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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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1 hour ago, kristen111 said:

Can you dance with a mask on?  Don’t listen to people.  Do what you want and what makes you feel comfortable.  My oldest daughter wears a mask all over, and doesn’t care what people think.  It’s your life.

I could, but I don't know if I'd enjoy it tbh. I find the N95 masks really uncomfortable, especially for physical activities. Even when I just wear them for a minute, my face starts to sweat. I'm not even someone who sweats easily, but my face does for some reason. When I go on walks, I keep my mask down unless there are people nearby.

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3 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

I could, but I don't know if I'd enjoy it tbh. I find the N95 masks really uncomfortable, especially for physical activities. Even when I just wear them for a minute, my face starts to sweat. I'm not even someone who sweats easily, but my face does for some reason. When I go on walks, I keep my mask down unless there are people nearby.

I still wear the cloth ones.  I noticed the doctors wear those light weight paper ones.  Maybe as they wear them all day.  Who knows?  I can’t even stand the light weight ones.  Guess something is better than nothing.

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Jaywalking when it impedes traffic.

Yesterday this couple started crossing the road on a don't walk while going south, the south-north green light was going, however, you are allowed to turn right AND the light was about to turn the other way.  So, they get 1/4 of the way across when the light changes (so not in front of anybody yet, but the car in front of me can't go because they are about to be) and they are just la-di-dahing across as if they have all the time in the world. Aargh!!!!

On the flip side, I'm not sure if I missed something but there was a person crossing on a crosswalk with no light, so she had the right of way, and the car in front of me was honking like his horn was getting royalties or something.  And, no, I saw enough to know he didn't have to brake fast.  She was already crossing when he got up tot he crosswalk and she seemed to be walking a normal pace.  I guess he wanted her to run?

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Doctor withholding medication to punish me for missing the appointment. So between the appointments I had to cut the medication in half. He chewed me out for missing the appointment. I felt like I was 5. And I bet he is younger than me! I’m so upset you all have no idea!

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25 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

Doctor withholding medication to punish me for missing the appointment. So between the appointments I had to cut the medication in half. He chewed me out for missing the appointment. I felt like I was 5. And I bet he is younger than me! I’m so upset you all have no idea!

That is so unprofessional. Report him to his medical board. Change doctors and if you have to use the same clinic, tell them why. I bet it's not the first time he's done something like this. But withholding life saving medication because of some petty grievance should get him at least reprimand.

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On 8/31/2022 at 6:33 PM, theredhead77 said:

I'm peeved at myself. I made dinner that was supposed to have leftovers. But it was so good I ate all of it. Now I have a stomach ache from eating too much, and no leftovers.

Quoting myself because I did it again. And now I have a stomach ache.

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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

That is so unprofessional. Report him to his medical board. Change doctors and if you have to use the same clinic, tell them why. I bet it's not the first time he's done something like this. But withholding life saving medication because of some petty grievance should get him at least reprimand.

I was so stunned/angry I just said sorry. Next appointment I will ask him to switch me to a FEMALE doctor. I don’t need to be treated like that by anyone!

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16 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

I was so stunned/angry I just said sorry. Next appointment I will ask him to switch me to a FEMALE doctor. I don’t need to be treated like that by anyone!

I'm so sorry! Health care workers need to care about their patients' health care first and foremost. I hope you find a kind and caring doctor who truly cares about you. 

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Ugh.  Pet peeve directed at myself - sending an email before proof reading.  I needed to contact our lawyer about setting up an appointment and instead of deleting part of a sentence I somehow managed to copy and paste it into the middle of another sentence.  The email still makes sense but the misplaced sentence fragment just makes me look stupid!  I hate that.

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12 minutes ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

Ugh.  Pet peeve directed at myself - sending an email before proof reading.  I needed to contact our lawyer about setting up an appointment and instead of deleting part of a sentence I somehow managed to copy and paste it into the middle of another sentence.  The email still makes sense but the misplaced sentence fragment just makes me look stupid!  I hate that.

So do I. My eyesight isn't what is was and I really need to be more careful about proof reading.

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I waste so much paper because I cannot properly proofread looking at my monitor; there will always be something I don't find until I review a printed copy.  I do a few things that mean I waste less, but it still pains me.

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If I had to print out everything I need to proof, I'd decimate an acre of trees a week.

One suggestion, if you work in Word (that's the only program I'm currently familiar with), is to run a spell check on the completed document (uncheck the grammar part of that process). It won't find typos that are real words in themselves, but it's helpful. And it also might be of use to read the document (and even create it) at a higher level of magnification than the standard. I always work with the view set at 140%, because on my monitor that fills the whole screen. It's usually easier to see mistakes when they're bigger.

