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Hart Of Dixie - General Discussion

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They're waiting for the May upfronts. Once mid-season passes, any cancellations don't get announced until then. All networks do it.


Do the other networks normally let everyone involved in the show know and allow them to tweet about it without making an official announcement? Because that is just so stupid to me!

I'm way late, but I really liked this episode. So much great character/emotional stuff. Loved Zoe and Lemon most of all, but for the first time, I was pretty into George/AB too. You've all covered all the other reasons I appreciate this show and will miss it. 


So I'll just go into the shallow notes: I didn't think anyone could be more orange than AB and George, but then George's parents came to town. Yikes. Seriously, who allowed this terrible combination of makeup, lighting, and color correction? I've never seen anything like it.


On a more positive tip: my God, Lavon Hayes was stunning this episode. More Lavon in tight t-shirts please. Also, Jaime King is gorgeous all the time, but extra pretty with minimal makeup like in that breakfast scene.

  • Love 1

I don't believe for one second that they'd just give George Tucker a 15 second send off and leave our precious AB (and us viewers!) crying in his truck dust. Nope.

This was an okay episode. Definitely not the best of the season but I love these crazy people. I wish there had been more substance, seeing as how we have one episode left. Oh, Bluebell.

I appreciated them giving us one last Zoe/George Tucker outing. Loved the pilot callback.

  • Love 2

I. LOVE. THIS. SHOW. and am devastated to think my time with the BlueBell-ians is limited. I thought this was a great ep. Zoe and George turned out to be such great friends. Their car conversation couldn't have happened between Zoe and anyone else.


I love me some Cricket. I enjoyed all of the silly end-of-days decisions by the townfolk. Tattoo, secret crushes revealed, sundae-eating, and even Ruby's grandfather made me laugh out loud with "WHAT is going on here?!"


But where was Rose?????

  • Love 3

Another good episode. Sad that next week is it- it's officially cancelled, right? Why can't they call it the series finale? I was bawling at the end with George and with the previews. I'm going to miss these wacky people.

I'm so glad that they had that George and Zoe outing. It gives closure to my ship and glad they are good friends without any bitterness of their almost relationship. I would have liked to see one more Wade/George/Lavon crazy adventure as well.

  • Love 3

This was a sweet episode and quite meta too. It was especially so in the beginning when they were having brunch and talking about how connected they all were. When Wade says, "Well, when I met you!" and Lemon and Lavon go "Awww!"


Lemon: "That was so sweet."

Lavon: "I'll marry him if you don't"


That's exactly what I say to myself when I watch this show sometimes. Hehe.


I laughed out loud when Lemon sees the candles and Lavon's face goes from shock to confusion to momentary fear to happiness. So many faces.


I really enjoyed the Zoe/George scenes as well. They do have great chemistry, but I think she has more with Wade. I thought the writers did a solid thing for George's character. The whole reason he was attracted to Zoe was that they shared and had lives outside of Bluebell. He had inklings for it so this really completes his character arc.

  • Love 5

"If you don't marry him I will."

Amen, Lavon.

I loved that they brought back Joel's grandmother and Zoe's uncle(?). It just felt like great continuity.

I had a moment of white, hot panic when Goerge was setting up the candles and Zoe was sitting down. I thought George would get down on one knee for some totally innocent reason and Annabeth would see and get the wrong idea....I don't know. I definitely thought some shananigans would talk plece. I was practically yelling at George to get the hell out of there.

  • Love 3
The final scene with George saying goodbye was so sweet and sad. Made me think it would be his last scene, so hopefully he shows up in a surprise appearance in the finale.

I thought this was well written.  AB and George are going to have to earn their relationship now.  So if, I guess only in fanfiction land, they do finally get together it will because they grew together after knowing themselves better and not just because they were good-enough-fitting

leftover parts.


Speaking of earning relationships, I don't get the chemistry and compatibility between Lemon and Lavon, perhaps that is because all of their pheromone-bonding happened off-camera before the show started.   They both do seem to have a tender spot for one another, but have they really considered, and had a chance to experience, what it would be like to be around one other day by day?


