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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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There is a small business near my house that makes me totally uncomfortable when paying.

They must be struggling because they are really anti-credit card which I would think is all about what credit card companies charge the sellers.

They used to accept all forms of payment.  Then they did an experiment where they only took cash.  Now they accept credit cards only above a certain amount.  But if you spend above that amount they will still ask you if you have cash to pay instead of credit when you hand over your card.

It leaves me with a vaguely negative feeling every time I shop there.

And its too bad, because otherwise the owner seems very friendly and sells a good product.

But I wonder how many customers they have driven away worrying over the credit card payments.  I think if the credit card payments are that much of a drain on the business that they would be better off to just increase their prices.  Or offer a discount for cash.  Or if small dollar charges are a problem make it cheaper to buy multiples than singles of their items.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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4 hours ago, Bastet said:

And since I am her mom (and her owner, and her guardian - and her servant), I am fine with someone using any of those to refer to me in relation to her.

It would make my day if someone referred to me as my cat's servant! "Room is ready for Zelda's pooper scooper."

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4 hours ago, ABay said:

I kept checking CVS under my name for the medicine the vet called in for my cat. Nothing. Over and over. Finally, the pharmacist informed me that prescriptions called into the human pharmacy for my cat had to be under the cat's name.  And, indeed, it was. 

Did they also tell you that when they ask for the birth date for the prescription, it's 1/1 for all animals? This morning when I picked up my cat's prescription and gave the birth date the super friendly person at the counter asked "kitty or dog?"

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I used to get one of Bilgisticat's meds filled at CVS; for some reason, they had his real birthday and asked for it every time I picked up his prescription. Well, it was the day the shelter told me was his birthday.

What I'm saying here is that this cat has a better life than most of us humans do.

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16 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

I've never seen this, but I'm intrigued. I must not be shopping at the right places to see this technology. Is shopping cart theft really that big of a problem?

The Target at the mall disables carts that people try to wheel out through the mall entrance but not out of the parking lot entrance. 

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46 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

I've never seen this, but I'm intrigued. I must not be shopping at the right places to see this technology. Is shopping cart theft really that big of a problem?

So a little bit of googling says this is a $800 million per year problem worldwide.

It sounds like its pretty common in places where people don't use cars for transportation which I guess makes more sense when you think about how much of a pain in the ass it would be to go grocery shopping if you live in a city and use public transportation for everything. 

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On Friday, November 18, 2016 at 2:20 PM, Blergh said:

    Oops, I went on a bit of a tangent but I guess I'm just  airing a pet peeve against  folks who butt into things that have absolutely no impact on their own lives.

Ever notice that they usually aren't really expressing a genuine concern? They just want to criticize.

23 hours ago, bilgistic said:

As I was checking out well before 7pm, the pharmacy tech (not the asshole on the phone) was trying to sell me a membership.

I've been getting my prescriptions at Costco for years, but they've never tried to sell me a membership at the prescription counter.

12 hours ago, lordonia said:

I know I'm in the minority but I roll my mental eyes pretty hard when I'm waiting at the vet's and the assistant comes out and calls the name of my cat. Yes, she's the patient but it's not like she's going to trot into the exam room by herself. Call me, please.

I've seen plenty of people come into vet offices with multiple pets. It makes sense to specify which pet is being seen that way. If they called my name, I'd be worried about ending up with a thermometer suddenly being inserted where I don't want it.

4 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

My thing with gas stations is that if they prefer cash then they can't do the pay before you fill up thing.

A lot of stations have the ATM-ish setup where you can feed bills into it, but have to go inside to get change. Not a problem of you know you're not going to have change.

1 hour ago, forumfish said:

I think I've griped here before about the new shopping cart sensors to prevent theft. I get it, and I understand that it must inconvenience the stores to lose carts, but how does that justify inconveniencing the customers?

A large metal shopping cart can run $160 or more. Having the store logo on the plastic bits costs extra. For a small store, that's a big hit when one goes missing. Large stores can lose lose thousands of dollars worth of carts per month.

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42 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Y'all have taught me something yet again. I live in a place that's very car dependent and suburban sprawl-y, so I guess that's why I haven't seen locking carts.

