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Small Talk: a.k.a. 'The Meet Market'

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I think I'm forever going to be wondering what Bill Weasley (who appears in the ride) is up to during the Gringotts bank part of the last HP movie. Lol. The Golden Trio are going to be escaping and I'll be thinking about poor Bill frantically scurrying around tryingto fix things.

This must be why he Star Wars 

joined the First Order.


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The nasty storm is now passing my parents' place, so I should be able to go home tomorrow, but I'll have to check to make sure that the roads are clear because the tornadoes crossed my route. The damage in the Dallas area is horrible-looking on the news. We got one tornado warning here today, but it had cooled off a lot before the front hit us, so it wasn't as severe as it was around Dallas last night, just constant heavy rain. Since my house is on the opposite side of the city, I'm assuming it's okay, though with the bad roof that my HOA still hasn't fixed, I imagine my carpet is going to be very wet. It's rained something like six inches in the last couple of days.

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So in The Force Awakened one of the badies has slightly reddish hair and squared off side burns. I found myself referring to him as Prince Hans. Had to share with someone who might get it.


I FINALLY saw Star Wars today, and because of this post, I could not NOT see him as Prince Hans the entire movie, LOL.

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Apparently secure wrist wallets are unacceptable and have to be put in a locker because they could un-zip during the ride and stuff could fall out, but flip-flops are totally fine. Flip-flops. FLIP-FLOPS. The things you wear that aren't even securely attached to your feet, but oh-no, a secure wrist wallet is a no-no.

Universal seems to be weird about footwear. We visited one of their in-park water playgrounds and they made everybody wear footwear. No bare feet allowed (quite  a switch from the day before when we were in Legoland and there was a ride where they told us to take off our shoes and put them in a box - and glad we were they told us  that because we got drenched. Shoes were also not required in their water play areas). So, I can see them not making you put flip-flops in lockers. Maybe they are afraid if they allow people to take off shoes, they will sue them if something happens to their feet. Maybe somebody official has a major fear of athlete's foot. 


If your shoe flies off on the ride, that's on you (and they will happily sell you a new pair). 

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A friend worked for a theme park, and once a person's artificial leg flew off on a roller coaster! That's one of the "loose objects" they weren't supposed to be wearing. The really funny thing is, it wasn't claimed! They just found it on one of the periodic times they cleaned up up the loose objects from underneath it.


About Star Wars -- I am rather disturbed by how many women & girls I've seen squeeing over Kylo Ren. My friend took two tween girls to see it, and they came out all in love with him. I know girls like the bad boys, but ... I don't get it.

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Ugh, I thought he was a whiner, though the emo kylo ren Twitter is amusing. I'm more into morally gray bad boys; I don't find moping and sulking to be attractive. Twilight Edward, I am looking in your direction.

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I am rather disturbed by how many women & girls I've seen squeeing over Kylo Ren.

Even if you remove the personality issues, he's not that cute, so is it the personality? Is it one of those "I could save him or heal him with my love" things? Finn and Poe are way cuter.


It seems that Star Wars may have saved some lives. When they were interviewing people whose homes were obliterated by the tornado, it turned out that they weren't home when it happened because they were out seeing Star Wars with their families.


I finally made it home because we had a day without tornadoes, torrential rain, or flash flooding along my route. There's still a lot of flooding -- Texas seems to have gained a new inland ocean -- but the roads I needed were above water. It doesn't seem to have been too bad at my house. I never lost power, and my carpet is only slightly damp. It will be nice to spend an evening watching something on TV other than constant weather coverage tracking storms and tornadoes. I got a lot more togetherness with my parents than I planned for, but it was kind of nice.

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Ugh, try to stay dry. I have friends in Missouri who are having flooding issues. And I thankfully dodged the snow in Chicago. Got home from there a day before it got dumped on. Phew.

As for the Kylo love, I'm assuming it's similar to the love for Loki. He's a bad guy who is battling the darkness to try and be better. There's conflict! And fluffy hair! He can be fixed! I tried that with a boyfriend or two before I learned how unsuccessful that could be.

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There's already a meme of "General Hans" going around, with the uniform Photoshopped onto the animated character, so apparently other people are seeing the resemblance. I'm going to see it again tomorrow.


I guess I was the weird kid who never found the bad boys even remotely appealing. I think maybe I imprinted on all those Disney princes at an early age, and they didn't really have the sexy bad boys in those classic fairy tale movies. I also read a lot of fairy tales and fantasy type stuff with the earnest heroes. My entertainment was utterly lacking in cynicism. The first time I saw Star Wars, I was so uninterested in the character that I couldn't even remember his name. He was "that other guy" until I got a copy of the novelization. I remembered every other detail about the movie, but the bad boy didn't interest me at all, and he wasn't even all that bad. He shot first, but he was generally a good guy, not the villain.


