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"The View": Week of 01/05/15


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I actually have always loved Kirstie Alley, and find comments about her weight--particularly the past few years when she was on Dancing with the Stars--really disgusting. She was around 60+ when she was on DwtS--I mean, poking fun of a 60 year-old woman's weight is paler than pale for me. That would be like calling your own grandmother a fat pig, for instance. I don't like comments on weight period, but it's especially off-putting to me when directed at pregnant women and older people. I get what she meant about how in some way the comments are fair when you come into the business looking one way and ending another, but I've found the only time it affects my perception of the person is when they're a comic for some reason. Anyway, I only started to dislike her after what happened to Leah Remini a year or so ago.


If Barbara's on tomorrow, I'm hoping she's the moderator. I know she annoys some people, but in the mod role she's never bothered me. As a regular co-host, she was unbearable, but she worked moderately well as a mod. Besides, that would be one less guest. To me, this is why they should always have a 5-person panel because if one's absent they don't have to automatically find an available guest.

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I seriously doubt Babs will moderate.  It's not set up for her anymore. And Rosie will be graceful with her. It's already taped anyway so editing should figure in heavily.

That's a good point Fisher.  I doubt we will be seeing Babs on live TV again anytime.  Well, hopefully anyway. 


I just wish Babs would realize that The Year of Barbara by Barbara Walters is OVER already.  


Still haven't seen today's show but only because of time not interest.  I'm enjoying the Whoopi-free shows while I can.   The little I caught of Wednesday's show was okay except for Michelle, you know, Williams, you know, who just would not, you know, stop talking about, you know, things she knows very little about and of course said, "you know" after every third word.    I had no idea she didn't disappear with Destiny's Child, which shows how much I pay attention to music.   Also, Jerry Springer.  Like Cementhead,  I was shocked to learn his show is still on the air. What's next?  Am I going to find out that shoulder pads are back in style?  Oh wait....

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Kirstie Alley's memoir was rather refreshing and was a catalyst for my mother wanting to lose weight, so I can't ever hate on her. (There's a chapter in which she talks about staying in bed for two weeks out of depression and she lost seven pounds that way). Plus, she was a good enough sport to have Kathy Griffin on her sitcom and make fun of her.


Laverne Cox is really a natural in this medium. Like Rosie, she's good at speaking extemporaneously about serious issues, and she has a sense of humor about herself. She'd be a fine addition.

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01/09/15 TV-14 (from ABC.com)
Barbara Walters and Cristela Alonzo (ABC’s “Cristela”) guest co-host; Patrick Stewart (“Match”); Chelsea Peretti (“Brooklyn Nine-Nine”); Rosie O’Donnell’s guide to crafting.


Did anyone else get dizzy with the video screen rapidly moving behind them during one of the interviews yesterday. Can't even remember which one it was, as the background was driving me nuts.

  • Love 4

Aw that's sweet.


Yes, that is sad about Cha Cha.


I actually don't have a problem with the preemption, this terror plot in France is a big deal.  It's like our 9/11 to them.  What's weird is growing up - there was terror all over the western world, hijackings and bombings and such.  It actually seems as though we're led to feel like there is so much more terror now, I think it feels that way because there was a good 15-20 years where there really wasn't much terrorism at all except in the places expected like Ireland, Israel and perhaps Spain with the Basques.  That's my take on media driven disaster porn these days anyways.

  • Love 7

Can anyone confirm cha cha being gone ?

I saw the show and didn't here that

 I just checked The View's Twitter:  https://twitter.com/TheView/status/553584284632510464


While there, I saw they all (with Barbara) walked out to "The Bitch Is Back". I'm guessing she approved, but I thought it was awful.

Edited by ginger90

I just checked The View's Twitter:  https://twitter.com/TheView/status/553584284632510464


While there, I saw they all (with Barbara) walked out to The Bitch Is Back". I'm guessing she approved, but I thought it was awful.

It was the same opening they used last time babs was there. Her sitting on the throne..whoopi was in it and she wasn't on the show.

On my Canadian station it was all very weird.  It started with a countdown which appeared to be the intro to the ABC news break. Then they cut that off and showed a bunch of commercials.  Finally after 5 minutes or so, it started with Barbara on the throne and the beginning of the very first show of the season.  Then, I think after a commercial break, todays show came on, already in progress, and they were in the middle of hot topics.  No mention of Cha Cha, that must have been earlier.


The crafting segment was really sweet. Rosie and Barbara definitely have a friendship there.  And per the Ask Ro Q&Q, the craft sessions are going to be a regular segment.


Janine writes: January 9, 2015 1:50 pm

Dude your craft segment with Barbara Walters today was freaking hilarious. She was on fire, so much sass and you teasing her back, I loved it. You should make that a regular thing. Have a great weekend, girl :)

yes it will be a reg segment

  • Love 5

I'm not a fan of BaWa, but have empathy with her over ChaCha.  (I've actually felt more loss at my pets dying than my relatives, not that I loved the pets more, but because they were my day-to-day responsibility and they died on my watch.)  Between ChaCha and the sense of loss she must have felt at Sen. Brooks' passing (I doubt they were in touch, but still he was a part of her past), and being off The View for the first time, that's a lot of loss in a short time for anyone.  My heart goes out to her.


