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Small Talk: a.k.a. 'The Meet Market'

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Thank you, KAOS Agent!

Amerilla, you can run, but you cannot hide.

Also, I want to say that to all of you. No. Wait. What I actually want to say is that I'm not ready to lose you. If/when you post here, if you can somehow incorporate your TWoP name, I'll appreciate it, because my memory is crap. I am ever so grateful to those of you who have kept it the same.

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Does anyone here know if there is a way on this forum to tell what show threads have new posts in them?

On TWOP, when I went to the drama section or the sci-fi section I could always tell what shows were active. Is there a way to tell that here? I'm still getting acquainted with the place... I know you can pull shows into "my shows" or whatever, but I liked being able to just pop in places to see what was going on. I actually got started watching a few shows that way.

Is there a really obvious thing I'm missing?

Not obvious, but:

At the top of the main Forums page, under Info > Site Business > Suggestions is a thread, "Sort Shows by Genre?"

In that thread is a link to a page by Show Forums by Genre that mod Dougal has created: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/7834-show-forums-by-genre/

You can "Follow" it, which I just did.

When you click on the My Shows link, it will not show by default; you have to click on the left of the page the Topics link, which will hide all the Forums, so don't forget how to click Forums there to get back to that view.

I am now going to post in that Suggestions thread to ask if there's a way to have forums on that page with new posts be bolded. It won't be quite like TWoP, but maybe even better.

ETA: Not technologically possible.

Edited by shapeshifter
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You can also click on the profile icon and select See New Content.  It's at the topic level, rather than forum, but it lists them all.  It can be rather large, so you can limit it by several selections to the left - past 24 hours, since my last visit.  You can also select specific forums by clicking Filter by Forum.  


From the profile icon, you can also select My Content which lists every thread you've posted in again in order of most recent post first.

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So my aunt had a minor heart attack on Monday. She's doing fine but it was defintiely a bit scary. And in less "Oh My God" but still fantastic news my laptop had a blue screen of death incident that briefly made me think I might have lost everything, and I'm pretty sure I have a virus. Have Avast doing a boot time scan while I'm at work, and planning to do like five other scans when i get home to make sure.

Edited by SilverShadow
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Looks like the forums are going to be offline for a bit today.  See announcement here.  Not many details yet, but more are coming.  Just thought I'd let you know in case you didn't see the announcement.  You can also ask questions in that announcement thread.

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Speaking about the forums in general, it's obvious a lot of people haven't moved here from TWOP, sadly. Maybe it will get better after the next season starts, but right now, Once (and, oddly, Arrow, which actually got better with the move!) are the only two shows I'm interested in that are being discussed. Everything else is in stasis, even shows that had very active threads on TWOP. It saddens me that that community may be gone. I remember often checking the threads for shows I don't watch anymore, or even haven't watched at all, just to see what's up. And some threads were just full of hilarious snark, shows like Revolution or The Following. I'll miss it, I'll miss it with all my heart :(

Edited by FurryFury
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Tangentially OUAT-related item: I had goober time this evening (aka I hung out with my nephew ... we totally call him "the goober," which would be mean except for he's the first person to tell you he's a goober, haha). He has a few Jake and the Neverland Pirates playsets, and each of the playsets apparently come with these little character figurines. He has two Captain Hooks. My first thought: I wish I had two Captain Hooks! My second thought: Hell, I'd just take one Captain Hook!


Not at all OUAT-related item: I have become re-obsessed with this piano/cello cover of "Love Story"/"Viva La Vida." It's totally as awesome and gorgeous as it sounds. :)

Edited by Dani-Ellie
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Can someone please confirm to me that it is in fact mid-June? The amount of snow currently building up on my deck has led to some confusion on my part. Maybe Elsa has ditched Storybrooke and come to my house? My garden is most unhappy about this turn of events . On a positive note, while I couldn't take a walk earlier due to rain, I have much less of a problem walking in the snow.

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Can someone please confirm to me that it is in fact mid-June? The amount of snow currently building up on my deck has led to some confusion on my part. Maybe Elsa has ditched Storybrooke and come to my house? My garden is most unhappy about this turn of events . On a positive note, while I couldn't take a walk earlier due to rain, I have much less of a problem walking in the snow.


Not only is it mid-June (June 17, to be exact), but it's currently 103º Fahrenheit and partly cloudy where I am (Scottsdale, AZ).  It's definitely going to be a scorcher for me this summer!

