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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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I have those people all wrapped in one, actually. Plus relatives who think "if someone made a meme of it, it must be true!" (and if you don't believe it, you're a crybaby snowflake...and ironically, gullible). (But I'll add that I also communicate with people the old-fashioned way. Facebook is just super-convenient on top of that--makes my life so much easier, and I dig being able to "talk" to people more than I ordinarily would without it, and to some I never would have reconnected with at all).


Last weekend's peeve is still happening! Seems my BF's mom and stepdad want to take us out to dinner tonight to celebrate my birthday (which was last Saturday and pretty much a big fat dud in terms of fun). He agreed on my behalf to meet them at Outback Steakhouse.

I'm vegan. 

So, to recap my actual birthday weekend included:

  • working late Friday night
  • canceled plans due to snow on Saturday
  • more canceled plans due to snow on Sunday, plus learning that I owe tax money this year
  • finding out on Monday (because, HOORAY! This fun-fest of a birthday fell on a three-day weekend this year!) that I need $800 in car work done

Followed by the special bonus a week later of a night out at a restaurant that I am known to dislike.

So what do you all think: fill up on (butterless) bread and tell the server to keep the cocktails coming?

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 7
27 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

So what do you all think: fill up on (butterless) bread and tell the server to keep the cocktails coming?

Ask for some olive oil or maybe theres a vinaigrette that you like to dip your bread in. Yes, keep the cocktails coming. This reminds me of when my family took me to a seafood restaurant one year for my bday. I’m allergic to seafood! I’ve had years when everything goes to crap around my birthday and I would certainly have wished better for you this year. I’d say go treat yourself to a spa treatment or a wee bit of shopping but dang...your car needed work now? That’s just an insult on top of an injury. Who chose this place to eat? Are his parents aware of your diet? Order a salad and be gracious. Then go home and scream into your pillow. Happy belated birthday and I’m wishing better for you. 

  • Love 8

Oh, thank you! Honestly, it's kind of hilarious--like, seriously with this?! But his parents are trying to be nice (while indulging their love for steak--his stepfather just loves Outback and drives for 30 minutes just to get to one. At least it's right here near us) and sometimes it's just easier to acquiesce. But let me tell you this: if we have to go through that "how do you know you won't like a Bloomin' Onion if you don't even try it?" discussion yet again, I am flipping a table, Teresa Giudice-style--and thereby ensuring that I am not allowed in Outback again! And do not ever let me hear anyone imply that I am one of those "pain-in-the-ass vegans"!

And allergic to seafood! That is really sucky that no one thought of that on your birthday! I remember one year, my ex-BF's family got an expensive Black Forest cake for his birthday even though he has hated coconut since he was a child. I felt so bad for him.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 5
42 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

So what do you all think: fill up on (butterless) bread and tell the server to keep the cocktails coming?

Clearly this is the right answer.  Just make sure you have something to eat prior to going so you are not both ravenous and in the dining choice from hell (for you).

I second the spa day or a bit of indulgence shopping.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, Hero said:

There is this one person who constantly writes "sorry" on her posts. Nothing else. Then you get everyone writing "what's wrong?" Of course she doesn't answer. 

Vaguebooking is really annoying. I wish people would stop feeding the beast and just not comment. It's not like they are going to respond anyway.

12 hours ago, Hero said:

Does anyone have those annoying friends on Facebook who constantly seek attention?

Social media/the Internet is all about seeking attention. No one posts a comment or photo hoping it gets overlooked/ignored. Meh. If what they are posting annoys you, just unfollow them.

Edited by AgentRXS
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, AgentRXS said:

Vaguebooking is really annoying. I wish people would stop feeding the beast and just not comment. It's not like they are going to respond anyway.

Social media/the Internet is all about seeking attention. No one posts a comment or photo hoping it gets overlooked/ignored. Meh. If what they are posting annoys you, just unfollow them.

Yes indeed! I've also had to unfollow multiple friends at Facebook due to committing both those sins repeatedly: vaguebooking AND multiple selfies. It's annoying enough to see younger folks doing this, but when you see folks in their 30's-40's doing that shit? Oh no, that's unacceptable---you need to know better than that by that age. 

