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Alyssa and John: Lunch with Lurch

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On 11/14/2023 at 7:10 PM, 65mickey said:

I don't see an evidence that John hates his daughters. That's a pretty harsh statement.

In fairness, hate is probably too strong a word, but this is not a father who is all that enthralled with fatherhood except to his son.  Saying you refuse to replace an aging family car until the children can respect it is not someone who loves their kids.  What kind of a father is more worried about something getting spilled in the car than his wife and kids being in a safe vehicle that doesn't break down unexpectedly?  Sorry, with these videos I dislike John more each time.  I feel for Alyssa because she is at the very least overwhelmed with five small children and at worst has PPD. 

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8 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

So the parents give the kids food and drink in the car and then get mad at the kids for spills and crumbs. 

You can't make this shit up.

Maybe that was a message for Alyssa…”You’re not getting a new car until you keep the car clean.” To be fair, I haven’t seen Alyssa’s car but I do have friends who set no parameters for what or when the kids can eat in the car, and they can get gross.  We have a no eating in the car rule for our grandchildren but of course, when we are taking road trips we watch what they are eating and drinking to ensure it can be easily cleaned.  Maybe Alyssa’s car is THAT messy.

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1 hour ago, zenme said:

Maybe that was a message for Alyssa…”You’re not getting a new car until you keep the car clean.” 

Alyssa is not John's child who needs to be scolded and rewarded.  If her car is messy, fine, John can let her know that he thinks the kids shouldn't be eating in it if that is the problem.  Otherwise, she is an adult and can decide for herself what level of mess she finds tolerable in the car.  Since she has no financial agency within the marriage and relies on John entirely for any major purchases; withholding a new, safer, more reliable vehicle from her because he doesn't like the mess the kids make in her car is uncalled-for and a**holish, IMO.


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I don't know if you all have seen Alyssa's Christmas Video, but damn. They should've titled it "Webster Family Christmas......and Allie." 

They had the kids open their Christmas presents nearly a week early. I'm assuming it was so Alyssa could get the editing done and post by Friday. Alyssa films each kid opening their gifts, starting from youngest to oldest. Let me be the first to say that I hate how Christmas has become so commercial and materialistic, but John and Alyssa are ridiculously stingy. Each kid got tennis shoes that looked like they came off the rack at Walmart, a stocking full of cheap Dollar Tree crap and two additional presents.  

Lexi got a tool kit, which she seemed genuinely excited about and Zoey got some sort of mermaid thing, and then we get to poor Allie. She had to open her sad little pile with no one watching because her siblings had lost interest and were off playing with their own stuff. You'd think as parents, either John or Alyssa would've said "Hey guys! It's Allie's turn! Let's see what she got!," but, nope. Alyssa couldn't even keep the focus on her and kept shooting the camera over to Golden Boy, then the other girls before breaking away to show off her new car. Way to make your daughter feel special!

Anyways, after Alyssa flexes her new whip, we go back to Allie. She opens the shoes. Pretends to be excited. Opens what she thought was a cool dress only to be told it's pajamas. Her last gift, she exclaims "Is it a bracelet maker?!" to which Alyssa replies, "I didn't know you wanted one." It ends up being doll clothes, which Alyssa says will go with her present from John's mother. Allie's total lack of reaction makes me think she's moved past playing with dolls, but nobody seems to have noticed. She clearly wanted hands-on, crafty items. 

I know I'm not projecting because the video is being discussed on Reddit and everyone is having the same reaction. It's just crazy with the amount of cool kids stuff out there nowadays, this is the best they could do. It's one thing to keep Christmas spending in check, but it's another to blatantly half-ass it. Hopefully Kelly sent them something better. 

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Maybe it's just me but I'm starting to feel like Alyssa looks at Allie as Michael 2.0. Meaning she was put on this earth to raise Alyssa's kids, cook, and clean (soon - though we have gotten glimpses of - oh Allie was DYING to make her sisters lunch; and Alyssa barking at Allie to take the laundry upstairs). And no need to celebrate or thank Allie, like no one ever thanked or celebrated Michael bc as the oldest daughter she's supposed to have a servant's heart and WANT to do these things - and if she doesn't, well she'll just have to pray that away and develop a servant's heart.

