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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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Speaking of apologies, this morning at the grocery store, a woman ran her cart into the back of my ankles. "Oops, sorry", she giggled. I know I'm supposed to say "Oh, that's okay," but you know what? It's not okay. If she had asked beforehand "Is it okay if I injure you?" I would have said "no." Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, and all that. Why do you get to cause me pain because you had your head up your ass (or in your phone) and weren't paying attention to your surroundings, and I'm supposed to be okay with that?

So I'm stuck with a large scrape on the back of each foot, and hobbled through my shopping.

For the record, I told her it wasn't okay, and she should watch where in the hell she's going.

She could at least not giggle and could pretend to be really sorry even if she isn't. That is one of my pet peeves: people who are just keeping it real (both the phrase and the behavior). It seems to be an excuse to be a big jerk. Being polite doesn't necessarily mean you have to be false. Sometimes it just means shutting up. Sometimes it does mean saying a conventional nice phrase even if you don't mean it. It won't kill you (this would be the editorial you).

My biggest peeve right now is rain. We've had enough now. Two months ago, I would not have said that, but the drought is over (in under a month) and everything is under water now. And it is still raining.

Edited by auntlada
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Here in California, we sure wish there was a way for you to send that rain to us.


That is one of my pet peeves: people who are just keeping it real (both the phrase and the behavior). It seems to be an excuse to be a big jerk.


I completely agree.  "Keeping it real" and "I just tell it like it is."  These concepts sound decent enough, but in practice it seems to me exactly what you describe - an excuse for ignoring common decency.

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I wish there were, too. In March, almost 100 percent of the state was in some level of drought. At the beginning of May, it was 70 percent. Now more thanhalf the state is out of drought completely (as of last Thursday -- we have had a lot more rain since, though) and nowhere has the most extreme level. Now we are flooding, and idiots are driving into it. A firefighter drowned this weekend trying to rescue someone who got trapped in a car.

A lake that was at 9 percent in February is at almost 60 percent now, so that is good. A lot of cities and towns weren't sure what they were going to do about water. They still aren't, I think, but in a different way.

Edited by auntlada
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Here in California, we sure wish there was a way for you to send that rain to us.

Hell yeah, my flowers are dying because I can't water them like I used to.

Peeve for today: People who when asked a question say absolutely instead of yes.

"Would you like a cup of coffee"


"Nice day isn't it"


Edited by Maharincess
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Would they put a bunch of green veggies in the cart of an obese person and tell them they're too fat?


I once had a coworker tell me I was too white.  I pointed to another (African American) coworker and asked if he would tell him he's too black.  Shut him up right quick.


As for rude questioners, ask them why they want to know.

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I feel like ever since I revealed my pet peeves about spelling, grammar and punctuation, I'm seeing more and more of them. Today it was "want's and get's." and English is NOT their second language. It's like they think an apostrophe goes before every word that ends with s.


This probably should go in the commercials thread, but I don't feel like reading all the pages.


So, here it goes:


I really, really resent the DirectTV ads and Verizon FIOs ads, that assume that EVERYONE is able to get their services if they wanted to. FIRST. if you live in an aparment (as I do), in order for me to get the first (which I would LOVE to get, because of pricing!) my apartment would have to face in a southerly? direction.  Which it does not. And I am not permitted to attach it to my building and maneuver the dish so it would face the right direction for me to get the reception/service.  


Same for FIOs.  You need the optic fiber thingamajigs, and my complex wouldn't do it, so no, I can't get it, you dumbasses.


So I wish all of them, the cable companies, Verizin, Dish, and DirectTV would just STOP IT already with the "we have a better product than they do" mantra. 

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Another traffic pet peeve of mine is not just being cut off but when someone pulls out right in front of me even though I have no one behind me for as far as the eye can see.  And I don't just mean 10 car spaces behind me vs the 2 in front of me.  I mean no one.   You couldn't wait the extra 2 seconds for me to pass?


