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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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5 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

There's a alternative medical column in our local paper (Seattle Times) that has been recommending the gin soaked raisins for years now. How many (ugh) do you have to eat each day?

NINE! I'm used to taking a lot of meds, so I can take them them all in one gulp, but they are nasty. I can't stand raisins unless they are hidden in carrot cake.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, auntlada said:

I also can't put ribbons or bows on presents until we leave because one cat will try to eat them, which is bad for her and also disgusting when she barfs up the ribbon. So we are a ribbon-free house. It makes packing presents in the car easier anyway. Bows just get smashed.

When I was growing up, we quickly learned that we couldn't use curling ribbon on presents after our cat ate some and it went through her system undigested.


We had to pull it out of her butthole.

  • Love 6

There can be no curling ribbon in my parents' house, either, as I discovered a few years ago when Chester was hanging out with me as I wrapped presents (I do it at their house, since that's the tree under which the presents are placed for us to open) -- I heard him throwing up what I thought was a hairball, but it was white and he's tuxedo, so closer look revealed it to be an intact, curled section of ribbon.  So that was the end of that.

I hate wrapping.  I use more and more gift bags every year, for the re-usability factor, but there are things that fit better in a box, plus there's the sentimentality of some old decorations to be placed on wrapped boxes.  So I do still wrap for a couple of hours each year.  I just grumble pretty much the whole time now.

When I was a kid, I loved it - I wrapped everything other than my own presents, because my mom hated it and was happy to dump it off on me.  Now I'm stuck with cats who don't have opposable thumbs; I have no one to foist it on.

  • Love 6

My Mum was THE bestest gift wrapper on the planet.  I am talking award-winning gifts that were just too damned pretty to even think of opening.  Yes, she missed her calling - she would have sent that gift wrap guy from "Love, Actually"  running for the hills in shame (looking for Julie Andrews, no doubt).

I miss her madly, and still have an extra special stash of wrapping paper, ribbon and accoutrements she wasn't able to utilize, and I am totally unworthy, and all left thumbs to boot!

  • Love 8
13 hours ago, Bastet said:

There can be no curling ribbon in my parents' house, either, as I discovered a few years ago when Chester was hanging out with me as I wrapped presents (I do it at their house, since that's the tree under which the presents are placed for us to open) -- I heard him throwing up what I thought was a hairball, but it was white and he's tuxedo, so closer look revealed it to be an intact, curled section of ribbon.  So that was the end of that.

I hate wrapping.  I use more and more gift bags every year, for the re-usability factor, but there are things that fit better in a box, plus there's the sentimentality of some old decorations to be placed on wrapped boxes.  So I do still wrap for a couple of hours each year.  I just grumble pretty much the whole time now.

When I was a kid, I loved it - I wrapped everything other than my own presents, because my mom hated it and was happy to dump it off on me.  Now I'm stuck with cats who don't have opposable thumbs; I have no one to foist it on.

My cats always try to "help" me wrap. All the presents end up with tiny pin holes because the cats walk on the paper after I've laid it out. The one also tries to eat the ribbon and we have to turn the bow side face down so he doesn't swallow it. My vet told me that he's seen cats die because the ribbon (and tinsel) can cut up their insides.

  • Love 3

About the time I hit my teen years, I somehow got appointed as the person in charge of wrapping presents for Christmas. My mother worked in retail, which meant prior to Christmas she was always working extra hours.  She would occasionally get gift wrapping done by the store at which she bought a specific item, but the vast majority of items needed to be wrapped.  The standard routine was to stash the presents in the dining room, because the dining table was the largest flat surface, and she would tell me which item was intended for which person. So about a week before Christmas I would assemble the wrapping paper, bows, and tags, along with scissors and tape, and start going at it. Around when I turned 15, my mother quit trying to hide which present was mine, so yes, from age 15 through when I got married and moved away, I wrapped my own present. My mother got the routine presents, although she made sure they were nice items and aligned with what the recipient would like/want. My father was more the person who would handle the big gifts, such as a game table and stools for the three of us kids who were still living at home to use for card games and so forth, a stereo system for us to have downstairs, etc.  Once I was no longer available to do the bulk of the wrapping, my mother transitioned to a mix of regular gift wrapped items and gift boxes that had designs on them so they looked like gift wrap. I much preferred those boxes, because they were reusable; just place a new bow and gift tag on the box, and you were good to go.  It also became my job, once my older sisters had kids, to take the various kids out to the movies on Christmas Eve night, to keep them out of the house while food prep and last-minute wrapping/assembly of items from "Santa" were occurring.