Me too! I have also never heard of gas stations with an ATM type set up for payment. That's pretty cool! 

The closest thing to a locking cart I've seen is at Aldi but you have to actually lock your cart to work. 

I live in a very public transportation dependent area and I see rogue carts all the time. One particularly breezy day I watched a cart roll out of the corral and Cross two lanes of very busy traffic (how it managed to not cause any damage is beyond me) and crash land into a fence across the street. Would these locking carts prevent that? Would it cause more damage if it were to just stop abruptly in the middle of the parking lot?

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1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

I live in a place that's very car dependent and suburban sprawl-y, so I guess that's why I haven't seen locking carts.

I live in NYC where we walk and use public transportation and I haven't seen it here. But we also have people doing their shopping not just at supermarkets but at a bunch of little stores (butcher, fishmonger, bakery, deli, etc).

1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:

It sounds like its pretty common in places where people don't use cars for transportation which I guess makes more sense when you think about how much of a pain in the ass it would be to go grocery shopping if you live in a city and use public transportation for everything. 

 I'm not saying I never see it - but generally the people walking around the streets with stolen supermarket carts are nutty old people(well perhaps I should say more accurately nutty people of all ages, but mostly older) and sometimes the people who are walking the streets gathering up the cash recyclables.  I mean, who else would take them?  How are you going to get a damned shopping cart onto the bus, let alone onto the subway (and its many stairways)?

ETA: it's not a pain in the ass to shop here unless you are somebody who does one big shopping trip once a month or something.  I buy what I need in relatively small amounts and often pick up meat and vegetables for the night's dinner on my way home.  A lot of people around here shop that way.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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1 hour ago, ratgirlagogo said:

 I'm not saying I never see it - but generally the people walking around the streets with stolen supermarket carts are nutty old people(well perhaps I should say more accurately nutty people of all ages, but mostly older) and sometimes the people who are walking the streets gathering up the cash recyclables.  I mean, who else would take them?  How are you going to get a damned shopping cart onto the bus, let alone onto the subway (and its many stairways)?

You know how when a new supermarket opens, they have those cute kid-size carts?  Not the one where kids sit and have a steering wheel, the one identical to regular carts, but smaller.

A grocery store manager told me that it's a well-known fact in the industry that a store will only have those carts for a couple of months after the store opens.  They're great to get families engaged in shopping,  but the carts "disappear" - kids like them so much, that the parents end up loading them into the minivans with the groceries.  And when a store runs out of the kid carts, they don't order more.  I was shocked, but yeah, every time a new grocery opens, they have the carts.   Then, they don't.   How awful that parents feel so entitled to steal.

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2 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:

 I'm not saying I never see it - but generally the people walking around the streets with stolen supermarket carts are nutty old people(well perhaps I should say more accurately nutty people of all ages, but mostly older) and sometimes the people who are walking the streets gathering up the cash recyclables.  I mean, who else would take them?

A lot of people will use the carts to wheel their groceries home, then abandon them. For some reason the carts often end up being pushed into creeks, ponds, and ditches.

There are companies in some areas which make pretty good money just from driving around and collecting abandoned carts, then collecting finder's fees from the stores for returning them.

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How awful that parents feel so entitled to steal.

I`m glad the damned things disappear.  I`ve been run into more than once by an unsupervised child wielding a cart, and the parent looks at me as if to say ``What? You don't think he's adorable?"

I live in a city that's abundant with universities.  All supermarkets near a campus use the locking carts.

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17 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

My thing with gas stations is that if they prefer cash then they can't do the pay before you fill up thing.

I use a credit card simply for that reason.  I presume you have to go inside twice if paying cash before you fill up.

They fill your tank for you then you pay them. They are now deducting the 5 cents per gallon if it's in cash.

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You're an adult, one of the benefits is being able to eat pie (or anything you damn well want) for breakfast so people can who don't like it can fuck right off.  