Which brings me to a huge pet-peeve via Instagram: people who dump 5 or more photos there in a row in separate posts!! I had a friend who literally posted 23 pics on there in one night((yes, I counted))...she didn't seem to understand that Instagram works as an ongoing daily feed to scroll and she was literally clogging up mine with her endless parade of dark, blurry bar pics. Never mind that Instagram has an awesome option now to post multiple pics onto one large post; some people are just too damned lazy/annoying to figure out just how that works. Maybe I'm just weirder about it because I feel that Instagram is far more visual and therefore photos posted there need to be carefully curated, unlike silly throwaway pics you can just throw onto Facebook---I simply believe Instagram should be more quality over quantity, which is why I actually post less frequently there than Facebook.

And then there's Instagram stories---I absolutely love them. It's like getting fun little glimpses of people's lives, where you can go from a wedding, to a vacation to a show or wherever and feel like you were actually there too! Admittedly, I've grown a following based on my own silly IG stories, although I think it's mostly due to my drunken antics out on the town. But again, you can't go overboard on those there either; when the top of your story screen looks like a caravan of ants, you probably need to learn how to edit. It is rather addictive though...

On the flipside, according to Kylie Jenner, Snapchat is old news. I'm good with that---it always felt like something strictly meant for teenagers anyway.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Last weekend's peeve is still happening! Seems my BF's mom and stepdad want to take us out to dinner tonight to celebrate my birthday (which was last Saturday and pretty much a big fat dud in terms of fun). He agreed on my behalf to meet them at Outback Steakhouse.

I'm vegan. 

So, to recap my actual birthday weekend included:

  • working late Friday night
  • canceled plans due to snow on Saturday
  • more canceled plans due to snow on Sunday, plus learning that I owe tax money this year
  • finding out on Monday (because, HOORAY! This fun-fest of a birthday fell on a three-day weekend this year!) that I need $800 in car work done

Followed by the special bonus a week later of a night out at a restaurant that I am known to dislike.

So what do you all think: fill up on (butterless) bread and tell the server to keep the cocktails coming?

"You can have a salad!" Yes, that's what I want. A shitty iceberg lettuce side salad at a steakhouse. Thanks.

I feel you. I know alllll about it.

What happened to letting the birthday person have the meal at the restaurant of their choice?

  • Love 11

I've been doing some DIY projects around the house, at this point mostly painting the walls in one part of my house. When you go upstairs, there is a landing and to the right is what was designated on the floor plan as a game room, but it's not an enclosed room. I was tired of all white walls, so I've injected some color into that area, and then will be putting in new flooring, having ripped up the carpet. My pet peeve is the lack of technology that I would like to see in housing construction. When will someone come up with walls that are solid, yet coated with a layer than can be programmed to immediately become a different color or pattern? That is, I know damn good and well this will happen after I'm dead, but I'd really like to be able just to walk up to any given wall in my house, pull up a menu, and decide that I want to go from a white wall to a blue wall or red wall or pink-with-purple-polka-dot wall. Instead of paying to buy paint from Home Depot/Lowes/wherever and having to come home and deal with painting, just choose from a menu built into your wall, and pay for the new color or even wallpaper pattern through the menu. Ditto for having an option to add art work to the wall. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

I've been doing some DIY projects around the house, at this point mostly painting the walls in one part of my house. When you go upstairs, there is a landing and to the right is what was designated on the floor plan as a game room, but it's not an enclosed room. I was tired of all white walls, so I've injected some color into that area, and then will be putting in new flooring, having ripped up the carpet. My pet peeve is the lack of technology that I would like to see in housing construction. When will someone come up with walls that are solid, yet coated with a layer than can be programmed to immediately become a different color or pattern? That is, I know damn good and well this will happen after I'm dead, but I'd really like to be able just to walk up to any given wall in my house, pull up a menu, and decide that I want to go from a white wall to a blue wall or red wall or pink-with-purple-polka-dot wall. Instead of paying to buy paint from Home Depot/Lowes/wherever and having to come home and deal with painting, just choose from a menu built into your wall, and pay for the new color or even wallpaper pattern through the menu. Ditto for having an option to add art work to the wall. 

