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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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12 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

And put the toilet seat down.

The toilet seat, and lid, should be down at all times when not in use. Do you know what flies around the room when you flush? 

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6 minutes ago, PRgal said:

My peeve:  skinny jeans are out.  Okay, but I live in a part of the world where it snows in the winter.  I like denim and don’t like dirty pants.  

I switched to skinny jeans in 2015 and will never go back.   Fortunately mine seem to last because the so called skinny jeans currently on AE’s website(the brand I wear). have bad reviews basically stating that they’re not really skinny jeans.  

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Another in the “obvious suggestions” category: advice to “avoid stress” from friends, doctors, magazines/websites, whatever. I know there are exceptions, but generally, people don’t charge head-on, deliberately, into ongoing stressful situations and would probably love for that bit of sage wisdom to be a realistic and easy possibility. 

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Oh, and here’s another peeve: when a person doesn't do something they said they’d do, and claim that they didn’t have a chance, even though it takes longer to say that than it does to just do the thing.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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This doesn't really apply anymore, but back when Sirius was a new thing to have in the car, it amazed me that we had the technology to have satellite broadcasting...yet the stupid-ass suction cup that was supposed to keep the thing affixed to the window seemed to be an impossible dream.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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11 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh, and here’s another peeve: when a person doesn't do something they said they’d do, and claim that they didn’t have a chance, even though it takes longer to say that than it does to just do the thing.

Similarly, people who talk about something they "should do", or "are going to do" for YEARS... and then they never do it!

Either do it or don't! No one's expecting you to do it, so just don't! Talking about it and then never doing it is irritating as all hell!

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4 minutes ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

Similarly, people who talk about something they "should do", or "are going to do" for YEARS... and then they never do it!

Either do it or don't! No one's expecting you to do it, so just don't! Talking about it and then never doing it is irritating as all hell!

Oh my god this describes my ex co-worker (he is ex because he went full on Covidiot and wouldn't get the vaccine) anyway every day for months he would talk about buying a cottage.  Look stuff up and show everyone the ones he was considering and talk about pro's and con's endlessly.  For months.  Then it was all about the new car he was going to buy and then it was he was going to sell his house....It was boring.  And yeah totally irritating as hell!

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Yeah! You have talked about how you should do the thing so often that if you added up all the time you spent saying it, you could have actually done it 56 times over! You could have gotten it off your to-do list 25 years ago!

Related: why not just do all of the fast and easy things on a to-do list right away?

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Just now, TattleTeeny said:

Related: why not just do all of the fast and easy things on a to-do list right away?

I sheepishly admit to being guilty of this. It's never catastrophic, but I will put off, say, emptying the dishwasher or folding laundry for a day or two, and then I'll think, "Damn, that was over and done with in no time! Why the hell did I drag my feet?"

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Well, I get that -- and am probably guilty of it. I think I mainly mean in the context of "people who keep talking about all the shit they have to do instead of just doing it"! My boyfriend is a repeat offender (and a raging procrastinator)! To be fair, he is a small business owner with only one part-time employee, so I do see how things fall to the wayside for him. That said, he could make it easier for himself if he got the small things out of the way faster and if he spent less time dreading and talking about the to-dos on the list.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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5 minutes ago, PRgal said:

We have a dead spot near our bedroom...and we have wifi extenders!!!!!  

I've got a WiFi mesh set up in my house. It's a couple years old now (meaning ancient technology) and we get full strength signal everywhere with the 300MB speed I get right off of the modem.  (That link goes to reviews written by tech nerds, so when they say things like "not as fast as the XYZ unit", they're saying that instead of getting 1 GB, you're getting 950MB and not that you're getting actual slow speed.

11 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh, and here’s another peeve: when a person doesn't do something they said they’d do, and claim that they didn’t have a chance, even though it takes longer to say that than it does to just do the thing.

Heh. That's because it would be rude to say "I have not yet elevated this task to be more important than other things I actually want to do, which includes such things as scrolling through golden retriever reels on Instagram and clipping my toenails."

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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

Then don't say you'll do it! I don't care, I'll just do it myself -- and maybe just be a little passive-aggressive at you, I don't know. 

This is one of those times where it is good to be a person who wears their feelings on their face. You don't even have to say you don't want to do it. Before the request is even finish being made, your face has conveyed the answer. 