I mean we've def seen scenes where Michael is running around cooking for someone's wedding shower and all the other girls are playing a game, and no one else thinks to get up and help Michael or tell Michael to join the group - we'll all help with dinner after this game.

And I'm sorry Payless/Walmart sneakers + Dollar Store junky toys + gifts like PJs are what you get kids when you are hurting for money. I'm not judging - lots of people are hurting for money so they use Christmas gifts as an excuse to get things family needs anyway like shoes or PJs and call it a gift. While Alyssa doesn't spend like her sisters - I have seen too many pics of manicures and coffees to think A&J couldn't set aside $20-30 per kid - as in $150 in the course of the year - to get each kid an actual toy they'd want and would play with. I mean the bracelet maker Allie referenced - I saw it at Target for $19.99, so this isn't a kid asking for an x box. Hell A&J went away on a 1 night getaway in Atlanta for their anniversary - i.e. hotel $, gas $, Atlanta Braves tix. If money was soooo tight that you couldn't do Christmas in 6 mos, maybe you could've skipped that trip?

I mean frankly if money is tight most people would screw over the youngest kid and just get him PJs, to free up a few extra bucks to spend on the other kids - bc a 9 mo old doesn't know any better. Though what am I saying - screw over Prince Rhett??

And who does "Christmas" a week+ early?? Who cares if you make your $ via content - that's just weird to not do it on the 24th/25th, when you are going to be home that day and are only going to John's parents who live up the street. Hope both sets of grandparents actually give the kids some nice toys.

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I am hoping that the Webster's will have another Christmas, on Christmas day and the girls will get another gift or two. I'm sure they filmed this Christmas early, so they had their content for this week.  

My first red flag is when Aylssa reminded the girls that this was Rhett's 1st Christmas and she told them he was going to open his gift first and she started to say, "because it's all about him this year" but caught herself and said it was his first Christmas.  

Second, if you get everyone the same pair of shoes, at least let them all open that gift at the same time.  Allie already knew what 2 of her gifts were because she had already seen her siblings open them before her, 4 times.  What a letdown.  One pair of shoes she didn't even mention as Alyssa was busy filming something away from her, and when Alyssa came back to her she saw she had opened the second set of shoes.  Alyssa pointed out the shoes and was all excited about them, but Allie didn't say much about them.  

She was visibly disappointed in the doll cloths.  She had no idea what they were and as BitterApple pointed out, seemed far removed from playing with them.  Maybe Alysaa only went along with it because the grandmother asked her too.  She mentioned it twice that it would make more sense once she got the gift from her grandmother.  Unless it's a trip to Disney World, I doubt Allie is going to care.  Remember last year when all Allie wanted was to take ballet?  No mention of that since then.  Whew, Alyssa and John nipped that in the bud quickly.  

At least John let Alyssa get her new wheels, Rhett is about to start walking.  and the other three girls seemed happy with their gifts.  But something was off with Allie.  

Edited by ranchgirl
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35 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

In addition to ignoring Allie, did Alyssa also pretty much tell her what her grandma will be giving her?

Yes, and a more thoughtful and caring mother would've made sure that Allie didn't open the doll clothes before she got the actual doll.  Instead, they give the kid the doll clothes and make her wait a week to see the real gift; how loving!  She's a little kid!.  It wouldn't have killed her to go down to the Dollar Store and get the kid some hair barrettes or a coloring book to open now and hold the gift that goes with something else until later when it would make sense.

I came from a large family with a lot of kids and not much money, but my parents would never have considered footwear to be an appropriate gift, other than the white go-go boots my then 12 year old sister was obsessed with and got one year.  We did get socks and underwear, but also a lot of inexpensive stuff like jump ropes, card games, coloring books and crayons and Colorforms (remember those).  We'd also get stuff like a new outfit for a doll we already had or other accessories for stuff we already owned, but no spoiling future gifts.

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I haven't watched the video, but the whole thing feels so bazaar. Like what are the options?

