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S05.E06: Medford, 90210

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Yea, me either.


IMO it is clear that there is a lot of truth in what Brandi accused Lisa of.  I am sure it was all wrapped up in Lisa's "British Humor", which I gather from reading lots of posts over the years, some of us just don't get. 


The important part to me has always been the way Lisa reacted to it. She hears that Brandi is making accusations about her, which if true are heinous. Mauricio is upset and Kyle is crying, and Lisa doesn't seem to be furious. She stumbles around about how she never even saw them. She refuses to go and confront Brandi right then and there when Ken recommends it. That was odd to me. Why wouldn't someone be flat out astounded to hear that someone was saying something like that about them? Then she sits with Brandi on the bus on the way to dinner. Brandi has a whole new set of issues with Lisa, this time about Scheana.  Lisa is much more forceful about denying these claims than she is the magazine ones. Then they get to dinner and Lisa walks up to a seated Brandi, puts her arms around her, and tells her that she loves her.  She whispers that she has always supported her.  What the fuck did I just see? Do I have the situation correct? This gal is telling others that Lisa has done extremely hurtful things to them, that she plotted to hurt them purposefully, and yet Lisa seems much more concerned with pacifying Brandi than she does Kyle. Kyle is the one who is hurt. She is just asking the questions of Lisa, and since Lisa is the one who has been running around BH telling everyone she brushes up against that Brandi is the most truthful person she has ever met, why would Lisa be mad at Kyle? No, she says nothing of comfort to Kyle. All of her kind words are saved for Brandi. It seemed very much to me like a warning, or a reminder that Brandi should be very careful. Anyone else in Lisa's place would have looked Brandi in the eye and asked her why she was telling such lies. She would have been forceful in her denial. She would have been the S2 reunion Lisa. The one who proclaimed "that's a fucking insult and I won't have it" to Adrienne. That Lisa didn't show up. 

Neither Yolanda or Carlton saw any tabloids at Brandi's house and they were there before Lisa and they were there longer than Lisa was. That Brandi never mentioned anything to Yolanda about Lisa trying to get her to bring the tabloids until they got to PR, long after it supposedly happened is a huge tell in my opinion. She would have told her in PS, and would have made sure it was ON camera, there is no way Brandi would have sat on that info. Yolanda admits that she never saw any tabloids, at Brandi's house and that she knew nothing of this until they arrived at their hotel in PR. She never told Carlton, someone she was comfortable enough with to share a "kiss" with who was also at her house the day she claims it happened and who also never saw any tabloids at Brandi's either. The only one that claims this happened, Lisa has denied it over and over, is Brandi and she has no credibility IMO. She made sure everyone knew about Adrienne "suing" her, another lie BTW, right away, she did not sit on that info. IMO, Kim, they were already close before filming began last season, filled Brandi on what Lisa said at Kyle's and Brandi used that info to fabricate this BS story to take Lisa down. Brandi wants the BH show to focus on her and Yolanda as the 2 main HWs, instead of it being centered around Lisa and Kyle. Neither Lisa or Kyle are innocent but neither is evil.....whereas Brandi is evil.

  • Love 6

Merry Christmas and what the heck am I doing here!  I actually watched A Harold and Kumar Christmas last night.  Oh well.


I really liked the stories about the auditions and enjoyed much of this past episode.  I just wanted to know why Lisa R. enjoyed church so much.  I am just curious about that.


The two new women are a refreshing change compared to last year.  Being on a soap does sound like hard work, so I have respect for Lisa R. and Eileen.

  • Love 4

Oh my goodness, Yolanda! Drop it about Lisa not inviting you to the star event! Ugh, she was so obnoxious and seemed to want to invite a gang-up.

I find Yolanda to be completely insufferable this season. I can not stand her condescending attitude. Now that the Lyme disease pity party is over, she is showing us what an ugly person she really is. 

  • Love 5

I find Yolanda to be completely insufferable this season. I can not stand her condescending attitude. Now that the Lyme disease pity party is over, she is showing us what an ugly person she really is. 

Did you watch Watch What Happens.. She was on with Anna Kendrick and someone called in about the Lyme and of course she was having a bad day.  She is both condescending and whiney-- weird combo.  I always liked her house the best and I did like her last year, but she has been awful lately.  Maybe because we finally have some interesting people again, the bloom is off the rose.  She is tiring.

  • Love 5

I didn't hear her say anything like that. She said she was bullied in school, had no friends, and she wasn't happy there. It wasn't specific to that town, just how she felt growing up.




In one of her TH's, she said she felt she was too fabulous (the exact word) for Medford, and something about wondering how she wound up there. She also did mention she didn't fit in, but part of the "not belonging" was apparently that she did feel she deserved a more special place to live in - like back in Cali.

Edited by renatae
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Yes, Kim's daughter married the Fatburger Prince (and scion of white-collar crime.) Her other daughter, Whitney, works for Fatburger. That clan likes to keep in the family!


