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S01.E02: Hate Mail/S01.E03: The Say Yes Philosophy

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Why is she not wearing try on socks when she tries on the heels?? gross!!

ETA: I cannot believe I forgot to comment about her changing her pants right in the middle of a parking lot. Good grief. Also, here is a tip for everyone: wear underwear in the same color as your easily torn pants.

Edited by PityFree
  • Love 3

Whitney, I feel is a lazy slob. Her parents really need to kick her out.  I cannot believe she is that lazy in cleaning and she had so much garbage in her car.
The scene with the people yelling at her from their car?  I call TLC plant. Sorry I do.
If you don’t want public scrutiny, don’t put yourself out there. You need a strong backbone and a hard shell if you plan on posting on any type of social media.  Sticks and stones girl.  Why post a video out on youtube? Did she think that everyone would give her nice, positive comments? Yeah, living in a dream world.
I love the fact that she has so many straight guy friends. But none of them are interested in her?  Or is Buddy the same guy that came over with the pepperoni pizza? I can’t keep her friends straight.
Banana and mayo sandwich? Gross.  Eggs and bacon… ummm not healthy dad with bread and low sodium bacon.
Who changes their pants in the darn parking lot!?!?!  Again, I'm calling TLC made her do that. 
The shoe store and fashion show. Snore.

Whitney, I think is a fame whore. She WANTS attention. She craves it.  She should really be on my 600 lb life.

  • Love 5

Oh, this show.  I was hoping I'd find it a little less off-putting by episode two, but . . . yeah.  Whitney complains about a lack of boundaries, but then asks her mother to shave the backs of her legs and gets upset when her father comes into her bedroom to bring her a list of chores.  This woman is 30.  I was living as a full-fledged, independent, gainfully employed adult at 10 years younger, and as a mother at seven years younger.  Whitney interacts with her parents the same way my 14-year-old daughter does with me when she doesn't get what she wants.  She shouldn't have to be asked to clean up after herself and be reminded to unload the trash bags from her truck.  Does she pitch in around the house or cook dinner two or three nights a week for her senior parents?  My guess is no.  She comes off as very entitled, pampered, and desperately in need of constant validation and attention.  One word: exhausting.


As for her dancing, I know there's a section dedicated to that, but I'm going to add my comments here since so much of these episodes focused on her dancing.  I really don't think she dances, in the strictest sense of the word.  Her movements look more like aerobics.  To bill herself as a dancer is being more than generous.  I don't expect her to be Fred Astaire, but you have to do more than undulate and smirk at yourself in the studio mirror to call it dancing.


I feel for Whitney and in large part, I truly understand her struggles on a deeper level than I care to admit.  I just don't know how much of her life can be justified into a reality show that people will take the time to tune into every week, particularly when the star is a bit . . . um . . . obnoxious.  More importantly, I just can't figure out what the show wants to be about.  She says it's about self-esteem and acceptance of overweight people.  Great, but so far, all we know is that she's messy, unemployed, living with her parents (but complaining about boundaries), and focusing exclusively on dancing.  All of that is fine, but we need a message and not just a series of "shocking" scenes.  I don't want to see this woman's raw, rashy inner thighs.  I don't want to know her hip measurements.  I don't want to watch her change her pants in a parking lot in full view of everyone.  I'm really glad that Whitney is lucky enough to have such supportive friends and a nice, quirky mom, but, in my opinion, there's just not enough here to sustain a television show.

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 6
I really don't think she dances, in the strictest sense of the word.  Her movements look more like aerobics.  To bill herself as a dancer is being more than generous.


Agreed.  Its more like rhythmically stomping and posing.  Vaguely based on the most watered down hip hop imaginable.  


She had a voice over early in the first of the two episodes where she said something along the lines of "people don't know that its the PCOS makes me fat" (I'm paraphrasing- I don't remember her exact words.)  That gets on my nerves (and I have PCOS too and the weight is a daily struggle).  But it's more than just a semantic jump from "PCOS makes it harder to lose weight and easier to gain" to "PCOS makes me fat".  Because those are two different things.


And seriously, if you're trying to show that fat people aren't all lazy (her words) then maybe don't keep a garbage dump in your car and expect your dad to clean it out?  Is she paying for that car herself without a job?

  • Love 6

 That gets on my nerves (and I have PCOS too and the weight is a daily struggle).  But it's more than just a semantic jump from "PCOS makes it harder to lose weight and easier to gain" to "PCOS makes me fat".  Because those are two different things.