I don't hate wrapping presents but neither do I particularly enjoy it. However, I would choose wrapping gifts without any hesitation if it was a choice between having to shop for gifts and wrapping them. The older I have gotten, the less I am able to handle crowds, and so I hate malls. I am very grateful for the option of online shopping and delivery. In the last 10 years, I've made a deliberate effort to keep Christmas fairly laid back; for me it's not a religious celebration but a secular one to spend with family, with the added bonus of it being a paid holiday from work. 

  • Love 8

My pet peeves today is football on TV. Not football specifically, but men's fascination with it. We are hosting a holiday party, for my husband's family, it starts in a little less than an hour. 

I have cleaned and cooked and prepared, and put on some Christmas music. I go upstairs to get ready. When I come down, I find my husband and son sprawled out watching football. Our local team is not playing, but that's ok, because they are flipping between two channels, two different games. 

My son came from out of town, there will be 20 people here in a while, and it looks like the guys are going to monopolize the room by watching football instead of actually catching up, seeing the kids open presents, or anything else.

  • Love 7

Gah, and Bah on the sports.  I have Uverse 450, which means I have to constantly hide the eleventy billion sports channels (and counting) from my on screen channel guide line-up.  Wish I could trade all those channels to my sports-loving neighbors for something useful.

I watch the Olympics, and enjoy them all.  That's it.

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I love football, but I simply make sure not to have or attend a get-together that conflicts with a game I want to watch; once I've committed to socializing instead, that's what I do.  Which means I don't do much socializing during football season, as I'd usually rather watch the games.

Well at least you have your priorities. I'm all for choosing one or the other and I like both as well. I'm also a lover of college basketball. I do get however, the annoyance of having company due and no help greeting or putting on the last minute touches. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, backformore said:

My pet peeves today is football on TV. Not football specifically, but men's fascination with it. We are hosting a holiday party, for my husband's family, it starts in a little less than an hour. 

I have cleaned and cooked and prepared, and put on some Christmas music. I go upstairs to get ready. When I come down, I find my husband and son sprawled out watching football. Our local team is not playing, but that's ok, because they are flipping between two channels, two different games. 

My son came from out of town, there will be 20 people here in a while, and it looks like the guys are going to monopolize the room by watching football instead of actually catching up, seeing the kids open presents, or anything else.

Can't you make them turn it off or watch it in another room? I know I would.

  • Love 4

One reason I was glad my sister divorced her now-ex-husband was because his loud family would watch football at a blaring volume and they would yell over that just to be yelling. It was miserable.

He was a cheating, narcissistic addict, deadbeat piece of garbage, so I'm very happy for her that they divorced.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, backformore said:

My pet peeves today is football on TV. Not football specifically, but men's fascination with it.

Here it's hockey, which I hate as much as football, baseball, basketball, curling, or any other sport.

When I was 19 I worked at a furniture store in the local mall and directly across the hall was a coffee and sandwich shop. Inevitably someone would walk across the hall and flip one of the TVs we had on display to the channel showing the game. Within minutes there would be as many as 25 people all crowded around the TV and then some would start dragging over chairs and recliners from the display areas.

I think it was a god-send for the women because they would just set their husbands down in front of the TV and carry about their business without the men tagging along.

  • Love 4
On 12/16/2017 at 8:39 AM, Mindthinkr said:

I'm pretty much done Christmas shopping. Now we come to my Pet Peeve. WRAPPING. 

I guess I'll do it tomorrow after I've bought a bottle of wine for incentive. 

I love to wrap presents. It's one of my favorite things about the holiday. I set up my "shop", put on a good movie and I can wrap all day. I take a lot of time to make sure my corners are perfect and my patterns are lined up. I don't know why but it's always something I've enjoyed doing. My friend used to bring her presents to my house every year and I'd wrap them for her.  Tonight I put on A Very Brady Christmas (shut up! I love it) and spent a few hours wrapping and making bows.   I set everything up on my bed and sit there to wrap, that way my back doesn't hurt too much. I don't drink but I will smoke a little something as I wrap. It makes me more creative. 

My favorite Xmas song is Billy Squier, Christmas is the Time to Say I Love You.  I don't have a whole lot of warm, fuzzy memories of my mom but this song is one of the few I do have. I remember waiting every hour for them to play this on MTV and when it came on, we would crank up the volume and dance around the living room.  I bought an entire Xmas CD just to get that song and I drive everyone nuts by playing it a lot every year. 

  • Love 11


I like the idea of gift bags, but can't put them under the tree. Gifts in bags must leave the house almost immediately. The cats seem to think that all bags are for them, and they will try to climb in.

