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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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Sun-Bun, Sorry to hear you had to unfriend someone. (A conscious uncoupling?) I hear what you're saying about the simplicity of men. Say what they want, get stuff off their chest and then move on, don't require complicated arrangements, don't have to spend a half day at the spa getting beautiful before they see each other... I wish I knew one woman who could just come over for coffee and conversation, and not be fazed if I'm in yoga pants or there are dishes in the sink. What's up with the snobbery and formality?

I had a friend like that. She moved to Tennessee, then Illinois and then Georgia. But when we see each other, we pick up like no time has passed. I always worry that I won't have anythng to say, but then I always do.

I find it difficult to make friends in general. I am introverted and shy, the worst combination for making friends. It always feels like all the other women have all the friends they need. It's just hard to call someone and ask if she wants to grab something to eat or go shopping or whatever. Also, I'm in my 40s, but have a 4-year-old. Women my age have older children (or none, and they don't want them), and mothers of kids his age are just so young.

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Whenever I hear a woman say that, I feel like my eye-roll is visible from space, and maybe even audible; the only people I have ever known to make that remark along the lines of "[faux innocence] Oh, I just get along better with men" are attention-seeking jerks who (A) think they're expressing a really unique and profound sentiment (seriously, they all sound as if they think no one has ever had this idea before. Expected in college, annoying for adults), and/or (B) chicks who are practically begging for a response of "other women are probably jealous of you."

That said, Sun-Bun, your post and explanation did not make me think these things at all; you clarified nicely why your specific situation makes you feel this way without adding the standard and trite veiled insult toward the rest of your "catty" gender!

ETA: These people, in my experience, are often the very same ones who dramatically declare that they hate drama.


I spend years working in a mostly female environment, Most of my dearest friends are women and I carry a 'Honorary Gal Pal' card and lifetime membership.

(I also have guy/male friends.)

One of the perks to having a HGP card is the insight to the female world and watching it constantly evolve. there is nothing .mysterious about women, they are just men with more feelings. Do I get along better with women? Sure, and it's pretty easy..


You just have to be honest with them, stop with the game playing and let them hold on to the remote control.....sometimes and put the toilet seat down.

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I had to break up with a longtime friend several weeks ago. I hated to do it and my door is still open ajar for her if she truly wants to re-enter my life, but I'm just too old and over her mind games anymore to allow her to constantly friend shame me.

Which brings me to my pet-peeve: friends((mostly female)) who expect you to read their minds and know *exactly* what they need from you on their schedule.

I no longer have the time or patience to play guessing games:

You want me to visit and spend time with you?

Ask me! Name a time/place and let's do it!!

But if I've offered countless invites and texts from my end and they go unanswered, pardon me if I quit trying after a while.

You get annoyed when I hang out with other friends instead of you?

Join us! You're always welcome and are never excluded!! But I'm not going to chase you down if you regularly don't show up for past invites or if you don't even bother to respond to prior texts/invites.

You don't think I call/text you enough? You think I hang with my husband too much instead of my girlfriends??

The phone works both ways: how about actually extending an invite to ME for once, instead of forcing me to constantly be on hostess duty?

Better yet, quit being such a difficult drama queen and I might actually make a point to hang out with you and your equally picky mutual girlfriends! Pardon me if I love how mellow and easygoing my husband is and how we don't bicker over petty bullshit!!

Whew....Sorry, felt good to get that out...

Guess I'm feeling less and less like the supposed "girls' girl" the Real Housewives are always mentioning for these reasons: women, especially older ones, can be so damned difficult. Probably also makes a difference that I don't have children, so I don't relate to many of the women in my local social circles.

I appreciate the simplicity of typical men as I get older---no drama or games, no cheese to match the wine, just beer, wings, uncomplicated conversation and an easygoing good time.

What a timely post. Yesterday I listened to an episode of the "Real Simple" podcast, and it focused on adult friendships. 