It's not so much that for me, it's that she passed very obese 200 pounds ago, she says she put on 35 pounds since the fat girl dancing video. Last episode they showed her eating pizza on her doorsteps and drinking wine.


She is simply not going to dance herself into fitness, she is out of breath in a few minutes, I'm a runner and  30 minutes of intense, intense exercise will burn off maybe, maybe a little over 400 calories i.e, probably much, much, much less than that pizza she ate. She really needs to get a grip.

Edited by John M
  • Love 2



As for her dancing, I know there's a section dedicated to that, but I'm going to add my comments here since so much of these episodes focused on her dancing.  I really don't think she dances, in the strictest sense of the word.  Her movements look more like aerobics.  To bill herself as a dancer is being more than generous.  I don't expect her to be Fred Astaire, but you have to do more than undulate and smirk at yourself in the studio mirror to call it dancing.




Yes!. As a professional dance teacher, I couldn't agree more. She's teaching more of a Zumba class than a classical dance class.


And her dance moves? Just no. Thats not formal dance training. At. All. 

Edited by BostonBlonde

Yes!. As a professional dance teacher, I couldn't agree more. She's teaching more of a Zumba class than a classical dance class.


And her dance moves? Just no. Thats not formal dance training. At. All. 


Someone brought up in the last episode that her dance partner friend said that she "never had the body for dancing", the with context of how quickly she put on weight in college I'm really suspicious of the idea that she was ever a "dancer" and not someone that danced as a hobby in middle school/high school.


I dunno, it's seems like there was some sort of implication that the was headed towards a dance career that was derailed and not that she danced for fun and then in college she started eating a lot and wasn't in some sort of dance program.

In last night's episode, when she was yelled at (the Shamu comment) in public, I thought - OK! Here we go! This is what it's like to be a fat woman in public, what's going to happen next, what kind of empowering response will there be.... And then nothing. A hug. No further mention of the incident.


THIS is the sort of thing that would be so illuminating to people and so helpful. I weigh a fraction of Whitney's weight (though I am still overweight, for sure), and I recently was moo-ed at in a parking lot. This. shit. happens.

She is simply not going to dance herself into fitness, she is out of breath in a few minutes, I'm a runner and  30 minutes of intense, intense exercise will burn off maybe, maybe a little over 400 calories i.e, probably much, much, much less than that pizza she ate. She really needs to get a grip.


You know what the absolute best exercise is for someone? Whatever they will do, and do again, and do again, that motivates them to be there and move. If dancing is that for her, then good for her.

  • Love 16

You know what the absolute best exercise is for someone? Whatever they will do, and do again, and do again, that motivates them to be there and move. If dancing is that for her, then good for her.


That's fine but she isn't going to dance herself into 200 pounds of weight loss or this alleged "fit and fat" like she seems to think she can, she is delusional. 

  • Love 3

I'm just now watching the third episode, so her mom eats soup (What is wrong with soup? It's easy and healthy, I eat soup all the time), her dad genuinely seems to care about her food to the point where he goes makes her egg and turkey bacon instead of the mayonnaise and white bread that she wanted to eat and what was Whit loading into her shopping cart because she would rather carry an extra pair of pants instead of actually wearing clothing that fits? I see a bunch of cheese, tortilla chips and god knows what else.


Oh and the best part was her complaining that she eats unhealthy stuff because they never have food in the house and then says her mom has a bomb shelter level of soup. EAT THE SOUP!

  • Love 3

Most people complain about fat people being "lazy," and say "why don't you get off your ass." At least she's doing that. I can't fault whether her classes are considered actual dancing or not. She's doing it. She's sweating. She's getting her heart rate up. Good for her. And good for getting some other women to go along. From the looks of her class, most of the ladies that attended are obese as well. And part of the reason people give up on an exercise program is repetition and boredom. If she can keep it fun and fresh, then the ladies will keep coming back. Good on her for that. 


Yeah, she's a spoiled, entitled Southern princess. Maybe she is obnoxious and loud, but after binge watching those depressing, house bound (and in a couple of cases, mentally abused by enabling family and spouses) subjects of My 600 Pound Life, it's refreshing to see someone laugh and seem to have a "fuck you" attitude about what people think. 


Mayo and Banana? Really? Ewwww. I've heard of people doing the peanut butter and banana sandwiches, but not mayo and banana, Just eat the banana, honey. Skip the bread and mayo. 