I agree.  This happens all the time to me.  I can understand someone pulling out in front of me if it's very heavy traffic and they've been waiting a long time to try to get onto the road then finally get frustrated and just pull out.   But I can't understand whey they pull out in front of me when all they'd have to do is wait 2 seconds and they could pull out easily.     And often when someone pulls out like that, they drive super slowly, and then turn off the road one block later.   


Another traffic pet peeve is when someone take forever to make a left turn across a lane of traffic into a store.  I'll be behind them, trying to turn into the same store, but they go so slowly that the break in traffic gets filled, and I have to wait for another break in traffic to make my turn.  I always try to make a turn like that fairly quickly so I don't block traffic behind me, and so someone else has a chance to make their turn too.  

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just STOP IT already with the "we have a better product than they do" mantra.


Well, I have the same circumstance with Pizza Hut and Red Lobster ads but something tells me I'm not really missing anything.


(A coworker has had both cable and FIOS and she didn't find any big difference between the two.)

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(A coworker has had both cable and FIOS and she didn't find any big difference between the two.)



I had FIOS at the last place I lived at, and the only difference is, that when you record a series, FIOS puts them all in one folder, and you have the ability to have them play it one after another (kind of like if you're watching a dvd), instead of having to hit delete, then go back and play the next episode as you would on cable. But, other than that, there is no difference.

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Today my pet peeve is Myself. 

I spent all day thinking about where I could have possibly misplaced the gold ring I couldn't find when I was getting dressed this morning.  I came home and thoroughly searched all those places, and more.  It's not there.   The only other place it can be is in the garbage. Which went out this morning.  

Stupid, careless Me.

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I feel like ever since I revealed my pet peeves about spelling, grammar and punctuation, I'm seeing more and more of them. Today it was "want's and get's." and English is NOT their second language. It's like they think an apostrophe goes before every word that ends with s.

My brother does this. He even puts an apostrophe in the word always. Seeing a man his age write alway's drives me crazy.

Another grammar peeve of mine is people who think alot is a word.

Which leads me to one of my biggest pet peeves ever INITIALS.. What are FIOS?

Edited by Maharincess
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Another grammar peeve of mine is people who think alot is a word.


"Allot" (when they mean a lot, not allot) bugs me even more for some reason.


It's like they think an apostrophe goes before every word that ends with s.


Improper use of apostrophes can annoy me to the point of distraction (and I got a good chuckle out of "An apostrophe does not mean an S is coming" posted above).  The double error in something like the 80's (instead of the '80s) is a prime example. 

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I don't think I get skinny jeans. I mean, I see them and recognize them when I do (mostly when I see photos of men wearing them), but I'm not sure I'd recognize them in the store unless they were labeled "skinny jeans," which they may be. I don't buy jeans much, and the last time I did, the only ones I found that I liked and that fit were a pair of plain Wranglers. But when I see what is (are?) labeled as skinny jeans, I wonder if they are the same thing we wore in the '80s (I so wanted to do that wrong, Bastet, even though I know what's right, and the wrong way drives me crazy), except we just called them jeans back then. I wore them and think I looked good, but I was smaller and in a lot better shape then. Now, I think my hips and butt would look huge and not in a good way.

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I once had a coworker tell me I was too white.  I pointed to another (African American) coworker and asked if he would tell him he's too black.  Shut him up right quick.


Yep, summer is coming, and some of us pale people are asked why we don't get tan.  I don't "lay out"  in the sun to make my skin a darker shade of beige. (Won't work anyway, it will just get pink). I cover up, I wear sunscreen, I avoid beaches.   I don't want skin cancer, I have all the risk factors for melanoma, I've experienced a family member dying from it.   

leave me alone about my pasty skin!

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For the record, I told her it wasn't okay, and she should watch where in the hell she's going.

@Quof:  Oh, you go girl!  On behalf of all of us, in the whole wide world, who've wished we'd said something like this at one time or another but didn't have the nerve...I thank you.