According to the "expert," these are the three things you need to maintain an adult friendship:


1. Consistency: Do you see each other or talk to each other on a fairly regular basis? Do you avoid "flaking out" on each other when you make plans? 


2. Joy: Does the relationship make you happy? Do you laugh together? Or do you sometimes cry together but feel better afterward? If spending time with your friend is more effort than it's worth, or you feel like you're giving more than getting, than it probably isn't a positive relationship for you.


3. Vulnerability and openness: Do you feel like you can share personal things with this friend? Does the friend share them with you? Do you keep each other's secrets. 


I've lost friends over time, and when I thought about it yesterday, all of those friendships were lacked one (or more) of those three elements. 


And when it comes to men as friends, you're right that male friendships usually don't have that same drama. But they often don't have the emotional depth, either. From my experience, if you're going through something emotional and share it with a man, they'll say something along the lines of, "That sucks," and move on. My husband has good friends who've gotten separated or divorced, and when I ask him how they feel about it, he honestly has no clue what I'm talking about. Most male friends just don't communicate that way. And I suppose that's alright if you only want a buddy or someone to watch the game with on Sundays. 

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Thanks for all the kind words, folks. It's nice to know others have dealt with similar tough "conscious uncoupling" with former friends!

And I sure didn't mean to drag out any tired "men are from Mars, women are from Venus"-style stereotypes.

It's indeed true that while men can be typically easier to hang with socially, women are often there for friends on a deeper, more emotional level.

I do love having girltime and have a few longtime girlfriends spread all around the country that I wouldn't trade for the world. Shoot, I went to an all girls private high school, which turned out to be a wonderful and character-building 4 years!

But I've also been accused of being like a dude because I often choose to keep my deeper feelings to myself and prefer to keep things light among friends. I'm not overly emotional or weepy and I don't like to hold grudges, preferring to simply deal with any BS and then move on.

But on the flipside, my easygoing, positive nature tends to lend itself well with dominant, type-A female figures...so inevitably, I end up checking out after a while of dealing with such dramatics.

Hence the reason I had to break up with this former supposed best friend, after over ten years of what I thought were good times...friends don't call friends "fake" just because they have the adult courtesy to not call you on your cunty behavior, and they sure don't shame you for not fawning over them.

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I have some family I invited back into my life a few months ago after my Mom passed away and their visits have been ok for the most part. This weekend after they left I was pretty peeved though. I don't drive and that means I don't get to the store a lot. I am lucky enough to have someone who grocery shops for me once a week and am so very thankful for that.


The family stopped by the grocery store before coming to my home to get one of those take and bake pizzas so I had to bite my tongue when one of them started whining yet again about how I don't have a coffee maker or any instant coffee when they known damn well I don't drink it. They come over at the most twice a month for 2 to 3 hours each time and I honestly keep forgetting to put instant coffee on my list of needed items and this last time before coming to my house they were at the damn grocery store where they could have picked up some instant coffee. I stupidly purchased a coffee maker online in a moment of insanity due to feeling guilty. At least it will only end up being about $10 after I send off for a rebate.

The Mom also said how she wants to cook a meal for me next time and asking me if I eat any of the veggies she listed and joked she wanted to get a good meal in me. It's just me and right now I don't feel like doing much cooking if any at all and while I appreciate the sentiment I don't feel comfortable having her cook like that for me at least right now. I didn't mind the heat and eat deli pizza since it was pre-prepared. I just wasn't in the mood to have my eating habits criticized by people who don't live with me day to day. 

They come from a state over to visit so I'm thankful that they make the trip but I hate feeling like I'm being disrespected in my own home but don't want to rock the boat too much by giving the snarky replies I want to give due to some of the things they do or say to me. 