I was quite relieved when we got the Lt. Jones flashback because otherwise I was baffled about why I couldn't help but like Hook, since I never like that type. His earnest, nerdy past helped explain it (and I think Colin's sweet, nerdy self coming through also has something to do with it).

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He's not classically handsome, but he has the same sort of off-kilter appeal as David Duchovny (IMO).


I'm going to see it again tomorrow too.


Major Star Wars spoiler:



I think Hook would be absolutely gutted emotionally by Solo's death. OTOH, he can relate to patricide.

Edited by yeswedo
added spoiler reference
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He's not classically handsome, but he has the same sort of off-kilter appeal as David Duchovny (IMO).


I'm going to see it again tomorrow too.


That is a huge spoiler to drop, even in tags, without at least name checking the movie in the post.  I'd recommend that anyone who hasn't seen Star Wars yet and hasn't deliberately spoiled themselves not click on the above spoiler.  It will ruin the movie for you.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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That is a huge spoiler to drop, even in tags, without at least name checking the movie in the post.  I'd recommend that anyone who hasn't seen Star Wars yet and hasn't deliberately spoiled themselves not click on the above spoiler.  It will ruin the movie for you.


Agree! Please be mindful of sharing too much about movies and TV in this thread. There are plenty of other forums here to discuss them.

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Hi I keeping getting an webpage asking me to download an app to keep the content free. I am wiling to do it because I like the forum, but I would like confirmation this is for previouslyTV. Anyone else being directed to that website?

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Happy belated New Year!

Magic Kingdom (we went this past Monday--surprisingly less people than we thought there would be, my aunt was shocked because she said the monday after christmas is usually packed ear to ear (I guesd some people call it Black Monday? due to the crowds) It was significantly less stressful than the day at Universal. Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Mtn. were our longest, really long waits. We didn't get to all the rides though. we had a busy schedule in the evening. the light show on the castle, the following fireworks, the electric parade, jumping over to see the star wars themed fireworks at midnight.

I think it had to do with not dealing with those dumb lockers. It only got slightly stressful near the late evening when we were having trouble finding spots to watch the fireworks, etc. and when my aunt was flipping out about seeing the Osbourne lights at Hollywood Studios. She yelled at a poor employee because the employee told us we could enter from the other side rather than the proper exit, but she was bound and determined to figure out how to enter the lights the "correct" way. She's got OCD really bad with some stuff. Luckily, we were able to cut her tirade short and apologize to the employee.

We ended up missing the lights by a whole 2 minutes. We did end, however, catch the midnight showing of the Star Wars themed fireworks show at Hollywood Studios. The show only just started December 18. They're absolutely fantastic. Better than the Best Wishes show at Magic Kingdom. Probably the best fireworks I've seen (although my experience with grand fireworks shows is limited). They were timed perfectly, they changed color according to the subject (in between the always amazing star wars music, they had an occasional quote being said (old and new--nothing spoilery; the new quotes are ones that appear in the star wars commercials we've seen), and the fireworks would change colors accordingly. Yoda says something? Green fireworks. Darth Vader/Kylo Ren/Imperial March? Red? Mention of the force/millenium falcon? Yellowish/white. They did a really good job with the show, so if anyone ever gets the chance to see it, then you should!!

We spent New Year's Eve at Epcot. While it's a neat thing to do, I find it to be skippable and nothing I need to do ever again. It was a very relaxing day. My aunt was sick/caught a bug/allergies/sinus infection? and couldn't go, so everything was significantly less stressful (that sounds mean, but I'm not trying to be: she can be a rather stressful person to hang out with). We got there about 7 something and Epcot was practically empty. We walked right on Spaceship Earth, only had a 20 minute wait for Soarin', less than 10 minute wait for The Land, jumped right on the Journey through your Imagination (or something like that--with figment the dragon), and didn't have to wait too long for the Finding Nemo ride. Caught the fish feeding at the aquarium. Heck, our longest wait was for the Ellen/Bill Nye the Science Guy Energy show. We didn't have any interest in the other few rides, so our day was effectively finished before noon (besides walking through the World Showcase). We caught what I think we all the shows presented for each of the worlds.

I must say, ALL those videos need to be updated. They're so old. Like, the American show (which was definitely the loudest and the longest) had LanceArmstrong in it's montage still. He needs to be cut out. The American video was definitely updated at some point after 9/11 though, but obviously not after recent Lance Armstrong events. So it's still a 10+ yr old video.