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Yep, summer is coming, and some of us pale people are asked why we don't get tan.  I don't "lay out"  in the sun to make my skin a darker shade of beige. (Won't work anyway, it will just get pink). I cover up, I wear sunscreen, I avoid beaches.   I don't want skin cancer, I have all the risk factors for melanoma, I've experienced a family member dying from it.   

leave me alone about my pasty skin!

Why the need for a tan?  I am pale and have dark brown eyes but they are sensitive, if I don't have sunglasses on and go into sunlight I sneeze sometimes.  Sun damage really ages a person.  Not so crazy about tanning beds or spray on tans.


At least people don't come up and compare their arms with mine like they did when I was younger.

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I'm Norwegian and am as pale as Casper and am always told that I "need some color". I don't lay out in the sun, I refuse to use those skin cancer tombs known as the tanning bed and the spray tans look ridiculous.

I use sunscreen when I go out. Why do people think they need to tan? It's not worth it to me.

Edited by Maharincess
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I like to get a little sun (vit D) but wear facial sunscreen daily and all over sunblock when I'm outside for over an hour. I also have keratosis pilaris skin colored bumps on my inner legs and no cream makes it go away as well as getting a little sun. Sun hats that block sun from my face and chest are a must for me at the pool.

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I don't think I get skinny jeans. I mean, I see them and recognize them when I do (mostly when I see photos of men wearing them), but I'm not sure I'd recognize them in the store unless they were labeled "skinny jeans," which they may be. I don't buy jeans much, and the last time I did, the only ones I found that I liked and that fit were a pair of plain Wranglers. But when I see what is (are?) labeled as skinny jeans, I wonder if they are the same thing we wore in the '80s (I so wanted to do that wrong, Bastet, even though I know what's right, and the wrong way drives me crazy), except we just called them jeans back then. I wore them and think I looked good, but I was smaller and in a lot better shape then. Now, I think my hips and butt would look huge and not in a good way.

Skinny jeans are a pox upon the world. It's my feeling that they shouldn't be worn by anyone other than thin teenage girls, preferably with long, billowy shirts on top. And for the love of all that is good and sane, men should NEVER wear skinny jeans.

I think we are FINALLY, slowly moving out of the skinny jeans/pants fad. There was a while there when it seemed that all pants being made were supposed to look sprayed on, as my mother would say. That was fine in the 1980s when I was a little thing and pantwaists were high (and my waist wasn't muffintopping over), but 25+ years and grumblegrumble pounds later, tight jeans are not cute. I need to breathe!

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Yep, summer is coming, and some of us pale people are asked why we don't get tan.  I don't "lay out"  in the sun to make my skin a darker shade of beige. (Won't work anyway, it will just get pink). I cover up, I wear sunscreen, I avoid beaches.   I don't want skin cancer, I have all the risk factors for melanoma, I've experienced a family member dying from it.   

leave me alone about my pasty skin!


My summer job used to be beach security, where I spent at least 8 hours a day at the beach.  I worked at one with residents, and one guy - a doctor, so go figure - would always ask me why I wasn't tan.  I'm a strawberry blonde, so I get lots of freckles and never a tan, and I'd always answer "This is as good as it gets."  But it bothered me why a (semi-noted, it turns out) physician was subtly promoting skin cancer, premature aging, etc.  

Edited by harrie
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I hated the low rise trend. Trying to buy a normal pair of jeans that didn't make your butt crack show was impossible back then. The zippers just kept getting smaller and smaller.

I don't like the skinny jeans either, especially on guys.

I'm definitely a jeans and t-shirt person, I have jeans that I've had for years and years and I still wear them. They are probably horribly out of style but they fit, look good and are comfortable, that's all I care about. I'm average height and very thin with a long torso, it's hard to find jeans that for me well.

My closet has a section for wedding/funeral clothes. I have dresses and heels but most of my closet is full of jeans.

Edited by Maharincess
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So I was just reminded of a pet-peeve that I'd forgotten I had, and I feel guilty even dwelling on it since this was courtesy of a mutual friend's wife who was kind enough to host my husband and me at their lakeside cabin this past weekend...

