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Alyssa and John: Lunch with Lurch

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4 hours ago, floridamom said:

I'm not  a fan of the name they chose for this little boy. I think they could have come up with a better name. I am tired of now John, also saying that this boy will be spoiled. How can they say that? Don't they care how their 4 daughters might feel? I guess not. Do you know who I feel very badly for??? The oldest of the 4 and the youngest of the 4 (can't rememeber their names right now.)  It's also annoying that the youngest one has that stupid pacifier in her mouth. It's her parents' fault for pinning it to her shirt. "Loose it" somewhere in the house. Then she will forget about it.

The poor kid is soon to be dropped like a hot potato once the Golden Boychild arrives, she needs all the comfort she can get at the moment.

I once had a patient whose 7 year old son used a pacifier everywhere. He actually shoved it to the side of his mouth with his tongue to speak around it. His mother was a child psychologist, BTW.  I don't think there's any rush to take the 2 year old's pacifier.

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19 hours ago, SMama said:

A&J are being obnoxious assholes broadcasting how even in utero Baby Boy is more important than his sisters.  Baby Boy will be spoiled. 

I kind of hope that the Golden Penis turns out to be a bat out of hell, the brattiest, most ill-behaved, unattractive little shit in Florida. Spoil that, John and Alyssa -- you selfish, tone-deaf asses. But don't even think of blaming his behavior on your daughters because it's not their job to raise their exalted brother. 

It's inevitable, in my opinion, that they keep trying for boy #2 so that the Golden Penis can have a brother. The question is whether Penis #2 will be as important and entitled as version 1.0. 



And just for good measure, I hope Golden Penis is the MESSIEST KID IN FLORIDA! Take that, Alyssa! Go clean your house! 

Edited by Heathen
Sloppy kid
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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

it just isn't a battle she wants to fight right now. 


And she shouldn’t because Maci is going through a difficult transition and it should be about what helps out this soon to be forgotten child. Good thing Alyssa is recognizing this, even if it’s out of laziness.  

Edited by SMama
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My guess is Alyssa put up removeable wallpaper. Real wallpaper would rip not buckle or smoosh' It low and below a window so my guess is a kid pushed a stool or something up against the wall to look out the window.

And yay she did a shit job matching. With removeable wallpaper you need to overlap and cut a very narrow strip down the middle then smooth both edges back together. With real wallpaper you let it sit pasted for 15 minutes to let it shrink, then just butt the seams together, because there is no overlap in the print/pattern.

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I watched the baby shower YouTube earlier today. I have to say that I am sick and tired of "perfectly fake" Alyssa. In her world, everything has to be just so and perfect. We are perfectly happy, my house is perfect for us; the girls are so excited about the baby BOY; etc. She just sounds so fake and rehearsed to me. I didn't enjoy it at all. I also don't think that she needs to keep pumping up the girls that they are going to have a BROTHER. (BTW, her constantly changing eyebrows are annoying and look as fake as they are. Today they were too dark and too thick.)

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I just watched the video and was struck by Alyssa's bad attitude. Her friends threw her a beautiful shower and that food spread must've cost a grip, yet she sat there the whole time with a pouty look on her face and ended it with a half-hearted "thank you" and pointed out what she didn't get. Maybe she's at the point in her pregnancy where she's cranky and uncomfortable all the time, but what an entitled princess. Was she disappointed the crowd was small and the entire town didn't turn up to celebrate that she and John finally produced a kid with a Y chromosome? 

I noticed Jackson's girlfriend was there but found it interesting Erin didn't come. Aren't they only an hour or so away from each other?

1 minute ago, BitterApple said:



Edited by BitterApple
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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I just watched the video and was struck by Alyssa's bad attitude. Her friends threw her a beautiful shower and that food spread must've cost a grip, yet she sat there the whole time with a pouty look on her face and ended it with a half-hearted "thank you" and pointed out what she didn't get. Maybe she's at the point in her pregnancy where she's cranky and uncomfortable all the time, but what an entitled princess. Was she disappointed the crowd was small and the entire town didn't turn up to celebrate that she and John finally produced a kid with a Y chromosome? 

