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Hallmark Movies: Small Town Royalty Magically Celebrating Rekindled Love! - General Discussion

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17 minutes ago, NotChristine said:

I didn’t see tonight’s movie (and I do like the PenaVegas), but will try to watch now that I’ve read that link above.  Very cool and I wish Willie and Winnie all the best.  Even their names go together. 

I am not a fan of the Penavegas together but I actually kind of liked the movie tonight.  Maybe it's because I loved Ivonne Coll (the grandma) on Jane The Virgin and it was fun seeing her again.

Other than the stupid angst moment, it felt pretty smooth as a movie.

As an old lady who had my own teen idols back in the day, I liked seeing Eric Osmond's scene (son of Jay, nephew of Donny) in Love in the Limelight.  I'm just now watching it and knowing it's Willie Aames' story makes me much more open to the story line. Thanks for that info @NotChristine !

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Pleasantly surprised by how much I liked Love in the Limelight.  Of all their movies, I saw the most chemistry between them in this one.  His first scene with her family was really good and you can see how much she loves him when he sings.  I thought Carlos did a good job with all the singing, and the singing at the end was especially good.  As others notes, Abuela was a scene stealer and a treat.

This was a good night for me, because I also watched Two Tickets to Paradise and really liked it.  I laughed out loud several times.  They handled their relationships with their exes and each other really maturely.  I was shocked with how well they resolved everything.  I loved that they did their own snorkling and Ryan really surfed.

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Did anyone watch Big Sky River over the weekend?  I recorded it but haven't dived in yet because apparently I have to work for a living and this week I have to work A LOT for a living.  I have read several Linda Lael Miller books, although not this one, and her people aren't necessarily adverse to jumping on top of each other.  As we all know, they aren't allowed to do that on Hallmark, so wondering how it went.  

On 8/7/2022 at 6:34 PM, GeorgiaRai said:

As an old lady who had my own teen idols back in the day, I liked seeing Eric Osmond's scene (son of Jay, nephew of Donny) in Love in the Limelight

Ahhhhh - I didn't know this!  Leaving work early today (not feeling well) so hub is in charge of supper and I'm going to watch this on demand

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On 7/16/2022 at 6:31 PM, seasons said:

The hype for "Campfire Christmas" every commercial break over the last week or two drove me crazy, but I'm loving it. Corbin Bleu is so cute and has such charisma. Love the setting. Read they filmed it on Vancouver Island in the winter? 

The gay storyline surprised me in a good way. I think Hallmark is trying? Seeing more biracial couples too? Slowly getting there? 

I love Corbin Bleu, but this movie sucked in so many ways I only tolerated it because of him.

You call it trying, I call it pandering it was overdone.  The movie features 3 couples and all 3 are black/white interracial and one of them is gay. I know for some people on this board that seems not only realistic and under represented but for many of us, it’s just what TV wants us to believe everyone’s life is like. Talk about vocal fry, the gay black character was insufferable.  The gay characters in Starlight Cafe (Paul Campbell’s exec asst) and the Sinatra-themed one from a couple of months ago were far more pleasant. If you’re going do 3 interracial couples maybe you could dig up someAsian or Hispanic actors.

I did enjoy the PenaVega movie, it was different and I’ve never found their chemistry as lacking as many of you do.

and in looking forward, I like the concept of the plus-size clothing designer movie, but could we please stop with the “body positivity” phrase it’s been over used to death and carries some negative connotations.  If they say it more than twice in the movie I will change the channel.

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On 8/10/2022 at 9:52 AM, bunnyface said:

Did anyone watch Big Sky River over the weekend?  I recorded it but haven't dived in yet because apparently I have to work for a living and this week I have to work A LOT for a living.  I have read several Linda Lael Miller books, although not this one, and her people aren't necessarily adverse to jumping on top of each other.  As we all know, they aren't allowed to do that on Hallmark, so wondering how it went.  