So, please correct me if I am wrong on this:

George slept with Lemon

George slept with AB

Lavon slept with Lemon

Lavon slept AB

Wade slept with Zoe


George never slept with Zoe

Lavon never slept with Zoe

Wade never slept with Lemon

Wade never slept with AB


Don't get me started on Tansy!

Edited by MaryHedwig
  • Love 2

I'm going to miss Hart of Dixie.  It's a throwback show that reminds me of some of the programs I watched many years ago.  It's a stark contrast and a respite from all of the crime dramas that I watch.


I don't really understand the point of George leaving to become a musician's manager.  He's leaving behind an established law practice and a budding relationship with AB, plus his many friends in Bluebell.  His parting message to Bluebell  and his friends was sweet, but I don't know why they had to go there. 

  • Love 1

I'm guessing the dance party is for Lavon and Lemon's wedding.  If Rachel hadn't been pregnant in real life, then I'd assume it would be for Wade and Zoe, but I agree that they'll be getting the hospital wedding instead.  Since Lemon had her aborted wedding in the season 1 finale, we'll see her follow through as a bookend.


I really like Wade's smile at Zoe in the hospital and I think that's the moment she proposes to him.


I too, wish they'd just admit this is a series finale.

  • Love 1

I'm the first to admit that I'm an easy cry - like SO EASY... so tonight had me in tears.  There was actual sobbing that I'm trying to blame on pain meds.  I haven't loved every single thing about this show - but they've become like family (and I don't love every single thing about them either) so I'm just so sad to be saying goodbye to the residents of Bluebell.  I noticed that tonight's episode had some really great shots of 'Alabama' scenery - just one more thing I'm going to miss. 


I don't think I've been this sad about a show ending since The West Wing. 

  • Love 3


He's leaving behind an established law practice and a budding relationship with AB, plus his many friends in Bluebell.

I get the narrative idea behind him leaving. Since the first season, as much as he loves Bluebell, he's always wanted more adventure than Bluebell can offer as symbolized by his love for all things New York and getting the chance to do that feels like a fitting ending for him and I think if anyone can make a long distance relationship work with him it's AB. But, yeah, didn't they establish in season 3 that he's pretty much the town's only functioning lawyer and the last time he went awol things almost went bad for Bluebell, lol? I guess they could try and recruit that female lawyer who represented the Truitt brothers back in s3, but will she love Don Todd as much as Lavon and the town do? Is she a true Bluebellian?



Speaking of earning relationships, I don't get the chemistry and compatibility between Lemon and Lavon,

I thought they had a few nice moments in s1 when the show wasn't trying to sell them as 'epic star-crossed lovers, but pretty much their relationship happened before we even met the characters and this go around they've only been together a couple of episodes so it feels like they've spent four seasons telling us they belong together than actually really showing us why. And now they're possibly getting married which feels to me almost as impulsive and crazy as Wade and Tansy and their shrimp boat marriage after three weeks, lol. I mean I'm sure it'll work out much better than that marriage since obviously Lavon and Lemon are 'meant to be', but still. They did seem to work pretty well together when she was running his campaign back in s2, but I still feel like Lavon's best relationship was with AB. While I get that this show really loves its love triangles and apparently the creator of the show is really into 'longing', I kind of wish they hadn't started off the season with AB and George still thinking they were in love with Lavon and Lemon respectively, although I at least like that it led to that nice moment between Lemon and George where George admits that his rekindled feelings are really about their past and how simple everything was back then. I think that would have given them a chance to do a bit more with Lavon and Lemon than just have them 'long' for each other once again. 



I really enjoyed the Zoe/George scenes as well. They do have great chemistry,

I wouldn't have objected to them being together other than that, for all their miss-steps over the course of the show I've always just preferred Zoe with Wade and thought they had the better romantic chemistry and storyline, but I always thought George and Zoey had great friendship chemistry and that the show did a better job with them when they focused on them as friends as opposed to their romantic compatibility and getting to see their friendship play out in this episode was one of the high-lights of the episode. I agree he was the right guy for their conversation in the car. And his leaving speech made me a bit weepy too.