  • Fake (shitty) Christmas for IG?
  • Shitty early Christmas because the kids are spoiled by others?
  • Humble Christmas, because Jesus?
  • A&J are shitty parents?

If any or all are true, then why film it? Or at least explain it. Are they that clueless?

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10 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

It is odd that they doing Christmas. I've really only ever seen that happen when the family plans to spending Christmas at grandparents or soemthing like that.  

It sounds like they're going to John's parents for actual Christmas. Carlin also did early Christmas since they traveled to Evan's parents for their festivities. And they also had to have their YT video ready to drop today. 

I haven't watched Alyssa's YT since the Golden Penis was born. Watching this week, I am reminded why I quit. 

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I watched this video also and I noticed the poorer treatment Allie received too. I can't understand why this is. It is so sad for this girl. Alyssa mentioned that she bought sneakers that don't fit right now; they were sizes larger. Who gives their children cheap sneakers that don't readily fit for Christmas? A little "room to grow" is acceptable but these were clearly too large for the girls. I thought those gifts were cheap Dollar Store items too. I agree with all of the opinions posted here about this video. Alyssa clearly spends way too much on herself all year long. I wonder how much $$ that new car cost? I guess Alyssa doesn't remember the broken down/no air conditioning vehicle that her parents drove for years...Lawson, in one of his videos, mentioned this vehicle and described it as such. These parents need to notice Allie and not as a housemaid. 

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I’m wondering if these types of Christmas gifts are what Gil and Kelly gave. 
That’s so messed up about celebrating Christmas early because of content. I mean, is this a faux Christmas with REAL gifts coming later? Maybe they should’ve waited until after Christmas for the new car to have a few extra bucks for gifts.

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What a sad Christmas for those kids.

Who opens gifts on the 22nd?  The 24th, sure, but the 22nd? Makes no sense to me. 
Alyssa has done the matching shoes for Christmas before but they were Adidas or Nike and she and John got some as well. That I can understand to a certain extent, but you will notice there were no matching cheap shoes for Mom 🙄.
And sizing up “so the shoes last longer”? That’s a big no. Sure, if the child is between sizes going up a half size is fine, but kids shouldn’t be walking in shoes a size too big.

I understand not wanting to spoil the kids too much, but at least put some thought into the stockings and give each girl something different that SHE would enjoy. And not a candy cane or small treat to be seen. Sad.

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Allie doesn't need a doll and doll clothes for Christmas. She has real-life babies she is expected to take care of.  

I wish Allie would decide to break free from this family as soon as she can.  She is going to be so tired of raising her siblings that she may never want to have her own family some day.  She shouldn't be expected to just get married and have her own quiverfull.  

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I think there is a possibility that this was a fake Christmas for the Youtube video so they let them open the cheap gifts. They don't seem to believe in Santa anyway.  Maybe on Christmas they will have nicer presents. 

About the car, John was getting a lot of grief about letting his family ride around in an old car that had to be patched up frequently. So I don't think that SUV is so bad.  They have 5 kids so they need a vehicle that that has 3 seats. 

 Alyssa has not looked good recently. Her hair needs a good cut and professional color at salon not by her friend that does this in her  kitchen. She doesn't look like she has has a manicure in awhile. All I ever see her in are tee shirts and ripped jeans except on Sundays when she is in dresses that look like they don't fit her anymore. She doesn't look like she is spending much money on herself these days.  Possibly she is overwhelmed by having 5 kids but she would not admit this. 

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I don't think opening gifts early is wrong.  I think they wanted their video for this week to be done.  Although I don't see anything wrong with putting out their Christmas video next Friday and then a New Years video out the next Friday and not rushing it.  Even if they are spending Christmas at John's parents' home, it isn't like they have to travel for that.  

I do hope they get a couple more gifts on Christmas day.  Those Squish-mallows that they got in their stockings are very popular this year.  Different sizes and characters to choose from.  I heard Alyssa tell Allie that one of the ones she got was the bigger size, which I'm guessing was supposed to impress her.   

The car was much needed and truly a gift to the kids, for their safety, although they probably aren't that excited about it.  

