Maybe I'm the only one old enough here to have caught the Monks' big joke, the "Hey, hey, we're the Monks!" refrain, which was a takeoff of the Monkees' theme song, "Hey, hey, we're the Monkees!" What I loved about that bit was that they would pause long enough for me to insert "ees" every single time. It's the little things that make this show great. The only reason I started watching this is because I adore Tim Omundson. I thought I wouldn't like it, but would tolerate the show, but I love this show, as much as someone like me can love a show. 7 Link to comment
SmithW6079 January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 (edited) Quote I love this show, as much as someone like me can love a show.I see what you did there. I did not like Tim Omundson as Lassiter on "Psych," but I think he's great here. Plus his beard is fantastic. It's funny how many of the characters hate the singing. Galavant has expressed his dislike previously, and as Galavant prepares to declare his love to Madelena, the orchestra starts in, and Madelena looks around in disgust. Edited January 20, 2015 by SmithW6079 1 Link to comment
Trini January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 Quote It's funny how many of the characters hate the singing. Galavant has expressed his dislike previously, and as Galavant prepares to declare his love to Madelena, the orchestra starts in, and Madelena looks around in disgust. This is truly a musical for people who hate musicals. 8 Link to comment
miracole January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 Quote They really nailed the casting of young Gareth, did they not? Spectacular. I loved little Gareth! His "Aye" was too adorable. 4 Link to comment
A Boston Gal January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 In a show with Weird Al, Rutgar Hauer, and Ricky Gervais, the fact that one unknown kid playing Young Gareth could make such a positive impact is saying something. I demand more excuses for Gareth-centric flashbacks. 6 Link to comment
Spartan Girl January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 Wow, Rutgar Hauer. You sure have changed over the years. Totally called Madalena being the big bad. And the only one slower than Galavant in realizing how much she really sucked was King Richard. Can't wait to see how this ends, though I will be sad to see it go. Link to comment
SailorGirl January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 (edited) On 1/19/2015 at 11:58 PM, allonsyalice said: I definitely thought that the role would have been perfect for Russell Brand. ugh, no. I feel about Russell Brand the way most of you feel about Gervais. Gervais doesn't bother me as much as he seems to bother others. I guess I only ever see him in really small doses, and I absolutely loved "An Idiot Abroad." I actually missed most of this episode because I was dealing with work nonsense on a Sunday night -- the parts I did catch I wasn't particularly feeling, but that's because I wasn't really following it. Glad to see so many of you are speaking highly of it -- makes me look forward to pulling it up on the DVR tonight! RE: Kingsley being Galavant's dad -- hasn't Ripper/Giles (Anthony Stewart Head) been cast as Gal's father? That's not to say that Gal's mother didn't engage in a little Madelena-like behavior and bang Kingsley while married to Ripper, only to pass Gal off as Ripper's kid. If he is Kingsley's seed, that would be a fun little twist! ETA: Agreed about the perfect casting for young Gareth and loved how grown-up Gareth's loyalty remained true to Dickie. And yeah, I'm kinda crushing on King Dick too. Not ashamed to admit it! Edited January 20, 2015 by SailorGirl Link to comment
Enjay January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 I'm a cynical, jaded kind of person and this show makes me squee with delight and actually, truly chortle. Because of my cynical, jaded, nature I am bracing myself for this to be one and done. Prove me wrong, universe! 3 Link to comment
DarkRaichu January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 I liked Timothy Omundson in Psych but I like him in Galavant even more ;) I love how each evil character had a backstory that leads to their actions. King Richard was a king due to circumstances and Madelena grew up poor so she wanted everything. Lol at "Racially ambiguous" princess line, most likely because the show poked fun at itself Link to comment
DeLurker January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 Quote King Richard was a king due to circumstances I misread this at first as "circumcision". And that amused me greatly. 2 Link to comment
Iamsweetdee January 20, 2015 Share January 20, 2015 On 1/20/2015 at 8:46 PM, DeLurker said: I misread this at first as "circumcision". And that amused me greatly. Ha! Just saw that episode of Married with Children yesterday and hollered. For those of you that don't remember, a "circular incision" for Al was mistakenly read as a "circumcision." 1 Link to comment
Guest January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 On 1/19/2015 at 8:26 PM, Bubbacat said: My favorite thing about the Monks (and there were soooo many things to love about the Monks)? The throwback to the Monkees. "Hey, hey, we're the Monks." "I'm the cute one." "I'm the smart one." "I'm the shy one." "I'm the bad one . . . but not really." LOL! Okay, have I totally dated myself now? I thought that was a New Kids on the Block reference. I literally said aloud that they did a bad job of casting for Donnie Wahlberg when the 'bad' one introduced himself. Now I've dated myself. Quote liked Timothy Omundson in Psych but I like him in Galavant even more ;) It occurred to me that Omundson could be using some amalgam of Sean and Gus as inspiration. There was a moment during these episodes where I thought that Richard is who Sean and Gus would be if you stuck them in a blender and then said 'you are a medieval king'. Link to comment