Figures Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

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My ADHD ass is sitting here reading all these posts and thinking.  It's not that I do not want to do a task.  I am fully aware how simple said task is, but my brain just does not remind me to do it.  I have to work hard to remember to do something immediately or I will forget it and move on to something else.  Then, I will remember I need to do said task at the most inconvenient of times.  I work really hard to remember the stuff I need to do that I forget the other stuff I also need to do.  And I cannot explain why my brain says I need to clip my toenails right now instead of unloading the dishwasher.  It just does.  

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I don't think I have ADHD but I certainly have a strong case of postponeitis.  I am probably one of the last of that dying breed who iron clothes, but even with that I only get around to it when the basket is overflowing and I am reduced to a choice between a tattered pair of jeans that would have looked awesome at Woodstock or else my wedding dress.

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48 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

My ADHD ass is sitting here reading all these posts and thinking.  It's not that I do not want to do a task.  I am fully aware how simple said task is, but my brain just does not remind me to do it.  I have to work hard to remember to do something immediately or I will forget it and move on to something else.  Then, I will remember I need to do said task at the most inconvenient of times.  I work really hard to remember the stuff I need to do that I forget the other stuff I also need to do.  And I cannot explain why my brain says I need to clip my toenails right now instead of unloading the dishwasher.  It just does.  

Lists are your friend.

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Geez...I sure am agreeing to a lot of stuff here today.  I am a mega procrastinator. There's a little piece of paper on the kitchen counter, with the heading, To Do. It's been there for several weeks & only one chore is crossed off. At least I don't whine about it. Or mention all those To Do's to anyone. But, I'm a good person, haven't murdered anyone (so far 👀) and our house is clean (they were just here yesterday 😁). 

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1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

My ADHD ass is sitting here reading all these posts and thinking.  It's not that I do not want to do a task.  I am fully aware how simple said task is, but my brain just does not remind me to do it.  I have to work hard to remember to do something immediately or I will forget it and move on to something else.  Then, I will remember I need to do said task at the most inconvenient of times.  I work really hard to remember the stuff I need to do that I forget the other stuff I also need to do.  And I cannot explain why my brain says I need to clip my toenails right now instead of unloading the dishwasher.  It just does.  

It may not seem like it, but I relate so much -- I get it, I swear. I am like I am now not by default, believe me. I have to remind myself not to "be me" sometimes, and sometimes, it seems like the pendulum has swung too far.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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52 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

It may not seem like it, but I relate so much -- I get it, I swear. I am like I am now not by default, believe me. I have to remind myself not to "be me" sometimes, and sometimes, it seems like the pendulum has swung too far.

I do get it.  I have worked hard to mask my ADHD.  There are tasks at work that I know I am always the first to complete because I have trained myself to do them first.  Which means some other tasks fall by the wayside, or once I'm home, I'm done.  Another thing I trained myself to do whilst masking is be on time.  I am always on time because time slips away from me so easily.  I will be the first guest at a party for example due to me structuring my day around it.  I do grumble at my coworkers and employees who are incapable of being on time.  

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9 minutes ago, ABay said:

I was going to procrastinate but decided to put it off until tomorrow.

I've always been a procrastinator, in that I don't do things until they absolutely have to be done.  But they're done well, so it's not an issue; that's just how I work (if my parents had ever gotten that through their thick skulls when I was a kid/teen, instead of not until I excelled in college despite them no longer having the ability to force/try to force me to do things on a schedule they thought was better, we could have avoided a lot of screaming matches).

What has changed is my developing chronic depression and anxiety, which later worsened, means I have tremendous difficulty getting done things that don't have to be done, in the sense someone else is requiring it or depending on it, because life in general is overwhelming, and choices/decisions can cause me to just shut down.  So the energy it takes me to remain fully functional at work doesn't leave me much for the rest, resulting in sometimes even the simplest of things being more than I can bring myself to tackle.