**I didn't see how long my post was until I entered it. Sorry! At least it's separated into paragraphs though. :)**

Edited by Jaded
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(Carpeted, BTW)

I did that recently. The embarrassing injury and not the death, obviously. ;) I was going downstairs to get the laundry from the dryer, just moving a little too fast and not thinking and lost my balance and tumbled down the stairs and landed on my head. No broken bones, luckily, but a concussion was not fun. This was nearly 6 months ago and I still get the occasional dizzy spell.

I have great respect for stairs now!

(Carpeted, BTW)

I bounced down my stairs a few months ago. I still have to sit somewhat carefully thanks to either severely bruising or fracturing my tailbone. I too have great respect for stairs now, and after breaking my shoulder two weeks ago (fell roller skating) you can bet I take those stairs very, very slowly and very, very carefully.

As for pet peeves, using "space" to describe a room or a yard. I kid you not, the other night on Fixer Upper the dumb buyer wife asked the buyer husband how he felt about the house's outdoor green space. Yeah, us non-dumbasses call that a YARD.

Edited by bubbls
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I had a friend like that. She moved to Tennessee, then Illinois and then Georgia. But when we see each other, we pick up like no time has passed. I always worry that I won't have anythng to say, but then I always do.


That's when you know it's a great friendship! I dearly miss being around close gal pals, the kind who are happy to be in each other's company whether it's Saturday night at the opera or Wednesday night on the sofa, and can talk about everything or nothing at all, without a bunch of fronting and one-upping. There's nothing like that bond. It's great that you can still see each other from time to time.


 Most of my dearest friends are women and I carry a 'Honorary Gal Pal' card and lifetime membership.




But I've also been accused of being like a dude because I often choose to keep my deeper feelings to myself and prefer to keep things light among friends. I'm not overly emotional or weepy and I don't like to hold grudges, preferring to simply deal with any BS and then move on.

But on the flipside, my easygoing, positive nature tends to lend itself well with dominant, type-A female figures...so inevitably, I end up checking out after a while of dealing with such dramatics.

Hence the reason I had to break up with this former supposed best friend, after over ten years of what I thought were good times...friends don't call friends "fake" just because they have the adult courtesy to not call you on your cunty behavior, and they sure don't shame you for not fawning over them.


See, I think it's profoundly unfair to characterize you as a "dude" because you might not be as expressive as some other people. For that matter, crying at the drop of a hat wouldn't make you more of a "woman", either. There are plenty of ways to be and that's what makes it fun - I can't think of two friends who were identical, and why would we want our friends to be? Your break up sounds really unfortunate and I'm sorry it ended like that.


Jaded, I'm very sorry for your loss.

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OK, here's one I'm kind of  on the fence about:  video drones.


 I admit being a 20th century Luddite re most of these newfangled gizmos but I'm not quite sure what to make out re drones. I mean, I've seen some fantastic videos shot by them taking the viewers to places no human, plane or helicopter would be able to access so I'm somewhat intrigued [though not enough to bust any budget]


 HOWEVER; OTOH, I dislike that they seem to make an unpleasant noise and that, at this time, their owners seem to have few if any regulations (and am not sure re whether they are truly enforced). I mean, even the tiniest Piper Cub pilot is required to train and learn regulations and file a flight plan each and every time they go up in the air due to the fact that each airplane contains at least one person who is more at risk when in the air than on terra firma. Also, when one multiplies the number of airplanes one sees how its vital for all other airplanes and even folks on the ground below their flight paths to know exactly where they're going and for how  long. So why do so many drone owners seem to feel that there should be no flight laws applied to them?  Yes, they may not be able to take as many stunning shots at a moment's notice but shouldn't considering other folks' lives, persons and properties have some value?

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I joined(?) Instagram because my 17YO niece posts her makeup "looks" on it, and I nicely wanted to follow her meteoric rise to fame. I also wanted to ensure she'd remember the favorite aunt when she hits it big, and she'll buy me a house, or whathaveyou. Well, Instagram is crack cocaine. HOURS of my life I am losing to this horrible invention. Just when I think I can't look at any more photos of tattoos, oh, wait...I can! And here are some cat pictures! And fun hair colors! And edgy comic strips! And it's 1am. Every. Night. I need willpower.