And canned soup is LOADED with sodium. Unless you buy low sodium or healthy brands, of course. But, Mama went right for the Campbell's Chunky Soup. They had the cans turned so you couldn't see the label, but I recognized them. NOT healthy at all. Most Chunky Soups are creamy based soups with a ton of thickening agents and sodium.  


I know that January is usually the month where you see magazines and commercials focusing on weight loss. New Year's Resolutions, and all that. But, is that the reason that TLC has seemed to turn into the Diet Channel this month? Marathons of My 600 Pound Life, this new show about Whitney, the show on Sunday about the snotty British woman who condescendingly and publicly fat shames people, and then thinks she can gain 50 pounds and lose it right away to prove to all the Fattys how "easy" it is to lose weight? No Duggars, no Cake Boss, nothing. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 7

Most people complain about fat people being "lazy," and say "why don't you get off your ass." At least she's doing that


We have previously seen her refuse to clean her room or her car and she bitches and moans about being expected to do a few chores (Seriously, I'll do more chores just visiting my parents, not living with them) including taking her own damn cat to the groomer so I don't know that we should just go ahead and dismiss the idea that the perception of her being lazy is out of line.



And canned soup is LOADED with sodium. Unless you buy low sodium or healthy brands, of course. But, Mama went right for the Campbell's Chunky Soup. They had the cans turned so you couldn't see the label, but I recognized them. NOT healthy at all. Most Chunky Soups are creamy based soups with a ton of thickening agents and sodium.


Let's see, so far we have seen her guzzling wine, eating mayonnaise and white bread, eating pizza, bitching about eating egg and turkey bacon and loading her cart up with cheese and tortilla chips so yeah, I am going to go ahead and say her concern about the soup is not the sodium content.

  • Love 5
We have previously seen her refuse to clean her room or her car and she bitches and moans about being expected to do a few chores (Seriously, I'll do more chores just visiting my parents, not living with them) including taking her own damn cat to the groomer so I don't know that we should just go ahead and dismiss the idea that the perception of her being lazy is out of line.


Shit. I've seen lots of THIN pampered princesses living on Daddy's dime doing the same damn thing, Just turn on the E! Channel for proof. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 4

Shit. I've seen lots of THIN pampered princesses living on Daddy's dime doing the same damn thing, Just turn on the E! Channel for proof. 


No, I understand but at the same time she is fat and lazy so I'm not going to go ahead an boohoo too much about what might be people's general perception of fat people in context to her when she in fact fat and extremely lazy.

  • Love 4

This show is so perplexing.


1. If she got up and cleaned the house, she'd probably burn off some calories.

2. Whining to Mommy that there is noooooo food in the house when you are 30 is  deranged.

3. If you add up her income from teaching dance and subtract all her expenses - car, gas, auto insurance, food, clothes, cell phone - she is still being supported by her parents.

4. Did she fall into a coma at 14 and wake up at 30? Where has she been since then? She seems to be emotionally stunted. What did she do in her 20's? Why does she have no job skills, no self-reliant skills, no cooking ability. What did she do in the last deacde?

Edited by NJRach
  • Love 3

2. Whining to Mommy that there is noooooo food in the house when you are 30 is  deranged.


4. Did she fall into a coma at 14 and wake up at 30? Where has she been since then? She seems to be emotionally stunted. What did she do in her 20's? Why does she have no job skills, no self-reliant skills, no cooking ability. What did she do in the last deacde?


"I only eat unhealthy stuff because there is no food in the house", I mean besides the years worth of soup you can't go to the grocery store and buy your own food like almost every other 30 year old? You just have no choice but to order pizza? Do fast food places not sell salads where she lives like the do everywhere where else on earth?


I don't want to pass judgement on obese people, I am sure they struggle with their weight for all sorts of sympathetic, understandable and complex reasons but Whit's primary issue appears to be that she is just a incredibly lazy narcissist with no real desire to change. 

Edited by John M
  • Love 5

I believe she was also part of a radio show. Why she's unemployed now, I don't know. I like the message to love yourself at any weight and I've liked Whitney from her videos, Facebook and blogs, but I'm having a hard time with her on the show. She really kind of grates. I like her parents and friends though. Total crush on Buddy.

  • Love 1

Buddy is awesome!


I'm of two minds on Whitney herself, but on balance I don't hate her. And I like watching her dance! I'm not especially critical and I'm always amazed when I see big people who can move around confidently. 


The realest moment to me was when she talked about people on the streets randomly yelling fat slurs at her. I don't care how body positive you are, that shit hurts. And I understand her bewilderment that she is not seen as human enough to not be treated that way.

