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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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2 hours ago, candall said:

In the same article, Wikipedia had some interesting stuff on those ringtones that only kids can hear.  Teens like getting incoming phone calls and texts that the teacher can't hear, but not so much when the technology is turned against them--storekeepers have started using the ultra high-pitched frequencies to keep packs of teens from congregating on the premises.  (Human rights and discrimination concerns.)

A few years back (think when the Razr was the coolest phone to have, before smart phones) all the kids had that ringtone.  I could always hear it.  They were always amazed.  It sounds like a mosquito buzzing, kind of.  It still does. I just looked up the sound, and can still hear it at 37 years old. I guess all those concerts haven't damaged my hearing yet. 

2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

OMG, I can't stand Splenda.  And it's everywhere.  I remember getting VERY peeved when I bought some canned pears that said "no sugar" on them, which is what I want, and when I got them home I realized they had Splenda.  I had to rinse the canned pears.  I have figured out that Splenda = sucralose, so I can find it hidden in the list of ingredients, but I have learned that I can't rely on "no sugar added" any more.  Bleh.

The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, except it was fruit cocktail, and it had something in it called monk fruit.  It was vile.  Why can't they just put less sugar without adding some weird sugar substitute?  They all read as bitter to me.  I second your bleh.   Splenda, Nutrasweet, stevia, and now monk fruit - I now need to avoid them all. Dannon Oikos reduced the sugar in some of their their Greek yogurt, and it tastes fine.  They didn't add any weird sweetener to it.    

  • Love 3

The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, except it was fruit cocktail, and it had something in it called monk fruit.  It was vile.  Why can't they just put less sugar without adding some weird sugar substitute?  They all read as bitter to me.  I second your bleh.   Splenda, Nutrasweet, stevia, and now monk fruit - I now need to avoid them all. Dannon Oikos reduced the sugar in some of their their Greek yogurt, and it tastes fine.  They didn't add any weird sweetener to it.    

Yes - all the artificial sweeteners have a weird chemical too-sweet taste to me, and some are kind of metallic.  I'd rather they reduce the sugar by, just putting LESS SUGAR in something. 

I have a similar problem with artificial vanilla.  Real vanilla is wonderful.  sometimes artificial vanilla is OK.   But some of the artificial ones, to me, taste like I'm eating a vanilla candle, soap, or lotion. 

  • Love 3

Not to interrupt the party, but....

Not every idea in fiction was created by Joss Whedon!

Whew.  Sorry about that.  I get very, very tired of reading about ideas and characters and storylines that are "obvious" rip-offs of... well, mostly Buffy.  Not to imply that he's never had an original idea, but like every creator of art, he had influences.  It's possible that other artists had similar (or the same) influences.

And most of it is ancient mythology, but I that's a discussion for another post....

Edited by Demented Daisy
Must. Proofread. Better.
  • Love 4
On September 17, 2016 at 1:23 PM, forumfish said:

Today's peeve: hearing loss, specifically my dad's. I feel bad for him, but at the same time, his poor hearing makes our household loud and angry sounding all the time. No, hearing aids don't help.

I've noticed a lot of hearing loss or difficulty in younger people like 20-40s as well, not sure if that's new. I have a very high pitched & soft Jennifer Tilley type voice and have to repeat myself incessantly or worse they lean in v close to me. 

  • Love 1

I think what they are talking about is the frequency that typically is only heard by young people:


Oh my goodness, that's funny!  I could hear the under 40 one, even though I'm over 40, but just barely and only because I was actively listening for something; if that just randomly sounded in the room, I'd never hear it.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, bilgistic said:

That reminds me of the time I went to the drive-thru at Chick-Fil-A to get sime of their crack-infused lemonade. I sat at the ordering box(?) waiting for a voice, saying "Hello??", then finally realizing it was Sunday.

A while back, they opened their first New York locations, and a friend back home was really excited because one was opening in her neighborhood.  I told her that as part of the grand opening, they were giving away free sandwiches on Sunday.  It took her a while to figure it out...

