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"The View": Week of 01/05/15


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I am watching this show right now & it is the 1st one I have seen for this week.  It is SOOO screechy!  Screech, screech, screech.  That is all I am hearing!  Ouch. 


I honestly do not know who that is sitting beside Rosie.  And I am not trying to be snarky.  I keep waiting for the graphics dept to throw her name up on the screen.  is she supposed to be funny?  I did recognize the pic of Amy Schumer so I assume this one is a comedian, too.  That story she just told about sending her sexy selfie to the wrong person was excruciating. 



Michelle Williams? No.

Yeah.  When I saw mention of her being on earlier in the week I thought they meant the actress Michelle Williams and was so surprised that she would be on this show as this isn't her type of scene.  Then I remembered there were 2 of them.


I had no idea the Springer show was still on the air.  Seriously.


Oh, and Nicolle really needs to stop interrupting everyone.  She stepped on Mario's jokes a bunch of times today thus messing up his punch line.  She did it in Hot Topics a lot; especially during that riveting selfie story (complete with basically leaning over him and yelling over him) and just now when Jerry was talking about the guy who married a horse.  I am changing the channel now because I can't take anymore of the yelling & screaming over each other.


But P.S. and with all that said,  I would still prefer to watch 10 screechy Whoopi-free shows over 1 show with her.

Edited by Cementhead
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I honestly do not know who that is sitting beside Rosie.  And I am not trying to be snarky.  I keep waiting for the graphics dept to throw her name up on the screen.  is she supposed to be funny?  I did recognize the pic of Amy Schumer so I assume this one is a comedian, too.  That story she just told about sending her sexy selfie to the wrong person was excruciating.


Agree with you 100%.  Along with that, a little Mario Cantone goes a long way. Couldn't take two days of him in a row and changed to watch Wendy Williams. The View lost me today.

Did they mention in the Cosby discussion that perhaps Phylicia Rashad has a big financial incentive to come out in support of Cosby? (I have no idea what the residuals are, but I imagine they're substantial.) Plus, didn't she suggest that someone doesn't want Cosby's shows on the air? 

Just because Phylicia Rashad is friends with Cosby does not mean she is honest in her statement. People lie to protect their friends all the time. What people seem to forget is this is not a new issue. This has been an ongoing issue, but because of social media there is a lot more noise now. I have a really hard time believing that Phylicia Rashad never heard of the Cosby issue before and is so dismissive of the accusations

That is a very good point about the financial incentive of Phylicia Rashad merriebreeze

  • Love 5

I think you were looking for cognitive dissonance.  See definition.



Rosie's has been mentioning cognitive dissonance with some frequency lately. She uses it to good purpose, but she seems to have her thoughts there quite a bit. I do agree with her that a fair amount of stress in our culture can be laid there. 

ETA: Oh i see tvaddict44 has said it even better. 

Edited by mbutterfly
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Cognitive dissonance is a way of explaining why people think and behave  the way they do when things don't make sense.   it's not being fickle. Rosie is talking about accepting and acknowledging the cognitive dissonance, which is not what we usually  do.  


When people hold two thoughts that seem to contradict each other  - like A)  " Bill Cosby is a great guy"  and B)  "Bill Cosby is a rapist", it causes discomfort, or dissonance.  Rosie has learned in therapy to accept that both those things could be a reality.  Cognitive dissonance theory says that when you experience dissonance, you try to resolve it by deciding that one of those things is not true.   So, in order for people to believe A, they have to believe B is false.  If they believe B, then A is false.  The result is that people will come away with a version of either - Bill Cosby  is a rapist jerk who pretended to be a great guy, OR, Bill Cosby is a great guy and these women are lying. 


Rosie has learned to accept a version that seems, in my opinion, to be -  Bill Cosby left a legacy and did some great things AND he raped women.  That's a reality she can accept, and she's saying people need to learn to accept that opposing things can BOTH be true, instead of saying one part is false.  


Basically, Rosie is trying to explain the reasons that people tend to not believe victims.  


Phylicia Rashad chose her words carefully.   She talked about "destroying his legacy"  and said that people behind making the allegations public have evil intentions.   She avoided the issue, and talked only about the intentions behind making the allegations public.  

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Dumbdownus, was it "Cognitive dissonance"? Rosie has talked about that for years and I think she tried to explain it once to Bitsy. It's a concept that requires someone to be very open-minded and smart (Mostly my opinion) and I understand how it could pertain to the Cosby situation. Rosie uses it a little selectively because she never once cut Woody Allen any slack about having two opinions of him. Interesting to have her able to explain without Whoopi cutting in to say she doesn't know what she's talking about...