Ah! I was wondering why they almost always have Fatburger at Kyle's parties.


Love me a Big Boy! They invented the sauce, I believe, and they do it the best IMO. We buy it by the jar when we can get anywhere there is still a Big Boy - not to many left in my area of the country - none at all where I live. Have to go a couple of states away.

Edited by renatae
  • Love 4

Merry Christmas to one and all, I am  enjoying Previously TV while the rest of the family skis.  Thank you to the poster who gave us the heads up on Magnum PI, Mixed Doubles.  I swear Kim used some of those lines Season 2 in describing her life growing up. 


To Motorcity Mom and Wire Wrap, MotorCity, I agree with you that Lisa didn't express any great umbrage over the very delayed tabloids in the suitcase situation.  Wire, I agree with you Brandi is a liar who lies and hurts and destroys.  What Lisa has finally said this season on this episode is Brandi was the one coming between Lisa and her friends.  Kyle and Lisa were in a good place when they hit the sands of Puerto Rico-Brandi and to a certain degree Kim, could not stand it.  So Brandi, with a little help from Kim, brought up the tabloid situation.  Did happen probably.  Did Lisa say it in an off handed manner-most likely.  It is just too big an obstacle to overcome with a "C'mom, Brandi you know it was in jest."


As to the dinner where the situation came up -it was addressed and the problem was Yolanda and Kim, (emphasis Kim) Ken was a dolt and should not have started counting the people at the table, should not have labeled Yolanda stupid.  Clearly, Joyce and Michael weren't backing Brandi or Kim.  I thought exiting the resort was too much and counterproductive.  Lisa cannot "save it for the cameras" when it suits her and then flee when one of the others wants to have a talk.  One day there needs to be a very candid discussion over how many of these "tiffs" are directly related to camera time.


Because I think Lisa makes for good TV and I like she and Kyle together-far more so than the way too forced relationship with Lisa and Lisa, I was glad to see Lisa V. finally address that it is in fact Brandi coming between the relationships she had developed with Kyle and Yolanda.  I watched Yolanda on WWHL and she keeps claiming there is a good person deep down inside of Brandi and can't bear kicking her to the curb.  I find Yolanda short-sighted-there are a number of cast members that have been good to her and she has not always been fair to them to secure her stronghold over Brandi. 

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I don't understand why seeing chubby people in Oregon was so shocking and upsetting for Lisa R.'s daughters.  Do they equate fat humans with wild animals?  Like, if they got out of the car, an overweight person might charge and try to eat them?  They really have been little assholes in every scene so far this season. Not just regular teenage assholes, but snobby teenage elitist assholes, and I'm not interested in seeing any more of them.


They are horrible people and so is their mother and I am guessing Harry is, as well, since he is responsible for their upbringing, too.

I have a teenage daughter who has the self-awareness to know even if she thought those things (which she is a sweet kid, I would hope she did not) she would not say them, especially on camera. And I would be horrified if my kids talked that way about a place that seems like a perfectly nice place to grow up. (And I teach high school. These girls are rotten brats even taking "teenagers" into consideration.)

I do not mind seeing more of them, though. Makes me feel better to know that you can have that many resources available and your kids can still turn out so poorly.

  • Love 11

Bingo. For everyone exclaiming that their mother should have lectured them here (and I agree with you all), this is why she didn't.

Oh I know this is why she didn't lecture them. Fuck her and her holier than thou attitude!

I hate people like this. I bet she didn't "fit in" because she was a condescending bitch.

On another note; I enjoyed seeing Bambi's ratty ol tennis ball on kyle's beautifully decorated table & Kyle saying " oh no. That's not gonna happen". Just a "real" & familiar moment.

  • Love 7

Yea, me either.


IMO it is clear that there is a lot of truth in what Brandi accused Lisa of.  I am sure it was all wrapped up in Lisa's "British Humor", which I gather from reading lots of posts over the years, some of us just don't get. 


The important part to me has always been the way Lisa reacted to it. She hears that Brandi is making accusations about her, which if true are heinous. Mauricio is upset and Kyle is crying, and Lisa doesn't seem to be furious. She stumbles around about how she never even saw them. She refuses to go and confront Brandi right then and there when Ken recommends it. That was odd to me. Why wouldn't someone be flat out astounded to hear that someone was saying something like that about them? Then she sits with Brandi on the bus on the way to dinner. Brandi has a whole new set of issues with Lisa, this time about Scheana.  Lisa is much more forceful about denying these claims than she is the magazine ones. Then they get to dinner and Lisa walks up to a seated Brandi, puts her arms around her, and tells her that she loves her.  She whispers that she has always supported her.  What the fuck did I just see? Do I have the situation correct? This gal is telling others that Lisa has done extremely hurtful things to them, that she plotted to hurt them purposefully, and yet Lisa seems much more concerned with pacifying Brandi than she does Kyle. Kyle is the one who is hurt. She is just asking the questions of Lisa, and since Lisa is the one who has been running around BH telling everyone she brushes up against that Brandi is the most truthful person she has ever met, why would Lisa be mad at Kyle? No, she says nothing of comfort to Kyle. All of her kind words are saved for Brandi. It seemed very much to me like a warning, or a reminder that Brandi should be very careful. Anyone else in Lisa's place would have looked Brandi in the eye and asked her why she was telling such lies. She would have been forceful in her denial. She would have been the S2 reunion Lisa. The one who proclaimed "that's a fucking insult and I won't have it" to Adrienne. That Lisa didn't show up. 