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I tend to procrastinate when it comes to anything involving cleaning (my late husband had this as his responsibility, including dish washing, laundry and house cleaning while I was the full time worker bee) as I *hates it*. So, I have a big white board affixed to my refrigerator and I write necessary cleaning tasks in big letters on it so I can't get any food out without being faced with a reminder of what *must* be done....despite my inclination to just not...😸

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Most restaurants/fast food places put too much salt in the food 

3 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

My ADHD ass is sitting here reading all these posts and thinking.  It's not that I do not want to do a task.  I am fully aware how simple said task is, but my brain just does not remind me to do it.  I have to work hard to remember to do something immediately or I will forget it and move on to something else.  Then, I will remember I need to do said task at the most inconvenient of times.  I work really hard to remember the stuff I need to do that I forget the other stuff I also need to do.  And I cannot explain why my brain says I need to clip my toenails right now instead of unloading the dishwasher.  It just does.  

I think very visually.  But more often than not I have trouble articulating my visions.  


Autism and ADHD are told to have overlapping symptoms at times 

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I procrastinate on work tasks that have a lot of little steps.  Ugh.  Writing something, then filling out a form, but having to go look up the information for the form, etc.  This is the kind of thing that I would feel better if I just did a little each day.  But that's hard for me to do.  I also used to have a part time helper for this, but he left and I can't find anyone else.  (that peeve has been discussed before.)

Edited by EtheltoTillie
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Sometimes, with my issues (probably rooted in OCD, but possibly just a “quirk”), it is actually better for me to wait until the last minute to do certain things. That way, I don’t have time to neurotically futz around “improving” them endlessly until the deadline. This was true back in school for writing papers, and is true now for packing a suitcase. 

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A huge peeve (actually, I'm not peeved, I'm furious): Jerks or criminals whose behavior makes life difficult for the rest us. In recent months, the outdoor mail drop boxes have been removed from the two post offices nearest to me. Why? Because they were irreparably damaged by thieves breaking them open to steal the mail! Yes, I can park and walk into the P.O. and deposit my mail, but that is a major inconvenience for someone whose fashion sense is best described as "I didn't plan to get out of the car."

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On 8/15/2023 at 3:43 PM, Anela said:

I've seen a lot of posts like this on next-door lately. One woman was desperate to get some dog food, because she's had it worse this Summer, had run out, and wasn't getting paid for over a week. One woman told her to re-home her dog, if she couldn't look after it.

Hopefully that woman was able to find someone to help. We don't have much, but every time I buy pet food I get a few extra cans of cat food or dog food for the local pet food pantry. It's a lifeline for those going through rough times. The person who told her to rehome her dog was an asshole. My biggest pet peeve is people who treat pets like they're disposable.

On 8/16/2023 at 12:32 PM, peacheslatour said:

I'm withe you. We live in a 1940's bungalow and I've inherited a lot of furniture from grandparents and other family, what the design mavens these days call "big browns". I've got solid mahogany, walnut, cherry and oak furniture and I think it's really beautiful. Screw that fast crappy Ikea junk.

Ditto! Though tbh we have Ikea stuff mixed in with antique and vintage brown-wood furniture. I follow a young interior designer on youtube and she's big on shopping at thrift shops and antique malls. We're seeing a lot more Gen Z people at these places now than a few years ago, too, which is wonderful.

On 8/16/2023 at 4:40 PM, Quof said:

One of my hobbies is to troll a website which consolidates all real estate listings. It's shocking to see the prices these houses are fetching, especially when the site shows the sales history over decades, so you can tell when the homeowners are doubling their money in just a few years. 

Same. House prices are insane and have been for some time.

23 hours ago, partofme said:

I switched to skinny jeans in 2015 and will never go back.  

My thoughts exactly. High waisted, wide legged jeans don't look good on me. Actually they don't look good on anyone, but whatever.

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42 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

every time I buy pet food I get a few extra cans of cat food or dog food for the local pet food pantry.

I don't even know if we have a local pet food pantry, but now I'll make it a point to find out. (They probably stock pet food at the people pantry.) I haven't bought pet food since our cat died recently, but why not buy some for others? Thank you for the idea, @Kitty Redstone.

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Male coworkers not being respectful around me because I'm "one of the guys."

What is that even supposed to mean? If you're not attracted to me, that doesn't mean you shouldn't still be a gentleman. And I certainly don't behave/talk like any of the guys who say I'm "one of the guys." I'm not an angel, but I have limits with what I find work appropriate. 

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Today I had an episode where I lost my shit a little driving with my dad.  