I watched this movie last night.  While there wasn't any 'jumping on top of each other,' there was a fair bit of ex-husband bashing, which is also unusual for Hallmark.  In fairness, the guy was a douche.  My few comments on this movie:  it's old-school Hallmark in that the big city girl gives up her life and moves to the small town for love, Kavan Smith is very likeable but needs to stay clean-shaven, and every kid in this movie is a terrible actor.  Overall, I didn't hate the movie and would probably watch it again as background if it was the only thing on.

Romance In Style is on tonight and I am not holding out much hope for liking it.  As a plus-sized woman, I am not the least bit interested in watching a movie about plus-size fashion and trying to force the world to see us differently (which they won't, despite what might happen in this movie.)  'If you feel beautiful, you look beautiful.'  Um, no.  Not to mention, it stretches credulity to refer to someone who appears to be a size 12 as 'plus-sized' and the only place in the world someone of that size would be looked at that way is in the fashion industry.

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While Unspeakably Good Things looks interesting (even though I'm sick of the continuous previews), as an Italian-American whose grandparents immigrated over here from the 'old country', I'm going in cautiously as to how they're going to portray 3 African-American ladies walking around Italy all dolled up, dressed like it's fashion week in NY.  The cobblestone streets can't be kind on the feet - especially if you're in stilettos so the 'I'm not getting on a vespa' lady may want to consider that

1 hour ago, bankerchick said:

Romance In Style is on tonight and I am not holding out much hope for liking it.  As a plus-sized woman, I am not the least bit interested in watching a movie about plus-size fashion and trying to force the world to see us differently (which they won't, despite what might happen in this movie.)  'If you feel beautiful, you look beautiful.'  Um, no.  Not to mention, it stretches credulity to refer to someone who appears to be a size 12 as 'plus-sized' and the only place in the world someone of that size would be looked at that way is in the fashion industry

In a society where fitspo influencers try to sell six pack abs and a size 2 body, a 12 may seem like plus sized.  What bothers me about the premise of this movie is that they are making it more about body positivity so HM can check off another inclusive box.  Why not just have the movie be about fashion with a size 12 lead and leave it at that?  I watch movies for entertainment and escape - not for teachable moments and PC agendas

And to the lead character - There is no lady on this planet - I don't care how skinny or blonde - who looked like Cinderella.

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55 minutes ago, bankerchick said:

So, is anyone feeling more body-positive today?  I watched about half an hour in the middle of Romance In Style, long enough to see the female lead teach a kid to make free-throws (who says big girls aren't athletes??!!) and that was enough.

This is the thing. The current movies have lost that ridiculous sense of - dare I say - fun that they used to have.  Just saving inns, bakeries, small towns. Mindless, unbelievable.  Actually there seems to be little humor(even if it wasn’t intended) anymore. 

I would never subscribe to GAC; am not going to miss the actors/actresses who defected to them from Hallmark. I know Hallmark is trying to finally be inclusive; but that doesn’t mean the movies can’t be updated without being boring. I think actors who “spark” can make even the predictable plots better. They can make these movies more watchable.

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I did try and watch parts -- at one point, about in the middle, I tuned in and after a couple of minutes thought "Wow, that is some very bad acting right there.." - truly just reading out the lines.  But I didn't see any emotion in their faces.

So right about the evil woman -- and her assistant, the character that was  outright stolen from Emily Blunt's character in "Devil Wears Prada", down to the accent.

On the positive side, the blue gown at the end was nice.  But otherwise, just really formula, not gripping, and not well done.  

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1 hour ago, Chippings said:

So right about the evil woman -- and her assistant, the character that was  outright stolen from Emily Blunt's character in "Devil Wears Prada", down to the accent.

My thought exactly.  Maybe everything related to fashion has to have an evil, English woman.