Only stress was hopping over to MGM/Hollywood Studios (does anyone here still refer to it as MGM? i still do-same with Downtown Disney aka Disney Springs). We were worried that we wouldn't be able to get back in if we park hopped due to Epcot reaching capacity. magic Kingdom had reached it's capacity by 9:30 a.m. None of the employees would give us a definitive answer, and my dad and I didn't really want to go see the Osbourne lights, but we knew my aunt would throw a fit of all fits (and we'd get yelled at) if we didn't see them. Luckily Epcot never reached capacity. We watched the main fireworks from In Italy. I liked the Star Wars MGM fireworks better. It's probably because of the epic music, but I just found them to be better.

we Didn't get bak to my aunt's place until 3 a.m.

* I'd also like to add that about 70-75% of the kiddies (not an exaggeration) had light up lightsabers. They were everywhere. And knowing disney, those things are probably 20-25 (if not more) bucks a lightsaber. You couldn't make it out of any of the parks without accidentally getting whacked with one or almost running a kid over because they were too busy waving their lightsabers around to notice they were getting in people's ways. Plenty of teens/college aged kids had them too.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Hi I keeping getting an webpage asking me to download an app to keep the content free. I am wiling to do it because I like the forum, but I would like confirmation this is for previouslyTV. Anyone else being directed to that website?


If you notice strange ads or anything else bug-ish on the site you can report it in the Bugs forum. What you described is not anything intentionally added by PTV.

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Happy new year! At the party I went to last night, there were Star Wars goody bags, with lightsabers (cheap plastic toys, not official). You can imagine a room full of adults playing with lightsabers.


Now I have another party to go to tonight, and I'm going to have to psych myself up for it because I think I used all my social capital last night. A good friend is having a Tupperware party, which sounds like my idea of hell, but she said when she was a kid and her mother had Tupperware parties, she always said she wanted to have one when she grew up, so this is a bucket list item. I imagine I'll be hiding with her husband and the guys. They've threatened party games. I don't do party games. Maybe I can make an appearance and then sneak away. I'm just so tired from last night and now I have to turn around and do it again when really I want to spend the evening on the sofa, watching Sherlock. And then I have to do it again Sunday night with another party. Don't people know it's hibernation season now?

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I'm sooo tired today. Got home about 3:30 a.m. At least I'm not hungover. Three of the friends I was supposed to have lunch with today bailed because they were too hungover. 


About to go veg on the sofa for the rest of the day.

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I got home a little while ago. I saw Star Wars for a third time while I was out of town, thank you very much! I didn't realize I was in Star Wars withdrawal until a new movie came out. I managed to help polish off almost a bottle of champagne last night, but was not hung over this morning. I don't do New Year's parties. It seems like a much-too-dangerous time to be out on the roads. I'd much rather watch a good movie with friends.

Edited by OnceUponAJen
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HoodlumSheep - I once had a boss who had food allergies and was taking steroids for treatment. The stress level in the office was partly dependent on whether he was in that day or not. I can totally relate to what you're saying. Some people are just more stressful to be around for whatever reason.

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What's everyone been up to, lately? Anything?

We have snow and it's been about 10ish to 20ish degrees. It'll be 10ish one day and then 20 somethin' the next day. The weather doesn't know it wants to be cold or mild.

It's very pretty outside, though.

Sad because our computer/windows 10 ate one of my videos I took during our Florida vacation. It was of nothing special, really, but I'm upset that it's lost. My aunt keeps talking about it, so we're dreading breaking the bad news to her.

It was of a crazy bird (some sort of egret--redish) doing crazy things. It was literally the bird from Pixar's Up. I have some pics of it, but they don't do it justice like the vid did. :( i had deleted everything off my camera too, so there's no hope of getting it back.

We've had nothing but problems using the Window's 10 photo stuff since we downloaded it. I despise it. Window's 8 was actually better imo.

Anyways, enough of that.

Made ratatouille with my brother not too long ago, working on a double-sided PotC puzzle, thinking about taking some pics of the snow.

My other brother headed back to Minnesota. I've been coloring in my Enchanted Forest coloring book. The adult coloring books are pretty cool.

Did anyone catch Mercy Street or War and Peace? Currently watching Downton Abbey still and Galavant. Agent Carter starts tonight!

My brother's getting rid of netflix, so I've been trying to catch up on Doctor Who. It's been very difficult because our wi-fi has been giving us nothing but trouble for the past 2-3 weeks. I'm almost in the middle of season 4. I know what happens--I've just never watched the actual episodes except some scenes on youtube.