In Chicago, we go all ABC News, no View a-tall.  As it should be, imho.

Edited by ChicagoCita
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Today's show (Friday) was a patch work of pretaped stuff, even though the show aired after ABC News had signed off out here on the West coast.   Mario came out again and got Nicolle to 'finish' their Centrum commercial so she magically appeared five seconds later in yesterday's clothes for that.   The Craft segment was well done, RO is so good with old people.  I wish I had that kind of patience.    The last fifteen minutes was an interview Whoopi and Rosie P did with Patrick Stewart(?) from who knows when so I stopped watching then.  



Aw that's sweet.


Yes, that is sad about Cha Cha.


I actually don't have a problem with the preemption, this terror plot in France is a big deal.  It's like our 9/11 to them.  What's weird is growing up - there was terror all over the western world, hijackings and bombings and such.  It actually seems as though we're led to feel like there is so much more terror now, I think it feels that way because there was a good 15-20 years where there really wasn't much terrorism at all except in the places expected like Ireland, Israel and perhaps Spain with the Basques.  That's my take on media driven disaster porn these days anyways.


Depending on your age NextIteration, I'd say we owe it to the 24 hour news cycle - something that didn't exist when when I was growing up in 1970s amid all the world turmoil.



Yes BW said she lost cha cha and Rosie went on how special that dog was. Barbara bragged she was paper trained and never had to go outside. I find that sad.

She actually interrupted Nicolle's story about getting another dog  (she was saying her husband walks the dog in the morning, she does it at night and a dog walker does it during the day)   to interject that Cha Cha never had to go outside.  She continued to stop conversations like that the whole time.  Luckily RO was totally tuned into that possibility and made the craft project all about some pics of Cha Cha and in doing so Babs even got in some good (but rude) comebacks to RO.  


I' d almost forgotten how I could always count on Babs rudeness to make a daily appearance on this show - whether to the audience, the guests, or the co-hosts, lol. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Sad news about Cha-Cha. Say what you will about Babs, there's no denying that she absolutely adored that little dog. My heart goes out to her. :(

I thought the craft segment was really cute. It was fun seeing their playful give-and-take and good-natured teasing, and it's nice to see that Rosie and Barbara seem to have genuinely patched up their differences. I know RO has always held Babs in very high regard, so it was nice to see them at ease with each other again.

Regarding 'The Bitch is Back,' Babs loves Elton John and I have no doubt that she either chose the song herself (as Nicolle said) or she approved it. Either way, she was clearly in on the joke and having fun with it and I saw nothing disrespectful about it whatsoever.

I confess, I cringed when I heard Babs was going to be on the show, but since she wasn't on to promote herself or one of her specials or projects to death I actually found it was nice to see her. Did you notice at the very end after RO gave the sign off Babs gave her a high-five? It was sweet.

  • Love 5
Did you notice at the very end after RO gave the sign off Babs gave her a high-five? It was sweet.

I missed that because I deleted it as soon as the last segment (with Whoopi) came on.  That's nice.  I agree Babs and and RO seemed to have moved on from their differences which is a good thing.   I'd still rather not see Babs on this show (or on my TV really) but do think she makes RO look good when they get along so well and didn't really mind her today - probably because she wasn't obnoxiously promoting some lame special.  

  • Love 2

A plea to the producers and decision makers: Please stop it with all the ads within the show. Can't the show succeed on its own merits? It cheapens the show so much to have all the product endorsements, etc. Your viewers want to see a talk show, not a product show. The View should not be home shopping network. 


As Rosie writes: "The selling of content as ad space has ruined television"


If the show could survive without the added revenue, it would. They aren't adding in-show commercials because they are interesting or fun or creative.  If Centrum didn't pony up the money, there wouldn't be money for staff, lighting, crowd control. Or co-host salaries.  This is hardly anything new for TV.  Ricky and Lucy sold cigarettes, as did Mike Wallace.

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Right. And it ruins the credibility of the person talking about a product. When a tv personality does the kind of in-show advertising, I automatically distrust anything they say about a product any other time.

I think commercials need to be separate, with a clear delineation between the show and the ad. Like, not having the commercial right there on the set.

Edited by backformore
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I know in the olden days the performers would do the advertising. Now, I thought it was pretty much gone except in the sense of either plugging a show/book/film or in the sense of uncommented upon product placement in a fictional series. Is any show doing this product ad spiel other than The View? I find it so ineffective. 

  • Love 2
I think commercials need to be separate, with a clear delineation between the show and the ad. Like, not having the commercial right there on the set.

I don't know but I am guessing the big return for ads as content/in-show advertising has made such a strong comeback in part due to dvrs and viewers like me FF through all commercials to the point that I almost never see one - unless it's as content inside a show. 


But yeah, product placement in movies, TV shows, etc. has been around for a while.  Hell, when the very popular Real Housewives first started, almost the entire show was product driven - which is why it was so successful: cheap to produce and big revenue from vendors/businesses.