But I just CANNOT with loud chewers, and this friend's wife seemed literally unable to close her mouth and chew food at the same time the entire weekend!!!

It sounded like a cow walking in thick mud, the way she'd be chewing her food, maw WIDE open as she loudly savored and smacked every last loud bite right in my ear.

I had to keep myself from side-eye'ing her all weekend with her loud, gross chewing---and at my drunkest, it was all I could do to not turn around and ask her, "So did you eat like that at your wedding reception?!"

Maybe I was just skeeved out by this gal in general because she also had a habit of picking at her fingernails and her feet right in front of us, but the loud chewing was her biggest overall offense in my book.

People, I beg you all, on behalf of those of us who have too much courtesy to tell you this to your face if you admittedly smack attack your dinners with carefree abandon around others: PLEASE close your mouth when you chew!!!

Edited by Sun-Bun
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Hi Sun-Bun!

That is gross, especially having to be around it for multiple meals! I don't think I've ever had to endure that.

I will say that I don't like it when someone goes on and on about how good their food is while they're eating it. It's great they're enjoying it, but I don't want to have to reassure myself that they're not about to ...well, I won't be vulgar.

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That's disgusting. I don't want to see pictures of your food before you eat it and I sure as hell don't want to see it while you're eating it.

Speaking of her table manners, my mom used to blow her nose while sitting at a restaurant table. Even as a little kid I'd he embarrassed and beg her to go into the bathroom.

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My summer job used to be beach security, where I spent at least 8 hours a day at the beach.  I worked at one with residents, and one guy - a doctor, so go figure - would always ask me why I wasn't tan.  I'm a strawberry blonde, so I get lots of freckles and never a tan, and I'd always answer "This is as good as it gets."  But it bothered me why a (semi-noted, it turns out) physician was subtly promoting skin cancer, premature aging, etc.  


I'm pasty and proud of it. Every spring and summer, I wear sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) and a sun hat between 9 a.m. (yup, I'm so pale, I have to use sunscreen that early) and 3 p.m. Yeah, I'm not outdoors all that much, and I probably look a little nutty, but I don't care. I'm of Irish-British ancestry, and, believe you me, the sun is NOT my friend. I once got a sunburn on my chest at 6 in the evening, which actually isn't that unusual, but still...


 I have gotten grief in the past; I once had a lady say to me, "You need to get a tan! You're too pale!" When I related this anecdote, someone snarked, "Too pale for what?!" My mom also gets on my case, saying that I'm losing out on vitamin D (not true), but I still remain vigilant. Even if I wanted to tan, I would either get burned, or just get a butt-ugly farmer's tan. 


And don't get me started on spray-tans or tanning beds. Why on earth would anyone voluntarily pay to look like an Oompah-Loompah or be roasted alive in a dirty tanning bed (or, as I like to call 'em, "cancer ovens")?

Edited by Wiendish Fitch
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I used to be a tan-o-rexic.  I grew up in South Florida and was outside all the time anyway, but loved the beach (and laying out there) more than anything.  There was a deep psychological effect from tanning and some serious withdrawal once I stopped (about 25).  In college, I studied while laying out in sunny fields and was known to invade the football stadium in winter months for tanning purposes (sunlight gets reflected around the stadium and intensifies the effect)


I can only thank genetics that I don't look weathered or like a raisin, because given my collective hours of sun exposure I should.


I don't get the appeal of tanning beds or spray tans.  While the look of a tan was important, the act of laying out was the bigger boost.


I don't recall every saying "get a tan" to anyone though.  But I was very skinny so people telling me to "put on some weight" or "eat a sandwich" was common and made me extremely self conscious about what I said to other people.

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Back in the day, as a teenager and young adult, I was always trying to get a tan (being of Swedish heritage it wasn't easy).  I can still hear my mother calling me to come up from the dock, get out of the sun (and warning me about skin cancer and leathery skin).  Totally ignored her.  I stopped tanning later on and 3 years ago had a light tan mark on my face diagnosed as stage one melanoma (I'd tried to get rid of it with laser, chemical peels but nothing worked).  So now I have a charming scar on my face and wear a visor whenever out and about on sunny days.  I continue to see people with similar light tan marks on their faces but I don't say anything (who knows...might be just sun damage).  It annoys me that every article about skin cancer refers to keeping an eye on moles.  I've never had a mole...but I did have melanoma.