So much word to all of this. When Kyle brought up the tabloids at the dinner - and she stated firmly, "I need an answer" - Lisa did not take that opportunity to say, "That is such a fucking insult," like she did to Adrienne. She hemmed and hawed, she feigned confusion, she sputtered about when and where she did see the tabloids - she did everything except just shoot it down. It wasn't until later - at the Chamber of Commerce party, for example - where she started to actively deny it, and even then, never with the force that she denied selling stories to the press. It would make no sense for Brandi to have brought up the tabloid issue in Palm Springs because she and Lisa weren't on the outs yet. And Brandi did actually unwittingly broach Lisa's machinations in PS - when she was drunk, she blurted out that she wanted Lisa to "stop strategizing." Drunk mouth, sober mind and all that.


There are a lot of things I find fascinating about seeing the fallout from last season. I think it's interesting that Lisa now squarely blames Brandi for everything that happened. Not Yolanda, not Kyle, not Kim - it was all Brandi's fault for allegedly corralling the women against her. It's like she completely forgets Kyle telling Brandi, "I know exactly who Lisa is and I know she is never going to change," it's like she completely forgets Yolanda fabricating Ken's assault in the finale, it's like she totally forgets Kim running to Mauricio to break the news about Lisa and the tabloids. It's total bullshit. In my mind, it's clear that Lisa really holds, to use an overused word in the RHoBH universe, a grudge against Brandi that she does not wield against the others (at least to the same degree). I think this is actually because Lisa cared more about Brandi than she did the others and, as such, felt more betrayed by her. Even seeing Lisa keep an arm's length from Brandi at the barbecue, I could feel their chemistry. There is a kind of joking, lively bond between them that feels much deeper to me than Lisa and Kyle sharing a laugh. But I also think it speaks to Lisa's habit of playing Captain Save-a-ho; I do think Lisa wants her sidekicks like Cedric and Brandi to stay in their places. She "loves" them with all their heart, but it is conditional, and she takes no responsibility for it when those in the gilded cage suddenly resent the bars around them. I do think Brandi was dead-on with many of her issues regarding Lisa.


Where Brandi went disastrously wrong - and this was something I really felt at the barbecue - was the way she went about dealing with it. Brandi should have just sat down with Lisa and talked with her point blank. She should have said, "You're pulling away and it's hurtful to me." Instead, she did start buzzing around, aligning with Kyle, spreading rumors about the tabloids and generally going on the offensive. She went further with the whole weird bankruptcy thing. Brandi doesn't know when to stop, and she loses all credibility in the process. Even though I think Lisa is the furthest thing from innocent in all of this, I do understand why she would never want to be friends again with someone that took it to such an unnecessarily dramatic level. Brandi does need to learn that multiple wrongs don't make a right, and apologizing doesn't excuse everything, and that friends aren't going to stick with you when you decide to go on a destructive rampage. She has truly overstayed her welcome. She is an emotional infant and her theatrics have become so tired at this point.


Based on what I've seen so far, I am imagining the rumors that Eileen goads Lisa R. about Harry's constant absences are complete B.S. I can't imagine her being that petty.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 12


The important part to me has always been the way Lisa reacted to it. She hears that Brandi is making accusations about her, which if true are heinous. Mauricio is upset and Kyle is crying, and Lisa doesn't seem to be furious. She stumbles around about how she never even saw them. She refuses to go and confront Brandi right then and there when Ken recommends it. That was odd to me. Why wouldn't someone be flat out astounded to hear that someone was saying something like that about them? Then she sits with Brandi on the bus on the way to dinner. Brandi has a whole new set of issues with Lisa, this time about Scheana.  Lisa is much more forceful about denying these claims than she is the magazine ones. Then they get to dinner and Lisa walks up to a seated Brandi, puts her arms around her, and tells her that she loves her.  She whispers that she has always supported her.  What the fuck did I just see? Do I have the situation correct? This gal is telling others that Lisa has done extremely hurtful things to them, that she plotted to hurt them purposefully, and yet Lisa seems much more concerned with pacifying Brandi than she does Kyle. Kyle is the one who is hurt. She is just asking the questions of Lisa, and since Lisa is the one who has been running around BH telling everyone she brushes up against that Brandi is the most truthful person she has ever met, why would Lisa be mad at Kyle? No, she says nothing of comfort to Kyle. All of her kind words are saved for Brandi. It seemed very much to me like a warning, or a reminder that Brandi should be very careful. Anyone else in Lisa's place would have looked Brandi in the eye and asked her why she was telling such lies. She would have been forceful in her denial. She would have been the S2 reunion Lisa. The one who proclaimed "that's a fucking insult and I won't have it" to Adrienne. That Lisa didn't show up.