I noticed Jackson's girlfriend was there but found it interesting Erin didn't come. Aren't they only an hour or so away from each other?


What was missing for the mother of the Golden Penis? Kelly’s kids are so ill mannered.

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9 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

After 4 kids what could she possibly need for number 5 except for some boy clothes?  

I just rewatched and, mea culpa. Alyssa said the only thing they were lacking was diapers, wipes and clothes which were gifted at the shower. I think she was trying to say that they had what they needed now, but it came out awkwardly. Several people in the comments interpreted it the way I did, so Alyssa may want to work on her delivery, lol.

Her overall demeanor was still kind of lackluster though. I think she expecting a bigger shebang than the one she got. 

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We must have watched different videos. The one that I saw started out with Alyssa saying that her three dear friends went overboard and did way more than they shoud have. She said they asked her what she needed and they gave her all the things that she was lacking like diapers, wipes and boy outfits. She looked like she was enjoying the shower laughing and letting her girls open some of the boxes.  She said thank you when she opened her presents. 

 She didn't appear to be disappointed or unappreciative to me. But I guess everybody sees things differently.  

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Ha, I just started watching the shower video and one of the girls, Lexi I think, says “He’s the best baby”. When Alyssa asks why he’s the best, she says “because he’s a boy!” Oh yi.

Also, I love how the older girl is just enthralled with her image in the camera, my granddaughter does the same thing. 

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21 hours ago, YupItsMe said:

Ha, I just started watching the shower video and one of the girls, Lexi I think, says “He’s the best baby”. When Alyssa asks why he’s the best, she says “because he’s a boy!” Oh yi.

They’re being indoctrinated well, I guess. Ugh. It’s just gross.

Anyway, I just hate the idea of kids thinking they’re not good enough because of their gender. I’ve known a couple of families that were very open about their preference for boys and it was interesting to observe how that sort of upbringing played out for those kids.

One family only had two girls before their boy, but one girl played up her asthma and the other regularly made horrible grades, all for attention. The younger girl ended up having a daughter and a son and was over-the-top excited for the boy. Her husband’s family, though, is very boy-heavy and were over the moon for a girl, so at least that daughter is getting plenty of positive attention from somewhere.

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12 minutes ago, Heathen said:

Per Reddit, Alyssa is in labor. Kelly and the servants are in town, of course. Let's see how totally useless Kelly is this time. 

Funny thing is, Kelly was just in Florida for a week, and now she's turning around and going right back. Also notable that Addie and Ellie haven't cycled up to New Jersey once, but have been in Florida. Alyssa sure has a stranglehold on her nannies! 

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Funny thing is, Kelly was just in Florida for a week, and now she's turning around and going right back. Also notable that Addie and Ellie haven't cycled up to New Jersey once, but have been in Florida. Alyssa sure has a stranglehold on her nannies! 

And that the kids still at home are getting ZERO education 🥲.

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23 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Funny thing is, Kelly was just in Florida for a week, and now she's turning around and going right back. Also notable that Addie and Ellie haven't cycled up to New Jersey once, but have been in Florida. Alyssa sure has a stranglehold on her nannies! 

I don't think KJ left Florida after the engagement party or whatever it was. She was there all last week. Addie was not in Florida only Ellie. She mentioned that Addie would be going down next week to help Alyssa out. You know KJ isn't going to stay to help. 

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1 hour ago, ozziemom said:

In Alyssa’s earlier IG she posted KJ saying that if baby didn’t come soon KJ would be sending for Jeb, Jud and Callie. Cos that would make the baby come faster I guess, lol. Not sure where those 3 were since we know Gil wasn’t taking care of them.

They're Addie's problem right now. She's managing the homefront as Kelly does whatever she's doing. Carlin posted a pic of Addie holding Zade during the cash & carry - I think at home, so her and Whit dumped all their kids on Addie [Whit brought her 2 oldest so the other ones]. Then I guess Kelly comes back sometime this week and Addie continues her mom duties in Fla. Addie needs to find a boyfriend to put a ring on it and get out. I mean this is part of why all fundie girls marry so young - it's not like education or anything is an issue for them, but the longer they stay - the more they are raising their mother's children and running the household.