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Which leads me to one of my biggest pet peeves ever INITIALS.. What are FIOS?

FiOS is Verizon's brand name for their Fiber Optic Service.


The only way a phone company could provide a similar TV. Phone and Internet service product as a cable company is to run its fiber optic plant all the way into customers' homes.  (And yes, I am attempting to write as many words as possible that demonstrate that I think I know when and where to use apostrophes.)


And running fiber to homes is VERY expensive, which is why Verizon only did it in areas where there were a lot of people living relatively close together and were of the type who were likely to buy lots of expensive products and pay every month in a relatively timely manner.  Typical cable companies have an HFC plant, (Hybrid Fiber and Coaxial cable, and yes, I also did that on purpose), which means that they carry the long runs of data on Fiber, but then it converts down into the big fat coaxial (copper) cable that was already run into everybody's home when they first built everything.  The typical phone wires are simply too small to carry all of the TV and Internet, which is why Verizon had to take its fiber and run it all the way into homes to compete.


The cable guys are currently in the process of squishing down all of the data taken up by TV to be ready to have more capacity for internet traffic.  By the end of next year, DOCIS 3.1 will start showing up here and there. It has the potential to eventually provide 10 Gig service, but in the short term will probably make 300MB to 500MB service relatively common and 1GB - 3GB readily available. I'm not sure what the fiber to the home will do, but it is probably something similar. Verizon didn't put all that money into a service that was going to be outdated any time soon.


And to stray somewhat back on topic, it really annoys me when a contractor or other technician lies to me for no particular reason other than to avoid work. For example, I had the cable guy out at my home to help figure out why the signal in a couple of the bedrooms had become very weak.  I mentioned that I thought it might be the drop coming off the pole and into my house. (It was 20 years old, and it was definitely drooping a lot lower than it had been when I moved in.) He looked right at me and said, "No, that's the phone line."


As you can probably figure out, I happen to know a little bit about this stuff, and had one of two ways to go with that guy. I chose walk away, hope that it wasn't the drop and that he'd find and fix the problem. I decided that was easier than calling him out on his BS, given that I still wanted him to fix my problem without becoming even more of a dick after I told him off for lying to me.  As it turned out, he put an amplifier in my garage to boost the signal, which did work...


Until they came back two months later, replaced my drop because it was leaking and screwing up the entire neighborhood, and disconnected the amplifier because I didn't need it.

Edited by JTMacc99
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(And yes, I am attempting to write as many words as possible that demonstrate that I think I know when and where to use apostrophes.)




Typical cable companies have an HFC plant, (Hybrid Fiber and Coaxial cable, and yes, I also did that on purpose),


Okay, now name what type of abbreviation that is and you'll get the PTV Pet Peeves Gold Star.

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There is no comma needed before the "and" in that sentence because it is not joining two independent clauses (there is only one subject).

Edited by Bastet
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I love Greg Gutfeld's banned phrase list. He give's a banned phrase on the show The Five and it is on his blog. He has some really great blogs, that cover a wide variety of things. His Daily Gut blog, not the banned phrase blog. I wish the banned phrase one would give his reasons, which he does on the show, because he is hilarious.


edit because I can't take grammar mistakes when I find them after a like.

I'll check this out. From one right wing, smart arse curmudgeon to another (Greg) he cracks me up. He's kinda cute too.

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Hmm. Did she have a problem? I mean to say, she either seems a little senile or as someone who doesn't get out much!