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My 19 year old niece posts her makeup "looks" on Instagram.  And has started a YouTube channel giving makeup tutorials. When I watched her "Everyday Makeup" tutorial, I stopped counting after 17 products.  I told her she had better find a sugar daddy, because she will never have time to have a job, and someone will have to buy all that makeup.

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17 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

I joined(?) Instagram because my 17YO niece posts her makeup "looks" on it, and I nicely wanted to follow her meteoric rise to fame. I also wanted to ensure she'd remember the favorite aunt when she hits it big, and she'll buy me a house, or whathaveyou. Well, Instagram is crack cocaine. HOURS of my life I am losing to this horrible invention. Just when I think I can't look at any more photos of tattoos, oh, wait...I can! And here are some cat pictures! And fun hair colors! And edgy comic strips! And it's 1am. Every. Night. I need willpower.

I have that problem with Pinterest, which I joined to keep track of recipes and children's birthday party ideas (homemade ones). Now I have 20-some boards.

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I don't have Instagram, I joined Facebook a few years ago because my daughter and her friends kept begging me to join.  I rarely went on and deactivated my account a few months ago.  Now they're all begging me to join Instagram but I just don't really "do" social media.  From what I've seen it just created a lot of drama. I hate drama. 

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I don't even understand what Instagram or Pinterest are.  I don't use Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, either, but I know what they are.  The other two were subjects of clues in a Jeopardy! category a while back, and I thought that had taught me what purpose they serve (I don't want to use them, but it's nice to be conversant), but that knowledge didn't stick.  Instagram is pictures, I have that general sense, but Pinterest won't stay in my brain at all.

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13 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I don't even understand what Instagram or Pinterest are.  I don't use Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, either, but I know what they are.  The other two were subjects of clues in a Jeopardy! category a while back, and I thought that had taught me what purpose they serve (I don't want to use them, but it's nice to be conversant), but that knowledge didn't stick.  Instagram is pictures, I have that general sense, but Pinterest won't stay in my brain at all.

Pinterest is like the old notebook where you put "recipes" or "decorating ideas" in it.....or even an old bulletin board that you pinned a magazine ad that you ripped out because you liked the models hairstyle....it's a virtual bulletin board.

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10 hours ago, Malia110 said:

Pinterest is like the old notebook where you put "recipes" or "decorating ideas" in it.....or even an old bulletin board that you pinned a magazine ad that you ripped out because you liked the models hairstyle....it's a virtual bulletin board.

Got it! So why would it be anyone ELSE's business or interest what another person's recipes or decorating ideas would be? I mean, my kitchen bulletin board's my OWN . Hence, unless I've specifically invited someone else to be in my kitchen, there's really no reason anyone else needs to see on it my kitchen bulletin board,IMO. Count me out!

Edited by Blergh
insert missing 'on'
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Agree with you Blergh.  If I see a recipe, a decorating idea, etc that I like, I bookmark the site or simply print it.  If I want to discuss it with a particular person, I can send them a link. Why would I need or want to share that with the world in general?  Then again, I don't post anything on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. 

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I like Pinterest not for the social medianess of it but because I always have it with me, unlike the kitchen bulletin board, and because it means I don't have to print out everything. I am just gong to lose the paper copies anyway. I used to email stuff to myself, but it became too hard to find it again because I couldn't remember what I called it. Same with saving things on the hard drive. I don't have that issue with Pinterest. It makes it easier for me to organize things and find them again, and I don't have to be at home to do it. So if I'm at my Mom's house and want to cook something specific, I have the recipe. (I always need the recipe.)