I read this whole post thanking whoever wrote it, because it details exactly how I think it went down. And of course it's MCM! (Thanks, Detroit!). Lisa was just so weird in how she reacted to the accusations. She had guilt written all over her forehead. It seemed so evident that her "shock" was over Brandi betraying her, not over a fabricated story. And then of course, she left. Packed up and got the hell out of Dodge. That was such a strange thing to do if a Big Lie was being circulated around your group of friends you were on vacation with. But not a strange thing to do if your machinations were exposed, and you didn't know what to do.

That being said, Brandi is a liar, and I agree with Zoeysmom that it was maybe said in jest, and Brandi twisted it to play it up. She did have an anti-Lisa agenda, after all. Or maybe they had some kind of agreement, and Brandi betrayed her. I don't know....I just think that Lisa is guilty of something, and Brandi is just a horrible friend.

  • Love 12

In one of her TH's, she said she felt she was too fabulous (the exact word) for Medford, and something about wondering how she wound up there. She also did mention she didn't fit in, but part of the "not belonging" was apparently that she did feel she deserved a more special place to live in - like back in Cali.

I really hope Medford or her high school has not given her any kind of award or recognition, as sometimes smaller towns do for someone who made it "big." I would think not because, let's face, she is known more for her fake lips than her two-bit acting gigs on DOOL and Melrose Place but you never know.

But if they did and then to see her and her wretched girls trashing the place so on national TV? What a kick in the face.

It is one thing to feel like you were born for Broadway or something big and you wanted to get out of small town USA. But no need to throw your hometown under the bus for its fast-food places and fat asses and just general lack of fabulousness equivalent to your own. And then the irony of her stating that house made her a good person. We sure did not see that this episode, honey. I went from completely neutral on you to running to get my iPad to snark on you and your spawn.

  • Love 14

I must get one more thing off my chest:

"I'm not lifting any boxes." FUCK OFF you asshole brat.

After listening to these self entitled little bitches; I really despise Rinna/Hamlin.

Could anyone else imagine saying that to your parents in regards to your GRANDPARENTS?!

Not me, My ass woulda been kicked from here to the next century

What I didn't like was when Lisa was saying how hard it is to sell your childhood home, one of the daughters said - why? It won't be for me (meaning when her parents die or go off to the home), and then made the money gesture with her hand and said "cash money!"

This is why teenagers should not be on reality TV!!!

  • Love 5

"I'm not lifting any boxes." FUCK OFF you asshole brat.

After listening to these self entitled little bitches; I really despise Rinna/Hamlin.

Could anyone else imagine saying that to your parents in regards to your GRANDPARENTS?!

Not me, My ass woulda been kicked from here to the next century



Guess I didn't have the same reaction to them.  I just discounted 'em as idiot kids.  And I'm not comfy flinging too much snark or cursing at kids.  But maybe dat's just me.  And I'd be very nervous about my kids getting such vitriolic reaction -- whether deserved or not.  But it certainly serves as a nice reminder why featuring teens on a reality show is a shitty idea.  Thanks for the reminder, Rinna.  Anyhoo, I suspect these girls are very typical BH teens.


Beneath all her phony nicey-nice, kiss-assy shit, Rinna is revealing herself to be quite reprehensible.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 5

What I didn't like was when Lisa was saying how hard it is to sell your childhood home, one of the daughters said - why? It won't be for me (meaning when her parents die or go off to the home), and then made the money gesture with her hand and said "cash money!"

This is why teenagers should not be on reality TV!!!


So, Lisa's daughters will stick her in a home (if she's lucky) and never visit (if she's luckier).  The circle of life is really something, eh.  :-)

  • Love 7

But it certainly serves as a nice reminder why featuring teens on a reality show is a shitty idea. Thanks the reminder, Rinna. Anyhoo, I suspect these girls are very typical BH teens.

I think they all are hoping that their kids will take off like the Kardashians. There is a purpose to it, for sure.

Gosh - I hope my kids have some financial success (enough to at least support themselves) but part of me can't relate, in the tiniest amount, to wanting my kids on reality TV. No way.

Eta: I see Lisa is already at work trying to redeem their reputations by showing them feeding the homeless on her Twitter feed.