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I know in the olden days the performers would do the advertising. Now, I thought it was pretty much gone except in the sense of either plugging a show/book/film or in the sense of uncommented upon product placement in a fictional series. Is any show doing this product ad spiel other than The View? I find it so ineffective.

There have been some segments on The Chew, hawking Hidden Valley Ranch, for one example. The hosts looked uncomfortable about it, which is understandable, since they are always promoting making your own instead of using packaged stuff.
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If the show could survive without the added revenue, it would.



I don't know about that.  In a totally profit driven business, if there's money to be made, I believe they'll take it any way they can.



The hosts looked uncomfortable about it



Oh, I'm sure they did.  I don't own any of their cookbooks (yet - some of them do seem worth owning) but what a conflict this all presents!  I'm not talking "conflict of interest", just conflict.  I highly doubt their cookbooks are touting the use of any commercially prepared, pre-packaged foods.  The View hosts have often had side projects stemming from their View host gig.  Suppose one of them would like to write, say, a healthy lifestyle book, and they don't plug Centrum as part of the healthy lifestyle they're aiming to sell.  After they themselves personally stood there, trying to sell it to us and they don't promote/use it themselves, how does that make them look.  Integrity and reputation is huge in show business (ironic, huh?) and the loss of it can be devastating (ask Paula Deen and too many others to mention), some recover and some don't. 


Like many of us, I have thoroughly enjoyed the Whoopiless shows this past week!  What a pleasure to watch.  To be able to see the reason I came back moderate the show (and do a bang up job at it), and to be able to hear the reason I came back actually speak long enough to finish a sentence has been wonderful.  I know I need to enjoy these shows to their fullest while I can.  I did stop watching and Whoopi was why.  Funny though, I lost interest Friday and didn't even care that I would miss some parts I had wanted to see.  I turned it off during a hot topic debate about whether parents have the right to snoop into their kids' social media.  Interesting topic, but I was already out.  I realized I was too bored, too turned off, after the clip of Rosie P checking in to say hi from her play.  I have no idea what she was saying, I guess I didn't care.  Once she was (finally) off, the co-hosts spoke about her glowingly in a way that felt forced, doing the three step finger snapping.  (They didn't even seem all that into it).  But I was already too bored to stay.  They could have danced on the tables by then and I would still have been long gone.  Too bad, because I wanted to like her.  I really did.


Yep, enjoying these shows while we still can.  Whoopi will return and so will Rosie P.  And with that, so will the silent Rosie O.  And I will leave again.


Another (though unexpected) bright spot for me this week was enjoying Nicolle enjoying herself so much!  I have to admit, in spite of myself, that was a fun thing!  It was refreshing, and I got a kick out of it.  It's sure not the worst thing in the world when a co-host is actually (gasp!) having fun up there. 

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I didn't know Rosie P had called-in Friday. Unfortunately, there was only news here. I would've liked to have seen Rosie P and Barbara without Whoopi there. That's sad news about Barbara's pet, since it seemed like she talked more fondly about it than anything else on the show besides her interviews.

It was just a very brief "hi guys, I miss you" video from RP taken at the rehearsal location for her play. In fact, I think it was just a quick cell phone vid. You didn't miss anything.

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In a totally profit driven business, if there's money to be made, I believe they'll take it any way they can.



Bingo.   The irony is, they're probably trying to get around people who fast-forward through commercials.  Now I fast-forward through commercials AND product-placement segments.  Some days, I'm watching this show in twelve minutes.

Edited by Qoass
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The irony is, they're probably trying to get around people who fast-forward through commercials.  Now I fast-forward through commercials AND product-placement segments.  Some days, I'm watching this show in twelve minutes.


Exactly. I haven't watched live tv for years.  So I also forward through commercials AND product-placement segments.  Initially, the product-placement segments would catch me off guard and I would watch half of it before recognizing what it was.  I still don't know how Whoopi gets away with telling the viewers that they are going to break and the viewer can "go get a sandwich."  I haven't noticed her doing it this new season.  Maybe it was mentioned to her.

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I also noticed Nicholle's voice the past few days has been higher pitch than before, and kind of "yodel-ly", and louder when she is trying to make her point (over and over).........    I'm over her cuz it's all about her.  


Rosie P. was ok, but I'm not sad to see her go--it seemed as though she was there to support Whoops most of the time, until Whoops got so ridiculous, that it was impossible.  I still like her, just not for this venue.


Whoops can stay in bed for her back for the rest of the year; I am so enjoying Rosie O.'s restrained moderation and intelligent comments.


BTW, I heard this a.m. that another Bill Cosby victim came forward from 2008---SO, the statute of limitation is not up for him yet.  He performed here in Denver this week and there were protests, with Gloria Allred, the lawyer for the brave women who cam forward.


I used to LOVE Naya Rivera, but now she is way to shiny and slick. She is only 28, and did not need any surgical or needle enhancements.  Michelle Williams flailed her skinny arms WAYYYY too much.


Mario?  I like him and now especially when he does not try to be funny, but thoughtful.  However, he does not need to be onso often, and definitely not as a regular on what was supposed to be a woman-oriented show. 

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