I don't care if anyone follows me or repins my pins, but it is nice to be able to search for, say, Paw Patrol or Ninja Turtle party ideas that are cheap and easy and find a bunch right away. I found a quick, easy-to-sew dinosaur tail for a Halloween costume (then figured out how to do it even easier out of a sweatpant leg), and found and saved a video on making sushi when I wanted to learn how. I know I could get a YouTube account, but this is easier and lets me put it all in one place.

For me, Pinterest isn't social media. My boards are just for me. I don't keep them private because I don't care what other people see, but I don't go out of my way to attract people either. (My sister-in-law has a board of things she'd like people to make for her, and that is useful t me also.)

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10 hours ago, Bastet said:

I don't even understand what Instagram or Pinterest are.  I don't use Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, either, but I know what they are.  The other two were subjects of clues in a Jeopardy! category a while back, and I thought that had taught me what purpose they serve (I don't want to use them, but it's nice to be conversant), but that knowledge didn't stick.  Instagram is pictures, I have that general sense, but Pinterest won't stay in my brain at all.

The best one is Snapchat. And by best, I mean the most confusing for us old people. And by old, I mean not under 35.

I have friend here at work who was going on a vacation in the UK, and I asked her if she was going to post pictures on either Facebook or Instagram. She (under 30 by the way) told me that she'd be documenting it all on Snapchat. No joke, I installed it on my phone, and couldn't figure it out. I had to google "snapchat for old people" and found more than one article titled exactly that.

I actually like it a lot now that I've got the gist of it. I can take a quick photo of something silly and can either send it directly to somebody, where it will last for no more than 10 seconds and then is pretty much gone, or I can put it up for a day before it's gone.  It's like Instagram without the permanent record.

And if you are interested in this sort of thing, there are also plenty of funny/celebrity type things to follow.

Edited by JTMacc99
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25 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

I actually like it a lot now that I've got the gist of it. I can take a quick photo of something silly and can either send it directly to somebody, where it will last for no more than 10 seconds and then is pretty much gone, or I can put it up for a day before it's gone.  It's like Instagram without the permanent record.

Just a reminder to everyone that since taking screen shots exist, even Snapchats can be permanent. Anything you send to someone can be saved by them and used in the future. It's unlikely an issue for our group here, but kids these days...you just never know. So, be safe, be smart, and never post something you wouldn't want to see in an interview!

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I did know that. But as you figured, it shouldn't be a problem for me.  Also, I think I read that Snapchat has a way of letting you know if somebody screen shots your picture. Not that knowing it happened can make it not happen, but at least you know who did it.

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I've been saving links to recipes, or gardening ideas, all kinds of stuff.   But then I can't find what I'm looking for when I want it.  I think Pinterest might be a good option for me.  I'm temporarily not working, so this might be a good time to investigate.  I'm just not crazy about OTHER people looking up my ideas.

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I  post a lot on Instagram, but I don't read or follow it at all.  I post my husband's artwork to help publicize his business and drive people to our Etsy site.   I do like it when I see things have been reposted or liked, but I just don't have the mental energy to read much of anything on Instagram.  I do spend too much time on Facebook, but most of the stuff I read is articles on Slate, Salon, Buzzfeed, etc.  I wind up getting trapped into reading various articles that lead to other articles, and then all of a sudden realize that two hours have passed, and I haven't actually enjoyed most of the stuff I've read, so lately I've been forcing myself to close the computer and pick up a book.

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1 hour ago, backformore said:

I've been saving links to recipes, or gardening ideas, all kinds of stuff.   But then I can't find what I'm looking for when I want it.  I think Pinterest might be a good option for me.  I'm temporarily not working, so this might be a good time to investigate.  I'm just not crazy about OTHER people looking up my ideas.

You can make your boards private so only you and anyone you invite can see them.

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You can make your boards private so only you and anyone you invite can see them.

See, I hate the idea of anybody being in my business.  

Except, of course, that I love when people read what I post on PTV and "give me reputation."

But none of you know who I really am.