2 hours ago, Kemper said:

This is the thing. The current movies have lost that ridiculous sense of - dare I say - fun that they used to have.  Just saving inns, bakeries, small towns. Mindless, unbelievable.  Actually there seems to be little humor(even if it wasn’t intended) anymore. 

Agreed.  There is nothing fun about shoving diversity or inclusiveness down our throats.  What does it tell us about acceptance that they have to make an issue of a plus-sized woman working in fashion, instead of just having a plus-size woman work in fashion? And for that matter, why is body-positivity a diversity initiative?  Is there a list?  If the actress had been a plus-sized, lesbian woman of colour, they could have checked off 3 boxes.

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4 hours ago, bankerchick said:

My thought exactly.  Maybe everything related to fashion has to have an evil, English woman.

Agreed.  There is nothing fun about shoving diversity or inclusiveness down our throats.  What does it tell us about acceptance that they have to make an issue of a plus-sized woman working in fashion, instead of just having a plus-size woman work in fashion? And for that matter, why is body-positivity a diversity initiative?  Is there a list?  If the actress had been a plus-sized, lesbian woman of colour, they could have checked off 3 boxes.

As a disabled person I hate the term shoving diversity down our throats. Hallmark is finally doing  what should have happened years ago. 

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1 hour ago, kathyk24 said:

As a disabled person I hate the term shoving diversity down our throats. Hallmark is finally doing  what should have happened years ago. 

Yeah, I kind of feel like if people of ALL kinds (races, body shape, sexual orientation, religion, etc.) had been a part of media when mass media (radio, film, print, tv, internet) began, we wouldn’t now think the inclusion of all these “Others” as politically correct or diversity for diversity sake.  It would just be the norm. But because all these Others were shut out of mass media for so long, their inclusion *now* in (some) media that have existed for 100+ years may feel like diversity run amok. 

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I’m not a plus size woman, I’m a woman who happens to be plus size. I understand that Hallmark moves in teeny, tiny steps, but I’d like to see a romance in which the woman just happens to be plus size but that isn’t the focus of the movie. She doesn’t have to be someone who is trying to make a difference for those of us who don’t look like the models in magazines. She can just be a woman who is living her life like everyone else. Isn’t that really what inclusivity is?

  • Love 12

Ok, I will be the lone voice crying in the wilderness and say... I really liked Romance in Style!  I was afraid the romance part of it would be Shallow Hal-esque, but instead, I felt like her fight was with the industry itself, not individuals.  That there was no "proving to the handsome guy" (or his friends, or his father) that she was worthy was a relief, and I felt her commitment to more inclusive fashion was believable.  I liked the supporting cast, and the fact that the "bad guys" (Claudia & Liza) didn't get some comical comeuppance felt like the right outcome to me.  I'll watch it again.  In fact, I already am!

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I saw a commercial today for next Saturday night’s (8/20) movie, Dating the Delaneys, with Paul Campbell and Rachel Boston. I can’t remember the last time I watched (or enjoyed) a new Hallmark movie, but the DVR is already set for this one. Hope springs eternal…

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3 hours ago, GeorgiaRai said:

Ok, I will be the lone voice crying in the wilderness and say... I really liked Romance in Style!  I was afraid the romance part of it would be Shallow Hal-esque, but instead, I felt like her fight was with the industry itself, not individuals.

I liked it too.  I thought they had a natural chem.  I think they could have dialed back the explanation of body positivity in the fashion industry a bit, though.  I didn't always love the fashion but the leads worked for me.

And the outright villains cracked me up.

And I'd so take this over another movie about trying to save the bakery/tulip farm/Christmas tree farm/Christmas Tree store/butterfly farm....etc. The repetitiveness of those make me want to poke my eye out. 

The thing I'm liking the most about Hallmark these days is at least they're trying different plots.