I figured Zoe would be anti-marriage and Wade pro, otherwise where was the surprise, but Zoe does seem to derive a lot of her relationship 'don'ts' from her parents' example and other than never wanting to be in a serious relationship with anyone for his own vague reasons I don't remember Wade being particularly pro or against marriage and other than his mum dying I never got the feeling his parents were supposed to have had a bad marriage so I guess it makes sense he'd likely be pro with the right person.


I was confused when Shula kissed Sgt. Jeffries and he kissed her back because isn't he supposed to be married? But it felt like the moment was setting them up as a potential couple. I know we never saw her, but I thought in season 2 Ruby said she was sticking around Bluebell initially to help out her grandmother. Did I hear wrong or was it supposed to be a different grandma? I also wondered the same thing with the Sadie and Stanley hook-up? In s3 she was supposed to be married. So did she get a divorce somewhere along the line, are they supposed to be having an affair or did the writers just forget about the hubby? 


It was nice to see Sylvie and Brando again even though I'm not a fan of random people stanning for couples as a way of telling us they're 'meant to be', even couples I love. The only time it's ever worked for me is with Earl being such a Zoe/Wade shipper. That's always kind of amused me and made me aww, but Earl generally makes me aww. But I did like the fact that there were no hard feelings between Sylvie and Zoey and really neither Sylvie or Brando seem like the grudge holding type, but I figure it would be important to Zoey to know that.

  • Love 2

Something that really struck me re-watching this episode, probably because of the most recent episode, is that Wade is supposed to be leaving Bluebell forever this episode, and yeah we all know he's not going anywhere because Wade's abs are probably half the selling point of this show, but, seriously, none of his friends are there to see him off or have a goodbye moment except Joel and Zoey,( for obvious reasons), or seem particularly bothered that he's leaving forever? I get the choice of plots probably didn't allow for it, but it does kind of highlighted how little Wade seemed to interact with either Lavon or George this season.



I mean, I thought there was some emotion to be mined from Zoe reconnecting with the Wilkes side of her family, but the emotion of that was dealt with in like two episodes. I actually think Rachel Bilson can handle the dramatic side of things--she's one of those people who cries really believably, and I almost can't watch it.

That storyline didn't really go anywhere in the end. We were shown more bonding between them and Wade than them and Zoey. But generally I don't think the show has done all that great with Zoey getting to know Harley or the family. I mean she's talked a lot about wanting to get to know both over the seasons, but they've never really shown her making much effort except in a few episodes which I guess is somewhat in character for her both craving family and being afraid to put herself out for it too. But wanting, almost compulsively, to fix things and make everything right are also traits of hers so I wish, as you say, they'd mined that storyline a bit more. 

  • Love 1

I thought she had a fiancé too, for some reason. 

I had a moment of white, hot panic when Goerge was setting up the candles and Zoe was sitting down. I thought George would get down on one knee for some totally innocent reason and Annabeth would see and get the wrong idea....I don't know. I definitely thought some shananigans would talk plece. I was practically yelling at George to get the hell out of there.

That's hilarious because that was my exact reaction.

I'm glad too that Zoe and George closed their circle and I thought it was a wonderful way to do it, but my favorite part was the expressions on Lavon's face when Lemon said yes.  Especially the last one.  From the very beginning he always completely sold me on Lemon being the love of his life.

  • Love 1

I impulsively watched the first episode of this show right before the finale aired, and I am so glad I did! There were so many little callbacks.


I don't have a lot to say about the episode except that I was happy/sad crying through half of it, and especially the last 10 minutes. I thought that was such a perfectly fun and adorable love letter to the show and its fans -- they knew this was likely to be the end, and wrapped everything up in a beautiful, funny bow. Everyone was there, everyone was happy -- singing and dancing and loving life in Bluebell with family and old and new friends. 