In the same vein:

I have a major peeve with "Clothing You Need to Stop Wearing After [Arbitrary Age]" lists! Ugh, how obnoxious--especially the ones with "helpful" suggestions that either want me to look like a cliched version of a TV sister-wife or like a semi-affluent suburban mom (there's absolutely nothing wrong with the latter, or even the former, if that's one's chosen aesthetic--"chosen" being the operative word here). Sorry, lists--I'm in my mid-40s and I look fabulous in short dresses and beat-up jeans with ratty band Ts, and what the hell difference does it make if my nails are painted black instead of rosy-beige? This is not to say I don't have my own negative opinions on what might look "wrong" (on myself or others) but who the hell am I to impose rules on people (mainly women) due to age? Shut up, lists--you don't know! And, no, neutral-hued potty-toed pumps are not a valid replacement for black vintage maryjanes.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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5 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I have a major peeve with "Clothing You Need to Stop Wearing After [Arbitrary Age]" lists! Ugh, how obnoxious--especially the ones with "helpful" suggestions that either want me to look like a cliched version of a TV sister-wife or like a semi-affluent suburban mom (there's absolutely nothing wrong with the latter, or even the former, if that's one's chosen aesthetic--"chosen" being the operative word here).

I would have loved to see you nominated for What Not To Wear and turn their $5K age-appropriate money right down!

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8 minutes ago, rcc said:

They fill your tank for you then you pay them. They are now deducting the 5 cents per gallon if it's in cash.

Where I live, this is universally not true.  There is never more than one person at the gas station and they run the cash register.  They don't leave it.  They don't give a rebate for cash.   They don't have an ATM to insert money before paying. You go inside.  They leave a hand written note on the pumps to pay before filling and it takes a person to initiate the pumps, be it going inside with cash or at the pump with credit.

I remember going to the North West once and thinking how weird it was that they were doing everything possible to make people pay cash.  They had those ATM type things to get and take cash but you had to walk inside before filling if you were paying by credit card which is insane.  Here they do everything possible to incentivize credit.

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I would have loved to see you nominated for What Not To Wear and turn their $5K age-appropriate money right down!


Haha, I used to think about this often when I watched the show! I actually like Clinton and Stacy, but they would not like me back, I bet--or at least not my closet. And you try to toss out my Ramones shirt from 1986? You'll also be tossing out your own toothbrushes...because you will no longer have any teeth! Oh hell no! (And, no, commissioning an "edgy" quilt of all my old band shirts is not happening...though it's a really cool idea.)

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I feel like these lists, which are so generalized and removed from the people reading them, are nonsense because it is impossible for their authors to consider individual style preferences; at least WNtW could do that (if not all that well, IMO). I don't "dress my age" either (whatever that means), but I have my own limits, however random--like, I have a pretty flat belly (except right after I eat--oh my god!), but I'm not a fan of cropped shirts unless it's with a high-waisted vintage maxi skirt. And I am sorry, I just don't like dark-wash semi-tailored denim--which seems to be their answer to everything! And I am just not a beige fancy-flats kind of lady! I would look bad in them if only due to my demeanor while wearing them!

I'm a big old clothes "whore"--I think getting dressed should be fun. I have to do that shit every day, man--let me like it, despite the fact that some innocent bystander might have to witness [GASP!] a 45-year-old leg every so often! Also, my arms are covered with tattoos, haha! A simple Banana Republic blouse is not going to convince the "haters" that I'm a sophisticated dame.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I actually like Clinton and Stacy, but they would not like me back, I bet--or at least not my closet. And you try to toss out my Ramones shirt from 1986? You'll also be tossing out your own toothbrushes...because you will no longer have any teeth! Oh hell no!

I'm calling this a peeve because although I watched it religiously, the show annoyed me more often than not.

I would have been nominated under the "dowdy" category. Three quarters of my closet has been accumulated over 20 years from J.C. Penney's. I saw more than one binned garment on the show that I also own. (The white knit turtleneck with mistletoe design is a holiday classic!)

Edited by lordonia
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There's such a thin line between their "dowdy" and "age appropriate" designations. It stinks that women have so small a window to wear stuff we like. For instance, micro-mini at 16 is deemed too provocative, yet by one's mid-20s, it's too immature?! What?!

Somewhat related: I generally really don't GaF if a guy has a "man bun." You know, long hair needs to be restrained sometimes whether it's on a guy or a girl. Who the hell cares?