Edited by Irlandesa
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13 hours ago, kirinan said:

I saw a commercial today for next Saturday night’s (8/20) movie, Dating the Delaneys, with Paul Campbell and Rachel Boston. I can’t remember the last time I watched (or enjoyed) a new Hallmark movie, but the DVR is already set for this one. Hope springs eternal…

I liked Paul and Rachel together in The Last Bridesmaid so will be watching this one and hoping it’s another good one.  Paul just makes everyone better IMO (and bankerchick would agree, I’m pretty sure!).

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I get that the plus-sized female lead in Romance in Style hid her insecurities by projecting an arrogant personality but the script I feel went overboard -- her character came across as completely unlikeable.

Had to laugh at the "7th most eligible bachelor in New York" because that actor looked pretty scary to me, -- a cross between serial killer, Jim Carrey and Bruce Dern.  That Ella would think this guy was "unattainable" seemed pretty unrealistic to me.  He was creepy!

Love Strikes Twice:  "Remember this restaurant?  The best banana cream pie in the world!"

Romance to the Rescue:  Horrible performance by the female lead, nightmarishly hyper perky.  Her character literally never seems to take a breath.  Must be seen to be believed.

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As insufferable as the female lead is in Romance to the Rescue, that male lead is the first Hallmark actor to get me all, well....hot and bothered!  A real doll!  There, I said something positive, lol.

On the other hand....his character was supposed to be an "expert" dog trainer.  But he says "You can get a dog to do this trick if he's food-motivated"

Aren't ALL dogs food-motivated??

3 hours ago, Bronx Babe said:

Romance to the Rescue:  Horrible performance by the female lead, nightmarishly hyper perky.  Her character literally never seems to take a breath.  Must be seen to be believed.

The most unbelievable thing for me about this movie was the dog was agility trained in TWO WEEKS!?  As if!

1 hour ago, Bronx Babe said:

On the other hand....his character was supposed to be an "expert" dog trainer.  But he says "You can get a dog to do this trick if he's food-motivated"

Aren't ALL dogs food-motivated??

Actually….he did say he was NOT a dog trainer beyond basic commands (sit, stay). What was dumb was he specifically told her to have a dog treat at the ready to give when the dog obeys the command for the positive association/reinforcement, but they didn’t actually reward Sam (aka Sparky) immediately after complying with a command! 

And for sure, my dog is food motivated but I don’t know about all dogs. 

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On 8/8/2022 at 3:34 AM, Snow Child said:

This was a good night for me, because I also watched Two Tickets to Paradise and really liked it.  I laughed out loud several times.  They handled their relationships with their exes and each other really maturely.  I was shocked with how well they resolved everything.  I loved that they did their own snorkling and Ryan really surfed.

  • Love 1

I just watched Two Tickets to Paradise.  It was pretty good.  Liked the scenery, and I tend to like Ashley Williams, even though her grin can be a little maniacal at times.  A minor thing, but I thought that the actress that played Ashley Williams’s character’s mother, looked very young, so I looked up the actress, and she is ONE YEAR YOUNGER than Ashley Williams!  That is pretty messed up!  What, just because the woman has a short haircut, they think she can be a mom to a woman who is older than her IRL?  I was shocked.

Also, on a superficial note, AW needs to chill on the fillers or surgery or whatever it is.  Her face was looking a little tight and cat like.  Why do these actresses think that aging naturally is such a bad thing?

@Snow Child, sorry I was trying to quote you in my last post, since you mentioned the movie, but I posted before done and then it wouldn’t let me edit the post.

Edited by Miss Bones
Forgot something
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I really liked Two Tickets to Paradise, but I liked "Romance in Style" even more.  

On 8/14/2022 at 7:59 PM, GeorgiaRai said:

Ok, I will be the lone voice crying in the wilderness and say... I really liked Romance in Style!  I was afraid the romance part of it would be Shallow Hal-esque, but instead, I felt like her fight was with the industry itself, not individuals.  That there was no "proving to the handsome guy" (or his friends, or his father) that she was worthy was a relief, and I felt her commitment to more inclusive fashion was believable.  I liked the supporting cast, and the fact that the "bad guys" (Claudia & Liza) didn't get some comical comeuppance felt like the right outcome to me.  I'll watch it again.  In fact, I already am!