1 hour ago, Bastet said:

Oh my goodness, that's funny!  I could hear the under 40 one, even though I'm over 40, but just barely and only because I was actively listening for something; if that just randomly sounded in the room, I'd never hear it.

Oh my - apparently I'm under 40!   Good to know.  Just don't tell my kids, who are nearing 30.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 1

So, learning what everyone did of Chick-Fil-A a few years back, I had a good guess what the Sunday thing was about and did an internet search to confirm after these stories, so I can't fault anyone not knowing and having the radical notion they could get a meal from a chain restaurant.  

I love pickles as much as the next person, but these people would never get my money.

At least it's just one private company; entire states codifying a religion into law is a whole 'nother matter.  I'll never forget the first time I flew out of DFW on a Sunday and instead of being asked for my pre-takeoff drink order as per usual I was just offered a glass of orange juice.  When I asked for a Bloody Mary instead, I was informed we couldn't drink on the ground on Sundays.  At least we didn't have to leave TX air space. 

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 5
41 minutes ago, Bastet said:

At least it's just one private company; entire states codifying a religion into law is a whole 'nother matter. 

In Utah, it's not a law, but lots of chain restaurants are closed on Sundays.  This is all from memory, but I started noticing that locations of local burger chains were closed on Sunday, and I ran across it often enough to think it was done company-wide.  And I thought it was just locally owned chains until I once tried to go to a Noodles and Company (national chain) in Provo on a Sunday and it was closed.  But some other Noodles locations in the Utah are open on Sundays.

7 hours ago, forumfish said:

I think what they are talking about is the frequency that typically is only heard by young people:

They better watch out, because that's a two-edged sword. I remember reading a news item a few years ago about a guy in England who had problems with teens hanging around his shop and being nuisances. He responded by putting up speakers that were constantly blasting a sound like that "mosquito ringtone." Presto! No more annoying teens.

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Bastet said:

So, learning what everyone did of Chick-Fil-A a few years back, I had a good guess what the Sunday thing was about and did an internet search to confirm after these stories, so I can't fault anyone not knowing and having the radical notion they could get a meal from a chain restaurant.  

I love pickles as much as the next person, but these people would never get my money.

At least it's just one private company; entire states codifying a religion into law is a whole 'nother matter.  I'll never forget the first time I flew out of DFW on a Sunday and instead of being asked for my pre-takeoff drink order as per usual I was just offered a glass of orange juice.  When I asked for a Bloody Mary instead, I was informed we couldn't drink on the ground on Sundays.  At least we didn't have to leave TX air space. 

In Texas (bless its heart!), alcohol prohibition laws are enacted by cities &/or counties & differ throughout the state.  As the Dallas Observer noted a few years ago:  "To understand Texas wet/dry laws, maybe you have to be drunk".

  • Love 1
On 9/15/2016 at 8:07 PM, BooksRule said:

I love lima beans (the large white ones and the 'baby' limas).  They are loaded with potassium.  I also share the rare love of Brussels sprouts, especially roasted until brown and crispy.  

Since we're on the subject of food, a food peeve that I have is when I buy fruit or vegetables that look good, but don't taste good when I peel/cut/slice them.  I hate strawberries that look and smell good, but have no taste, and I've yet to figure out how to pick out a good cantaloupe.  I also wish there was a way to judge by feel or look whether or not celery or cucumbers will be bitter.  Finally, I've learned to carefully check grape tomatoes before I put them in a salad.  I love grape tomatoes, but biting into a mushy bad grape tomato is really, really bad!  Which leads me to another food peeve:  Way back when grape tomatoes first came on the market, they were expensive and hard to find, because not too many people were growing them.  Now that they are everywhere, I find that they aren't as flavorful and sweet as they used to be.   They are becoming less special and more generic-tasting, which is disappointing. 

Yay. I love lima beans, too. My kids think I'm crazy and hate when I serve them. 

I've found that most produce found in grocery stores tends to be brightly-colored but bland-tasting. I've had more luck with fruit and vegetables from local farms. I'm sure how the farming practices are different, but there is a difference in taste. 