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1 minute ago, Mondrianyone said:

One suggestion, if you work in Word (that's the only program I'm currently familiar with), is to run a spell check on the completed document (uncheck the grammar part of that process). It won't find typos that are real words in themselves, but it's helpful. And it also might be of use to read the document (and even create it) at a higher level of magnification than the standard. I always work with the view set at 140%, because on my monitor that fills the whole screen. It's usually easier to see mistakes when they're bigger.

Yes, I do those things (I read everything at 150% and of course I use spell check).  I still, with at least 90% certainty, will not catch every last thing until I do the final edit of a hard copy.

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Just now, Bastet said:

of course I use spell check

There's a setting that will underline suspected misspellings as you go, but there's also a grammar/spell check you can use to review. I meant the latter, but the former doesn't hurt either.

It might be easier on the environment if you hired someone!

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2 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

It might be easier on the environment if you hired someone!

I work for a non-profit; we don't have that luxury.  I minimize the damage as best I can.

2 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

There's a setting that will underline suspected misspellings as you go, but there's also a grammar/spell check you can use to review.

I know.  I don't make a ton of spelling errors, it's more leaving out a word (that my mind fills in when I read it on a screen, and only on paper do I realize it's missing) or, especially, having changed my phrasing and not catching that means I need to tweak something that follows.

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4 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

One of my pet peeves is the amount of errors I make on here! I swear I'm not illiterate. I just lack patience.

Same. I can't tell you the number of times I've come back to a thread and said "Oh shit, I need to edit, again."

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You are all making me feel much better!  Misery loving company?  Anyway it's nice to know I am not the only one who can't see problems on screen.  Or at least can't see them until AFTER I hit send or post!

ETA and I just had to edit this because of a typo - sigh!

Edited by Elizabeth Anne
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1 minute ago, RealHousewife said:

Lol I know, ugh. The worst! In my defense, I’m often quickly posting on my phone in the middle of work breaks or appointments.

I hear you. I often post from my phone and stupid NOT autocorrect will insert letters where they are WRONG and don't belong, so I end up editing to rectify the errors.

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5 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I hear you. I often post from my phone and stupid NOT autocorrect will insert letters where they are WRONG and don't belong, so I end up editing to rectify the errors.

This happens to me, too. It also seems that I've made certain errors, so many times, that auto-correct assumes it's actually the correct spelling, so it now inserts my own mistakes, when I haven't typed them myself. 🙄

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18 hours ago, Leeds said:

Pet Peeve: People who abuse their disabled parking permits to get their lazy, abled passengers close to the entrance but never actually leave the car themselves.

Their “lazy, abled passengers” could very well have conditions themselves.  You just can’t see it. 

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13 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Their “lazy, abled passengers” could very well have conditions themselves.  You just can’t see it. 

Excellent point.  Not all disabilities are obvious.  Do I think that folks do what was posted? Absolutely.  Just can't assume. 

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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28 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Their “lazy, abled passengers” could very well have conditions themselves.  You just can’t see it. 

How true. I have a set of neighbors. He can’t walk far without severe pain so he drives. She has lung issues. They both look well and can hide it to a certain degree. However, if you know them, they can hardly shop (they use those motorized shopping carts, but only one shops at a time). Looks can be deceiving. 

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On 10/13/2022 at 1:00 PM, PRgal said:

Their “lazy, abled passengers” could very well have conditions themselves.  You just can’t see it. 

Of course.  I knew I shouldn't have been too lazy to add this caveat to my original post.  Sincere apologies to anyone I insulted.

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13 hours ago, Leeds said:

Of course.  I knew I shouldn't have been too lazy to add this caveat to my original post.  Sincere apologies to anyone I insulted.

I once made a similar comment on a different message board because I was angry by how often the handicapped parking spots were being used by people who didn't appear to me to actually need to use it.  I was motivated by the fact that while my father had a handicapped plate because of my mother when she wasn't with him he didn't use those spots.  Anyway I was roasted by people rushing in to remind me of invisible handicaps etc and etc as well as that they could be picking up someone who is handicapped. And of course they were absolutely right.  However I still reserve my right to be irritated when I see someone use a handicapped parking spot then RUN into the mall and proceed to wander around for hours.  No, I am sorry someone like that could easily park a row back without inconveniencing themselves.

ETA: I am talking here about people with handicapped plates or cards - if you don't have anything on your car to indicate that you are entitled to use a handicapped parking spot I may not ever challenge you (so not interested in getting into a "parking" rage situation but I will be judging you nine days to Sunday.

Edited by Elizabeth Anne
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The "women should support women" phrase sort of annoys me.

First of all, to me suggests women do not generally support other women. I believe most women to be good people who don't need to be lectured like children to support other women. I think the catty, competitive, stab you in the back woman is the exception, not the norm. 