I really liked it and how it didn't shy away from it being a straight up romance at all.

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21 hours ago, Bronx Babe said:

I get that the plus-sized female lead in Romance in Style hid her insecurities by projecting an arrogant personality but the script I feel went overboard -- her character came across as completely unlikeable.

As mentioned, I watched very little of this movie, but I agree with this.  Though I find many of the Hallmark female characters to be unlikeable and (broken record alert) I do not believe an above-average looking man is really likely to put up with that sort of bitchy attitude just because she's pretty.  (For a handsome man, there's never any shortage of pretty women to choose from.)  They're not feisty, or fiercely independent, or passionate.  They're just a bitch.

21 hours ago, Bronx Babe said:

Romance to the Rescue:  Horrible performance by the female lead, nightmarishly hyper perky.  Her character literally never seems to take a breath.  Must be seen to be believed.

Isn't she the same actress that has zero chemistry with Paul Greene on When Calls The Heart?  You have to be dead not to be hot for that guy, even as milquetoast Dr. Shepherd.

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On 8/15/2022 at 6:09 PM, norcalgal said:

The most unbelievable thing for me about this movie was the dog was agility trained in TWO WEEKS!?  As if!

Actually….he did say he was NOT a dog trainer beyond basic commands (sit, stay). What was dumb was he specifically told her to have a dog treat at the ready to give when the dog obeys the command for the positive association/reinforcement, but they didn’t actually reward Sam (aka Sparky) immediately after complying with a command! 

And for sure, my dog is food motivated but I don’t know about all dogs. 

The doggies are always the best performers in these Hallmark movies.

On 8/16/2022 at 2:09 PM, bankerchick said:

As mentioned, I watched very little of this movie, but I agree with this.  Though I find many of the Hallmark female characters to be unlikeable and (broken record alert) I do not believe an above-average looking man is really likely to put up with that sort of bitchy attitude just because she's pretty.  (For a handsome man, there's never any shortage of pretty women to choose from.)  They're not feisty, or fiercely independent, or passionate.  They're just a bitch.

Isn't she the same actress that has zero chemistry with Paul Greene on When Calls The Heart?  You have to be dead not to be hot for that guy, even as milquetoast Dr. Shepherd.

I've tried to get through When Calls The Heart but never can.....

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On 8/15/2022 at 1:03 PM, Bronx Babe said:

As insufferable as the female lead is

On the other hand....his character was supposed to be an "expert" dog trainer.  But he says "You can get a dog to do this trick if he's food-motivated"

Aren't ALL dogs food-motivated??

Not all dogs are food motivated.  I have 3 dogs and 1 of them is my problem child.  He is a meat dog rescued from Korea, a breed called Jindo.  He is neither food nor praise motivated.  He will go several meals without eating at times until I jazz up the food to his liking; it’s been challenging to keep weight on him.  I’ve had a professional trainer to work getting him better socialized, but after 4 years will not sit, stay, or come with any means.  His only response is to negative stimuli such as a shock collar, which is a last resort.

That said, he is a sweet and loving dog.  But much more like a cat personality in that he does what he wants when he wants and comes to me on his terms, not mine.

on a sad note, a Korean rescue organization just lost dozens of not 100 rescued meat dogs in a big fire earlier this week.  It might have been where my dog was before he was brought over,

  • Hugs 3
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I watched The Journey Ahead last night, and I really enjoyed it.  I like that it wasn't focused on the romantic storylines.  The two lead women were a good pairing, one being Holly Robinson Peete.  This was the first movie I have seen of hers; I know has that mystery series, but I have never watched it.  I also liked that the other lead was a lesbian, but they did not have to make a big deal about it, in the way that Hallmark seems to be so ham-fisted with their inclusivity, typically.  For example, when she mentioned having a falling out with her mom, it was refreshing that the falling out was not because she told her mom that she was gay.  I thought that is where they were going to go with it, and that has just been so overdone, through the years.  Overall good movie, and I even welled up a few times, though I am PMSing, so that could be part of it. 😄