I also can't put ribbons or bows on presents until we leave because one cat will try to eat them, which is bad for her and also disgusting when she barfs up the ribbon. So we are a ribbon-free house. It makes packing presents in the car easier anyway. Bows just get smashed.


Same. I leave the bows until the last minute...though why I bother at all is a mystery to me. I will let the cats "steal" them and beat them up if I am right there with them--that staple in the bow gives me pause, but they think they're just so cool and bad-ass when they "catch" some bow prey.




Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 17

Every year a local TV station used to show The Nutcracker and that was my wrapping background movie. My family no longer exchanges gifts (which is awesome) so I only had to prepare two packages. One went into a bag and the other fit in an envelope. Done! I still bake though and I want the cookies to be fresh so I'll be doing that last minute.

ETA: I'm THRILLED our team is playing football on Christmas Eve. Otherwise we'd actually have to talk to each other!!

Edited by Qoass
  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I hate when on websites, they have those picture tests to make sure you're 100% human.  As opposed to 50% human, I guess.  Anyway, apparently, I am not, because sometimes it takes me 2 or 3 tries to get it right.  Aargh.

I encounter those all the time. Those, and the "horny women in your area are looking for you." Damn horny women are a real nuisance.

  • Love 4

I’m female and the football watcher in the family and have been known to have every tv in the house on to the same game so I don’t miss anything while going room to room to do chores, etc. Also, I try not to plan functions that coincide with a game I want to watch. 

I keep thinking I’m done Christmas shopping but then this morning my oldest (8) kid came out with no clothes that fit. He’s had a crazy growth spurt these last few weeks and I decided the small amount of clothes I already got him weren’t going to be enough. So I went to Target and I’m sure some others can relate but......$300.00 later and a few more gifts for each kid (I have three). I really need to stay out of the stores. 

Wrapping has gotten to be a huge literal pain for me lately. I’ve been in pain for weeks now from wrapping presents every night and I thought having nice fluffy carpet to sit on would be better but it’s really not. Plus my husband insists that EVERYTHING has to be wrapped even stocking stuffers. Finally I said fuck that nonsense. He hasn’t been helping so I’m not wrapping that crap! 

  • Love 8
57 minutes ago, Mountainair said:

Wrapping has gotten to be a huge literal pain for me lately. I’ve been in pain for weeks now from wrapping presents every night and I thought having nice fluffy carpet to sit on would be better but it’s really not. Plus my husband insists that EVERYTHING has to be wrapped even stocking stuffers. Finally I said fuck that nonsense. He hasn’t been helping so I’m not wrapping that crap! 

I'd be stuffing something somewhere down the general direction of a demanding, unhelpful huzzbin's gullet ...  The true crime shows have taught me that antifreeze can be added to Gatorade - and eggnog.  ;-D

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Mountainair said:

I’m female and the football watcher in the family and have been known to have every tv in the house on to the same game so I don’t miss anything while going room to room to do chores, etc. Also, I try not to plan functions that coincide with a game I want to watch. 

This is why I don’t host or go to anyone’s Thanksgiving or Super Bowl party. I want to watch the games, not chit chat. Sundays are completely unproductive for me during football season. Fortunately I don’t watch any other sports.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

This is why I don’t host or go to anyone’s Thanksgiving or Super Bowl party. I want to watch the games, not chit chat. Sundays are completely unproductive for me during football season. Fortunately I don’t watch any other sports.

Yes - I don't understand how any football fan attends a Super Bowl party, unless it's a small one made up only of fellow fans, because otherwise you have several nitwits in the bunch who are just there for the food and commercials and talk during the game.  Hell, no.

And, I enjoy attending baseball and basketball games, and will watch those games on TV sometimes - mostly just post-season - but it's only football season that I am reliably holed up for at least part of each Saturday and Sunday because I am watching the game(s), dammit.  Between my teams and really good match-ups at any given point in the season, I have little time for this getting together crap.  :-)

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Bastet said:

you have several nitwits in the bunch who are just there for the food and commercials and talk during the game.  Hell, no.

That nitwit would be me: pass the cheese dip and apathy!!

I hate football, but love Super Bowl parties for that very reason: good food, great commercials, and gossip. But hey, I'm at least considerate enough to go sit with the other nitwits who are also just there for extra buffalo wings and to get weepy over the Budweiser ads. I gladly stay away from those serious football fan guests---which thankfully means extra nachos and vodka for me.

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

That nitwit would be me: pass the cheese dip and apathy!!

I hate football, but love Super Bowl parties for that very reason: good food, great commercials, and gossip. But hey, I'm at least considerate enough to go sit with the other nitwits who are also just there for extra buffalo wings and to get weepy over the Budweiser ads. I gladly stay away from those serious football fan guests---which thankfully means extra nachos and vodka for me.