It was a sad video, only done for content.  That's what gets me.  And the treatment of Allie.  I feel the 3 oldest are always overlooked and only Macy and Rhett get attention now.  


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1 hour ago, ranchgirl said:

I don't think opening gifts early is wrong.  I think they wanted their video for this week to be done.  Although I don't see anything wrong with putting out their Christmas video next Friday and then a New Years video out the next Friday and not rushing it.  Even if they are spending Christmas at John's parents' home, it isn't like they have to travel for that.  

I do hope they get a couple more gifts on Christmas day.  Those Squish-mallows that they got in their stockings are very popular this year.  Different sizes and characters to choose from.  I heard Alyssa tell Allie that one of the ones she got was the bigger size, which I'm guessing was supposed to impress her.   

The car was much needed and truly a gift to the kids, for their safety, although they probably aren't that excited about it.  

It was a sad video, only done for content.  That's what gets me.  And the treatment of Allie.  I feel the 3 oldest are always overlooked and only Macy and Rhett get attention now.  


They shouldn’t be exploiting their kids’ childhood Christmases for “content.” It’s so incredibly sad. 

Edited by AstridM
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39 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

It sounds like they spent far more time and money for Rhett's gender reveal. And at the time I thought Alyssa said she basically gave up SM grifting because she was back shelved(?,lol) on IG.

Is she back in the game now?

Alyssa claimed she was shadowbanned, but I think followers were bored with her content and stopped engaging. She was also notorious for not properly disclosing sponsorships and may have gotten reported as a result.

She's still shilling, but she's not nearly as successful at it as Carlin, Josie and Katie. I think YouTube is her main source of social media income. 

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3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Alyssa claimed she was shadowbanned, but I think followers were bored with her content and stopped engaging. She was also notorious for not properly disclosing sponsorships and may have gotten reported as a result.

She's still shilling, but she's not nearly as successful at it as Carlin, Josie and Katie. I think YouTube is her main source of social media income. 

Why doesn’t her headship support her properly so that she doesn’t have to shill and exploit their kids?

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studying this week on internal family systems - from trauma, abuse, neglect, control...et...basically a dysfunctional family...there is a scapegoat, a savior, a jester or clown ( to deflect) a martyr...and some others...and Allie is the scapegoat. Oldest children usually are as they are more commonly the smartest...( not always though)...All of Alyssa's anger, rage , frustration, fatigue is channeled to Allie...I think this is so because Allie is smart and does not want to watch all those kids..I also think Allie sees some cousins and aunts who are more normal...my heart broke for allie when she wanted to dance and was not allowed...In the pictures for Christmas...with their coordinating outfits all the kids were pictured but allie...most of the pics were of Rhett....As the scapegoat , it's only going to get worse for Allie...the more Alyssa ignores her own traumatic upbringing..the more the anger will be funneled to Allie...so so sad....

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6 hours ago, Dimi1 said:

studying this week on internal family systems - from trauma, abuse, neglect, control...et...basically a dysfunctional family...there is a scapegoat, a savior, a jester or clown ( to deflect) a martyr...and some others...and Allie is the scapegoat. Oldest children usually are as they are more commonly the smartest...( not always though)...All of Alyssa's anger, rage , frustration, fatigue is channeled to Allie...I think this is so because Allie is smart and does not want to watch all those kids..I also think Allie sees some cousins and aunts who are more normal...my heart broke for allie when she wanted to dance and was not allowed...In the pictures for Christmas...with their coordinating outfits all the kids were pictured but allie...most of the pics were of Rhett....As the scapegoat , it's only going to get worse for Allie...the more Alyssa ignores her own traumatic upbringing..the more the anger will be funneled to Allie...so so sad....

Thing that gets me is the fact that this is a cult. There are lots of kids raised in shitty families that don't care, have their own issues like addiction/prison, whatever. Yet the one thing that almost all kids in America have is SCHOOL. So if a kid decides, you know what, I do NOT want to rely on these people for one more second than I have to, they can get thru their childhood and get out. Often they are the kid that does really really well at school and decides they're going to go be a dr, nurse, engineer, or whatever. Whether mom and dad support is irrelevant - they move out after HS graduation and if they have to go to college on 100% loans or paying their way one semester at a time or working 3 jobs or whatever - they decide they're getting away from the unsupportive dysfunction.