Edited by lilmarysunshine
  • Love 3
Regardless of Beverly Hills body types, what they're used to, how they eat in their homes, etc., that was uncalled for. Substitute "chub-chubs" for almost any other un-PC comment and put it in some sneering teen's mouth from some other place, it doesn't play as well in a brush off.  "lots of blacks here, huh?"



I don't think they would have gone there.  I suspect they were talkin' of chub-chubs cuz the weight issue is at the very top of their minds.  Maybe it's reflective of just how sheltered they are -- and in their tiny sealed-off world, they never see any "chub-chubs" -- a rather vile term I've never heard of before.  And as far as Rinna "correcting" them?  That doesn't seem to be her style at all.

  • Love 3

Anyone else think Mauricio has mostly been grumpy & barking at Kyle this season?  OK, there have been a few glimmers, maybe when he & Kyle were on vacay, where he wasn't.  But mostly he seems very, very anxious & distracted.  The first time I saw him upbeat was when he eyed Eileen & Vince, and was meeting them.  It was kinda like a piranha meeting its prey.  It's like I could see the thoughts goin' on in his head -- they got a house in Malibu I can sell, they got a house in Malibu I can sell, they got a house in Malibu I can sell, they got a house in Malibu I can sell, they got a house in Malibu I can sell . . .


Sorry, but Mauricio is not exactly hard to read these days.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 9

Anyone else think Mauricio has mostly been grumpy & barking at Kyle this season?  OK, there have been a few glimmers, maybe when he & Kyle were on vacay, where he wasn't.  But mostly he seems very, very anxious & distracted.  The first time I saw him upbeat was when he eyed Eileen & Vince, and was meeting them.  It was kinda like a piranha meeting its prey.  It's like I could see the thoughts goin' on in his head -- they got a house in Malibu I can sell, they got a house in Malibu I can sell, they got a house in Malibu I can sell, they got a house in Malibu I can sell, they got a house in Malibu I can sell . . .


Sorry, but Mauricio is not exactly hard to read these days.

One thing Mauricio does that makes me nuts is say-"hey", to Kyle, instead of using her name.  I think overall he is pretty warm and friendly, he seems to behave the same way when around his family.  He was even engaging Brandi in the conversation at the table, surprising since she crapped all over his company during her house search.  I think for someone who cut their beautiful yacht vacation short to attend his niece's wedding Mauricio was very engaging.  After the way he was treated last two years by Ken and Lisa I am surprised he is so cordial. 


You sound like Lisa and Ken.  Of course if someone wants to sell their house Mauricio would like the listing.  Most likely it will go to Chris Cortazzo, the Malibu agent that has had Camille's listing for the past three years and Yolanda's for over a year.  Just as Ken and Lisa hope their friends and their friends of friends dine in their establishments.


A couple of things of late, apparently the injury to Alexia's thumb by Kim's dog was quite severe.  Mauricio is supposedly not happy with Kim and vice-versa.  Farrah, who dated Taylor, Thayer's brother for eight years stayed in Spain and vacationed with her cousins Paris and Nicki instead of returning to LA for their cousin's wedding.  Sounds like it will be an interesting Reunion.

Edited by zoeysmom
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I think the dog thing is just one more example of the weird dynamic that Kyle and Kim have. Kim lives in her own little world. Kyle backs her up in her denial and demand everyone does the same. Both gang up and lash out at anyone who doesn't buy into the program. This goes on until something bad happens. I could see this being the final straw for Maurcio. It might be one thing for the Richard denial dance to cost him money or mean he has to listen to Kyle complain about Kim without being willing to change anything, but to actually harm one of his kids? That could be a whole different thing.

  • Love 9

How about . . . er, maybe she shoulda kept the dog away from children -- or anyone?

As a parent, I see it as MY responsibility to protect my kids. They knew the dog had bitten and therefore they were forewarned. They also didn't have the confusion of love for the dog that Kim did so you would think they would have used rationality and kept their kids away from that time-bomb. I would have.


ETA: Sometimes dogs can't be rehabilitated. There are dogs too dangerous for any owner. I don't think it is fair to say Kim shouldn't have a pet. She has raised decent children so I think if she were to get the right pet with th right energy she would make a fine pet owner.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 1


I find Yolanda to be completely insufferable this season. I can not stand her condescending attitude.

Couldn't agree more.  Anyone who thinks visiting the Amalfi Coast is hackneyed has done one too many Master Cleanses.  I'm glad Eileen called her out on the pretentiousness of it in her TH; I only wished she'd said it to Yolanda's face at the table.  

  • Love 7

As a parent, I see it as MY responsibility to protect my kids. They knew the dog had bitten and therefore they were forewarned. They also didn't have the confusion of love for the dog that Kim did so you would think they would have used rationality and kept their kids away from that time-bomb. I would have.


ETA: Sometimes dogs can't be rehabilitated. There are dogs too dangerous for any owner. I don't think it is fair to say Kim shouldn't have a pet. She has raised decent children so I think if she were to get the right pet with th right energy she would make a fine pet owner.