There are pixel "tiles", and then there's this brilliant idea:  http://thescienceexplorer.com/technology/scientists-are-developing-chameleon-paint-changes-colors

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, bilgistic said:

What happened to letting the birthday person have the meal at the restaurant of their choice?

Yeah, whenever I offer to take someone out for a birthday lunch or dinner, one of my first questions is always, "Where would you like to go?"  If the hosts are suggesting a restaurant instead, that's fine in theory, but suggesting a steakhouse (and a shitty one at that) for a vegan's birthday dinner is both stupid and rude, and the boyfriend agreeing to it is just beyond.  All he had to say was, "I don't think that's a good idea; remember, she's vegan, and they have almost nothing she can eat."  They don't need to suffer through a vegan restaurant, just choose a happy medium where everyone has several good options to choose from.

  • Love 15

Thank you! And it's not like I'm a fancy girl; Friday's, Applebee's, whatever--just something with more of a selection that allows for a bit of malleability! In the BF's defense though, we tried a nice place (owned by my neighbor who was on Hell's Kitchen!) on his birthday. His stepdad ordered a steak dish and instructed the server to hold everything that came on the plate--the vegetables, the sauce, the potatoes--except for the bare steak.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 3

To entertain myself (okay, to further procrastinate on cleaning the house), I just looked up the Outback menu; I'd only eat a few things offered and I'm an omnivore!  (It's obviously very meat and potatoes, and I'm not; I hate potatoes, and I only like beef in a few forms.)  I saw very little that was vegetarian, never mind could be made vegan by leaving off the cheese or butter.  Yikes.  Yeah, eat at home and keep the drinks coming.  Sorry you've had such a dud of a birthday, but hopefully the company and conversation is nice.

(I further entertained myself by looking up the calorie content of one of the few entrees I would eat, the chicken and shrimp pasta dish, because I wanted to see just how sky high it was -- 1210, heh.  And, holy crap, that bloomin' onion thing is nearly 2000 calories!  That's unreal; even the chocolate cake has fewer calories, at around 1500.)

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Bastet said:

calories/155g fat/3840mg sodium. 

My MD would be soooo mad at me if I ate that. I’m on a low sodium diet (and don’t miss it) and that is the equivalent of a little over 3 days worth for me. It would burn my tongue. I never eat processed foods (a big source of salt) and use herbs, garlic, lemon zest or juice and red or black pepper to give my food extra flavor. I have no idea! 

  • Love 4

I love the Bloomin' Onion so of course its nothing but fat and salt.

@TattleTeeny I've also been "forced" to go to Outback on my birthday even though for me its a meh restaurant. My dad is diabetic and has celiac disease so its one of the few restaurants that he can safely eat at that he likes (he refuses to go to any gluten-free hipster joint). Luckily I like their side items well enough. Sorry that you can't go to the restaurant of your choice.

My forgetfulness is my pet peeve for today. Its been cool in the evenings here--low 70s, so I've been sleeping with the window open in lieu of running the A/C. I  just cannot believe that I forgot to close the windows when I left for home this morning! Luckily I returned home for lunch and caught my mistake. Even luckier that nothing got broken into or stolen.

I also lost my 2nd microchip scanner at work yesterday by leaving it a call. Those things are not cheap, and my boss is pretty annoyed that I lost one that just got replaced less than 6 months ago. I placed it on top of the hood of my truck while I was talking to this woman who was basically lying about an injured dog not being hers--(one of our kennel staff happened to live in the neighborhood and knew that she was the owner).  I was so annoyed in dealing with her that I drove off forgetting that I hadn't put it back in my truck. Of course, I remembered at the end of the night. I asked the kennel worker if she'd seen my scanner lying around somewhere in her development and she said no. No sense in driving back to look for it. Gah...so freaking annoying.

Edited by AgentRXS
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I made it through, everyone! I drank "Kiwi 'Ritas" and had some pasta with broccoli, garlic, and olive oil! Everything was fine...

until the gun issue came up in conversation. I may have yelled a little.

Gotta love the family dinners!  I've had a few of those myself (well, probably everyone has, so there's that).