For example: are Red Delicious apples from grocery stores actually supposed to have flavor? Because the ones I (reluctantly) eat taste have absolutely no taste. 

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Okay, this makes me look like a small person, but I posted a link in another thread which garnered several positive responses.  Now, a week later, somebody else posted the same damn thing and everybody is acting like it's a brand new thing!  Doesn't anybody read back a couple of pages before posting anymore?


Edited to add my post was ONE page back!

Edited by Qoass
  • Love 11

I have to stick up for stevia, which is just a cool little plant you can grow at home.  You can break off a leaf and crumble it into anything you want a little sweeter.

Headaches prompted me to quit my serious Diet Coke habit, so I got into SweetLeaf flavored stevia drops.  (Half the price at Amazon as Whole Foods.)  Water's a near treat with a few drops of English Toffee flavor--maybe not the battery acid mouth sting of Diet Coke that I adore, but definitely tastier than plain H2O.

I have a dozen Sweetleaf flavors, for water, yogurt, smoothies, tea, etc.  The only time they really let me down was when "Lemon" didn't instantly turn vodka into a crispy tart lemon drop martini.  : p

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, 3pwood said:

In Texas (bless its heart!), alcohol prohibition laws are enacted by cities &/or counties & differ throughout the state.  As the Dallas Observer noted a few years ago:  "To understand Texas wet/dry laws, maybe you have to be drunk".

This is true in many parts of the country, including evil heathen New York.  People sometimes forget that there's a lot of New York north of NYC and that upstate New York was the original Burned Over District of the 19th century Christian revivals - indeed the blue laws differ from city to city and county to county.  As far as that goes even in Sodom and Gomorrah a.k.a. NYC you can't buy alcohol on Sunday mornings before noon. 

20 minutes ago, lordonia said:

Speaking of board stuff, did I miss a recent kerfluffle? I wondered why a pinned note about how to ignore was added to the Everything Else topic

I didn't think anything of it until I noticed it was just on top of the Everything Else topic.  And here I assumed it would have been folks fighting in one of the Real Housewives boards (remember how often they got shut down by the mods back at TWOP?).

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1 hour ago, ratgirlagogo said:

This is true in many parts of the country, including evil heathen New York.  People sometimes forget that there's a lot of New York north of NYC and that upstate New York was the original Burned Over District of the 19th century Christian revivals - indeed the blue laws differ from city to city and county to county.  As far as that goes even in Sodom and Gomorrah a.k.a. NYC you can't buy alcohol on Sunday mornings before noon. 

Also true in NJ.  At least one county still has blue laws on the books, and some towns in other counties are completely dry.

1 hour ago, Qoass said:

I hate website "galleries" in which a topic is spread out over a number of individual pages with a picture and one sentence on each so you have to click 27 times just to find the one thing you clicked on the article to read about in the first place.

They do that to get more clicks and thus more ad money. It's infuriating, and if I see a slideshow, I don't even bother reading it. Same if a website won't let me view it without turning off my ad blocker. I guess I won't be seeing what's on your page, then. No big deal.  Take malicious code out of ads, and I'll turn the blocker off.

No Chik-Fil-A for me today. It's raining too hard to drive there.  But I did get a jalapeno cheese pretzel from Wawa on my way home, which definitely hit the spot.   

My wife had to explain to me why picking tomatoes off a sandwich isn't good enough - I hadn't realized that, once sandwiched, a tomato leaves a vile, soggy ring of tomato-ey goodness that cannot be undone. I used to suggest that she pick off the tomatoes and give them to me, but then she showed me the proof (a rather gross-looking pale pulpy circle on her burger) and I said, OK, you win.

I, however, am not allowed to order my sandwich/burger without bacon. I am one of those weirdos who hates bacon (texture thing - it's either totally burned or  fatty and flabby and tastes like a salt lick. No, thanks). I pass over the bacon from my order and suffer the residual grease/salt/vaguely burned pork taste. Unless the bacon has come into contact with the extra tomatoes on my dish. Then, well, we just have to make it work.