Cue this cult. Keep the girls uneducated (Abeka or whatever ain't school - sorry, they're going to be at 6th grade level for the rest of their lives just like Alyssa, Carlin, Katie etc. are), so they have no place to go and have to deal with the parents. For Allie that means 10 more years of putting up with Alyssa's attitude, while raising 6 younger siblings (you better believe they're trying for brothers for the prince), cooking, cleaning etc. Until John nudges here towards some godly yet mildly abusive or disinterested man - just like Gil nudged Alyssa towards John and she ran with it bc at least it got her out of G&K's house. Cycle repeats . . . .

From what we've seen Allie seems meek - she'll live thru this cycle bc she's "supposed" to and has no idea what else to do. Lexi IDK strikes me as having more of a mind of her own; if any child can revolt it may be Lexi. I mean she openly says she wants to play soccer or another sport and now asked for tools for Christmas bc she likes to build/do projects. Gasp not very lady like. I know they'll force her to become more feminine by hanging out with Allie cooking by the time she's a pre teen (just like the Duggars did with Joy), but IDK something tells me should be try to rebel. Zoey - given that she needed her parents' attention via a heart scare earlier this year and was THRILLED being at the hospital/drs etc. is on track to be Carlin part 2 - with the anxiety, seeking attention etc. Maci - too young to know but I love that kid's zero effs to give right now so hope she holds onto that.

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On 12/23/2023 at 10:39 PM, GeeGolly said:

If any or all are true, then why film it? Or at least explain it. Are they that clueless?

This is something that is coming out particularly with the Bates offspring because they are all over SM.  I don't think they realized how much production protected them by not showing some of their less pleasant behavior.  Now without production to do friendly editing, they are letting it all hang out and it is not attractive at all.  This is particularly true for Alyssa and John and their obvious favoritism of the boy.  Erin is a bit more subtle about it, but Alyssa can come across as downright mean.

On 12/24/2023 at 9:30 AM, 3 is enough said:

And sizing up “so the shoes last longer”? That’s a big no. Sure, if the child is between sizes going up a half size is fine, but kids shouldn’t be walking in shoes a size too big.

I understand not wanting to spoil the kids too much, but at least put some thought into the stockings and give each girl something different that SHE would enjoy. And not a candy cane or small treat to be seen. Sad.

My grandmother never got my mother shoes that fit properly.  It was always cheap crappy shoes that were too big so she would grow into them.  Even in high she would give my mother shoes that were at least a size too large.  My mother still had a pair when she married and my father threw them out and took her out to get her decent shoes that fit properly.  My grandmother was nasty and cheap with everyone but herself.

It did make me sad that Alyssa had no idea that Allie wanted a bracelet maker.  I got my niece a doll when she was around Allie's age, and even though she accepted it politely, I could tell she was over dolls.  So, I got her other things from then on that she was interested in.  Now, I didn't get to see my niece super often, so I had an excuse.  Allie is Alyssa's daughter, so she should know what she is interested in.

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2 hours ago, Meow Mix said:

This is something that is coming out particularly with the Bates offspring because they are all over SM.  I don't think they realized how much production protected them by not showing some of their less pleasant behavior.  Now without production to do friendly editing, they are letting it all hang out and it is not attractive at all.  This is particularly true for Alyssa and John and their obvious favoritism of the boy.  Erin is a bit more subtle about it, but Alyssa can come across as downright mean.

My grandmother never got my mother shoes that fit properly.  It was always cheap crappy shoes that were too big so she would grow into them.  Even in high she would give my mother shoes that were at least a size too large.  My mother still had a pair when she married and my father threw them out and took her out to get her decent shoes that fit properly.  My grandmother was nasty and cheap with everyone but herself.