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I loved What Not To Wear back in the day, and even though some of their rules were actually ridiculous, some of them were helpful.  Before I watched that show, I would've been nominated in the 'wears ill-fitting clothes' category, so I actually learned something.  I was wearing clothes at least one size too big.  Everyone thought I had lost weight, but I actually just started wearing the right sizes.  Now I love clothes, and could never possibly wear them all because I have so damn many.  But I'm still not ever wearing heels or a structured jacket, sorry.  I actually met Clinton once and he was so ridiculously nice.  I think I was dressed like a schlump at the time.  Whoops. 

Here's a clothes peeve - why are women's pants pockets so damn small?  And why can't we have pants sold by inseam length?  Petite is not short enough, dammit. 

Edited by janestclair
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Here's a clothes peeve - why are women's pants pockets so damn small?

Haha, I always find the opposite problem--like some back pockets, particularly if they have a flap-closure type of thing, are so long and deep that they get all rumpled up on my ass. I cut them down and sew them up now. I don't use pockets anyway; whatever goes into them ends up also going through the laundry.

Also just read this on one such list:



Are you too old for these trends?

1. Having a new tattoo - cut off age 31


Ummm, oh dear. Nothing I can do about that now, I suppose, haha!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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6 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Haha, I always find the opposite problem--like some back pockets, particularly if they have a flap-closure type of thing, are so long and deep that they get all rumpled up on my ass. I cut them down and sew them up now. I don't use pockets anyway; whatever goes into them ends up also going through the laundry.

Where are you shopping? I need to go there because I never find back pockets big enough to be useful. I only want them big enough to fit a driver's license and credit card.

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Hmmmm, hang on, my old brain can't recall (and I actually don't wear non-jeans pants much). The pair I'm thinking of was from the Gap a bazillion years ago--red cropped ones with zipper embellishments (probably an age-related no-no!). They're usually ones with slash-style back pockets with a flap and/or a button.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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So wait, I can never get a tattoo now?  That's some kind of bullshit. 

I've never had that issue with back pockets,  but that does sound like it would be irritating. I just want a side pocket big enough for my phone to fit in.  I bought a pair of jeans once that had fake side pockets.  They fit awesome or I would've returned them, but that pissed me off to no end. If you go through the trouble of making it  look like it has a pocket, put in the damn material to make a pocket.  

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20 minutes ago, janestclair said:

I've never had that issue with back pockets,  but that does sound like it would be irritating. I just want a side pocket big enough for my phone to fit in.  I bought a pair of jeans once that had fake side pockets.  They fit awesome or I would've returned them, but that pissed me off to no end. If you go through the trouble of making it  look like it has a pocket, put in the damn material to make a pocket.

This fills me with such rage that I can barely even articulate it.  Why do so many women's trousers have fake pockets? I bought some beige capris for my brother's beach wedding and was in a rush trying them on, saw they had pockets and was happy they fit. Come the wedding and I wanted to put the camera in my pocket only to find out that they had been stitched shut. WHY?!

I also hate when I just want jeans and the front pockets are fine, but the back is overly embroidered with sequins and bedazzling (that usually fall off when you sit down, as one is wont to do with their posterior), and they always have a flap that buttons over the back pocket making them severely nonfunctional. Why can't I just have a pair of damn pants with proper pockets?

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2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

-I'm in my mid-40s and I look fabulous in short dresses and beat-up jeans with ratty band Ts, and what the hell difference does it make if my nails are painted black instead of rosy-beige? This is not to say I don't have my own negative opinions on what might look "wrong" (on myself or others) but who the hell am I to impose rules on people (mainly women) due to age?

Yay!  I love this attitude!

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2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

In the same vein:

I have a major peeve with "Clothing You Need to Stop Wearing After [Arbitrary Age]" lists! Ugh, how obnoxious--

Yes, there was a fashion article online recently that was on my homepage.  The title was something like "how old is too old to wear jeans?"  And their answer - 53!!  WTF!  JEANS!  Not skinny jeans, but jeans!  Sorry, fashion police, but my 60 year old ass was wearing jeans before you were born, I'm of the generation that made jeans acceptable attire for regular every day activities.  It was the over 50 women who rebelled against having to wear dresses with girdles and stockings even for a quick run to the store.  We are not giving up our jeans.