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Snow? I'm almost jealous. This morning I was singing for a funeral (I was just there to sing. I have experienced no loss, though funerals do tend to get me all maudlin, even if I didn't know the deceased), wearing a polyester choir robe up in the choir loft, and the church AC didn't seem to have kicked in yet to cool off the huge space. I've had my spa sauna experience. This has actually been a reasonably cool summer for us so far. We haven't yet hit 100.


My ears may still be ringing after being in the choir room when the bagpiper was warming up in there. I think the bagpipes are best as an outdoor toy. There's a piper who sometimes practices in the park on the other side of the levee from my neighborhood, and it's cool to be walking in the woods over there when he's playing. But indoors, in a room with tile floors and a low ceiling? A totally different experience. And I like bagpipes.

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Can someone please confirm to me that it is in fact mid-June? The amount of snow currently building up on my deck has led to some confusion on my part. Maybe Elsa has ditched Storybrooke and come to my house? My garden is most unhappy about this turn of events . On a positive note, while I couldn't take a walk earlier due to rain, I have much less of a problem walking in the snow.


I would not be happy to see snow piling on my deck today, it took winter forever to end here and is finally warm.  But unfortunately last night we got hit with nasty thunderstorms that did damage in several areas, and there's an 80% chance of more of the same tonight.  I have to say it is easier in many ways to deal with the after effects of snowstorms -- once it's plowed and shoveled, pretty much all is okay.  After a big outbreak of t-storms/tornadoes, there can be a bunch of nastiness.  I hope your garden bounces back!

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Where do you live, KAOS Agent? Snow in June, Elsa is definitely coming!

Here's is going to be around 23C (73F), exactly what I like!

I gave a try to a dating site and decided to give up, after two guys didn't show up and some other silly messages. Parisians are not what I want, anyway!! And I still have in mind Shanna Marie writing about that!

Anyway, it was just because I was bored, I know that I'll find true love in real life! Possibly dark haired, blue eyes and a scruff!!! If he's a gentleman pirate, even better! LOL

Huh, I nearly forgot... Yesterday I was talking about OUAT with a friend (he knows about my obsession!!) and he decided to give it a try, so we watched the pilot and he said he was hooked! LOL So we watched also Snow falls and now we're going to watch a couple of episodes per week!! Yay!!!

Edited by Alex
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Anyway, it was just because I was bored, I know that I'll find true love in real life! Possibly dark haired, blue eyes and a scruff!!! If he's a gentleman pirate, even better! LOL


Bonus points if he speaks fluent French, n'est-ce pas?  ;-)

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Bonus points if he speaks fluent French, n'est-ce pas?  ;-)


No, no, absolutely English speaking!!!

As I'm not French, for me it's the same. Actually no, I prefer English, especially if the accent is really strong! Most English have a deep voice so I found myself, when in business meetings with them, to think about other things and not about the financial documents we were discussing!! LOL 


I don't know the Irish accent that well, I should go to Ireland on vacation, so I'll tell you after that!!

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Can someone please confirm to me that it is in fact mid-June? The amount of snow currently building up on my deck has led to some confusion on my part. Maybe Elsa has ditched Storybrooke and come to my house? My garden is most unhappy about this turn of events . On a positive note, while I couldn't take a walk earlier due to rain, I have much less of a problem walking in the snow.

This morning I heard a weather person saying it was currently 80F (27C) and on its way to 90F (32 C), but that was in the city, 30 miles (48km) south. At my place it was 58F (14C), which is okay, because I went for a walk before work. Yay, no snow!

But it did snow here in May, and when I lived in the mountains, there were garden killing freezes most summers. :(

Cover those tomatoes!

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On a different note, I just got back from finally seeing X-Men: Days of Future Past and it was much better than I expected it to be! A vast improvement on First Class, which is, imo, not nearly as good as it's made out to be. Though I'm ready for Wolverine to take a freaking backseat for a movie or two. If he's got his own solo movies, the team movies can let someone else shine.

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On a different note, I just got back from finally seeing X-Men: Days of Future Past and it was much better than I expected it to be! A vast improvement on First Class, which is, imo, not nearly as good as it's made out to be. Though I'm ready for Wolverine to take a freaking backseat for a movie or two. If he's got his own solo movies, the team movies can let someone else shine.