I had a conniption fit the other day because I could not find a single variety of gum or mint that didn't have some kind of fake sugar as an "artificial flavoring." I know to bypass anything that says "sugar free," but f*ck you, ALtoids and Juicy Fruit and DoubleMint and Starbucks mints, for not pointing out that you now use some form of fake sugar. LifeSavers is the only brand I can find that uses sugar, still, but did they have plain old LifeSavers at the welcome center kiosks? Oh, no, too hard to fit one more brand among the ten thousand already there. Phhhhhtttt....

You know, I'm not a Pollyanna or even a glass half-full kinda person by any stretch of the imagination, but I get awfully tired of friends who are in perpetual crisis/piss-and-moan mode and seek solace only trying to find out who else feels as badly as they do. A friend of mine, who has been wildly and obsessively unhappy about something or other in her life for years, emailed me about getting together because she's miserable and wanted me to commiserate. I mean, I get venting. I do it all the time. Happy to be a listening ear. But Chr*st on a cracker, don't ask me, "Potato, I know you were really devastated about event X in your life a few years ago...aren't you still upset? Have you seen how many people from our class are successful? Doesn't it tear you up? Do you feel as badly as I do? What are two miserable wretches like us supposed to do? Let's get together!"

Um....color me excited to see you! I can't wait to play Queen for a Day and admit all my dark and secret misery about the unfairness of the world. Except, maybe not. Totally fine with listening to someone's woes. Totally NOT fine with someone insisting that I must feel the same way or I'm lying to myself. I mean, in all fairness, we went through a long few years where we spent a lot of time complaining to each other, so I get that she wants to not feel 100% alone in the world, but it feels really icky to me now instead of cathartic, and that makes me feel like a terrible person. 

I bet I'm on a lot of 'ignore for bloviating' lists. Ignorance is bliss. :)

Edited by potatoradio
  • Love 6
On 9/15/2016 at 8:07 PM, BooksRule said:


15 minutes ago, potatoradio said:

You know, I'm not a Pollyanna or even a glass half-full kinda person by any stretch of the imagination, but I get awfully tired of friends who are in perpetual crisis/piss-and-moan mode and seek solace only trying to find out who else feels as badly as they do. A friend of mine, who has been wildly and obsessively unhappy about something or other in her life for years, emailed me about getting together because she's miserable and wanted me to commiserate. I mean, I get venting. I do it all the time. Happy to be a listening ear. But Chr*st on a cracker, don't ask me, "Potato, I know you were really devastated about event X in your life a few years ago...aren't you still upset? Have you seen how many people from our class are successful? Doesn't it tear you up? Do you feel as badly as I do? What are two miserable wretches like us supposed to do? Let's get together!"

Um....color me excited to see you! I can't wait to play Queen for a Day and admit all my dark and secret misery about the unfairness of the world. Except, maybe not. Totally fine with listening to someone's woes. Totally NOT fine with someone insisting that I must feel the same way or I'm lying to myself. I mean, in all fairness, we went through a long few years where we spent a lot of time complaining to each other, so I get that she wants to not feel 100% alone in the world, but it feels really icky to me now instead of cathartic, and that makes me feel like a terrible person. 

I bet I'm on a lot of 'ignore for bloviating' lists. Ignorance is bliss. :)

Maybe you aren't a Pollyana, but you sound like a barrel of (dry, witty) laughs. I'd call you, too, if I were down. But I do feel your pain. 

  • Love 1

I was guessing I was the cause of the Ignore Notice!

I was in the drug store the other day and saw a pack of Pumpkin Spice Gum - really?  I want to know exactly who was lacking Pumpkin Spice gum in their lives because then I can take my rant directly to them.  All I could think of was chewy pumpkin pie and that did not sound appealing at all.