It did make me sad that Alyssa had no idea that Allie wanted a bracelet maker.  I got my niece a doll when she was around Allie's age, and even though she accepted it politely, I could tell she was over dolls.  So, I got her other things from then on that she was interested in.  Now, I didn't get to see my niece super often, so I had an excuse.  Allie is Alyssa's daughter, soshe should know what she is interested in.

God forbid, Alyssa and John might actually ask their older children what sorts of things they'd like for Christmas.  Or, you know, spend enough time with them to figure it out for themselves.  But, of course, wouldn't want to ask Allie what she actually would like to have for Christmas; she might want to take ballet lessons and there's no reason to waste money on something like that for a girl child.  It really isn't that hard with kids, at least with kids who are allowed to express an opinion and who haven't been told from birth that they must fit into the tight little boxes that their parents allow and must never, ever dream of anything else.

Alyssa knows what Allie wants for Christmas because Allie is only allowed to want what her mother wants for her.  

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I think buying the shoes a half size big, (assuming Allie has ones that fit her now), wouldn't have been the worst thing. Where her parents went wrong is not getting her something she could enjoy right then and there. Two pairs of shoes she has to grow into and doll clothes for a doll she didn't yet have makes for a pretty depressing Christmas. Not that her siblings made out much better, but at least they had one thing they could play with that day. 

I don't know what John and Alyssa's deal is, because judging by the Christmas social media posts of her siblings, they don't scrimp when it comes to their kids. Layla and Zade got a nice playset, Bradley got his dog, Khloe got a Barbie Jeep and Josie's girls got princess gear and other age appropriate toys. Alyssa strikes me as kind of bitter, like "I didn't get shit for Christmas growing up, so you don't need to either." I think John is just cheap and won't spend any more on his kids than absolutely necessary. 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I don't know what John and Alyssa's deal is, because judging by the Christmas social media posts of her siblings, they don't scrimp when it comes to their kids. Layla and Zade got a nice playset, Bradley got his dog, Khloe got a Barbie Jeep and Josie's girls got princess gear and other age appropriate toys. Alyssa strikes me as kind of bitter, like "I didn't get shit for Christmas growing up, so you don't need to either." I think John is just cheap and won't spend any more on his kids than absolutely necessary. 

We'll see if that holds true when the Golden Penis is older. 

I think you're right that Alyssa is bitter, both about her shitty childhood and about her adulthood not being what she thought it would be. She needs therapy, not that she'll ever get any, and she'll make her daughters' childhoods unhappy, too. 

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5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I don't know what John and Alyssa's deal is, because judging by the Christmas social media posts of her siblings, they don't scrimp when it comes to their kids. Layla and Zade got a nice playset, Bradley got his dog, Khloe got a Barbie Jeep and Josie's girls got princess gear and other age appropriate toys. Alyssa strikes me as kind of bitter, like "I didn't get shit for Christmas growing up, so you don't need to either." I think John is just cheap and won't spend any more on his kids than absolutely necessary. 

G&K effed up their kids good by having 6000 blessings and then getting by on a shoestring and paying them no attention besides spewing god speak at them. How each of those kids is raising their kids goes back to how they were raised.

Certain kids like Zach and Josie appear to have decided that they will do much better for their own kids. Their kids always have really nice toys and seems like the parents spend a lot of time with the kids too - just based on the fact that the kids present fairly well/speak well at young ages etc. Jackson - who doesn't have kids yet - has said rather pointedly more than once that he doesn't want any more kids that he has the time and attention for bc he doesn't want any kid to feel like they didn't have dad's time or attention; he thinks that number is 3 for him/Emerson.

Katie - while she has Alyssa's selfish tendencies - seems to have come around to Travis/his family's way of thinking - that she wants the best for her child rather than just viewing the kid as a number. I think Trav has convinced her that only having 3 kids allows them to dote on their kids in terms of time and money, take really nice vacations, live in a great house etc.

Carlin took her effed up upbringing and decided bc she never got enough attention, well she's gonna get it NOW - kids be damned, they can just stuff themselves with cookies and shut up bc mama and daddy need to act like they're childless college kids.