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10 hours ago, Woopwoopkitty said:

Not all dogs are food motivated.  I have 3 dogs and 1 of them is my problem child.  He is a meat dog rescued from Korea, a breed called Jindo.  He is neither food nor praise motivated.  He will go several meals without eating at times until I jazz up the food to his liking; it’s been challenging to keep weight on him.  I’ve had a professional trainer to work getting him better socialized, but after 4 years will not sit, stay, or come with any means.  His only response is to negative stimuli such as a shock collar, which is a last resort.

That said, he is a sweet and loving dog.  But much more like a cat personality in that he does what he wants when he wants and comes to me on his terms, not mine.

on a sad note, a Korean rescue organization just lost dozens of not 100 rescued meat dogs in a big fire earlier this week.  It might have been where my dog was before he was brought over,

WoopWoopKitty, your "problem child" is so lucky to have you.  I cannot imagine the trauma he (and the other Korean dogs) must have suffered.

  • Sad 1
3 hours ago, Miss Bones said:

I watched The Journey Ahead last night, and I really enjoyed it.  I like that it wasn't focused on the romantic storylines.  The two lead women were a good pairing, one being Holly Robinson Peete.  This was the first movie I have seen of hers; I know has that mystery series, but I have never watched it.  I also liked that the other lead was a lesbian, but they did not have to make a big deal about it, in the way that Hallmark seems to be so ham-fisted with their inclusivity, typically.  For example, when she mentioned having a falling out with her mom, it was refreshing that the falling out was not because she told her mom that she was gay.  I thought that is where they were going to go with it, and that has just been so overdone, through the years.  Overall good movie, and I even welled up a few times, though I am PMSing, so that could be part of it. 😄

Cosigned.  I thought it was a decent movie and enjoyed all the performances (except for HRP's boyfriend who cheated on her AGAIN, yet she took him back at some point in the past even though he cheated..?!  she just didn't seem like a character who would stand for that. Also, her manager for 30 years kept trying to get her to at least talk to her cheating boyfriend - if not outright take him back - WTF?!)

Kaylee did pretty well and this was the first project I've seen of hers that's not Legacies. For much of the movie, I totally forgot she was Josie.

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On 8/14/2022 at 4:45 PM, kathyk24 said:

As a disabled person I hate the term shoving diversity down our throats. Hallmark is finally doing  what should have happened years ago. 

Yes. I have not been on here in a long time since I no longer have Hallmark and I was sad to see that comment.  But it was ok for some to go decades with never seeing anyone who looked like them reflected, and if they were it was in a negative light.    The lack of diversity....and I mean more than just skin color, is the reason why I don' have Hallmark anymore.....that and I got tired of Holly and Candace sharing the same wig

  • Applause 3
19 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Cosigned.  I thought it was a decent movie and enjoyed all the performances (except for HRP's boyfriend who cheated on her AGAIN, yet she took him back at some point in the past even though he cheated..?!  she just didn't seem like a character who would stand for that. Also, her manager for 30 years kept trying to get her to at least talk to her cheating boyfriend - if not outright take him back - WTF?!)

Kaylee did pretty well and this was the first project I've seen of hers that's not Legacies. For much of the movie, I totally forgot she was Josie.

Yes, good point, that didn't really seem in character for her.  I had never seen Kaylee in anything, and thought she fit the part very well.