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Hate to say it but even looking at a picture of John - who has always been steadfast about I don't need a boy, I wasn't the one that said we had to have another just to get a boy, etc. - his smile definitely reaches his eyes holding the boy in a way that it did not with the girls, esp not girls 2-4. And if John is feeling that way, we can only imagine Alyssa. I feel like John will still be "mature" enough about it in front of the girls, while Alyssa runs around being like - he's a BOY, he gets what he wants . . . . But wow girls - it's been a good ride, but get into the kitchen and start cooking and cleaning and earning your keep in this family . . . .

Edited by cereality
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22 hours ago, cereality said:

Hate to say it but even looking at a picture of John - who has always been steadfast about I don't need a boy, I wasn't the one that said we had to have another just to get a boy, etc. - his smile definitely reaches his eyes holding the boy in a way that it did not with the girls, esp not girls 2-4. And if John is feeling that way, we can only imagine Alyssa. I feel like John will still be "mature" enough about it in front of the girls, while Alyssa runs around being like - he's a BOY, he gets what he wants . . . . But wow girls - it's been a good ride, but get into the kitchen and start cooking and cleaning and earning your keep in this family . . . .


Reminds me of something my grandmother told me once. Their first child was a girl. When child 2 (my uncle) was born, a nurse cheerfully told my grandmother how happy my grandfather had looked and how much he was beaming at having a boy. She meant it as a happy thing, but my grandmother said it was the one time she wanted to hit my grandfather (whom she adored). She was pissed. Of course, that was a different era…

Now, in their case, my aunt was the first girl in two or three generations in my grandfather’s boy-heavy family, so she didn’t lack for positive attention. And if you were to ask my dad and his brothers, they’d say she was their dad’s favorite.

I have no hopes for Alyssa, but hopefully John can behave in a mature way that does the least possible damage to those girls. Not holding my breath.

Part of me hopes this kid is a hellion, just to teach those morons a lesson, but I suspect the girls would take the blame.

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8 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I don't know if any of you lurk Bates Instas, but today is Allie's birthday and Carlin sent her a pink ballet outfit with matching bag.

Does this mean she's finally going to take lessons? It was a very thoughtful gift from Carlin, I just hope the poor kid gets to make use of it. 

I think today is also Carlin's birthday, so she sent a gift to her birthday buddy. I doubt Alyssa's other kids get such nice gifts from Auntie Carlin. 

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My guess is Carlin sent the gift bc they are birthday buddies and at some point Allie or Alyssa have mentioned in front of Carlin how much she wants to do ballet. I 100% do not think John will allow her to take ballet. So that's even crueler - not that Carlin knows that or sent it to be cruel (bc in her fam, yeah I think Layla will take dance if she wants to as she/Evan go to his nieces' dance recitals and see nothing wrong with it and encourage Layla when she copies her cousins' moves). I mean here child - the whole get up for you to pretend you're a ballerina, but nope you can't actually take classes.

The most I think she'll get is maybe being allowed to watch on Youtube and copy those moves in the privacy of her room - when John is at work. But otherwise I think John is ridiculously old school about things like people seeing his daughters dancing + he could care less about making his daughters happy whether it is a 1x/wk dance class or soccer for a season or whatever. He also doesn't understand or care that kids like to try things; just bc a girl says she wants to do ballet at 6 (she's been saying it for yrs) doesn't mean she won't tire of it in 9 months and start saying hmm field hockey looks fun. But he doesn't care - daughters are put on this earth to learn how to be godly wives and mothers and find a man ASAP, and that's being accomplished by having them care for their siblings, church, and going on dates with daddy, what else is there?? 

Edited by cereality
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1 hour ago, SMama said:

The Golden Penis (henceforth TGP) is one month old, and Alyssa is being ridiculously over the top, emotional, with a crying emoji to add drama. Could someone please explain to me what is bittersweet about a baby being on this earth for a freaking month? These women are so ridiculous. 🙄


Horrible outfit and that's the best shot they got?


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