I was hungry and had a hard time finding a place to eat on the road.  It was a double whammy there:  I get doubly agitated being off my routine and hungry 


The episode is making me question if I need to check back into therapy 

Edited by BlueSkies
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28 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

I don't even know if we have a local pet food pantry, but now I'll make it a point to find out. (They probably stock pet food at the people pantry.)

We have pet food pantries here, but you got me curious so I just checked to see if the local people food pantry I donate to most often also stocks pet food, and it doesn't look like they do.  I'll have to ask if that's because they don't get any, or don't accept any.  If the former, I'll donate enough to get a little section of the pantry going and encourage neighbors to add to it. 

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The pantry I volunteer with always has cat and dog food available. The amount varies month to month. There are also groups that collect off site and bring it in the week before distribution. There have been times they have also donated new pet toys, leashes, etc.

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I have a couple of skinny jeans because they work and are a convenience for certain boots and whatever, but I prefer old-school long flare/bell-bottoms -- preferably tight to the knee before the flare begins. I don't love a high waist, except for my actual vintage ones though. (I don't know if these count as the wide leg that doesn't look good on anyone, but I disagree--they are the most flattering style I have!)

Edited by TattleTeeny
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4 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I have a couple of skinny jeans because they work and are a convenience for certain boots and whatever, but I prefer old-school long flare/bell-bottoms -- preferably tight to the knee before the flare begins. I don't love a high waist, except for my actual vintage ones though. (I don't know if these count as the wide leg that doesn't look good on anyone, but I disagree--they are the most flattering style I have!)

Same. I have really long legs. Skinny jeans make my legs look like pipe cleaners and I like them to sit at my natural waist. I have no hips or butt and a large bust, I need definition below my bustline and skinny jeans just don't provide it.

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10 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

YES! I forgot that we are both "tall-person legs" (even though I -- we?-- am not a tall person). 

Lol, nor am I. I'm 5'3" but my legs are more than half my height. When I was a teenager, my mom used to despair. Every pair of jeans we looked at came only down to above my ankles. And there was a huge stigma around "high waters".

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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

Haha, me too, almost -- 5'4" with a 31" inseam.

I have a long torso, so my inseam is shorter than yours while being 6 inches taller than you.  Last year, Old Navy sent me the wrong jeans, petite instead of regular.  I did try them on and debated keeping them before exchanging them.  

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I'm 5'8" but I'm really long waisted. Low-rise jeans were a nightmare trend for me, lol. Not only did my legs look extra stubby, I was constantly in fear of my butt crack peeking out. You can have my high rise jeans when you pry them from my cold, dead hands.

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13 minutes ago, emma675 said:

I'm 5'8" but I'm really long waisted. Low-rise jeans were a nightmare trend for me, lol. Not only did my legs look extra stubby, I was constantly in fear of my butt crack peeking out. You can have my high rise jeans when you pry them from my cold, dead hands.

Same. My butt disappears completely in low rise jeans.

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17 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

I don't even know if we have a local pet food pantry, but now I'll make it a point to find out. (They probably stock pet food at the people pantry.) I haven't bought pet food since our cat died recently, but why not buy some for others? Thank you for the idea, @Kitty Redstone.

We stock pet food at our food pantry and are happy to give it to anyone who asks - I have regular clients that I don't even need to ask anymore, I just put it in their bag with all the other stuff. Peeve: Failure to ask! So many problems could be solved easily if people would simply reach out as my experience is that folks are generally willing to at least point you in the right direction if they can't help directly.

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41 minutes ago, isalicat said:

We stock pet food at our food pantry and are happy to give it to anyone who asks - I have regular clients that I don't even need to ask anymore, I just put it in their bag with all the other stuff. Peeve: Failure to ask! So many problems could be solved easily if people would simply reach out as my experience is that folks are generally willing to at least point you in the right direction if they can't help directly.

We always give a few cans of pet food and some baby formula and baby food too.

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20 hours ago, HissyFit said:

Yes, I can park and walk into the P.O. and deposit my mail, but that is a major inconvenience for someone whose fashion sense is best described as "I didn't plan to get out of the car."

Have you looked around to see how other people are dressed as they trot around in public?  I honestly can't imagine what would be off limits--a negligee?  (And even then...)

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