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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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@AgentRXS I have always admired you for what you do but do cringe for you on days when you come upon things like this. How gut wrenching. I don’t know how you do it. I do agree that the media is aggressive and it does seem callous to stick a microphone in that poor mothers face. That’s a night when you have to go home and have a stiff drink (or eat a big desert...whatever comforts you). 

  • Love 9

I’m sorry to change the subject but....

I’m  having a peeve. I want to go out to eat with my friend who is visiting. She has a nearby restaurant that she loves. I love the menu too, until I go to eat it. Too much salt. The food literally burns my mouth. I ask them sometimes if they can omit the salt but they must preprep their sides because they always make me feel like I’m a PIA for asking and am giving them extra work to do. So understanding this I try to go at off times or when they open and aren’t slammed with the dinner crowd. I’m hungry. Need to eat. (scale this am was 85 lbs) but dreading not enjoying the food. I might just have to order a side salad and desert. (Lol...I’ll sneak my own dressing in as they don’t offer oil and vinegar). I should be looking forward to eating out but don’t want to deny her going to her favorite place. 

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m sorry to change the subject but....

I’m  having a peeve. I want to go out to eat with my friend who is visiting. She has a nearby restaurant that she loves. I love the menu too, until I go to eat it. Too much salt. The food literally burns my mouth. I ask them sometimes if they can omit the salt but they must preprep their sides because they always make me feel like I’m a PIA for asking and am giving them extra work to do. So understanding this I try to go at off times or when they open and aren’t slammed with the dinner crowd. I’m hungry. Need to eat. (scale this am was 85 lbs) but dreading not enjoying the food. I might just have to order a side salad and desert. (Lol...I’ll sneak my own dressing in as they don’t offer oil and vinegar). I should be looking forward to eating out but don’t want to deny her going to her favorite place. 

Assuming you're in the US,  Americans, in general, consume way too much sodium.  So, there is really no reason or excuse for a restaurant to over-salt their food.  I'm surprised anybody eats there.

  • Love 4

My peeve is with the Kindle edition of David Sedaris's new book. Between paragraphs, it has neither line breaks* nor indentations! It's just big blocks of text! Annoying! I'd expect this from, say, some 99-cent thing or maybe a self-published book by a new writer. But a David Sedaris book? Come on!

* There are line breaks between chapters at least.

  • Love 5

That made me think of my last job. There was a woman in another office with whom several of us had to correspond once in a while. She was in charge of issuing vouchers and invoices for property sales and leases.

She'd send instructional emails that were big blocks of texts with run-on sentences with no punctuation and no paragraph breaks. Most of us refused to read them because they were just incomprehensible. I need paragraph breaks.

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

@AgentRXS I have always admired you for what you do but do cringe for you on days when you come upon things like this. How gut wrenching. I don’t know how you do it. I do agree that the media is aggressive and it does seem callous to stick a microphone in that poor mothers face. That’s a night when you have to go home and have a stiff drink (or eat a big desert...whatever comforts you). 

Aggressive media, yeah. When my grandmother was murdered and my family was at her house in the early morning hours (my eighteen year old cousin had found her and called the cops and the family) the press was relentless. My mom tore one reporter a new one. Bravo mom!

  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Aggressive media, yeah. When my grandmother was murdered and my family was at her house in the early morning hours (my eighteen year old cousin had found her and called the cops and the family) the press was relentless. My mom tore one reporter a new one. Bravo mom!

I’m very sorry to hear about your grandmother. 

I’m happy that your Mom stood up for your family and kept them away from y’all. I realize that they are just doing their jobs but I think that doing that type of work desensitizes them to the brain capacity of a gnat. 

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m very sorry to hear about your grandmother. 

I’m happy that your Mom stood up for your family and kept them away from y’all. I realize that they are just doing their jobs but I think that doing that type of work desensitizes them to the brain capacity of a gnat. 

Absolutely. I wasn't there (toddler son had unplugged the phone) but I heard about it from several family members.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, GaT said:

Where did this thing of using "x" for the word "and" come from? "KKW X KYLIE", "Chloe x Halle", "Hunter x Hunter", & I've seen it a lot of other places.  To me, it's just pretentious & annoying, who came up with this?

I am guessing it is from the multiplication sign, but that is just a guess. It ought to be a plus sign.

  • Love 2

@bilgistic,  if one of the dogs your neighbors have is in fact a husky, then it definitely needs more outdoor time than just to relieve itself. My first husband had a husky and it needed/wanted a lot of time in the back yard to run and play. I have two dogs now, one that is a German shepherd/boxer mix and another that is a Labrador retriever, and they go nuts if they don't get outside to burn off some energy.  I suppose that what I refer to as "yap-yap" dogs (very small breeds) may get enough exercise within an apartment, but for a medium or large dog, if you're going to have one (and FFS if you have three) you need to invest the time to allow them to get some exercise. And also, letting them poop on the grounds of the apartment complex without using a baggie is inexcusable.  