I could be Michelle Obama for all you know.

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20 hours ago, auntlada said:

I have that problem with Pinterest, which I joined to keep track of recipes and children's birthday party ideas (homemade ones). Now I have 20-some boards.

I don't have Instagram, I joined Facebook a few years ago because my daughter and her friends kept begging me to join.  I rarely went on and deactivated my account a few months ago.  Now they're all begging me to join Instagram but I just don't really "do" social media.  From what I've seen it just created a lot of drama. I hate drama. 

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Instagram seems to be relatively low drama. But then, I'm not looking at stuff that's drama-inducing, so I guess I don't really know. I stay far, far away from celebrity profiles, for example. My tattoo artist is moving, so I've started following some other local shops and artists to see who I should go to next. There's incredible artistry of all forms out there, and it's pretty fantastic that unknown artists now have this platform to reach the world. Overexposed people can go fly a kite, though. I really loathe that celebrities get paid to wear something or say they like a lipstick on Instagram.

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These forums are so jacked up right now. I'm trying to be patient, but I just have to say that I went back just now and read a page full of posts that weren't there a few hours ago when I posted in response to @Maharincess. (And now I see the fun tagging isn't working, after it was for two days. Sigh.)

I don't "get" Snapchat at all, but I'm 41.

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I'm getting notifications about new posts in most of the threads I've subscribed to except the busiest one and that's one of my main peeves for today. The notifications for that particular thread seemed to have stopped overnight literally. 

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What bilgistic said plus the fact that it takes 10 minutes to scroll the homepage on my phone so that when I finally get to where I want to go, I have lost the desire to read anything. I just close the tab and move on. 

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I'm now using an ad-blocking browser for Android, and my life has improved immeasurably. PM me for details. Yeah, PTV isn't getting ad revenue, but I wasn't clicking on those ads anyway.

I assume I'll be able to find where I have a message if I get one, that is. Oh, life.

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I'm just a poor lost soul with this newly revised format, trying to figure it all out, find my way around.  How do you get rid of notifications once you've seen them?

Per Dave, there's no delete option anymore, but they'll go away after a month.

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I just read this upcoming episode description for Gotham, which I'll spoiler tag for anyone who watches but doesn't want to be spoiled.  The use of the apostrophes in it make my teeth itch.



Hugo Strange welcome's a familiar face to Gotham after he resurrect's Fish Mooney in Indian Hill. Meanwhile, Bruce discover's a friend is in danger and team's up with Gordon, Alfred and Lucius while uncovering more of his experiment's.

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OH MY GOD to that ^! Oh my goodness, I just can't even...!

I get super-cringey in the Real Housewives of NJ threads for many reasons, but one is the frequency of abbreviating Joe Giudice's name to "Joe Gui." Another is the constant bad apostrophes in "the Gorga's" and the (misspelled) "Guidice's."

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Improper use of apostrophes annoys me far more than it should, and it baffles me a bit.  I don't think the rules are that complicated, especially when it comes to possessive vs. plural, yet I see a lot of written work that is otherwise correct littered with inappropriate apostrophes.

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My job is copy editing so I have probably become somewhat desensitized to a lot of it; I notice but I've become hyperaware of how all too common some infractions are (and I can almost always tell the difference between a typo and a misuse). The thing with apostrophes that bugs me the most is that so many people aren't even consistent in their errors with them. I'll see something like, "Our neighbors have 57 cat's, 42 dog's, 11 cars, and 19 garden hoses."

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10 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I get super-cringey in the Real Housewives of NJ threads for many reasons, but one is the frequency of abbreviating Joe Giudice's name to "Joe Gui." Another is the constant bad apostrophes in "the Gorga's" and the (misspelled) "Guidice's."

The constant misspelling of character names in forums is befuddling. I mean, others posters have spelled the names correctly 100 times previously. Sometimes the name is even the title of the topic. But people resolutely stick to their own creative versions.