I also thought Days was better than First Class, and yes a bit too much Wolverine but given the premise it made sense. I do love a good time travel movie.Hee.
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I also thought Days was better than First Class, and yes a bit too much Wolverine but given the premise it made sense. I do love a good time travel movie.Hee.

I will never not be pissed, on principle, that they took Kitty Pryde's storyline and gave it to Wolverine. The original 'Days of Future Past' is an amazing storyline, probably will forever be Kitty's defining storyline...so of course we had to make her a tertiary character in it and let Logan be the Main Character.



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I will never not be pissed, on principle, that they took Kitty Pryde's storyline and gave it to Wolverine. The original 'Days of Future Past' is an amazing storyline, probably will forever be Kitty's defining storyline...so of course we had to make her a tertiary character in it and let Logan be the Main Character.



I get that, but he is the bigger draw for the casual viewer. Just like I am not thrilled that they are taking over the Superman franchise by bringing in Batman already. It could have been a meetcute at the end of Man of Steel 2 then a group movie like marvel does. No, Batman brings in the casual viewer crowds so we are just going to let him take over the Superman franchise as if he doesn't have enough of his own. Superman/Clark Kent is my favorite, bit bitter about this.
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I just got back from visiting my parents and helping my mom with some things post-surgery, and after she complained some more about the amount of Jello she was served in the hospital, I showed her the deleted scene clip of Hook being horrified by hospital Jello. She decided she wouldn't have minded the Jello if he brought it to her.

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On a different note, I just got back from finally seeing X-Men: Days of Future Past and it was much better than I expected it to be! A vast improvement on First Class, which is, imo, not nearly as good as it's made out to be. Though I'm ready for Wolverine to take a freaking backseat for a movie or two. If he's got his own solo movies, the team movies can let someone else shine.

So agree on the Wolverine aspect of the movies.  I'm glad they fixed a great wrong

by bringing back Cyclops.

  I was never ever ver okay with that. 

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I agree.  I've been to France, including Paris, twice.  Granted, it was long ago (high school trips).  But I never had a problem - people were very nice to me.  But I actually would start my conversations and questions in French.  Inevitably, before I would finish a question they would start speaking English for me and be very helpful. (I'm sure my accent was horrible, but they still understood me and then were accommodating).   However, some of my classmates had all kinds of issues, but they would just walk to up someone (hotel concierge, museum desk) and start talking in English.  And their responses were feigned ignorance and inability to understand them.  They'd get shortchanged at restaurants and stores too - you know because the servers or cash register clerks "couldn't understand" them.  To me, it's just basic politeness.  I was in France, I was going to speak French, and I wasn't going them to expect to bend over backwards trying to accommodate me if I didn't.   I also had some great conversations where I was speaking broken French and they were speaking broken English.

I had the same experience in France. I went with a small group from my college to do a one month language immersion program one summer. They were all minoring in French and super nervous about actually using it, so they would immediately ask people if they spoke English and then get blank stares. I was actually minoring in Spanish and just wanted to fool around with learning a new language, so I was a lot braver. I'd go into places and say "bonjour," and then "je voudrais...," and just point to things, and then the people would smile and start chattering away to me in fluent English. It always made me laugh. I lived in Turkey for awhile and everyone there was soooo nice. I think they were the nicest "locals" I've ever encountered. It helped that I apparently look very Turkish, so people never looked at me as a tourist or anything. The one thing I'd learned how to say before I left was, "I don't speak Turkish," so when people would ask me something I'd say that and then they'd look at me with the most baffled expressions, trying to understand why this woman who is clearly Turkish doesn't speak it (and yet uses the language to say she doesn't know it). Heh. It was so funny. I quickly learned how to explain that I was American and not Turkish to help people understand better. I love languages so much.

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I had the same experience in France. I went with a small group from my college to do a one month language immersion program one summer. They were all minoring in French and super nervous about actually using it, so they would immediately ask people if they spoke English and then get blank stares. I was actually minoring in Spanish and just wanted to fool around with learning a new language, so I was a lot braver. I'd go into places and say "bonjour," and then "je voudrais...," and just point to things, and then the people would smile and start chattering away to me in fluent English. It always made me laugh. I lived in Turkey for awhile and everyone there was soooo nice. I think they were the nicest "locals" I've ever encountered. It helped that I apparently look very Turkish, so people never looked at me as a tourist or anything. The one thing I'd learned how to say before I left was, "I don't speak Turkish," so when people would ask me something I'd say that and then they'd look at me with the most baffled expressions, trying to understand why this woman who is clearly Turkish doesn't speak it (and yet uses the language to say she doesn't know it). Heh. It was so funny. I quickly learned how to explain that I was American and not Turkish to help people understand better. I love languages so much.