Edited by BookWoman56
  • Love 7

I'm tired of and kind of enraged at people using the word "insane" in place of incredible, stunning, tremendous, baffling, etc.

Example from an ad in my Instagram feed: "This sleep mask has some insane features..." Really? Insane? How is a sleep mask certifiably mentally ill?

Example from the dumb ads on this site: [Celebrity] looked amazing in the '90s. How she looks now is insane..." I'm not exactly sure how one looks insane, but it's almost always a woman who has shockingly aged past the time when she was 25.

"Insane" is a slur, just like "retarded" is for developmental disabilities. "Mentally ill" or "s/he has a mental illness" is the correct terminology. To call something/someone insane (or "crazy") is insulting to people who are legitimately mentally ill.


  • Love 12
10 hours ago, bilgistic said:


Example from the dumb ads on this site: [Celebrity] looked amazing in the '90s. How she looks now is insane..." I'm not exactly sure how one looks insane, but it's almost always a woman who has shockingly aged past the time when she was 25.

If only she had known about that ONE WEIRD TRICK..........

  • Love 7

You know, I am not usually a dumb person, but I have always wondered what earthly purpose a mosquito had, haha! Seriously, why did it never occur to me that--duh!--they feed other creatures? I guess we all have out airhead moments. 

Mosquitos extra-peeve me because I am not a fan of killing anything on purpose (ha, that seems like a weird point to make!). But do you know how hard it is to capture one in the house and get it outside without letting 65 more in?! 

  • Love 5

Ask about ticks, too. We just had Scout day camp in a place crawling with ticks. I didn't get any, and my son didn't, but I had to take one off my husband. It was gross. And then I had to tape it to some paper just in case he gets sick and we need the tick. Again, gross. I wish they could carpet bomb the place with something that would kill ticks, but leave everything else OK.

  • Love 10

Pet Peeve: Placing organic waste (banana peels, pits, seeds, etc) in ANYTHING other than the kitchen waste bin.

Years ago, when my partner and I first started living together we got into an argument over this. He'd placed a banana peel in the small bathroom waste bin. Aaaargggghhhhhh! First off, they smell, it attracts mosquitoes and should generally just NOT BE THERE. That's what the kitchen waste bin is for ---FOOD WASTE.

I'm also peeved by bathroom bins overflowing with toilet paper. I'm not a neat freak but I empty mine every night.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, auntlada said:

Ask about ticks, too. We just had Scout day camp in a place crawling with ticks. I didn't get any, and my son didn't, but I had to take one off my husband. It was gross. And then I had to tape it to some paper just in case he gets sick and we need the tick. Again, gross. I wish they could carpet bomb the place with something that would kill ticks, but leave everything else OK.

Ticks feed opossums. And some people like possums, although they creep me out. Prehistoric rats that have stood on my porch hissing at me until I smacked them with a broom.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Stenbeck said:

Pet Peeve: Placing organic waste (banana peels, pits, seeds, etc) in ANYTHING other than the kitchen waste bin.

Years ago, when my partner and I first started living together we got into an argument over this. He'd placed a banana peel in the small bathroom waste bin. Aaaargggghhhhhh! First off, they smell, it attracts mosquitoes and should generally just NOT BE THERE. That's what the kitchen waste bin is for ---FOOD WASTE.

I'm also peeved by bathroom bins overflowing with toilet paper. I'm not a neat freak but I empty mine every night.

The guys at my last job would throw away their takeout food containers in their desk trash cans instead of walking their lazy asses to the kitchen to toss them there. So all afternoon every day, our work area smelled of onions or whatever other noxious thing they had eaten.

  • Love 7
30 minutes ago, ABay said:

My pet peeve for the day: people who build recliners as if humans had orangutan arms. You couldn't put the lever a few inches higher?

I got a good chuckle out of this peeve. I’m small, too small to consider buying myself one but when I go to my childs and use theirs...I get stuck. I don’t have the weight to help pull it back into position as well as having to lean halfway out of it to reach the lever. I like recliners but not for me. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Stenbeck said:

Years ago, when my partner and I first started living together we got into an argument over this. He'd placed a banana peel in the small bathroom waste bin.

That would have been the end of cohabitation, if not the entire relationship, for me. 

Mosquitoes never bit my dad nor my nephew.  If I got a blood transfusion from them, would the anti-skeeter hemoglobin pass on to me?  I'm pretty sure having the anti-skeeter gene is a super power.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, riley702 said:

Ticks feed opossums. And some people like possums, although they creep me out. Prehistoric rats that have stood on my porch hissing at me until I smacked them with a broom.