  • Love 2

I've been just shy of 300 pounds at my heaviest, and I have NEVER split the ass on a pair of pants. Worn out the inner thigh seams to the point of near transparency from chub rub, sure, but never split the butt. She made it sounds like it's happened a lot- it shouldn't if you buy the right size, whatever that size may be. I can also walk in heels just fine!

The affected, sassy girl voice and speech patterns she used with the hairdresser made me want to barf.

Edited by Shibori
  • Love 8

Whitney seems to be an example of the stereotypical Gen-Y case of arrested development.  She is what some bloggers call a "Kidult" - Somewhere between kid and adult and neither one completely.  On the one hand she's quite arrogant and sure of herself, and quite "independent" and capable when she wants to be, but on the other hand spoiled, lazy, entitled and narcissistic.  Sure, she's had jobs here and there, but none of them have been full blown careers, and though they might sound interesting I doubt any of them have paid the bills.  She dabbles in them as if they were hobbies, not careers.  As much as I think her parents are a hoot, they are responsible for helping to create and perpetuate this monster.  


Then again, I've seen this many times before with young people from this generation.  I have a 30 year old nephew (my husband's sister's kid) who is just moving out of his parents house next month.  It's like he was in a state of arrested development for the last decade dabbling in a garage band and living like he was still a kid at home with mommy doing all his cooking and cleaning.  Next month he's supposed to move in with some guy friends in a dorm style living arrangement, like he should have been doing about 7 years ago at least.  I have friends with kids this age and the story is often exactly the same.  Whitney is by far not unique.  She is endemic of a lost generation.  They blame the recession - I don't.  I blame their parents and to some degree, their schools and society in general.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 7

Something I'm not quite sure of yet....what will the focus of this show be? Whitney's life and how it involves dance? Her desire to lose weight and what she plans to do about it?

A thorough explanation of PCOS and how it's treated/managed? She does seem to say over and over again, that "if I'm not actively losing, then I'm pretty much just gaining

because of the PCOS"....there must be something more to the story than that. Also, what about her plans for the future and becoming independant again? 

  • Love 2

Please don't generalize about all of us. And yeah, the recession was shit, the wealth gap is bigger than ever before and globalization/technology have made many jobs disappear. Not all of us are living at home and sponging off our parents but the truth is that the world has changed and many of us can't buy houses and cars in our 20s the way our parents could.


It wasn't my intention to generalize.  I said I've seen it many times, that doesn't mean I'm making a generalization about everyone from that generation.  I know many young people who don't fit that mold, thankfully.  Unfortunately there is a population who do and so far Whitney seems to be the poster child for it.  And by the way, I'm 56 years old and I wasn't able to "buy houses and cars" in my 20s either.  I took the bus and wasn't able to afford even a condo. until my husband and I were in our mid 30s, and only after scraping and being very enterprising in order to do it.  So excuse me if I ask just who is doing the generalizing here?

  • Love 3

My big Fat Fabulous life? It's anything BUT fabulous! And I'm sure there are women of her same size who ARE living fabulous lives- running companies, and flying here and flying there, having careers and loving husbands, traveling and having lots of money. Her life is living at home, NO JOB, and she can't go to the movies because she is worried that she can't fit in the seat!

She keeps saying how fabulous she is and how she doesn't mind being fat but then in the next breath she says "I can't go to the movies because I worry about not fitting in seats. I can't do a lot of things because I fear I'll get stuck. I have to wear spandex at all times otherwise I injure myself". What is fabulous about this life? It is obvious her FATness is destroying her life! In her own words, her life sucks! She is very limited. Plus her describing what the sound of pants ripping sounds life because it has happened so many times? Really? That's just freaking fabulous.

  • Love 6

I really can't get over the fact she is 30!!!

Living at home issues aside, her interactions with her parents remind me of a 16 year old girl. Really. 


Also- I wonder how long her classes are/ what her students think about them

I would be annoyed with my listening to my instructor getting out of breath/super winded during the WHOLE class. Though I am not a hip hop dancer- is it normal?

I did some research on Whitney's condition, and the consensus seems to be while weight loss is difficult it is key to reducing symptoms. And I do not see Whitey trying at all, Mayo and Banana sandwich on white bread! Why isn't she going to Weight Watchers?  Why doesn't her doctor have her seeing a nutritionist?  Something that demonstrates she really does want to lose weight, as she says she does. What is the point of this show?  I thought it was going to be about how a girl with a medical condition fights against the diagnosis and reclaims her health thru weight loss.  I can't feel for her when she reads the negative comments about herself, or people make fun of her because she clearly isn't willing to take control of her life and stop being a victim.  