I had a similar experience during my second trip to Rome in January 2007.  I had arrived in Rome both dead tired and severely jet-lagged (it is impossible for me to sleep on a plane), and it was too early for me to check into my hotel, as my room wouldn't be ready for a couple of hours yet, so the concierge let me leave my luggage in the lobby, and I went for a walk down to the piazza a few blocks away from my hotel.  I was resting near the fountain at the piazza, when I started a conversation with one of the locals. Of course, being as tired and out of it as I was, it was all I could do to keep up with her, even though I'm fluent in Italian.  She noticed that I was having trouble holding up my end of the conversation and after looking at me for a minute, finally said, "Oh, right. You're American, and Italian isn't your first language, yet here I am going on at 60 kilometers an hour!"  I still chuckle about it to this day.

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When abroad I always make sure that I fit in and people assume I'm a local. Unfortunately, they also all seem to think I'm a nice, friendly person with a giant sign on my back that says, "Ask Me for Information". Yeah, that doesn't work well with me. I don't know what time it is, I don't know when the next bus/train/tram is coming, feel free to get off at any stop you wish, no, I don't know where that is, please leave me the hell alone. None of my friends ever had the problems I had with being considered Information Central.


I really hate to give away that I am not in fact a local and while my accent is often mistaken for a native, I make stupid grammatical mistakes that identify me as foreign. I prefer not to talk at all. However, I've been in a lot of places where no one speaks English and I am much, much more comfortable speaking when the other party can't just get fed up and start speaking in English. 

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When abroad I always make sure that I fit in and people assume I'm a local. Unfortunately, they also all seem to think I'm a nice, friendly person with a giant sign on my back that says, "Ask Me for Information".

That always happens to me, and not because of any ability to speak the local language. I haven't traveled in Asia or Africa, where I suspect I'd stand out as "not from around here" (Irish/Norwegian heritage, auburn hair, green eyes and very fair skin), but in Europe and anywhere in the US, I'm assumed to be local and asked for directions. That may be because I tend to do my research, so I do know where I'm going and where things are, so I move like someone on a mission rather than like someone wandering around in a new place. Within an hour of arrival on my first trip to England, the Australian tourists were approaching me to ask me for directions. When I'm in New York, I've had locals ask me for directions. I'm also the designated tourist photographer -- "can you take our picture?" -- and assistant to the blind (which I have some experience with). Strangely, in the US I've had people ask for help or directions in the few languages I can get by in. I have no idea how they would guess that someone like me can speak Spanish, bits of German and communicate roughly with the deaf (I can do the finger alphabet and a few signs of ASL). It's rather uncanny, like I have a big, invisible label of the odd things I might be useful at that other people can read. I've given up correcting the carriage drivers in Central Park who use me as an example to their tourist passengers that New Yorkers really can be friendly when they get me to take their picture in the carriage. Though it was fun the time I drawled, "Actually, I'm from Dallas," to them. Then there was the trip to England when I completely lost my voice, so no one ever figured out I was American because the Texas drawl doesn't come through in a whisper. I guess I don't fit whatever physical stereotypes there are of Americans.

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I think some people just look approachable.  And it sounds like you all, and I, fall into that category.  I am blond haired, fair skinned, green eyed and yet when I was in Peru the locals would come up to me and start speaking in Spanish or Quechua.  And then when I'd smile and say "No hablo espanol" or just speak in English and say "I'm sorry, do you speak English?".  They'd smile or laugh.  I was with a tour group, I would never go to a country where I don't speak the language on my own and expect them all to cater to me, but they'd do this whether I was in the group or not.  