I would agree except that I don't think Kim raised her children without lots of help, like live in nannies, until they got older. I think Kim told everyone that she was doing everything the trainer, last season, taught her to do and Kingsley was much better. She most likely spun the family friends bite off as the dog not knowing her thus was protecting her. IMO, Kim likes the idea of "caring" for someone be it animal or person but lacks the ability to do what is best for that person/animal and puts her emotional needs first, before theirs. She loved that Kingsley was so "protective" over her and ignored the danger to others because it made her feel loved/needed.

  • Love 11

Kingsley may have once had the potential to be a good dog or maybe he was born a dangerous dog. However, dogs, especially pit bulls, need a leader. If they don't have one, they become one. I suspect that's what happened to Kingsley. He may not be able to be rehabilitated and if that's the case, I suspect it was Kim's inability to be a responsible dog owner is to blame. I also suspect her kids turning out well had more to do with their fathers, Kyle, and, possibly even Kathy, than it has to do with Kim.

  • Love 6

I also suspect her kids turning out well had more to do with their fathers, Kyle, and, possibly even Kathy, than it has to do with Kim.

Or it could be that Kim Richards is good mother.  There has never been any indication otherwise.  Kim, at her core has always been shown to be a kind, good hearted person.  The polar opposite of Brandi Glanville.

Edited by twilightzone
  • Love 4

IMO, Kim likes the idea of "caring" for someone be it animal or person but lacks the ability to do what is best for that person/animal and puts her emotional needs first, before theirs. She loved that Kingsley was so "protective" over her and ignored the danger to others because it made her feel loved/needed.

This is so true - be it her pet or her daughter. I remember back in season 1 or 2, one of Kim's daughters was talking to Kyle and Kim about going to Texas (I think just for the summer) to spend time with her father, and Kyle had a lot of positive things to say about the idea. Kim was angry at her afterwards, whining about it being a bad idea only because it would take the daughter away from her. That was the only reason - that she would miss her, and didn't want her so far away. Putting her emotional needs first - just like with Kingsley.

  • Love 6

Lisa's kids may be "teens" (excuse whatever behaviors because ...) and surely aren't the worst that ever existed, but that doesn't make their comments any less rude, and it doesn't make Lisa any less responsible for not checking them at that moment. Regardless of Beverly Hills body types, what they're used to, how they eat in their homes, etc., that was uncalled for. Substitute "chub-chubs" for almost any other un-PC comment and put it in some sneering teen's mouth from some other place, it doesn't play as well in a brush off.  "lots of blacks here, huh?"


They were wrong, but Lisa was more wrong. She didn't have to hand out a beat down to use that opportunity to do a subtle check on body snarking. "Lots of wonderful people of all sizes, just like most places in this country." 

I agree.  Lisa is grown and has enough life experience to know better and should have reprimanded her daughters.  I was an obnoxious (and thin) teen and used to make a silly sound when I'd see a very heavy person that sounded like,'' bum-da-bum-da-bum-da-bum-da- bum-da-BUM!"  and giggle with my friends.  Yes I was obnoxious and didn't know what it was like to be overweight.  But I would NEVER have done that on camera!  I knew better and especially around my mother!  (and I'd never let the overweight person actually hear me) Now that I'm an overweight grandma I cringe when I think of doing that.  Karma..... sigh.... 

  • Love 7
As a parent, I see it as MY responsibility to protect my kids. They knew the dog had bitten and therefore they were forewarned. They also didn't have the confusion of love for the dog that Kim did so you would think they would have used rationality and kept their kids away from that time-bomb. I would have.



Yeah, I think the weird Kim/Kyle dynamic is goin' on here.  I hesitate to place any blame on Kyle for this incident -- not yet anyway.  It seems like her daughters are very close to Kim & her daughters.  I don't know the deets, but was Alexia going to Kim's house often & maybe Kingsley hadn't behaved badly in her presence?  Maybe that's why there hadn't been safety concerns?  As usual, there's a lot going on between Kim & Kyle we know nothing about for sure & can only guess at -- at least for now.


I was somewhat distracted by Tom Selleck's short shorts.  The 80s were a very strange time.



I rather enjoyed Tom in his short shorts.  Vince too.  I don't think Harry ever wore 'em.  Doesn't seem his style.

  • Love 1

I am team Lisa all the way. I feel she has a right to hold back on how she wants to handle ex friend Brandi who so betrayed her. Brandi said she is not going to kiss her arse but yet that is what she is doing. Leave the woman alone. You invited her to your bloody house warming now leave her alone to decide if she wants to attend that den of snakes or not. Heck, I would be leary too. And you know troublemaker Kim could give two bucks whether Lisa goes to Brandi's event or not, so what is SHE asking for? Everyone wants to know so it can be topic of discussion later on behind Lisa's back. You go Lisa. Handle it at your own pace. You owe that girl, nothing!!! LOL.. Rant over.