  • Love 5


And I'm sure there are women of her same size who ARE living fabulous lives- running companies, and flying here and flying there, having careers and loving husbands, traveling and having lots of money.

If there are, I would love to see a show about them.  That is a show that I would watch.  But, rom what I have observed of women that are as obese as Whitney,  is that they usually are not employed, and not able to travel and go to movies and other things.  Granted, that is a very small sampling.   I had a co-worker who was not as large as Whitney and at a certain point, she had broken two office chairs.  She finally stopped working out of embarrassment and discomfort I would imagine.  There are women at that weight who are built differently than Whitney that may have an easier time fitting in seats, but Whitney carries a lot of weight in her rear end. 

  • Love 3

Ugh, really, changing in a parking lot?  This woman has absolutely no class (or shame).  And I don't care, but there was something really yucky about her having her mother shave the back of her legs.  I think that's something I would avoid at all costs.  She talks about "boundaries", well, how about starting with one between her and her mother?  The irony of her "boundary" statement while her mother shaved her legs galled me.  If shaving the back of her legs is so difficult, how does she wipe her rear end?  The way she's built (small shouldered and tremendous rear) it looks to me like that would be even more of a challenge no matter how she did it.


I got the impression that they're working up to Whitney going on a real diet in future episodes.  While I am certainly not one to judge others' weight issues because I wouldn't want mine judged given the very real metabolic uphill battle I climb, but I often think there's a good reason I'm only 200 lbs. and not 300 lbs. and it has to do with all the effort I put into eating healthy.  I think cutting out added sugar and high glycemic starches would be a good start for her.  She'd probably lose an instant 20 lbs. or more if she did that alone.  Whitney has to have some kind of reality shock, like on "600 lb. Life" to make her get religion with the dieting.  Having her doctor scare her with cholesterol and blood sugar levels might help.  But she's young yet and doesn't feel the effects of these things so much yet.  Just wait until she gets older and things get harder to do.


I noticed when she was trying the lower heeled shoes on that the top of her foot looked pinched by the top of the shoe, which would make her feet swell.  In some ways those shoes actually looked less comfortable than the higher ones!

  • Love 1

Yeah, the shaving thing I didn't get.  I'm well aware of the anatomical challenges of being a big girl, and leg shaving is something I never had problems with, even in a small shower stall.  Shaving the bikini line and adjacent areas is tricky, because if you have a big enough belly you're doing it blind, but I'm reasonably flexible (and I would expect "dancer" Whitney is too) and can put my foot up on the shower wall to get the back and inner part of my thighs.  If the maneuvering and dexterity is that much of an issue, a depilatory (like Neet or Nair) takes some getting used to but only requires you be able to reach the back of your leg with your hand to smear it on and wash off.  To Snarklepuss's point, in my experience, the real challenge is in maneuvering in small public bathroom stalls to go to the bathroom, as you need to be able to make room for your hand between your legs to wipe, and there isn't always room to spread your legs enough to do that, especially if the paper dispenser is close to the toilet.  It can be a real challenge, and I'm at least 100lbs smaller than her.  My office chair nightmare was when I worked for huge company that required every employee to have an ergonomic evaluation.  My evaluator ordered me a wide-with chair without telling me, even though I cleared the regular one easily with room for a fist between me and the arm on each side and was never uncomfortable in it.  I shared a workroom with three normal-sized guys, and when the building manager rolled in what looked like a sofa on wheels that I wasn't expecting, it was humiliating.  I can only imagine that Whitney, given her size and proportions, would struggle with the chair issue as well.

  • Love 5

Shibori, you're right, as a dancer and a young person, she should be flexible enough to put her leg up on the wall in the shower.  Even if she couldn't manage that she could put it up on the edge of the tub or get one of those rubber stools people put in the shower.  My shower has ledges for sitting, but they're the perfect height for putting my foot on to reach the back of my thighs.  I get it that she has a bigger stomach in the way, but I just can't buy that she can't figure out a way to reach them herself.  And if her arms don't reach the back of her legs in any position how could she reach her rear end after "going"?  Her rear end is arguably larger than her stomach - more real estate to reach around!  And she doesn't even have large shoulders to maneuver with, either!  Somehow, I'm not buying it.  Perhaps they thought it would be something "interesting" to stage for the show.

Perhaps they thought it would be something "interesting" to stage for the show.