I also seem to exude "door way" to people.  If there is a line or group and someone wants to get through it to the other side, no matter where I am in that line, the people will walk through in front of me.  My friends and I even tested this in New Orleans during Mardi Gras.  We'd line up to see the parades 3 hours in advance (everyone would, we weren't just crazy).  Every single day, when people would cross the street or try to move along, I'd be the one they'd pick to walk past.  So to test this, we parked ourselves in front of garbage cans, so there was literally no way people could get past me.  And they still asked me.  So one of my other friends would stand tightly next to me - he's 6' 2" and big, and sometimes scary looking.  They'd still come to be to cross and get through.  We combined the trash cans and him and they'd still come to me.  And I could have my back to the crowd, talking to my friends and they'd still walk through next to me.  Even surround by my friends.  It was crazy.  But this doesn't happen just at big events.  In line at lunch, at the mall, wherever.  Even if I act oblivious, and don't make eye contact, don't smile, have headphones on playing loud music.  You name it, it doesn't matter. Sometimes I think even if I were holding a gun it wouldn't matter.  Not that I'm going to test that last one, mind you. 

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I think some people just look approachable.


You're probably right, Aquarian1. And this would explain why I get people asking me for directions wherever I go, from UK to New Zealand or even Sweden and Morocco!


Shanna Marie, you mentioned, a while ago, "Firefly"... And me, as a dutiful poster, I ordered the dvd of the series and watched it in three days!!! I didn't know it and I absolutely loved it!! So, thank you :)

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Shanna Marie, you mentioned, a while ago, "Firefly"... And me, as a dutiful poster, I ordered the dvd of the series and watched it in three days!!! I didn't know it and I absolutely loved it!! So, thank you :)

Oh! Now that we're in the middle of the summer hiatus, I really need to dig those out and watch them. Firefly!


Of course, this will then bring up the important question of who is your favorite captain. You've got Captain Reynolds, Captain Hook, Captain America and I'm sure there are a few more. Good luck with that. Although that may give me a good idea for a fanfic...

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Of course, this will then bring up the important question of who is your favorite captain. You've got Captain Reynolds, Captain Hook, Captain America and I'm sure there are a few more. Good luck with that. Although that may give me a good idea for a fanfic...


Captain Harlock, Sharky!!! The one and only!! LOL

The struggle is hard between Hook and Reynolds for the second place... 

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Totally. But dammit, US needs to get possession of the ball and freakin hold on to it. GRRRRR!!! Son of.... that last shot by Wondolowski. EFF!


(Though even if US beats Belgium they'll be up against Argentina next and Argentina will spank them with ball possession. *sigh*)

Edited by FabulousTater
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Shanna Marie, you mentioned, a while ago, "Firefly"... And me, as a dutiful poster, I ordered the dvd of the series and watched it in three days!!! I didn't know it and I absolutely loved it!! So, thank you :)

Yay, more Browncoats! Glad you liked it. And although they keep referring to our Hook as being like Han Solo, I think he's more of a Mal Reynolds. He's got that same background of being a military man who was betrayed by his own side, which left him bitter and cynical and kind of a criminal.


As for being the human information kiosk, I'm sure it does have to do with me being approachable. I'm a Texan and have that kind of Southern "never met a stranger" thing going on, plus I'm not very big, so there's nothing threatening about me (unless you know me well enough). But that still doesn't explain how people know that I'm the person who knows their language or knows how to help the blind.


I just had a weird "it's a small world" situation: My mom called to say that my dad's new doctor was a friend of mine when he was a medical student and I worked at the medical school, more than 20 years ago. He asked me out, and I wasn't really interested, and my mom assures me that she doesn't think I missed out. He seems like a nice person but would have been a bad match for me.

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This week has absolutely sucked. I had to put my beloved, beautiful dog to sleep (see my avatar). I am so utterly bereft. I have been binging on OUAT to distract myself from how empty my house seems and how broken my heart is...

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Condolences, angelwoody. I'm sure the house does seem quieter and emptier.


May I offer you my neighbor's paranoid Basset hound? She's currently howling her head off. I think she's lonely. I would go outside and go over to the fence to chat with her, but she seems to see me as the neighborhood alpha bitch and is utterly terrified of me, even though I swear I've given her no reason. If I run into my neighbor when she's walking the dog, the dog will cower and go totally submissive to me, baring her neck and belly (and definitely not in a friendly "hey, rub my belly!" way). The other neighborhood dogs love me, but this dog treats me like I'm Regina and will rip her heart out if she annoys me in any way.

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This week has absolutely sucked. I had to put my beloved, beautiful dog to sleep (see my avatar). I am so utterly bereft. I have been binging on OUAT to distract myself from how empty my house seems and how broken my heart is...