And earlier this year I was searching for non-mint toothpaste for my daughter since she cannot stand mint anything.  The cinnamonny ones were too cinnamonny, the orange-mango toothpaste was just odd flavored (although my nephew who also hates mint was just fine with it), etc...anyway, I used the cinnamon clove one so it wouldn't go to waste and now am addicted to it.  I ran out and thought "Eh, no bfd, I still have some of my other stuff". Wrong!  Now the Sensodyne I previously used is overbearingly MINT!

  • Love 1
30 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

And earlier this year I was searching for non-mint toothpaste for my daughter since she cannot stand mint anything.  The cinnamonny ones were too cinnamonny, the orange-mango toothpaste was just odd flavored (although my nephew who also hates mint was just fine with it), etc...anyway, I used the cinnamon clove one so it wouldn't go to waste and now am addicted to it.  I ran out and thought "Eh, no bfd, I still have some of my other stuff". Wrong!  Now the Sensodyne I previously used is overbearingly MINT!

Wow.  You're a good mom!  I'd be handing that kid a box of Arm & Hammer.

Who makes cinnamon clove toothpaste?  Sounds spicy and interesting.

  • Love 2

Maybe you aren't a Pollyana, but you sound like a barrel of (dry, witty) laughs. I'd call you, too, if I were down. But I do feel your pain. 

Aw, thanks, Topanga! That makes me feel better - I'll use snark and humor to lighten up the doom and gloom a bit when I see her (or drink...lots of wine...).

  • Love 2

Toothpaste preferences are ingrained, man. No wonder there are so many choices. Once you get used to a certain taste, it's very hard to change.

11 hours ago, potatoradio said:

Um....color me excited to see you! I can't wait to play Queen for a Day and admit all my dark and secret misery about the unfairness of the world.

So did you agree to meet her?

Peeves is my favorite topic but it's generally rueful but good natured head-slapping around here. I once had to break up with a work friend whose successful and accomplished life was somehow a constant misery in her own mind.

Edited by lordonia
  • Love 3

So did you agree to meet her?

I offered to get together a few weeks in the future - over drinks and with the promise of seeing a movie afterward. Wine + junior mints = win win! Unless junior mints now have sucralose....it's always something, dang it....

Also, I'm hoping that by the time we get together it'll be past the election and I may have some griping of my own to air out. 

Edited by potatoradio
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44 minutes ago, candall said:

Wow.  You're a good mom!  I'd be handing that kid a box of Arm & Hammer.

Who makes cinnamon clove toothpaste?  Sounds spicy and interesting.

I'll be shipping her off to college in a few years with a toddler toothpaste...

Tom's of Maine makes the cinnamon clove toothpaste.  Most of the stores will only carry a couple of flavors (normally mint types), but they actually make a lot more.  Sprout's is the only market I have found that consistently has a broader range of the flavors, but I seem to remember Whole Foods had a few more than the normal grocery stores.

8 minutes ago, rcc said:

Anyone else notice that toothpaste has sorbitol as a primary ingredient. Vile stuff that leaves an aftertaste. I finally found Colgate Cavity Protection that doesn't have it (yet).

Tom's Cinnamon Clove doesn't have it, but I saw it listed on several of the other types.

@potatoradio - Having had lots of friends in the chronic stages of woe throughout my life, it always seemed petty to be so upset by my own latest drama (high school and college edition DeLurker) because their's were always so much BIGGER!  I found snark and humor to be reliable tools, and let loose with the occasional "Wow, sucks to be you!" type comment.  Well, HS & College DeLurker also drank a lot so that helped make things better (at least for me).  Eventually, I had to put time limits on the pity parties though - basically saying we don't see each other enough to spend the entire visit griping about work and our love lives; so after the 2nd drink, no bitching!

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, DeLurker said:

Tom's of Maine makes the cinnamon clove toothpaste.

Yes, I have had this.  What do you think of the fennel?  I like licorice/anise but I'm not fond of the fennel flavored toothpaste.  Although I have used Vicco ayurvedic toothpaste which I found has so many ingredients (licorice, neem, clove, spearmint, myrrh, eucalyptus, et al) that they almost neutralize each other - it almost has just a generally herbal flavor to it.  But I usually use Nature's Gate spearmint since I like mint.   