I have a nagging feeling that's the reason for almost everything on the show. I spent some time last night reading through Whitney's blog posts, and she sounds like a different person. The stories she tells - some are heartbreaking. I kind of don't understand why we aren't seeing that - or at least that as a stepping off point - as part of the show. It's like they just want to show us a fat person and make her dance. Dance, Fat Lady, do our bidding! 

  • Love 5

I think that part of the show would be lost without the parents. Mom is sweet as sug-ah, and Dad is sweet and well meaning. Yeah, he needs to back off sometimes about the actual NUMBER on the scale, and see the big picture when Whitney actually attains a goal, but he means well. (and yeah, the car is disgusting) If this was Whitney in her apartment, alone, it would get stale. Not to mention overwhelming. TLC needs the clueless parents as a foil to keep the show interesting and not make the viewer want to strangle Whitney.  So, they're probably hoping that Whitney stays at home, or at least gets an apartment close enough so that Mama and Daddy can drop in at inappropriate moments, Everybody Loves Raymond style, 

I'm just reading for the snark. Have only seen the commercials. I'm about 85lbs and 10 years +/- from Whitney and my fat doesn't move that way. She is way more jiggly. No PCOS diagnosis but my identical twin has it so maybe.


What bothered me is when they showed the rip in the pants it appeared to be in the middle of a panel of fabric. I've split pants before an it is always on a seam, never in the middle of a panel. Pre-ripped?

Whitney saying that pants splitting is a problem skinny girls don't have. Sorry, honey. It can happen to anyone if the pants they are wearing are too small. Maybe you want to believe you can still fit into a 2X, but if your ass is 4X, those 2X pants are going to split. I understand that not everywhere sells big person's sizes, but that doesn't mean you have to buy something too small. There are fitting rooms, and there are plenty of plus-size websites from which to order. Be honest with yourself, wear the size you need to wear, and your pants won't split.

  • Love 2

It's obvious TLC has supplied her dance students. The first show where about 10 showed up- how did they get these people to show up unless they were told they would be paid? She had several women her exact same size boogeying on down. I doubt they just saw a flyer on the wall and decided to show up. TLC rounded them up from near and far with cash$$

Chub rub is kind of the worst, along with its BFF, swamp crotch (esp in the summer months). And neither are limited to girls Whitney's size. Depending on your shape you can be shopping in normal sizes and still have both.

True story. At one of my smallest weights/sizes (towards the end of training for a half-marathon), I wore a size 4 or 6 (depending on the store). I thought I was finally small enough for a pair of those super-short Nike spandex running shorts. I made the mistake of going running in them without putting Body Glide/anti-chaffing lotion on my inner thighs. My inner thighs looked just like Whitney's "chub rub" chaffing. It can happen to people of all sizes. It was very uncomfortable and painful.

And if you're a woman in the south who's either overweight, has hormonal/medical/pharmaceutical reasons that make you sweat a lot, or you're any weight but just very active in the super-humid and hot summer months, swamp crotch is also a thing. A thing that can happen to anyone.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic

I did some research on Whitney's condition, and the consensus seems to be while weight loss is difficult it is key to reducing symptoms. And I do not see Whitey trying at all, Mayo and Banana sandwich on white bread! Why isn't she going to Weight Watchers?  Why doesn't her doctor have her seeing a nutritionist?  Something that demonstrates she really does want to lose weight, as she says she does. What is the point of this show?  I thought it was going to be about how a girl with a medical condition fights against the diagnosis and reclaims her health thru weight loss.  I can't feel for her when she reads the negative comments about herself, or people make fun of her because she clearly isn't willing to take control of her life and stop being a victim.  


I suspect that Whitney eats quite a bit in secret.  Probably in that car.  



Whitney saying that pants splitting is a problem skinny girls don't have. Sorry, honey. It can happen to anyone if the pants they are wearing are too small. Maybe you want to believe you can still fit into a 2X, but if your ass is 4X, those 2X pants are going to split. I understand that not everywhere sells big person's sizes, but that doesn't mean you have to buy something too small. There are fitting rooms, and there are plenty of plus-size websites from which to order. Be honest with yourself, wear the size you need to wear, and your pants won't split.

LOL -- my normal sized brother who is cheap refused to buy a new pair of dress pants when he gained some weight.  He wore them many years ago to meet the POTUS and almost split his pants as he bent down to pick something up in front of the POTUS!

I find her obnoxious and it has nothing to do with her weight.

exactly -- I wonder how much of the hate aimed at her is because of her simply being an obnoxious person.

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