Or, you know: Look it up if you're not sure!

But then, I always watch scripted shows with closed-captions on, so maybe I'm more used to seeing characters' names written out than others are.

Edited by lordonia
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20 hours ago, Bastet said:

Improper use of apostrophes annoys me far more than it should, and it baffles me a bit.  I don't think the rules are that complicated, especially when it comes to possessive vs. plural, yet I see a lot of written work that is otherwise correct littered with inappropriate apostrophes.

Were we separated at birth? Here are some. "The dancer'S on the show were really good." "How many family'S  (or familie'S) have to join?"  "How many time'S do I have to read this?" "There were two brother'S in the finale"  Then the kicker is -  when an apostrophe is needed, there isn't one.

Just pull the trigger :-)

Edited by ari333
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Here's a movie pet peeve:  I'm re-watching a science fiction movie (I won't say the name, in case there's a few people who haven't seen it even though it's several years old), and there's a scene where an alien spaceship crashes.  It lands on its thin edge and begins to roll while two characters try to get out of its way.  Why oh why do they insist on running in a straight line in front of the massive 'wall' that is bearing down on them, ready to crush them with its thousands upon thousands of tons of weight?  I always yell at the screen 'run to the left! Run to the right!  Stupid!'  (I don't know why I re-watch this movie, when this particular scene always makes me cringe when one of the characters falls and is crushed by the ship.)  I've seen this is so many movies.  People always seem to run right in front of the danger instead of zigzagging, getting off the road and into the forest, or just moving at a right angle to the danger.  I know that it would shorten the story, but it makes the characters look like idiots to me.

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OK, here's another 'to each their own but. ..' peeve. I don't get why anyone would want to deliberately want to pierce any part of their mouth or nose. Speaking strictly for myself, I need those two parts to talk, eat and breathe with so no sale for me.

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I've had my nose (left outer nostril) pierced a couple times. Surprisingly, I didn't really feel it once it was in there. It doesn't get in the way of wiping one's nose or breathing, any more than nose hair or the other parts of a nose do. I do have scar tissue inside my nose from the piercing because the first time, it wasn't pierced correctly (I was young and dumb and didn't go to a reputable place). (I went to the best piercing studio the second time, and continue to go to them for my ear adornments.) I also have what I guess is a deviated septum either from birth or from having my nose broken, and I snore and am a mouth breather. I'd love to have my nose pierced again, but it's hard to keep clean when you have a face as oily as mine, and it takes a really long time to heal. Plus, I have a corporate job, and I already have a lot of earrings.

I'm not a fan of lip or tongue piercings, but I don't care what people do to themselves unless they are my family members.

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2 hours ago, Blergh said:

OK, here's another 'to each their own but. ..' peeve. I don't get why anyone would want to deliberately want to pierce any part of their mouth or nose. Speaking strictly for myself, I need those two parts to talk, eat and breathe with so no sale for me.

Yeah, I have the same reaction -  I had to have surgery a long time ago for a deviated septum, and I was very aware of stitches.  I have allergies, and cannot imagine messing with my nose by putting anything decorative in it or on it.   As to tongue and lip piercings - yeah to each their own, but I've heard too many horror stories about infections. 

I guess that's the big thing, to me -  there are too many germs in the mouth and nose for me to be comfortable with piercing.  It's a good thing I'm too old for that. 

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I swear, if I see the word YUUUUGE one more time....  I really wish we could institute a rule for cutesy words.  No more "yuge", no more "errybody" -- I don't know if the people who use them are trying to seem young or what, but they just sound immature to me.

Which, I suppose, is amusing because I've had a pierced nose for about 15 years.  Just a small stud, no hoops or bars through my septum or anything like that.  I pierced my upper lip twice, but both times had to take it out because the post kept catching in-between my teeth when I tried to eat.  