Maybe she didn't have two opinions about WA, maybe she thought he was a horrible person and hated his movies and was also a child predator.

So her over all opinion was he just sucked all the way around. ;)

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The comment she made was just, not to be gushy, but it was very insightful. I know she is a lesbian, has been though the things that they  go through, but it was so nice that she is not a hard core "not a choice, be who you are, don't hide".



Insightful yes, but not so sure it's a product of therapy, it could be just her experience as a gay woman.  I'm gay myself, never been to therapy, but I know denial and self-hatred and I know just how deep they can run.  I don't judge these guys in denial, I have hope for them.

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Phylicia Rashad chose her words carefully.   She talked about "destroying his legacy"  and said that people behind making the allegations public have evil intentions.   She avoided the issue, and talked only about the intentions behind making the allegations public.  

She may have chosen her words carefully, but in my opinion she didn't choose them well.  "Forget these women.' ugh

  • Love 17

C'mon View crew. Get it together. On The View's facebook page they posted "It's cognitive dissidence." Who's running the show over there? How about bringing in some people who know what they're doing?


The show was definitely "off" today. They never spoke about what happened in Paris, did they? Maybe that's what threw Rosie off kilter. And I agree, too much Mario, and Michelle Williams was not a good fit. 

Edited by merriebreeze
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The show was definitely "off" today. They never spoke about what happened in Paris, did they? Maybe that's what threw Rosie off kilter. And I agree, too much Mario, and Michelle Williams was not a good fit. 


I was surprised that they didn't mention Paris as well, but maybe they were just trying to keep it light - there was no further information at that point in time.  The presumption is that the terrorists were Al Qaeda or ISIL related, happy that the suspects have now been identified, there will be more information tomorrow.


I was surprised that Rosie was that descriptive about Stephen Collins, but it seems it was just as I assumed ... it made her so upset she had to leave the set and eventually RosieP probably did go check on her.  


The show wasn't as good as the previous two, but still, an improvement over most Whoopi moderated episodes.


Cognitive dissonance, I think learning to recognize it in yourself and thinking through issues where this occurs for you - and learning acceptance of it, is very freeing, it releases a lot of internal tension.  You have to have an open mind though.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 9

Maybe she didn't have two opinions about WA, maybe she thought he was a horrible person and hated his movies and was also a child predator.

So her over all opinion was he just sucked all the way around. ;)

That is how I see Rosie's use of the concept. Happily we do not live in a continual state of cognitive dissidence. We would pull our hair out. CD is stressful, but we all experience it. Sometimes though, a person is both privately and publicly bad. And sometimes a person is both privately and publicly good. In these cases, Rosie (and the rest of us) can be quite comfortable. 

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Phylicia Rashad's comments were disappointing because I love her--and I still do despite the comments--but I understand the reaction. I know there are many black people who are suspicious when a successful black celebrity's reputation is destroyed. That said, Rosie O spoke my thoughts exactly--I don't think 20+ women, some in their 60's and 70's are lying. A very slim possibility, imo. I didn't like the comic guest host next to Rosie, but I liked what she said on this topic, too, about how some people make the women out as if they're looking for some kind of "golden rape ticket" to fame. Whoopi, for one.


I'm over the guest co-hosts right now. I wish Rosie Perez was there, so they only needed one guest.

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I agree, GreenKnight. Today's show was a mess. I wouldn't have minded Rosie P there today instead of the other temps. I also saw P Rashad on another interview tonight and she said she never said "Forget those women" - that she was misquoted.


I also don't think Cosby was a dummy.  He wouldn't have crapped where he ate during The Cosby Show years, and I doubt that Rashad appealed to his particular appetite for the young, foolish and impressionable women on which he [allegedly] preyed prior to that series.

Edited by Fisher King
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Phyllicia is saying her dismissal of the women accusing Cosby was a mis-quote--she's doing several interviews on ABC tomorrow I think.    

I think Rosie has become a very insightful person.   She's always been interesting and very dynamic, but I really feel that something big changed for her with the Oprah year--she let them try to put her into a box on the first version of that show, and at the very end, she took it into her own hands and re-tooled it into an hour long interview with usually one guest, and she was amazing.   I really think she grew tremendously from that experience, and I really enjoy it when she really opens up and fully participates in the discussion on this show.

And I'm in the minority, I know, but I think this is the best Mario we've seen since Joy left.    He has had some really human moments this week where he has dropped his schtick to let us see the real person, and I've kind of enjoyed him.   I know he is always "on" and can be sort of annoying, but I have really liked seeing a little more of him.