This isn't a pet peeve. Just want to say how much I love meeting people who have a big, glowing smile and seem genuine. Ah, I do love a great big smile. Too bad we can't smile on here ...not a real smile :)

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I have been mellow lately about peeves but I had an episode this week that really peeved me. I guess my description would be stupid idiots. How can some people just be so idiotic? I pull in to get in line at the atm in our small town. Two cars in front of me. First car, door is open, two feet sticking out and a crutch. I wait a few. The woman looks back. Second car people put the car in gear. Three cars have pulled in behind me. First car lady gets out, shuffles to second car waving paper. She says I will pull up a little. Then second car has just enough room to make their transaction but can't get out. First car lady gets out and is walking towards teller but she is busy. I say to first car lady You need to pull up some more so people can get around. She says I didn't get my money! I'm not going to leave without my money! I almost went beserk. I said with a lot (for me) of huff in my voice I have an appointment! [a lie] You need to move your car NOW and go in to talk with someone. Finally the teller spoke through the speaker and said come in. The woman still was rambling on I'm not leaving without my money, it says no money. 


In a previous life, before baby #2 was born, I quit my job as branch manager of a bank. I could go on all day about banking pet peeves! The biggest of which can be summed up in two words: funds availability!
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I have a new pet peeve: shirts that don't have long enough tails to stay tucked in. Why do they make women's shirts so short? I don't mean just petite sizes, which are always too short on me. I mean regular sizes of shirts that are meant to be tucked in. The tails are too short, which means every time I get up, I have to tuck it back in.

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I completely relate. I'm "short-waisted", and somehow I'll occasionally get a shirt that is too short, which looks horrible on me. The test of a good shirt for me is if it covers my hips. I wear only knits anymore, not dress shirts, because I can't stand to be anything more than casual. When I have worn dress shirts, the sides where the fabric is scalloped up always show skin. Whyyyy??

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That horn sound frightens and startles my cat when it comes on the tv.


My late kitty Baxter's pet peeve was commercials or other programming that featured whistling.  He hated whistling so much he'd leave the room if I didn't change the channel fast enough. 

Edited by Bastet
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My two cats awaken from sleep when they hear a doorbell sound on TV. I rarely have visitors, so I guess my skittish boy cat thinks someone scary, i.e., anyone but me, is arriving. My girl cat is getting so deaf in her late teen years that she soon won't hear anything. :(

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1. This thread has talked about parents who talk/post incessantly about their children before. My stance has always been that as long as they aren't sanctimonious or TMI about it, it doesn't bother me. And I've always considered myself fortunate in that all of my parent-friends have never been either. Until now, apparently... why oh why does my friend think it's a good idea to post about her son's "poo-calypse"?? That's disgusting. No one outside of your immediate family needs to know about that, Friend! I suppose I should be grateful that she didn't post any relevant pictures to go along with it... 


2. One day my parents are on my case about how fat they think I am. The next day at dinner they're urging me to eat more and more and when I decline, go on about how little I eat. (Which is NOT true, by the way... I don't want people to think I'm starving myself thanks to my parents. I eat a regular amount of food, it's just that I don't gobble endlessly huge portion sizes until my stomach hurts and apparently my parents think that's off. And it's more than a little annoying considering how they say practically in the next breath that they think I'm too fat.)

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I love this thread!


I hate it when people want to do a high five for the most trivia accomplishments.  If I see someone coming at me with an extended palm, I regard it as an act of aggression.  I'm not kidding! Perhaps this is a result of being smacked open handed by my mother.


To me, the word "selfie" is too fucking cute for its own good.  Honestly, is making a fish mouth in a photo attractive?  Only to a rainbow trout.  Spare me from folks who want to share their photos of tonight's meatloaf and green beans.  We get it, you eat!  On the same vein, I don't give a shit about your new perm or hair color.


The expression “pay it forward” irks me because it sounds more like retribution than an act of charity.  Political ads featuring a spouse and  kids only proves that the candidate has working genitalia.  “Nothing but net” chaps my butt along with “weather event.”  Call it what it is:  raining or snowing.  Young women cultivating “vocal fry” in their speech only leaves the listener with the impression that they're ignorant and lazy. 


This is only the tip of the iceberg of my pet peeves.  Undoubtedly, there will be more to come later...

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