I'm so incredibly sorry. I've also been there, 2 and a half years ago with a cat I'd had for nearly 15 years. I was a MESS. Take care of yourself and try not to be alone too much.

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Thank you, ShadowFacts. My aunt told me that welcoming a dog into your life/ heart is opening yourself up to heartbreak but the years in between make it SO worthwhile. She's totally right, but man does it hurt to say goodbye. ;(

Thank you everyone! It helps to talk about it and know that other people get it.

Edited by angelwoody
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angelwoody, I arrive late, but I offer my condolences, I'm sorry for your loss. And I understand that perfectly. Cats and dogs are important in our lives.

On a happier note, Richard Armitage is on stage in London and I'm going to see him! He comes first before Colin (I think for a question of age and size!) and I've been waiting for him to be on stage for ages!

Also, Shanna Marie, I've finally got and thus watched Serenity, so my adventure as a Browncoat is finally complete! Thanks again for the suggestion!

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Hey there, folks! I feel weird making my introduction in the middle of a conversation, but I guess it can't be helped. Love the show, discuss it often, and hoping to get to know all of you in the near future. Glad there are some fellow animal lovers in this forum. Animals are my life and my job and if you ever (somehow) need a zoology nerd, I'm your lady. I've also been known to ramble about the mammalian traits of merpeople. ;)

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Hooray! OkapiStripes is my real life BFF and I've been bugging her forever to come and play around with the awesome Oncers here and on TWOP (RIP). So I am currently performing a victory dance from my couch right now.

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Welcome, OkapiStripes!

[...] I've also been known to ramble about the mammalian traits of merpeople.

And in case it ever gets put to a vote, I think "Mammalian Traits of Merpeople" should be the snappy tagline for Ariel's thread. Just sayin... :-)

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All right, I don't usually talk about this here, but it's really bugging me and I need to vent to someone. Those of you who were at TWoP know a little bit about my nephew, but a quick introduction for those who don't: my brother and sister-in-law took custody of my nephew from my sister-in-law's sister last June for a variety of reasons, not the least of which included the fact that she was leaving my two-year-old nephew alone in the apartment at night (and saw nothing wrong with that because "he's asleep, what difference does it make?"). In the ensuing year, with love and attention and a lot of hard work, my brother and sister-in-law have transformed my nephew from a sad, lonely almost-three-year-old into a happy and giggly goofball of an almost-four-year-old.


Anyway. I found out today that while my sister-in-law was complaining about something my nephew had done, his mother told her to "just give him to [cousins of theirs]." And normally I just roll my eyes when I hear she's said stuff like that, but for some reason, this is really bothering me tonight. Because she talks about him like he's an unwanted piece of furniture and not a lovable and loving little boy with feelings and attachments and hopes and dreams, and it just breaks my heart.


To end this vent on a lighter note, we were drawing pictures today before heading out for dinner and I drew him a very cartoony version of the Jolly Roger. And a castle. The castle came out better, haha.

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Thank you, ShadowFacts. He's such a good little guy, and I don't understand how anyone could look at his little face and not want him. Among the rest of us, though, he's not hurting for love, so we're hoping that's enough. :)

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Are there any New Yorkers here? I have a sudden and unexpected trip there this week without a lot of free time and am looking for some ideas for something I can do in the limited amount of free time. I'm pretty familiar with the city but have a bad habit of doing the same old things on every trip. I also have reached the point of being tired of traveling (is it too much to ask to spend an entire week at home?) so I might be tempted to spend most of my free time in my hotel room, which would be silly considering this is a free trip with someone else picking up the airfare and hotel. I'll have from about 4 in the afternoon to probably around 9 at night free on Thursday. I have a late business lunch that day and will probably need to make it an early evening because I'll have had to catch an early flight that morning and I have to be up and coherent enough to speak at a conference early (for me) the next morning. I'm finding that window to be problematic, as the daytime stuff closes soon after my free time begins and the "night" stuff runs too late. Thus, the open request for suggestions.

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1. Spend a few hours pretending you're Neal.

2. Try some Tamara spill coffee moves

3. Ask people if they've seen Emma and Henry around.


Sorry I can't be more helpful.  I've only been to New York once, and I would like to visit again.  Wait a minute, if you miss a place, it's home, right?  


Maybe just take a nice relaxing stroll?  Is there a place you enjoyed walking?  Maybe out by the water?

Edited by Camera One
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