 So possums are good for eating the ticks (and other yucky bugs). So if we didn't have ticks and other bugs, we wouldn't need possums? Probably something eats possums. I only see them and armadillos dead on the road, though.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, auntlada said:

 So possums are good for eating the ticks (and other yucky bugs). So if we didn't have ticks and other bugs, we wouldn't need possums? Probably something eats possums. I only see them and armadillos dead on the road, though.

Foxes, coyotes, bobcats, and some people.


Edited by harrie
  • Love 1

My father, who was born during the depression and had a father who spent as little money as possible all his life, always told us that possum was good until the time he deep-fried carp because his father told him it was good. Dad liked fishing and preferred to fish for carp because he said it put up the best fight. We never ate the carp, but he tried the frying. It did not taste good. He kept trying different times and other things until he'd eaten enough to make himself sick. Then he admitted that fried possum (I'm not sure his mother did anything with meat besides frying unless it was Thanksgiving) tasted a lot like fried carp.

My uncle did can carp once, and made into patties, it tasted just like canned salmon.

Now fried squirrel does taste like fried chicken.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, auntlada said:

Probably something eats possums. I only see them and armadillos dead on the road, though.

You THINK those possums are dead.....


I remember finding a "dead" opossum in the gutter on our street when I was a kid.  Poked it with a stick, etc.  Weren't  we all surprised when we got a few houses away and turned around to see it taking off into somebody's yard!  Clearly we had all learned NOTHING from cartoons!

Edited by ratgirlagogo
  • Love 8

I hate mosquitoes AND fleas. (Terrible problem with fleas, even with no pets inside. They seem to live in the lawn.)   They just love me and I have a terrible reaction to their bites. What I find so annoying is that in the south, it's difficult to go outside most of the year without mosquitoes bothering you.  They are terrible, EVEN in the winter time, because, except for some cold spells, our winters are not that brutal.  And these mosquitoes just thrive. 

  • Love 3

A friend staying here for the weekend went fishing last night. He got bit on his forearm. I swear the wheal was as big as a silver dollar. He even noted it itched on that whole side of its body. He said mosquito but he didn’t really get a good look as it was dusk. With yellow fever, Zika and Leishmaniasis (we do get sand flies, gnats etc too...it’s on the Intracoastal) I got scared for him as 6 hrs later that raised bump was still there. Pesky or worse. 

@SunnyBeBe Fleas can live in our yards. They make these pellets that you can spread on your lawn to kill or lessen them. You might want to look into it. I know people who do it because as much as they give their dogs monthly treatments, there always seem to be flea ridden. These do help. 

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

A friend staying here for the weekend went fishing last night. He got bit on his forearm. I swear the wheal was as big as a silver dollar. He even noted it itched on that whole side of its body. He said mosquito but he didn’t really get a good look as it was dusk. With yellow fever, Zika and Leishmaniasis (we do get sand flies, gnats etc too...it’s on the Intracoastal) I got scared for him as 6 hrs later that raised bump was still there. Pesky or worse. 

@SunnyBeBe Fleas can live in our yards. They make these pellets that you can spread on your lawn to kill or lessen them. You might want to look into it. I know people who do it because as much as they give their dogs monthly treatments, there always seem to be flea ridden. These do help. 

Thanks.  We have used Nemotodes before. Is that what you are referring to?  I suppose it's better than nothing, but, I'm not so sure they do a great job. It's still a recurring problem.  I think that some places are just worse than others.  I have lived in other places before and it wasn't an issue.  This place is and I'm not sure why.  What annoys me is that I know people who have dogs and cats who come in and out of their house all the time and they don't have recurring issues with fleas.  Go figure. 

I'd watch that bite on your friend's arm.  I have bad reactions too. Benedryl helps me. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 3

PEEVE! Online sellers--like Ebay & Poshmark and the like--who do not supply obvious and relevant information (or post just one photo). For instance, if I'm searching for bell bottoms and you don't show the bottom of the pants. Also, boot-cut is NOT bell bottom. Further, "retro" and "vintage" are not the same, and I can tell what's '70s and what's '70s by way of the '90s. And just because it's black doesn't mean it's goth!

  • Love 8
23 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

PEEVE! Online sellers--like Ebay & Poshmark and the like--who do not supply obvious and relevant information (or post just one photo). For instance, if I'm searching for bell bottoms and you don't show the bottom of the pants. Also, boot-cut is NOT bell bottom. Further, "retro" and "vintage" are not the same, and I can tell what's '70s and what's '70s by way of the '90s. And just because it's black doesn't mean it's goth!

Try Amazon, look for the Vibrant brand.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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