6 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

I was bummed that I missed a kerfluffle that caused the pinned note. I was sure it was that either @bilgistic went on a rant about the evils of wealthy white men or  @Maharincess just started a post with "All I did was say... and the pinned note showed up".  

Haha, throwing a little teasing at all of you. I love the scheduled randomness of bilgistic's rants, and how it never fails that maharincess will start a post with "All I did was" and the next sentence of her post is "And then the cops showed up". 

Speaking of which, the jackass that shares a cube wall with me has been telling everyone--friends, coworkers, CLIENTS on the phone--that when he went to Las Vegas for whatever convention, he saw such-and-such "zoo cirque du soleil whatever show, and it was a bunch of gays running around everywhere and flying through the air, and a gay midget running around, and I mean it was just A BUNCH OF GAYS! I mean, I don't care, and there's nothing wrong with that, but there were just SO MANY GAYS!"

  • Love 1

So sorry!  Ripe & over ripe banana smell is so abrasive!

Make me happy and say it found a new home in the wayback of the boob cube's desk drawer.

@ratgirlagogo - haven't been brave enough to try the fennel (always want to add an L to fennel so it becomes flennel).

Edited by DeLurker
25 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Speaking of which, the jackass that shares a cube wall with me has been telling everyone--friends, coworkers, CLIENTS on the phone--that when he went to Las Vegas for whatever convention, he saw such-and-such "zoo cirque du soleil whatever show, and it was a bunch of gays running around everywhere and flying through the air, and a gay midget running around, and I mean it was just A BUNCH OF GAYS! I mean, I don't care, and there's nothing wrong with that, but there were just SO MANY GAYS!"

"A BUNCH OF CANADIANS! Not that there's anything wrong with that, but SO MANY CANADIANS!"

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

So sorry!  Ripe & over ripe banana smell is so abrasive!

Make me happy and say it found a new home in the wayback of the boob cube's desk drawer.

@ratgirlagogo - haven't been brave enough to try the fennel (always want to add an L to fennel so it becomes flennel).

I was in the car for a good 10 minutes, thinking, "What is that odd scent?" I finally looked down at some point, and horrors! It blended in so well!

I have some bananas left on the counter. Now that I know what science does, I could leave one in my neighbor's drawer after a couple days in the car. (I need to cut and freeze my bananas, though, as they are past my eating window.)

I really messed with cube neighbor's head one day when I found myself with an abundance of binder clips. (They mate in the dark desk drawer.) Per my coworker's advice, I clipped them to his desk phone cord, cell phone charging cord, picture frames, cup straw...anything with an edge small enough to clip. He was so out of sorts when he got to his desk the next day. No one would own up to it, nor even act like anything was out of place. I felt vindicated for a good week of top-of-the-lungs bloviating.

Edited by bilgistic
  • Love 3
On September 18, 2016 at 6:08 PM, Petunia13 said:

I've noticed a lot of hearing loss or difficulty in younger people like 20-40s as well, not sure if that's new. I have a very high pitched & soft Jennifer Tilley type voice and have to repeat myself incessantly or worse they lean in v close to me. 

Same problem here too---I teach high schoolers, and I'm constantly  either having to tell them to quit talking so loudly, quit honking "huh?!" or "whah?!" at me or others if they don't hear the comment, or to turn their music volume down because it's *shocking* to me just how loud they turn up their music to the point that I can so clearly hear it through their earbuds/headphones. Never mind blaring car speakers so loud that the entire block nearby is shaking. 

Maybe it's because hearing loss runs in my family, but I trained myself early to take precautions to help protect my hearing by barely using headphones/earbuds, and wearing earplugs at concerts/clubs/loud events. I'll probably still end up with natural hereditary hearing loss despite all my early precautions, but at least I won't be practically deaf by the time I hit my 50's like some of these poor kids likely will be!