MisterGlass January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I'm not sure who originally suggested the Blackadder concept, but good one! Link to comment
basil January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Quote When there are the 10 reflections of her in the other mirrors all singing at once in harmony.... could costuming not have been bothered to make 10 dresses? She only had 5 dresses and there were two of each dress. A). Most people wouldn't have noticed, and B). This is a low budget show by network standards C). Costuming will make anything they are told to. They have no say in the matter. Quote Maybe I'm the only one old enough here to have caught the Monks' big joke, the "Hey, hey, we're the Monks!" refrain, which was a takeoff of the Monkees' theme song, "Hey, hey, we're the Monkees!" As you've already seen. no, you are not alone. I actually saw Davy Jones on Broadway. 2 Link to comment
Sakura12 January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 I think my favorite thing about this show is how the characters actually react to the silly, crazy things that happen to them. Gal sort of hearing Isabella's whispered singing confession about working for the King and him reacting to the doors being open after they swung them open for the dramatic effect in the song. I also love that Madelena's going all the way bitchward. I think King Dickie, Chef and Gareth can have their own show. They could have great adventures with Xanax (the drug not Ricky Gervais). 1 Link to comment
Hero January 21, 2015 Share January 21, 2015 Timothy O. looks really handsome with the beard. I think he is great in this and I loved him in Psych. 2 Link to comment
DeLurker January 25, 2015 Share January 25, 2015 I did a rewatch last night in anticipation of the finale. For some stupid Reason On Demand did not have ep 1. My daughter who has been watching with me and my nephew (never seen it) watched too. Everything that was funny before is still funny and I picked up on smaller things Zi missed the first watch. Link to comment
Trini January 25, 2015 Share January 25, 2015 It's really interesting that this is an American show, with American writers, American dialogue, but it's being performed by mainly Brits with mainly English accents. It's working, definitely; but sometimes it seems weird when they're using modern American slang on this show set in medieval Europe. Link to comment
Camera One January 25, 2015 Share January 25, 2015 I think that adds to the intended farcical/satirical humor. The show pokes fun at the Americanized fantasy of a fairy tale and their interpretations of folk stories which largely originated in Europe, in juxtaposition with historical settings that recall the realities of medieval life. Thus, the ironic humor of the song sung by the Baker and the Handmaiden, for example. 5 Link to comment
jhlipton January 27, 2015 Share January 27, 2015 On 1/19/2015 at 6:07 PM, SmithW6079 said: I don't want to be that guy, expecting historical accuracy in a silly farce, but King Richard the Lionheart was king of England, yet spent most of his reign out of the country, treating it more as a revenue source to finance his armies. I'll be that guy! RtLH was a Kingsley, running around the countryside, pillaging and carousing, while his brother John reigned (and got a rep much like King Dickie). On 1/19/2015 at 6:33 PM, Bruinsfan said: Yes! I'm not the only person outside of Hollywood who dislikes Gervais! I have to admit, he wasn't entirely insufferable in this role once he got his trademark digressions and asides over with and started the King's flashback trip. I don't care for Gervais (or Brand for that matter). He wasn't too awful here, and the scene was pretty fun. Link to comment
Tabbyclaw February 8, 2015 Share February 8, 2015 For everyone who's in love with the chef's love song, do yourselves a favor and hunt down Horrible Histories on Youtube. 1 Link to comment
Meredith Quill February 8, 2015 Author Share February 8, 2015 On 2/8/2015 at 11:34 AM, Tabbyclaw said: For everyone who's in love with the chef's love song, do yourselves a favor and hunt down Horrible Histories on Youtube. Horrible Histories RAWKS! Link to comment
SmithW6079 February 9, 2015 Share February 9, 2015 Quote I'll be that guy! RtLH was a Kingsley, running around the countryside, pillaging and carousing, while his brother John reigned (and got a rep much like King Dickie).True, but while John tried to lead a rebellion against Richard I, he was not proclaimed king until after Richard's death. We never had any indication that our King Richard stole or tried to steal Kingsley's throne. Link to comment
sinkwriter April 26, 2015 Share April 26, 2015 Quote Note to your note: The king is funny, evil AND gorgeous. Or handsome. Love me some Omundson. Hell yes. Quote Yeah, I was waiting for another number from The Monks, but it never came. :( I thought that he would finish giving counsel to Isabella, run out into the courtyard and make it in time to belt out the final notes of whatever song they were performing in the background (the background song would become a song in the foreground, and therefore another number for them). Especially because he told Isabella to hurry up so that he wouldn't miss out. Alas... didn't happen. Link to comment
betsyboo December 28, 2015 Share December 28, 2015 As I rewatch I wish for Michael Jeter as a monk. He would have loved this. 1 Link to comment
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