I am so happy they brought this back for this last season, and it's hard to imagine a last season for this show that would have made me happier (well, except for if they had managed to make everyone less orange ...). And I hope the show lives on a long time on Netflix streaming, because it's definitely one I can and will watch over and over again. 

  • Love 11

This episode hit me in all the feels.

I've felt different things for all these characters at different points in the series but I ended up loving them all.

LOVED all the references to the first episode. Zoe and Wade taking about how they made out in his car, Zoe taking to Harley and the Sugarland song. I even loved the lawyer from New York that was exactly like Zoe when she first came. I just wish they could've brought back Addie. She was such a fun part of the first season.

The Brick and Zoe moment was so sweet.

All the ladies drunk at the bar was fun.

"You want me to leave my friends, and walk all the way over there to talk to you?"

"It's like, 6 feet."

If I was Lavon I would've taken that proposal truth to the grave. Maybe that's wrong but it would have been so much easier. But the real one was awesome. That's gonna be some story for their kids.

Love Earl and his tie for Wade.

"I can't wait another second to call this guy my husband." Love.

Zoes hair. "I was nervous with your mom yelling at me the whole time."

"You're making me motion sick, Tom!"

This is how this show was always supposed to end.

I can't believe they're replacing this with Cedric's Barbers Battle.

  • Love 8

This was one of the fluffiest and best finales of a show I've seen in a long time. The show had its ups and downs, but I really believe it has been underrated.


Some moments of note:


Did Wade call Lemon a cylon? Ha.


All the callbacks to the first episode. I loved them all but especially Wade and Zoe just reminiscing. I hated the cheating and the breakup, but my goodness do those two have amazing chemistry. When they were bantering about their first meeting, it felt so believable and real. I'll really miss the Wade character a lot.


Autumn Reeser's cameo as the NYC lawyer. That whole moment was very O.C. for me. In fact, Zoe looked a lot like Summer Roberts did when her hair was straight. Rachel Bilson's pregnancy allowed her to glow and look even younger than usual if that's possible. I've followed Bilson to this show, and I'm really glad I stuck out with it.


What a lovely end to a lovely show.

  • Love 9

I didn't even realize how much I was going to miss this until about 10 minutes from the end when I started full on ugly crying.  The song at the end was everything!  So dumb and happy and unselfconscious. And the whole time I was thinking - you know Shelby taught them all this dance and put them up to it.


I'm really glad we got to see Lemon and Levon's wedding and they didn't hedge there bets on getting a renewal. And Zoe being a bridesmaid, and Lemon being Happy and totally at ease and Zoe becoming a partner. Basically it was perfect happy ending to this silly show.

  • Love 5

I'm happy with this episode as the series finale. The singing/dancing number was cheesy as heck, but I felt it was appropriate for the zany town of Bluebell.


Autumn Reeser as the new George/Zoe. This was a great cameo!


Even though I didn't really like how they resolved the quadrangle with George and Annabeth falling in love, I'm glad we got to see a happy ending for both of them. (While I bought the tension between Levon and Lemon when we found out they dated, I didn't really feel it afterwards.)

  • Love 3

If this was the end I'm glad the powers that be tied this up for fans the way they did.   It's been a pleasant show to watch...no huge drama and pretty much a fantasy, but sometimes that's all one needs.  It did feel final and I'm sorry if it is.  Since the inhabitants of Bluebell were essentially the southern Stars Hollow it was nice to see their mutual gazebo surrounded by the townspeople featured in this finale just like in GG. 

Edited by ichbin
  • Love 8

I enjoyed it very much but there is one question that's been nagging at me:


Why didn't they tell us what Baby Hart-Kinsella's name is???


Wade referred to him as TBD and then no follow up.  I was expecting to learn that they'd named him Harley or something during the singing montage but it just wasn't there.  Is this a deleted scene?  Is he supposed to be nameless on purpose because we'll never get to know him?  I need to know what his name is!!!

  • Love 6

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