I want to marry this post!

  • Love 3

Writing sincere Christmas cards to family, friends and business colleagues. I don't mind the actual job of writing 70 odd cards, but there are times when I would really love to put my true feelings to people I really don't get on with, but feel obligated to send a nicely versed card anyway. 

For example, one of my customers has been a real pain in the arse just lately, especially with late payments. But he recently sent me a Christmas card, so now I feel obligated to send one back. But rather than being sincere with a "Wishing you a Merry Christmas etc...." I feel moved to write something more honest such as "Have a totally & utterly shit Christmas and I hope all your data drives fail and die on you you lying piece of genetically modified cockroach sputum!"




But I guess that would sound a tad harsh

Edited by Zola
  • Love 13
7 minutes ago, Zola said:

But I guess that would sound a tad harsh

Just a wee bit.  You completely failed to acknowledge New Years,  May I suggest:

"Have a totally & utterly shit Christmas and I hope all your data drives fail and die on you in the New Year you lying piece of genetically modified cockroach sputum!"

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, Zola said:

But I guess that would sound a tad harsh

lol...just a tad! I totally understand why you would like to write honestly but it's not alright to actually do so. I'm glad that you are venting here about it rather than acting on it. 

I dislike the fakery of everybody getting along and the saccharine sweetness of the holidays. Some people are only nice for the month of December as they are trying for a good present. The rest of the year they are a waste of skin. Ever notice that the pitch of people's voices raise when they are uttering niceties that they don't really mean? 

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

Just a wee bit.  You completely failed to acknowledge New Years,  May I suggest:

"Have a totally & utterly shit Christmas and I hope all your data drives fail and die on you in the New Year you lying piece of genetically modified cockroach sputum!"


2 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

lol...just a tad! I totally understand why you would like to write honestly but it's not alright to actually do so. I'm glad that you are venting here about it rather than acting on it. 

I dislike the fakery of everybody getting along and the saccharine sweetness of the holidays. Some people are only nice for the month of December as they are trying for a good present. The rest of the year they are a waste of skin. Ever notice that the pitch of people's voices raise when they are uttering niceties that they don't really mean? 


The voices of mirth and reason :)

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Zola said:

Writing sincere Christmas cards to family, friends and business colleagues. I don't mind the actual job of writing 70 odd cards, but there are times when I would really love to put my true feelings to people I really don't get on with, but feel obligated to send a nicely versed card anyway. 

For example, one of my customers has been a real pain in the arse just lately, especially with late payments. But he recently sent me a Christmas card, so now I feel obligated to send one back. But rather than being sincere with a "Wishing you a Merry Christmas etc...." I feel moved to write something more honest such as "Have a totally & utterly shit Christmas and I hope all your data drives fail and die on you you lying piece of genetically modified cockroach sputum!"




But I guess that would sound a tad harsh

Perhaps it might work better if one said 'I couldn't care less whether or not you have a pleasant holiday season because I'm completely indifferent to you now. '

  • Love 4
18 hours ago, Mountainair said:

Wrapping has gotten to be a huge literal pain for me lately. I’ve been in pain for weeks now from wrapping presents every night and I thought having nice fluffy carpet to sit on would be better but it’s really not. Plus my husband insists that EVERYTHING has to be wrapped even stocking stuffers. Finally I said fuck that nonsense. He hasn’t been helping so I’m not wrapping that crap! 

Nope.  He who insists that things be done a certain way needs to do it himself.  

  • Love 18
57 minutes ago, backformore said:

Nope.  He who insists that things be done a certain way needs to do it himself.  

That was my thought.  Alternatively, I would leave the individual items unwrapped, but wrap the entire stocking.

Note:  Taking marital advice from me is probably not the bestest of ideas.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, backformore said:

Nope.  He who insists that things be done a certain way needs to do it himself.  

Truth! Doesn't he realize how much of an effort it would be to wrap stocking stuffers?! Regular presents, I can see wrapping, but things that go in a stocking don't need to be (at least IMO).

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Zola said:

Writing sincere Christmas cards to family, friends and business colleagues. I don't mind the actual job of writing 70 odd cards, but there are times when I would really love to put my true feelings to people I really don't get on with, but feel obligated to send a nicely versed card anyway. 

My family has an acquaintance who sends one of the most self-centered, self-absorbed, self-important holiday letters I have ever read. I get being proud of your kids and your husband, and especially yourself, but do I really need to see 3 pages of 10pt font espousing every event that occurred in the last 365 days? Thankfully I got crossed off her Christmas card list at some point, directly relating to when I stopped sending her a card. Merry Christmas to me!!!

  • Love 8
Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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