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The title was something like "how old is too old to wear jeans?"  And their answer - 53!! 

Obviously the greater issue here is the idea that one ever becomes "too old" to wear jeans, but right now I'm fixated on how random a cut-off point 53 is.  Not 50, not 55, but 53.

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They are televising the lighting of the main Christmas tree in my city tonight.

They should really wait until after Thanksgiving.  I guess they go early because there are more famous tree lightings that get national coverage of the festivities on the traditional night.

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5 hours ago, backformore said:

Yes, there was a fashion article online recently that was on my homepage.  The title was something like "how old is too old to wear jeans?"  And their answer - 53!!  WTF!  JEANS!  Not skinny jeans, but jeans!  Sorry, fashion police, but my 60 year old ass was wearing jeans before you were born, I'm of the generation that made jeans acceptable attire for regular every day activities.  It was the over 50 women who rebelled against having to wear dresses with girdles and stockings even for a quick run to the store.  We are not giving up our jeans.

To this I say... FUCK TO THE YEAH! I mean, what the hell else are you going to wear? Hmm, wear sweatpants instead, that will really piss the fashion police off. :)

The way I see it, I'm sure others quietly judge how I dress, and God knows I'm guilty of doing the same, but we keep it to ourselves and live and let live. In the end, what does it really matter? 

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6 hours ago, backformore said:

Yes, there was a fashion article online recently that was on my homepage.  The title was something like "how old is too old to wear jeans?"  And their answer - 53!!  WTF!  JEANS!  Not skinny jeans, but jeans!  Sorry, fashion police, but my 60 year old ass was wearing jeans before you were born, I'm of the generation that made jeans acceptable attire for regular every day activities.  It was the over 50 women who rebelled against having to wear dresses with girdles and stockings even for a quick run to the store.  We are not giving up our jeans.

Yeah, that age restriction would go over really well with all the old ranchers out where I live. I'll just run out and tell my next-door neighbors that they have to wear their good pants when they're cleaning out their horse stall.

Edited by Sandman87
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I do have every allergy in the world, plus rebellious sinuses (don't get colds too much though), and I've had my nose pierced for decades. It's no problem--though a hoop is easier to manage than a stud during times of...let's just call it excessive nasal activity.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Clean, comfortable, modest, affordable.  When it comes to clothes, nothing else matters to me.

I hereby apologize to anyone I've offended by commenting on their food choices.  I meant no harm:  I'm genuinely fascinated by food and love to talk about it.  When you're walking away from the vending machine with a bag of chips and I say "homemade lunch today, huh?", it's a friendly joke.  If you're having pizza for breakfast, I notice because I would love to have had it too.  From now on, I'll keep it to myself.  Sorry.

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I think it gets uncomfortable if it's prolonged (like, I'm sitting here trying to eat with a running commentary?), or, like, every single day (I have this issue with the fastness of my walk; every day, the same people comment on it. Get over it already [and if you think I'm not commenting inside my head over your exaggerated slowness, you're nuts]). And definitely it goes without saying that if there's a twinge of judgment in there, be it about weight or nutrition or some shit, it's not cool. Little in-passing jokes are no problem (for me, anyway).

What I don't like, though, is getting unsolicited lectures about protein when people notice there's no meat in my food! And then if you attempt to answer with some correct info about that, you become One of Those Vegans.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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20 hours ago, Bastet said:

Obviously the greater issue here is the idea that one ever becomes "too old" to wear jeans, but right now I'm fixated on how random a cut-off point 53 is.  Not 50, not 55, but 53.

They must have had a quick in house poll and averaged the answers :)

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21 hours ago, Popples said:

Why can't I just have a pair of damn pants with proper pockets?

I think we had this discussion here a while back, something about how even men's bathing suits have pockets. I have to admit, my pocket needs are always met with the exception of the last couple of pairs of sleepwear pants I purchased. No pockets, and I'm not happy about it. I think Santa needs to bring me a couple new pairs... with proper pockets.  (I'm trying to feel your pain here, but probably not doing a very good job of it Heh.)