Alyssa is the only one who seems jealous of anyone she deems as having it easier than she had it. I mean the way she talks to Allie and/or ignores her, she may as well say "oh please you think YOU have it hard, by the time I was 8 I was already in the kitchen with Michael cooking for a dozen+ people." I mean I'm convinced that's why she has Addie/Ellie visit SO frequently and it appears that she makes them cook/clean/watch her kids so she can have date nights. Bc in her mind Allie/Ellie have it way too easy with only like 7 kids at home now. Contrast that to Travis/Katie and even Law/Tiff - when Addie/Ellie/Callie visit, we don't see them doing anything and Trav/Law/Tiff are always asking where they want to eat and taking them out, and often taking them on little activities nearby whether a sunflower farm or beach or whatever.

Kind of explains the thoughtless cheap Christmas presents. After all Alyssa grew up getting nothing for Christmas. G&K have said before that money was tight just after Thanksgiving so Christmas was just a meal and the gift giving was ILY in Feb; but even ILY didn't feature a TON of gifts. IIRC each sibling got a few bucks to buy a gift for whichever name they drew - so I'm guessing it was like a $10 gift. Maybe they got a second gift from G&K, IDK. I feel like one ILY we saw that whoever drew Katie's name got her a takeout pizza - just for her so she could have a pie without sharing. 

So yeah kids who were so hard pressed for gifts or even a small pizza have turned into adults who either give their kids a VERY nice Christmas or adults who say why should you get a bracelet maker, I never got one?? And John of course is fine with this bc he wants to spend as little $ is possible ON THE GIRLS. Guaranteed in a year or so the Prince will be getting ride on jeeps, sports gear and whatever else and if that makes his sisters jealous - oh well as Alyssa famously put it "that's how boys are treated."

Edited by cereality
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8 hours ago, zenme said:

As a kindergarten teacher I see a lot of parents buying kids shoes big enough for them to grow into, but these kids are running around all day so the shoes are worn out before they even fit. Might as well get them shoes that fit!

My son and DIL are college educated people working real jobs and are somehow incapable of buying their 5 children shoes or winter boots that fit. We took it on ourselves, as the grandparents, to buy them proper footwear. First time we did was years ago and when we dropped oldest grand at preschool with new shoes the teacher told me they were so happy said child had shoes that fit. For 12 years we have bought all shoes and boots for 5 grands. Nike, Vans whatever they want, we take them, they try the shoes on and they pick. 

I grew up poor, wearing hand me down or used shoes or too big shoes as a christmas gift so ill fitting shoes still irritate me.


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I grew up in the era of having my feet measured every time we bought shoes and I did the same for my kids. But now that I'm thinking about it, do stores even provide those foot measuring things anymore?

My mother, and then myself, always did the toe pinch too. Leave enough toe room for winter socks, swelling and growth. Enough, not an entire size or two.

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I would add Erin to the list of trying to do better too. I think her little Fundies will fare better as adults than worldly Layla and Zade. Not that I think either home life is ideal, but at least Erin and Chad seem to love and enjoy their kids. Lets just hope they're done.

Lets hope all of them are done.

I tend to agree. I don't watch too many of Chad/Erin's videos but from what little I've seen it seems like they are focusing on giving their kids skills. Like the boys will get handyman/contractor skills from dad, the girls will get cooking skills from mom, and then it seems like all the kids have exposure to gardening, raising chickens/goats etc. When you're raising kids with little money and education as Chad/Erin are doing and as G&K did, I think skills like growing vegetables and knowing how to cook can only serve them well in the future. Yet Chad/Erin seem to be doing this while still taking the lead; while I'm sure the kids are expected to help with animals, cooking etc. - I don't get the sense that it's all the kids' responsibility as G&K made it Michael/Alyssa's responsibility to cook, keep house, raise the other kids.

Carlin/Evan have given this zero thought. Not because their view is - so what - our kids will be well educated and will have good jobs, they'll buy their vegetables at the store and get takeout. More because they simply don't think about their kids or what they may need besides prancing for the camera and making $ so daddy doesn't have to go out and earn a living. I mean Layla legit talks about nothing but makeup, nails, and princess dresses - IDK how they think that's a positive thing.

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