  • Love 2

It was actually funny, a little. My BF's stepdad doesn't ordinarily drink, but he did! I thought this topic might happen. But he was also sillier than usual, so that was funny too. And the disagreement ended pretty quickly.

The staff just made it to order but we had a brand-new waiter who was a bit flummoxed by my request. I get it--I'm in a steak place and eschewing animal products. Plus I was a new server once too; I know how it is trying to learn and make sure you have shit right--I just hope he was tipped well! Thank the gods we didn't do the "we have a birthday!" thing. 

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, Bastet said:

suggesting a steakhouse (and a shitty one at that) for a vegan's birthday dinner is both stupid and rude, and the boyfriend agreeing to it is just beyond. 

That reminds me of a friend of mine and her finance.  They went back to his hometown in Texas and met his friends and family.  She has told both her friends and fiance that she hates Chinese food and would not eat in a restaurant that serves it.  Her fiance loves it but respected her wishes.  When they got home and met up with friends, they immediately wanted to go to their favorite Chinese restaurant!  Her fiance was VERY adamant they not go.  Believe it or not it took a while for the friends to get the message that she wasn't going to eat in a place she knew she wouldn't enjoy.  Props to her fiance for sticking up for her! 

  • Love 4

Well, I'd probably never flat-out proclaim that I refuse to go anywhere (especially when meeting a group of my S.O.'s people for the first time!). I usually just figure out something from the menu and carry on with minimal fuss. But, yeah, I do wish that my BF was a bit faster in his thinking and had thought of some kind of alternative for my birthday, at least.

Heh, maybe we go out for sushi for his, haha!

ETA: He did jump right into round 652 of the Bloomin' Onion debate with, "We have this conversation every time--she hates onions!"

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 4
36 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Well, I'd probably never flat-out proclaim that I refuse to go anywhere (especially when meeting a group of my S.O.'s people for the first time!). I usually just figure out something from the menu and carry on without minimal fuss. But yeah, I do wish that my BF was a bit faster in his thinking and had thought of some kind of alternative for my birthday, at least.

Heh, maybe we go out for sushi for his, haha!

ETA: He did jump right into round 652 of the Bloomin' Onion debate with, "We have this conversation every time--she hates onions!"

I now think of you every time I pick onions off/out of anything I'm eating.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Petunia13 said:



google removed "view image" button from search results. 

Yes, it happened a few days back and was related to the subject of copyright images.

Getty Images, insisted that rather than a user being able to view an image in isolation, it must now do so from the hosting site. This would generate more traffic hits and thus more ad revenue for the hosting site as well as credit the image itself.

There are alternatives - Bing and Yahoo, I think. But they too might end up going the same way as Google.

I've started using "Startpage" - which you can bolt on to Google Chrome and does very much the same job as "View Image"



  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Zola said:

There are alternatives - Bing and Yahoo, I think. But they too might end up going the same way as Google.

I've started using "Startpage" - which you can bolt on to Google Chrome and does very much the same job as "View Image"

The right-click menu on my computer still brings up the View Image (and Copy Image) options when I'm using Google, no add-ons necessary.



  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Quof said:

I can still Google image, using Chrome.   

You can still Google images in other browsers - the example I posted was using Firefox.  The change Google made was to the buttons that appear when you click on one of the images returned by the search.  In the past, there was a button named "View Image" which let you view the full size image on your screen.  That has been removed, but as I noted, the right-click menu still gives that option.  Interestingly, in Firefox, but not Chrome, there is still a "Save Image" button.


  • Love 1

I work in an office with desks near each other. People have no damn respect or manners. One literally screams everything she says or talks on speaker phone. She also pops bubble gum all day and racha crunchy smelly food close by. Another laughs like a hyena and slams shit around like a wild animal. 

They know it distracts me but don't give a fuck likes it's their personal barn. 

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

I work in an office with desks near each other. People have no damn respect or manners. One literally screams everything she says or talks on speaker phone. She also pops bubble gum all day and racha crunchy smelly food close by. Another laughs like a hyena and slams shit around like a wild animal. 

They know it distracts me but don't give a fuck likes it's their personal barn. 

I would pop the gum popper. Can’t stand that or chewing with their mouths open. Good luck. I couldn’t work like that. 

  • Love 6
Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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