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Finally had a chance to catch up on the last couple of days of the show. Every show has its glitches and issues (too many guest hosts at one time, some of them very bad choices; on air pimple popping...ewww!), but oh my, I can't really express how much better all three shows were without Whoopi dragging them down. I'd begun deleting the show more often than I watched. The tension and ginormous, overbearing ego that Whoopi smothers the other hosts and the entire show with is frankly just no fun to watch. It's not even fun to snark about anymore. It's just unpleasant. These shows were a breath of fresh air in a season that I had very high hopes for and have been disappointed by. The difference in Rosie's demeanor and body language was palpable, and it was so nice to see her so obviously far more relaxed and able to express herself without the constant tension of having to walk on eggshells for fear of being obnoxiously and rudely shut down at every turn.

I've had back problems myself and I don't wish that on anyone, but I hope Whoopi takes as much time as she needs and then some to recover. No hurry Whoop, we're just fine without you.

Edited by TribbleTrouble
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I also saw P Rashad on another interview tonight and she said she never said "Forget those women" - that she was misquoted.


I'm glad to hear this.  I think she is a class act and she's usually very zen, very kind and thoughtful in her responses in interviews.  So, that seemed out of character for her.  My husband and I had a a friend in the military for over 20 years who was sent to prison for inappropriate actions with a minor.  We never saw a hint of it. He was always approriate around children and never showed any undue interest.  Do I believe he did it?  Yes, because the evidence pointed to it and I will always take the side of a minor child.  He is out of prison, but  I cant ever be friends with him again. So I understand a little how Ro feels about the 7th Heaven guy.

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I keep meaning to mention that I really like Mario, despite the fact that he can get off kilter occasionally.  When he is being serious, he is thoughtful, empathic & seems well-read on current affairs.

Was that just a secret advertisement for Jenny Craig wtih Kirstie Alley??

Nothing secret about that!!  About as blatant as a hawker can get!!  LOL.

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I must have missed something..... Mario Cantone came on and took Nicholle away... they went to commercial... but I dont recall what happened when they came back

Actually, they did a "teaser" & then Mario & Nicolle were in the crowd who had props for a CENTRUM info-mercial.  TPTB are really pushing our tolerance level (JMHO).

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Kirstie Alley looked pretty good. Too bad she's a crazy f*cking loon. Shame, shame, shame on Jenny Craig for allowing Kirstie to shill that Organic Liaison crap of hers, knowing full well profits eventually find their way to David Miscavige's slimy pockets. And shame on The View for giving her a platform.

* Steps off soapbox *

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I'm glad to hear this.  I think she is a class act and she's usually very zen, very kind and thoughtful in her responses in interviews.  So, that seemed out of character for her.  My husband and I had a a friend in the military for over 20 years who was sent to prison for inappropriate actions with a minor.  We never saw a hint of it. He was always approriate around children and never showed any undue interest.  Do I believe he did it?  Yes, because the evidence pointed to it and I will always take the side of a minor child.  He is out of prison, but  I cant ever be friends with him again. So I understand a little how Ro feels about the 7th Heaven guy.

Same here. I taught with a guy I thought was the best teacher ever. He was unmarried and teaching was his life. He was fun and a role model to the rest of us. Until he was arrested and eventually convicted for selling child porn. It does cause cognitive dissonance because I still think of him as a nice guy until I remember what he was doing in secret. 

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Didn't think I'd ever say this but.........can't deal at all with Sherri, she is too ignorant but give me bitsy over Laverne any day.........


No more Bitsy ever please. I understand your point. I like Laverne but a little of her goes a long way. In addition, nobody has ever liked a lot of Cox on The Spew.

Edited by Fisher King
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A plea to the producers and decision makers: Please stop it with all the ads within the show. Can't the show succeed on its own merits? It cheapens the show so much to have all the product endorsements, etc. Your viewers want to see a talk show, not a product show. The View should not be home shopping network. 


As Rosie writes: "The selling of content as ad space has ruined television"

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I am glad that the show gave Laverne Cox the opportunity to take the lead on the discussion of the trans teen suicide.   I found her comments very moving and it gave the discussion a deep foundation because of her own experience.    

I did not care for Cristela--she seemed a little over-eager--but maybe it is her first experience doing this kind of thing--I'm not super familiar with her, so I'm attributing it to her being excited to be on.

I skipped Kirstie Alley.   I'm really bored with her see-saw weight loss every other year, and I am not a fan of her behavior on social media toward Leah Remini when she left Scientology.   


Nicolle was very cute on WWHL last night --they did a big poll on the audience's favorite View Host ever, and Joy won!  I was almost ready to fall asleep and it made me wake up and go yay!

Edited by car54
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