Recently made some beef jerky with my dad.

That's about it. Thinking about making lasagne soon.

I haven't been visiting these forums as much as late (probably because it's the show's winter break) which I think's a good thing. I was spending too much time on the internet between here, tumblr and wherever else! I don't really jump on tumblr as much either. I must be going through a phase :).

Hope everyone else is avoiding the mid-winter blues!

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Well here it's summer so it's very hot. At least our humidity is not that high now so it's not as bad as it can be.


I've mostly been taking care of my grandma because her hip's broken. I don't have much else to do since most of my activities are on hiatus during the summer. Right now I'm only going to the gym because even most of my work is on hiatus.


It sucks that you lost the video! I hate it so much when stuff like that happens. I dwell on it too sometimes which is pointless but I can't help it.

I'm on the fence about upgrading to Windows 10 and now I'm even more hesitant :P


Oh and it's my birthday today! So I gotta start planning my "party" for Saturday. I hope it's not too hot then.

Edited by MaiLuna
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I watched both Mercy Street & War and Peace. I had to cover my eyes a bit at both because I'm squeamish. Excited about Agent Carter's return tonight!


Happy Birthday, MaiLuna! You share a birthday with Edgar Allan Poe & Dolly Parton! :-)

Edited by Souris
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I DVRd Mercy Street and War and Peace but haven't had time to watch yet. I'm really digging Galavant this season. In fact, if I had to choose between saving Galavant and saving OUAT, I'd probably choose Galavant, though I'm not sure they could sustain the cleverness over a longer season.


I thought I'd be less busy after the holidays and would be able to wind down a little, but I've had full weekends the past few weeks and at least one more until I have a weekend with nothing on the calendar so that I could spend a Saturday lounging around. Two weeks ago I had a party, then last weekend I had a two day church music workshop, then this weekend I have a meeting and a party. It's supposed to be hiatus time, but I have so much piling up on the DVR that I don't have time to watch. The community chorale asked for extra singers to do the Faure Requiem, so I went to the rehearsal for that last night and I'm reconsidering that because they really don't need more sopranos (though, to get tacky, it's more accurate to say they have a lot of sopranos, but they do still kind of need help there) and it's one more activity than I really want to do. But it's just for about six weeks. I had a little more fun sitting in for the last part of their regular rehearsal, since they're tackling "O Fortuna" from Carmina Burana for a different concert, and I've always wanted to sing that. That was where they needed the soprano help.


We've had no snow. We're having a weird winter, as it's been fairly consistently cooler than normal without being really cold. Our winters tend to veer wildly from rather warm to frigid. We're still having fairly warm days, but most days are just a bit cooler than normal, and we aren't having the crazy arctic front kind of days. We've barely gone below freezing. But we've had a fair amount of rain and everything is still flooded. Sunday was really nice and I desperately wanted to take a walk in the woods, but all the parks where I would normally do that are currently under water. Last year was our wettest year ever recorded.

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Getting ready for snow here! Going to run to the store in a bit to pick up some food, so I can have a nice, relaxing snow day. 


Watched War and Peace last night, thought it was very well shot, with a great score and amazing locations. That being said, it really feels more like Downton Abbey with a few battle scenes than War and Peace. Maybe its all the British accents? Its just a very British feeling, which makes the whole thing feel sort of off to me. 


Agent Carter returns tonight, and I could not be more excited! Here`s hoping for better ratings! 


I am also going to attempt to cook something besides pasta tonight (one of my New Years resolutions was to work on my cooking/baking skills), so wish me luck!

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Happy birthday, MaiLuna! It's also my father's birthday today. HoodlumSheep, I have the Enchanted Forest coloring book too. I also bought a set of 132 Prismacolor pencils after I realized Crayons weren't going to cut it.

Bad news, I dropped my smartphone and cracked the screen. Good news, I was due for a phone upgrade so now I have a new Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+. I love new toys.

I've been doing my share of cooking lately. I've made several sweet potato pies over the holidays, I'm making potato soup at the moment. I love soup and cold weather.

I bought a copy of "The Martian" recently. I saw it in the theater, and it's excellent. I really need to read the novel.

My work is laying off right now, but our department is pretty lean, so we're safe at the moment. We'll see what the future holds. I hope everyone is well!

Edited by OnceUponAJen
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Hoodlum -- regarding Doctor Who, check BBC America. They do reruns in the morning during the week -- I think two episodes each morning. That's how I was able to catch up. We only have three more episodes until we're all caught up! I'm dreading the end point but also excited because y son and I will finally be caught up so we can clear off more of the DVR. I've got Supergirl, Flash and now League of Tomorrow and Agent Carter. It's nice to have someone to watch superhero shows with. Also still have Downtown, Mercy Street and War and Peace but those aren't kids shows so can't watch them with the little ones.