  • Love 8

I am team Lisa all the way. I feel she has a right to hold back on how she wants to handle ex friend Brandi who so betrayed her. Brandi said she is not going to kiss her arse but yet that is what she is doing. Leave the woman alone. You invited her to your bloody house warming now leave her alone to decide if she wants to attend that den of snakes or not. Heck, I would be leary too. And you know troublemaker Kim could give two bucks whether Lisa goes to Brandi's event or not, so what is SHE asking for? Everyone wants to know so it can be topic of discussion later on behind Lisa's back. You go Lisa. Handle it at your own pace. You owe that girl, nothing!!! LOL.. Rant over.

Brandi wants Lisa there solely because it would mean more camera time. Just like Yolanda realized, they need Lisa to show up to insure their parties make it through the final editing cuts.  For any party/gathering to make it past that final edit, either Lisa or Kyle need to attend and both attending is best which equates to more money in the HW, Brandi in this case, pocket.

  • Love 4

I love how so little happens in the episodes this season that we go back to rehashing previous-season and off-screen drama ;). No shade (on us), just on the show.


Anyway, I don't think family dynamics usually change because of incidents like the dog-bite (I also don't think 25+ adults actually change much, normally, although they may become more self-aware over time.) Underlying motivations and feelings just come to the surface and find justifications. Mauricio never liked Kim, and vice versa. I'm skeptical of the idea that Mauricio threatened her in order to get her to give up the dog. She's never given much credence to anything Mauricio has to say, and Kim would probably get Rick and Kathy's financial and legal support in the case of any kind of charges or suit against Kim. My suspicion is that Kim's children made a unified front, along with Kyle, about giving the dog up (perhaps especially significant in the case of Brooke, who basically gave Kim the dog in the first place.) Kyle and Kim will always have a love-hate love, back-and-forth relationship, IMO.


I also don't think there's much evidence Kim had live-in nannies and whatnot, at least past the time she divorced Gregg Davis, when her oldest child was, like, 5. . I People including Kimberly's father have said she was very "kid-oriented" and basically took her whole brood everywhere with her when they were young. That doesn't always add up to being a good (or emotionally present) mother, but I think that save the very bad spells of her alcoholism and her two subsequent rehab stays, she seems to have spent a lot of time with her children and know them/remember their childhoods quite well. Having had a mother who was a functioning alcoholic (but not to Kim's severity) for a good deal of my childhood and teen years, alcoholic parents can be a combination of present, present in body but not mentally or emotionally, and absent. I think Kim was sometimes the third, but often the former two. See this interpretation from Brian Moylan in a recent recap, which I think sounds accurate: She thought about Brooke standing up in her crib, a light in her eyes at her accomplishment, or maybe it was just a marvel at the world that everything was happening and each day would get better. She thought of it all, birthday parties and softball games, parent-teacher conferences and nights at the pizza joint. She was at so many of them, but she missed so many, too. Some she was present for but missed anyway, fogged off from her children behind a mist of sadness and pill haze.


I also like the idea that Kim, the character, can't have any animals or plants for its inherent comedy value, but I don't think it's quite accurate (e.g. the idea that she couldn't have a cactus because it would fall on her visitors is hilarious and consistent with her on-screen character). It's one of those YMMV situations that's determined by how much one dislikes Kim based on what we know of her from the show (not that I don't do the same thing with Ho'Wives like Lisa V. or Brandi that I don't have the time of day for.) I think she had a Golden Retriever that died before Kingsley, and I do think she could manage a cat or hamster or something. I do think she handled the situation with Kingsley terribly on different levels, but she also a.) didn't go out and buy Kingsley and b.) the dog seemed to be wired wrong, not just from bad training. I'll defer to the dog experts here on the latter, since I'm afraid of dogs in all circumstances. To repeat, not that Kim helped with any of this.

  • Love 3

I have to agree with those like WireWrap who say Yolanda in particular (and most of the non-anchor Ho'Wives, really) are driven by desire for air time in the final cut. It often seems like one housewife depriving another of air time is the real reason she's angry with her. That's been Yolanda's main tack on this show from day one. Otherwise, she's just a character in search of a plot.


I think it's already pretty easy to see how this season will play out at this point, from a combination of what's happened already, rumors, and previews. Lisa Rinna and Brandi will compete to drive the drama in an attempt to ensure their contracts will be renewed (there's a rumor floating out there that Lisa R. is using her soap skills to act really outrageous in a bid to revive her career.) It won't be a season of straightforward teams that break apart like last season, but a season of more complicated one-on-one antagonisms. Lisa R. and Lisa V. will be aligned. Lisa R. will antagonize and provoke Eileen, Kim, and perhaps Brandi. Brandi will antagonize Lisa V. (in a continuing antagonism), Kyle (to create a dust-up in her relationship with Kim), and Eileen. Kim and Kyle will come into conflict, and Lisa and Kyle will become closer. Yolanda doesn't seem to much be a part of this, so I'm questioning her renewal for next season.