Secondly, I've noticed it's often the biggest misogynists who use the phrase. The same people who will say "women should support women" when it comes to the dumbest shit are often the same ones who will pick women apart for their weight, looks, age, their sex lives, slut shame women, pick apart their behavior, etc. Not at all saying all people who use the phrase aren't coming from a good place, but I have just heard it used in a way that either puts down women and/or by people who don't genuinely really respect women. 

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On 10/15/2022 at 8:33 AM, Katy M said:

I're probably posted this before, but when you go to click on something on a web page and it shifts and you ended up clicking an ad.  So ridiculously annoying.

Or when you're scrolling through a page, reading or skimming, and then a massive ad/request for your email address/sign-up thing is thrown up, that you have to click out of, in order to continue your reading. 

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On 10/15/2022 at 8:33 AM, Katy M said:

I're probably posted this before, but when you go to click on something on a web page and it shifts and you ended up clicking an ad.  So ridiculously annoying.

So God damn irritating!!  I hate it!

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5 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

The "women should support women" phrase sort of annoys me.

First of all, to me suggests women do not generally support other women. I believe most women to be good people who don't need to be lectured like children to support other women. I think the catty, competitive, stab you in the back woman is the exception, not the norm. 

Secondly, I've noticed it's often the biggest misogynists who use the phrase. The same people who will say "women should support women" when it comes to the dumbest shit are often the same ones who will pick women apart for their weight, looks, age, their sex lives, slut shame women, pick apart their behavior, etc. Not at all saying all people who use the phrase aren't coming from a good place, but I have just heard it used in a way that either puts down women and/or by people who don't genuinely really respect women. 

I can't tell you how much I hate that phrase. Why should I have to support someone just because we're both members of the vagina club? If you want my support, you need to earn it, I'm not going to support you, buy your products, or vote for you just because we both pee sitting down. 

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2 hours ago, GaT said:

I can't tell you how much I hate that phrase. Why should I have to support someone just because we're both members of the vagina club? If you want my support, you need to earn it, I'm not going to support you, buy your products, or vote for you just because we both pee sitting down. 

And I won't support someone just because they're from the same or similar ethnic background either.  If I think your product sucks then, well, I think it sucks, plain and simple.  

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3 hours ago, GaT said:

I can't tell you how much I hate that phrase. Why should I have to support someone just because we're both members of the vagina club? If you want my support, you need to earn it, I'm not going to support you, buy your products, or vote for you just because we both pee sitting down. 

Exactly. I get support as in making a point to give credit where it’s due, having other women’s backs when it really matters, but not so much putting your time and money into things solely because another woman is behind it. So silly. I feel like people often weaponize feminism to get other women to do things we have no interest in. I’m not into sports, men or women playing. I shouldn’t have to watch someone perform something just because she has the same genitalia. 

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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

Exactly. I get support as in making a point to give credit where it’s due, having other women’s backs when it really matters, but not so much putting your time and money into things solely because another woman is behind it. So silly. I feel like people often weaponize feminism to get other women to do things we have no interest in. I’m not into sports, men or women playing. I shouldn’t have to watch someone perform something just because she has the same genitalia. 

Or STEM.  I get we need more women in sciences but it has to start at the very beginning.  You want more women in the industry?  Maybe you should have influenced 3 year old girls to do so.  It’s easier to influence a 14 year old grade 9 kid into investment banking when she’s finished school than becoming a chemical engineer.  IMHO, anyway.  

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On 10/15/2022 at 1:57 PM, Elizabeth Anne said:

I was motivated by the fact that while my father had a handicapped plate because of my mother when she wasn't with him he didn't use those spots.

As it should be.

I'm annoyed by people who use the handicapped spot when it sure looks to me like the handicapped person stays in the car while the other person goes in.  If the handicapped person isn't getting out of the car, the car doesn't need to be near the door.

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On 10/15/2022 at 2:42 AM, Leeds said:

Of course.  I knew I shouldn't have been too lazy to add this caveat to my original post.  Sincere apologies to anyone I insulted.

12 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

As it should be.

I'm annoyed by people who use the handicapped spot when it sure looks to me like the handicapped person stays in the car while the other person goes in.  If the handicapped person isn't getting out of the car, the car doesn't need to be near the door.

When my Asshole Uncle passed away, my mother (he was her bro) took his handicapped placard (he WAS disabled) and used it for the 2 years it had left on it before it expired. Her justification was that her knee bothered her, but it never sat well with me. 

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14 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I'm annoyed by people who use the handicapped spot when it sure looks to me like the handicapped person stays in the car while the other person goes in.  If the handicapped person isn't getting out of the car, the car doesn't need to be near the door.

That person could also have a hidden disability. Or the disabled person could join the other person inside after taking care of car business. Maybe the "healthy" person is getting in a line, or ordering food and the "disabled" person is resting in the car to save energy for whatever they are about to do.

There is no way to tell who is or isn't disabled, or who is or isn't worthy of a hangtag. 

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