11 hours ago, catrice2 said:

Yes. I have not been on here in a long time since I no longer have Hallmark and I was sad to see that comment.  But it was ok for some to go decades with never seeing anyone who looked like them reflected, and if they were it was in a negative light.    The lack of diversity....and I mean more than just skin color, is the reason why I don' have Hallmark anymore.....that and I got tired of Holly and Candace sharing the same wig

Haha too funny about Candace's wigs.  I watched an old Aurora Teagarden the other day, and she had this GOD-AWFUL fake braid.  You could see exactly where her real hair ended and the ratty braid began.  It was seriously distracting; every time that she was on screen, all I could do was stare at it, and try to wrap my head around what was going on, and why they thought that was a good idea.  Never quite did figure it out.

I enjoyed Romance in Style too.  There were definitely moments where I thought Jaicy (Ella) sounded too wooden, but her outfits were outstanding and there were more than enough moments where I thought she and her character was just terrific.  There was one moment when she went off on one of her body-positivity rants and I wish Ben's character would have commented "She's sexy when she's fired up".  It would have really hammered home the attraction on his part.

I feel like you can't complain about Hallmark making the same story again and again and then complain when they make a movie outside their norm.  They're trying some different things and I like it.  To me, nothing about this movie felt ham-fisted or that they were checking boxes (except for the dreaded misunderstanding at the end).

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On 8/13/2022 at 11:49 AM, ctlady said:

While Unspeakably Good Things looks interesting (even though I'm sick of the continuous previews), as an Italian-American whose grandparents immigrated over here from the 'old country', I'm going in cautiously as to how they're going to portray 3 African-American ladies walking around Italy all dolled up, dressed like it's fashion week in NY.  The cobblestone streets can't be kind on the feet - especially if you're in stilettos so the 'I'm not getting on a vespa' lady may want to consider that

In a society where fitspo influencers try to sell six pack abs and a size 2 body, a 12 may seem like plus sized.  What bothers me about the premise of this movie is that they are making it more about body positivity so HM can check off another inclusive box.  Why not just have the movie be about fashion with a size 12 lead and leave it at that?  I watch movies for entertainment and escape - not for teachable moments and PC agendas

And to the lead character - There is no lady on this planet - I don't care how skinny or blonde - who looked like Cinderella.



Oh dear God.

What woman goes on a blind date without a handbag/purse containing money and a cell phone?  Lord have mercy at the stupidity.  What was worse:  that exaggerated-for-"comic" effect of Mr. Blind Date himself.

Lead male actor, digging into a chocolate cake with bacon bits:  "This is the best thing I've ever had!"    What else is new....

"Plot" gets bogged down with that bakery and the food competition show.

I believe that the writers LITERALLY knock off these scripts in their sleep.

Another stupid, dumb, insufferable Hallmark movie.  I know they are capable of better things.  At least, I keep hoping!

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I've liked the past couple of weeks but this week just had too much idiocy in the script to overlook.

I don't want to get too retro because I don't have kids and can only refer back to how I was raised but I had time getting past how she was parenting. I know they wanted us to see her as a good mother but she made her daughter go to her son's basketball game.  Hell no!. 

My sister never went to my tennis matches and I never went to her volleyball and basketball games.  I could not even imagine doing so.  And "coming to the games" for my parents might have been attending one or two but it was really making sure we got picked up after they were over.  Yeah, her ex seemed like to not be a great dad but it's not because he missed out on a game for work.

Speaking of her ex, she doesn't like him or respect him so what is she doing going to his wedding?  I know exes who have good relationships that wouldn't go that far.

A cooking show that highlights one restaurant at a time isn't going to hate, on camera, what they put out.  The point of doing a non-competition baking show is to make people feel good. 

And it's really hard to root for a woman who arrives at a blind date and doesn't walk away immediately when she discovers he already ordered and can't pull his eyes away from his phone. Or one who agrees to go out on a second date with a guy who is willing to forgive you for already having kids.

I know the assertive leads have bothered some posters here more than me but honestly, too nice is so much worse for me. 

Edited by Irlandesa
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