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^ thanks for the tip, sharky!

Still snowing. Hasn't stopped. It looks so pretty outside. Everything is so...fluffy looking!

And yeah, it was weird how no one had the correct accent in War and Peace, but the costumes and pretty people are more than enough for me! I love James Norton. Love him in Grantchester.

I should get back to practicing piano too. For the second year in a row I failed my goal of finishing my level 1 piano book. I have 7ish songs to go.

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I was really happy to see Agent Carter back on last night.  I'm sort of in a rut with tv viewing and seem to just keep landing on reruns of the Big Bang Theory.  I have the new Heroes on DVR but haven't gotten the motivation to watch it yet.  Still have the last two episodes of Gotham, as well.  I saw a promo for something called the Magicians on SyFy starting next week that looked marginally interesting.


It's cold this week, but has been a really warm winter so far.  Hopefully this snow storm swings south of us like they are predicting.

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Agent Carter was so much fun and I want her clothes. I may have to dust off the sewing machine.


I tried watching the new Heroes, got about fifteen minutes in and decided I just couldn't deal with it. Though Robbie Kay is adorable when not playing evil.


I'm iffy on The Magicians. I hated the book and really disliked all the characters, though I've heard the series gets better (except I really hated where they were at the end of the first book, so it's hard to imagine liking what comes next all that much). It felt like it was trying too hard to be Harry Potter for adults and was only at all clever if you weren't really familiar with the fantasy genre. Otherwise, it hit all the tropes. I've learned that apparently the author does know his stuff, but it read to me like someone trying to write a fantasy pastiche based on having kind of heard of some of these things or maybe having seen one of the movies. He clearly seemed to be doing some kind of response to Narnia, but his implied criticisms of what Narnia was and how that needed to be fixed seemed rather off-base to me. So I'm not sure whether or not I'll make much effort with the TV series.


Oddly, as big an X-Files fan as I was back in the day, I'm not sure I even want to watch the new version. I'd rather keep my good memories of when it was good than revisit and have it tainted. That may be something I catch on demand if I later hear that it wasn't too bad.

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I just want to let you all know that I am prepared for the snowpacolypse and the thunder snow coming my way. I have milk, bread, and five bottles of wine. I think that may hold me. Seriously, they're projecting we're going to get three feet of snow in my area. I don't know if this excites me or scares me.

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You might need more wine, sharky.


We're on the fringe of 3-6 or 6"+ up here.  I went to the store yesterday and bought duck confit and white beans as I decided to make cassoulet tomorrow. I was a little out of place with my grocery selections.  I did buy eggs and soy milk for my kids, though.

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I'm finding myself strangely jealous of the folks getting hit by the blizzard because I could really use an excuse to hunker down and go nowhere for a few days. Alas, when the system went by us, we just got a bit of rain and some tiny hail. Now it's cold (for us) and blustery, but sunny. I need to do a grocery run anyway, and I do need milk and eggs, but no bread because I baked some this week.


I finally watched Mercy Street and I'm kind of ho-hum on it. I've never been all that keen on Civil War stuff, and the characters all seem like familiar types from the usual Civil War stories, especially the more modern ones. I liked the first episode of War and Peace (well, the part I watched -- I think I made it to about an hour and a half before I got sleepy), but I mostly got distracted by trying to figure out "who is that under that wig and what else have I seen him/her in?"

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The Snowpocalypse was a bit less than forecast here. We got a few inches, but it turned over to nasty ice. I've been listening to ice pellets click off the windows off and on most of the day. I stayed home from work & remote-desktopped in. I really hope we don't lose power!!

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We've had a bit of snow here so far, but nothing major. Of course, it's supposed to dump on us between 1am and 7am. I'm trying to decide if I should shovel again or just say screw it. There's about an inch on the ground now but what difference will that make when I have to get through 12 inches tomorrow morning?


You might need more wine, sharky.

I've got five bottles plus some Coke to mix with my rum so I'm good. So far.

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We got hit early with a lot of ice and snow today, so a lot of businesses were closed. But I was smart and went to the grocery store on Wednesday, and also picked up a liter of vodka. 


After watching The Chew earlier this week, I made beef stroganoff for the first time. I may have overcooked the beef a little, but it was incredibly tasty. And just because of the weather, I made salted caramel brownies.


As long as the power doesn't go out, I'm set for the weekend.

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