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DeLurker, there are children's toothpastes in various flavors.  My son had allergies and sensory issues, causing some mint toothpastes to feel hot or spicy to him, like his mouth was burning.  I recall bubblegum and fruity toothpastes, I think it was by Colgate. I hate buying toothpaste.  My dentist tells me to use sensodyne. But then I have to figure out, do I want tartar control, plaque fighter, whitening, fresh breath, or cavity protection?

Brings up a pet peeve for me.  Too much variety.  Sometimes having choices is good.  But there was a time when there were maybe 4 kinds of toothpaste.  Now, the grocery store has at least 50.  Same with bread, cereal, cheese, cofee, anything.  I was trying to buy deodorant, I wanted the same one I've been using.  But they changed the packaging, and I couldn't find the exact one.  Just within one brand, there were over 30 choices. Gel, stick, roll, extra-dry, complete, clear, and then 7 fragrances. 

I try to do all the shopping in one trip. When I come home I'm exhausted.  It's not from walking and carrying groceries, it's from making a million decisions.

  • Love 5

Ok, now I'm officially grossed out.

I was bored and on FB when I came across a post from Starbucks, suggesting coffee drinkers  replace the vanilla syrup that goes into their Caramel Machiatto with....you guessed it....Pumpkin Spice syrup! Just the thought of the heavy & ultrasweet Caramel syrup mixed with the heavy & ultasweet Pumpkin Spice syrup along with bitter espresso...and all the contrasting flavors.....ugh. I feel like I now have a toothache and stomachache at just the thought of it.

I like the Pumpkin Spice flavoring enough, but this crosses the line on America's obsession with it. Its borderline obscene.  

Maybe like me you were one of those kids who always wanted a corner piece of birthday cake, or at least one with a rose on it. The more icing the better.

I recently bought some fancy bakery cupcakes for a party and am not exaggerating, there was 2" of decorated icing on each one. All righty now. That is officially too much sugar. The ghost of childhood past was probably looking at me in sadness as I scraped 80% of it off.

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Forgot to reply to this earlier:

8 hours ago, Maharincess said:

Oh my god.  Don't go to a damn theme park that is notorious for having no shade, on the hottest day of the year then text me all day complaining about how hot you are!!! 


On a related note; I'm glad summer's over, because I'm tired of people who live in this area complaining about the heat. Dude, you live in a county where the temperature hits at least 113 degrees every damn summer. If you don't like it, move!

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1 hour ago, Sandman87 said:

Forgot to reply to this earlier:

On a related note; I'm glad summer's over, because I'm tired of people who live in this area complaining about the heat. Dude, you live in a county where the temperature hits at least 113 degrees every damn summer. If you don't like it, move!

I thought summer was over, but yesterday's heat index was 105, and today is going to be pretty hot again. It might cool down again by the weekend, when it is supposed to rain. Of course, Saturday is my son's birthday party, and it's supposed to be outside. If it rains, we'll have to move it to our house, so now I have to clean good enough for company that isn't family and find things for 5-6 kids to do. And that's assuming I find out who is coming because God forbid people RSVP.

(I don't normally worry about planning too many games or anything other than the cake because we have his party at a park so the kids can play on the  playground. We have to pay to reserve a pavilion, but it's still cheaper than renting the inflatable place or an art place or any other place.)

Edited by auntlada
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@backformore - the problem, well my child's problem, is that most of the kid toothpaste flavors are pretty awful or they are tied to some promotion and not around forever.  Believe me, she's still checking for the REACH Curious George Banana Berry toothpaste whenever she goes to the store with me.  They stopped that one about 10 years ago.  The optimism of youth.

@bilgistic - Might I suggest any of the following for torturing annoying cube mates?

Attaching a little bell (like from a cat collar) to the bottom of their chair;

Unplugging (or just loosening) a computer cable so the monitor or light won't come on; and/or

Getting everyone in the company to call someone the night before their birthday and leave a voicemail Happy Birthday*.

*My record on this was when my cube mate got 68 voicemail messages and had to listen to them all because some might be from a client.

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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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