43 minutes ago, Qoass said:

I hereby apologize to anyone I've offended by commenting on their food choices.  I meant no harm:  I'm genuinely fascinated by food and love to talk about it.  When you're walking away from the vending machine with a bag of chips and I say "homemade lunch today, huh?", it's a friendly joke.  If you're having pizza for breakfast, I notice because I would love to have had it too.  From now on, I'll keep it to myself.  Sorry.

To me, it's just reading the room on what we keep to ourselves and what we let fly. Above all else, when I do something odd I tend to be amused at myself. So I'd totally engage you in a conversation about my slice of 8:30 AM pizza.

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To me, it's just reading the room on what we keep to ourselves and what we let fly.

Ah.  Well, anyone who knows me will tell you that I am entirely room-illiterate.  Explains a lot...

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On 11/20/2016 at 10:53 AM, ParadoxLost said:

I remember going to the North West once and thinking how weird it was that they were doing everything possible to make people pay cash.  They had those ATM type things to get and take cash but you had to walk inside before filling if you were paying by credit card which is insane.  Here they do everything possible to incentivize credit.

How pop culture influences us: I started reading your post and thought you were going to say something about Kim Kardiashian's baby. 


11 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

I think we had this discussion here a while back, something about how even men's bathing suits have pockets. I have to admit, my pocket needs are always met with the exception of the last couple of pairs of sleepwear pants I purchased. No pockets, and I'm not happy about it. I think Santa needs to bring me a couple new pairs... with proper pockets.  (I'm trying to feel your pain here, but probably not doing a very good job of it Heh.)

I hear you. Men's pajama pants often have pockets. But women's often do not. I can't figure it out. Women aren't important enough to carry things in our pockets? 

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28 minutes ago, topanga said:

How pop culture influences us: I started reading your post and thought you were going to say something about Kim Kardiashian's baby. 


I hear you. Men's pajama pants often have pockets. But women's often do not. I can't figure it out. Women aren't important enough to carry things in our pockets? 

That's why I buy men's pajama pants. I just have to remember to keep the fly buttoned. (Seriously, the button keeps slipping out of the buttonhole.)

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Now I'm wondering what I'm not carrying around in my pajama pants that I should be. 

I generally never put anything more than a slim case with license, credit card, and a little bit of cash in any pockets, because otherwise it feels - and looks - bulky to me.  And that was mostly back when I went out dancing and didn't want to carry a purse, because there was no place safe to leave it.  Now, I rarely go anywhere where it would be annoying to have a purse with me.

I am very picky about the style/placement of side or front pockets on pants, because it's so easy to ruin the shape and look of the pants with pockets.  At least on my body. 

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I generally never put anything more than a slim case with license, credit card, and a little bit of cash in any pockets, because otherwise it feels - and looks - bulky to me.  And that was mostly back when I went out dancing and didn't want to carry a purse, because there was no place safe to leave it.  Now, I rarely go anywhere where it would be annoying to have a purse with me.

Way back when, I used to tell my BF at the time how sexy he looked in cargo pants. I have no issues with cargo pants (sorry, Clinton & Stacy) and he did look cute (but simply because he was cute), but I encouraged this mainly so that I didn't have to bring a purse to a bar.

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On 11/18/2016 at 11:08 PM, backformore said:

Ok, this is not a peeve, but a response to the peeve of people telling you what to eat when. 

When my kids were little, there was an incident the day after my birthday.  I got up in the morning, kids were still sleeping.  There was left over birthday cake in the fridge.  SO I made myself coffee, and I was sitting at the kitchen table having "breakfast" - chocolate cake and coffee.  Just a little peace and quiet until I had to get the kids up.    My son came into the kitchen, and said "You're having CAKE? "   BUSTED!   I wasn't going to let him have cake for breakfast on a school day, he needed protein in the morning.  SO I told him about this family "tradition" (made it up on the spot)  that on the day after your birthday, you have a piece of cake for breakfast, for good luck.    But only the person whose birthday it was , and only that one day out of the year.   He totally believed me, told his brother about it.    And a tradition was born. 

Years later, I confessed that I had made it up, and he said "you LIED to me?"  I said no, it wasn't a lie, I told you it was  an annual tradition, and traditions have to start somewhere.   I just didn't tell you it was year 1 of the tradition.

If that story isn't cute I don't know what is

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