  • Love 1

I love how so little happens in the episodes this season that we go back to rehashing previous-season and off-screen drama ;). No shade (on us), just on the show.


Anyway, I don't think family dynamics usually change because of incidents like the dog-bite (I also don't think 25+ adults actually change much, normally, although they may become more self-aware over time.) Underlying motivations and feelings just come to the surface and find justifications. Mauricio never liked Kim, and vice versa. I'm skeptical of the idea that Mauricio threatened her in order to get her to give up the dog. She's never given much credence to anything Mauricio has to say, and Kim would probably get Rick and Kathy's financial and legal support in the case of any kind of charges or suit against Kim. My suspicion is that Kim's children made a unified front, along with Kyle, about giving the dog up (perhaps especially significant in the case of Brooke, who basically gave Kim the dog in the first place.) Kyle and Kim will always have a love-hate love, back-and-forth relationship, IMO.


I also don't think there's much evidence Kim had live-in nannies and whatnot, at least past the time she divorced Gregg Davis, when her oldest child was, like, 5. . I People including Kimberly's father have said she was very "kid-oriented" and basically took her whole brood everywhere with her when they were young. That doesn't always add up to being a good (or emotionally present) mother, but I think that save the very bad spells of her alcoholism and her two subsequent rehab stays, she seems to have spent a lot of time with her children and know them/remember their childhoods quite well. Having had a mother who was a functioning alcoholic (but not to Kim's severity) for a good deal of my childhood and teen years, alcoholic parents can be a combination of present, present in body but not mentally or emotionally, and absent. I think Kim was sometimes the third, but often the former two. See this interpretation from Brian Moylan in a recent recap, which I think sounds accurate: She thought about Brooke standing up in her crib, a light in her eyes at her accomplishment, or maybe it was just a marvel at the world that everything was happening and each day would get better. She thought of it all, birthday parties and softball games, parent-teacher conferences and nights at the pizza joint. She was at so many of them, but she missed so many, too. Some she was present for but missed anyway, fogged off from her children behind a mist of sadness and pill haze.


I also like the idea that Kim, the character, can't have any animals or plants for its inherent comedy value, but I don't think it's quite accurate (e.g. the idea that she couldn't have a cactus because it would fall on her visitors is hilarious and consistent with her on-screen character). It's one of those YMMV situations that's determined by how much one dislikes Kim based on what we know of her from the show (not that I don't do the same thing with Ho'Wives like Lisa V. or Brandi that I don't have the time of day for.) I think she had a Golden Retriever that died before Kingsley, and I do think she could manage a cat or hamster or something. I do think she handled the situation with Kingsley terribly on different levels, but she also a.) didn't go out and buy Kingsley and b.) the dog seemed to be wired wrong, not just from bad training. I'll defer to the dog experts here on the latter, since I'm afraid of dogs in all circumstances. To repeat, not that Kim helped with any of this.

I do think Mauricio put pressure on Kim AND Kyle to finally do something about Kingsley. He made his feelings about the dog well known last season so I have no doubts that he put big pressure on Kim through Kyle and I don't blame him 1 bit. I also think Bravo/the producers/Andy had a hand in Kingsley getting rehomed as well, after all, they were the ones that insisted on a trainer last season.


I don't think Kim raised her kids without lots of help, she is not a very reliable person when she is using/drinking. I am sure there were nannies and or the kids spent most of their younger years at their dads/grandparents homes more than with Kim. Loving children and spending time doing the things kids love to does not always make someone a good parent, I am not so sure that Kim could have handled day to day life with 4 kids, but that is my opinion based on her children acting more like the parent than she does. I think Kim's kids grew up realizing that their mom was unable to be the parent so they stepped into that role themselves.


Kim's last dog, she had him when she first got Kingsley, was white and looked more like a goldendoodle or a laberdoodle to me and acted like a normal dog. The difference between that dog and Kingsley, beside the breed, was that Kim had more people living in the house helping to keep any animal socialized. I think Chad is the only one that lives with her most of the time, except for Monty now, and maybe he is more reclusive and does not bring anyone onto the home. Getting a pet, of any size, would not be good for the pet or for Kim, she needs to find herself and be able to be happy/secure/stable on her own first.

  • Love 1

Even forgetting about nannies, I wonder how much Kyle & Kathy were involved in raising Kim's kids. Were there plenty of times when Kim wasn't able to function properly as a caretaker, and maybe Kyle or Kathy stepped in to cover for her so she wouldn't lose custody? It would certainly explain the extremely close vibe I get between Kyle & Kim's kids. OK, I get it -- they're a close bunch, but still, Kyle seems closer to them than an aunt usually would be to her nieces -- at least to me.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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