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I haven't seen it, so I don't know, but I would guess that "yuuuge" is because of Trump (possibly people making fun of him -- again, I haven't seen it, so I don't know). We used to say that occasionally back when we watched The Apprentice.

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23 hours ago, BooksRule said:

Here's a movie pet peeve:  I'm re-watching a science fiction movie (I won't say the name, in case there's a few people who haven't seen it even though it's several years old), and there's a scene where an alien spaceship crashes.  It lands on its thin edge and begins to roll while two characters try to get out of its way.  Why oh why do they insist on running in a straight line in front of the massive 'wall' that is bearing down on them, ready to crush them with its thousands upon thousands of tons of weight?  I always yell at the screen 'run to the left! Run to the right!  Stupid!'  (I don't know why I re-watch this movie, when this particular scene always makes me cringe when one of the characters falls and is crushed by the ship.)  I've seen this is so many movies.  People always seem to run right in front of the danger instead of zigzagging, getting off the road and into the forest, or just moving at a right angle to the danger.  I know that it would shorten the story, but it makes the characters look like idiots to me.

I'm quite fond of that movie but agree that the scene you described always makes me cringe. I've seen its counterpart in countless movies or tv episodes where someone is being chased by a car and instead of getting off the road into an alley or behind something that would block the car, the person continues to run in front of the car and is of course eventually run down. I'd guess that using that kind of scene is meant to get the audience swept up in wondering if the intended victim will manage to escape, but my reaction is like yours; those scenes just make the characters appear stupid. To me it's just lazy writing. In the same way, I have a hard time feeling sympathetic for people in disaster flicks who hear that alien spaceships are hovering over many of the world's major cities without making any attempt to communicate with those cities, an asteroid is hurtling toward the earth with little chance to stop it, etc., and then wait until the last possible minute to try to escape from danger only to find that the highways are completely jammed and they can't get out in time. It would be different if these people didn't have the means to leave or the disaster occurred with little to no warning.

Another peeve: the sensationalizing of events when a celebrity dies. I realize that yes, apparently Prince was seeking help for problems with painkillers. However, that does not excuse the headlines screaming "prescription drugs found in Prince's home" as if the fact that someone has a prescription drug at home is somehow unusual or wrong. I have no idea what percentage of households in this country have at least one prescription drug (for birth control, hypertension, diabetes, etc.) around on a regular basis, but I'd guess that a majority of them do.

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Today's pet peeve - I went to Whole Foods to get some chicken to cook for dinner.   Whole Foods is an  expensive store, it's not my regular grocery store, but I do stop in sometimes for meat or produce, or for a treat.
The bulk food aisle had some chocolates in bins, I wanted a few.  The bins are stacked, from the floor to about 5 bins high.   I see a dad shopping, and his daughter is sitting on the floor, eating out of the bin of chocolate peanut butter cups, the lowest bin.     That's what I wanted!   and now that some grubby-fingered preschooler has put her hands in the bin, I don't want any.   So I said to the dad "hey, she shouldn't be eating out of the bin!"  (there's a sign right there, saying don't put your hands in, use the scoop!  next to the sign saying ASK if you want a sample)   So he says sorry, then grabs a bag and scoops some of the candy into the bag and HANDS it to the kid, sticks her in the cart.    Let me get this straight.   This is a high-priced store, the candy is $12.99 /pound.   I have to pay for mine, but he hands it to his kid, and she proceeds to eat it for FREE! 

This store has samples.  And the employees will let you sample bulk foods if you want. You can ask for samples at the deli, too.   But SAMPLING means try one and see if you like it, not treat the store like an all-you-can-eat buffet.  This kid couldn't have been more than 3 years old.  And she's sitting in the cart with about $5 worth of chocolate peanut butter cups, that she'll eat before dad gets to the checkout, so they're FREE,  while I'm debating whether or not to splurge on candy, and can't even get the kind I want because she stuck her hands in it. 

Sometimes I hate people.

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